#MSP Company Seller
exitvp · 10 months
Overcoming Buyer Concerns in MSP Mergers
For Managed Service Providers (MSPs) considering a merger or acquisition, the journey often comes with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. Stepping into this process, MSPs frequently encounter a range of questions and concerns from potential buyers. This is where the value of an experienced sell-side advisor becomes evident. These professionals don’t just bring a wealth of knowledge; they act as practical, down-to-earth guides who understand the ins and outs of the M&A landscape. Read more..
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hi so my parents don't wanna vote NDP because they hate how they've been running the BC government. They say that they've increased taxes for them and have scared away any big companies for wanting to set up in BC. They also think that the NDP have done nothing to solve the real estate problem and it's their fault that the market in Vancouver is so high. They think that the taxes the NDP implements indirectly really negatively affects them?? I have no idea how to counter any of these points help
Unless they’re super rich I find their claims hard to believe:
Taxes fall for most B.C. households under NDP rule, according to Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
BC’s Jobs Economy Is Red Hot and Getting Hotter
NDP government paints rosy economic picture as public accounts show $1.5B surplus
Under John Horgan and the NDP, BC has the strongest economy in Canada
B.C.’s speculation tax brings in $115M, mostly from owners outside province
B.C. cracks down on condo flippers with new registry that gathers identity, citizenship of sellers
British Columbia cracks down on dirty money in real estate market
Vancouver real estate market no longer 'highly vulnerable,' CMHC says
Lower Mainland real estate cooldown continues as sales drop 42% below 10-year average
B.C. says $5B laundered in housing market, pushing prices up 5%BC NDP looks to build 14,000 affordable rentals for just under $2 billion over 10 years
B.C. NDP platform promises 114,000 new rental, co-op, social, and owner-purchase homes
'Is this real?': Hundreds of Vancouver mansions for rent, for cheap
Government moves forward on MSP premium elimination, tax cut for people
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cybersects-blog1 · 4 years
Cyber security news india
The cybersecurity business in 2019 experienced monstrous information breaks, a variety of new CEOs assuming control, forceful M&A action, substantial private and open financing for quickly developing sellers, and devastating ransomware assaults that utilization MSPs as the vehicle to pursue their definitive objective. Cash kept on streaming into the business to address difficulties around validating clients, making sure about endpoints, and orchestrating huge measures of information,Cybersecurity News  with nine exceptional merchants accepting in any event $100 million of private value every, six endpoint security sellers being gathered up by more extensive innovation firms, and four cybersecurity sellers petitioning for an IPO. Furthermore, four new companies concentrated on organization or robotization were bought by bigger security sellers, and a developing and a built up star in the business were purchased by private value firms.
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On a progressively grave note, six innovation firms had their own items or foundation invaded by programmers, while three blue-chip organizations endured enormous information breaches.The condition of the world in 2020 is not normal for anything we have encountered previously, and it's streamed down to affect the IT and security world. Download this report to comprehend the most unavoidable dangers and how they assault associations at their email borders, from inside the association (through undermined accounts, helpless insiders, social designing), or past the association's edges (the areas they own and their brands by means of pantomime). Utilize this report as the guide assisting with driving ceaseless enhancements to your digital strength system. An accomplished cybersecurity master, expert and author, Miessler adopts an individual strategy on his blog — welcoming guests with the words:
  "My name is Daniel Miessler… I investigate the fascinating and wonderful at the convergence of security, innovation, and people." His contributions incorporate curated bulletins, papers, digital broadcasts and great composition. A long-term industry master who held senior jobs with Sophos and McAfee before choosing to start "working for myself" in 2013, one could state Graham Cluley is completely educated to the cybersecurity scene — running a blog with an open, available style while proceeding with his work as a meeting speaker, media intellectual, podcaster and advisor. IT Security is a day by day news condensation of breaking news in the IT security industry. They offer articles, recordings, online classes, examination, contextual investigations and even have an area given to the most recent cybersecurity tricks where they spotlight ongoing hacks.
Highlighting crafted by industry veteran Paul Asadoorian, the blog highlights webcasts and a number IT Security video programs that you can tune in to or watch on various channels including iTunes, YouTube, Google Play and some more. The Hacker News includes the most recent cybersecurity news and top to bottom inclusion of "current and future patterns in Infosec and how they are forming the digital world." Key zones of center incorporate information breaks, digital assaults, vulnerabilities and malware. It claims 8 million month to month perusers that incorporate "driving security scientists, nerds, geeks, business graduates, CISOs, alongside a great many security experts." Infosecurity Magazine has been conveying front line cybersecurity substance to perusers for as far back as decade, with both a print and online release. Notwithstanding its numerous articles, Infosecurity Magazine additionally offers normal (free) online courses, whitepapers and virtual gatherings.
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cybersecty-blog · 4 years
Cyber security news india
The cybersecurity business in 2019 experienced monstrous information breaks, a variety of new CEOs assuming control, forceful M&A action, substantial private and open financing for quickly developing sellers, and devastating ransomware assaults that utilization MSPs as the vehicle to pursue their definitive objective. Cash kept on streaming into the business to address difficulties around validating clients, making sure about endpoints, and orchestrating huge measures of information, Cybersecurity News with nine exceptional merchants accepting in any event $100 million of private value every, six endpoint security sellers being gathered up by more extensive innovation firms, and four cybersecurity sellers petitioning for an IPO. Furthermore, four new companies concentrated on organization or robotization were bought by bigger security sellers, and a developing and a built up star in the business were purchased by private value firms.
