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@kiwi-der-vogel-alt. YOU WERE MY FIRST EVER MUTUAL. i love your art so much it is so SHAPED and they are all so BLORBO!!!! you are a wonderful person and your so funny and i hope you had a good christmas. I LOVE THE GATOS YOU DRAW BTW-
@whyoneartheven. EVIE!! HI! you are a WONDERFUL PERSON. thank you so much for all the kindness you given me! you were also one of my first moots, and im glad i met you. i hope you had a good christmas! YOUR AMAZING 💖
@uniquevoidflowers UNIIII. HEBLO!!! i love your writing SO MUCH its SO GOOD. and your a sweet person as well, and your so nice. :) thanks for all the kind words you've given me! KEEP ON WRITING GIRLIE YOU SLAAY 💪💪
@turdofanerd WHATS UP TURDO. YOU SILLY CREATURE. we don't talk much but i KNOW your SUPER COOL. BECAUSE YOU ARE. thank you for your quiet but strong support on everything i've done! your a wonderful person!
@akchimp75 AKKKK. HI! ak your so silly. soooo silly /pos. you have a fiery spirit and your a joy to talk to! thank you for being SO COOL. its always fun to see you on my dash! STAY AWESOME AK 💖💖💖🔥🔥
@margindoodles2407. MARGIN! we may not talk much, but im still glad were mutuals. I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH! your just a wonderful person and your FUNNY!!! thank you for all the support, margin, and MERRY CHRISTMASSS
@vio-starzz HEY MOSS! we don't talk a whole lot either, and we're new mutuals, but that doesn't make you ANY LESS AMAZING. your art is SO CUTE and you have a FANTASTIC personality. KEEP IT UP IM PROUD 💖💖
@taddy-cat OMG TADDY. HI. your are just. SO COOL. when you first started messaging me i had no idea what to do, but now im SO GRATEFUL FOR IT. your always there and someone to chat with. you have such COOL art ideas and CUTE ART AS WELL and your work stories are HILARIOUS. thank you for always being there and getting me to socialize more. YOUR TRULY WONDERFUL AND YOUR ART IS BEAUTIFUL 💖💖💖
@ladye-zelda another mutual i dont talk much with 😔BUT YOUR SO AWESOME. ladye, your art is amazing and i hope you had an AWESOME CHRISTMAS. keep it up because you SLAY EVERYDAY 💖
@hiimgin. OMG AMOUR. YOOO WHATS UP. amour your such a sweet and genuine person. your art is so SHAPED and COOL and COLORFUL. you are so FUN TO TALK WITH!!! you truly are a kind person and i thank you for everything nice you've said to me. you make me feel SO SPECIAL <3
@almost-an-artist L.B. YOU. HI. your art is so WONDERFUL. its so CUTE AND ADORABLE AND I LOVE IT. and YOU are wonderful too! you are a pleasure to talk to and i hope you stay sweet forever! thank you for all the art you've given me and know that I LOVE YOU!!! (/p). don't ever change you AMAZING PERSON 💖💖💖💖 @killuagobrrrrr HELLO! we may not have interacted much, but your HILARIOUS. thank you for all the fun convo's we've had! merry christmas!
OKAY, I THINK THATS EVERYONE! :D MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL. your all WONDERFUL people and you've all made me feel so special and so loved and you guys deserve the world. seriously. thank you for everything, and i hope you all understand how much i appreciate each and every one of you. the talents you all possess are AMAZING, don't ever give them up. times will get tough but keep moving! im always supporting and cheering you folks on, so DON'T GIVE UP! 💖💖💖💖💖 please remember to talk care of ya'lls selfs, otherwise i will come over and smack you myself. <3
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TWITTER MOOTS i got locked out of ny account recently and i couldnt tweet about this so thanks to my moots mentioned notes
ANYWAYS errmm i made a new fic recently! currently, i am trying to update and make chapter two as early as possible!
would apperciate it LOTS (get it?) if you checked it out!! theres only one chapter thats realllyy short but im planning to have atleast 3 chapters! i will try to update here ^_^
#love of the s*n#love of the s*n fic?!! woa#baalalalalala#theres timewheel#And chargerbombcrown#shoves that in your face#moots please comsider reading
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moots continued! (in alphabetical order!)
