kredit · 9 months
Війна та Ринок Мікрокредитів: Вплив та Виклики
І. Вступ
У контексті глобального конфлікту, війна стає ключовим фактором, що визначає розвиток різних сфер життя суспільства. Однією з таких сфер є ринок мікрокредитів, де воєнні події породжують виклики та зміни.
ІІ. Фінансова Нестабільність та Зниження Платоспроможності
Один з ключових впливів війни на ринок мікрокредитів – це зниження фінансової стабільності регіонів, що переживають конфлікт. Економічний занепад, викликаний воєнними діями, може обмежити можливості підприємців та малих бізнесів отримувати доходи, що відразу впливає на погашення мікрокредитів.
ІІІ. Зміни в Соціальному Контексті та Структурі
Війна змінює соціальний контекст та структуру суспільства, що відзначається впливом на ринок мікрокредитів. Зростання безробіття та переселення можуть змінити попит на мікрофінансові послуги, а структурні зміни можуть впливати на умови мікрокредитування.
ІV. Роль Мікрокредитів у Кризових Умовах
З іншого боку, мікрокредити можуть відігравати ключову роль у підтримці підприємців у часи війни. Надання фінансової допомоги та консультацій допомагає відновити бізнес під впливом втрат та зруйнованої інфраструктури.
V. Висновок
Взаємодія війни та ринку мікрокредитів створює складні виклики та можливості для суспільства та мікрофінансових установ. Успішність вирішення цих проблем залежить від рішучості уряду, бізнесу та громадськості у подоланні економічних та соціальних труднощів, що виникають у період воєнної нестабільності.
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swisstrainphotos · 2 years
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🔴 ⬇️ ÖFFNE DIE BESCHREIBUNG ⬇️ 🔴 ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ 🇨🇭/🇩🇪 ▫️ ▫️ Nach das ich in der schweiz angekommen war bekam ich direkt einen aufruf das einiges durch REG kommen sollte, Nach einiges an Recherge gemacht zu haben nam ich meine kamera und was zu trinken mit und fuhr ich zum bahnhof, Einmal angekommen dauerte es auch nicht lange bis die 6 achsige wonderdame vonnder SBB-C Ankam und dank ein Pfiff vom Lokführer fuhr sie durch dem bahnhof bei der fotostelle in Regensdorf-Watt bei volles Sonnenlicht ▫️ ▫️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ 🚂 SLM & BBC & MFO Re 6/6 11663 "Eglisau" ( Re 620-063-8 ) 🛤 Regensdorf (Watt), ZH 📆 08-07-2022, 14:30 ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ 🇨🇭 ➖➖ SBB CFF FFS Cargo ➖➖ 🇨🇭 ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ ⬇️ PARTNERSEITEN ⬇️ 🔻 Bitte folgt allen hier unten 🔻 @froomito_trains @privatbahnfotograf @trainspotter_burgdorf @eisenbahnbilder_de @trainspotting_spreewald @trainspotter_594 @swisstransportation @sbb_trains ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ ▫️ ▫️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ 🔻 ❗️ 🔻 ❗️ 🔻 weitere Seiten von mich ⬇️ ⬇️ Privat Account -> @moeckelphotos Aviation Account -> @swissplanes Bitte Abchecken und Abonnieren! 🔺️ ❗️ 🔺️ ❗️ 🔺️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ ⬇️ Hashtags ⬇️ #SBBCFFFFS #Re620 #SBBCargo #SchweizerischeLoks #SLM #BBC #MFO #railwayphotos #zugfotografie #trainspotting #trainspotter #bahnbilder #railway #eisenbahn #trainspotter #swisstrainspotter #trainspotter_europe #railways_of_switzerland #switzerland #photography #railstagram #trainpictures #trains #railwayphotography #railfan #trainspottingpictures #picturesoftrains #trainstagram #trainsofinstagram #Trainpics  #railways_worldwide ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ @sbbcffffs @sbbcargo (hier: Regensdorf-Watt railway station) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjeVe9go4V8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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varigolover · 3 months
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Matching swag?!🔥🔥 They love each other in their own sibling way 💚💜 (Yong is SAD)
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So like...A week ago this dude came into my main dms spamming CalliexBigMan fanart. Apparently they've done it a couple times to my friends friends as well and I recently logged into my Youtube Channel for the first time in a while....to see (i'm assuming the same dude) had spammed my comment section with CalliexBigMan and i've also heard they've been doing it on Reddit also...as well as being a giant troll and leaving homophobic comments on there to piss people off.
