magnolias for your medic
89 posts
Olie // she/her // 23 // main: @waitingforsols “If you drop your pants and show me the bullet hole in your butt, I'll probably remember which one you were.”
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 2 months ago
I got my BoB episode recordings on the Internet Archive!! It's honestly one of the safest ways I've found to get them as opposed to digging through some of the more illegitimate websites. It's got all ten episodes along with the documentary in a couple different formats, so it's super nice! The mkv format does have the highest quality though.
(click here for the link)
GUYS where do you get ur episodes recordings/gifs of hbo war shows like bofb like. I need gifs for certain scenes I literally can't find anywhere like I need to make them myself but I don't know where to get them !! Like Netflix hates my guts and won't let me record anything
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 3 months ago
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 5 months ago
Doctors and medics were very much targeted by Germans in the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge, especially members of the 101st Airborne in Bastogne. In this post, I included a quote from a medic who said they were offered pistols and it was recommended they get rid of any Red Cross symbols.
What happens when Gene is offered a pistol? I mean, he’s seen first hand what those weapons can do to a human and maybe he can’t stomach the thought of being the cause of such destruction. So Gene politely refuses, which is totally within his right as a medic.
But maybe the officer gets pissed and starts yelling at him to take the weapon, getting more aggressive and ranting about all the things that would happen to him if he didn’t have a way to defend himself. Maybe the guy starts gesturing with the gun a bit too much, which is definitely making Gene uncomfortable. This is when some of the Easy Company men start to notice what’s going on and like hell are they going let this guy threaten bodily harm and pointing a gun at their best medic.
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 5 months ago
10/10 would recommend joining!! It’s a great community and I know it sounds complicated, but it’s really simple!
I am happily engaged to Bull Randleman, and you could get married or woohoo other paratroopers too!
For example, Luz and Lipton are VERY available ;)
Recruiting for my BoB Discord Server
My server is like a text-based Band of Brothers video game. You can build friendships with the men, marry one, earn money through your paratrooper salary or by begging the guys, buy items, gain XP by staying active, get promoted by Colonel Sink, and even annoy Sobel. But if that’s not your thing, you’re still more than welcome to join just for chatting!
Here are some of the server’s features:
Currently has 15 bots of Easy Company members, some of which you can interact with. They will randomly pop in and send messages from time to time.
Friendship system for: Malarkey, Roe, Speirs, Lipton, Winters, Nixon, Luz, and Sobel (he’s the hardest to befriend).
Economy system where you can earn your daily paratrooper pay (options to earn more money like begging Speirs or Don, rushing Speirs, or robbing Sobel), and use money to buy virtual classic BoB items that you can give to some of the men! Or buy lottery tickets, mystery boxes, and other items!
Give Doc Roe scizzuhs, give Speirs loot, give Nixon Vat 69, and more.
Sobel can, and will, revoke your weekend pass, and yell at you for having an empty canteen.
Guarnere in your DMs 😉
We have Nixon’s Dog! You can even adopt him, and he’ll dig up items for you!
Speirs can steal your cigarettes, lighter, and loot.
Can get married to one of the paratroopers and have kids. Additional interactions unlock after marriage, and after having a baby (there is a parenting system, if you have any. If you don’t want any, Doc Roe can tie your tubes). (Also, your husband can catch you begging Speirs and get angry.)
Relating to the marriages, if you are a writer you can help out and write mini one-shots for the server!
WooHoo command… ifykyk. Sometimes you don’t even need to use the command…
XP system! Be promoted by Colonel Sink for being active, all the way up to Major!
Deploy into any episode of the show for XP, and random opportunities to earn more XP, like hiding in a foxhole quickly enough if we are under attack, or attacking the enemy back.
We have our own stock market system! Perconte can sell you weed at a random price, and other members of Easy Company will buy it off of you at a random price.
Bet on fights between two paratroopers! Gambling!
Team up with your fav paratrooper in the Hunger Games! Prizes!
Guaranteed laughter from the various shit you will see popping up. Funny random events. Spongebob references. Rob Mr Krabs, but he can also rob you!
DM me if you wanna join! Briefly tell me about yourself, your age (or just confirm you are 18+) , why you wanna join, and your fav BoB character! Please only ask to join if you plan to be active. You do not need to be super active but we do have an inactivity rule.