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On a progressively grave note, six innovation firms had their own items or foundation invaded by programmers, while three blue-chip organizations endured enormous information breaches.The condition of the world in 2020 is not normal for anything we have encountered previously, and it's streamed down to affect the IT and security world. Download this report to comprehend the most unavoidable dangers and how they assault associations at their email borders, from inside the association (through undermined accounts, helpless insiders, social designing), or past the association's edges (the areas they own and their brands by means of pantomime). Utilize this report as the guide assisting with driving ceaseless enhancements to your digital strength system. An accomplished cybersecurity master, expert and author, Miessler adopts an individual strategy on his blog — welcoming guests with the words:
 "My name is Daniel Miessler… I investigate the fascinating and wonderful at the convergence of security, innovation, and people." His contributions incorporate curated bulletins, papers, digital broadcasts and great composition. A long-term industry master who held senior jobs with Sophos and McAfee before choosing to start "working for myself" in 2013, one could state Graham Cluley is completely educated to the cybersecurity scene — running a blog with an open, available style while proceeding with his work as a meeting speaker, media intellectual, podcaster and advisor. IT Security is a day by day news condensation of breaking news in the IT security industry. They offer articles, recordings, online classes, examination, contextual investigations and even have an area given to the most recent cybersecurity tricks where they spotlight ongoing hacks.
Highlighting crafted by industry veteran Paul Asadoorian, the blog highlights webcasts and a number IT Security video programs that you can tune in to or watch on various channels including iTunes, YouTube, Google Play and some more. The Hacker News includes the most recent cybersecurity news and top to bottom inclusion of "current and future patterns in Infosec and how they are forming the digital world." Key zones of center incorporate information breaks, digital assaults, vulnerabilities and malware. It claims 8 million month to month perusers that incorporate "driving security scientists, nerds, geeks, business graduates, CISOs, alongside a great many security experts." Infosecurity Magazine has been conveying front line cybersecurity substance to perusers for as far back as decade, with both a print and online release. Notwithstanding its numerous articles, Infosecurity Magazine additionally offers normal (free) online courses, whitepapers and virtual gatherings.
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exitvp · 10 months
Expert MSP Company Seller for Seamless Business Transitions | Exit VP
At Exit VP, we specialize in being your trusted partner when it comes to selling your Managed Service Provider (MSP) company. With our extensive experience and industry expertise, we understand the intricacies involved in navigating the MSP marketplace. Our dedicated team is committed to providing personalized guidance to ensure a seamless and profitable business transition. Trust Exit VP to handle the selling process with professionalism and confidentiality.
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chartec664 · 3 years
Why a Managed Service Provider for Your Business?
Prior to whatever else, how about we at first examine what oversaw IT benefits truly are. Whenever an organization buys into an oversaw administration, a specialist co-op deals with the organization hardware and applications on the client premises as indicated by the conditions of a help level arrangement (SLA) laid out to meet the organization's interesting business needs. A few oversaw administrations are additionally facilitated, implying that the specialist organization has the gear in its office rather than the client's, and conveys administrations to organization workers over the wide region organization (WAN).
With the IT administrations climate continually changing with updates and developments, Managed Services Training it slowly turns out to be excessively complicated for an association to oversee it all alone. Considering your business obligations, you want exceptionally accessible IT and non-IT framework to control your business with practically no holes in tasks alongside a continuous progression of constant data inside your association. For this, your IT system should be straightforwardly adjusted to your business methodology and this exactly overseen IT administrations will help you out with.
Overseen IT administrations permit a business to offload IT tasks to a specialist co-op, known as an oversaw administrations supplier. The oversaw specialist organization accepts an on-going liability regarding 24-hour checking, overseeing as well as issue goal for the IT frameworks inside a business.
Today, a large portion of the IT organizations advance oversaw administrations, since it puts the IT support organization in total agreement as the business they are serving. For little and medium-sized organizations (SMBs), oversaw administrations give endeavor class capacities to an anticipated month to month expense without requiring a huge, starting capital speculation. Organizations that re-appropriate their IT functionalities appreciate undeniable degrees of organization backing and accessibility; empower inside IT staff to zero in on essential exercises rather than network backing, and pay just for the systems administration benefits that they need.
The oversaw administration is likewise answerable for finding and fixing issues before they can contrarily influence your business. A very much kept up with, proactively adjusted PC organization will run preferable all the time over the substitute. With proactive organization observing, fix the executives, and work area improvement performed consistently, your business will see a colossal distinction in activities and you will actually want to receive the rewards of forestalling long haul issues, rather than battling them.
Organizations are likewise ready to control and diminish they’re in general working expenses with the level charge charging model. Practical admittance to big business level help is a reality with oversaw IT support administrations. The oversaw administrations supplier likewise deals with all of your merchant connections, issues with web gradualness/blackouts, printers, telephones, cells, and sites are managed straightforwardly with the seller by the oversaw specialist co-op. Accordingly "consistently eyes-on" network checking 24 hours out of each day, organizations experience an extra degree of solace and security.
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work365cep · 6 years
Microsoft CSP Cost of Doing Business
Cloud Profitability is the obvious pursuit of the modern Microsoft partner. There are only two ways to grow your bottom line – increase your sales and keep your costs constant or reduce your costs while maintaining sales.
Microsoft CSP Partner eco-system is large and there are partners who are transactional and work with high volumes and low margins. While some partners who work with a handful of end customers with kid gloves and specialized services.
Regardless they are doing one thing consistently, which is buying a service and reselling it to their end customer.  Out of the thousands of MSPs, ISVs, VARs and SIs out there globally, the Microsoft partners will identify themselves as Microsoft partners.
