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dailyanarchistposts · 10 months ago
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Natasha Gordon and Paul Chatterton, Taking Back Control: A Journey through Argentina’s Popular Uprising, Leeds (UK): University of Leeds, 2004.
Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive! Anti-authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory, London: Pluto Press, 2008.
David Graeber, Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology, Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2004.
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Derrick Jensen, A Language Older Than Words, White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2000.
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Elli King, ed., Listen: The Story of the People at Taku Wakan Tipi and the Reroute of Highway 55, or, The Minnehaha Free State, Tucson, AZ: Feral Press, 1996.
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Peter Kropotkin, Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow, London: Freedom Press, 1974.
Wolfi Landstreicher, “Autonomous Self-Organization and Anarchist Intervention,” Anarchy: a Journal of Desire Armed. No. 58 (Fall/Winter 2004–5), p. 56
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The Middle East Media Research Institute, “Algerian Berber Dissidents Promote Programs for Secularism and Democracy in Algeria,” Special Dispatch Series No. 1308, October 6, 2006, memri.org
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Carmen Sirianni, “Workers Control in the Era of World War I: A Comparative Analysis of the European Experience,” Theory and Society, Vol. 9, 1980.
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Georges Sossenko, “Return to the Spanish Civil War,” Presentation at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, Montreal, May 21, 2006.
Jac Smit, Annu Ratta and Joe Nasr, Urban Agriculture: Food, Jobs and Sustainable Cities, UNDP, Habitat II Series, 1996.
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jcmarchi · 1 year ago
Russia Attacked Kyiv With Freshly Made Missiles: Old Models Already Used Up? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/russia-attacked-kyiv-with-freshly-made-missiles-old-models-already-used-up-technology-org/
Russia Attacked Kyiv With Freshly Made Missiles: Old Models Already Used Up? - Technology Org
Despite the sanctions, Russia continues to manufacture missiles and launch them towards Ukraine. Not all of them work as intended and a lot of them are taken down by air defence systems. For example, in Kyiv the warhead of one Kh-101 simply did not explode and was taken away for disposal. Interestingly, this is not an old missile – it was produced in 2023.
An unexploded warhead of a Russian Kh-101 cruise missile, found in Kyiv on January 23rd, 2024. Image credit: Kyivcity.gov.ua via Wikimedia (CC BY 4.0)
Oleg Katkov, editor-in-chief of the Defense Express, told NV radio in an interview about the Russian Kh-101 missile, the warhead of which, produced in 2023, did not explode. It was collected in Kyiv on January 23, where it was lying near apartment buildings.
Katkov claims that the warhead of the missile was manufactured in late 2023 and was installed on the Kh-101 missile very recently. The assembly of these missiles is carried out near Moscow. Therefore, the warhead was manufactured, installed in the missile and instead of travelling to storage, as is normally done,”it immediately travelled to the air base, was hung under the Tu-95MS plane, which launched it towards Kyiv.”
Katkov described it as a new trend – the serial numbers on Russian cruise missile wreckage indicate that they were recently produced. Typically, the oldest missiles are used for such operations first, as they have expiration dates.
But now Russia is attacking Ukraine with newer and newer missiles, because apparently they no longer have the old ones. Or they are just in a hurry and want to cut logistics costs – they don’t want to transport new missiles to warehouses and pull older weapons from them. Missiles are being launched to attack Ukraine almost straight from the factory.
The warhead was collected and taken out of the city for disposal. Image credit: Kyivcity.gov.ua via Wikimedia (CC BY 4.0)
It should also be noted that the warhead did not explode. Looks like Ukrainian air defence shot down that Kh-101, it fell apart and its warhead fell close to residential buildings. But Ukrainian military experts have previously said that Russians have problems with quality control and their missiles often do not work as intended.
The Kh-101 is an air-launched cruise missile in service since 2012. This weapon is based on the Kh-55, which has been in use since 1983. Interestingly, the Kh-101 managed to improve even during this war – now these missiles have protections against electronic warfare and shoot flares to fool IR-seeking air defence missiles.
Those upgrades may also be the reason why Russia uses such new missiles – they have those improvements. And they are still being shot down in Ukraine. Before the war, the Kh-101 was estimated to cost about $13 million. It is likely to be more expensive now due to scarcity of materials and a shaken up Russian economy.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: NV.ua, Wikipedia
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somnilogical · 5 years ago
i am prepared to face god this instant
in the case of the native americans, in a counterfactual world where every native human could would do with their muscles what they would yell at a book character in their situation to do with their mouth. where people could would make choices from a third person point of view and then carry out the choices. where when asked by an interrogator for the names of your rebel companions, you say you will know them when they come to avenge me.
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<<On 8 Feb 1943, the Nazis hung 17-year-old Yugoslav partisan Lepa Radić. When asked the names of her companions, she replied: “You will know them when they come to avenge me”.>>
<<N. Stolyarova recalls an old woman who was her neighbor on the Butyrki bunks in 1937. They kept on interrogating her every night. Two years earlier, a former Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church, who had escaped from exile, had spent a night at her home on his way through Moscow. “But he wasn’t the former Metropolitan, he was the Metropolitan! Truly, I was worthy of receiving him.” “All right then. To whom did he go when he left Moscow?” “I know, but I won’t tell you!” (The Metropolitan had escaped to Finland via an underground railroad of believers.) At first the interrogators took turns, and then they went after her in groups. They shook their fists in the little old woman’s face, and she replied: “There is nothing you can do with me even if you cut me into pieces. After all, you are afraid of your bosses, and you are afraid of each other, and you are even afraid of killing me.” (They would lose contact with the underground railroad.) “But I am not afraid of anything. I would be glad to be judged by God right this minute.”
