#MHA Yamada
cheezface · 23 days
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presentmic-rp · 2 months
GOOD MORNING LISTENERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dabiscrustytoe · 25 days
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He's so damn cute OMG.
(my hero vigilantes)
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mhabirthdays · 3 months
Happy Birthday
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Hizashi Yamada (Voice Hero: Present Mic) – July 7th
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chatterbox-73 · 1 year
not sure if U take requests but could u do present mic or an aizawa fic?
.Sugar Daddy.
.Radio Sugar.
Hizashi Yamada x fem!Reader
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This story is a smut story, I’ll more characters x reader one shots in the future and if you want to see a character please let me know.
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Part two: Price of consoling (Shota Aizawa)
A/N: I was requested to write about Mic or Aizawa, honestly had the hardest time choosing so will most likely post an Aizawa one-shot in the foreseeable future… though I also don’t want to jinx myself😁.
Summary/inspiration/prompt: you find yourself at a bar using your last few yen before meeting a stranger who teaches you a few very important lessons.
Word count: 1.4k
CW: NSFW and adult content, semi-public sex, oral (m!receiving and implied f!receiving), inexperienced reader, drinking.
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You were at university getting your major in music and performing arts, your parents hadn’t approved of your decision to study music and so they completely cut you off. You hadn’t spoken to or seen them in years and it was hard getting by at first that was until you met and got extremely close to a very popular pro hero, who also happened to be a teacher at a top hero academy and a host of a late night radio talk show.
You had been having no luck with any jobs, as all the places hiring wanted some oddly specific quirks for the jobs, some wanted strength based quirks while others wanted speed based quirks, both of which weren’t so fortunate to have. Instead you had a mutation quirk, you didn’t think it was ‘unsightly’, you actually believe yourself to be quite beautiful however you had been called ‘unsightly’ more times in this week alone then you had in your entire life; your quirk wasn’t even that bad.
Your quirk, ‘Four Eyes’ your childhood friend so cruelly named it gave you an extra set of eyes, your extra set of eyes were usually a cool gray but would change colours depending on your emotions. So all in all it wasn’t a weird or out of the ordinary type of quirk, but people still didn’t want to work with someone who had a mutation.
You found yourself at a bar drinking your last few hundred yen, your head laid against the bar counter and you watched the amber coloured liquid swirl around the cup, “now why’s a pretty lady, alone in a place like this?” Your eyes followed where the voice came from, to fine a blonde man with red eyes and a moustache. “Cheap beer and quiet… oh and of course mutant friendly… and you are?” you sat up and took a large swig of the beer almost finishing it all in one shot, he smiled at you and rested his elbows on the bar table, “Yamada… tough time, huh?” He throw his name in as it held no importance and made no attempt to hide that he looked at your breasts, you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms under your breasts to pushed them up. If some guy was going to hit on you, you were going to take full advantage of it… “yeah… so it should be easy for you to understand I don’t do this for free” you hummed, as if you knew what you were doing, but in actuality you had no clue. You’d seen plenty of movies and read copious amounts of books with scenarios like this but you had never sold yourself for money, you weren’t even very versed in the ‘act’ itself, but maybe you’d get lucky and he’ll take charge. Yamada lent in and whispered to you, his eyes still focused on your plump breasts “go to the bathroom and I’ll meet you there” he lightly kissed your neck and sat up straight, you got up and walked to the bathroom waiting for the man.