For these partners being part of the Microsoft, the channel is an important part of their identity, whether they have their own services products, or sell other services and products or any combination. This huge ecosystem of companies big and small, worldwide generate revenue and service customers in countless ways.
It is rare for organizations which are selling Microsoft cloud services that the margin from their Microsoft service resale is the biggest contributor to their bottom line. Microsoft partners selling cloud services are looking to CSP as the way for them to capture or shape their financial future.
Customer Engagement:
Cloud Profitability is what the ecosystem is striving for as CSP Partners. However, to measure profitability it is important to imagine the journey and identify costs and revenue opportunities.
In the below figure I have an example of a typical customer journey. It starts with a simple interaction of a phone call, or email and the sales team are engaged, a customer is onboard, services are implemented and then after that is where we have the longest duration of engagement with the customer takes place.
This is the realization phase where we grow the services, support the customer and manage all their service needs.
Through the five phases of Discover, Evaluation, Buy, Implement and Realize, we can group these stages into three main cost categories for us to measure and manage – the Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC), the Engineering costs and then the Cost of Service(COS).
Cost of Service is where most of the opportunity to reduce costs and incur costs are faced by most partners.
This is why indirect partners negotiate different margins with distributors on who will handle the service call, and why Microsoft is requiring direct partners to purchase the paid support plan like Advanced Support for Microsoft Partners Or Premiere support.
This is where the accounting team spends their time billing and reconciling invoices. This is also the area where most partners who don’t have a system or plan will struggle to scale their operations.
Costs associated with Customer Engagement and CSP:
We listed out the cost of items to benchmark and categorize the costs under the COS phase- some of which were labor, 3rdParty costs, system costs. Some of the costs are hidden and some are in plain sight, however, each one of these affects profitability.
Credit Card Processing Charges: For recurring charges, it is just common practice to use the credit card processors and gateways through Intuit, Authorize.net or Stripe.com
Service-related Labor Charges
Monthly Accounting Functions: Generation of customer invoicing, tallying of vendor invoices from the distributors, Microsoft, and other 3rd Parties, calculating the Sales commissions and customer payment collections.
Direct Costs: As re-sellers of the service we buy the service or product and pay for it with terms.
Compliance: A lot of businesses accept credit cards, but if you are doing CSP you will need the ability to collect credit cards, and if you are using a 3rd party like Authorize.net you need to be PCI compliant.
Cost of Sales: To incentivize your sales team you need to include Sales Commissions in their Sales compensation plans.
Direct Billing Partners will now also have the Advanced Support for Microsoft (ASFP) or Premier support plans.
Provisioning processes to manage customer license change requests. Some customers will want to make these changes regularly and some will just make the changes on their renewals.
System Costs: There are a variety of tools that are deployed to support end customers.
Through Work 365, we are looking to address every item here, and would like to know what else you are seeing as costs for your recurring subscription business?
In the following articles, we will address best practices around CSP billing and services to grow margin and manage costs.
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yalelodgero · 4 years
10 Things a Business Needs to Know to Reduce Credit Card Processing Fees
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The credit card processing system that we consider provided everyday has a great deal of moving parts. Numerous business owners consider this process in the same way as meat eaters think about the process of making hot dogs - they prefer to not see how it is made, they simply want to have one at the right time. Nonetheless, it is helpful to recognize a little bit about just how bank card processing system functions, as well as a lot more notably, just how to put you, as a business owner in a placement to maximize revenues.
YALELODGE,YALECC   The main gamers at the same time are the vendor, the issuing bank, the acquiring bank, the merchant services provider and the organization. A brief description of the roles: · Vendor (entrepreneur) - accepts bank card for payment and also services. Opens a merchant account with a Vendor Services Supplier (MSP). · Issuing bank - concerns credit cards to consumer (cardholder) based on their credit rating value · Merchant Solutions Company - Gives business proprietor with the handling system, equipment, and also charge card banking network that best satisfies their requirements. · Obtaining Bank - procedures payments via to the releasing bank, and passes repayments back to the seller, much less their costs. · Associations - Visa and master Card are examples of associations of banks that consent to certain rules. When a card exists, the sales draft goes to the getting bank that directs it through the association to the providing bank. The releasing financial institution after that approves the acquisition, as well as communicates that back to the getting financial institution that authorizes the transaction. This all takes place rather promptly. This is what's taking place when the restaurant 'runs your card through." Later the seller will certainly set its deals and also send them back to the getting financial institution for payment. The acquiring bank then forwards this information on to the association who then takes cash from the releasing financial institution. This action is called clearing and also settlement. The last action is for the obtaining financial institution to pay the vendor, less the price cut charges. This tail end is called "funding". The entire process takes in between one as well as 3 days. Customers typically launch any type of fee backs, returns, or terminations via the providing bank. Why should an organization accept bank card? Approving bank card is usually a good thing to do due to the fact that it offers clients a convenient settlement option. The drawbacks of course, are charges and also extra factor of sale equipment, like incurable, pin pads and so on. The advantages of costs are in fraudulence security, and also much faster repayments to the vendor. A lot of customer or web oriented businesses can usually take advantage of credit card acceptance. According to Forbes Publication, 82% of American Express card participants and also 79% of Visa and MasterCard owners concur that no matter the nature of business, sellers need to offer clients as large a variety of settlement automobiles as possible. Here is a checklist of 10 points that a seller requires to recognize as well as do in order to lessen charge card processing costs - and also keep more of your business transactions. A little item of suggestions: It is always best to look for the advice of a professional in this area - it costs you absolutely nothing, as well as you have the potential to turn the table in your favor. 