kirayamidemon · 7 years
Shenanigans When the Mag7 Boys Play CAH Part 2
Faraday: Wow Red this is a whole other side to you
Red: Does this make me the world's greatest lover?
Vasquez: Yes. I nominate Red Harvest.
Faraday: What?
Goodnight: I second it.
Faraday: Goody,c'mon
-Faraday wins the round-
Faraday: HA
Vasquez: Dammit
McCann: May I remind you who it was that actually got a shot off me
Faraday: Only because you got a cheap shot off of me
Vasquez: If you had so greatly outmatched McCann, you would have taken him out
Vasquez: But I seem to recall that I did
Faraday: I am seriously hurt
Vasquez: That was my intention
McCann: That was a cheap shot? You were standing in the middle of the open ground with no cover like an idiot
Vasquez: ^^^
Goodnight: Pffft
Faraday: Ouch
-Vasquez wins the round-
Vasquez: Ha, tied again, Faraday
Faraday: Are we?
Faraday: Wait why did you do that Vas?
Vasquez: Do what?
Faraday: Shoot McCann
McCann: *groans*
Vasquez: To save your sorry ass
McCann: Oh my godddddd
McCann: I've never met a more stupid man than you
Faraday: Yeah but why?
Red: For all our sakes, confess and get a room you two!
Vasquez: I feel no obligation to appease your idiocy
Faraday: Okay. And Red. There is nothing
Red: I need to find a new Path
Faraday: To a Roof?
McCann: Is this what you are all like? I can feel myself getting stupider by being around you idiots
Faraday: We are better than Bogue.
Red: And Denali
McCann: You're STUPIDER than Bogue
Faraday: I am not
Goodnight: Isn't it..."more stupid"?
Faraday: Yeah...What he said
Vasquez: Too late
McCann: You didn't even know what a syllable was, you can't judge
Vasquez: HA, ahead of you, Faraday
Faraday: Dammit
Faraday: And I don't know what it is but I can read so there
McCann: Can you now
Faraday: Yes
Faraday: I read all about Jack Horne
Faraday: As a child
McCann: That doesn't count
Vasquez: Congratulations on learning one of the most basic life skills. You want a cookie?
McCann: Everybody's read about Jack Horne at least once in their life
Faraday: Yes I would love on-
Red: I even know about Jack Horne
Faraday: Wait a minute
Vasquez: Sarcasm. Heard of it?
Faraday: Screw this
Faraday: We are tied againg Vas *winks*
Vasquez: Hmph. Not for long, I think
-Vasquez wins the round-
Vasquez: There.
Faraday: Dammit all
Card: Describe me, the Card Czar, in one card. (Goody's turn)
Winning Card: Owls
-McCann wins the round-
Faraday: Billy! We need you
Red: I don't think you two are at the cognitive level to even admit that yet
Faraday: Whom Red?
Red: You and Vas. I know my english is pretty spotty, didn't know about yours
Vasquez: His English is worse than yours or mine and we're the only non-native speakers
Faraday: Mine is?
Vasquez: Yes
Faraday: *offended*
Goodnight: Well... If you count Billy,...
Vasquez: Ah, don't tell him I forgot about him
Faraday:You scared of him?
Vasquez: One would be a fool not to be
Vasquez: To some degree
Goodnight: It's true.
Faraday: I agree there
-Vasquez wins the round-
Vasquez: Tied again, guero
Faraday: We are...This needs to end
Red: The game?
Faraday: Me being tied up with him
Red: Ahhh I see
Faraday: Not in that way
Vasquez: I beg your pardon?
McCann: *groans long sufferingly*
Faraday: You heard nothing
Vasquez: Whatever you say
Faraday: It is what I say
Faraday: Nothing
Vasquez: *sighs heavily*
Faraday: *stares away awkwardly*
Red: I don't even want to know
Faraday: Shh Red. You are too young and Innocent
Red: Jack wouldn't last five minutes here
Faraday: He'd have a heart attack
Vasquez: True
-Faraday wins the round-
Faraday: I broke the tie
-Vasquez wins the round-
Faraday: Wow
Faraday: Vas.
Vasquez: Tied
Card: In 1000 years, when paper money is a distant memory, what will people need to do to pay for stuff?
Winning Card: Jizz
-Red wins the round-
Faraday: *snickers*
Vasquez: *no comment*
Red: I think that would've given Jack that heart attack
Faraday: Yeah and landed you some time out
Goodnight: This entire game would kill the man.
Vasquez: Agreed
Faraday: Yes
Red: If he dies, I'm blaming you lot
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kareofbears · 4 years
i love ryuji and you can’t change my mind.
im sorry i just can’t stop thinking about the ryuji hate I got and i feel the need to explain myself as to why i love ryuji so much despite the fact that, yeah, he is problematic--of course i know hes problematic. people who choose to ignore canon are valid and its ok to do that, i mean, that’s what fandoms are for (fandoms are made to take what you like about something and make it your own--i do it literally every time i write a fanfic, it’s normal, you all know this). but for now, yeah, im focusing on canon ryuji. he is not perfect--by far, id say he is the second most problematic character in the main cast. he is rude, he is so perverted, he doesn’t understand when to stop being (frankly) an asshole. he can’t take a hint, he’s vulgar to the point where he makes people around him uncomfortable. but i love him, because his good overrides his bad. you all know it by now--he’s kind, loyal to a fault, an idiot but in a really really endearing way, he’s honest, he’s headstrong, he’d do anything to protect his friends (fight harus fiance, almost get hit by a car for makoto, stand with Ann when she thought yusuke was dangerous, yell at shido because he found out hes the one who made akira go on probation, the list goes on). 