You sat on your feet looking directly at his hard member, it wasn’t massive but still large, it was covered in thick pulsing veins and curved to the side, his balls hung low and were mostly hairless despite the nicely trimmed dense dark blond carpet of pubes that surrounded his cock, in all honesty the sight was delicious, you felt a ache in your abdomen and throat, a dampness settled in your panties as a dryness sat in your mouth. Yamada grabbed the base of his cock and tapped it against your cheek before wiping his tip along your lips before using his other hand to tilt your head back and open your mouth, “suck it baby” he demanded and slide is tip over your tongue, you rested your hands flat on your thighs and began suckling on his tip, you continued this until he clicked his tongue and crossed his arms over his chest, “get up” he said and barely looked down at you, you stood and before you could anything he bet you to it. “You don’t do this often” Yamada said as he looked at you, his eyes cold and dark, you shook your head and went to apologise but was interrupted again, “tell me when I’ve got the number right” he held up a hand all five fingers up, before he put down his thumb, only leaving up four fingers, you watched his hand and he watched you. Yamada dropped another finger and then another, to this you blinked and looked to the ground, the man looked at his hand… two, how measly and pathetic, he thought. “And out of these two times, did you give a blowjob” he asked and your eyes stayed on the ground, he hummed and wrapped an arms around your waist pulling you into his chest, his other hand tangled onto your hair “don’t worry, I’ll teach you, sweetness” he chuckled as forced a kiss on your mouth, you gasped as he pressed his hips into yours and pushed his tongue into your mouth, you grabbed his shirt and whined before he pulled away from you and pushed you back onto your knees.
You panted and gasped as your heart raced, you looked up at him waiting for instructions, “grab the base with one hand” you followed the instruction, your hand wrapped around his tip and slowly slid down to the base making contact with Yamada’s rough carpet, he smirked and nodded “good girl, now gently cup my balls with your other hand” he said, your hand lightly cupped his sack, it was strange they were warm, heavy and strangely smooth, the man hissed slightly at the warmth of your hand, “now hurry up and start sucking… but don’t only suck, kiss and lick too” he eyed you as you took his tip into your mouth and sucked it, before you swirled your tongue around it and slowly slipped it out of your mouth, you continued to repeat this same action until you gained more confidence and with your new found confidence you took him deeper, you bobbed your head and light rubbed his ball, Yamada leaned his head back groaning and tangling a hand into your hair.
It was euphoric, his taste, his scent and his sound, he was enjoying your mouth wholly, Yamada wasn’t far from finished and somehow you could tell, you gently squeezed his sack and took him all the way in, it was uncomfortable and made you feel as though you’d vomited at any moment but the feeling of his body tense and the taste of his hot seed… your eyes rolled back and you hand disappeared under the waistband of your pants, you moaned allowing your fingers to explore your wetness, the man stiffened and pulled you off his member, pulling you to your feet.
Your body pressed to his, your fingers still occupied with your cunt, “that was sloppy…” Yamada hummed pulling your hand from your pants, “you came… didn’t you” you whined and glared at the man before your resentment quickly turned to shock as he took your dirty fingers into his mouth sucking them clean, Yamada chuckled lifting you onto the bathroom counter before yanking your pants off and disappearing between your thighs.
You looked at your very full bank account it had only been two hours since you allowed that strange to fuck you on the bathroom counter and now you stood at the ATM looking down at all the extra digits that weren’t there before, one single transaction from a Hizashi Yamada and you’re richer than you’d been in your entire life, all you had to do was have some sloppy mediocre sex with him, suddenly a thought crossed your mind; ‘if I get better at that and do everything he wants… I’d be living comfortably for the rest of my life’ you smile and draw out some money, just enough to get dinner and rent a couple of adult films… for studying of course…
That was three years ago, now you live in a high class apartment and wear the finest clothes and jewellery, everything and anything you want, only for the price of your body. However there’s one thing you weren’t prepared for was Yamada introducing you to his friend, A friend he explained has recently broken up with his girlfriend and needs some consoling… at the right price of course… to which you couldn’t refuse.
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More from the ‘Sugar Daddy’ series:
Masterlist (coming soon)
Previous - Satoru Gojo: ‘Not’ only you.
Next - Shota Aizawa: Price of consoling.
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mostly-daniel · 24 days
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Random teen erasermic drawing that I drew a while ago and forgot to line
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nastyadreamstar · 26 days
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moosefrog · 14 days
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Just who is he whistling at? Oh Yamada, never change. I bet he's posing for an Instagram thirst trap.
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clover-46 · 1 month
idk if anyone’s said this already but present mic is soooooo cockatiel coded
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dogwaterdish · 2 years
Aizawa: *chokes on something*
Mic: Jeez, Aizawa, don't die on us.
