#MSH 11-62
demiurgeua · 3 years
Обсерваторія «Чандра» зробила світлину залишку наднової в сузір'ї Кіль
Обсерваторія «Чандра» зробила світлину залишку наднової в сузір’ї Кіль
Космічна рентгенівська обсерваторія «Чандра» (Chandra X-ray Observatory, CXO) Національного управління з аеронавтики й дослідження космічного простору США (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA) зробила світлину залишку наднової MSH 11-62 протяжністю 230 світлових років, який розташований приблизно за 16000 світлових років від Землі в сузір’ї Кіль. Телескоп NASA показав залишок…
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maximaxoo · 6 years
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#Space: #supernova remnant MSH 11-62 reveals an irregular shell of hot gas https://ift.tt/1yZ0ypn via @astrobiology
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lajmengabota · 3 years
Sërish ndalet rryma në një sallë në Pallat të Drejtësisë, ndërpritet seanca në rastin “Stenta 2”
 Është ndërprerë seanca gjyqësore në rastin “Stenta 2”, pasi në sallën ku po mbahej gjykimi në Pallatin e Drejtësisë në Prishtinë është ndalur energjia elektrike.
Një gjë e tillë ka ndodhur derisa po dëgjohej dëshmitari Elfedin Muhaxheri, raporton “Betimi për Drejtësi”.
Me akuzat e prokurorisë në rastin “Stenta 2”, janë duke u përballur 40 të akuzuar, përkatësisht, Gani Bajraktari, Nexhmi Zeqiri, Daut Gorani, Elfedin Muhaxheri, Reshat Emra, Hamza Selmani, Ismajl Avdimetaj, Sali Shala, Nehat Rexhepaj, Agron Besimi, Petrit Ademaj, Bajram Mziu, Agron Leka, Driton Miftari, Besim Guda, Mirdi Strana, Shemsedin Shabollari, Fisnik Hima, Luan Pazhari, Galina Berisha, Bajram Preteni, Lulzim Kamberi, Faik Shatri, Ejup Pllana, Florim Sadiku, Halim Halili, Agim Krasniqi, Hajdin Çitaku, Edmond Haliti,  Besnik Koliqi, Afrim Poniku, Banush Gashi, Nebih Musliu, Dardan Koqinaj, Xhevdet Krasniqi, Lazër Prekpalaj, Rexhep Manaj, Kelmend Pallaska dhe Arlind Batalli.
Në këtë rast, të përfshirë kishin qenë edhe ish-ministri i Shëndetësisë (MSH), Ferid Agani, ish-sekretari i MSH-së, Gani Shabani dhe 11 të akuzuar të tjerë, mirëpo, rasti ishte veçuar në tri pjesë në shqyrtimin fillestar.
Të akuzuarit në rastin “Stenta 2”, ngarkohen nga PSRK-ja me veprat penale të keqpërdorimit të pozitës apo autoritetit zyrtar dhe marrje ryshfeti.
Sipas aktakuzës së PSKR-së, ekziston dyshimi i bazuar mirë se nga 1 janari 2011 e deri më 31 dhjetor 2015, duke vepruar në bashkëkryerje nga pozita e mjekëve në SHSKUK, kanë keqpërdorur pozitat dhe autoritetin e tyre zyrtar, në atë mënyrë që duke i tejkaluar kompetencat e tyre si anëtarë të komisioneve konziliare të Klinikës së Kardiologjisë, me dashje dhe dijeni ua kanë lëshuar letrat referuese për trajtim jashtë institucioneve publike shëndetësore së paku 233 persona edhe pse të njëjtit i kishin kryer trajtimet mjekësore.
Sipas aktakuzës, një gjë e tillë ishte bërë që personave në fjalë t’ua mundësonin kompensimin e shpenzimeve nga Ministria e Shëndetësisë për trajtim mjekësor në institucione private edhe pse, siç thotë aktakuza, në bazë të nenit 53 të Ligjit mbi Shëndetësinë, Nr.2004/04, të 19 shkurtit 2014 dhe neneve 16 dhe 25 të Ligjit për Shëndetësinë Nr.04/L-125 të 13 dhjetorit 2012, letrat referuese duhej t’u lëshohej pacientëve në momentin kur konstatohej se pacientët nuk kishin mundësi të trajtoheshin brenda sistemit publik shëndetësor.
