#MC: Fuchi
botan-shirabuki · 3 years
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Because this scene made me chuckle
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buswilligan · 4 years
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ONE tsuki mc?????? not disastrous enough, UPGRADE.. my ninja mc kioi and @botan-shirabuki‘s ninja mc fuchi ♥
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star-puff · 3 years
OOHHH have you read kono oto tomare? the mangaka amyu is also incredibly talented with the art and everything and the way of storytelling is very similarly paced to how gusari storytells!! i highly recommend!!!!! okay and the matsuhana one is this link here myreadingmanga(.)info/gusari-toasa-no-fuchi-haikyuu-dj-eng/ you might need to do a little human check box thing cause the site is blocked in certain countries for some reason :///
also also!! there's this anime coming out this season called mashiro no oto and its about this shamisen player from the countryside who joins this shamisen club at his high school in tokyo!! its kinda like kot, but it has a bit more of a grounded & mature vibe to it,,and the music in the show is So Good. like it has a lot more music than the kot anime did, which is smth i rly enjoy and appreciate! also the mc is voiced by suna's va HAHA, we finally get to hear him with full kansai-ben this time 😫😫
also i read the matsuhana dj and HHHHHHHHH I. god. i love the contrast between matsuhana and iwaoi but Not Really because in the end iwaoi loves just like anybody else,,,and so does matsuhana,,,,, and i love how this dj just encapsulates everything i love about gusari's work T-T she's able to capture the beautiful in the ordinary and its Just So. Its Just So Good.
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these are my favorite pages from that one-shot :")
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I lost all of the talk between raven mc and Vil, but i read something about them having a daughter and my head immediatly went of her faceclaim being like Kasane Fuchi.
Here's some pics
Kasane is a face stealer, so that's not her true face. But the pics and Kasane's passion for acting is how i imagined Vil's daughter to be :3
Yes to the face!!!
Maybe Vils daughter is just a big fucking sweetheart and wants to get into acting and such, but since he paychecks are pretty big, she starts companies and such to help people in need!
While she lives comfortably, most of the extra money goes to donations or helping expand her companies to help people who needs jobs and such*
*they come in a wide range of things, and come with hella benefits as well.
She just wants to make the world a better place and make everyone feel beautiful while not placing harsh standards.
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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It's been a whole year since I started Kyoichiro's route and as a result, a whole year since I made Fuchi 😭💛 They really are so special to me and are one of the highlights of my year. Here's to hoping for more ninja content in game in 2021!
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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1P, 2P, 3P outfit
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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DISCOSTED with myself bc I forgot to post these...anyway Fuchi and Kyo being cüte or whateva
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
Summer of Smut Writing Challenge: Waterlogged
Pairing: SLBP Fujibayashi Genya x MC (OC)
Theme: Day 9 - Stranded on a Boat Together
Summary: Genya being the king of diffusing stressful situations vol. 42069
Rating: NC-17/Explicit (for fingering, cuntylingus, and verrrry dirty talk)
Word Count: 5k
Notes: My 3rd entry in @voltage-vixen ‘s Summer of Smut challenge. I know...I know....this is SO late. but a series of consecutive events of life happening left me with barely any time to write, but I HAD to finish this because I love these two so much! I also thought the idea of a fic taking place in an amusement park, especially after the battle event. This one ended up being even longer than the first two so I hope it was worth the wait (if you were waiting...heh)!
Ao3: here
"Why do I have to carry her?"
"You're the one who wanted it so bad."
"Yeah, but you're the one who won her..."
Fuchi pouted and mumbled to herself as she adjusted the giant stuffed animal so that it was on her back and she held the arms crossed over her shoulders. Nothing in her life up to that point could have prepared her to think of the logistics of winning a stuffed animal at an amusement park. Earlier, she and Genya had been walking through a dazzling colorful alleyway full of various games with the prizes lined up against the walls and on the ceilings of each booth. Gen didn't put much thought into how exciting it must have all been for her until she started tugging at his arm while she excitedly squeaked and pointed at a giant stuffed dog that looked like Oboro. Fuchi insisted that they needed to get her, that it was the least they could do to commemorate her since they weren't allowed to bring her to the park themselves. Genya didn't really see the point in spending 500 yen to play, but at the same time, he couldn't help but find her enthusiasm for every single thing she came across wholly endearing. He got it in one easy game of ring toss, but the real prize was the look of joy on her face followed by that look melting into the realization that she would be carrying it for the rest of the night.
