methandnesquik · 4 months
"Armand Is an evil mastermind" mf after seeing him be Louis's doormat in 2x04
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time-lord-hilarious · 4 months
Realistically if Daniel will bring up anything in those files to Armand, which I believe is nigh inevitable, it has to be mf Marius - they’ve already spoken about him in the context of the painting in the penthouse, and I also believe it’s gonna be either in 2x04 to parallel Loumand museum date and the conversation we hear in the promo, or after the San Francisco flashbacks, Daniel desperately trying to regain sense of control, which isn’t going to be pretty at all
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watcherwiki · 6 months
bts of MF 2X04, posted on Watcher's Instagram story March 21, 2024
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henrysglock · 2 years
i think where u and aemiron's csa theories flop at times is that. well. we have no proof henry has sexual intent.
yes, the vines and billy's lines and so on yada yada can be easily interpreted as CSA-coding - even the GA picks up on that. yes, i literally believe so much that the vines, will talking abt the MF in 2x04 and the entire possession thing is easily a metaphor for rape and CSA (i mean on character tropes it says will's possession was mind rape but who knows if character tropes is canon).
however the thing is, we have NO clue if henry is an actual pedophile. there's no textual evidence that he's sexually attracted to will or any child and thats why he did those things. the entire upside-down CSA thing is literally just a metaphor because, as far as we know, NONE of those actions had sexual intent, and the entire point of rape is quite literally, unfortunately; sexual intent.
(and even then the metaphor isn't even canon unless an ST writer etc says so. literally nothing the fandom theorizes is canon because its all a theory)
it's a common coding thing in film. they'll add metaphors that they never actually put into the explicit text so it just stays that way. for example, in wednesday, a character's in-ability to transform into a werewolf and become part of a wolf pack could be seen as a metaphor for being queer. this doesn't ACTUALLY mean the character is queer, unfortunately (personally i doubt that but nothing is canon yet) - but they use metaphors to portray that experience in their fictional world.
so while SA-coding is associated with henry and the upside down, this doesnt LITERALLY mean henry's a pedophile (because again we've literally never been shown his sexual attraction to children)
"There's no sexual intent"
How...How blunt do I have to be about this? Anon...He...There were babies involved. The entire slug thing in general (Barb included) is quite literally sexual reproduction. You can't say there's no sexual intent when there's sexual reproduction involved, anon. Like...please enlighten me on how I can possibly make that clearer. Do I have to be vulgar about it to make it click? Because I'd really rather not be.
All this without mentioning the fact that nearly every person he's targeted, lured, or said goosebump-worthy (/neg) lines to has been a teenager or younger. He's Vecna, Mindflayer, and Demogorgon. We have to look at all the seasons. Here, let's make a list of his victims and their age groups together:
Will: Preteen and teen.
El: Teen.
Nancy: Teen.
Max: Teen.
Fred: Teen.
Chrissy: Teen.
Patrick: Teen.
Barb: Teen.
Billy: Teen (but not a minor).
Heather: Teen.
Holly in S1: Child.
That's one hell of a track record lmao. The only outliers are Joyce in S1 (she's only targeted because she's connected to Will) and the Flayed (which were kind of a mixed bag since they were only there to become the Fleshflayer).
So, not a single one of the primary targets are over 20 years old...but most of them are teens. So you're right, I guess. He's not a pedophile.
He's closer to the definition of an ephebophile (with a thing for redheads).
Also, this isn't Wednesday. This isn't even in the same ballpark as Wednesday. Stranger Things is an adult supernatural horror series. It was supposed to be named Montauk for heaven's sake, as in the MKULTRA subset known for...what, exactly?
You guessed it: raping and otherwise abusing boys to break them and turn them into mindless super-soldiers.
I...don't know how much plainer I can make it without it becoming tasteless. The tentacle and the Mindflayer's possession are not a metaphors for rape. They're literal rape. The metaphor is the combination of Henry and the Shadow Monster re: cycles of abuse and the way forced conformity and weaponized trauma allow cycles of abuse to be perpetuated.