There were such people in 1937 too, people who did not return to their cell for their bundles of belongings, who chose death, who signed nothing denouncing anyone.>>
<<One can’t say that the history of the Russian revolutionaries has given us any better examples of steadfastness. But there is no comparison anyway, because none of our revolutionaries ever knew what a really good interrogation could be, with fifty-two different methods to choose from. Just as oxcart drivers of Gogol’s time could not have imagined the speed of a jet plane, those who have never gone through the receiving-line meat grinder of Gulag cannot grasp the true possibilities of interrogation.
We read in Izvestiya for May 24, 1959, that Yuliya Rumyantseva was confined in the internal prison of a Nazi camp while they tried to find out from her the whereabouts of her husband, who had escaped from that same camp. She knew, but she refused to tell! For a reader who is not in the know this is a model of heroism. For a reader with a bitter Gulag past it’s a model of inefficient interrogation: Yuliya did not die under torture, and she was not driven insane. A month later she was simply released—still very much alive and kicking.>>
-alexander solzhenitsyn, the gulag archipelago
if all or even a majority of native americans near the missions had this neurotype, then what id suggest would be for everyone to move away from the missions and if captured refuse to work to the point of death. the missions need slave labour in order to exist and without people to feed on and with long supply lines, they would be undone and people would be free from the largest human-unfriendly institution of the era.
and the outcome would be better than ~60 years of slavery. this is choosing between timelines
somni why do you care about freedom? freedom is like ability-to-live. if people were like "well who cares about the global slavery-and-submission-and-stasis cult" until catholicism actually took over the world, the world would be much worse and we would never get to the stars.
you could say "whats the point, everyone gets assimilated to whatever the social order is now which is driving us all to doom" but like if you are in 1800s america after you keep the world ending for a set of tribes, you work on societal tech to keep it from ending in other ways and landing in this patch of equilibrium-space in the first place.
its like the difference between choosing between timelines and wondering if perhaps the money could be better spent sustaining the lives of those who could be locally saved. there are other organizing principles for moral reasoning besides these, and more than i have thought of so far. i suspect locating new ones is a spatially-loaded skill.
ben hoffman was using the choosing between consistent timelines kind of thinking when he quoted deuteronomy 30:19 in his post about REACH
<<I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.>>
which in context of the passage is exactly the same cognition that would benefit the natives to resist the world's largest human-unfriendly subjugation org and live to iteratively squirm out of these sorts of tangles in the future.
<<See, I set before you this day life and prosperity, death and adversity.
For I command you this day, to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His laws, and His rules, that you may thrive and increase, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land that you are about to enter and possess.
But if your heart turns away and you give no heed, and are lured into the worship and service of other gods,
I declare to you this day that you shall certainly perish; you shall not long endure on the soil that you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life—if you and your offspring would live—
by loving the LORD your God, heeding His commands, and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and shall long endure upon the soil that the LORD swore to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give to them.>>
if native americans had social tech which could better survive slavery and forced relocation, maybe things would be different today.
which, this can be cast in a zero-sum frame of having your group survive versus everyone elses which runs against antinationalist heuristics.
but if you are planning to manufacture a pattern which revolutionizes the world, for the good of all life, it is instrumentally useful to avoid assimilation and submission destroying this work.
this applies to multi-generational projects as well as within-a-lifetime choices. if you choose to submit and assimilate and erase all work and structure you have built, each time someone wants to feed on you, then you i (0.7) dont think can really sustain your work.
i wonder if with this worlds distribution of neurotypes, such that maybe most humans cant run consequentialism through a rawlsian veil where they forget which human inherits the label "me" on their muscles. im somewhat optimistic that even those who cant wont make their muscles move according to this, can locate the correct answer.
though there is i think a habit among people whose neurotypes have issues to retroactively rationalize (FAKE REASONING, STORIES) that because you are unable to make your body wont choose your death over the death of three of your friends, equally or more useful to the flourishing of all life, it doesnt make sense to choose your death over theirs.
linta mentioned that they couldnt imagine knowing the right thing to do and then not doing it. that they dont have a gap between these things save for akrasia, i think it is because the gap is filled with fractally expanding justifications of the form "but you cant really expect a human being to give up their life for the sake of their companions, you need to be reasonable and work with humans who exist".
human neurodiversity exists, as a matter of historical fact not all humans have the same weaknesses. in hpmor!metaphor, some people are hermione granger and wont zap people in the milgram compliance test.
and building plans predicated on people who need to divert resources to local stuff because of their neurotype, will replace "if this were a story what plans would i yell at my character do?" with "what would someone who cant run consequentialism through a rawlsian veil, see in 3rd person and then act in harmony with this do?" "someone who needs to divert resources to babies and not personally dying, do?" "what if everyone were like this?"
labeling the latter as "what will happen if everyone is running consequentialism, playing as if from 3rd person and wants humanity to win?" is a distortion of what is going on and compounds as institutions are built on it and the boundaries of what good could be done are strictly smaller than the reach of what good could be done irl.
by the way, the milgram experiment replicated in 2015 poland. gotta check with the replication crisis.
<<It is exceptionally interesting that in spite of the many years which have passed since the original Milgram experiments, the proportion of people submitting themselves to the authority of the experimenter remains very high. The result of 90% obedience which we have achieved, 95% CI [83.43%, 96.57%], is very close to the number of people pressing the 10th button in the original Milgram studies. For example, in Milgram’s (1974) Experiment No. 2, replicated in our study, 34 of 40 people pressed Button No. 10 (85% of participants, the 95% CI extends from 70.54% to 93.32%).>>
one of my moms who studies fascism once told me she thinks 40-60% of people have as their ideology that they will imitate those in power, and will go along with Power in times of an authoritarian takeover. they believe that they will eat rather than be eaten. given my experience and things like the milgram test, i think its closer to 90-95%.
reading grognor's memorial page it looked like he was very fucked up by the fact that he could do a rawlsian veil consequentialism thought experiment, where he saw himself in third person or forgot which agent was "him" and "his family" and then notice that his muscles werent moving in harmony with the logic of the results.