Now, they were walking towards the back of the park while Fuchi decided to keep her sulking to herself. Until then, they had gone on every ride they could that day. To Genya's surprise, she was quite the daredevil. Though, considering she had previously been overworking for a week straight, maybe that was her way of letting her hair down. According to the map of KoiLand he kept in his pocket, there were three more rides back there: two flat and one coaster. Unfortunately, the flat rides were kid specific so it looked like they would have to skip those. Genya squinted at the paper, trying to see it beneath the colorful flashing lights of surrounding attractions when Fuchi caught his attention again.
"Hey, Gen, what's that?" she nudged his thigh with her knee. When he looked up, he saw her gesturing towards a group of teenagers walking out of a ride's exit laughing while soaking wet. They walked towards a large booth with the words "DRYING STATION" above the door.
"Huh, what is that?" he drawled, looking back at the map. Apparently, his thumb had been covering this ride while he was looking at it earlier: The Raging River. And judging from the looks of it, it seemed like some sort of ride involving water. He told her what he was thinking and her face instantly lit back up as if she forgot that holding the stuffed dog ever bothered her.
"Can we go on?! I wanna see where the water comes from!" she was practically jogging in place with excitement, like she was ready to sprint towards the entrance with his say so. He couldn't not tease her.
He gave her a slow once over, "Keep bouncing like that and we can go wherever you want, gorgeous."
She stopped then, looking fake angry, though her blush gave her away, "Hey! I was being serious." He couldn't help but crack up at her expression, which made her face scrunch up even more. "What's so funny about--"
Her sentence got cut off by him tweaking her nose with his finger. "And I was being serious too. Come on, let's get a locker for our stuff." He grabbed her by the arm and led her towards the nearby storage STATION while she continued to vibrate with excitement.
Fuchi crossed her arms as she waited in the line. She had left her jacket in the locker along with her bag and Oboro-boro-ro-boro, and the queue had some pretty strong fans going even though the worst of the day's summer heat had passed. She found herself running her fingers over her goosebumps and shifting her weight from leg to leg. She could see some of the structure of the ride; it looked to be contained in a large half tube that snaked its way by the left side of the station, but she couldn't hear any train wheels. What were they about to get on?
"Hey," Fuchi jumped at the sound of Genya's voice right close to her ear from behind. His chin was planted on her shoulder. "You good? You look cold."
Before she could even answer, his hands were rubbing her bare arms. "I'm good now, thanks," her voice sounded so mousy just then. She often found herself baffled by how openly affectionate he was with her. Of course, she was proud to be with him, and she was more than willing to be equally affectionate. It just threw her off when he snuck up on her like that. And to top it off, he knew what it did to her when he spoke into her ear like that. She hoped he would get the hint that she didn't want that kind of action when they were waiting in a line with her simple reply.
As if he knew that and chose to ignore it, his hands slowed down until they stopped completely at her shoulders. His thumbs circled near the straps of her top. "You know, I was thinking of a form of payment."
Her eyebrows furrowed, "Payment? Payment for what?"
Mischief and mirth twinkled in his eyes, "For me winning you that prize."
"What, was me carrying her around not enough 'payment?'"
"Mm-mm," he hummed right in her ear, making her clench her arms that were still folded. "That was just common sense."
"How is that common--? What? I'm genuinely confused...and what are you doing now?" she looked down, noticing that his hands had slid off of her arms and were now trailing down the sides of her waist.
"Aah, my hands are so tired," he sighed, holding her close, "Think I need somewhere for them to rest."
Though Fuchi still had her questions, they managed to move with the line just like that. "And what exactly are your hands tired from?"
"Y'know," his hands slipped lower so his fingers were now dipping into the pockets of her jean shorts, "Winning you toys, carrying your food...helping you get out of your seatbelt when you thought it was stuck...."
