#MLW Fusion
mrmegamanfan · 2 years
Thunder Rosa has a meet and greet in Dallas this weekend, Raquel Rodriguez has changed her look, matches for MLW Fusion next week, lineup for AEW Rampage tonight.
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ringthedamnbell · 11 months
This Week in Wrestling 2023 Week 44
This Week in Wrestling 2023 Week 44: Brian looks at the downfall of Major League Wrestling (Creatively) and shares all the best wrestling content from this week.
Brian Damage It’s Saturday and today we have ’This Week in Wrestling’, the 44th entry of 2023. Today Brian looks at the downfall of Major League Wrestling (Creatively) and shares all the best wrestling content from this week. Continue reading Untitled
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meetmeinmontana · 1 year
MLW Fusion #145: Bunkhouse Brawl: Von Erichs vs 5150 | Real 1 vs ACH | H...
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skelltan · 2 years
MLW Fusion 159 Review/Recap
Hey all, another week, another MLW Fusion recap. Let’s get right into it. We start with Richard Holliday, showing us his morning routine. Oh, it’s an ad for health food. I… didn’t expect that, but alright. We then get another recap, this time on Hammerstone vs Nduka.
We can hear the crowd over the commentary. I sure hope that doesn’t persist. We have Cosmos from Mucha Lucha Atlanta. Haven’t heard of this one, but alright. his opponent is Star Rogers, also from MLA. Alright, so this is another indie match, similar to the wildcat stuff on NWA. If you read my NWA reviews, you know I’m not a huge fan of having a purely indie match when you have other people on your roster to showcase, but hopefully these guys entertain.
They trade submissions, and then some more athletic moves such as dropkicks. They then do more athletics and do some smaller mat pinning type stuff but it feels quite slow. Their strikes also don’t feel that strong. Cosmos hits a decent looking sunset flip type deal, though. He then hits a tope. Star hits one that looks better imo. He then hits some chops on Cosmos on the outside. Apparently these guys are also from IWA Puerto Rico? I dunno why they mentioned MLA, but alright.
Ad break, and when we’re back they do more counter wrestling stuff. Cosmos gets a two count. He takes the lead and hits some chops in the corner. Star also gets a two count. Cosmos gets hit with a gorebuster I think they say? He lads a bit scary, almost looked like he landed on his head. They’re both down.
Cosmos hits some lariats and a tiltawhirl esque ddt for another two. Star hits a jump up neckbreaker for a two. They trade some chops on their knees. Cosmos hits a standing spanish fly for a two. Star hits a top rope spanish fly for the win.
This was bad. Not because of these two guys, I get it. They’re guys from the indies who probably haven’t had a lot of work or opportunities most guys we see on this show, or at all do. They were probably cheap to book. It was probably a breather match in the middle of tapings. But they decided to put two unsigned indie guys in a match and take up nearly half of the episode. That’s not good use of your airtime.
If they just cut this match short, or booked one of these guys with a name with more experience, it would’ve been acceptable, but these guys got way too much time for what should’ve been a filler match. If this was my first experience with MLW, I wouldn’t be hyped – they’re lucky me, and I assume most of their other fans, have seen good stuff from them in the past to want to stick with them.
Anyhow, we see a pic of Hammerstone at the hospital and see his injury from last week, and ouch, it looks gnarly. We see EJ in the same parking lot from last episode. “How you tackle me but you knock your damn self out?”. Considering EJ is a former footballer, that’s a pretty good burn in my opinion. He still tries to get the himmy neutron thing over, though, which is not as good, but hey! I’ll take that entertaining line.
The Samoan SWAT Team chatter a bit. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling a bit adhd but I didn’t quite understand much of what they said. There’s a fucking ad for a Blumhouse movie? It’s about an evil baby or something. Everytime I see ads on MLW, it’s for wrestling related stuff. That’s weird. Anyways. Mads cuts a promo. He wants to face Hammerstone, but Mance fucked with him, so first he’s gonna take out Mance.
We then see Mance in the woods. He’s continuing the Doc Gallows joke, and it’s starting to get a bit old now. Microman is here, though, with a butterfly net. We see a flashback to the number 1 contender’s women match. Flammer cuts a promo. That’ll happen next week. We also have mance vs mads in a tables match. We see Bomaye Fight Club cut a promo on the Opera Cup. It’s now the Bomaye Cup of the gods.