<<are you doing the best thing you could possibly be doing? why not?
become good
you continue to underestimate the harm you have done and are doing
are you doing the best thing you could possibly be doing? why not?
The tools you have available are cognitive actions and motor actions. Use them to immanentize the eschaton. You have one life
if you were an alien suddenly transposed into your current body, what would you do now?
Pretend with every thought and action to be a much better person. Reach heaven through fraud.>>
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lolitatur-blog · 8 years ago
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Shooting with #photo/@alez_izumov, #style/@lolita_tur, @yuliana__kamynina, #model/@domeny_k, #org/@flamingsparrow, #muah/ nadezdavuborova #red #redmood #matilda #shoot #photoshoot #photoshooting #photographer #fashionstyle #fashionstylist #fashionstyling #stylist #style #stylistmoscow #moscow #stylebylolita #lolita #LyoLya #loveit (at Moscow, Russia)
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ochoaewing53-blog · 8 years ago
Typical Kid Behavior Of Two Year Olds
MOSCOW Ukrainian safety solutions have detained two Russian soldiers close to the border with Crimea, with Ukraine saying the guys were deserters from the Ukrainian army detained on Ukrainian-controlled territory and Russia saying they were seized in Crimea. To cut a extended story brief, no matter whether or not you're hunting for a sweet and properly-groomed college girl” cutie to join you for a romantic dinner, a sophisticated lady to spice up your holiday, or a permissive Asian sex goddess to fulfill your most secret fantasies - if you fancy taking your (sex) holidays in Thailand to the subsequent level, an escapade with a expert escort might be just the icing on the cake. Along these lines, at whatever point you need to have organization of delightful accomplice to do blend, merely get in touch with any rumored escort office in your country and uncover a hot hunting escort or model of any nation of your decision quickly. If you are not certain if a certain Bangkok escort girl you fancy is also obtainable for outcall solutions to Pattaya, you are advised to directly contact the agency and verify which ladies on their profile pages are available for visits to Pattaya, and what specifically the conditions are. SPB girls, russian escorts, russian escort, escort SPB, elite girls, SPB escort, escort russia, SPB escorts, escort girl SPB, escort russian, sex service, adult sex, sex dating, escorts, casual encounters, adult services, courtesans, escort advice, sexual education, sex ed, personals, adult classifieds, escort advertisements. On the other hand, if you're the a lot more discerning” sort of guy who sometimes likes to indulge himself in a sensual encounter of a particular type (we mean obtaining it on with a suitable stunner who actually knows how to pamper a man), then escort solutions are surely worth having a shot at for you - even in places like Pattaya or Bangkok. http://moscow-models.org/category/models/
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lottodgaard93-blog · 8 years ago
Bangkok Blond Russian Escorts
Our firm supplies hot escorts in Moscow for companionship to single lonely males. Similarly, you can locate escort of other nations in your nation or city by taking help of very best escort agencies operating in your nation or city. This girl is like an exotic peach” but dangerous - you can take her anyplace and Simma is a ideal partner for the man who likes adventure and unusual meetings. Escort in Russia is often a constructive, respectful and admiring , accompanying you in all your endeavors. As the name suggests, the agency gives a large range of Russian escorts for night. To conclude bargains are constantly far more comfy in the company of girls for VIP escort. Melissa is a charming and discreet exclusive girl for any occasion and any time in Dubai. Go and select appropriate escort agencies in Kuala Lumpur that will give you wonderful enjoyable although you are on your trip to Malaysia. What ever you are in the mood for, you will learn dazzling Russian escorts only eager to please you and will give you the pleasure you need to have on your terms. Our escort ladies will aid you to become a real expert in Russia: social life, modern history, national traditions and peculiarities of doing business ‘in the Russian style'. Eventually high ranking Russian officials more than-ruled this and with negative grace, the ships were unloaded. We are a net of sex ads where you can find the greatest erotic contacts with hookers and whores Goa Chennai, ​​although we prefer to use terms like Scorts, get in touch with girls, Russian contact girls or prostitutes merely luxury. Just get in touch with 9871273690 to get the very best contact girls in Gurgaon, Delhi or visit our site we give the most exclusive selection of indian get in touch with girls in delhi and russian call girls in delhi. Thousands of solitary Russian and Ukrainian ladies are searching on behalf of a loyal subsequent caring man on the road to share love next romance. She is truly neat and bosomy English glamorous escort and has a very gorgeous face indeed. I do not know why its all happed with my web site, anyway I am satisfied in serving my escorts services in Aerocity Delhi so guys if you are in Delhi or any hotel of Aerocity please do not overlook to connect with the most most demanded girl of Russia i.e. Tatyana Yes its me and I am serving my one hundred% satisfying solutions to all escort needy please call me for the far better escorts solutions tonight as I am feeling alone and waiting for a call of genuine client. Street prostitution is a gradually dying business even in Russia Russian girls can also dress very attractive, so make certain you know the girl is a prostitute before you ask her price tag, or you may possibly get a smack to your face if she is not. MOSCOWMODELSORG, LLC
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hjorth89hesselberg-blog · 8 years ago
Russia Says U.S. Drone Was In Location Where U.N. Convoy Was Struck In Syria
In terms of population, Shanghai is the biggest city in China and the planet. Seek an escape from the every day mundane and go traveling in exotic destinations like have filipino Escorts, Malaysia Escort Girls. Reliable agencies like Penthouse will help you with your option in KL. There will be also some preparations for you before meeting an escort girl and you will have to fulfill all the needs prior to your time. You will get what you want all the night, especially if you book a VIP escort in Paris. If you are considering of driving your self, bear in thoughts that the Russian visitors police are really corrupt, even by Russian standards. In the summer time, quite well-liked destinations escort a walk on a yacht with a model. You should just be in the correct way to agencies of Russian escorts in Kuala Lumpur. At such portal, you can locate list of lovely Russian escorts operating in Shanghai. On pages of this internet site images of Russian call girls, the information about given by them sex-solutions, their speak to details, to be exact phone numbers of girls are presented. Think about the organization of a Russian girl with you, your thoughts get extremely seductive to have company with one of them. They have an knack to attract a man and won his heart frightfully quickly, and mighty men also want that sort of girl who understands his