So, why did atlus make him problematic? two possible reasons, i could be wrong but this is just what i think. 
1) because Atlus wants to make a character who isnt perfect. correct me if im wrong, but there are little to no characters in the entire game who is part of the main cast and is flawed. seriously. everyone is pretty much a saint after they get past their initial entry arch. atulus wanted to make a character that felt more realistic, that felt whole and real--someone who isn’t as cookie-cutter good guy as the rest of them (this is NOT a bash to all the other characters in the game in ANY WAY i love all of them as they are all my children). It’s interesting to have someone to play off the rest of the group’s dynamic by having someone who is different from them. variety is the spice of life, and clearly thats what atlus is going for here. I havent play persona 4 myself but apparently the characters there are a lot more interesting yet very hit-or-miss as all of them have their own distinct and loud (apparently sometimes overwhelming--not in a good way) personality and one of the biggest complaints about persona 5 (which i dont agree with, but bringing it up for the sake of argument) is that the characters all feel very mild in the sense that they wanted them to all be likeable--hence, brash characters wouldn’t fit that because brash characters are sometimes too intense to be considered likeable. again, i dont agree, but maybe this is why they wanted to add a character that doesn’t conform to that “you have to be likeable type.” 
2) because atlus struggles with what is funny vs what is offensive. this is not a new statement. if youve been in the p5 fandom for long enough im sure youve seen a post somewhere about this but THIS is my take on it. atlus excels at story writing, and is really good at well timed humour (i mean, we ALL have a favorite p5 one-liner, mine is “ryuji, go piss off the police” but i digress). however, in its attempt to bring in comedic relief to break up the monotony in the story, they tend to just use ryuji. this is probably (in my opinion) p5′s biggest flaws. they have so many other characters to utilize and experiment with in terms of comedic situations (which they have done and succeeded plenty of times), but sometimes the cracks reveal themselves and they end up just using the “vulgar boy” for a couple of laughs. we’ve all probably watched anime, seen how blatantly sexist it is and how sexualized they make their female characters (too many examples come to mind), and unfortunately, p5 is no exception and has given that roll of “the creep” to ryuji because it was the easy way out. Morgana is too, sometimes, but definitely definitely not to the extent of ryuji. 
to clarify, this post is not saying that we should allow ryuji to be this asshole--fuck no! we should try and understand why he is, definitely, but we should never excuse this behaviour. it’s simply the case of loving this character and breaking them open to try and understand why they are who they are. 
i love this boy (obviously), he is my favorite persona 5 character by far, but he is problematic, and that is okay. learn to digest his fuck ups, understand what he’s doing is wrong, and move on. make art, write fanfictions, create gifsets--because what you take from the characters is what they boil down to; that’s the point of fandom, after all. 
dont let anyone take away this character from you, especially now, because for many people (including myself), persona 5 and its characters are the only thing keeping them afloat during this really fucked up time of pandemics and being stuck at home. 
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ryouverua · 6 years
Chapter 4 Investigation (Part 2)
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Things are never boring with this lovable scamp as your partner!
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Man that was a quick turnaround, Himiko! Though I have to say, your avatar is quite cute...
also seeing all the icons against each other makes me laugh because Shuichi and Himiko have the most defined lashes omfg and Miu... programmed/designed them all to be that way...
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Yeah, I really do think someone snuck here to log Kaito out. Tsumugi was distracted or something? Maybe? Kokichi would have had access to it, being that he was right near by in the salon...
And then, about an unexpected yet surprisingly hilarious interlude involving maps - 
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So the Kaito-centric dynamic of our little three-person group is that obvious, huh...
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mystery solved she was filled with such potent angry nerd rage that she murdered Miu over the graphics you can’t tell me that isn’t plausible
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I’m. Baffled???? 
also of course, more hilarious exchanges
Okay, uh, I.... was not expecting to find this? And I’ll be honest, I have no idea how it would fit in at all. Or why it’s over here. I’m just... gonna... put that on the back-burner for a bit.
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I feel like me not knowing why it would be there is still better than K1-b0′s theory. 
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Oh right, Kaito was logged out before it came back. And now we’re talking about the direction of the river, and how the sign got washed over against the river flow, but I’m not too worried about that? Like I said, I feel like from a game design standpoint it would make sense for the river to loop right-to-left so items and/or people wouldn’t be accidentally lost if they fell in and went off-map.
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.... then the avatar stays ‘active’ in the VR world. I suppose it’s a somewhat poetic ending for Miu in that sense - her avatar’s presence will be an immortal legacy in here, or at least until the VR world itself ends. 
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Ooooh...??? We’re going to hear about this before the trial?
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I think some of the pieces are starting to come together a bit in my head.
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Probably to give her a chance to sneak off and find a way to the other side - and I bet since she modified the world, she knew ways to do that. Maybe that board beside her?
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goddamnit Miu just casually throwing a cellphone into the mix
oh oops I guess I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead huh
OH and also she had a hammer which you know, should be a very pressing issue considering the implications of Miu having a weapon-like object on her when everyone else was defenceless but I AM STILL STEAMING ABOUT THE CELLPHONE
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bOYFRIENDS god they’re so cute look at their blushing sprites i’m dying.....
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Ah good, at least that part I got right.
Um. Shuichi. Did you, uh, give him a heads up about what you were going to do when I blinked or....?
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“It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.” Somehow I think it’s still going to be hard...
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Oh man imagine being thrown out of the game when you’re sick the way he is 8′D The vertigo, the sudden potential nausea/lung pain, etc...