1. Choose how finest to accept cards - If your company processes 10 or fewer deals per week, a phone authorization is all that is needed. For higher prices of transactions, magstripe card swipe terminals or PC based card approval software application ought to be considered. Net businesses can make use of virtual terminals with shopping cart. You'll need to decide how the card information will be videotaped. Choices are: manual entrance, a card imprinter, a point of sale (pos) terminal, or digital terminal. 2. Obtain the very best Interchange qualification rates. Every seller pays a seller discount rate cost in order to approve repayment cards. Interchange charges belong of that discount rate charge and include the fees that Visa and Master Card cost to obtain the funds into the vendor's bank and get the invoicing info to the cardholder's financial institution. Some things to find out about interchange fees: 3. Interchange prices vary by sort of merchant or industry and also the kind of card the cardholder makes use of 4. New organizations most always pay costs rates, since they are taken into consideration a larger risk. 5. Retail organizations can keep prices to a minimum by taking steps to ensure they refine 'qualified" purchases - the least expensive classification of interchange that puts on a purchase where the seller literally swipes the card via the incurable as well as obtains permission 6. Interchange rates are greater for non-retail organizations where the acquisition is made without the client's existence. 7. Merchants that wish to approve cards online should maximize their protection mechanisms utilize either AVS (Address Verification Service, or CVV - Card Confirmation Value (3-4 digit code on rear of a card). 8. Avoid charge backs by acting quickly to deal with a cardholder's dispute. A chargeback translates right into extra costs. 9. Automatic negotiation permits all deals to be instantly worked out without the seller having to set their day-to-day card invoices. It is however, extra costly than manual set settlements. 10. Many MSP's offer lease plans for POS equipment, staying clear of larger upfront expenses. The appropriate card handling remedy for your organization depends on the nature as well as quantity of your deals. Financial institutions are not constantly going to have the best services. It would serve your bottom line well to have a cost-free annual evaluation by a merchant solutions professional, and it is vital to have that assessment for very first time credit card acceptors. Peak Performance Solutions is an Organization Providers company. We supply a variety of organization services to aid services expand their business, reduce their expenses, and create their individuals. Peak Performance Solutions has partnered with First Financial UNITED STATES to supply the most affordable price bank card processing prices, affordable POS equipment, and the best in customer support.
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ehteshamuniverse · 4 years
Helpdesk Automation Market Segments, Size, Emerging Growth Factors, Top Key Players and Business Opportunities till 2023
Market Highlights
As per Market Research Future (MRFR)’s analysis, the global helpdesk automation market is expected to strike a CAGR of 33% during the forecast period 2017 to 2023. The market’s valuation has been projected to touch USD 11 Bn mark by the end of the assessment period. The report indicates that a shift is to be witnessed towards the automation of level 1 support across different industry verticals. It is prognosticated to drive the expansion of the market over the next couple of years.
The technology offers quick query solving process which has accelerated its adoption across industry verticals such as BFSI, healthcare, education, etc. This, in turn, is expected to expedite the growth of the global helpdesk automation market in the forthcoming years.
Large organizations experience complex helpdesk solutions which has intensified the helpdesk automation demand in the recent years. With the introduction of technological innovations, the helpdesk automation market is poised to flourish in the foreseeable future. In addition, the adoption of personal; devices in the workplaces is likely to complement the proliferation of the global helpdesk automation market in the upcoming years.
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By software type, the global helpdesk automation market has been segmented into web helpdesk software, open source help desk, enterprise help desk software, and, on-premise help desk software.
By solution, the helpdesk automation market has been segmented into alert management, ticket sortation, ticket scheduling, and others.
By end users, the global helpdesk automation market has been segmented into IT, telecom, education, government, retail, automotive, healthcare, and BFSI.
By organization size, the helpdesk automation market has been segmented into small & medium size enterprises and large enterprises.
Regional Analysis:
The global helpdesk automation market, by region, has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World (RoW). North America is the largest regional market for helpdesk automation. The technological advancement of the region has facilitated early adoption of the technology. This, in turn, is projected to drive the expansion of the helpdesk automation market in the region.
Europe is anticipated to exhibit stability and is a mature market for helpdesk automation. It is Likely to exhibit steady but constant growth through the assessment period. Meanwhile, Asia Pacific is forecasted to witness the steepest rise in the growth curve. The primary factors responsible for the expansion of the market in the region include growing demand for consumer goods and large-scale penetration of internet.  In addition, the introduction of advanced automation solutions coupled with digitization drives undertaken by the governments are likely to augment the helpdesk automation market in the region over the next few years.
Competitive Dashboard:
Some of the global leaders in the helpdesk automation market profiled in this MRFR report are CA Technologies (U.S.), Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (U.S.), BMC Software, Inc (U.S.), Landesk Software (U.S.), Axios Systems (U.K.), HappyFox Inc (U.S.), ServiceNow, Inc (U.S.), FrontRange Solutions (U.S.), Sunrise Software Ltd (U.K.), Atlassian Corporation Plc. (Australia), and NTRglobal (Spain).
Industry News:
In January 2019, a leading SaaS integration and workflow automation company, Automate.io, has announced the launch of Salesforce AppExchange, a workflow connector.
In January 2019, a remote access solution by IDrive Online Backup, RemotePC, has announced the launch and availability of RemotePC HelpDesk, the latest On-Demand remote support solution. It is designed for MSPs and IT specialists to simplify support.
In September 2018, ServiceNow London has integrated chatbot automation, its previously announced Virtual Agent, with IT service management (ITSM) for helping desks and ticketing systems.