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
Band Of Brothers in Paris 
Tweeted by Doug Spain 
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
So Hoobler’s Luger misfired while he was cleaning it or whatever right? But what if the bullet didn’t hit him, instead hitting someone else? What if the bullet hit Doc?? Non-fatally of course because I would actually cry, but still a scary situation of them trying to figure out what happened and if anyone was hurt only to find out it was Doc. And Hoobler would feel so bad but Doc is so forgiving he’s like “it’s my fault for walking there in the first place” and everyone’s like “are you seriously apologizing for existing??”
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
All of Easy Company being extra protective of Gene Roe and Ralph Spina after seeing their other other medic, Al Mampre, get blatantly shot in the leg just outside Nuenen while he’s obviously tending to Lieutenant Brewer.
Like I’m sure they feel like the medics are damn near invincible with how they’re able to run through a battlefield without taking a single hit. And to see one shot in a situation where it’s impossible to mistake them for a regular soldier must be a little terrifying.
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
What if Gene was the one trapped in that barn in Nuenen instead of Bull? With all the chaos, how long would it take for someone to notice? Gene was always on the move, always floating between platoons and going whenever he was needed, so it might have taken them a little longer to realize he was missing.
In that case, who would be the first to notice? How would they react? Would they go searching for him or would they just assume the Germans got him seeing as how they had no qualms shooting Mampre? As a side note, with Al Mampre wounded and Gene MIA, Ralph Spina would be Easy Company’s only medic.
Gene doesn’t have a weapon, so how would he hide from the Germans? Or would that German have left him alone seeing as he’s just a single medic with no weapons or anyone accompanying him?
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
Gene waiting until everyone else has had a turn in the showers because it takes him significantly longer to get the blood off and he doesn’t want to make anyone have to wait for him to be done before they can get a turn. And then when he walks away he feels no cleaner than he had been before because there are some stains that just can’t be washed away.
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
Bastogne Mayhem with Batallion Medic Al Mampre
Al Mampre had been one of Easy Company’s medics from the very beginning in Camp Toccoa. He developed a cyst shortly before D-Day that had to be surgically removed, rendering him unable to drop into D-Day with Easy Company and the rest of the 101st Airborne. He jumped into Holland with Easy Company, newly promoted to Battalion Medic. 
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"Once in Bastogne, Mampre saw MPs directing traffic through the town’s center as artillery shells rained down. Mampre arrived at an Army barracks where Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, the acting division commander, had set up headquarters. Mampre was assigned to the regimental aid station located across from McAuliffe and began receiving wounded."
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"Mampre experienced the same kind of luck when an artillery shell landed in front of him outside his makeshift hospital. It hit the ground and broke apart without exploding. Mampre simply looked at it and thought, “That’s a really big shell.” Yet the incident had little effect on him. “I never thought I could have been killed,” he later said. Mampre was often impressed with the medical staff as well as the paratroopers around him. Captain “Shifty” Feiler, the dentist who often had to pay for drinks back in Toccoa, treated 1,000 wounded and frostbitten men by himself, the most in the regiment. “Winters wouldn’t go near him,” Mampre recalled. Feiler had tried to repair Winters’ teeth and ended up making them worse."
"When the Germans bombed or shelled the barracks, Mampre and his comrades fled to the basement. During one shelling, Mampre gave his blanket and a chocolate D-bar to a man in his underwear sitting next to him. When it got light out, Mampre realized the man was a German. “Hey!” he shouted upstairs, “There’s a kraut down here!” Mampre took back his blanket. In another instance, Mampre joked with a 17-year-old English-speaking German prisoner about exchanging uniforms. Mampre would be sent back to the United States as a prisoner, he explained to the kid, and the German could return home by following the American Army into Germany. The young man thought about the offer, and then said, “Ah, the hell with you. I want to go the United States. You go to Germany.”"
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
"Band-Aid Bandits" - Easy Company's Medics
Edwin Pepping and Albert "Al" Mampre were the self-proclaimed "Band-Aid Bandits."
When the regiment formed a medical detachment, Colonel Sink asked Mampre if he would like to be a medic. Mampre said yes and joined with Pepping. The two developed a knack for obtaining anything they needed without going through proper channels, calling themselves the “Band-Aid Bandits.” Both men considered medical training similar to what they learned in the Boy Scouts. The main difference: the medic candidates practiced giving shots to oranges. “I never ran into an orange in combat,” Mampre mused."