Me këto veprime të të akuzuarve, PSKR pretendon se dëmi që i është shkaktuar buxhetit të Kosovës është 4,555,553.00 euro.
Po ashtu, aktakuza i ngarkon mjekët në rastin “Stenta 2” se kanë keqpërdorur pozitën zyrtare dhe kanë marrë ryshfet, ashtu që, në vend se pacientët që kanë shkuar për kontroll në institucione publike shëndetësore, t’i referonin në njësinë kompetente invazive në Klinikën Kardiologjike në SHSKUK në Prishtinë, të njëjtit pacientët i kanë referuar në spitale private dhe për këto veprimet kanë marrë ryshfet.
Sipas aktakuzës, për çdo pacientë që e dërgonin për vendosjen e stentave, merrnin nga 500 euro ryshfet, ndërsa për koronarografi merrnin nga 150 euro ryshfet.
Këto veprimet të tyre, sipas PSRK-së, të akuzuarit i kishin kryer në bashkëpunim me të akuzuarit që tashmë janë të përfshirë në rastin “Stenta 3”, ku janë kryesisht pronar e mjekë të spitaleve private.
Prokuroria e Shtetit, më 15 qershor 2016 kishte ngritur aktakuzë kundër ish-ministrit të Shëndetësisë, Ferid Agani, ish-sekretarit të përgjithshëm të MSh Gani Shabani dhe 62 personave të tjerë, për veprat penale “keqpërdorimi i pozitës apo autoritetit zyrtar”,  “marrje e ryshfetit”, “dhënie e ryshfetit”, “trajtimi i pandërgjegjshëm mjekësor”, “ushtrimi i kundërligjshëm i veprimtarisë mjekësore dhe farmaceutike” dhe “shmangia nga tatimi “.
Në ndërkohë, prokuroria kishte hequr dorë nga ndjekja penale ndaj kardiologut Afrim Bekteshi, me arsyetimin se i njëjti është përfshirë gabimisht në aktakuzë.
Në ketë çështje penale, hetimet fillimisht janë zhvilluar kundër 116 personave fizik dhe 4 personave juridik.  Mirëpo, për 56 persona fizik nuk janë plotësuar kushtet ligjore që të përfshihen në këtë aktakuzë, andaj për të njëjtit janë pushuar hetimet.
Mbrojtja e të akuzuarve ka ngritur dilema të shumta rreth ligjshmërisë së kësaj aktakuze, e cila sipas tyre, përveçse përmban prova të papranueshme ajo është ngritur në mënyrë të kundërligjshme nga prokurori i Zyrës së Kryeprokurorit të Shtetit, Besim Kelmendi. Sipas mbrojtjes, Zyra e Kryeprokurorit të Shtetit nuk ka kompetenca në ngritjen e aktakuzave siç ka ndodhur në këtë rast.
The post Sërish ndalet rryma në një sallë në Pallat të Drejtësisë, ndërpritet seanca në rastin “Stenta 2” appeared first on Gazeta Express.
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just--space · 7 years
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MSH 11-62 Supernova Remnant: A long observation with Chandra of the supernova remnant MSH 11-62 reveals an irregular shell of hot gas, shown in red, surrounding an extended nebula of high energy X-rays, shown in blue. Even though scientists have yet to detect any pulsations from the central object within MSH 11-62, the structure around it has many of the same characteristics as other pulsar wind nebulas. The reverse shock and other, secondary shocks within MSH 11-62 appear to have begun to crush the pulsar wind nebula, possibly contributing to its elongated shape.
Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO/P. Slane et al.
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paragostardeler1 · 4 years
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Que coisa mais linda e perfeita! Só Deus! Amo esse Canal do YouTube! Obrigada por essa lindeza, @spacetoday1 . #Repost @spacetoday1 • • • • • • Localizada a 16000 anos-luz de distância da Terra na constelação de Carina essa é a remanescente de supernova MSH-11-62 evidências sugerem que existe um pulsar escondido nos filamentos estelares remanescentes. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEvc13xDE4e/?igshid=15lidlt2z4v6
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astroimages · 4 years
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Localizada a 16000 anos-luz de distância da Terra na constelação de Carina essa é a remanescente de supernova MSH-11-62 evidências sugerem que existe um pulsar escondido nos filamentos estelares remanescentes. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEva-65JhF5/?igshid=19ldzddcsl565
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captainpotassium · 7 years
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MSH 11-62 Supernova Remnant: A long observation with Chandra of...