We got the main, SB Kento vs Davey Richards. The two lock up, trading holds. Davey takes him to the corner, but Kento kicks him in the chest, then wails on him in the corner. Davey whips him out and then run around a bit, but Davey dropkicks him out of the ring. Kento takes off his shirt and strangles Davey with it. Surprisingly, I haven’t seen a spot like that before.
They now brawl on the outside. Kento slams him on the ring apron. After ads, Kento is in control. He stomps Davey in the corner and hits a running dropkick, going for a two count. He goes for some sort of submission on the ropes. Davey hits some strikes. They fight for position, but Davey hits a double stomp. Kento tried to hit a sunset flip on him but Davey fought it, so he was just standing there pretending to try not to fall down. It looked stupid.
Anyways, they exchange strikes. Davey hits a dragon screw on Kento. He gestures to the crowd, for a bit too long imo, prior. He then goes to the top rope and goes for a stomp, but SB dodges. Davey then gets him in the trailer hitch, but Kento gets the ropes.
They then trade some holds some more – Davey hits a handspring but gets caught, and they then trade kicks, and Kento hits a german for a two. Kento goes to the top ropes, but Davey climbs with him. He hits a big superplex for a two count. He grabs an ankle lock for a second, but runs to the ropes to hit Kento. They then exchange strikes. Kento hits the ropes, but gets a kick to the head and a german. Davey then hits a lariat and a brainbuster for a two. Davey instantly gets the ankle lock and wraps around the leg with his body. SB taps out.
Rich interviews Davey, and he says he’s coming after Alex Kane. I thought he’d get ambushed, but nope.
Well, that was my least favourite episode of MLW so far. The first match was a huge waste of time in my opinion. Kento and Davey was alright and I didn’t make a big deal out of it, but that sunset flip spot looked quite stupid and took me out of the match which I wasn’t super into to begin with. I didn’t care for any of the promos other than the end of Mance’s and EJ’s. Also I just realized, at the start of the show they told us Cesar was fired from being a matchmaker and they’d tell us more, but they never did.
I’m still interested in the two main feuds to keep watching as well as MLW proving to be entertaining before, but like I said, if this was the first MLW show I saw, I wouldn’t wanna tune in for more. To be honest, I’m not super hyped about next week’s episode, either. I’m not a huge Taya fan and Flammer didn’t impress me. I just hope Mance and Mads deliver, as well as what other matches or promos they have. Either way, I’ll be there, and as always, the next post I’ll do will be a NWA recap. See you next time.
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kopw · 1 year
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beefyandbloody · 7 months
Random thought but wrestling is so much more fun for me now than when I was watching it like five years ago, it no longer feels like putting up with a bunch of bullshit to see two matches and one promo that I actually enjoy. Now I watch dynamite and think wow that was a good episode more or less every week when five years ago I was surprised when I actually enjoyed raw in its entirety. It just feels so good man
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techmesy · 2 years
Johnny Fusion makes his MLW debut, receiving a title shot on Court Bauer's comments
Johnny Fusion makes his MLW debut, receiving a title shot on Court Bauer’s comments
Johnny Fusion (John Hennigan) is set to challenge MLW National Openweight Champion Davey Richards at MLW’s Blood & Thunder tapings. MLW announced last week that the former John Morrison would be making his debut at the Blood & Thunder tapings, and now they’ve confirmed his opponent. This will be the first match between the veteran pro wrestlers. “Each wrestler’s style makes this title fight an…
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brainbustr · 2 years
MLF Fusion #155
A big title match between Alex Kane and Davey Richards on last MLW Fusion!