"That was one time!" she knew he was laughing at the inflection of her voice. "And are you really tired from all of that?"
"Not me, just my hands. And yeah, they're soooo tired," he accentuated the word by squeezing her hips. "Can I rest them here, please?" His voice was so low it was barely above a whisper. "If you want me to, I'll just leave them right here. How's that?"
Fuchi closed her eyes, taking a pause before she answered, "Come on, Gen, play fair..."
"Whaddya mean by that?" he teased, keeping her close as they moved with the line again. "That a yes or no?"
It would have been torture to say no to him anyway, "Of course it's a yes."
They stayed like that until they made it to the ride station, save for Gen putting his hands on her upper arms to warm her up every once in a while.  By the time they could see the actual trains, Fuchi's eyes lit back up with that same childlike excitement. The trains weren't any kind of typical cars; they were giant fake logs with the seats carved out in the middle, and the track was actually submerged in water.
"Oh this is so cool!" she tried her best to see where the track led by leaning over the rails. "Where does it go? What does it do?"
"That's for us to find out," he patted her back, "Come on, we're up next. They're all together."
Once the group in front of them started loading in, Fuchi walked towards the gate to watch them. She was quite shocked to see the four of them sit in a line straddled over one bench in the center of the car.
"Uhh, Gen? Why aren't there separate seats?"
"Just how these kinda rides are built," he shrugged as another group of soaked riders came into the station further back to get off the ride.
One of the ride operators turned to them, "Are you two going alone?"
"Sure are," Genya replied. Fuchi's mouth opened like she wanted to say something before she looked behind her to see another group of four casually watching them. In that moment, she realized they had probably been behind them this whole time and the harrowing reality of being seen hit her like a slap in the face.
"Um...we are?" she looked to Gen, her voice now much quieter.
"You wanna wait for another group of two?"
The automated gate opened before she could answer and her curiosity and excitement won over her modesty, as usual. She waved the concern away with a hand before they walked onto the loading dock. Genya stepped into the boat towards the back and reached out to take Fuchi's hand so she could follow. She initially sat at the front, excited to see everything, but she found herself being pulled back by her hips until she felt denim against her thighs.
"Gen! Hello?!" she exclaimed, looking back over her shoulder to see him smirking at her.
"Don't get all blushy on me, you're supposed to sit towards the back of these." His tone was so casual, but the force he used to pull her against him suggested amorous intent.
"Alright, you're cleared to go. Enjoy your ride!"
With the ride op's word, the log started to move out of the station. They bobbed along with the flow of the water until they reached the conveyor belt lift hill. It was alongside an elaborate prop cabin with a moving water mill among the trees. Fuchi ooh-d with excitement and started to bounce her legs when she noticed that his hands were splayed across her bare thighs. That realization made her vividly aware of how the angle of the lift hill had her back pressed into him.
"Hey...your hands look mighty comfortable there," she spoke over the clicks of the lift.
"They're still tired, remember?" he answered, squeezing her thighs and patting them to assure her that he didn't plan on moving them.
"Hmm, right, they're tired," her eyes narrowed, but she decided she'd play along. She squirmed against him until his hands stilled on her.
"Hey, you tryna start something on the ride? I'm pretty sure that's against the rules," his hands started kneading into her skin. She should have expected as much, but it did make her feel a little frisky.
"I'm not starting anything, I'm only finishing-- Aah!" she squealed when the lift ended and they were dropped off into the flume track with a decent splash that hit both of them. They both took a moment to laugh in surprise, moving half-soaked locks of hair out of their faces as the log made its way down the winding course through the trees. 
The ride itself was quite long. While there hadn't been anything particularly thrilling other than the fun of watching the scenery and the view of the rest of the park lit up against the setting sun, Fuchi still found her heart racing. Genya's hands on her thighs had started to wander around her, one sliding up to hold her waist while the other crept up her leg to hold on to her hip. She felt his lips casually brush the nape of her neck and she knew right then without a doubt that he was making some kind of move.
"Mm, you know there's other people on this ride, right?" she protested, knowing her argument was weak right when it left her mouth. She could feel her heartbeat quicken as his hand on her waist moved to squeeze at her ribcage just beneath the wire of her bra.