If you'd like to block the guy here's the screenshots cause that is just annoying af. Don't send hate to the dude tho, I don't condone that. Just block and move on or report for spamming if you want.
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(Username on Reddit is No_Highlight_493)
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worldsofzzt · 1 year
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Source “Sim #/mfo SE” by Fishfood/Lord Igsel (2000) Published by: Eaglerock Interactive [Simmfo.zzt] - “$Drac made two nifty toolkits, so” Play This World Online
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milffromohio · 6 months
anyone who has ever tried to start beef with me is a FAGGOT!!!
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fuzzkaizer · 1 year
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MFOS - Echo Rockit - Sound Producer/Processor
"This is an advanced project requiring understanding of electronics and electronic building and trouble shooting skills and equipment. Access to a good oscilloscope, DVM, bench power supply, soldering station and hand tools will be required. Only the schematic, circuit description, and suggested panel layout are provided. Please read over the entire project before ordering PC boards or other products."
cred: musicfromouterspace.com/analogsynth_new/ECHOROCKIT/ECHOROCKIT.php?fbclid=IwAR2oz8FuIVrMqVE9K6w9e4iko0FHwBhGYvXT80ndwyZVh5EhZVyxgc3jTfs
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bagea · 1 year
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Toni Kensa from @deanthe 's flop sqaud comics
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dsmsix · 2 years
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sweetpeapoppy · 1 year
24 where Mark and Fernando are cooking dinner, and Oscar decides to do what he usually does and spank Mark. But he does it much harder then intended. And Mark sprints after him, pinning Oscar to the ground to get revenge. Fernando keeps cooking while Oscar screams for his life.
Thank uuuuuuu x
MFO Anon! This prompt is yours! Just so I have this right for you, is this Mark/Fernando with added Oscar?
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bowietea · 2 years
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My Dream and Nightmare fuck rotation
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asepticvoid · 6 months
I'm recording some samples for track number 9 of my upcoming album.
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hengheng7 · 1 year
Im MFO Park in Zuerich Oerlikon
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worldsofzzt · 2 years
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Source “Sim #/mfo SE” by Fishfood/Lord Igsel (2000) Published by: Eaglerock Interactive [Simmfo.zzt] - “$he gets to be on 2 board names.” Play This World Online
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jadipose · 1 year
what's your hottest outfit right now, in your opinion? the thing you'd wear if you want to get the right attention.
HHUUUU I have this GO+RGEO+UST PLEATHER DRESS I'm o+bsessed with it. It has a bo+o+b windo+w, a lo+w back, it makes my ass lo+o+k AMAZING.
sadly I'm abo+ut 30 po+unds to+o+ heavy to+ fit into+ it co+mfo+rtably right no+w
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graceslcver · 5 months
all da ladies love leo valdez ! leo x daughter of poseidon!reader
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ in which, leo has a crush on yet another girl that’s beyond his league, percy’s sister … and his friends flame him for not being able to confess his feelings!
— this is set in like… university ?? obviously jason doesn’t die…hope u enjoy my first ever fic on here!! might be ooc, soz🫐 also jeyna is a thing…. sorry not sorry!! 🤓😂 (it’s actually not even relevant to this story, but i thought i’d let u know…)
IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 4th, 2024
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beauty queen
do yall ever wonder how it’s impossible to not pull hoes
like it sounds like a real SKILL issue
who are you talking about, pipes?
beauty queen
who do u think I’m talking about???
the only mfo who doesn’t have a gf???
do NOT play dumb jason grace
latino elf
oh wow
talking shit in the gc is crazzyyy
i wasn’t!
she was.
beauty queen
do not make me pull up our private messages
latino elf
i see how it is…..