After Mampre and Pepping received their medical certifications, the regiment assigned a new lieutenant to toughen up the medics. He started off by teaching them to properly salute. In retaliation for the senseless exercise, Mampre lit a can of photo film on fire in his barracks. As smoke filled the room, Mampre ran outside to the lieutenant, shouting, “They’re trying to kill us!” The lieutenant went into the barrack and threw the burning can outside, telling Mampre, “I don’t think you’re gonna get killed.” 
While the training honed the men’s physical skills, it stimulated voracious appetites. One day, Mampre and his fellow medics caught the smell of fresh muffins wafting from the cook house. They found the tray of muffins and grabbed it, but not before the cooks grabbed the other end. The tug of war ended when the Military Police showed up and took down everyone’s names. “One guy said his name was ‘John Smith,’” explained Mampre, “another said ‘Terpin Hydrate,’ which means cough syrup.” Later, Mampre and his comrades snatched a line of milk bottles laid out for the battalion’s officers. “We were growing boys,” he defended, “we needed them.” The medics drank more than milk. They often drove to local watering holes in an ambulance. Mampre would sit up front with the driver and Captain Samuel “Shifty” Feiler, the dentist, between them. When they reached the bar, someone would shout, “Last one out buys!” and everyone poured out. Mampre and the driver made sure they opened their doors last, ensuring Feiler, stuck in the middle, paid.
Despite the intense training, the medics managed small rebellions. One medic, a cook, smuggled some local girls into a stable. Mampre and Lieutenant (Dr.) Jackson Neavles, the battalion surgeon, went to the stable where Neavles ordered the cook out. When he didn’t respond, they threw in colored smoke grenades. The girls ran out crying, their faces streaked with colors. “Those girls had to walk back to Swindon [about five miles away] like that,” said Mampre. The cook, on the other hand, refused to come out. Other medics had their own way of doing things. They dyed their hair with medicinal peroxide, turning them all blond or shades of red. When their hair grew back, leaving them with dual hair color, their British hosts did a double take. “They thought it was all the rage back in the U.S.,” said Mampre." 
Mampre also returned to his Band-Aid Bandit ways. He and some medics decided to steal an armoire from the upper story of an officers’ barracks. Mampre attached ropes to the armoire and was lowering it out a window when a lieutenant walked up and asked, “What are you doing?” Mampre told him he was trying to haul the armoire up to the room. Seeing that Mampre was about to be yanked out the window, the lieutenant told him to lower it and departed. Mampre and his buddies had a new armoire. 
In need of a shower, Mampre went into the officers’ shower but, while he was showering, an officer came in and asked, “Lieutenant?” When Mampre didn’t answer, the officer asked, “Captain?” Mampre finished, wrapped himself in a towel, and as he left said, “No. Staff Sergeant, but I’m clean.”
While there he saw some washing machines in crates. He “borrowed” one and had his fellow medics dig a square into the ground to hide it. The medics looked cleaner than the rest of the regiment. “Colonel Sink was wondering what was going on,” he said.
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
Reincarnation AU where some of the boys of Easy Company are hanging out when suddenly there’s an accident. Maybe a car accident as they’re walking somewhere or someone has a heart attack in a restaurant, it doesn’t really matter. And so the ambulance arrives on the scene and surprise, one of the paramedics is our boy Gene.
Maybe they just get a weird feeling about him or maybe they straight up recognize him. Maybe ones of them had a panic attack seeing his hands covered in blood again. He’s out of their sight before they can even blink, so now it’s up to the boys of Easy Company to try and track down their medic because Gene sure as hell didn’t notice them.
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
Eagles of Mercy
Upon landing in Normandy on D-Day, one of Easy Company’s medics connected with three other medics of the 101st Airborne Division and set up a makeshift aid station in the church of Angoville-au-Plain, a small village a mere 10 miles behind Utah Beach. Medic Edwin Pepping of Easy Company spent hours helping another medic by the name of Willard Moore transport severely wounded soldiers in a jeep to L’église Saint-Côme-et-Saint-Damien, the Church of Saint Côme and Saint Damien.
Back at the church, Medic Robert Wright began to treat the many wounded while Kenneth Moore, a stretcher bearer with not quite as much medical training, helped unload the men brought to them by jeep. They had lost a majority of their medical supplies on the jump and had to treat the men with anything and everything they could find, all while under heavy artillery fire.
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They accepted any and all wounded into their care, regardless of nationality, under the stipulation that all rifles be left outside the church door. Men were laid on the pews with their heads facing the aisle, pews that remain in the church to this day. Those most seriously wounded, the ones they weren’t sure would make it, were placed behind the alter and given morphine.