If you don't want to see what's on the screen in front of you, for whatever reason, that's totally fine. It's no skin off my nose. But don't come in here telling me my analyses flop when I incorporate the things you choose not to perceive.
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4alarmfirecracker · 3 years
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By the time I realized I loved you, it was too late.
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louloutche · 3 years
Damn this episode was intense, I was on the edge of my seat all along! My heart ache for Abigail, she’s going through so much. Part of it she can only blame herself for, but there’s so much she can’t control. But I’m glad Tally is not letting her former link to Alder cloud her judgement and the unit is still her first priority no matter what. Shit is about to go down, and I’m a bit scared for her, because unless the link they shared can keep Alder from hurting or killing Tally for any reason, she might try to get rid of her.
I’m scared but also very curious to see where this will lead. This show is truly amazing.
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fswitchinghour · 3 years
Protestor Party Time
A wee bit late, but for your enjoyment Season 2, Ep 4!
iTunes | Spotify | Other Platforms
In this episode, Abigail has a Very Bad Day. Adil breaks up with her (just when I was starting to enjoy them as a couple), her mom is still pushing Gregorio as an option, and she's also almost murdered by the Camarilla. Luckily, the squad has her back and saves the day at the last minute. Tally gets closer to solving the mystery of Sgt Nicte Bataan and the incident in Liberia. Raelle gets closer to a possible reunion with Scylla. We get closer to Talder finaly happening. It's all a lot to process, y'all. We break down all the action and more on this week's podcast.   As always, we appreciate you leaving ratings or reviews on iTunes and other platforms. Hit us up on Twitter and talk with us about the show! You can find us at @FSWitchingHour or @mad_typist and @DJaedyxe.  
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scifis-gifs · 3 years
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Anacostia and Scylla in 2x04 Not Our Daughters
A.K.A MFS hitting us with the social commentary
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riosnecktattoo · 3 years
The 2x04 scene !!!!!! The writers were in their bag when they wrote that ep!! The fact that she went to his bar hoping he would be there. IT ONLY TOOK ONE LOOK ARE U KIDDING ME??????? It's the fact that Rio had to walk past Dean to get to Beth for me. I absolutely love that he just waited for her like?? and they were just staring at each other in mirror!!! The intensity!!! The music a MF bop!!! The fact that it felt like everything they've ever done was leading up to this moment. . Love love that she made the first move . their Lil sway!!!!! Switchin' the positions for you, The tissue dispenser , Stroke king ! I simply just think we should have saw them together more often literally they're so sexy pls!! the writers fumbled the bag .... And don't even get me started on the vet smash. An ICONIC episode... Anyways
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anon omfg "Switchin' the positions for you, The tissue dispenser, Stroke king!" made me snort laughing 😂
I can split my life in to March 23rd 2019 BPYP (Before Pick Your Poison) and March 24th 2019 APYP because shit CHANGED when they aired that episode.
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rivertalesien · 3 years
Left this is the drafts, just some thoughts on MFS, episodes 2x04 and 2x05 and in general. Spoilers ahead. And it's long and probably messy. But you knew that.
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The buddy witch cop pairing we didn't know we needed
These short seasons shove a lot of things that otherwise would have to grow organically, in our faces. Time is compressed to the point where it feels as if no time is passing at all. Though the story takes place over the course of a year or so, we have no sense of it, nothing to mark where we are or help us get our bearings. Episode 1 of this season held a good example: we pick up right where Scylla and Willa left off at the end of season 1, but everyone else is on to War College. How much time has really passed? We can guess, but it isn't on screen (the lack of obvious seasonal changes doesn't help, either).
I bring this up because without the time to really tell the story (and I think it has all sorts of potential), at least 16 episodes, too much is condensed and assumed about this world so it feels less than lived-in and easy to pass by.