In September 2018, the leading e-commerce platform provider, xSellco, has officially introduced eDesk, for providing online sellers full visibility across the marketplaces.
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/helpdesk-automation-market-4709
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Award Winning Tekie Geek’s Newest Book “Stay Calm” Hits Amazon Best Seller List
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=33559 “Stay Calm” was written during the Covid-19 pandemic and features 12 Staten Island entrepreneurs whose businesses have not only survived crises but have been able to come out the other side stronger, and wiser. The entrepreneurs featured and co-authors of this book are:Mike Bloomfield of Tekie GeekJames Thomson of Scamardella, Gervasi, Thomson & Kasegrande, P.C.Jaclyn Tacoronte of JMT MediaKevin P. McKernan of McKernan LawSam Angiuli of The Angiuli Group, LLC & Flagship BreweryJohn Tapinis of John Tapinis & AssociatesStephen Molloy of Molloy ElectricSadia Malik of Interscience LaboratoryDominick Ciccarelli of thinkDESIGN ArchitectureLana Seidman of Help Organize My Business Inc.James Prendamano of Casandra PropertiesAnd Todd Bivona and Michael Graziuso of Gotham Trinity ProductionsEach chapter tells a story of not only surviving, but thriving in business, and the lessons that can (and should) be learned during crises, which can dramatically affect business moving forward. This book is a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs and experienced business owners alike. A book like “Stay Calm” creates not only a sense of hope for business owners struggling currently, but shows how united they truly are with other business owners and entrepreneurs.Mike Bloomfield, owner of Tekie Geek, is responsible for bringing all the co-authors together for this book. During the quarantine, what started as a small idea to simply unite Staten Island business owners manifested into a book that documents each author’s individual story and outlook on coming out shining, despite the situation they were handed.“Throughout the years, Staten Island business owners have had their fair share of disasters, from Hurricane Sandy to the 2020 Global Pandemic. However, no matter the crisis, Staten Islanders have remained resilient and emerged stronger than ever before,” said Mike Bloomfield.  “No matter the situation,” he continued, “the most important thing you can do is “Stay Calm” in order to push forward. In this book, you will read and discover the inspiring stories from our authors of their personal experience with crisis and how they broke through to the other side.”The co-authors felt it was also necessary to give back to the Staten Island community, having selected that all proceeds from the book will be donated between The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund and the Minority Women in Business Association of Staten Island.“I would like to thank all the authors for choosing to Carl Vincent Bini Memorial fund as being one of the charities receiving proceeds from this book. Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic we have suspended all fundraising efforts and this money will go a long way to continue our mission of helping our local community in a time of need,” said Massimo DiDonna, Chairman & Co-Founder of The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund.“Stay Calm: How a Crisis Can Strengthen Your Business” is available on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/2KW8olfABOUT TEKIE GEEKTekie Geek is a New York based award-winning I.T. Managed Service Provider headquartered in Staten Island, NY. Tekie Geek helps small and medium sized businesses by offering four core services; Managed IT, Business Continuity, Unified Communications, and Cloud Computing. With Tekie Geek’s help, business owners are able to sleep better at night knowing their IT Infrastructure is being protected by the IT Superheroes.Learn more about our core values, which include “Clients, Culture, and Community” along with the rest of our story at www.tekiegeek.comABOUT THE AUTHORSMike Bloomfield is the President of Tekie Geek, a Managed Service Provider (MSP) headquartered in Staten Island, NY. Mike is seen as an IT expert throughout the IT community and is regularly published in numerous IT publications including Tech Decisions, ChannelPro Magazine, Channel Executive, and others. In 2020, Mike was also recognized as an Amazon bestselling author for his book, Hack Proof Your Business - Volume 2. Tekie Geek is an award-winning MSP, with its core services being Managed IT Services, Business Continuity, Cloud Computing, and Unified Communication. For more information, visit www.tekiegeek.comJames H. Thomson, Esq. is the partner overseeing the real estate and business law departments at Scamardella, Gervasi, Thomson & Kasegrande, P.C. Mr. Thomson has overseen these departments since 2007. In that capacity, he has handled thousands of transactions for hundreds of business owners, not-for-profits and individual clients. At the current time, his legal work is focused on the representation of commercial property owners and business owners. These services are offered in both New York and New Jersey. For more information, visit www.statenlaw.comJaclyn M. Tacoronte is an award-winning marketing and public relations professional with over 20 years of experience in both agency and client-side settings, serving Fortune 500 companies, including Canon, Puma, Harley- Davidson, and Proctor & Gamble. She is frequently a public relations guest speaker and panelist for New York State Council for the Arts, Staten Island Not For Profit Association, Center for Non-Profit Success, and Staten Island Partnership for Community Wellness. She is currently the CEO & President of JMT Media, LLC., a New York certified M/WBE boutique marketing, public relations, and design firm that specializes in small business marketing and the non- profit sector. For more information, visit www.jmtmedia.nycMr. McKernan has been practicing law for over 30 years, starting his career in criminal prosecution. In Mr. McKernan’s time as Bureau Chief of Investigation and Senior Trial Attorney in the Office of the Richmond County District Attorney he successfully tried numerous felony jury trials. This experience gave him a unique insight into criminal defense and thorough knowledge of how criminal court really works. In stressful life situations involving the law, Mr. McKernan guides his clients through the process step by step in order to produce the best resolution. Mr. McKernan is committed to excellence in all aspects of law and firmly believes that he has a duty to care for those he represents as individuals, not simply clients. For more information, visit www.kmckernanlaw.comSam Angiuli is the Chief Operating Officer of The Angiuli Group, LLC, a privately-owned company based in New York. The Angiuli Group invests in, develops, and manages various local business and real estate ventures. The company strives to build and maintain a strong symbiotic relationship  with its