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A-Aaaaw! Poor Kaito - he keeps getting logged out, left behind and just generally tossed aside - for that matter, he’s been called an idiot for a decent amount of the game and spent half of chapter 3 stuck in his room, sick and terrified. Shuichi didn’t mean to leave you behind, Kaito! He’s just an awkward introvert who doesn’t know how to communicate, promise!
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Oh man, is that salt I’m detecting in our Ultimate Astronaut?
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Anyway, we already knew that the lattice was from the roof so when he talks about something being missing, it wasn’t hard to figure out what it was. Also, the lock can only be done from the outside, so you can’t get locked out of the roof, but you can get locked/stuck on the roof itself.
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Aaaw Himiko 8′D You get attached to things quickly too, huh? I can relate a little too well. are your tabs and room a mess too
Alright, Maki’s here on Kaito’s behalf because Monotaro wanted to show us more info. It’s kinda weird having him on our side, even if it’s temporary, but hey, any help at this point is good!
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Damn, Maki’s still here with those back-handed compliments. Still, that might be one of the nicest things she’s said to Shuichi so far. Baby steps! yeah you might not want to sound like Kaito but he’s definitely rubbing off on you
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Man it’s really weird to see that icon with Maki. But hey, at least she’s trying to help them fix things rather than stew in jealousy like earlier/stay mad at Kaito about leaving her in the chapel. 8′D
Aaaaand back to the real world!
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“For example, there’s me, your beloved!”
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“Turn around so I can put a ‘Kick Me’ sign on your back! It’s what you deserve!”
“Wait, that doesn’t say ‘Kick Me’, that says Saiouma is endgame OTP -”
“Oops! I lied. Still putting it on you, though.”
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Interesting pause and neutral face here...
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Oh. But.... it can only be locked.... from the outside. So there’s no way he was locked out unless he was physically blocked.
I think I 100% caught him in a lie here.
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Schrodinger’s Kokichi Ouma....
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“Ouma I swear to -”
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Oh fml I’m starting to get an awful feeling - p-please stop referring to it as sleeping, it’s.... really feeding into my theory that I thought was wild but is starting to become less and less crazy-sounding in my head...
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D-Don’t you trust in your sidekick, bro? D:
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Omfg you just know Miu is the type to put a ton of aside comments in her code and it’s all vulgar...
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Yup, true. Confirmed.
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Either for defensive... or offensive purposes.
Apparently the cellphone was another object she choose not to delete as well. Man Miu, your post-humous impression on everyone is looking kinda bleak! Now that I think about it, I remember noting her panicking after that flashback light. I’m starting to think she might be the person I was looking for who would fit the ‘desperate to get out of here’ bill.
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That’s an odd detail. 
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Yeah, I guess I did originally figure that was the case. So there was probably another point of entry on the ‘outside’ edge, like the looping river.
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Wait what?! Doesn’t that mean she is unbreakable?! Did she think it would make her impossible to kill or something???
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I mean... it’s gotta be the one acting as a barrier to ‘outside’ the map, right? I guess it makes sense that if the river can loop, maybe the whole map itself does. That explains why we could hear K1-b0. Was there a secret entrance along the wall that everyone ignored because they thought there was nothing beyond the wall on either side?
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Girl I think you played yourself
Whelp, that just solved a huge chunk of the questions I had!
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Wait what??? Now that is pretty unexpected. It’s starting to raise some interesting possibilities though. 
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Yeah, that’s the face I would have if I found out I had been unwittingly sabotaged. 8′D Oh Miu, what in the world were you up to... 
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.... No
no no no
no no no no no
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First Miu’s schtick, now Himiko’s - is there any persona you won’t steal this chapter?
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FML Kokichi has the right attitude that no one aside from Shuichi seems to have and
I.... if I’m right, this is not going to have the triumphant ending the last one had... not at all -
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omg Himiko you sound like me
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BRB guys I need to temporarily find a way into the DRV3 game so I can give Himiko a huge high five.
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Man I don’t know if Kokichi knows who the culprit is, but I think he is way too excited about the idea of harassing Kaito...
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And Kaito knows it.
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Ugh, there really is, huh? That’s why I find the vibe i so weird after the third trial. You just get used to feeling how they all interact with each other, there are all these different personalities and - poof. Gone. And suddenly you get a lot more from fewer people, and the world just seems so much larger and emptier.
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Man, the way they’re all cheering him on should be heartwarming and encouraging but it’s kinda freaking me out a little bit? Is that weird?
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give him a back massage. you know, between bros.
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omg Kokichi are you Shuichi’s agent now or something?
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Kokichi my boy, you really need to work on your flirting game.
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That seriously sounds like a threat. 8′D Gosh though, you’re really not having it with Kaito today, huh? Now that I think about it, with Miu gone you and Kaito are going to be the strongest personalities in the trial. This is gonna get interesting...
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a;sdlkfja there’s so few of them... oTL
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Yeah, she really did. And man did she leave a big impact. Even if she wasn’t my favourite character of the bunch, she had a surprisingly interesting dynamic with a lot of the others and she definitely wasn’t forgettable. It’s going to be weird not to have her around. To think that I originally thought she would get knocked off within the first two chapters... 8′D
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Alright so, notes - and as usual I’ll transcribe because my writing sucks. I did doodle some stuff too though ~
Left side of the map (mansion):
Shuichi/Tsumugi (together)
Kaito - roof/logged out 1 hour before
Right side of the map (chapel)
Miu * - dead, but also with the ability to cross sides
So I drew out the map both ways - once, the way it is in the game, and two, with the left/right side against each other and the loading screen as the ‘walls’ on the outside. I’m guessing that was the original map. I’m guessing the added wall was the barrier on the edge of the game map.