In season 1 we're given exposition and an introduction to the witch army and to its central controversy: conscription of witches for a life of military servitude. Instead of "Not Our Daughters" as the starting point for a rebellion against this system, we're told there is a terrorist organization called The Spree. "Terrorist" because they've been in operation against the military for some time (how long? We don't really know). Other than Scylla, we really don't meet any other Spree members, much less learn anything about their struggles. Did they begin as a legal rebellion? What pushed them into extremism? We can guess, assume, but that isn't the same as showing us what happened. Without experiencing this other side (except from Scylla's POV and we're immediately led to believe she is an unreliable narrator), the extremism just seems like random shock value.
This is clearly not the intent, but there are plenty of shocking moments (attributed to the Spree) that carry us around season 1 pretty strongly (the attack at the mall, the swimming pool, the Bellweather wedding) and if season 2 had picked up with Scylla (and Willa) meeting with Spree leadership, giving us some sense of their structure and size (are there some High Atlantic members, others in the military, other countries? governments?), they could have built a stronger through-line between the seasons (season 2 filling in what season 1 missed). It also would have followed if Scylla was far more intimidated: in season 1, we were led to believe she was scared of them, that they might harm Raelle. Season 2? She's sitting down to dinner with Raelle's mom and sharing glasses of wine on the couch. So much for the Spree being a vicious invisible entity. Contradictions abound in Scylla's "cell" and around alleged Spree acts in general, but we'll get to that.
Now, though, we're given a new "ancient" enemy and whatever threat the Spree posed (and their story in general) is all but negated. Why? Because the Camarilla were operating in season 1, we just didn't know about it (and, other than the attack on the Bellweather wedding, we still don't know what other terrorist attacks might have been the Camarilla, but blamed on the Spree).
And that not knowing is also a problem: other than scrying, what sort of detection does this long-standing military have in place against its long-standing enemies? Anacostia is a young soldier who had more insight in allowing Scylla freedom (so she could follow her) and was able to semi-infiltrate the Spree, while Alder has done...what?
Alder as The Problem is pretty obvious, as is her centuries-long investment in the system she helped create. President Ward is probably her biggest critic, and, instead of pushing her aside to make way for the very masculine presence of VP Silver, it would have been interesting if we learned, say, that Ward is connected to the Spree or behind the scenes with the Not Our Daughters movement. I'm not sure Silver brings us much in the way of story development (though Penelope is a nice addition to the gang), but continuing Ward as an insightful nemesis would have allowed the emotional connections to flourish: we saw how Alder manipulated her and Ward definitely deserves some payback (can't be missed how a white woman robbed a Black woman of her agency and her voice; if you think Alder isn't a villain, think harder and a reminder: episode 1x01 Petra Bellweather explicitly stated the first Bellweather to serve was a slave. Alder's racism might not be on her sleeve, but it is there.).
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It would also be nice if the show didn't lean so heavily into Abigail's Choice: why is the Imperatrix so against her being with Adil? Last season they really wanted the Tarim's "seeds" and Abigail connecting to one of them might be a step toward that. The Imperatrix could learn a thing or two from the Bene Gesserit, who understood the need for patience and strategy when crossing bloodlines.
In fact, Abigail's suffering, making her a trauma magnet while Raelle and Tally have more forward-motion from their pain (and evolved abilities), isn't a good look. This show doesn't really address racism, but takes a "colorblind" approach, while still layering some of the same old tropes against Black women. I don't think it's deliberate, but I hope they get time to address it. Abigail's trauma and depression, all the pressure she is under just seems to be piled on her more than the others; is adding (justified) violent anger to that mix a good thing or regressive (especially since we know Adil is alive)? Or will we get a bigger picture via Alder?
The targeted attacks on the Bellweather family (by the Camarilla, assumed to be a patriarchal group), the attack on the train in India that kills General Sharma (one of Alder's nemeses), and the murdered Iberians, are not overall representative of the murders in this show, but they might be the most graphic and disturbing and that they were reserved for Black and WOC is something this show needs a little reckoning with.