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kelastambahan · 5 years
Senarai Ahli YVT
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160. KokdiTv https://www.youtube.com/c/KokdiTV
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161. DroneTokAbah https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdREe5gDA9P7iezEnIwxegw
162. X
163. DJZul https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgCzNShNTeV144eYKVrNjmg
164. Ibrahim TerbaikChannel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa3rqvILd4sRMMmO8qDkjfA
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165. JainiAskin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG9wX9daKMNNsG7IGyo-7UA
166. ShahZafry https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClclxf417HJcVEDpaqLmoKw
167. APDChannelTV - DJZul https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3q8K-d05DdwwHw8LUn_Jdg
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xxibxylc-blog · 5 years
100 fakta tentang lice
fakta ini gue buat dulu thn 2015 dan lumayan banyak yang berubah (revisi)
1.    warna fav: kuning
2.    Sebel sama panda tp suka beruang (sekarang biasa aja)
3.    Suka banget sama husky & kelinci
4.    Hobby ngelukis or ngegambar
5.    Demen sama dark coklat (white juga sih)
6.    Takut darah and badut😤 (sekarang udh ga takut darah)
7.    Suka sepatu warna merah (suka warna apa aja sih sekarang)
8.    Paling benci dikagetin😠
9.    Bukan seorang penakut
10. Refleknya jelek ehehe😁
11. Minuman fav🍹: teh, chatime, teh susu dipancong, teh java bioskop
12. Makanan fav🍝: nasi padang, fettucini, semua tentang ayam, ayam taliwang bikinan papa
13. Kue fav: apa aja kecuali dari kopi (udah mulai suka kopi sekarang)
14. Gak suka makan ikan HEHE🐠
15. Kurang bersahabat sama itung-itungan (udah mulai menyukai)
16. Gak suka nyanyi. Malu🎤 (sekarang malah suka nyanyi hehe)
17. Suka olahraga apalagi basket🏀
18. Pernah ikut lomba atletik lari dan lompat jauh
19. Sims addicted
20. Suka sama alice in wonderland karna rambutnya warna kuning. Pokoknya suka yg ada warna kuning💛💛
21. Gampang panik 
22. Sangat amat suka kejutan🎉 (kejutan yang menyenangkan loh ya bukan yg menyedihkan)
23. Suka bgt bunga matahari karna warnanya kuning, mawar juga suka
24. Suka balon yeayy🎈🎈
25. Snack fav: kitkat, bengbeng, yupi (sekarang mah suka apa aja asal jgn chiki)
26. Suka ngemilin gula merah gara-gara kak remon pas basket😛 
27. Suka make kutek tp kalo lagi gk sholat
28. Alat yg wajib dibawa: hp, kuciran, lip balm yg ada warna (biar gue keliatan hidup)
29. Cepet bosenan
30. Kalo udah sayang mah beuh bakal gue bikin susah move on
31. Seneng nge-diy
32. Bukan orng yg pemales kok
33. Kerjaan ibu rumah tangga mah bisa semua
34. Masak juga lumayan bisa
35. Make jilbab kalo kesekolah
36. Suka banget sama cony line
37. Kalo stres pasti mual
38. Suka ngoleksi gelang sama gantungan
39. Suka banget boneka dari kecil 
40. Gak pinter mengungkapkan perasaan
41. Angka fav: 2, 15, 7, 8
42. Suka diromantisin ntar jadi baper
43. Bisa salting walaupun karna hal kecil doang
44. Manusia yg geer HEHE
45. Orangnya insecure (parah)
46. Bodo amat dengan hal yg gak ada hubungannya dengan gue.. Idc dude (maksud gue disini adalah ga suka ikut campur urusan orng lain kecuali diminta)