In the real world, they were seated like this with the computer at the top of the semi-circle:
Gonta                     Maki
Himiko                   Kaito
Tsumugi                 Shuichi
K1-b0                     Kokichi (with poison in his seat)
So now that the stages are set:
First, the so-called obvious culprits and other red herrings:
Man, someone was pushing to set Kaito up and I think that may have been Miu. It would be one thing if my original speculation about the lobby phone being used by the culprit to log Kaito out was one thing, but once the cellphone was found on Miu there really wasn’t any ambiguity left. He was definitely logged out remotely. It would have been interesting if she had logged him out via lobby phone and her wall-crossing abilities, but maybe the writers thought that could have been too hard to work out...
He’s been acting hella suspicious but once that paralysis feature got revealed, he was knocked out of the running. 
Miu being on the chapel side - solved by her avatar being classified as an object. Did the culprit know that too? I guess if Tsumugi could spot her through the window, Miu wasn’t exactly being subtle about her presence on the other side.
Poison - another red herring. No bloodshot eyes
Before I go on, you’ll note I circled a name on the ‘alive’ list, then drew a VERY unhappy face, and just kinda went NOOOOOOO in caps because
Is he the one that got the error code? He thinks it was all a dream - did he accidentally switch the wires? It did say the wires were for ‘memory’ and ‘consciousness’, and what better example of that is a fading dream...
Anyway, I’m going to get back to that ^ because I’m still like..... ugh. I have logical reasons that point to him, but emotionally I’m a bit of a wreck. So honestly, it sounds like Miu tried to kill Kokichi. You can see I underlined it in caps in the bottom right corner. 8′D I’m thinking Kokichi knew it was coming somehow? I’m not sure if it was just when they agreed to meet on the rooftop or before then, but I’m wondering if he set up Gonta as his bodyguard, knowing full well that Gonta has been slowly driving himself mad because of his inability to protect the people around him. I love Gonta, but he can get irrational when he gets emotional aka a certain insect-related incident...
As well as that, we have confirmed alibis: Tsumugi was with Shuichi, Kaito was out of range, Maki/K1-b0/Himiko were together, and Kokichi would have been paralyzed on contact. By process of elimination (which is so, so cold), Gonta is the only person who could have done it in the game - and we even saw him alone at the end, didn’t he?
So I’m wondering if it went like this...
Miu makes a move against Kokichi via their meeting
Gonta moves to protect Kokichi out of desperation and grabs her by the neck
She was definitely strangled, aka her expression/body position - Kokichi couldn’t do it because of the paralysis though, so it had to be someone else
Maybe Gonta didn’t realize his own strength, because he was rendered as weak as everyone else and he took the fact that he was nerfed to heart?
and/or maybe he just didn’t realize he killed Miu because he didn’t know he could in this world
pushed her off the roof via, uh, rolling up that lattice.. fencing... stuff sorry I don’t know I’m picturing her little avatar being wrapped up in fencing like a sushi roll and it’s making me laugh and sent her to the other side where she hits the chapel wall
can ~lie~ to us so well because he can’t remember his time in VR - he keeps referring to it as ‘sleep’ or ‘dream’
So that would explain why Kokichi seems to be dancing around us like he knows everything, but man... he’s also seriously ragging on Gonta despite Gonta saving his life??? And him basically using Gonta as disposable protection??? I’m a little scared about exactly what that means for Kokichi and his character, damn...
B-But even still, I can’t... quite... reconcile this in my head. Kokichi is literally the only person I can think of that has any sort of antagonism with Miu. Honestly, anyone else killing Miu is hard for me to imagine - which I guess is maybe the point? And the reason they ‘equalized’ everyone’s strength wasn’t to make Gonta easy to kill like I thought it was when we first went in there, but to make a physical murder like strangulation more difficult for him when he’s at the same strength as everyone else. So I mean, on a meta level/technical level, it does make sense! But - but - Gonta! How can it be Gonta! On a cold hard logic level I feel like it’s all sound, but emotionally.... oTL
I.... don’t......... want to...........
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Fox news AFC West projected starters: Broncos, Raiders trending up - NFL.com
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Fox news
Thursday, Might presumably presumably moreover 14, 2020 09: 33 AM
With the 2020 NFL Draft and most of free company within the rearview, Gregg Rosenthal will mission starting lineups for all 32 groups because that's his view of relaxing. Verify out the AFC West breakdowns under.
Believing in Drew Lock is mighty. Broncos executive John Elway pronouncing that he was once committed to Jeff Driskel because the team's backup when gamers like Jameis Winston, Andy Dalton and Cam Newton were peaceable on hand feels like malpractice. At what assorted region or in what assorted sports actions discontinuance executives walk out of their methodology to e-book clear of enhancing their roster out of some incorrect sensitivities to unearned "The Man" place? If Lock will get pains in August one more time, presumably Newton will peaceable be a cell phone name away. If Lock will get pains all the scheme by the usual season, the Broncos' season is over.
As a minimum Elway did his most productive to scheme Lock up for fulfillment. Jerry Jeudy appears to be like as pro-ready as any rookie receiver, nevertheless the Broncos most productive must possess a examine Courtland Sutton's rookie season to recollect even game-breaking abilities can employ a minute to develop. That same warning ought to exist when penciling in mighty mite KJ Hamler into the slot receiver role.
I listed Melvin Gordon because the starter at working back because Elway's actions, including Gordon's salary, possess confirmed repeatedly that the Broncos don't prefer Phillip Lindsay to carry the weight. That's a disgrace because Lindsay has completed nothing nevertheless overachieve by piling up virtually 2,500 yards from scrimmage in two years. Lindsay is a greater pure runner than Gordon, nevertheless the Broncos could presumably moreover merely peer Gordon as a superior possibility on key downs as a blocker, pass catcher and in brief-yardage cases.