And the fact that so many of Alder's past/present actions (or implied involvement) are reflected in acts we associate with the Spree: the mass suicides at the mall? Similar to Alder forcing the Iberians to kill themselves. The attack at the pool, freezing everyone over? Raelle describes her mother's "death" as how the "sand turned to glass" and she had to be dug out of it. Even the attack on the Bellweathers and witches in general, severing (and removing) their vocal cords (in order to use their power/voices) is echoed in Alder's ironic "find your voice" PR while using her own to control Ward (and who knows who else, possibly Tally, possibly others).
Episode 2x05 is set during Samhain, a Celtic festival where these witches get to interact with the dead.
Now this is a new development. While witches use their extra vocal cords to create complex harmonics (sacred geometry of sound) that seem to be the source of their power, there has been precious little actual "traditional" supernatural phenomena on the show: no familiars, no wands, no potions. This isn't Hogwarts, after all. It isn't the MCU, either, but their abilities put them on par with Marvel's exceptional mutants.
So how come they can read minds, control others, scry, as well as conjure up and see ghosts (with a blood sacrifice)?
This is a jarring development that takes us out of the show's considered reality: nothing about Fort Salem is suggestive of the classic supernatural; witches are soldiers. There is no "magic", only ability. In fact, the word "magic" is never used. Only "work" or "workings."
The introduction of this more classical supernatural element, therefore, opens up the possibility of merging parallel universes (M refers to Samhain in its traditional sense: a "thin" time where the barriers between "the worlds" can be crossed): the world of Fort Salem seems to be trapped somewhere in the 70s in fashion and technology; we don't even really see guns. Why not? Is there a connection with this idea of a "thin place?"
Aside, I know in Doctor Who, The Doctor's sonic screwdriver can do all sorts of fantastical things, but it can't control others, can it? So I'm curious about the mechanics of these "workings." I'm not sure if they're clear yet, or if the show will go there.
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Circling back to Alder, is it possible she wants endless wars to justify her (and the army's existence). The Spree have been a thorn in her side, and would it be that much of a surprise to learn she has helped the Camarilla? Or used Spree agents for her own ends? One of the other contradictory elements within the Spree is Willa herself: we know she's a healer or fixer. She seems to despise violence/murder and discourages other cell members from committing them. If she is Scylla's cell leader, would she have sent her to the mall? Our late-in-season 1 explanation shows Scylla arriving at the secret cell building where she is given her "balloon" and her orders by a woman we never see again. But we never hear anything explicit.
This contradiction with Willa was suggestive in 2x05 when another cell member berates Scylla for being "soft" that she used to be a "wild animal." This is said in front of Willa. So...is Willa only against suicide missions and has no problem with mass murder? Trying to figure her out and put Scylla in a less complicated light isn't easy. Especially when Scylla then, later, turns around, announces to the Camarilla she's Spree and has gleefully murdered thousands of civilians (kind of puts a bolt on the door that maybe she didn't) then brutally kills two men (likely without Anacostia or Willa knowing about it).
As a character, Scylla is probably closer to a Mystique-type of anti-hero (even changes her face), willing to do what is necessary for liberation, so never really evil, but never really capable of being the good guy, either. This puts her relationship with Raelle (which is more implied pain now in the show than a reality) in murky waters: and it's only bound to get darker when Raelle discovers her mother is alive, is a Spree leader and Scylla has been working with her.
In spite of the actors and other creatives from the show tweeting in support of "Raylla," I hope the show (with its lack of episodes to build into the complexity and let it grow and reshape over time) doesn't take some shortcut that undermines both characters. If you're going to go this complex, don't water it down just to keep a ship afloat.
Now to Anacostia. Easily the badass hero of the show. Easily. And so nuanced. She isn't just One Thing, but all the things and I hope the show really takes her where she can flourish.