47. Tinggi plisss (oke gue stuck ditinggi segini)
48. Ingin jadi gemuk juga (udah gemuk sekarang gengs)
49. Suka ngebolang walau sendirian juga
50. Seneng sama charli xcx
51. Jersey basket nomer 15 dari kelas 7
52. Gini-gini gue suka dangdut HEHEHE
53. Cemburuan tapi naif karna malu
54. Kalo main sama anak kecil suka lupa umur wkwkwk *keasyikkan*
55. Gue itu orangnya gak peka (mohon maaf-_-)
56. Dan kalo udah fokus jadi makin gak peka sama yg ada disekitar
57. Sering ditanya sama temen sakit atau enggak karna muka pucet
58. Kadang perasaan gue suka ada benernya loh._.
59. Suka sesuatu yg samaan kayak orang yg disayang, gue gak akan malu
60. I luv indomie (udah gak terlalu suka mie)
61. Gak tahan bau anjing (biasa aja si sekarang)
62. Luv glee so muchhhhhhh
63. Pernah jadi otaku
64. Drumband? Yass jadi pemimpinnya
65. Kangen poci hilo fix (hilo putih)
66. Sekarang alim mayanlah
67. Suka grunge (suka jg sm yg art aesthetic jg)
68. fleksibel
69. Gak suka di cuekkin (lu cuek, gue jg cuek) 
70. Punya keponakkan banyak bgt msh pada unyil-unyil
71. Demen bgt nemenin anak kecil
72. Mayan bisa main gitar
73. Seneng liat anak kecil nangis-_- lucu aja gitu
74. Orangnya terbuka (ya tapi seterbukanya tetep aja punya rahasia yo gengs)
75. Seneng kalo ditanyain
76. Tbh gue males ngechat kecuali sm orng yg spesial wkwk (gue lebih milih nelfon sih karna males ngetik)
77. Gigi kelinci
78. Telingaku bisa gerak lhoo
79. Punya buanyak komik
80. Suka rambut pendek
81. Gak tahan debu *alergi*
82. Pas kecil langganan rumah sakit (sekarang jg masih)
83. Dulu tomboy
84. Gak suka dilarang-larang (gue dilarang yg ada malah kabur, tp gue ga masalah sih klo dilarang sm orng2 yg gue sayang)
85. Rambutnya berubah mulu dari kecil
86. Suka jalan tanpa tujuan jg
87. Debat? Wesssa
88. Dulu pernah cutting tp sekarang anti bgt kayak gitu lagi
89. Bisa main ps coyyy
90. Muka jutek bgt padahal gak jutek kok:(
91. Sebel sm yg lemot wkwk
92. Namaku cuma dibalik doang
93. Suka banget nasi kuning/tumpengan💛💛
94. Sering banget dengerin lagu
95. Biarpun malu nyanyi tp sering nyanyi dikelas
96. Gak suka dibentak (please don’t do this)
97. Kalo stres pasti beres-beres kamar
98. Jarang nangis (kecuali klo semua udh numpuk)
99. Bukan pendendam (but i will cut you out of my life)
100.              Bukan tipe orang yg klo ada masalah cuma diem doang. Gak betah
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inhandnetworks-blog · 6 years
Chandra Releases Five New Images to Celebrate wireless communication   the International Year of Light
To celebrate the International Year of Light, five Chandra images (M51, SNR E0519-69.0, MSH 11-62, Cygnus A, and RCW 86) have been released.
To celebrate the International Year of Light (2015) new images are being released from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, along with data in other types of light from various telescopes.
The year of 2015 has been declared the International Year of Light (IYL) by the United Nations. Organizations, institutions, and individuals involved in the science and applications of light will be joining together for this yearlong celebration to help spread the word about the wonders of light.
In many ways, astronomy uses the science of light. By building telescopes that can detect light in its many forms, from radio waves on one end of the “electromagnetic spectrum” to gamma rays on the other, scientists can get a better understanding of the processes at work in the Universe.
NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory explores the Universe in X-rays, a high-energy form of light. By studying X-ray data and comparing them with observations in other types of light, scientists can develop a better understanding of objects likes stars and galaxies that generate temperatures of millions  industrial transport  of degrees and produce X-rays.