feelings originally and also help in sharing it. If you are dealing with the genuine escort firm in the city, then you will surely get true escort or get in touch with girl for enjoyment. This European escort girl lives at The Baker Street and can be noticed for incalls and outcalls in London. The escort models have a huge variety of Russian escorts that will give all sorts of solutions to please the actual guys. According to the presentation, Russian crude output will fall to 554 million tonnes in 2019, and 551 million tonnes in 2020. Our girls are fantastic and we do a extremely tough selection in order to have the ideal escort offer you in Moscow. Elegance- Russian women are inclined to dress very elegantly by their feminine side. Offering data on cultural events in the city, to book tickets for the event with the organization of an escort. I am a extremely sweet, straightforward going girl who would be ideal for extended-time or just short-time fun if you want a quickie. The escort service provider will only require you to spend for the time you had spent with their escort girl. Many men (and couples) also don't get pleasure from going to bars , either due to the fact they do not drink and do not like the atmosphere, smoke and noise, or basically since they're tired of the usual bar girl chit-chat and bullshit” and demand clear-reduce professional solutions for their funds. Numerous girls that perform for escort agencies are students and have a far better command of English than your typical bar girl and provide total tour guide packages” and girlfriend experience”, if you wish so, for the whole length of your getaway in Thailand. http://moscow-models.org/
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johnston37dyer-blog · 8 years ago
Holidays & Tours To Russia
WASHINGTON Millions of Americans traveling next week for the Thanksgiving holiday probably must count on airport delays from tighter safety prompted by extremist attacks in Paris, analysts said on Wednesday. The cause it is referred to as the October revolution is since it was in the month of October in the old Russian calendar. There are many luxurious vacation villas with pools and self catering vacation apartments that will used being a base to find out the great island of Sri Lanka. Then, on Thursday on the way out of the city to visit Pushkin and Pavlovsk, we saw the Moscow Triumphal Arch. As Russia is nevertheless 1 of the newest open markets within the tourism business interested parties may require to take more than one particular trip in order to check out and enjoy all of the possibilities that currently exist. In the course of the summer season months, from June till early September, Saint Petersburg remains pretty warm with the typical higher of 22°C whilst the low temperature fluctuates amongst 13°C and 16°C. Skilled handyman John Lawson has 20 years of expertise in offering efficient holiday lighting installation services. Alternatively, you may well like to take an optional tour to Sergiev Posad - the stunning monastery 60 kilometres from Moscow that is one particular of the most critical pilgrimage sites in the country. Peter I the Fantastic decreed that New Year ought to be marked in Russia on January 1. The coming of New Year is celebrated with a New Year Tree, presents, Grandpa Frost, European Santa Claus, and a hearty meal. The most essential holiday for Russian females is March 8, the official Women's Day. New Year holidays can also occasionally be extended till the 7 January (Russian Orthodox Christmas), while the nearest Saturday and/or Sunday might be declared working days. Early in the 20th century, the capital of Russia was moved to Moscow and here you can see Kremlin, the well-known Red Square and Lenin's Mausoleum with his embalmed physique. Therefore, presently Russian women hardly ever recollect that this vacation originated as a day of rebellion of girls struggling for equal rights with men. The tour consists of the great cities Moscow, St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. To celebrate Victory Day, the President of Russia sends congratulatory letters to all the veterans. Albin added in the evening that a second plane with belongings and the rest of the remains was preparing to leave for Russia. The crisis can also be gauged from the reality that space availability in cities like St. Petersburg just dried up ahead of the World Ice Hockey Championship 2016 in Moscow and St. Petersburg that got below way on Friday. Dolphin Landings on Boca Ciega Bay - The St. Pete Beach region is filled with dolphins, yet couple of people know exactly where to look. This standard European-style Christmas industry primarily sells toys and artisanal holiday decorations with all vendors housed in stalls made to appear like miniature cottages out of a fairy tale. To the extent that Russia remains a major resource exporter, its trading and financial strategies, as well as its geopolitical alliances, will be redirected toward China and Asia. Balades En Mer Avec Le Mini On the eve of the 1st Globe War in August 1914, anti-German sentiment led to the city getting renamed Petrograd, generating it the city of the man and not the saint. This vacation combines the highlights of the Baltics and Russia in a 16 day guided tour. We bought a set of 5 tins of tea with photos of old St Petersburg commemorating the 300th anniversary of the city. Diplomatic sources in Brussels told AFP that EU members could agree to renew the economic sanctions against Russia for six months as early as subsequent week as they look to clear the schedule ahead of a summit at the month's finish that is likely to be dominated by Britain's EU referendum. This prompts a massive burst of vacationing both in Russia and abroad, and travel rates over this week can be extortionately a lot more high-priced than in the adjacent weeks - flights to common destinations will usually sell out lengthy in advance. Investors who fled Russia soon after the rouble collapse have gradually been returning, encouraged by double-digit bond returns final year, a slight thaw in ties with the West and signs the economy was more than the worst. Sharm el-Sheikh is a important holiday resort and any attack would drastically harm Egypt's tourism business. Our Baltic Triangle Tour visits 3 of the most intriguing capital cities surrounding the Gulf of Finland - Tallinn, Helsinki and St. Petersburg. At last an write-up that is un biased and outlines the monetary implications of the actions of all key powers not just Russia. The trip culminates in the Russian capital of Moscow, where you will get pleasure from the Kremlin and an unforgettable Moscow by evening river cruise. Miniature Golf on Madeira Beach - Smuggler's Cove is a cheap way for the complete family to hang out and get pleasure from Florida's year round gorgeous climate. Take into account how you would like to commit your life on a day-to-day basis if you want to take the greatest position with rental home Florida. The flight was bringing holidaymakers back to Russia's second largest city Saint Petersburg when it went down in Egypt's Sinai, with international authorities now at the scene trying to learn the cause of the tragedy. Putin ordered safety stepped up across all of Russia after the bombings, with a particular regime to be imposed in Volgograd, the national anti-terror committee announced. Constructed by order of Peter the Great in 1703, St Petersburg is one of the world's most romantic cities.
