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aurevoirmonty · 2 months ago
Les Etats occidentaux ne sont plus qu’une «simple couverture pour BlackRock et Vanguard»
«La crise mondiale actuelle est en grande partie provoquée par un petit groupe de pays», expliquait dans une vidéo (https://t.me/MFARussia/16462) il y a quelques mois le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.
Et de noter un nouveau scénario néocolonial: «les sociétés transnationales (TNC) intègrent profondément l'Occident dans un système économique mondial interdépendant à plusieurs niveaux.»
Face à eux, les Etats ne font plus le poids et «n'importe quel pays peut être pillé»:
Le fonds BlackRock gère plus de 10.000 milliards de dollars d’actifs, alors qu’il n’y a que 75.000 milliards de dollars dans le monde entier, dont seulement 4.500 milliards en espèces.
Absorbés, les pays occidentaux ne sont plus qu’une simple couverture pour un conglomérat de sociétés unifiées sous BlackRock et Vanguard.
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reportsofawartime · 1 year ago
ロシアのEMERCOM特別便がドモジェドヴォ空港に着陸しました。飛行機にはガザ地区から避難してきたロシア国民とその家族(パレスチナ国民を含む)も乗っていた。その中には妊婦2名と子供49名も含まれています。 https://t.me/MFARussia/18227
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gotohellfuckingyankees · 10 days ago
On this very day, 11 years ago, Kiev became ground zero for a Western-backed unconstitutional coup, that triggered all the events around Ukraine and its now former regions ever since. Learn more: https://t.me/MFARussia/23906
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roguenewsdao · 7 years ago
Tell the British to “Git,” Otherwise We Are Finished
Photo of May and Trump from her Janaury 2017 White House visit by: Xinhua/New China News Agency's Yin Bogu
Questioning, ‘Where’s the Proof?’ from within the British Empire
March 28, 2018 (EIRNS)—New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Tuesday that her government would not be expelling any Russians. “We’ve done a check in New Zealand. We don’t have Russian undeclared intelligence officers here,” she asserted.
An article in Britain’s Guardian called the announcement “perplexing,” given that
“New Zealand is a member of the Five Eyes signals intelligence collection and sharing network including Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the U.S., so it has better knowledge than most as to what evidence the U.K. has to indicate that Vladimir Putin’s regime ordered the hit on Sergei Skripal.”
The Queen’s dominions are not to make independent decisions, the article warned: “Lilliputians such as New Zealand usually think long and hard before taking an unpopular stand—particularly amongst friends.”
Then, from Australia, Tom Switzer writes in The Interpreter, the publication of the Lowy Institute, a top Sydney-based think tank, poses the question on the Skripal poisoning charge: “Skripal: The West Escalates, But Where Is the Proof?”
Switzer writes that this week, Australia, the U.S., and several EU nations joined forces with Britain to expel Russian diplomats, based on accusations that Vladimir Putin is responsible for the poisoning of a former Russian spy, turned MI6 double agent, Sergei Skripal.
Yet, there is still no evidence—none—says Switzer about the identity of the culprit: One can accept that the Russians are suspects but
“still agree with the skepticism of leading British conservatives Peter Osborn, Peter Hitchens, and Rachel Johnson (Foreign Minister Boris’s sister), that it is better to take our time to get to the bottom of this crime.”
This is particularly true since Putin had no reason to poison Skripal and his daughter (who are still alive in hospital), and good reasons not to. Moscow did not kill Sergei Skripal after they arrested and jailed him in 2004, nor did they deny him a spy swap deal with Britain in 2010.
Switzer cites even hostile Putin critics who see that Putin may be right, such as Owen Matthews who argued in The Spectator March 17 that Putin “cares deeply about giant sporting events like the World Cup; he has invested billions to make it a success.” Why tarnish that “vast effort” to execute a single retired spy?
More to the point, Switzer cites Britain’s escalation of the Iraq War 15 years ago this month, and the subsequent Chilcot Inquiry finding that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.
“Indeed, governments should always make evidence-based pronouncements rather than relying on assertion and bombast, which is what has happened in the Skripal case....