Aizawa: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
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burningablaze · 2 years
EraserMic Family - A Nice Monster
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A/N: @made-by-jade-222 , you're my favorite writer and I’m so glad you're back. You made your stories feel so special and made me feel happy. My favorite stories that you used to write was EraserMic family and I really loved those stories so I thought up this fic that reminded me of you. Maybe when you get around and get a chance to read this, I want to let you know that you feel special to me 💖
Summary: Eri wakes up from a nightmare and runs to her daddy and papa. Aizawa and Yamada did everything they could to comfort their baby except for one method. A method that will always gets her to smile and ready to go back to sleep again.
Lers: Yamada and Aizawa
Lee: Eri
Words: 960
Eri stirred in her sleep, her face contorted in fear. She murmured something unintelligible, and her body shook as if she was trying to escape something. It seemed that Eri was having a nightmare, her subconscious mind struggling with some unseen terror.
Suddenly, Eri awoke from her nightmare with a start. Tears began streaming down her face as she realized the dream's terror was not absolute. She felt overwhelmed with emotion and began to cry, her body shaking with each sob. She was filled with a sense of relief that it was only a dream, but the fear it had caused still lingered.
She quickly got off her bed and sprinted out of her room. She was eager to get to her dad and papa's room. Tears streamed down her face as she called out to her parents. “Daddy! Papa!” She shouted, her voice echoing down the hallway. She was eager to get to them, to be in their arms, and have them comfort her.
Eri burst into her parent's room and found Aizawa and Yamada sitting comfortably on the bed, seemingly minding their own business. Upon seeing Eri, they quickly dropped whatever they were doing and got worried, as she looked so scared.
“Eri, sweetheart, what happened?” Yamada asked. Eri began to cry again and ran up to their bed. She crashed into Aizawa’s arms and sobbed in his chest. He gently tried to comfort her, saying, “Hey, hey, hey, it’s alright, Eri. It’s okay.” His words seemed to have a calming effect on her, but she was still shaken up.
Aizawa asked, "What happened, Eri?" Eri wiped her face and sniffled before responding. "I had a really bad dream. You and Papa were gone. I thought something happened to you, and I got scared," She said.
Yamada frowned as he gently rubbed Eri's back. His voice was full of love and compassion as he spoke. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, honey. We love you so much, Eri, and we will never leave you. You are so important to us, and we will always be here for you."
He kissed Eri on the forehead and held her along with Aizawa until she stopped crying. With a final hug and a gentle smile, he let her go and looked into her eyes. “How’re you feeling?” Yamada asked.
“A little better,” Eri said. “Will you be able to go back to sleep tonight?” Aizawa asked. “I don’t know. I’m still scared.” Eri trembled. She was still afraid to go back to sleep after experiencing a dreadful dream.
Yamada snapped his fingers after he thought up of an idea. “How about we tell you a story about a monster who can protect you while you sleep?” He suggested. Eri tilted her side. “A monster?” “Yeah, and he’s a nice monster, too,” Aizawa added.
“What kind of monster?” Eri asked. Yamada gave her a sly smile. “It’s a special monster,” He said. “It only comes out when you’re really scared.” “Here,” Aizawa picked her up and adjusted Eri to lay on her back against his belly. “This kind of monster uses a special technique to get laughing if your sad.”
“What kind of monster is he, daddy?” Eri asked. “He’s the tickle monster!” Yamada shouted out of nowhere and started to tickle her sides, making her giggle. Eri squealed with laughter as Yamada tickled her. "Ehehehehehehehehe papahahahaha!" She said between laughs and curled her arms against her sides.
“And the tickle monster had decided to come to visit!” Aizawa joined his husband to tickle Eri. She wiggled side to side when she felt fingers fluttering against her belly.
“Ehehehehehehehe it tihihihihickles!” Eri squealed. “He tickles you under here,” Yamada tickled Eri under her arms. “Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”
“He tickles you over here,” Aizawa scratched her sides. “Ehehehehehehehehe nohohohohoho!”