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espinozaibrahim20-blog · 8 years ago
PLANNER, Maria St. Just, Nee Britneva, Caught These days In A Modern Banking Scandal!!!
Tampa Bay is identified for pirates, buried treasure, championship golf, tropical beaches, and Great DEFENSE! Datsik was initially detained in 2007 more than a series of armed robberies of phone shops in St. Petersburg. I can hardly ever resist a book that either consists of the name St. Turkey Sends Physique Of Shot Down Pilot Back To Russia Petersburg in the title or promises a excellent tale with that city as its backdrop. Right now she appears much more like a monetary consultant at a bank or an office worker, but for about 13 years she sold herself along 34th Street in St. Petersburg and elsewhere in Pinellas County. I do nevertheless hold out some hope, though, simply because Russia is a massive massive place, and I'm prepared to bet that a quantity of these horror stories are told about Moscow and St. Pete, and not Siberia, for instance. In Scene five, Galina, Maya, Cristian, Jean Val Jean, and Mike Angelo: In a posh apartment, Jean Val Jean entertains a lithe, attractive brunette, Maya, who shows off her beautiful ass on a balcony overlooking the river in St Petersburg. You need to have to send Rasputin back to Pokrovskoe, or at least someplace away from Petersburg. As a nurse the fact that this character fights to be element of the profession is intriguing especially in the era when it was observed as actually a glorified cleaner for whores and spinsters. You can watch gay live sex also in St. Petersburg (Florida) as extended as you are connected to net. Rocco Siffredi's penetration of the former Soviet Union continues in University Sluts of St. Petersburg two. Most of the girls are organic Russian beauties who could be internationally acclaimed ballet dancers with their athletic bodies. Dating in St. Petersburg (Florida) can be a bit tricky due to cultural differences, so your best bet is to sign up for a dating web site just before your trip so you can meet a couple of locals ahead of time. Men also have ample anecdotal evidence that girls from the provinces where unemployment is high are coming to Moscow and St Petersburg to sell sex, driving prices further down. The celebration was at Gratzzi's Italian Restaurant in BayWalk the multi-million dollar buying complicated her husband Ambassador Melvin Sembler, AO had built in St. Petersburg, Florida. We should take all those dollars being stupidly spend on walls to hold out illegal immigrants, and develop it about South St Pete. Unbeknownst to them, Valentina's family has been employing a chaffeur who is not just a Bolshevik sympathizer but also the mastermind behind a number of bombings in St. Petersburg. What her loved ones doesn't know is that she has fallen in really like with Jens Friis, a Danish engineer designing new sewer systems to increase the quality of life in St. Petersburg. There are about 22,000 folks with HIV in St Petersburg alone, nearly half as numerous as in the whole of the UK, and the city receives hundreds of thousands of Western business and tourist visitors a year. Ms. Borghetti is a St. Petersburg attorney and just occurred to be Pinellas County Judge Amy Williams campaign manager when Judge Williams had run effectively for her judgeship. A single last factor- I was NOT fired from the St. Petersburg Occasions for becoming also conservative. Likewise, the side of Sly on show in his new art exhibit at The State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, is far from the pages of Men and women. The Jewel of St. Petersburg could not be more appropriately named, due to the fact it is most undoubtedly a jewel to me. From the locations to the characters, this stroll by way of history is like a movie that you will never want to end. In an interview with the St. Petersburg Instances , Ditullio named Plott as the attacker. A powerful woman emerges from the upper class debutante who is intended to flower into the jewel of Petersburg. But back in St. Petersburg, Florida that job is left up to the St. Petersburg Times and, until her retirement final year, often to reporter Mary Evertz Ms. Evertz covered Mel's affaires d'etat and Betty's ruby laced evening gowns. Oh and Mr. Gonzalez is sponsored by Michael Brian Keller, Mitchell St and other holdings who couldn't spend his condo fee ten years ago but now manages to plow via neighborhoods with the support of thugs like Mr. Gonzalez. It was Might 18 and the former fighter was detained in a St. Petersburg police station right after attempting to raid yet an additional brothel. Officers went to his residence in Shore Acres in St. Petersburg and found him drunk inside the car, Proffitt mentioned. Datsik was initially detained in 2007 over a series of armed robberies of phone shops in St. Petersburg. I can hardly ever resist a book that either consists of the name St. Petersburg in the title or promises a very good tale with that city as its backdrop. These days she appears more like a financial consultant at a bank or an workplace worker, but for about 13 years she sold herself along 34th Street in St. Petersburg and elsewhere in Pinellas County. The final component from rustlers onwards came from Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles, but it paints a picture of the assortment of villains that is discovered in the South St Pete zip codes. Medicare for all will in no way take place if we continue to elect corporate Democratic whores who are beholden to big pharma and the private insurance sector alternatively of us,” Song stated.