@missallsundayy - love love your blog! 🥰 It's a great collection all things wonderful about op! and of course your username, because I still stand by that robin's miss all sunday phases was her best phase!🥵
@miss-mammon - another new bestie! 😍 Of course I had to follow after you submitted to the bday event, and you’re bday is coming up quick!! But I've already started the fic and im super excited abou it! such a good prompt! Can't wait to share it with you! 🥰🥰
@missqueenie09 - I always look forward to your comments and reblogs! 😚 They make me smile! Plus you have a great well curated blog of a lot of smexy zoro that I apperciate!🥵🥰
@my-one-piece-experience - such a sweet heart and I love their blog! 🥺 one of the first op blogs I followed, which was great because they're always sharing so much of other people in the fandom and being an amazing, wonderful and supportive person!😍🥰
@ochizokulevy - didn’t even realize I wasn't following you until today??? 😳 What's that about!! 😍😭 You're so sweet and nice and I love seeing your comments and tags on my fics! 🥰
@okaydudechill - might be the funniest person I follow? Idk, your posts and memes always have me cracking up!! 😭😂 And also so nice and supportive, I love gettig any and all notfis because theyre either going to make me laugh or smile, and you’re the best for that!🥰
@onepiece-writting-forest - one of my longest moots! 😍 Has a beautiful theme! Also the diversity of characters your write for?? Immaculate, and this one might be my favorite 😉🥵
@onepieceya - their edits are my lockscreen and I love getting to look at sabo everytime I pick up my phone! 🥰🥰 Also such a supportive and wonderful person, I always feel so validated when you comment on one of my fics! They really mean a lot to me because it feels like you put in so much thought into them 🥺
@only1nycsweetie - don't even know where to start. 🥺😭 I think they might be my ride or die with how they were fighting tumblr during my shadowban. But for real, I love them and the support they give everyone in the community, we could all take notes to make this world a better place! 💗🥰
@pebbsie /shanksflower - pretty! 🥺 The art of you and shanks is just so pretty! 💗 And I just know you're v pretty too! I love that you love him, and that I have your blog to feed my thirst for him 😭🥰🥵
@pure-kirarin - on that same sabo brain rot as me and i love it. 🥰 we're both gonna win when op is over and sabo is at the top. You heard it here first! Best person tho, so sweet and is who insipired me to write for sabo, like, have y’all read slow and steady yet?!?😭😍
@puresimp - such pretty art! 😍 You draw heat so well! But, my goodness, this kid one takes the cake because I laughed so much when I first saw it!😂😭
@rivvd-art - AMAZING ARTIST!!! 😍 And I've spent way to long looking at this butt speicifically, but for real, I love each of their pieces and always look forward to new art! please look how pretty sabo is here. I mean. Wow! 🥺🥰
@rosiinante - their art is so fuCKING CUTE! It makes me want to SCREAM!! 😍😍 let me link my favorite one, and this one, and this one because I can. 10/10 person, would recommend being friends with🥰
@riceballsandsake - patiently waiting for any smuts you might have… lol ignore me being h word here! 🥴😚 But I love your username and I figured you were another zoro simp so of course we had to be moots! 😍🥰
@sabospet - another person who has transcended and has realized that sabo is the best boi! 😍Im glad I can feed the sabo lovers out there! Your comments keep me going, I love how expressive you are and makes me so happy to share things with people like you!🥰🥺
@sabowluvr - literally every one of your posts is a bop! 😭😂 Idk if that applys to blog posts but I don’t care! They are so funny and im always sending them to my roommate for her to see. And of course I will always appreciate anyone with a sabo pfp and blogname!🥰
@sailorcavendish - super excited for when you'll be sharing any writings, please tag me! 😚🥰 and I think it just clicked that your username is a play on sailor moon??? Lmao, I just saw cavendish and didn't question it because that flamboyant bitch is one of my favs!!!😭😂😍
@sam-vangell - BEAUTIFUL ARTIST! 😍I literally send each of their pieces to my friend, lol. Such a sweet and kind person too! 🥺🥰But please take some time to look at their art! Especially this one!