“He tickles you all sorts of places just to get you laughing and squirming all over the place until you feel all better!” Yamada taunted Eri as he continued to dug his fingers into her underarms.
“Papahahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” Eri kicked her legs and rolled around, filling the room with the sound of her sweet laughter.
Yamada gasped. “I know another good place to tickle!” He scooted down the bed and grabbed hold of one of Eri’s ankles. “Your cute little feet!”
“Not my feheheheet, papahahahaha!” She cried as she tried to pull her leg away from one of the tickle monsters, but the other tickle monster pulled her back down and tickled her tummy.
“You're not going anywhere, little miss! Not until I had my fill!” Aizawa said playfully. He kept her on his lap while Yamada skittered his fingers all over Eri’s foot. “Ehehehehehehehehe nohohohohoho! Daddyehehehe! Papahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”
Eri kicked her leg to get her papa to let go, but Yamada got a tight grip and tickled her toes. “Deliver the final blow, Shouta!” He encouraged. Aizawa smirked and lifted Eri’s pajama shirt to blow a deadly raspberry. His stubble made it worse.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DADDYEHEHEHE!” Eri shrieked and tried to push Aizawa’s head away, but it was no use. She didn’t have enough strength to make him stop, and he was a lot stronger than her.
After the two tickle monsters had enough of torturing their daughter, the three of them snuggled closely together. Eri gave a loud and long yawn. “Looks like our little sleepyhead is tired,” Yamada said as he pushed a strand of hair out of her face. Aizawa yawned as well. “I hate contiguous yawns. Yeah, I’m tired as well. Eri can sleep with us for tonight.”
Eri had already fallen asleep before Aizawa noticed and turned off his lamp. “Hmph, goodnight, baby girl.” He and Yamada got comfortable in their bed and ensured Eri was safe and sound asleep.
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What if Present Mic was taught English by a British person?
Villain: Oh no! It's Present Mic!
Present Mic: E'LLO GOV'NA!!!!!
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presentmic-rp · 2 months
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animesoulmate-aus · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could do (another) Snipe x reader? But maybe have the reader be a teacher? Please and thank you in advance
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A/N: It's been like 3 years since I've been on this blog. A lot has changed and I've grown as a writer. So, why not have my Tumblr come back happen with a fun Snipe x Teacher reader? Without further a do, I present
English lessons with a Cowboy (Snipe x GN S/O) (Soul Animal AU)
Beep! Beep! Beep!
The rays of the morning sun leak their way into the bedroom. You lay there, eyes closed and light hitting your face. You could feel the rays against your eyelids but you were so content with laying there. You didn't want to move from your nice government issue bed.
Grumbling a bit, you manage to pull yourself up to sit and then slammed your hand down on the big red button of your digital alarm clock. You scratched your stomach, took a stretch, and let out a monstrous yawn. You finally opened your (color) eyes, allowing you to take in the room and your little friend sitting at the foot of the bed, staring at you ever so patiently.
You smile, a small half smile, holding your hand up as you beckon your friend to come a bit closer. Their big grey eyes and matching fur coat shimmers in the light as their tongue hangs out of their mouth. The decently sized dog trots forward, almost a smile on its face as it lays right in your lap and starts sniffing you.
You laugh a little, feeling his nose press against yours and then his tongue scrape against your face a couple times in a slobber filled mess.
"Hey boy," you manage to laugh out as he stands and is now practically forcing you against the headboard.
You put your hand out, covering his mouth, tongue now pressed against your palm. He looks confused, taking a slow careful lick before pulling his tongue back into his mouth and sitting on your lap. He resumes panting, his smile never faltering.
"Okay ya big lug," you scratch his chest a bit, causing him to tilt his head up and his leg to bounce a little. "We have to get ready for work. Come on," you struggle out that last bit, gently nudging you off of him so you can finally stand up.