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lamaenthel · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for tagging me @ahsokathegray !!<3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
231k lmaoooo when did that happen I feel like I've been in a fugue state since February
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (and technically, TECHNICALLY The Matrix but it's a Star Wars AU fusion lmao)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Porg Eyes, Princess For A Year, Ram'ser'ika, Better Than Nothing, The Contingency
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes every single one omfg I love everyone
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, Soft Dark Nothing is Ahsoka and Rex on the moon right after The Tribunal crashed so by default it's gotta be her (rip Jesse my beloved)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Not Bad ends up with Snips n Skyguy going to Biscuit Baron lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet but I live in fear every day especially since I'm dipping my toe in the Republic Commandos pond and I know the girlies are passionate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do and it's ridiculously graphic HAHAHA no but there's a reason I haven't posted any Rexsoka smut. Makin y'all wait for it until they COMMIT, gotta keep that tension in there somewhere uwu. But wlw, mlw, mlm, aliens and cyborgs gonna work their way in there eventually (?) I have Not Out Loud, which is an mlm fic with Boba tying up Cal and facefucking him (Kesett nation rise)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Go Ask Ahsoka is the Matrix crossover that I wrote for AU August which I will eventually update lmfao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No but I would cry
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not like… technically but Erika is my beta and my bestie and she comes up with amazing ideas and lets me play with her OCs so honestly she counts (ilu)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Rexsoka 💙🧡, closely followed by Anidala (burning down the galaxy for a single person is objectively WRONG but also hot)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well Do Not Go Gentle is a huge fucking project that I HOPE I finish one day
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at action. I enjoy it which helps lmao
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get really ahead of myself laying out hints and red herrings which I then forget about (Princess For A Year especially is the worst about this, I am so sorry for all of those hints about Sylen being a pretend Mandalorian I fucked up so bad with that one but I'm going to rewrite it eventually to bring back a bunch of my dropped subplots)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I enjoy it and do so regularly. Mando'a nuhur'shya ni ru'kar'tayli. And it makes my brain work in unexpected ways, it's like a puzzle trying to figure out the wacky ass baby's-first-conlang grammar that is Karen's creation (what the fuck kind of language doesn't have a passive voice)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OKAY OKAY TECHNICALLY, TECHNICALLY????? It was the Lion King. I was in first grade and we had to write a little storybook and illustrate the pages they gave us with crayons and my story was How Simba Lost His Mane lmfaoooo
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I have poured my whole heart, soul, brain, and pussy into Tivaevae pls read it it's longer than The Hobbit
no pressure tags: @soliloquy-of-nemo, @tangledlichen, @ink-in-books, @hannah-schooler
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likesummerrainn · 2 years
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MLW Fusion | 05.05.22
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ringthedamnbell · 1 year
This Week in Wrestling 2023 Week 23
This Week in Wrestling 2023 Week 23: Brian talks about Major League Wrestling and how far it has fallen off the grid and shares all the best wrestling content from this week.
Brian Damage It’s Saturday and today we have ’This Week in Wrestling’, the 23rd entry of 2023. Today Brian talks about Major League Wrestling and how far it has fallen off the grid and shares all the best wrestling content from this week. Continue reading Untitled
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mrfearlessriot · 1 year
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Taya Valkyrie vs. Delmi Exo {World Featherweight Championship Match} • MLW Fusion, 6/15/23
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skelltan · 2 years
MLW Fusion 158 Review/Recap
Hey all, another week, another MLW Fusion recap/review. As always, if you want to see older ones and other wrestling reviews, check the tags below. We open with a recap of Cesar discovering the attacks last week. The commentary team welcome us to the show.
Here comes Willie Mack! He’s only on commentary, though. I have no idea why Impact let go of this guy, he was one of the more entertaining people on their dire roster, but hey, now he’s here on a much more entertaining wrestling show, so.
The first match is a tag match – La Anexion from IWA Puerto Rico vs the Samoan Swat Team. Samoan Swat Team take Anexion to separate corners and attack them. Anexion try to fight back, but Lance hits them together. Juicy hits them in the corner, then Lance does with a cannonball.
We come back from ads as Lance does a pretty good looking tope con hiro on Anexion. They then brawl on the outside a bit. Juicy goes for a cannonball, but hits the barriers. Back in the ring, Anexion beat up Lance. Anexion hit a muta lock/dropkick combo which looks cool, but Juicy is back in the ring and clotheslines them both.
Juicy gets one of them them both in a fireman’s carry and hits a double samoan drop. Lance Anoai gets a big splash for the win. Rich Bocchini gives an interview to the Samoan Swat Team. Fatu is still feuding with Enzo, I guess, but Fatu also sees Willie Mack and welcomes him over. Willie challenges him, and Fatu accepts.
The Bomaye Fight Club have a promo, Alex Kane just sorta gloats. Then Davey has a video promo. He’s been training a friend from overseas, and teases Alex Kane will see him soon. Davey is also coming back for the Opera Cup, of course.
We get a video package for Lio Rush. Hell yeah always love some Lio. We see outside of Court Bauer’s office, where he yells, and Cesar leaves. Mads Kruger does a promo. His voice is a bit silly, but he calls out Mance. We get a recap to Jacob Fatu’s promo from earlier.