@sanjisblunt - love the username, sanji could use a blunt for real. 😂😭 But you are so supportive and I love getting any notif from you because it makes me happy to see you, but also because your name makes me giggle🥰
@sanjis-cig - an amazing blog you have dedicated to my first op love! Sanji and his cig will always have my heart!😍😍
@sanjisprincesswifey - another great sanji blog! 😍 I love your writing, this one might be my favorite even though it HURT 😭🥲
@sashi-ya - when I first found their blog, I was like, ah shit. Similar names… 😳 I hope they don’t hate me, but of course they wouldn't because they're everything perfect in the world! 😭🥰😍 I get mad big sis vibes from them too, just so kind! 🥰
@seaurchin-mehbiggestcrush - I always love getting notifs about comments they leave on my works! Fills my heart! 🥺🥰 Also would love to understand more about your username ?? lol, I think that’s why you always stick out to me! Like, are you the sea urchin?? 😭😂
@secretsnailor - bestie! 🥰🥰 Still will never get over how you called me out for my panty sniffing kink, and here I am outing it again, LMAO! 😭😂 Anyway, love them to pieces, also this sabo fic of theirs lives in my mind rent free and so does this whitebeard one 🥵🥴
@simp4ace - love you! I'm so glad we're moots and I have someone to share that sabo/ace brain rot with because how tf are we supposed to pick!?!?!? 🥵 I really appreciate the comments and convos we have! I love being your friend!🥰
@simpforroses - your art is so amazing and detailed and I love looking at it! 😍😍 also always been curious if you draw on paper and upload? Or what the medium you use? So pretty! Love this one! 😭🥰
@slut4animedilfs - I need more animedilfs in my life, 🥵 I feel like there's not enough in op. lmao, anyway! Thank you for always being so supportive of my work! your comments always make so happy and I can’t wait to share more with people like you! 🥰 Also, who would you consider dilf status in op? the only ones coming to mind rn are rayleigh or shanks, but i'll defer to you as the expert😂
@smallhybridart - I don’t know how much we've talked, but I love your blog! 🥰 You always have such a great variety of op things and i love seeing you on my dash!😚
@smutbae - honestly at first I was intimated by the sexy red and black blog theme,😳 and then I was like, uhm, im basically a p0rn blog too, lets be besties. And here we are! 🥰Thank you for always supporting my work!! It makes me feel like I get a badge of smut honor whenever you like them☺️💗
@starrybrujita - one, you have such a cute blog aesthetic! I love it! 🥺😍 your blog was also where I read a lot of katakuri pieces while trying to understand the thirst, lol! 😭😂 They were really good! I don’t know if I'd call myself a katakuri fucker… but maybe you can change me😳
@stinkykozuki - I just need to know who the stinky kozuki is?? 🤔🤔 My money's on zoro, nasty marmio(affectionally). 🥰 Anyway! I really love following your blog!💗💗
@theonewhospeaksinweird - I love getting their notifs because little katkuri pfp is so fcking cute! 🥺🥺nice nice nice NICE PERSON! 10/10 would lay my life down for you 🥰😍
@theonetomypiece - your pfp is the cutest, baby luffy is my fav, because how can he not be??? 😍 Love your blog and all the support you give me and the op communtiy! You're just the most wonderfulest person!!🥰
@the-witch-of-one-piece - SUCH amazing writing! 🥰😍 I don’t even know which is my favorite because you have so many that are all GREAT! I think you were one of the easrliest blogs I followed and I had so much fun reading through all of you works! Also, like, are you the witch of op? are there even witches in op? (not couning zoro calling nami a witch, lol)😂😭
@thousandsunnyhoe - love love love your work and your username! This one is def my favorite, you write so amazingly and everything you share with us is a 10/10🥰☺️
@tsunderedoctor - so sweet and cute with their love for law. I find it adorable, he would 10/10 fall for you! 😍🥰 Also I really apperciate the brainrot you've created of lingere!law… I don't want to make promises… but a word document is open with a couple hundred words already😳
@undercoverweeeb - I don’t even know where to start with this one! 😭😍Bestie is really out here hyping me up all the time and it makes me want to SCREAM and CRY into a pillow, I will never take you for granted, you are the light of my life 😚💗
@unformedslinky-blog - I need to catch up on all your works, but the ones I have read are so fun and cute!💗 I loved the ace underwear one! It was so funny!😭😍😂
@useless-potatho - first, I love neko atsume and had a HUGE phase for it a few years ago, so your pfp always brings back good mems! 🥰but your comments on my fics always brighten my day and I love it! 🥺😍 plus your username makes me chuckle, youre my favorite potatho😂💗