“And remember,” he warns,
“it [Russia] still has a vast arsenal of nuclear weapons. In these circumstances, waging hot wars along Russia’s borders (the Baltics, Ukraine), further isolating the Kremlin and expelling hundreds of Russian diplomats for unproven crimes could provide real extremists and hyper-nationalists in Russia with a cause to exploit.”
Russia Holds U.K. Responsible for Skripal Poisonings, Unless Contrary Evidence Is Presented
March 28, 2018 (EIRNS)—The Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday officially raised the question as to whether U.K. intelligence services were involved in the attempt on the life of the Skripals “as part of a large-scale political provocation,” citing the manifest refusal of the U.K. government to produce any evidence whatsoever to justify its global cry for war against Russia over that poisoning.
Russia’s “Foreign Ministry Statement,” posted to its website today, calls the British Empire’s Skripal caper bluff, just as Russian President Vladimir Putin called the Empire’s strategic bluff in his March 1 speech announcing Russia’s new missiles capable of avoiding the West’s ABM systems. Readers can judge for themselves in the excerpts which follow:
“The British authorities have demonstrated their inability to ensure the safety of Russian citizens more than once....
“In the latter case [of Sergey Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, the latter still a Russian citizen], London acted contrary to all the norms of international law, ethics and even common sense. London has accused Russia of poisoning Russian citizens without providing any evidence or the complete picture of the crime. At the same time, it has provided the alleged name of the toxic agent, which has never been used in Russia, and has launched a large-scale political and media campaign against Russia. It has initiated the campaign to expel Russian diplomats from a number of countries and representative offices at international organizations and has announced a package of other sanctions....
“The actions of the British authorities raise many questions. The British public is being kept in the dark regarding the key elements of this incident, which has been described as extremely dangerous, and the number of the people affected is kept secret. No information has been provided about the activities of Britain’s secret research facility in Porton Down near Salisbury, where chemical research was conducted. No information has been provided about ‘Operation Toxic Dagger,’ an annual chemical warfare exercise conducted at the Porton Down facility together with the U.K. military, which was completed shortly before the Skripals’ poisoning.
“Meanwhile, London has initiated a worldwide campaign to spread the presumption of Russia’s guilt. We see a deliberate and purposeful escalation of confrontation and a demonstration of military force on Russia’s border. It is an obvious effort to undermine the political and diplomatic interaction that could lead to an objective and comprehensive investigation of the Salisbury incident.
“The analysis of all these circumstances shows that the U.K. authorities are not interested in identifying the real causes and the real perpetrators of the crime in Salisbury, which suggests a possible involvement of the U.K. intelligence services. Unless we receive convincing proof of the opposite, we will regard this incident as an attempt on the life of Russian citizens as part of a large-scale political provocation. We emphasize that the burden of proof rests solely on the U.K.”
March 28, 2018 (EIRNS)—The Russian Foreign Ministry today officially raised the question as to whether U.K. intelligence services were involved in the attempt on the life of the Skripals “as part of a large-scale political provocation,” citing the manifest refusal of the U.K. government to produce any evidence whatsoever to justify its global cry for war against Russia over that poisoning.
Russia’s “Foreign Ministry Statement,” posted to its website today, calls the British Empire’s Skripal caper bluff, just as Russian President Vladimir Putin called the Empire’s strategic bluff in his March 1 speech announcing Russia’s new missiles capable of avoiding the West’s ABM systems. Readers can judge for themselves in the excerpts which follow:
“The British authorities have demonstrated their inability to ensure the safety of Russian citizens more than once....
“In the latter case [of Sergey Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, the latter still a Russian citizen], London acted contrary to all the norms of international law, ethics and even common sense. London has accused Russia of poisoning Russian citizens without providing any evidence or the complete picture of the crime. At the same time, it has provided the alleged name of the toxic agent, which has never been used in Russia, and has launched a large-scale political and media campaign against Russia. It has initiated the campaign to expel Russian diplomats from a number of countries and representative offices at international organizations and has announced a package of other sanctions....