😔 it’s always the bitches u think u can trust…
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beauty queen
why is he the driest man alive
this why we didn’t last ong😭
latino elf
or maybe because ur lebanese ???
she’s cherokee huh
wait is that supposed to say lesbian?
latino elf
isn’t that what it says…
beauty queen
ok… anyway can we talk about the fact that leo has
been madly in love with y/n since like… forever???
latino elf
no thanks
didn’t ask
not true
lying on my name
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yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night
beauty queen
he’s down bad shhh
latino elf
ok so what if i like her shes so fine
and so nice and sooo mermaid 🧜‍♀️
beauty queen
she is very fine and very nice
and yes she’s very mermaid
we all know he isn’t going to say
anything to her, though, right??
latino elf
hahaha 😂 wdym 😂
i’d tell her if percy weren’t her brother
that didn’t stop you from trying to
flirt with MY sister though???????
latino elf
yeah that’s different tho
she COULDNT go out with me
beauty queen
not like she wanted to anyway
latino elf
anyway i don’t plan on telling her that
i have any slight interest in her! 😎
you should though
bet she likes you too
beauty queen
don’t feed into his delusions
gosh pipes, pipe it down a notch
latino elf
fr listen to my bro ‼️
how would i even tell her dawggg
yeah i guess so
but yolo ???
latino elf
yolo my ass bro😒
ok sorry for trying to help
beauty queen
this why she dont want u
latino elf
yeah nd thats why yo relationship was a LIE 🤣
beauty queen
latino elf
lol ur mad
ok bye u guys are a snooze fest 😴
beauty queen
go talk to ur gf
latino elf
i will, beauty queen 🫡
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 4th, 2024
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leo 🛠️
hey hey mermaid
y/n 🦈
hi leo !
whats up :)
leo 🛠️
the sky duh
nothing much tho, just chilling in my dorm
u should totally pull up
y/n 🦈
we’ll see 🧐
i’m in the library rn
leo 🛠️
nerd alert ‼️
y/n 🦈
ok but when u fail our exams dont come crying
leo 🛠️
if it were math/science i would be resting peacefully
but no fr i did study, trust 🙏🏼
y/n 🦈
not that u needed it though
you’re smart enough
leo 🛠️
wowie thanks mermaid
da ladies wish they had my smarts
y/n 🦈
leo 🛠️
sorry that came out SO wrong 😭
y/n 🦈
ok ok well pull up to the library
perhaps i need ur smarts
leo 🛠️
si señora
will be there in a few 😎
shark_girl • 2h
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send message ♡ ➣
pipermstealer replied to your story
omg he wants uuu 😳😳🤣😂
why are u insane
i am not insane he wants u
what boy willingly wants to study w a girl
one that’s my friend???
friend my ass bro
he wanna kiss u so bad…
matching usernames??? THE MAAAN WANTS UU 😭
be fr we’ve had them since we were
like fifteen 🙄🙄
bro get out I’m actually DONE
u have to wake up queen 😭🙏🏼
IMESSAGE, PIPER & JASON July 5th, 2024
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pipes 🌸
i am so SO DONE with yn
jason ⚡️
pipes 🌸
bc she’s convinced that leo don’t want her
jason ⚡️
i think its very obvious
do you think yn wants leo thats the real question
pipes 🌸
she has extreme heart eyes for him
but she’s better at hiding it
jason ⚡️
wait are you being serious
a girl out of his league actually wants him 🤨
piper 🌸
wait I thought u knew???
jason ⚡️
uhm no
she must be good at hiding it
piper 🌸
or boys are just dense
jason ⚡️
ok well…….