To recognize the start of IYL, the Chandra X-ray Center is releasing a set of images that combine data from telescopes tuned to different wavelengths of light. From a distant galaxy to the relatively nearby debris field of an exploded star, these images demonstrate the myriad ways that information about the Universe is communicated to us through light.
The images, beginning at the upper left and moving clockwise, are:
Messier 51 (M51): This galaxy, nicknamed the “Whirlpool,” is a spiral galaxy, like our Milky Way, located about 30 million light years from Earth. This composite image combines data colle Transformer Monitoring  cted at X-ray wavelengths by Chandra (purple), ultraviolet by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX, blue); visible light by Hubble (green), and infrared by Spitzer (red).
SNR 0519-69.0: When a massive star exploded in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy to the Milky Way, it left behind an expanding shell of debris called SNR 0519-69.0. Here, multimillion degree gas is seen in X-rays from Chandra (blue). The outer edge of the explosion (red) and stars in the field of view are seen in visible light from Hubble.
MSH 11-62: When X-rays, shown in blue, from Chandra and XMM-Newton are joined in this image with radio data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (pink) and visible light data from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS, yellow), a new view of the region emerges. This object, known as MSH 11-62, contains an inner nebula of charged particles that could be an outflow from the dense spinning core left behind when a massive star exploded.
RCW 86: This supernova remnant is the remains of an exploded star that may have been witnessed by Chinese astronomers almost 2,000 years ago. Modern telescopes have the advantage of observing this object in light that is completely invisible to the unaided human eye. This image combines X-rays from Chandra (pink and blue) along with visible emission from hydrogen atoms in the rim of the remnant, observed with the 0.9-m Curtis Schmidt telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (yellow).
Cygnus A: This galaxy, at a distance of some 700 million light years, contains a giant bubble filled with hot, X-ray emitting gas detected by Chandra (blue). Radio data from the NSF’s Very Large Array (red) reveal “hot spots” about 300,000 light years out from the center of the galaxy where powerful jets emanating from the galaxy’s supermassive black hole end. Visible light data (yellow) from both Hubble and the DSS complete this view.
In addition to these newly released images, the Chandra X-ray Center has created a new online repository of images called “Light: Beyond the Bulb” for IYL. This project places astronomical objects in context with light in other fields of science and research.
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, manages the Chandra program for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, controls Chandra’s science and flight operations.
Image: NASA/CXC/SAOplc router
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arxt1 · 6 years
Kinetic "jets" from fast moving pulsars. (arXiv:1804.07341v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Some fast-moving pulsars, like the Guitar and the Lighthouse, exhibit asymmetric non-thermal emission features that extend well beyond their ram pressure confined pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe). Using 3D relativistic simulations we explain these features as kinetically streaming pulsar wind particles that escaped into the interstellar medium (ISM) due to reconnection between the PWN and ISM magnetic fields. The structure of the reconnecting magnetic fields at the incoming and outgoing regions produce highly asymmetric magnetic bottles, and result in asymmetric extended features. For the features to become visible, the ISM magnetic field should be sufficiently high, $B_{\rm ISM}>10$~$\mu$G. We also discuss archival observations of PWNe displaying evidence of kinetic jets: the Dragonfly PWN (PSR J2021+3651), G327.1--1.1, and MSH 11--62, the latter two of which exhibit "snail eyes" morphologies. We suggest that in those cases the pulsar is moving along the ambient magnetic field in a frisbee-type configuration.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2qPZHfp
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MSH 11-62
MSH 11-62 is a supernova remnant located about 16,000 light years away. It consists of a shell of hot gas surrounding an area of high energy X-rays. While astronomers have not yet detected a pulsar in the center of the remnant, it bears many characteristics of a pulsar wind nebula.
When a massive star dies, it collapses, usually into a neutron star. The energy of the collapse triggers a supernova, causing an outward moving shockwave. This wave collides with surrounding gas and creates a reverse shockwave that heats up material ejected by the star. The neutron star, a spinning pulsar, emits high energy particles, further shaping the forming nebula.
Image from NASA, information from Chandra.
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dendroica · 10 years
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MSH 11-62 by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center on Flickr.
When X-rays, shown in blue, from Chandra and XMM-Newton are joined in this image with radio data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (pink) and visible light data from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS, yellow), a new view of the region emerges. This object, known as MSH 11-62, contains an inner nebula of charged particles that could be an outflow from the dense spinning core left behind when a massive star exploded.