Noah Fant leads a deeper tight discontinuance neighborhood than a twelve months within the past. If Fant's enchancment down the stretch sticks, the offense is littered with gamers who can walk the space.
Basically the most full of life self-discipline, moreover Lock's construction, is whether or not the Broncos' offensive line has improved ample. It appears to be like to be greater than it has in years exterior of left kind out Garett Bolles, who did not uncover his fifth-twelve months possibility picked up. Moral kind out Ju'Wuan James did not even play 100 snaps after signing a large deal final offseason.
Von Miller returned from a torn ACL early in his profession to renew his place as one among the league's most productive pass rushers. If Bradley Chubb can discontinuance the an identical, the Broncos possess one among basically the most productive edge tandems in soccer.
Linebacker Alexander Johnson, a approved of colleague Chris Wesseling, was once a revelation in Vic Fangio's defense a twelve months within the past. He makes all of the defense look faster.
The Broncos are one among basically the most productive groups I listed most productive two cornerbacks for because I make not possess any clue who their third cornerback will probably be. Fangio has a history of scheming up the region properly, nevertheless he has his work decrease out for him. A.J. Bouye is coming off a pair of downhearted years in Jacksonville and Bryce Callahan final played in Week 14 of 2018. These are your starters and no one else is confirmed. This will probably be a team whose safeties could presumably moreover be greater than the cornerbacks in coverage.
Patrick Mahomes' backup, Chad Henne, has thrown five usual-season passes within the final five years. Here is hoping that number stays the an identical in 2020.
The Chiefs' offense broke even basically the most productive defenses it played. Why fix it? The offense returns all 11 starters, most productive including a pair of rookies along the methodology. Basically the most productive competition will occur at the guard spots, the build Martinas Rankin and rookie Lucas Niang are within the mix.
Bringing back the an identical personnel is mostly unhealthy for a defending champ, nevertheless coach Andy Reid brings assorted offensive wrinkles every season, which his colleagues are trying and copy. Reid will back retain this offense contemporary.
Damien Williams got the nod before the entirety as my starting working back. He could be available within the market for the major snap in Week 1 out of admire for his Clear Bowl heroics, and he acquired't be relegated to fairly player. But it indisputably's exhausting to mediate him out-snapping Clyde Edwards-Helaire over the route of the season. CEH (factual roll with it) is too correct on passing downs to preserve off the sphere, and each down on an Andy Reid team is a passing down.
Finest championship-caliber groups can pull off a proceed like bringing Sammy Watkins back at a lowered salary. Watkins does not ought to be an every-week performer to be very beneficial to the offense.
Demarcus Robinson, whom the Chiefs re-signed within the offseason, played virtually 300 extra snaps than Mecole Hardman final twelve months. Hardman has an opportunity to flip that stat this twelve months, the closing piece in taking the Chiefs' offense to ludicrous walk.
The Chiefs' interior-exterior line of defense leaders (Chris Jones and Frank Clark) inferior with any duo within the league. After that, the Chiefs possess some stable interior bulk and a ton of quiz marks at defensive discontinuance. They'll moreover employ a breakout by second-round picks Tanoh Kpassagnon or Breeland Speaks or this neighborhood could presumably moreover decay.
Defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo would opt to seem rookie Willie Homosexual's walk displace Anthony Hitchens or Damien Wilson within the starting lineup. In accordance with Spags' post-draft comments, Homosexual will uncover every probability to scheme an early affect.
Spagnuolo did a great job with this neighborhood overall. The safety tandem of Tyrann Mathieu and Juan Thornhill will must retain it down for a bend-nevertheless-don't-ruin defense with out mighty masks corners. Bashaud Breeland, a amassed key to the Clear Bowl get, could presumably moreover be suspended to originate the twelve months after an offseason arrest.
The Chiefs are constructed to play complementary soccer, with their defense factual correct ample. There could be tiny motive to mediate this neighborhood will upward push above the center of the pack, nevertheless they potentially don't must.
Drafting Henry Ruggs III, Alabama's third receiver, because the major receiver within the 2020 NFL Draft class was once courageous. Silent, I make not opt the criticism that he is a downhearted fit with Derek Carr. Ruggs did not employ many vertical passes at Alabama. He caught fast and intermediate passes in lunge -- Carr's energy -- and grew to become them into colossal performs.
Third-round picks Bryan Edwards, a wideout, and Lynn Bowden, who is changing to working back, are moreover both stable bustle-after-employ guys. Traditional manager Mike Mayock brought in gamers who can add explosiveness to a brief-strike offense.
The Raiders traded for Zay Jones within the center of final season and gave him starter snaps without delay. Now Jones could presumably moreover merely not even scheme the team, a signal of a mighty deeper region neighborhood. Edwards goes to scheme the team, along with the starters above. That leaves one or two spots for Nelson Agholor, Jones, Keelan Doss and Marcell Ateman.
The draft was once sneaky vulgar for Josh Jacobs' tale possibilities. There are extra mouths to feed and the drafting of Bowden most productive furthers the premise Jacobs will probably be restricted on passing downs. Plus, Mayock did not give Jalen Richard a $7 million contract to take a seat down on the bench.
Yet one more unfavorable for Jacobs: The offensive line is a top neighborhood keeping the passer and not more efficient within the working game. That goes in opposition to offensive line coach Tom Cable's track fable. If Trent Brown can preserve wholesome, this neighborhood could presumably moreover moreover be detestable on balance.