"Yup, and they'd all kill to have their hands on you, gorgeous," he murmured in her ear, just like before in the line; except this time, there was no mistaking how turned on he had her.
"You don't know that..." her voice trailed off when she noticed his hand was now between her parted legs, rubbing over the central seam of her shorts. She let out a small whine, "Come on, Gen, why now?"
"There isn't a better time than the present. Especially when I've got you all to myself." As they sailed through a small helix, Genya grazed her earlobe with his teeth, "Say, after we get off of this, why don't I give you something else to ride?" He punctuated his suggestion by groping her hip again.
Before she could answer him, apart from a notably enthusiastic moan, a passing seemingly innocent waterfall suddenly blasted them with a spray of water, even stronger than the first. Fuchi shrieked in surprise, but Genya didn't miss a beat.
"Heyy, see? You're already wet now," he teased her again, now licking at the droplets of water that trailed down the column of her neck. "So whaddya say, hm?"
Fuchi pushed her wet hair out of her face and started to rock back into him, "Honestly, keep that up and you can have whatever you want."
"Whatever I want..." he growled, confirming her words before planting shameless open-mouth kisses beneath her ear. She responded by reaching back to hold his head there, her fingers tangling into his darkened locks. His hands both held her hips against him as she rocked them between him and the seat, seeking any kind of relief from the teasing arousal building up inside her. The track doubled down into a long, dark tunnel. The two small pops of airtime followed by a dark tunnel only further turned up the heat. One of Genya's hands shamelessly grabbed one of her breasts, groping it through her top. In response, Fuchi turned her head towards him to capture his mouth in a kiss. While the angle was a little awkward, their tongues brushed together to confirm what they intended to do once the ride was done. Her free hand reached back to grip his thigh in return and her hips continued their search for any kind of friction as their faces became visible again once they neared the end of the tunnel.
Fuchi smiled at him, her eyes hazy in the dim light, "I never thought I'd be so excited to get off one of these things."
"The feeling's mutual, gorgeous." The look in his eyes made her swoon. He looked at her like she was his whole universe, but at the same time, he was clearly sizing her up like he was thinking about how exactly he wanted her later. She turned her head back forward as he started to pepper her neck and shoulder with kisses again, when she realized where they were.
The log had come to a stop right close to the exit of the tunnel which led to the lift hill for the final drop. There was a section of water that seemed like it was to push the log up onto the lift, but they had stopped a few meters short of it. They waited there for a few minutes, still kissing and caressing until Fuchi finally spoke up.
"Hey, how long have we been sitting here?"
His lips left her neck with a slight pop, "What's that?"
"I swear we've been sitting here for awhile now."
Looking ahead for himself, Genya noticed that indeed, they weren't going anywhere even despite the water flowing around them. On top of that, the lift hill wasn't moving at all either. He looked behind them and saw a tiny blip of another log outside the other end of the tunnel, which didn't seem to move any closer to them. "Looks like everything's stopped."
"Attention riders," an awkwardly uncertain voice rang from a nearby loudspeaker, "The ride has been stopped, but please remain seated until further instructions are given.
Fuchi's mouth dropped open in shock. "What? Come on!" She threw her hands in the air in frustration. "Of course this would happen to us right now."
"Well damn," Genya sighed as she sat up to keep ranting. He felt noticeably more cold and wet once she scooted off of him.
"Yeah damn! We were so close to the end, I know it!" She got up on her knees at the front of the vehicle and tried to look up to see what was in the lift hill. There was one group of riders almost at the top from the looks of it.
"Heh, maybe that's not so bad," he drawled behind her, a teasing nature in his voice.
She turned back to narrow her eyes at him. "Why the sudden switch? You just said you couldn't wait to get off of this."
"I did," he said, calm as ever as he scooted up so he was directly behind her again. "But look on the bright side, gorgeous. I already have you all alone right now."
"Oh?" her voice dropped as she felt his hands gliding up her legs again. 
"Oh yeah," his voice was gravelly by the time he reached the fraying material of her shorts. "In fact, I think you ought to take these off. I know how much you don't like wearing wet clothes."
"You're joking," Fuchi retorted, but her voice sounded just as heady as his.