@vanillachaiii - always love to see your comments on my work! 😍🥰 it makes me smile and feel so warm inside, kinda like a chai… is that what your username is? Lol, always wondered, I also love chai, so if it is… let's talk about them! 💗
@wheres-mystogan - in my head i always still refer to you as lawslut because that was your username when i first followed you, lol. 😂please know i love and cherish you so so so much!!!! i had so much fun writing your request and i really hope i get to to do more in the future!!!🥰🥰🥰
@xarliee - love being your moot and I love your support!😍🥰 It always makes my day to see your notifs and to know that you enjoy the wildness that comes from my brain!💘💘
@x-mksa - I don't how much we've talked, but I always apperciate the notifs I get from you! 😍🥰Plus your blog is GREAT to follow to feed my zoro brain rot🥵
@zoroseternalpose - your pfp is so funny, I laugh every time I see it!😂 your blog makes me want to watch so many more animes that I see you posting about, so I'm excited to one day understand them all! Lol. Also I think about your username a lot, because zoro would still get lost with an eternalpose, or are you zoro's eternal pose, or he yours??? idk, im thinking of some real sappy shit i could write about that now! 🥺🥰
@ztarvokwrites - SPICY! You're always filling the dash with QUITE the content… hehe🥵. Also, my brother just started op and he's obsessed with mr3, and was so shook when I was like, oh, you mean galdino? Like yes, he has a name and let me tell you about the people who love him too (aka you)😂😭
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉

I think the word you’re looking for is BEST FRIENDS!!! because I LOVE AND CHERISH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM

anyway… I have them all under the cut 🥰🥰 and to my moots besties, I know I’m not the best at messaging back or being super active, but just know that you really do have a special place in my heart and there’s a 100% I’ve mentioned you irl, because you all really do mean a lot to me 🥺👉👈
also, like, if anyone else wants to be moots, just let me know! i can’t offer much, but i do offer my heart 🤲💗 (also if you like this post and we aren't moots yet.... probably will be the second i see it)
@ 🌱 anon: yes bestie, you are my moot whether you like it or not! i hope you see this so you know how much i love and appreciate you! literally i reread our convos because they bring the widest smile to my face. i would love to know you more, but also understand if it feels good to be my sprout, which you always will be no matter what! 🥰🥰
@5braun - ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART! The nicest person on here, I always feel so supported by them and want to send them lots of virtual hugs!! 💗 Also always wondered where your username came from? The first time I saw it, it reminded me of aot and a character with the last name braun, but idk if that was your intention!
@acesmarigold - I wonder a lot what the marigold part of their username is, lol, like the flower? 🌼 That's so pretty! Anyway! So supportive and nice! I love reading their comments!! 😭🥰
@angeltani - always turning me into a whore for anime characters I don’t even know, LMAO. I think our only anime overlap is op (for now) but I always read anything they post because they're so good and now I have strong feelings for someone named nanami and honestly couldn't even tell you what anime their from 😭
@ap-001 - I don’t think we've interacted, but your notifs always stuck out to me because of your pfp and I decided that we were friends. ☺️Thank you for always supporting my work, it really means a lot!! 💗💗
@ashwithnocash - great blog! i love filling up my dash with as much op as possible and you help SO MUCH! Also I always read your username as asswithnocash… which like, mood 😭😂
@athenaportgas - so sweet and supportive and amazing and I don't deserve you! I'll always think your ace request will be one of my favs I've written, I'm always rereading and thinking, thank god for athena, also want to say ace and athena is like, the best cute couple name, they go so well together💘🥰😭
@bekky06 - I remember when I first followed your blog and saw how many animes you liked, I was like, ugh, fucking goals. I only have a few under my belt but you're living my dream. Anyway! Bestest sweetest person, excited to write something for you one day! 🥰😍
@blqsscms - another great blog to help fill my dash with op! also v appreciate the nami pfp, she's the best… just like you! 🥰💗
@calypsoshi - I don’t think we've talked, but I always appreciate the support you give! 🥰Also, your username is like, a few letters off and mixed a bit of a person I know irl, lmao… so if you live in a cold state in the usa… maybe we've met? 😳 lol. But if not, you're still amazing!!