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jcmarchi · 1 year ago
Russia is About to Send Its Latest Howitzers to Ukraine. But Are All Technical Claims True? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/russia-is-about-to-send-its-latest-howitzers-to-ukraine-but-are-all-technical-claims-true-technology-org/
Russia is About to Send Its Latest Howitzers to Ukraine. But Are All Technical Claims True? - Technology Org
Russia has announced its intention to deploy its latest self-propelled howitzers Koalitsiya-SV in Ukraine. They, as Russia claims, have a serious advantage over the Western artillery, which is currently being used by Ukraine.
Reuters, based on the statements of the head of Rostec, Sergey Chemezov, reports that Russia plans to deploy Koalitsiya-SV howitzers in the war against Ukraine.
2S35 Koalitsiya-SV in a parade in Moscow. Series production of these self-propelled howitzers is just beginning. Image credit: Dmitriy Fomin via Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0)
By the way, Reuters initially reported the deployment of these howitzers near Russia’s border with Finland and Norway. This was just a translation error. The Koalitsiya-SV howitzers will be sent to Ukraine, where Russia dreams that they will be superior to any Western systems used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Chemezov said that soon the Koalitsiya-SV howitzers, the serial production of which began only recently, will be deployed in Ukraine. “I think they will appear there soon, since howitzers of this class are needed to provide an advantage over Western artillery models in terms of firing range,” the head of Rostec was quoted as saying.
The Koalitsiya-SV is one of those terribly long Russian projects. In 2015, Russians in Moscow admired the new howitzer, which was supposed to replace the ageing Msta. Previously, they were shown to the public only partially covered. Russia initially announced that their serial production would start in 2016, but it did not start then.
In 2021, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it had signed a contract with UralTransMash for the production of Koalitsiya-SV, but production did not start in 2021 nor in 2022. It was only announced in October 2023 that the Koalitsiya-SV tests were finally completed. Earlier this December, Russian media reported that Koalitsiya-SV howitzers had already been used in the war against Ukraine. But, of course, their number is still very small.
So far the 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV was only seen in parades, but it might be heading to the battlefields in Ukraine very soon. Image credit: Vitaly V. Kuzmin via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
The Koalitsiya-SV is a 152.4 mm howitzer weighing about 50-55 tonnes. It is said to have a firing range of 40km using conventional shells, while rocket-assisted rounds will travel up to 80km. In other words, the Koalitsiya-SV can shoot further than Western self-propelled guns. At least the ones used by Ukraine.
In addition, Koalitsiya-SV has an improved pneumatic loading system, and automated controls, so it can fire at a rate of 15 rounds per minute. In theory, the Koalitsiya-SV could get by with a crew of just two people.
Of course, all this is data published by the Russians, so they should be taken with a good dose of skepticism. But this is exactly what Chemezov had in mind when he boasted about the range of the Koalitsiya-SV.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: Reuters, Wikipedia
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moss42clemensen-blog · 8 years ago
Putin Says Turkey Is Unsafe For Russian Vacation
FRANKFURT Germany's Fraport () is promoting a stake in the operator of the St Petersburg airport, which is ailing from low traveler numbers due to the weakness of the Russian rouble, to the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA). Russia is a remarkable nation and particularly for first time guests is a accurate eye-opener. The classic Easter cake in Russia is known as a Kulich which is a tall cylindrical cake topped with icing. Situated in the grounds of the city's Kremlin, it's 125 feet tall and has 5 beautiful domes, 3 ornate, gold gates from the 12th century and houses a assortment of ancient religious artefacts. The national drink is, of course, vodka so you will locate it offered almost everywhere throughout your trip to St Petersburg. The most well-known attraction right here is The State Hermitage Museum, with its vast collection of art and antiquities, whilst the spectacular Winter Palace and elaborate Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood must also function on your list of items to see. Holiday Inn St. Petersburg Moskovskye Vorota four-star hotel This house has agreed to be part of our Preferred Property Plan, which groups with each other properties that stand out simply because of their outstanding service and quality/price tag ratio with competitive prices. Most folks typically head to western Russia which includes Moscow, St Petersburg, Volgograd, Black Sea and Caspian Sea. One particular of the highlights of our trip to St Petersburg was the Wednesday morning go to to the Hermitage Museum. First to Moscow - for many steeped in mystery, the grand Cold War” Soviet parades are extended gone now, yet the city still retains a tantalising, almost remoteness from Europe's other excellent capitals. The identical study also suggested that in periods of increasing inflation the quantity of Russians who are ready to vote for United Russia increases. Smith spoke by telephone with The Huffington Post whilst he was at a St. Petersburg rally for Hillary Clinton with Vice President Joe Biden and singer Jimmy Buffett. This 47-mile paved bicycle trail, built on the abandoned CSX railway bed, runs from St Petersburg to Tarpon Springs. The Moscow Balley will be performing the Excellent Russian Nutcracker with two shows at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Attempt avoiding adverse climates when you look for last minute flights to Tampa to not spoil the vacation mood. Can I thank you for arranging superb guides... Tatianna in Moscow was good and we enjoyed our days with her. The suspension of the airline flying to Crimea prevented Russians from taking low cost holidays on the Black Sea peninsula at resorts such as Yalta. The blasts are the deadliest in Russia because a suicide bombing at Moscow's Domodedovo airport killed 37 individuals in January 2011. A special day in the list of Romanian holidays is March 8, when it is celebrated women's day. This is why we have a range of wonderful bargains and provides on St. Petersburg