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Amidst one particularly intense shelling, a mortar fell through the roof of the church and landed in the center aisle. Miraculously, it didn’t explode, and Wright threw the shell out of a window. Pepping eventually moved on to reunite Easy Company, but Wright and Moore remained. They treated 80 seriously wounded American, French, and German soldiers as they worked 72 hours until the village was liberated on June 8, losing only two men.
The locals believe Wright and Moore landing near their village and choosing their church as an aid station to be no accident. Their church, as fate would have it, was named after two saints:
“L'église Saint-Côme-et-Saint-Damien, takes its name from 4th century martyrs: Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian. Saints Cosmas and Damian were physicians and possibly brothers who hailed from ancient Syria, then a province of the Roman Empire. They are widely regarded to be the patron saints of doctors, surgeons, and pharmacists. In fact, the saints were renowned for healing those who were ill or wounded as well as caring for all people regardless of their background, race, or faith.“
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A stain glass window was installed in the church paying tribute to these two men and a memorial was lane
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A documentary was created telling the story of the Eagles of Mercy featuring interviews with some of the veterans. Watch it for free at the link below:
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
Ok but Gene picking up a dropped firearm and using it in order to protect one or several of his boys who are wounded. He makes sure his boys are okay and stable before running over to the German to try and save him, but ultimately fails. Of course he’s all sorts of bent out of shape about it because he hates all the killing now that he’s seen what it does to people.
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
by Edwin Pepping, Easy Company Medic
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“The medics sat in on various types of non-medic related training to give us a background understanding of things that would take place in combat. Having a general knowledge of things that would go on in the field served two purposes; so that we would not be surprised and thus be better able to concentrate on our jobs as medics, and to be prepared for the resulting fall-out.”
“One time I was sitting in on a training session in Aldbourne on munitions and demolition being taught by Lewis Nixon. Some of the guys were not paying proper attention…talking, yucking it up a little, which annoyed Nixon. So he nonchalantly grabbed a 1/4 stick of TNT, right in plain sight, attached a fuse, lit it and threw it into the middle of the crowd. The fuse was plenty long enough to allow someone to safely grab it and throw it clear with plenty of time to spare.”
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
"In June 1943, Sink’s 506th headed to Tennessee for large-scale maneuvers, where Mampre and his medical crew had some fun. During a night exercise, one of the regiment’s doctors declared Captain Sobel—who most of the men considered a martinet—a casualty. Mampre and some other medics carried him back to a makeshift operating area while Sobel declared to anyone in earshot, “Look at me! I’m a casualty!” On the operating table, the doctor put Sobel under and then painted his abdomen red, scraped him with a scalpel, put in superficial stitches, and covered the spot with a pressure bandage. The medics then brought in Lieutenant Jerre Grosse, a mustachioed officer who was scheduled to be married. After putting him under, they put his arm in a cast and shaved off half his mustache.   The medics put both Sobel and Grosse under a truck to recover. Mampre laid down between them to ensure their safety. Sobel woke up first and felt his pressure bandage. Then he looked down at his red abdomen. Shocked, he screamed out repeatedly to the battalion commander, Lt. Col. Strayer, “They operated on me!” Strayer simply laughed. Sobel quickly recovered from the prank. The next day at a regimental review, he led Easy Company in mass formation while he counted cadence and hollered, “Hi-ho Silver!” Grosse also recovered. He simply broke off his cast and shaved off the other half of his mustache. His fiancée preferred him without it." 
— "101st Airborne Medic recalls Op. Market Garden and the Battle of the Bulge" by Kevin M. Hymel of the Warfare History Network
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 6 months ago
High School or College AU where Babe is on the Baseball team and Gene on the Track & Field team (along with Speirs of course). Both are spring sports, and in my school they both had to practice inside until the snow melted and it was warm enough to practice outside, so that meant they shared the field house. There was these large dividers that came down from the ceiling like these below that would make sure no stray baseballs hit anyone.
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The baseball/softball teams would practice on the inside of the track while the T&F team utilized the track and the extra space off to the sides. I can so totally picture Babe constantly getting distracted by this super hot guy running hurdles or doing high jump or whatever he does. Imagine Babe feeding the machine in the batting cage to Guarnere but stops cause he is watching Gene, and Guarnere makes fun of him but is also like “c’moooon Babe let’s get a move on we got like 12 more guys who need a turn in the tunnel.”
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