Sultan del Aire comes down to the ring. He’ll face EJ Nduka. EJ takes Sultan to the corner and throws him with a few big biels. Sultan gets some kicks, but EJ slams him. Commentary says something about kicking Pikachu? Sultan gets a few kicks, but gets clotheslined by EJ. EJ tries to pull the mask off, but slams Sultan to the floor. He goes for the Nduka bomb for the win, a sort of Blue Thunder Bomb with many more spins. Not sure I like it. EJ looked fine, though. EJ does a promo, but the audio on the mic is bad. Hammerstone comes down to the ring to attack EJ. They brawl for a bit, and Hammerstone tackles Nduka through the stage. Hammerstone gets cut open.
Backstage, Fatu looks like he might cash in his title shot, which I guess he can do, but we go to ad break. I’m not sure if this’ll be fixed in post, but watching live, there was a production error where the Fatu segment flashed a few times on screen before the same Davey Boy hype package played. Fatu decided not to cash in because he wants Hammerstone clean.
Flammer and Taya will have a match in 2 weeks. I probably won’t care for it that much to be honest. Cesar leaves the building. Now the main event, Shun Skywalker vs Myron Reed for the middleweight title. Let’s go.
Davey is accompanying Shun to the ring. Alex Kane is on commentary. Myron and Shun start off hot with a lot of acrobatics. They tease a lockup, but don’t. Alex Kane says one of the commentators is being a fanboy for Davey and accuses him of having something more with Davey which is funny. Myron goes for a clothesline, but Shun dodges and kicks Myron in the gut. Myron whips, but Shun comes back and locks a hold on Myron’s leg. Myron takes the lead for a little, but Shun fights valiantly and hits a monkey flip.
Shun hits a nice tope, and we go to ads. We get more production errors during the ads. I also just realised Hammerstone kind of looks like the chad “yes” meme. Anyways, back to the show, Shun hits a big boot for a two count. He hits some chops on Myron. Myron goes to the top rope, doesn’t hit a move, but his a superkick on Shun and then gets him in a fireman’s carry and slams him off the ropes for a 2.5. Kane is still funny bickering with commentary.
Myron keeps Shun in the corner, but Shun whips him out. Myron whips Shun, though, but Shun gets a big dropkick on Myron. They fight for position and Myron gets a chop, but runs into a backelbow, chop and ddt. Shun goes for the ultima weapon, but Myron misses. Hey, if Mikey Bailey can barely hit it, I doubt you can, shun. Shun goes for a crucifix but drops Myron and hits the ultima weapon this time for a two.
Myron his a nice cutter on Shun. He even hits a big cutter on the outside to Shun. Myron goes for something from the top rope, but Shun hits an anti air dropkick and hits the SSW for a two count. Shun goes for a moonsault but gets hit by a cutter – a little sloppy, but it looked fine. Only a 2 count, though. Myron goes for a springboard cutter and some athletic shit goes down and they jockey for pins and Shun gets a surprise 3 for the win.
This was the first time I watched an episode as it aired. My verdict? I didn’t expect to really be that into Samoan SWAT Team but that opening match was pretty good for what it was. Juicy Finau is especially good at his role, and Lance had a damn fine tope. EJ’s match wasn’t bad, it was basically a squash. He looks alright and I wouldn’t mind seeing him face Hammerstone. The main was amazing, obviously match of the night. Shun is good, Myron is definitely good. I might watch some Dragon Gate, but I’ll definitely be looking forward to seeing more Myron.
I think the Hammerstone/EJ segment went on a little long, but it’s the main title program, so that’s to be expected. The calling card storyline was barely touched upon in any meaningful way and again, I think the recaps were unnecessary – especially to a promo we already saw earlier, but I’d say this was probably the best time management I’ve seen in an MLW show yet, and the main was awesome. As always, if you want a weekly hour of wrestling, you could do much worse. See you next time with my abridged NWA review.
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crazyninjacandy · 6 months
J-Dude's Reviews: MLW Fusion Alpha # 8
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thedudear1992 · 10 months
MLW Fusion 194: AKIRA vs. RSP | Battle Royal | Kai vs. Exo vs. James | B...
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angrymarks · 10 months
Ronda Rousey, Marina Shafir, WWE/AEW Videos, Dominic Garrini, MLW Fusion - Friday's Latest Wrestling News #1 for Nov. 24th
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