we have to get them together
cause I’m so tired of hearing leo ramble abt her
piper 🌸
ok well i’m tired of yn too
how do we get them together
jason ⚡️
uh I don’t know?????
now why would you think I know
aren’t YOU the daughter of aphrodite
maybe YOU should know 😒
pipes 🌸
someone’s mad
but i don’t know?
one of them has to say something eventually….
jason ⚡️
no way, leo would never… not too sure about yn though.
leo cares too much about their friendship
and he is convinced she only sees him as a friend
and he’s deathly afraid to ruin their friendship
pipes 🌸
why do we have dumb friends
why can’t THEY SEEEE
jason ⚡️
yeah it’s very annoying
man, maybe we shouldn’t interfere?
let them figure it out themselves
pipes 🌸
unless u want leo to date the first girl
who gives him the opportunity to date her,
i think we SHOULD interfere! not a lot just a tiny bit 🤏🏼
jason ⚡️
well i guess you have a point… but how?
pipes 🌸
OK hear me out fr
u share a dorm with leo, yeah?
he always leaves his phone unattended
go into twt and make sure he isnt logged into his private account
jason ⚡️
where is this headed
pipes 🌸
ok shut up
OK but make sure hes on the main
since he always talks about her on his priv
so if yn sees a tweet about her then
jason ⚡️
FIRST OF ALL thats an invasion of privacy
SECOND OF ALL what if she doesn’t see it before
leo realizes that wasn’t tweeted on his private account
pipes 🌸
no she like stalks his twitter so she’ll see!
and uhm so what if it’s an invasion of privacy
he’ll thank us once he gets the girl of his dreams 🙄
jason ⚡️
ok then….
i’ll do it
but if this backfires i was not apart of it
pipes 🌸
yeah yeah whatever
i’ll take the blame
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IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 10th, 2024
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latino elf
it was so nice knowing u two
don’t kys ur so sexy haha
what happened though
latino elf
i accidentally tweeted something
about yn.
on my main.
hey man, maybe she didn’t see?
beauty queen
yeah she probably didn’t
latino elf
yeah u guys are RIGHT 😅
she DIDN’T SEE IT!!!
beauty queen
latino elf
you’re being oddly quiet…
beauty queen
sorry????? IM BUSY
latino elf
yeah huh
you’re crazy
latino elf
oh my god i’m gonna throw up
my friend ship is over with her
she messaged meEEE
latino elf
no i’m leaving her on delivered
beauty queen
i swear to gods if u don’t message her
jason and i WILL jump you 😭😭
latino elf
it was so nice being her friend 🫤
beauty queen
latino elf
ok fine
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 10th, 2024
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y/n 🦈
leo did u mean to tweet that?
leo 🛠️
tweet what 🤨
y/n 🦈
you know what I’m talking about
you’re not stupid
leo 🛠️
you’re crazy
i got hacked by
y/n 🦈
you’re crazier for thinking I’d believe you
so… u did mean to?
leo 🛠️
i don’t want to ruin our friendship
please don’t let this ruin it
you’re my bestest friend
y/n 🦈
gosh let me talk
i thought you didn’t like me
so i never said anything…?
but i like you, leo. i really do
leo 🛠️
oh my god
are you serious
wait i’m going to your dorm
y/n 🦈
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Leo looked at his phone for a good second and then left it on his bed, unattended. he ran to your residence hall— it didn’t matter to him that it was quite literally on the other side of campus. he needed to hear you say the words he had been waiting to hear since he was fifteen. he’d always had a slight crush on you, mostly off and on.
But during the summer, he had fallen for you even harder than he thought he could. he never thought that he could love someone as much as he loved you. anyway, he was practically dying as he ran to your dorm! his hair was disheveled, and he was panting a bit. he wasn’t sure if he was sweaty because he was nervous, or because he had just ran to get to your dorm.
He knocked on your door three times.