I really do love the pairing with Scylla as sort of awkward "buddy cops" hunting the Camarilla; I just wish the Camarilla themselves weren't so one-dimensional and pedestrian. What these two have encountered so far (and I'm still confused as to who they follow/attack/are they dead/this went by too fast) hasn't really built into what we encountered in 2x05: which looked like something out of Eyes Wide Shut. This is where I feel the lack of episodes to build the character of these enemies is hurting the show a little. Yes, the Camarilla are clearly nasty af, but we still don't really *know* them, anymore than we know the Spree: there just hasn't been time to do more than gloss over it all (carefully and considered, but still) to keep the story moving.
One of the things I feel missing a little is banter between Anacostia and Scylla. They are actually getting along very well and that's fine, but it might be a little more fun if there were stronger layers of sarcasm and antagonistic humor. Through them, we could see the real gulfs and the real connections between Army/Spree, etc, especially if, during their stakeouts, they talked about their experiences a little more. We might actually have a stronger concept of these divided worlds.
Also, I really just wanted to see an exasperated Anacostia ripping the picture of Raelle from Scylla's hands and tossing it away, telling her off.
Which brings us to that Not Our Daughters protest: why is everyone spending so much time just standing around? This movement "not our daughters" has no flesh to it as we only get the implication of what gave it birth. If the Camarilla are steering it, that's juicy, but again, we're not really spending time with anyone to get a feel for the public outcry, just this demonstration (with its obvious echoes of protests against vaccinations and voting and even the 1/6 attack, this could have been a truly tense moment, but I felt it was diffused by all the non-action). Since we only see things from the protest group, we don't see how diverse this crowd would really be, with pro-military types and outside agitators and a stronger police presence. If we'd seen Alder having pro-military families bussed in to add to the crowds, it would have been a nice touch.
All that said, Anacostia (and Scylla) booing Alder was very funny.
But the lack of security made everything that followed seem a little off, though terrifying as once again Abigail is attacked, and we finally see how the Camarilla are using witch's vocal cords . It almost seems to be a direct mockery of "find your voice," and while the attacks on "pure blood" lines like the Bellweathers are obvious, why no direct attack on Alder when she's right there? Though, back to the idea of Alder being the real villain directing it all? An attack on the Bellweathers would put them out of her hair. So just coincidence it would benefit her if Petra's clan were to die out? And then knowing exactly how to suppress a witch's harmonics? Not unlike the device used on Scylla?
If it seems a twisted idea, it does maintain a status quo for Alder: a forever war.
And maybe if the real villain is always in our midst, and isn't always villainous (not unlike Jessica Lange's Supreme in AHS: Coven), there are ways of this story building upward and outward where, if it were just down to little-known factors like the Camarilla or the Spree, it would be largely one-and-done, then the potential is all over the place.
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But it also isn't out of my mind that while the show gives its "healthiest" in-person relationships to its straight characters (Abigail/Adil) it has reserved its most complex, largely implied-only and least-likely to have a happy ending (unless they cheat due to time constraints), for the w/w pairing, Raelle and Scylla. I can see the show having these two dance around one another, pining, but always at odds. Maybe it will go in another direction, but right now? There isn't much time for it all unless, again, they take a shortcut that undermines who these women are, as individuals. While Abigail and Adil support and enhance one another, neither Raelle nor Scylla have had a moment to establish such a rapport. It's all "shipping" content at this point. Fun, but a little empty.
It's a bit like the set pieces: in spite of this being an America that took a very different, matriarchal turn at the time of the Revolutionary War, fashion, for example, is largely unchanged. A world where women dominated is a world where women are still in high heels and make-up. Men's clothing is basically unchanged and uniform. Oddly, though, technology is still behind about 40 years. Why no progress?
Does it have to do with how tradition-bound this matriarchal world is? How controlling bloodlines (like the Bene Gesserit in Dune) is everything to maintaining order, and learning there are previously unknown bloodlines (after 300+ years) or is this throwing a curve ball? It isn't always "what's changed" or what's different, but what isn't?