@chawynn - all I know is that they are the prettiest. Pretty username, pretty pfp, just pretty, hehe. But also, thank you for always supporting my work with your comments! I love to see them!!🥰🥰
@childofblackmaria - going to have to link their entier master list because it is GOLD. 🤤 Amazing stuff here!! But also… hmmmm…. I just caught up in the anime so now I know who black maria is… a little weary of you now? LOL JK, that spider lady is SEXY😭😍
@chocolate-n-cheese - they were my first ever request for anything ever! 🥰 so that'll always be a special place in my heart, but of course it was zoro, and now I'm his whore… so THANKS FOR THAT. but for real, I love you to bits, just the nicest person out there, and even as much as I say I hate stinky zoro, I really started to love him after writing your request 😂😍
@cipher-p0 - little weary of their love of cp0… but I can look past it because they're so great and awesome and wonderful and AMAZING!!! I wouldn't even know where to begin because you're do great and I love you so much, also, I really think you need to start a op doodle blog... i just think about your zoro holding chopper by the teeth pic a lot😂😭🥰
@cjm-cookiethief - so nice and kind! 🥰 I love getting your comments, and you've recently been on my brain a lot because I'm finally caught up with op and feel good and ready to start that kid x reader x killer fic you requested so long ago! But I am wondering… does the mask stay on? lmao😂
@dibi-learns-to-draw - very pretty artist! I like getting to see your art and how open you are with your process! the recent kid one is def my favorite so far! Because it scares me, but like in a good way? 😭 because that's the same feelings I have when I see him on my screen, evoking the same reactions, that's top tier artistry right there 👌😂
@diedianedie - the username is a mood first off, gotta get that outta the way, lmao. Not sure if we've ever talked, but I appreciate the great blog filled with op conent you have!🥰💗
@donvampiro - just gotta link the masterlist, because an artist AND writer? The talent is immaculate here! I think I followed initally for the coby conent and was V pleased to see more of my favs!! 🥰💗😍
@dressroba - I just love your username. 😍 Idk why, I think it's supposed to be a play on dressrosa?? but to me it sounds like a nice fashion clothing item that’s a dress/robe that doffy wears at night in his castle. like beautiful long and covered in silk and feathers 😂
@duck-ee recent moots!! lol, but I really like your art and blog header! Sanji on a flowery hill might be my weakness! 😍🌼🥰
@dxvilmanlev - I read their zoro works at night when I can pretend it doesn’t count. 😉 I just need to own up to being a zoro fucker, lmao, but in the mean time I will continue to reread this fic specifically hehe 🤤😍
@erensloveinterest - I don’t know if we've ever talked, but I always notice any notifs from you because I sometimes wish I was eren's love interest, but then I remember mikasa exists and I move on, lmao 😭😂🥰
@fire-fist-ann - I love ann. 🥰 Ann is the bestest. Fire fist ace? I don’t know him and don’t want to! ann, you are the wonderfulest most supportive person and I always love getting your notifs, please never change! 😍
@fireflykaizoku - realizing rn you used to be portgaslari??? 🤯 Im always so bad at keeping up with username changes, but love that I know that now! Also, always love your cosplays, you're so pretty uwu 🥺
@froghatsupremacy - I also believe in frog hat supremacy, 🐸 it’s the best hat… maybe even better than a strawhat…..... ANYWAY (don’t tell anyone I said that) thank you for always supporting my work! I smile everytime I see your name pop up in my notifs! 😚🥰
@gabrielasalazar18 - will never get over their use of memes when reblogging smut, I have so many saved to my phone now because they're so funny! Thank you for always taking the time to comment with your funny pictures!! It makes my day! 🥰😍😂
@haitaniz - I love their headcannons and im so excited to see more! 🥰🥰 Y'all should check this one out specifically because it is so funny and spot on! 😍😍 thanks for always being so sweet and wonderful! 💗
@hanaibae - a GREAT blog for my ace lovers! 😍 I had so much fun going through your blog for the top tier ace content we all need! 🥰🥰
@honeyyut4 - new bestie moot! I'm super excited to get to know you more! 🥰😚
@idontwantofly - I think we're newer moots! 😍But I followed because I realized I needed more shanks in my life, and im glad to see you're dedicated to him! So if you ever have thoughts about him you think I should know, I would love to hear them! lol🥰
@iloveportgasdace - top tier ace blog!! 😚 I also love portgas d. ace and love to see more of him on the dash, so I really appreciate you! 😍😍
@iman-the-simp - Newer moots! 🥰🥰 Love this fic because sometimes I like when my heart is ripped out and crushed! 🥲 Lmao 🥲