You jumped out of your bed. you felt like throwing up from how nervous you were. you quickly slid on your slippers, and looked in the mirror before you opened the door for him. (making the poor boy wait). you adjusted your hair, making sure it sat right.
You took a deep breath before opening the door. you almost didn’t, but a voice in your head was telling you that you’d be an idiot if you didn’t open the door. your hands gripped the doorknob, and then unlocked it. leo was practically dying because you were taking years to open the stupid door. you finally opened it, getting met by a disheveled-sweaty-flushed leo valdez.
“Hi.” he croaked out, his voice cracking slightly. he felt like he was on fire, literally. he wanted this to be over with! well, no, that’s a lie. he just wanted to be your boyfriend already.
“…Hi.” you answered, your voice was quiet. you had an awkward smile on your face. you were praying that you would just drown at this moment. you’d much rather enjoy that than this.
He cleared his throat, and finally spoke after a long minute of awkward silence. The two looked at each other “I really… really like you. I.. Uh.. You obviously know that already, but I wanna tell you in person?” he said, nodding along with his own words. his hands went to fumble with the hem of his shirt, anxiously waiting for your response.
“I really like you, too.” You replied. you didn’t feel as nervous as anymore when he started to talk. you felt your face getting hotter, and your smile getting bigger. he grinned at you like an idiot.
He thought that he was dreaming when you said you liked him. The start of something. “Really?” He asked, just wanting to hear you say it again. He couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. He thought never in a million years that you’d ever like him! You were totally out of his league. you were so awesome, so pretty, and so sweet.
You nodded again, rolling your eyes. “Yes, really.”
🎶 let the light in : lana del rey (feat. father john misty)
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Liked by percysbeth, lava_boy, pipermstealer, and 122 others
shark_girl happy three million years with my boy!!! i love u so so so much leo 🫶🏼🫶🏼
tagged: lava_boy
View all 16 comments
lava_boy who is that sexy man in the 2nd slide
→ shark_girl idk i found him at the store……
lava_boy we’re literally like this 🤞🏼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
lava_boy te quiero !!
→ shark_girl 🤍🤍
lava_boy ugh why do we literally solo everyone in new rome
→ shark_girl ntm on percabeth !!!!
→ percysbeth 🫡🫡
pipermstealer yeah you’re welcome 🥱
→ supermantaylorsversion i did all the work
→ pipermstealer i gave u the idea
→ lava_boy thank u jason 😒 thank u piper 🙄
→ pipermstealer i hope she leaves u
→ shark_girl woah guys no need to say that
percysbeth i support 🤫 (pls cook for me leo)
→ lava_boy on it 😎
🎶 ivy : frank ocean
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Liked by supermantaylorsversion, shark_girl, and 98 others
lava_boy I would like to thank poseidon for being a father to my wonderful girlfriend of THREE DECADES 😎
tagged: shark_girl
View all 19 comments
→ lava_boy the start of nothin 🦈
shark_girl i’m taylor lautner
→ lava_boy FORREAL
shark_girl hi bf 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
→ lava_boy hello girlfriend.
→ shark_girl 😭😭😭
pipermstealer no because you guys are actually cute
→ lava_boy ACTUALLY cute 🤨
→ pipermstealer what do u want me to say yall are actually ugly
→ shark_girl pipe it down a notch 😔
supermantaylorsversion he’s a romantic now
→ lava_boy erm i’ve always been one get out 🤓
percysbeth no cause yn has actually dressed up as a shark
→ lava_boy send pics or it didn’t happen
→ percysbeth check imsg
→ shark_girl i thought that was PRIVATE
→ shark_girl you’re done….
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ hello….. first smau done 😎 hopefully u really like this bc i died ten times whilst making it !!! uhmm pls lmk what you thought about it 🥲!!! i was sort of rushing at the end, so umm.. shhh 🤫…. @thelostheroo @amoosarte
also i will have a master list soon….???? (hopefully) and my requests are OPEN! so, plsplsplspls request…. con amor, mo!
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