He whines, getting off and jumping off the bed. He sits down next to your slippers and waits patiently for you. You slide out of bed, fix the covers a little, and finally put your slippers on. The carpeted floor of the bedroom is much less of a shock in the morning compared to tile floors in your old apartment. Thank goodness you were given a place to stay cause of everything that's been going on with Yuuhei for free. Teachers and students live on campus now. Each year and class getting their own set of dorms.
To be honest, when you heard about this you weren't surprised. Yuuhei had enough funding for 3 mock cities in what you like to joke as, their backyard. So obviously, the school had enough room for a couple dorms for all the students, each with their own specifications for certain students with certain quirks. So when you heard the teachers got one, your surprise was very limited. It was the only logical answer to everything that was going on.
But you were just a simple English teacher and a small time hero. You weren't even in the top 500. Well you almost were. But then one day you caught the flu and were stuck at home. That was the day that the hero right below you in rank managed to stop a huge villain attack and gain popularity in the polls. A lot of people voted in her favor and she shot right pass you and into the 500th spot. So now you're stuck at rank 501. But, you couldn't really care. You were more in it to shape the young minds of students. Besides, with your quirk and abilities, you could easily make top 100 before the end of the year.
Your dog nudges you, sticking his nose against your leg. That caused you to jump.
"Simon." You say sternly as you look at him.
Simon walks over to the door to the bathroom and sits beside it, looking up at you. His ears perk up. You sometimes forget how big he is. His head is in line with the doorknob. You sigh, walking over and rubbing his head before you take your morning shower and carry on with your morning routine. School is starting soon. You don't want to be late for your first class of the day.
"(Y/n)!" A loud and familiar voice shouts from down the hall in English.
You turn, Simon turning with you to see Yamada Hizashi with a black cat on his shoulder. That cat never left his side. It always liked to sleep too. And you swore up and down, those yellow eyes it had were the creepiest thing.
"Hey, Yamada." You smile at him, still tired and not even a cup of coffee in your system yet.
"Which class are you teaching today?" Yamada asked, walking in stride with you and Simon to the faculty room.
"Class 3-B."
"Ahhh, Mirio Togata's class! They're a fun bunch, especially with him in the room. Shouta is going to have him and the other 2 of the big three come into 1-A next week. Said he wanted the kids to get a feel for what someone who's destined to go looks like." Yamada smiled, his big goofy grin.
"Well, I'm sure Mirio will take them down no problem." You chuckled in amusement at the idea of the 1st years fighting against Mirio.
"I don't know, we have some pretty strong 1st years this year. Especially that one that All Might has taken a liking to." Yamada held the door open for you to the faculty room.
"Yeah, Midoriya Izuku was his name right?" You questioned as Simon took his normal spot underneath your desk and laid in his large dog bed with his carrot squeaky toy.
Simon loved that thing. He's had it since he was a puppy and he's never let go of it. Luckily, you bought multiple carrot squeaky toys for when he inevitably destroyed this one. He's gone through at least 6 in these past couple years.
Yamada sits at the desk beside you, his cat jumping from his shoulders and laying down in the small cat bed that was right next to all his books. He pulls out a pen, grabs a stack of papers, and started grading them.
You check your watch, sigh, and get up from your seat. Simon looks at you from under the desk and continues chewing on his toy. He watches as you walk over to the pot of coffee and start brewing yourself some.
"Is that (Y/n) brewing coffee?" Shouta asked as he walked in
"(Y/n) brewing coffee!" The small cockatiel on his shoulder echoed.
Aizawa pet the feathers atop his head to which he chirped at with delight. He flew off of his shoulder and onto the small perch that Aizawa had on his desk that sat right beside Yamada's.
"Yep, want a cup Sho?" You look over your shoulder, pouring yourself a large cup of coffee.
"Yes please." He pulls out his chair and sits down right next to Yamada.
You bring over Aizawa a cup of coffee and then place down your cup on your desk before gathering a stack of papers. Look look at your watch and sigh after checking the time.
"Gotta go handle your class already?" Yamada asks with what looks like a sly grin.
"Of course I do." You grumble, still not nearly awake enough to do this.