@ithinkabout-onepiece-alot - I had so much fun writing your luffyxlaw request and since my mind is always spinning with character x character ships in op! 😍🥰 thank you for being such a supportive and kind friend! 💗
@itsmekalou - you were one of the first comments on my covert identity ace fic, and it really meant so much to me! 🥺😍 so thanks for supporting my work and for being a great blog!💘💘
@its-me-ya-boi-lisa - first off, I love your username, I laughed out loud the first time I saw it, and paired with the skelly pfp? 😭😂 Lmao, anyway. another sweetheart who I always look forward to hearing from!! 🥰
@joonhaze - love your op blog! 😚 You always have the funniest posts that make me laugh and smile! 🥰🥰😍😍
@k4t4kur1 - when I say it took me so long to realize your username is katakuri…. Well let's just not talk about it, lmao! 😭😂 But thank you for always supporting my work! and whenever you post about haikyuu, im one step closing to watching it! 🥰
@kaizokuluv - SWEETHEART! 💗 So kind and nice!! Seeing things from you always brightens my day! 😍🥰
@kaizokuwritings - Amazing writer!!😍 I love reading your fics and have so much fun with them! I think this one might be my favorite😚🥰
@kk-stormy - one, cutest pfp out there.🥺🥺 I love baby chopper and that's what I always think when you pop up! Thank you for always supporting my work!! 😍🥰💗
@kwnblack - ACTUALLY the nicest person! 😍Like so sweet and supportive, and also an amazing artists????? Like please check out their work, it's some great stuff, especially this one!😭🥰
@lawsan - so glad I found you today! 😍 I fricken love lawsan, honestly sanji and anyone because he deserves love and support and everything in this world! 🥺 Just like you do too! 🥰
@lazybutsmexy - 😍very pretty blog, at first I thought your pfp was perona wearing sabo's hat and I was like, alright, wtf is going on here??🤔🤔 But let me calm down, 😭 love your blog and just realized you have a writing blog?? Can’t wait to read all of these!!
@live4law - I'll live for law, 😍 i’ll even die for that man if need be!😤 Love your blog as a great place to find funny op content and get some good law love! 🥰🥰
@llettya - love your blog as a great place for law and kid content! 🥰Kid kinda scares me, 😭😳 but im glad there's people like you out there to give that man some love!!😂💗
@luxiditea - NOT ME REALZING YOU'RE GOINGMORRY. 😭😂 I hate myself sometimes, LMAO!!! Im too much. Well obvisoulsy you're a wonderful and amazing writer, I love your stuff!! I'm so happy I made this connection! 🥰💗🥰
@m00n-rae - love love loVE LOVE THEM! 😍 Your comments are always so sweet and make me happy when I see i've written something that makes you want to tell me you thoughts!! 🥰Also I had a dog named moon once, 🐶so like, you're great like she was, lol💗
@mamma-marimo - amazing artists! 😍 I love seeing the work that you share with us! Slowly turning me into a kid simp with this one! 🥵🥰
@marco--the--phoenix - mad big brother vibes.😤 Maybe it's because I assocaite them with big bro franky? 😂 Idk, none the less, I always feel so supported and cared for by them! Also.... They're the biggest marco fucker I know, and I love that for them🥰🥰
@mayayeah - new moot I found from the bday event! 🥰😍 Also the quick glance at your blog, I'm excited to go through more because it looks like some great op content! But babe, your bday request… lmao! I literally gasped, hurt and NO comfort?? 🥺😳 Like, I love some good angst, but with no fluff to balance it?? listen, it's your bday and of course i'll honor your request, but i'm glad i have some months to prepare to break my own heart in the process😭😂
@mikoyamisheadcanonblog - bestie! 😍Supportive and sweet! I'm excited to get to know you better! 🥰 Loved your ace movie night headcannons, makes me want to curl up with fire boy so bad!🥵
continued on this link
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hey wifey🥰🥰
please apperciate that i force you to do every single ask game i post shsjdjsjdj
first impression:
i saw you in my notifications and immediately went to your blog cause your url is *chefs kiss* i was so attracted !! i thought you were so sweet and immediately hit the follow back button and i’m glad i did cause now i can call you a good friend 🥰
truth is:
bro, i look forward to texting you everyday no cap
how old do you look:
somehow you look a mix between 20 and 16, you have this lil baby face that i wanna squish but are also really mature?
have you ever made me laugh:
have you ever made me mad:
you actually haven’t and that’s a new record considering i get mad so easily 😳
best feature:
willingly putting up with my annoying ass
have i ever had a crush on you:
we’re married, of course
you’re my:
first moot that i ever exchanged phone numbers with and one of my closest and dearest friends :’)
#✎ :: message board#dreamychelle#📬: moots!#totally didn’t tell you to go do this#hahahaha totally not#dash games
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