Forced heteronormativity in family breeding is, for our world, a very patriarchal system. How could it differ here, except to, maybe, copy from She Who Shall Not Be Named and her interest in blood purity or (as I prefer) the prophetic intentions of the Bene Gesserit (to breed a "Superbeing")?
Would Raelle and/or Scylla have anything to do with that? Both have mycelium connections; both have been manipulated and while Scylla specifically operates outside of the norms, Raelle (as shown at the protest), is starting to slide into them. What will happen when these two reconnect except a potentially world-altering explosion?
Alder wanted Scylla rotting away in prison, without agency or a voice. She's been not-so-subtly courting Raelle toward her. She's even managed to manipulate Tally again from interfering. She seems unaware of the powder keg under Abigail. And Anacostia is no longer a blind follower.
What is Alder willing to do to stay in power?
I hope people stay tuned.
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tiffgeorgina · 4 years
do you have any favourites parts of season 2? (I agree that the plot has been.... Thin? Non-existent?) But what are the things about this season that you've enjoyed?
hello anon! a few things i’ve enjoyed are:
-the new guest stars. watkins, hill, and raphael are knocking it out of the park. we waited longer than i wanted to to see june and dulé but hey, at least they’re here now! im already kinda attached to their characters and im pretty sure all of them are gonna get fucked over so im scared fjgkjhfdg
-just seeing all these mf characters again. ive missed them so much kjhgkdfjh i could watch them watch paint dry and i’d be okay with that bc i just MISSED THEM
-CONNIE. RESURGENCE. OMFG. i saw xosha roquemore (the actress who plays her) credited for 2x05 a couple weeks back and i FREAKED. OUT. god why do i love this narc. acab except for connie because i like her and she’s pretty (seeing her in full color and 80s style was a REVELATION)
-mo coming back ugh i missed him at the jammer group. seeing him complacent and beaten down HURT. im ready to see him fuck blair up i love blair but he’s walking away in handcuffs this season if mo has anything to say about it
-blair/harris. ok they’re cute i said it (plus they’re easily getting the most screentime out of all the couples this season which is nice bc their relationship is so much less established than the others)
-mo/dawn flashbacks mo/dawn flashbacks mo/dawn flashbacks mo/dawn flashbacks mo/dawn flashbacks!!! i knew we would be seeing their backstory but i didn’t expect it to be the first thing we saw all season!!! i love mo/dawn and i love getting backstory since i was waiting to know more about their past for so long and!! it’s here!! now we know everybody at the jammer group used to work for leighman and that’s why they hate them and we know mo and dawn go back a decade and!! it’s just so satisfying to KNOW i love to see it
-the entirety of Fore! (2x04) yassir. fucking. killed. that. shit. he was the sole writing credit for that episode, and when i saw that on the imdb page i simply knew it would be god tier. and it was! admittedly a little plotless, but that’s par for the course this season, plus it was early enough in the season to get away with it i think. the twist at the end. corky’s entrance. blair/harris. blair being an idiot. blair being a high idiot. yassir x being the king of feminism. yassir lester writing andrew’s emmy reel like that. we haven’t seen season 2B yet but 2A peaked with fore!. period. try to disagree with me. you can’t.
-ofc the 80s aesthetic that we all know and love. i saw somebody describe black monday as a period piece once and it seemed kind of ill-fitting bc it’s not set in victorian era england but yk what? it’s totally fitting. this is a period piece. the 80s slap.
-blair being the villain that we know he is. i wish they would quit stalling on this because it’s making all the characters seem monotonous and non-distinct, but i like those moments where blair snaps (“WE ARE DOING THIS” and “i am the only family you need now. just me”) andrew’s such an excellent actor and it’s fun to see this side of his range since he’s usually played really nice and wholesome (or at least not downright villainous) characters. he’s sending chills down my spine with some of the shit he’s doing and saying this season. andrew. emmy. nomination. now. GIVE IT TO ME NOW.
