#MF Link
awkwardpossum0 · 1 year
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Had what I thought was the greatest idea for the name of my own Links meets Links AU
I was going to call it the Many Faces AU
And it would be like "The great hero of legend has had many faces across the times.." or somehting
But if I abbreviated it
It would be
Prolly gonna have to change that
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foervraengd · 1 year
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Must be exhausting walking around in all that armor.
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for anyone who doesn't have the Return YouTube Dislike Plugin, here's how Watcher Entertainment's "Goodbye Youtube" video is doing right now
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yeah... gonna throw out a yikes on that one
i suspect this number will only keep growing in the coming days/weeks, especially the longer and longer we go without any sort of response.
EDIT: its only been three hours and the number has already jumped to 206K dislikes.
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knight-of-aether · 2 months
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"He sits there for another two hours, with Legend cradled tightly in his arms, the lantern glowing in his grasp, a small island of warmth and light in the cold darkness. With nothing but his memories, and the slow, quiet draw of Legend’s breath, to keep him company."
First time sharing my Linked Universe fanart here, after lurking in the fandom for years - I was emboldened to do so by @kikker-oma 's lovely Fan Joy July event. This illustration is for Clearing the Air, a story by Sinnatious which has embedded itself deep into my psyche and refuses to leave. It's genuinely great writing - go read it if you haven't and enjoy heavy angst, wilderness survival, and old men being absolutely, perfectly, 100% fine, thank you very much.
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chaosfantasmic · 4 months
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Yall Look who I found at the pride parade
(yall idk why i keep on forgetting this but art creds to @linkeduniverse)
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skullpuke · 7 months
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you guys
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mfshipbracket · 2 years
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monstrous-fusion · 4 months
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Someone mentioned that Wild's colour palette matches up with the aro/ace flag extremely well.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
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Vote SORIEL since they're gonna kick our ass either way, HAHAHAHAH
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hyolks · 1 year
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I'm so normal about him. like fr. (<-lying)
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dilutedbeanibeans · 1 year
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some more art of my vanny cassie design!! instead of killing kids she kills adults!!! horrible gremlin murder child >:]
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gutterscrouge · 6 months
HMS DO KINDA BE HIS DAD???? KINDA BE HIS DAD YKNOW??? I mean he was nice enough to buy him a ride so thats bonding I guess
(I will draw them at the carnival more they deserve some fun I think <3)
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naomistares · 7 months
to anyone interested: i have a nsfw art account on twitter (@/naomignores (ik im so good with names)) and there is only one (1) drawing on there (harryanthe)
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the-moon-files · 10 months
Linked Universe / GN!Reader - Random Headcanons abt the Chain! :)
Part 1 / Part 2 (ur here!) / Part 3
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Hyrule, Time, Fierce Deity, Twilight, Warriors
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: light cussing, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Hyrule (The Legend of Zelda - OG game, Zelda II: Adventures of Link):
Lost easily, obviously, you know this
What you didnt know was that its very easy to get lost with him
Bc he's so excited/curious for new sights he doesnt give any fucks abt where he is, so it devolves into that "wait, I thought YOU were leading us there?? Then where tf are we??!!" very quickly
Does feel bad he stressed u out smtimes but he somehow manages to get into such wild shit that Hyrule's kinda preoccupied being confused/amazed/finding his way out, or any combo of these situations (once again, usually with you unfortunately)
Is the luckiest when it comes to getting lost or anything to do with "natural" things
Like he heard u rlly like this one fruit? Accidentally gets lost all day and panics all the Links + You until he shows up at midnight with a shirtful of them
("I found a few fruit trees/plants in the woods while wandering! I tried to grab a few for you and before I knew it, it was dark, sorry...")
Likes learning little skills from other people, like learning how to do makeup from Legend, or how to spot collections of rupees the Minish have left somewhere from Four, or how walk on any terrain from Wind (good at walking on a ship, on land, climbing etc)
More of a "sunset" hiker than a "sunrise" one
Likes to do your hair! Whether that be braiding, putting accessories (he handmade shhh) thruout it, or helping with hair maintenance, likes how strangely intimate but domestic it feels together with you (u return the favor ofc)
(All the other heroes are looking at you both like kicked puppies jfcccc🙄)
Time (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask):
Gets anxious if he's late to things, likes being fashionably early (or ungodly, when u let him get away with it)
Has absolutely been that meme from Parks and Recreation where he's like "Alright. I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Who broke it?"
(Abt the coffee pot for the camp)
Knowing full and well-
"I broke it. It burnt my coffee for the 3rd morning in a row, so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a moblin head on a stick. ...good. It was getting a little chummy around here."
MF LOVES GOSSIP (wouldn't admit this even at swordpoint)
Wars has absolutely been the person in the meme of:
Wars: "...why would you tell me this??"
Time: "Bc no one will ever believe you."