"Well, have fun with your 3rd years, (Y/n)." Yamada cooed as he waved.
You rolled your eyes and then whistled for Simon. He grabbed his carrot and walked after you with it in his mouth. You made your way down the halls and up some stairs as you sipped your coffee with your papers in hand. As you reach the last flight of stairs, Simon's ears perk up and he looks up the stairs. He races up the stairs and immediately bolts to the left.
"Simon!" You shout, rushing up the stairs with a half full cup of coffee.
He's never done this before. You see him stop infront of a door and sit there. It was almost as if he was waiting for something. He had stopped the toy at his feet and just stared at the door.
"Simon?" You question, walking over to him and staring at him and then glancing to the door.
"(Y/n)?" You recognized that thick country accent anywhere.
Your heart seemingly stops as you look up at see him. It was Snipe. Now you had managed to admit a while ago you had the smallest, ittiest, tiniest, crush on him. But obviously, you didn't want to admit it. You had a soulmate who wanted to meet you and spend the rest of their life with you. Dating around wasn't ever your thing either. You were content with the idea that you and your soulmate would meet when you're ready.
"Snipe...heyyyy." You smile, saying 'hey' a little awkwardly.
"Hey?" He questions, looking down at Simon whose eyes didn't leave him. "This is....Simon, right?" He points to Simon and looks at you for assurance.
You nod, "Yep, that's Simon. He's my pride and joy." You smile, sipping what's left of your coffee and putting it down on your stack of papers.
And then, something catches your attention. A small orange cat walks from behind Snipe and stares up at Simon. It meows, and Simon leans down and gives it a couple sniffs.
"Is that your cat?" You ask, smiling a little.
"Yep, that's my cat. Named em' Ginger." You could've sworn Snipe was smiling under his mask by just saying the name.
"Let me guess, you call them Ginger snap?"
Snipe seemed surprise. "Yeah, how'd you know?"
You shrug, "Just a lucky guess."
You jump a bit, Ginger rubbing against your legs and purring. You smiled, leaning down and petting them. Simon was pressed against Snipe, licking his leg and tugging on his belt a little.
"Well I'll be." Snipe sounded surprised, looking down at Simon and Ginger.
"Snipe?" You ask, looking up at him.
"I reckon you and I are soulmates, (Y/n)." Snipe fixed the hat on his head and rubbed Simon's back.
"Huh?" Your face flushes. "What are you talking about?"
"Well, our animals are never comfortable with anyone but us and our soulmates touching them. So...I guess that means you're my soulmate." Snipe holds his hand out to help you up.
You put the coffee cup, that you had placed on the ground on the stack of papers you had and sat up. You took his hand, blushing worse as you stood.
"Had a feeling you were my soulmate. But I guess it's finally time you and I actually got the chance to realize it huh?" Snipe chuckled, causing you to do the same.
"I-I guess you're right." You smiled.
"So, (Y/n)...would you uh, like to go out with me after classes are over?" He squeezes your hand a bit.
"Of course, I would love to." You smile, giving his hand a squeeze back.
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mhabirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Hizashi Yamada (Voice Hero: Present Mic) – 7th July
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peachiixox · 3 months
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Daisy Picrew by wizard99
basic Info about Daisy ~
She’s originally from England.
she met Yamada (when she was younger) in England, he was learning English & he told her about his life in Japan (& her friend Luci), he tried to teach them some Japanese as they expressed interest in visiting ,but they both began learning anyways.
She visited him in Japan & met Aizawa. (She had seen photos online as well & what yamada told him).
Daisy & Luci frequently visited until they eventually moved to there.
It’s a Telekinesis based quirk, she is able to manipulate everything, so, objects, people (including effecting the organs & bones) & environment with her mind. She can control things, stop moving things, & is able to destroy things apart. If her emotions are stronger then it becomes stronger (like most power abilities). The range is quite far & it effects some technology / electronics & electricity.
She uses it for self defence mainly as she is not a hero.
Aizawa’s ability helps her control it & sometimes has to stop it.
More to come & feel free to ask anything:)
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