business partners and tenants so that it may pursue diverse and creative projects that promote positive, sustainable impacts in the communities they serve. For more information, contact Sam at [email protected] Tapinis, the founder of John Tapinis & Associates, is a native Staten Islander who started his business in 2002. He enjoys volunteering his time with various organizations - he was the chair of the board of the Staten Island Mental Health Society for over seven years, and is currently a Richmond University Medical Center Hospital board member. He has a passion for, and has devoted his career to, helping people, their families and their businesses. For more information, visit www.groupjt.comStephen Molloy was raised on Corbin Ave in Great Kills where he has wonderful childhood memories of all the neighborhood kids hanging out at the nearby schoolyard and play handball, etc. Stephen was introduced to a whole new world of electrical work and the places it can take you, from malls, live shows… the possibilities were endless, and that’s when he knew he wanted to do this for the rest of his life and he wanted to become a Master Electrician, later forming Molloy Electric. For more information, visit www.molloyelectric.comSadia Malik Sheikh is a first-generation Muslim American- Pakistani, born in Staten Island. She received her high school Degree from Notre Dame Academy and her degree in health care administration from St. John's University. Her medical background includes Staten Island university hospital and Staten Island physicians’ practice. For the last 25 years, she is Vice President of operations and network for Interscience. For more information, visit www.intersciencelabs.netDominick Ciccarelli Jr. is a New York City- based entrepreneur with a strategic portfolio of business spanning the construction, architectural, and real estate industries. Dominick holds an architectural degree from the New York Institute of Technology and is currently a key member at Think Design Architecture, one of the largest architectural firms in Staten Island. Think Design boasts an impressive clientele of residential, commercial and corporate work across the tri-state area. Some local work includes Angelina’s Restaurante, Enoteca Maria, Crafthouse, James Carozza’s Cookie Jar on Forest Avenue, and A Piece of Cake on New Dorp Lane. National brands like Family Dollar, Gamestop, Panda Express, Mr. Daymond John from Shark Tank, FUBU, and Jennifer Lopez’s Viva Movil round out an expansive list of high-profile clients. For more information, visit www.thinkdesignarch.comWith more than two decades of operational and management experience, Lana Seidman established Help Organize My Business Inc., a New York State corporation designed to help businesses get healthy. Over the last seven years, Lana has helped business owners and their organizations establish best practices, streamline operating procedures, and gain a strong foundation as they grow their businesses. Lana utilizes her skills to help organizations set priorities and retool for a sleeker, more strategically-focused approach. For more information, visit www.helporganizemybusiness.comJames Prendamano is the CEO for Casandra Properties, Inc., Staten Island’s premier real-estate firm. For nearly three decades, with his trademark enthusiasm, creativity, and leadership, James has shepherded the completion of transformative projects, including major initiatives reshaping Staten Island’s commercial real estate landscape. For more information, visit www.casandraproperties.comTodd Bivona and Michael Graziuso together have decades of television and film experience between them, deciding a few years back to form Gotham Trinity Productions. We are a film and media production company that comes from a varied background of small business ownership as well as extensive experience in the television and film industries. From the idea phase, writing, development, acting, shooting and editing, we are a full service operation. For more information, visit www.gothamtrinityproductions.com
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digitalusafan-blog · 5 years
Substance Marketing with Content Upgrades
 Occasion Marketing There are huge advantages of taking an interest in industry pertinent occasions. There is an incredible shot for the MSP to get brand acknowledgment and having the option to get a few media consideration. The more consideration you provide for advancing your image at the occasion, the more the brand will stand out from the group. It's an extraordinary open door for a coordinated association with your potential customers. Above all, occasion promoting is the most ideal approach to connect with industry influencers, pioneers and media.
 Substance Marketing with Digital Marketing Company in Chicago
The MSPs don't need to essentially advance unique substance. They can market white papers, sites, eBooks and other insurance from their accomplices. MSPs can make adjustable substance to be a piece of their substance advertising system, and syndicate enlightening substance. In all the advertising security shared, content overhauls ought to be utilized as lead magnets. Substance redesigns are utilized as a fascination for reward content that individuals can get on the off chance that they leave their email ids. As opposed to spreading them over the site, content redesigns are coordinated inside substance that individuals are as of now devouring.
Geo Fencing Tradeshows
Tumblr media
Contingent upon the area of the occasion, the MSPs can set up a computerized border around a business important occasion or tradeshow. Savvy gadgets that enter the geo fenced zone are labeled, and the gadgets that are labeled can be served promotions progressively. The presentation page, after someone taps on the advertisement, can be coordinated to the focused on prospects for an effective geo fencing tradeshow crusade.
 Forward-thinking Website
With the inundation of numerous new sites, MSPs can't stand to keep their sites obsolete. Not just as far as substance, the structure of the site must be refreshed routinely. For models, a site that isn't responsive has no importance in the present time when the majority of the customers get to sites just on their cell phones.
 Neighborhood Creative Digital Marketing Agency in Chicago
To target neighborhood prospects, the nearby internet searcher methodology can streamline the site with locally pertinent watchwords. The odds of achieving potential clients can colossally increment with the correct sort of the Local SEO technique (yet which is exceptionally focused on and convenient). The Local SEO technique should cover both versatile and work area list items.
 MDF/BDF from Partner Channel Programs
Enormous channel accomplices ordinarily have a considerable Market Development Funds (MDF) and Business Development Funds for sellers. It is an astounding help for promoting endeavors to develop accomplices and affiliates in the aberrant channel industry. Professional MDF and BDF projects can drive the showcasing ROI and superior.