“The actions of the British authorities raise many questions. The British public is being kept in the dark regarding the key elements of this incident, which has been described as extremely dangerous, and the number of the people affected is kept secret. No information has been provided about the activities of Britain’s secret research facility in Porton Down near Salisbury, where chemical research was conducted. No information has been provided about ‘Operation Toxic Dagger,’ an annual chemical warfare exercise conducted at the Porton Down facility together with the U.K. military, which was completed shortly before the Skripals’ poisoning.
“Meanwhile, London has initiated a worldwide campaign to spread the presumption of Russia’s guilt. We see a deliberate and purposeful escalation of confrontation and a demonstration of military force on Russia’s border. It is an obvious effort to undermine the political and diplomatic interaction that could lead to an objective and comprehensive investigation of the Salisbury incident.
“The analysis of all these circumstances shows that the U.K. authorities are not interested in identifying the real causes and the real perpetrators of the crime in Salisbury, which suggests a possible involvement of the U.K. intelligence services. Unless we receive convincing proof of the opposite, we will regard this incident as an attempt on the life of Russian citizens as part of a large-scale political provocation. We emphasize that the burden of proof rests solely on the U.K.”
European and American Citizens Are Not Buying Her Satanic Majesty's Demand for War on Russia from LaRouchePAC.com March 29, 2018 The farce of Prime Minister Theresa May's demand that the world bow down to the British Crown and accept the blatant lie that Russia carried out an "illegal act of force" against the U.K., while refusing to present even a hint of evidence, is not convincing many citizens of the U.S. or Europe, and practically no one outside of NATO. LaRouche movement organizers in the U.S., Germany and elsewhere are finding a dramatic shift in the response of the population since PM May launched her campaign for war with Russia. The fraudulent British accusations against Russia — which reminds practically everyone of Tony Blair's lies about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and the horrific consequences of that lie — has begun to awaken a nascent hatred of the imperial attitude exuded by the British and the British toadies who occupied the U.S. Presidency for 16 years before the Trump election.
Consider the timing of the scam:
The MI6 campaign to bring down the President of the United States through "Russiagate" has not only collapsed, its perpetrators in the FBI, CIA, and neocons in both the Republican and Democratic parties, are themselves facing potential criminal charges for their lies, leaking, illegal use of federal powers, and more;  
Theresa May's government was hanging on by a thread, while Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was seen as a probable shoo-in if an election were called;  
The British/Obama effort to overthrow the government in Syria, to turn the country over to chaos under warring terrorist groups, as in Iraq and Libya, has been severely undermined by President Trump's open cooperation with Russia in wiping out the terrorists;  
Several European nations have rejected the demonization of Russia, while Italy is in the process of forming a new government which will likely reject European sanctions against Russia altogether.
So the British are trying to do what they are accustomed to do by their imperial nature — invent a crisis to justify war, get the U.S. to take the lead, and browbeat their erstwhile "allies" into submission.
But the plan is not working so well. While it is true that the Trump Administration joined in the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats, it is clear to the British that Trump will not give up his intention to work with President Putin. His phone call to Putin on March 20, discussing solutions to world problems without a word about the British Skripal case, terrified the Queen and her Lords, as well as the pathetic Theresa "M" May, who all see the handwriting on the wall for the end of the Empire itself.
Nearly a dozen European countries have refused to expel any Russian diplomats, demanding to see evidence first. The British passed around a six-slide power point as "evidence," which was nothing more than a list of their fraudulent accusations about Russian "aggression." Like the Christopher Steele dossier, the vacuous charges may fool some for a short time, but increasingly the British credibility is shot.
Most importantly, millions of people have heard Lyndon LaRouche for the past 50 years warning that the U.S. had been played the fool by the British — fighting their colonial wars since Vietnam, and implementing their "free market" financial policies at the expense of the American System of directed credit for industrial development. While many found it hard to believe, they are suddenly looking at the despicable lies and war mongering from London, and reflecting back on who it was that was telling the truth all these years.
For once the British were forced to initiate and lead their scam in their own name — and that is their point of vulnerability. Trump's intention to work with Putin and with Xi Jinping, ending the imperial era of regime change wars and the threat of nuclear annihilation, must be supported and fully implemented, immediately.