The Raiders' secondary remains basically the most vulnerable build of residing, nevertheless you need to presumably be ready to't fault Mayock for lack of effort. Drafting Damon Arnette within the major round was once a bigger gamble than taking Clelin Ferrell fourth overall in 2019. Signing Prince Amukamara this week made relatively heaps of sense as a backup view if Arnette struggles.
Johnathan Abram showed lots within the brief time he was once wholesome final season. This will probably be a stable security neighborhood making an attempt to masks up some questions at cornerback, not unlike the Chiefs.
A colossal Year 2 soar from Ferrell would employ Mayock's first draft class from correct to mighty. Endured construction from Ferrell, Maxx Crosby, Maurice Hurst and P.J. Hall matters larger than the weak additions like Maliek Collins and Carl Nassib.
At a time when most of the league is de-emphasizing off-ball linebackers, Mayock paid Cory Littleton and Cleave Kwiatkoski colossal money. I love the gamble. Littleton is one among basically the most productive coverage linebackers in soccer and Kwiatkoski upgrades a be troubled build of residing. Making improvements to to moderate at linebacker could be massive, and this neighborhood could presumably moreover be greater than that.
I cherished the Raiders extra after doing this bid. Their roster could presumably moreover merely not possess a title-contending ceiling, nevertheless it makes relatively heaps of sense. 
The Raiders are obviously within the NFL's heart, which is a protracted methodology from when Jon Gruden took over. For once, playoff hopes don't seem to be factual for basically the most strident, overly optimistic badass followers in soccer. These hopes are realistic with this roster.
There could be a perception that the Chargers are a loaded offense, one that Tyrod Taylor factual has to e-book clear of crashing. I'm not so certain. The left side of the offensive line ranks amongst the worst, on paper, within the league. Center Mike Pouncey is coming off neck surgery. Keenan Allen and Mike Williams are a mighty starting duo, nevertheless the No. 3 receiver build of residing and wideout depth is as shaky as any in soccer. The Chargers are an pains or two a long way off from being skill-downhearted, and the Chargers most incessantly uncover larger than an pains or two.
The perception concerning the Chargers' loaded defense, nonetheless, is apt on. Outside of defensive kind out, coordinator Gus Bradley has fabulous alternatives and suppleness all the scheme by the roster.
As an illustration, the team's linebacker neighborhood contains an assortment of gamers (Kenneth Murray, Drue Tranquill, Denzel Perryman, Kyzir White and Cleave Vigil) who can all tackle assorted assignments reckoning on the down. Tranquill is an underrated possibility on passing downs. White and Murray can both play a pair of positions.
The team's defense flows from marrying the pass bustle supplied by Joey Bosa, Melvin Ingram and Uchenna Nwosu with a ballhawking secondary. Ingram, coming into his ninth season, wasn't his frequent dominant self as a pass rusher final twelve months, nevertheless Bosa is ripe for a Defensive Player of the Year season.
When Derwin James was once out final twelve months, security Rashawn Jenkins emerged as a constructing block. It appears to be like to be unlikely that final twelve months's second-round take, Nasir Adderley, will beat him out anytime soon. With James and Jenkins patrolling the sphere and a cornerback neighborhood bolstered by Chris Harris, this team ought to uncover turnovers.
Coach Anthony Lynn most incessantly appears to be like to be like he factual desires to quit turnovers on offense. Tyrod Taylor has consistently been elite at that, even though which methodology relatively heaps of punts and throws looking the sticks. Taylor could presumably moreover originate longer than anticipated, especially if rookie Justin Herbert can't follow mighty in an abbreviated offseason.
The departure of Melvin Gordon could presumably moreover lead to extra snaps for Austin Ekeler, nevertheless I make not mediate he'll top his 224 touches from final twelve months by that mighty. Justin Jackson and rookie Josh Kelley are very in a position to complementing Ekeler.
The trade for guard Trai Turner shores up the Chargers' interior line and is one more signal this team desires to bustle extra. Both he and free agent apt kind out pickup Bryan Bulaga graded out greater as bustle blockers than pass protectors, in step with PFF.
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Stare the entire Motion
Replay every game all season.
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EPISODE 07.03.4040
Is BB right about the money? 
She has a doubt, especially after bathing in a crowd environment, she goes through all her recent actions and declarations and gets worried of the receptions, she hears all sorts of accusatory comments about what she fashions to survive and it is really hard to discern who is really hinting... The people or the Masters through the people?… Will that generate more exclusion, misunderstandings and laughing? She tends to forget about it until she is in a space, as she is so used to be alone with all her theories and discoveries, locked in a restrained internet world that gives her half of the necessary infos and some made out facts, pages and discouraging hacking alarms and software bugs. She concentrates for a second; “It’s something SO big that it traumatises all my friends, chosen and blood families, entourage, activists and allies to keep silent, and the police refusals, lawyers and medias ignorance! That much of a level of isolation and efforts in intimidation to keep everyone silent and divided, strait up violence which eventually leads to groups of 10 police and firemen coming to take me by force to hospital to inject hardcore meds in my ass while all details disappear and everyone gets back on their everyday days... Come on! It HAS to be fucking BIG? No? HAS to involve big money!” And she is 99% sure amounts must go high high HIGH and even surer that using her body and brain as objects to bash, fuck and manipulate should grant her with that 66% easy…? Presumptuous? 