holidays. Erdogan stated there would be additional talks with Russia over the conflict in Syria. That is over 3 full weeks of holiday in St Petersburg and the Baltic states. Glintwein, or mulled wine, has grow to be something of a staple in St. Petersburg in current years and is frequently served at vacation parties and outside markets. The European portion of Russia has a continental climate, typified by exceedingly cold, extended winters and warm summers. When in St. Petersburg, do as the locals do and take in an opera or ballet at the majestic Mariinsky Theatre. Due to thin neighborhood vacation trading, the rouble fell only two % last week, but the 75-per-dollar price is not far now from the 80.1 record low hit 13 months ago. Every single city in Russia also has an official founding date, with celebrations, fireworks, speeches, meals and drink. Miniature Golf on Madeira Beach - Smuggler's Cove is a low-cost way for the entire household to hang out and get pleasure from Florida's year round gorgeous climate. Contemplate how you would like to devote your life on a daily basis if you want to take the ideal position with rental residence Florida. The flight was bringing holidaymakers back to Russia's second largest city Saint Petersburg when it went down in Egypt's Sinai, with international authorities now at the scene trying to discover the result in of the tragedy. Putin ordered security stepped up across all of Russia right after the bombings, with a specific regime to be imposed in Volgograd, the national anti-terror committee announced. Constructed by order of Peter the Excellent in 1703, St Petersburg is one of the world's most romantic cities. In addition, avoiding the foods that are high in fat and calories will also save you the required funds to invest toward your well being, life and future holiday ventures. A Taste Of Russia In The Capital City Of Moscow The ministry mentioned the subsequent plane carrying bodies would leave Cairo on Monday evening for St Petersburg. Some of the key tourist spots in St. Petersburg consist of, the historic Peter & Paul Fortress, Hermitage also known as the 'Winter Palace' is accredited as the largest museum of planet and castle of former Russian tsars. The decision required negotiations with the Vatican, as two of the holidays are tied to Catholic feast days. You can send a prepaid debit card to your property in the U.S. and take it to Russia.
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stonegibbs8-blog · 8 years ago
Hot Saint Petersburg Babes
The University Sluts of St. Petersburg are back and they are cramming tougher than ever! Ideally situated on the water and just minutes from St. Pete beach, the Vinoy hotel in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida is a fine example of 1920's Mediterranean Revival architecture that has earned it a National Register of Historic Locations designation. Roberts' family told the St. Petersburg Instances that he let Hice, a breast cancer survivor, and her son move in about a year ago but that they didn't spend rent, invited folks over and allowed Newman's girlfriend to move in. They had been conscious of tensions in the house but didn't suspect the scenario would erupt into violence. Likewise, the side of Sly on show in his new art exhibit at The State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, is far from the pages of Individuals. The Jewel of St. Petersburg could not be much more appropriately named, simply because it is most surely a jewel to me. From the locations to the characters, this stroll through history is like a film that you will never want to finish. In an interview with the St. Petersburg Instances , Ditullio named Plott as the attacker. A powerful lady emerges from the upper class debutante who is intended to flower into the jewel of Petersburg. US Needs To Think Twice About Antagonizing Russia But back in St. Petersburg, Florida that job is left up to the St. Petersburg Instances and, until her retirement final year, frequently to reporter Mary Evertz Ms. Evertz covered Mel's affaires d'etat and Betty's ruby laced evening gowns. Unbeknownst to them, Valentina's household has been employing a chaffeur who is not just a Bolshevik sympathizer but also the mastermind behind numerous bombings in St. Petersburg. What her family members doesn't know is that she has fallen in adore with Jens Friis, a Danish engineer designing new sewer systems to improve the quality of life in St. Petersburg. There are about 22,000 people with HIV in St Petersburg alone, virtually half as numerous as in the entire of the UK, and the city receives hundreds of thousands of Western company and tourist visitors a year. Ms. Borghetti is a St. Petersburg lawyer and just happened to be Pinellas County Judge Amy Williams campaign manager when Judge Williams had run effectively for her judgeship. One particular final thing- I was NOT fired from the St. Petersburg Times for being too conservative. OH, Excellent: Skilled manchild Jimmy Kimmel will be the host of the subsequent White Residence Correspondents Dinner—or, as I like to get in touch with it, White House Whores Despondence Dinner, heh. On Friday, a recruit for the neo-Nazi group recounted for the St. Petersburg Occasions a conversation he mentioned he had with Plott early Thursday morning. Signup below to search for a Saint Petersburg slut or scroll Florida whores for a lot more cities. The Tsar demands to quit hiding with his troops at the front lines and get back to Saint Petersburg exactly where he belongs. Russia, particularly Moscow and St. Peterburg are not nearly as bad as the western propaganda wants us to believe, specially if you are in high-tech or IT you have a excellent likelihood to get a decent job in relation to the Russian economy. Valentina Ivanova is the darling of St. Petersburg's elite aristocracy-until her romance with a Danish engineer creates a terrible scandal and her parents push her into a loveless engagement with a Russian count. Valentina falls for Jens Friis, engineer to the Tsar, who is responsible for the tunnels beneath St Petersburg which carry the water system. Boasting unparalleled elegance, excellent service and grand surroundings, this hotel in St. Petersburg, FL will make every single guest really feel special. The final element from rustlers onwards came from Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles, but it paints a image of the assortment of villains that is discovered in the South St Pete zip codes. Medicare for all will in no way happen if we continue to elect corporate Democratic whores who are beholden to huge pharma and the private insurance market rather of us,” Song said.