Image Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO
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fishstickmonkey · 10 years
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MSH 11-62: When X-rays, shown in blue, from Chandra and XMM-Newton are joined in this image with radio data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (pink) and visible light data from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS, yellow), a new view of the region emerges. This object, known as MSH 11-62, contains an inner nebula of charged particles that could be an outflow from the dense spinning core left behind when a massive star exploded.
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just--space · 7 years
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MSH 11-62 Supernova Remnant: A long observation with Chandra of the supernova remnant MSH 11-62 reveals an irregular shell of hot gas, shown in red, surrounding an extended nebula of high energy X-rays, shown in blue. Even though scientists have yet to detect any pulsations from the central object within MSH 11-62, the structure around it has many of the same characteristics as other pulsar wind nebulas. The reverse shock and other, secondary shocks within MSH 11-62 appear to have begun to crush the pulsar wind nebula, possibly contributing to its elongated shape.
Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO/P. Slane et al.
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MSH 11-62 and G327.1-1.1: Supernova Shock Waves, Neutron Stars, and Lobsters
Two new Chandra images of supernova remnants reveal intricate structures left behind after massive stars exploded.
Powerful winds of high-energy particles are released from the dense core of the dead star to create so-called pulsar wind nebulas.
MSH 11-62 and G327.1-1.1 are examples of how complex the aftermath of stellar explosions can be.
A supernova that signals the death of a massive star sends titanic shock waves rumbling through interstellar space. An ultra-dense neutron star is usually left behind, which is far from dead, as it spews out a blizzard of high-energy particles. Two new images from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory provide fascinating views - including an enigmatic lobster-like feature - of the complex aftermath of a supernova.
When a massive star runs out of fuel resulting in a supernova explosion, the central regions usually collapse to form a neutron star. The energy generated by the formation of the neutron star triggers a supernova. As the outward-moving shock wave sweeps up interstellar gas, a reverse shock wave is driven inward, heating the stellar ejecta.
Meanwhile, the rapid rotation and intense magnetic field of the neutron star, a.k.a. a pulsar, combine to generate a powerful wind of high-energy particles. This so-called pulsar wind nebula can glow brightly in X-rays and radio waves.
A long observation with Chandra of the supernova remnant MSH 11-62 (left image) reveals an irregular shell of hot gas, shown in red, surrounding an extended nebula of high energy X-rays, shown in blue. Even though scientists have yet to detect any pulsations from the central object within MSH 11-62, the structure around it has many of the same characteristics as other pulsar wind nebulas. The reverse shock and other, secondary shocks within MSH 11-62 appear to have begun to crush the pulsar wind nebula, possibly contributing to its elongated shape. (Note: the orientation of this image has been rotated by 24 degrees so that north is pointed to the upper left.)
MSH 11-62 is located about 16,000 light years from Earth. The foreground of MSH 11-62 is speckled with hundreds of sources associated with the open stellar cluster Trumpler 18, located at a distance of about 5,000 light years, revealing a vast collection of stars.
The supernova remnant G327.1-1.1, located about 29,000 light years from Earth, is another spectacular debris field left behind when a massive star exploded. The Chandra image of G327.1-1.1 (right image) shows the outward-moving, or forward, shock wave (seen as the faint red color), and a bright pulsar wind nebula (blue). The pulsar wind nebula appears to have been distorted by the combined action of the reverse shock wave, which may have flattened it, and by the motion of the pulsar, which created a comet, or lobster-like tail. An asymmetric supernova explosion may have given a recoil kick to the pulsar, causing it to move rapidly and drag the pulsar wind nebula along with it.
Two structures resembling lobster claws protrude from near the head of the pulsar wind nebula. The origin of these features, which may be produced by the interaction of the pulsar wind with the reverse shock, is unknown.
These results are presented at the "15 Years of Chandra" symposium (http://cxc.harvard.edu/symposium_2014/) by Patrick Slane of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Mass., and Tea Temim of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, manages the Chandra program for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, controls Chandra's science and flight operations.
Image Credit: NASA/CXC/GSFC/T.Temim et al.; NASA/CXC/SAO/P.Slane et al
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