After months of being ostracised from friends and fun, buried under incessant brain eating and keeping as healthy as possible BB goes out clubbing parred with a wise amount of drugs. She needs to have a dance so badly, see familiar faces, and feel surrounded by good energies!… Barely touches the substances after her initial start and go line, very surprising and unlike her, but she is content and fulfilled with this change, and only takes half of a pill too late or too early, stupidly just before she decides to actually leave the venue without saying anything, having had enough of nightlife psychosis theatre... Ho one important piece of information for our readers is that, the Bastards want her to believe that people around her can only read her thoughts when she is high on drugs. We will explain in further diving in the story that it is a trick marketed to make her believe the perpetrators are the infamous members of her family, and it is a system with a processus that will only end when she sobers up from all drugs and clubs or music making for years. 
She walks home delighted to have seen her friends and received love hugs and actually danced hard for so much longer than for so long! She remains puzzled on the reason why these public thought reading sessions are still hapening… She THINKS they are really not playing in the “Doctors” favour. The grand realisation of the ampler and spectrum of the operation for BB happened thanks to one of these instances and she is really grateful for it.
This brings us to raising 2 more questions: First: does this mean she is right in thinking that the Masters can decide when and for how long people have access to her thoughts? And second: do they have access to it all, are they aware of what they make her think and what is genuine and how direct is it? BB: “because it feels really fucking live!” In your ears? On your phones? In an inoffensive V2K for the rest of population? Just a couple of the worst words there and there, beamed out to nearing curious heads…? 
BB: “I feel that I see them come close to me and try and catch my eyes, when that is done they stand still, bend down their upper body slightly in my direction, like waiting to hear something imminently… Or could that be another trap to make me think they hear me live strait in ears and make me tell that to a professional Psychiatrist LIAR?... And so you’re waiting to hear... get informed... about…??? My panicked urged thinking on the way you look? The way you move...? Really…? Is that interesting what I think about the way you look? Do what you get satisfies you? Or can we agree that it is generic, always the same, absolutely non specific, vulgar, and most importantly useless as fuck? Is it somehow interesting and, I can’t grasp why? So hearing the primary thought of a female bodied individual under pressure and harassed in a social environment who was traumatised while growing up, by Patriarchal society’s pressure to work on the way she looks as a priority and to make it fit the selling standards as well as prove it by finding a men against all women is fascinating? Or is it better to get the embarrassed judgements about your races, genders and genitals she wishes never crossed her neurones?”
Unmistakably choosing a social environment at night, which was initially and is even more now an anxious and difficult process for her to go through is the perfect setting to share her brains out, the absolute jackpot if you want her to sound hysterical and obsessed! She systematically scans rooms and analyses level of security within them, trying not to look shaky and scared. She is used to taking shit from her trusted ones under instructions, and so having to assess a full night of energies to open or close to is without a doubt setting her off to make another bunch of enemies. Or so they think! The Evil dumbers trying to play her body want to add to hysterical and obsessed, offensive and ridiculous. Offensive is really important because it raises up many hurt feelings for harassing comments and actions to want to fuse, and ridiculous obviously linked to making people laugh, it is hard not to laugh at something funny, she feels like laughing too when listening to the thoughts farting out of her head… Some she owns up to, some are put through.    
She is a vessel for anything and everything they want to make the female body say! Or shall we even go as far as to say; what they want a feminist to think? An exemplar soft white piece of bread for the sausage of their choice and pile of sauces. Are they really still Witch Hunting? Trying their best and most, lets have a little count… mmmmhhhh fuck loads against 1, to demonstrate that being a feminist is being a hypocrite? Do they need to prove womxn remain women and when you dig into their primary unrepressed thoughts, you can see how much they like to be raped? How much in competition there are with each other and how obsessed they are with their appearance and men? Acting this through BB Womans who never ever had any specifics in gender preferences appears to be worse! She knows she has taken on the role of the bad bad BAD feminist and finds it comical but it is probably not what is read by her surroundings. It could translate in; “Wow heard what she thinks!!! She’s got issues!!! That’s so mean” or... BB: “Insensitive or self-centred and everything else you might want to put in to justify your wish for me to feel ashamed, leave or just move away, bearing your sigh and spare you the consideration or memory of “that game you’re fed up with?”
When confronted with a lot of energies, everything becomes ultra binary; fucking or not fucking the men, “fine!” But then Comparing her size and looks with every female she encounters, obviously pointing out when she wins and noticing awful recurring words come out of her like some unfounded diarrhoea, and if they have a male partner it goes something like how better for them she is, like dog pissing, highlighting ingrained female competition as compulsory? When it comes to trans* people she is stuck by the thought of their genitals… being the worst one of all she can think of being stuck with while trying to be next to her friends.  
Again BB is really fed up to have to justify herself for ANY thoughts at all, but some of these need to be outed as their doings… All the ones that go something like; Fat, ugly, small, dicks, pretty, better, jealous… etc… Could not be further from the way she considers a person for the first time or the people she knows, she would never call them repeatedly fat or ugly or EVER want to categorise anyone with all encompassing description of their appearance, and if it happens that she did, well that would be a good subject to bring into light and discuss. 
The process is simple, they make her stop and wonder with a short and accusatory: “SSSSSSiiiiii” which in french translates to some stronger YES when opposed to a no. “Si” means you are a liar and what you really think is not what you think basically. So they go:”Hoooo, Siiiiiii BB you think that she is….” and wait for a word to be shat. Or: ”No, you don’t think that he…” Back and forth and back and force until they force out some blunt annoyed spelling of raw thinking to be fired out, and here we are, you do not just undo a thought? Do you? It’s out there, it is shared, it has shamed, it has hurt! 