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murzilka-murliru · 2 years ago
С.Лавров в рамках проекта гимназии им. Е.М.Примакова «100 вопросов лидер...
- наступит МИР! Правда ТУТ - http://t.me/murzilka_inc МИД России в «Твиттере» (русская версия) https://twitter.com/MID_RF МИД России в "VK" (русская версия) https://vk.com/mid МИД России в "Facebook" https://www.facebook.com/MIDRussia МИД России в "Instagram" https://www.instagram.com/mid.rus/ МИД России в "Flickr" https://www.flickr.com/photos/mfarussia/ МИД России в"TikTok" https://www.tiktok.com/@midrussia МИД России в "RuTube" https://rutube.ru/channel/23489815
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dejufuniverse · 3 years ago
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Recommended viewing
✴️ Oliver Stone's 2016 film "Ukraine on Fire" (https://sovren.media/video/ukraine-on-fire-893.html) is a decent interpretation of events from a Western perspective.
The Netflix version "Winter on Fire" perverts the story entirely. ❌️
✴️ Emergency Edition - BesogonTV (https://t.me/MFARussia/11938) (https://t.me/MFARussia/11938)- This war began in 1991.
✴️ MH17 - Call for Justice (https://youtu.be/wkDWwYk4-Ho) -2017 (Independent film)
✴️ Donbass (https://youtu.be/b8j0tJsKltg) (https://youtu.be/b8j0tJsKltg)- 2016, by Anne-Laure Bonnel (French production.)
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tv-boom · 7 years ago
The Saudi-Russian relationship is on the Syrian-Iranian track
The Saudi-Russian relationship is on the Syrian-Iranian track
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir met on Monday, 29/08/18
"The Syrian-Iranian test for Russia and Saudi Arabia," the article by Yuri Paniev, in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, about Lavrov's call to get rid of Idlib's pus and the possibility of…
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atlanticsentinel · 7 years ago
Allies Wary of Sharing Intelligence Since Trump Betrayed Israeli Source
Allies wary of sharing intelligence since Trump betrayed Israeli source
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov speaks with American president Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington DC, May 10 (Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Allies have become wary of sharing intelligence with the United States since President Donald Trump gave sensitive information about an Israeli covert operation to the Russians in May, reports Howard Blum for Vanity…
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daveyone · 8 years ago
#Moscow On the signing of the Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism https://t.me/MFARussia/1567 The Russian Federation intends to ratify the Protocol as soon as possible #AceNewsDesk - @AceNewsServices
#Moscow On the signing of the Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism https://t.me/MFARussia/1567 The Russian Federation intends to ratify the Protocol as soon as possible #AceNewsDesk – @AceNewsServices
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chrislopezmx-blog · 8 years ago
#war #tank #soldier @rkka_ussr @ww2_best_photos @ww2_anything_history_ @ww2ra @ww1_kaiserosterreich @the_ww2_gallery @ww2dailyhistory @ww2_daily_photography @just_tanks @usarmy @mighty_slovenia @just_tanks @elite_military_forces @usairforce @mighty_nato @mfarussia @lovelyotma @russian_weaponss @militaryforcesinc
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reportsofawartime · 1 year ago
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大統領#Putin : 世界は激動の時代に入りました。かつての一極世界は多極世界秩序に取って代わられています。このプロセスは元に戻すことができません。 https://t.me/MFARussia/18429
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daveyone · 8 years ago
Press Release: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Re x Tillerson https://t.me/MFARussia/1232 #AceNewsDesk - @AceNewsServices
Press Release: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Re x Tillerson https://t.me/MFARussia/1232 #AceNewsDesk – @AceNewsServices
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daveyone · 8 years ago
Press Release: On the decision by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania to unilaterally abolish visas for Russian citizens https://t.me/MFARussia/1229 #AceNewsDesk - @AceNewsServices
Press Release: On the decision by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania to unilaterally abolish visas for Russian citizens https://t.me/MFARussia/1229 #AceNewsDesk – @AceNewsServices
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