Wars: ...😦
Has a resting bitch face and knows it, actively cultivates it, scary dog privileges for you,
Type to take ur side in whatever situation ur in, even when Time has no idea whats going on, always, without question <3
The same height as First, (Twi's a close 2nd), and feels most secure when the 3 of you are at the front of the group, but First/Time are slightly in front of you
Like ur literally the person walking their 2 huge scary doobermans/mastiffs one leash in each hand basically 💀
(Once again, Link is deeply comforted by ur voice just over his shoulder/just hearing u even without seeing you)
Very subtly sarcastic, u dont even know he made a dig at you until 3-5 business days later
Likes ur sarcasm more than anyone else's in the group, or even his own lol
Fierce Deity (Majora's Mask):
Likes music, any music (amused at drunk karaoke)
Casually cradles ur arms or back whenever ur falling asleep/tripping/being clumsy near him
Very warm and smoothed calloused hands
Thinks abt what he's about to say so hard/long, that the conversation's moved on by like, 3 rounds/subject changes by the time he's actually ready to talk
Scolds ppl (in like a sentence) who neglect their needs, like sleeping/eating/hygiene
Finds peace in nature, if hes ever upset, u can bet he's already taking a walk by a stream
Likes teaching u/other Links little skills he has, its nice to feel appreciated/needed for something other than fighting or big moments
He falls in love with small moments, like the first time u made them all a dessert recipe from ur world, or repaired First's scarf (for the millioneth time) and bc everyone had gotten their clothes scratched up, everyone needed repairs so most Links were sewing smth lol
Enjoys watching ppl experience smth for the first time, or even himself exp smth for first time
Fierce smiled fully for the first time when you got into the mountain hot springs in Wild's Hyrule for the first time and were super excited
Also the type to hold ur hand while stepping in to make sure u dont fall, or just subtly boost a Link that was abt to fall from climbing smth
Like for being the tallest, he's surprisingly sneaky, the energy of the biggest cat in the house yet somehow also the quietest
Does that thing where someone takes ur hand and like massages ur fingers, palm, wrist and shakes them out kinda for you <3
Twilight (Twilight Princess):
Trips UP the stairs.
Cold start LMAO
ok ill be nice to him,, sike
Easy to bully?? U mean that kindly, he's just such a golden retriever sometimes u cant help urself (tho u make sure to reign it in and not take advantage of it so as not to genuninely hurt him)
Lol likes to "herd" his favorite people, like those dogs livestock farmers have u kno that they say end up herding their owners/their family lol
Like making subtle circles around the Chain, wrapping an arm around Hyrule and teasing him to quietly bring him back into the group before he gets lost,
Tugs on Time's armor to slow him down, mf may be in armor head to toe but he'll outpace all of u 💀
Likes to put his hand on ur lower back to guide u back into the group from whatever scenic thing u got distracted by
(so sue you, ur literally in The Legend of Zelda's Hyrule, surrounded by pretty blondes, why tf wouldnt you be distracted all the time??)
The only time he doesnt herd actively is in Ordon, just subconciously lol <3
Terrible sleep schedule, but sleeps like the dead when he does, has collapsed with a limb on top of you and u couldnt escape
Hard time waking up in the morning despite being country boy, who usually have to do chores first thing in morning on a farm
hates/envious of Wild (up at 5am even on days off?? Foul.)
Runs warm, but complains abt a slight breeze?
Would sleep with no covers if it werent for morning dew
Wishes cats liked him more (its the wolf smell)
Twi has the constant energy of a tall person carefully maneuvering around cluttered/low doorways while someone a head shorter runs by him and bounces off of him
U get onto/scold the Links and he's immediately the first to just sit on the ground, or put down whatever he's holding no matter what he's doing LMAO 😭😭
Keeps his eyes on u too the whole time lol
Warriors (Hyrule Warriors):
Cries over romance novels/dramas
A virgo in all stereotypes of the word tbh
Invented the red-string conspiracy theory board before the red-string conspiracy board existed in Hyrule
Also likes to take care of your hair! (What?? He and 'Rulie don't fight over ur hair, that'd be childish, he's not a foolish boy- Hyrule, hand over the brush.👹)
Remembers the little things abt u type of person, like ur favorite drink, ur favorite stories like tv shows/books even if theyre from ur world, ur favorite clothing pieces like shorts vs. pants, etc.
The only Link who can single handedly claim he could take your closet and dress you in something you'd actually wear.
Honestly once he got the hang of it, would get better at dressing you, than you
(Another domestic thing he adores, picking outfits for u/finding that perfect piece of clothing you've been needing lately)
Born to night-owl, forced to morning-bird 😔
Wars wakes up stiff sometimes bc soldier training is sleeping on ur back, hands to ur sides, laying straight in ur bed, so as to fit into bunks/bedrolls close together
It got better as he was promoted to Captain, so he could have his own quarters but its still a hard habit to shake
One of the few Links who works up the courage to genuinely pitfully ask if you'd mind massaging his shoulders again? He slept badly last night, please?? 🥺👉👈
(Ur so weak for pathetic hurting pretty blonde twinks lol)
The most lowkey abt taking care of Chain, but u make sure to take care of him as a gift back, and you've definitely caught him tearing up abt it 💖
Debated writing smth else first but figured this was easy and short and i started it first so youll have to wait like one more post before more Masc Reader stuff guys 😔
Dw its coming, i havent abandoned u my homies out there 🫂
Let me know what u think in the comments of my slight characterizations here!
Im struggling to conceptualize their personalities so thats acc part of why i started to write smaller stuff like this first! :)
Peace out,
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chaosfantasmic · 4 months
He comes with a message from the drafts
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
WAIT wilds weapons break in botw so quickly for the EXACT SAME REASON they do in totk but malice is more dilute than gloom!!
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