But it crucially needs to be massively underlined as irrelevant! She is not perfect that’s fucking right, and she is not a sleepless moraliser anymore either, although she did take that one, good to work on even, and forced to understand she did not know how to get all her points across efficiently…  She then also got to learn quite a lot through this hyper introspection: the first thing that comes to your mind, and if it does not come, they extract it anyway, is rarely considered or enunciated by your brain. In the same way that you would not just punch the guy next to you in the metro on your way to work because it’s a hard morning and you can not stand anyone, you would also not just describe, judge or attribute some simplistic insulting words describing someone’s appearance in your head.. and even less out loud. No! You refrain your primary urges. Same goes with thoughts. If you’re fast and hold a lot of self awareness you should be able to catch them, but they often just hover deep in your disorders and insecurities. When you got them you can analyse them and decide to give them whatever importance you want to give them and restrain or indulge consequently with the attitudes and reactions related. 
BB thought she had been clear about ways to understand or try to understand how it could feel to be her, but that was with forgetting these special nightlife stretches… If you can imagine yourself in a club night slightly aside fearing to near bodies but still trying to look like you can handle it, having to juggle your thoughts made a public matter, avoid considering the ones they send to your brain and their constant calling you out on the worst of what you think or repeat under pressure, pay or not pay attention to what is said and acted around you, wonder if it is kind or not, scripted and imposed or scripted and acted enjoyably or pure reactions to your turbulent inner voices, steer clear from looking at people not to spew out anything offensive, nor focus on yourself not to seem self obsessed, wonder if you should be here or not, if your friends are ok with what the hear, having a nice time or if you are fucking up their party and your friendships just because you’re here, want to dance and you miss them, add to all of it some high level of anger against the people hired to remotely drill your brain hiding like weak knees, when you should just be free in a space made for body release and expression… and you can probably imagine a mine full of intense emotions to make you give it up very quickly. Last time she held it up for about 5 hours, was never scared or wanting to hide and danced as hard as she could and is really proud! 
BB only has had positive discoveries from these moments, lengthened endurance to keep ok in her favourite environments and countless signs of kindness and support. Which brings us back to wondering why are these brain eats organised and who does it really profit? Does it only happen when she is on drugs? No sorry, checked and checked! It had ceased to happen in the streets in the last couple of weeks. She understood there is a certain distance to respect to receive… the closer the clearest?  
As whispered above; is could be Patriarchy and their demonstration of the limits or incapabilities of womxn, some mindless misogynist droned out revenge, or is there a parent wanting to fully extract their “past the point mentioning” grown up child from rave environments and their consumptions, and if so who is performing the “parent”? Was the family, the evil, backward, jealous mother scenario set out from the get go of a thought reading experiment to create groundbreaking machinery or is it more recent, so to transform some joke that got a bit too far in a love fueled rescue? BB: “Huh... Is this just a fucked up fucking game?… Who is playing? And how do I become the only remotely playable body?” And last thought of option seeming most accurate for BB at this stage; “It just smells like a social media thought reading study and experiment... No? Does this just need to keep on without my consent and full knowledge on mechanisms for my whole life?” It certainly looks like this is what they are hinting at. Unfortunately for them though, this outrageously fucked up, unconstitutional and violent story has taken a turn of NO RETURN; they have let it go too far and too long, they have seen it too big which instead of inviting her to swallow it as impossible, got her to understanding it as impossible not to be REAL. She now knows TOO MUCH she can NOT forget. She already remembers everything from her 2 previous painful reality discoveries after hospitals, medications and all her datas, writings, videos and pictures destroyed. This 3rd time around the amount of support and signs of her sanity she is lucky to have had are printed deep in her memory, she is so grateful to have lended in a coussin of radiant power and love and everything she knows to be truth is most definitely not erasable. And even if their torture and pressure was nearing anything she would cede under and resign to take some anti psychotics giving way to their increased and sustained control of her body and brain, she would stop as soon as possible because this substance is hurting her physically and mentally and would run back to raves, altered states and people she likes to surround herself with, read what she wrote again, remember it all and resume to fight its disgusting doings and presence at all on this planet! 
But she has to admit that she has exhausted ideas on what to write, expose or communicate through her fiction, appart from going down the past slide show of her administered life and sharing all the crusty details of her slow realisation of the deception. They are sensitive and difficult times to recall and describe without emotion and more introspection, and could also loose her in interpreting many aspects and times as inaccurately linked to being a targeted individual. She is still not sure how efficient that would be, thinking that it could also hurt, guilt trip or offend some loved ones involved in hurting her or contributing to her isolation, or tickle the risk to drown herself in greater despair... BB: ”The past is the past... yerrr but... and in 2 days it’s International Womxn’s day! Wowwww!” But then again force is to constate that writing to expose perpetrators’ pestiferous work protocols is proven to be the most efficient tactic she found effective towards increasing tranquility, in small steps but could it eventually lead to owning herself, her mind and her body back? her popularity or NOT, who fucking cares! The worst of her outer and inner self is a public matter... but indispensably her INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS! 
Here is how she is going to power through this misogynistic shit storm. Just keep up what she is doing! Writing it all out and OUT, impose the amount of self care she wants to impose on herself, re-educate to rave environments for as long as it takes to feel at ease, not give anyone a word on her levels of consumption, since it is unquestionably highlighted that she has absolutely no problems, addictions or mental disorders resulting from her monstrous drug taking most of her life... Quite the contrary, it has always unveiled the truth! She will be thinking and dancing in ways that she sees fit or are envisageable under the machine hold in parties, try to not let them destroy chances to get hired somewhere, build her strength up day by day, walk, ride, shit, cry, masturbate and tell her points of views around Blue to whom ever wants to hear them. And If there is any problem with that, “Just let me know!”
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ps4community-blog · 8 years
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