-momentary mo&blair resurgence (even if it’s fake). i miss mo&blair as father-son so fucking much anon you don’t even know. finding out that they were the ones clicking their heels in 2x06? i could’ve CRIED
-being right. ok this has a bit of lore but i have been STALKING the imdb page for black monday for MONTHS. bc they’ll add episode titles, or screencaps, or cast members all the time without telling anybody, and everything’s been accurate so far (so it’s not some troll lying on imdb we know that lol). specifically, in 2x09, there’s a character credited as dr. gabe egon. the tl already had suspicions that he had smth to do with conversion therapy bc there’s this one picture that sho released where you can see all this shit mo’s written on this board, and it DEFINITELY SAID CONVERSION THERAPY. and this episode comes around and roger is walking out this door that says “dr. gabe egon ~ therapy for the religiously erect” or whatever and i was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then roger blurts out that it’s literally CT and i !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this shit is in different areas for better or for worse and even if im confused and bored at the same time being pulled along for the ride is fun as hell
-the naming scheme for the episodes. i literally had no idea what they would do for the episode titles this season since there’s no countdown to black monday, but i like how it’s shit that the characters say/write. bc then a character says the episode name and you’re like !!!!!!!!!!! jfhgdfjk. plus it kinda tells you what’s going on--i knew 2x06 would be about a ponzi scheme before blair even proposed the idea in 2x05 bc the ep is titled Arthur Ponzarelli. and i knew fore! would be the episode where blair and the harrises are golfing and blair gets hit by a golf cart since “fore” is a golf term. and i know that 2x07, “who are you supposed to be?” is the weird halloween party ep where everybody looks ridiculous and ppl are def gonna be getting into it. 2x10 is titled “i don’t like mondays” and idk what that means but i bet mo says that line in the show. and 2x09 is titled “at that time” and im so scared bc that episode has a blair flashback and WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHAT DOES IT ALL MEANNNN
-more women and more women being relevant to the plot. good. it was getting a little obnoxiously man-influenced here. cmon the majority of the cast AND the majority of the directors AND the majority of the producers AND a majority of the writers AND both the creators can’t ALL be men. like pick a struggle.
whew that list was longer than i expected it to be! thanks for the ask anon! what are y’all’s favorite parts so far?
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zalrb · 5 years
What did you think about the S and K scene in 2x04 (the flashback)? I truly believed she loved Stefan and never stopped loving him. That’s why when she returns, everything is always about who? Stefan. It’s always gonna Stefan? I always thought after she took elenas body, she had her vampism back and she could have left MF but she stayed, for who? Again, Stefan.
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watcherwiki · 6 months
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Reminder for MF 2X04, posted on Watcher's Instagram story March 21, 2024
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misskathgifs · 7 years
In 2x04, Katherine accused Stefan of coming back to Mystic Falls to fall in love with her all over again. Do you think it's true?
not really, i mean Stefan specifically said that every few years he would come back to MF to visit Zach Salvatore, to visit his home. But he did stay in town because of Elena, he was very confused because she looked exactly like Kat, and i mean who wouldn’t be, and thanks to that he spent some months analizing her. I believe that for the first few months after Elena’s first car accident (the one in which her parents died) he stayed in town because he thought she was Katherine, but along the way he realized that Elena was completely different from Kat and he kind of started to care for her, so i think that he actually stayed in MF for Elena in the end.
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
Prepare for some Melvester & Quintis & Team feels! 
Clips from episodes 2x04, 1x17, 2x04, 2x23 + BTS of 2x23 (vid by PKD) 
other versions + this one (as dl links on mf): full version #1  (longer version with clips from 2x14 Happy dancing & 2x20 Toby dancing added) ;  this version ;  
Song heard at the end (audio added): “Stuck on You” by Nikka Costa
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sterekstills · 8 years
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