GET MORE INFORMATION:- https://www.curvearro.com/digital-marketing-company-chicago/
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anglohart · 4 years
What’s in a Name? Channel Partner Types and Positioning for M&A
Key differences to consider for best merger and acquisition options for IT channel companies.
Cristian Anastasiu
What’s in a name? Plenty when it comes to a channel partner’s business model and positioning for a planned merger and acquisition. Particularly if they’re planning a mergers and acquisitions event in the next six to 18 months — be it a sale of the business or an acquisition.
In the last two decades, the IT infrastructure channel industry has evolved significantly from the resale niche that dominated the 1980s. Following a measured progression from the value-added resellers (VARs) of the ’90s and system integrators (SIs) of the early 2000s, managed service providers (MSPs) and cloud services exploded onto the scene. In some cases, companies have transitioned from one business model to the next and blurred these lines, but many have found it hard to do.
Business Models
Channel companies generally fall into categories based on product resale revenue vs. professional services revenue vs. recurring services revenue, although many are still a combination of two or more models. Typical metrics are:
Reseller: more than 95% product resale.
VAR: more than 80% product resale.
Systems integrator: up to 50% services revenue, some of it recurring.
MSP: more than 60% recurring service revenue.
Cloud provider: little product resale, more than 80% recurring service revenue.
What were the M&A trends and valuations in 2019?
The valuations for MSPs and cloud providers continued to grow, and successful companies (based on profitability, growth rate, etc.) were valued on a multiple of revenue basis. The time to successfully close a transaction involving such a company was often less than 6 months, which is below the overall market and industry averages. Sellers received multiple competitive bids. The higher and stickier the revenue, the higher the multiple.
The valuations for VARs and SIs were flat at best, with a typical sale taking anywhere from nine to 12 months or longer. There had to be a perfect fit with the buyer for the seller to fetch acceptable multiples. Typical valuations were in the low- to mid-single digit earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) multiples.
Let’s first walk through what seems to distinguish these companies, and then explore the best M&A options.
Besides the obvious product vs. service revenue mix, these companies have distinct characterizations on several levels:
1. Size
VARs and SIs, with their focus on product sales, were able to scale faster and have been around for a longer period of time. Many of today’s VARs and SIs are companies with north of $50 million in revenue, with several players in the multibillion dollars range and active globally.
In comparison, MSPs are generally companies in the $1 to $5 million revenue range, with a few larger exceptions. They are sometimes centered around a few local key customers. These customers are historically small- and midsized businesses where it’s strategically beneficial to outsource IT services rather than organically grow those departments in-house. Currently there are thousands of MSPs active nationwide.
2. Customer profile. Larger enterprise customers have been slow to transition to the outsourced model for a number of reasons: their requirements are too complex, IT is strategic to them, outsourcing would lead to some IT staff losing their jobs, etc. As a result, VARs and SIs who served large accounts weren’t given the opportunity to develop a managed services practice (because their customers had no need for managed services). And for those VARs and SIs that tried to add services to their repertoire, a key mistake was trying to sell to all the needs of each customer rather than standardizing their service and streamlining their staff. Consequently, many missed the opportunity to create a profitable and repeatable service model.
3. Founder background. The founder’s background plays a major role in the company culture and their abilities to scale or transform their businesses.
VARs and SIs have traditionally been founded by salespeople or, at times, two or three partners with complementary backgrounds (sales, engineering, operations and finance). Some of these founders and their company became experts at solving new problems, based on new technologies and products offered by manufacturers. This project-based model was a great fit for their skill and inclination. Once the problem was solved and the project was completed, they …
What’s in a Name? Channel Partner Types and Positioning for M&A appeared first on https://mymarketlogic.com/ What’s in a Name? Channel Partner Types and Positioning for M&A published first on https://mymarketlogic.com/
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alvinbarrera · 4 years
What’s in a Name? Channel Partner Types and Positioning for M&A
Key differences to consider for best merger and acquisition options for IT channel companies.
Cristian Anastasiu
What’s in a name? Plenty when it comes to a channel partner’s business model and positioning for a planned merger and acquisition. Particularly if they’re planning a mergers and acquisitions event in the next six to 18 months — be it a sale of the business or an acquisition.
In the last two decades, the IT infrastructure channel industry has evolved significantly from the resale niche that dominated the 1980s. Following a measured progression from the value-added resellers (VARs) of the ’90s and system integrators (SIs) of the early 2000s, managed service providers (MSPs) and cloud services exploded onto the scene. In some cases, companies have transitioned from one business model to the next and blurred these lines, but many have found it hard to do.
Business Models
Channel companies generally fall into categories based on product resale revenue vs. professional services revenue vs. recurring services revenue, although many are still a combination of two or more models. Typical metrics are:
Reseller: more than 95% product resale.
VAR: more than 80% product resale.
Systems integrator: up to 50% services revenue, some of it recurring.
MSP: more than 60% recurring service revenue.
Cloud provider: little product resale, more than 80% recurring service revenue.
What were the M&A trends and valuations in 2019?
The valuations for MSPs and cloud providers continued to grow, and successful companies (based on profitability, growth rate, etc.) were valued on a multiple of revenue basis. The time to successfully close a transaction involving such a company was often less than 6 months, which is below the overall market and industry averages. Sellers received multiple competitive bids. The higher and stickier the revenue, the higher the multiple.