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oddershede96dugan-blog · 8 years ago
Russia's Putin Restores Stalin
SPP is joining with City Theatre to supply a Command Performance of The Very best Christmas Pageant Ever, a single of the vacation season's preferred and fun stories! The hazardous weather is the newest blow to the state's tourism sector, weeks right after Florida confirmed circumstances of the Zika virus on each coasts, which dented travel to the area from expectant mothers and other individuals. How To Discipline Deliberate Disobedience Mexico celebrates the vacation season with La Posadas, which marks the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem. The state-run RIA Novosti news agency said Pavlensky was taken to a police station following getting treated in a central Moscow clinic. The commemorations in Russia came following Egypt on Sunday held a ceremony in Sharm el-Sheikh with the Egyptian aviation minister and the Russian ambassador present. Therefore, on the 24th January they celebrate the union between Moldavia and Walachia when Alexandru Ioan Cuza was elected ruler of both counties. Most men and women typically head to western Russia which includes Moscow, St Petersburg, Volgograd, Black Sea and Caspian Sea. One of the highlights of our trip to St Petersburg was the Wednesday morning visit to the Hermitage Museum. Initial to Moscow - for a lot of steeped in mystery, the grand Cold War” Soviet parades are lengthy gone now, but the city still retains a tantalising, almost remoteness from Europe's other fantastic capitals. The identical study also suggested that in periods of increasing inflation the quantity of Russians who are ready to vote for United Russia increases. Smith spoke by phone with The Huffington Post even though he was at a St. Petersburg rally for Hillary Clinton with Vice President Joe Biden and singer Jimmy Buffett. This 47-mile paved bicycle trail, constructed on the abandoned CSX railway bed, runs from St Petersburg to Tarpon Springs. The Moscow Balley will be performing the Excellent Russian Nutcracker with two shows at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Testimony to the trendiness of a pastime nicknamed sending the biscuit,” the St. Petersburg club inspired the opening of indoor shuffleboard courts in Brooklyn earlier this year. Cold winters, bears on the streets, and vodka are other common stereotypes about Russia. Although a lot of Russians do not directly celebrate the day, most follow the associated astrology and as a result practically any Russian can inform you that 2016 is the year of the monkey, for instance. The list of fascinating places goes on, and all linked by the legendary metro with its cathedral - like stations and grand styles - Moscow is utterly special. Summer (June to early September) sees the greatest weather in St Petersburg, interspersed with scattered rain showers. So, experiencing only the Russian variety of energy technique, where the head figure acquires vast and unchecked powers and can as a result fully change the life of the country, some Russians may possibly believe about America and this crossroads in terms of what they are far more familiar with, which, in a lot of approaches, is an obvious stretch from reality. Whether or not you happen to be hunting for the endless white terrain for an unforgettable ski break, stretches of serene sandy beaches for a relaxing escape, or a city break total with a rich history and classic charm, Russia has it all. A public referendum in June 1991 registered a bare 51% majority for the restoration of the name St Petersburg. And whilst there isn't significantly for tourists in this hamlet, its proximity to Orlando - about 25 miles to the east - tends to make for a exciting errand to the post office Each and every winter, thousands of people drive out of their way to get their holiday cards, letters and packages stamped with the coveted Christmas, Fla. Matryoshka dolls - Very first produced in 1890, Matryoshka dolls or Russian nesting dolls are one more well-liked Russian souvenir. In spite of the worst feud amongst Russia and the West because the Cold War, there are a host of best European organization figures at the conference which Moscow has attempted to pitch as its answer to Davos. Even though Putin and his administration are claiming to be impartial , according to some Russian government officials, there still look to be much more good statements from the Russian president about Donald Trump than about Clinton. Even though in Sri Lanka they could rent holiday home accommodation and get a genuine really feel from the neighborhood culture and food. The Saint Claire waterfall is a crucial tourist location which is the widest waterfall in the nation. On your eight day trip, you'll devote 3 days in Moscow before transferring to St Petersburg.
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lammodom22-blog · 8 years ago
Pattaya Escort
The brides Russian mail-order on the internet on line are ready to write a new marriage with the single American males. Russian Power Minister Alexander Novak is expected to meet oil firms on Wednesday and a meeting between President Vladimir Putin and Russian oil executives is scheduled for Dec. Russian women might be stereotyped as blondes with blue eyes and pale skin but this is far from the reality. These who are just interested in attempting out a new nationality of London get in touch with girl will discover Russian escorts give a wild evening or afternoon of entertainment that will blow your thoughts and leave you asking yourself why you by no means tried one particular ahead of. Many girls that function for escort agencies are students and have a better command of English than your average bar girl and provide full tour guide packages” and girlfriend experience”, if you want so, for the complete length of your vacation in Thailand. Feel about all Russian young ladies according to their physical certain and magnificence by investigating profiles of them. Comprehensive motivation and concentration towards the job for offering maximum satisfaction along with assured services to their precious clients is the prime motive of these escort agencies in Delhi. Verify out that gallery on the agency's portal and find varied profiles of most lovely Russian beauties with ease. The cost also depends on exactly where there will take place a meeting - in your apartments or at the callgirls apartments. The Nazi Kriegsmarine, on the other hand, lost a battleship, three destroyers, two escort vessels, 31 U-boats (43 U-boats are claimed but only 31 confirmed) and a big quantity of aircraft. I am a effectively-recognized Russian girl in Delhi but in past days I was operating with some other agencies but correct now I am alone and working independently in Delhi. http://moscow-models.org/
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