The valuations for VARs and SIs were flat at best, with a typical sale taking anywhere from nine to 12 months or longer. There had to be a perfect fit with the buyer for the seller to fetch acceptable multiples. Typical valuations were in the low- to mid-single digit earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) multiples.
Let’s first walk through what seems to distinguish these companies, and then explore the best M&A options.
Besides the obvious product vs. service revenue mix, these companies have distinct characterizations on several levels:
1. Size
VARs and SIs, with their focus on product sales, were able to scale faster and have been around for a longer period of time. Many of today’s VARs and SIs are companies with north of $50 million in revenue, with several players in the multibillion dollars range and active globally.
In comparison, MSPs are generally companies in the $1 to $5 million revenue range, with a few larger exceptions. They are sometimes centered around a few local key customers. These customers are historically small- and midsized businesses where it’s strategically beneficial to outsource IT services rather than organically grow those departments in-house. Currently there are thousands of MSPs active nationwide.
2. Customer profile. Larger enterprise customers have been slow to transition to the outsourced model for a number of reasons: their requirements are too complex, IT is strategic to them, outsourcing would lead to some IT staff losing their jobs, etc. As a result, VARs and SIs who served large accounts weren’t given the opportunity to develop a managed services practice (because their customers had no need for managed services). And for those VARs and SIs that tried to add services to their repertoire, a key mistake was trying to sell to all the needs of each customer rather than standardizing their service and streamlining their staff. Consequently, many missed the opportunity to create a profitable and repeatable service model.
3. Founder background. The founder’s background plays a major role in the company culture and their abilities to scale or transform their businesses. 
VARs and SIs have traditionally been founded by salespeople or, at times, two or three partners with complementary backgrounds (sales, engineering, operations and finance). Some of these founders and their company became experts at solving new problems, based on new technologies and products offered by manufacturers. This project-based model was a great fit for their skill and inclination. Once the problem was solved and the project was completed, they …
What’s in a Name? Channel Partner Types and Positioning for M&A appeared first on https://mymarketlogic.com/ What’s in a Name? Channel Partner Types and Positioning for M&A posted first on https://mymarketlogic.com/
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marketlogic · 4 years
What’s in a Name? Channel Partner Types and Positioning for M&A
Key differences to consider for best merger and acquisition options for IT channel companies.
Cristian Anastasiu
What’s in a name? Plenty when it comes to a channel partner’s business model and positioning for a planned merger and acquisition. Particularly if they’re planning a mergers and acquisitions event in the next six to 18 months — be it a sale of the business or an acquisition.
In the last two decades, the IT infrastructure channel industry has evolved significantly from the resale niche that dominated the 1980s. Following a measured progression from the value-added resellers (VARs) of the ’90s and system integrators (SIs) of the early 2000s, managed service providers (MSPs) and cloud services exploded onto the scene. In some cases, companies have transitioned from one business model to the next and blurred these lines, but many have found it hard to do.
Business Models
Channel companies generally fall into categories based on product resale revenue vs. professional services revenue vs. recurring services revenue, although many are still a combination of two or more models. Typical metrics are:
Reseller: more than 95% product resale.
VAR: more than 80% product resale.
Systems integrator: up to 50% services revenue, some of it recurring.
MSP: more than 60% recurring service revenue.
Cloud provider: little product resale, more than 80% recurring service revenue.
What were the M&A trends and valuations in 2019?
The valuations for MSPs and cloud providers continued to grow, and successful companies (based on profitability, growth rate, etc.) were valued on a multiple of revenue basis. The time to successfully close a transaction involving such a company was often less than 6 months, which is below the overall market and industry averages. Sellers received multiple competitive bids. The higher and stickier the revenue, the higher the multiple.
The valuations for VARs and SIs were flat at best, with a typical sale taking anywhere from nine to 12 months or longer. There had to be a perfect fit with the buyer for the seller to fetch acceptable multiples. Typical valuations were in the low- to mid-single digit earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) multiples.
Let’s first walk through what seems to distinguish these companies, and then explore the best M&A options.
Besides the obvious product vs. service revenue mix, these companies have distinct characterizations on several levels:
1. Size
VARs and SIs, with their focus on product sales, were able to scale faster and have been around for a longer period of time. Many of today’s VARs and SIs are companies with north of $50 million in revenue, with several players in the multibillion dollars range and active globally.
In comparison, MSPs are generally companies in the $1 to $5 million revenue range, with a few larger exceptions. They are sometimes centered around a few local key customers. These customers are historically small- and midsized businesses where it’s strategically beneficial to outsource IT services rather than organically grow those departments in-house. Currently there are thousands of MSPs active nationwide.
2. Customer profile. Larger enterprise customers have been slow to transition to the outsourced model for a number of reasons: their requirements are too complex, IT is strategic to them, outsourcing would lead to some IT staff losing their jobs, etc. As a result, VARs and SIs who served large accounts weren’t given the opportunity to develop a managed services practice (because their customers had no need for managed services). And for those VARs and SIs that tried to add services to their repertoire, a key mistake was trying to sell to all the needs of each customer rather than standardizing their service and streamlining their staff. Consequently, many missed the opportunity to create a profitable and repeatable service model.
3. Founder background. The founder’s background plays a major role in the company culture and their abilities to scale or transform their businesses. 
VARs and SIs have traditionally been founded by salespeople or, at times, two or three partners with complementary backgrounds (sales, engineering, operations and finance). Some of these founders and their company became experts at solving new problems, based on new technologies and products offered by manufacturers. This project-based model was a great fit for their skill and inclination. Once the problem was solved and the project was completed, they …
What’s in a Name? Channel Partner Types and Positioning for M&A appeared first on https://mymarketlogic.com/
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