"Fuchi when have I ever joked with you?" the grin on his face betrayed him as he gripped the cusps of her ass cheeks, pulling them even further out of the cutoffs.
A giggle bubbled out from her mouth. "I think that right there counts."
He answered with a small chuckle of his own before he hooked his fingers in her belt loops. "May I?"
She readjusted her knees on the seat, "Only if you say please."
With the belt loops, he pulled her hips closer to him, "Please, Fuchi? Pretty please?" he groaned, nuzzling his cheek into the damp denim before planting a kiss against her skin. "Please let me taste it."
She already had them unbuttoned before he finished. "Damn. Well since you asked so nicely," she helped him pull them down over her hips. "You sounded a little desperate though, not gonna lie."
"There's no shame in begging for some-- Goddamn, that sight never gets old," Genya breathed once her shorts dropped to her knees. She giggled as he gathered the back of her panties and tugged them gently upward until he could see the outline of her lips in the dim light. "Hmm, just as I figured. You're soaked all the way through," he noted, rubbing her clit through the thin cotton until he heard her muffling a moan behind her hand. "No need to be shy y'know," he chided her, abruptly slapping her ass so she would gasp aloud.
"Hey!" She hissed, hitting his shoulder with her sneaker. "I don't know if you noticed, but we're in a tunnel. That's gonna echo!"
"Damn, what's a guy gotta do to get you to relax?" Genya mumbled, still holding her in place.
"Relax? We're doing this while stuck on a-- fuck!" Fuchi gasped again when he pulled her panties aside and sucked her clit into his mouth. He worked her expertly with his tongue until her mouth was hanging open.
"I won't fuck you unless you relax," he purred once he pulled away from her so he could pull her panties down to pool at her knees along with her shorts. "When you get all uppity, you start closing up on me, y'know." He started rubbing her again with one hand while the other spread her lips open so he could view the progression of her arousal. "And you're already so damn tight to begin with...makes it an impossible fit."
Fuchi felt her face heating up at his dirty talk, "You're gonna fuck me on here?" She had tried her best to retaliate, but her voice was so breathy she gave up on it.
He was too busy licking at her all up and down to initially answer. "Probably, if they leave us here long enough," he said as he pulled away again to look at her now glistening folds. "Nothin' in this world could keep me from this pussy for that long." He dipped his tongue into her entrance and moaned at the taste before sucking her back into his mouth until he heard her audibly panting, still trying to wrangle her sounds of pleasure in her throat.
"C'mon, gorgeous, l can barely hear you over all this water," he teased her as he slipped one finger into her. "Really wanna hear how me fucking you on my fingers makes you feel, babe..."
"Hahh...oh...it feels good..." she managed to whimper, looking back to see his eyes drinking up all of her form as his digit pumped in and out of her. "Add another one?"
She felt him leaving her and watched him lick his index finger before generously wetting the middle as well. "No problem," he smirked before slowly sinking the two fingers in together. He fucked her like that for a good moment, until she started rocking back and forth in sync with him. "Attagirl, that's more like it. See? I can feel you opening up around me..." He playfully bit her on the right ass cheek while he started to pump deeper. 
"Yes, Gen....yesssss it feels so good..." she was slowly getting braver with her vocals. Either that, or the way he curved his fingers just how she liked made her forget to keep quiet. "Yes! Ahh, add another finger!"
"Say please." His hand in her froze; his voice was suddenly serious and steely, with a sharp edge like a blade.
"Aaah, fuck off!" she whined once he stopped moving.
"Not so fun when the tables turn on ya, huh?" Genya smirked before spanking her harshly on both cheeks, "Now say please like you mean it."
Fuchi made meaningful eye contact with him, "Gen, please put another finger inside of me," she pleaded, trying to fuck herself slowly, tantalizingly, on his still fingers. "How else am I supposed to prepare myself for your massive dick?"
"Ooh, she took the logical route," he chuckled before giving her the satisfaction of his ring finger sliding in. "You're still a brat though."
"I did what you asked!" she cried out in the middle of a long-winded moan. She felt him stand up behind her and smack her ass one last time before he was pressed all the way up against her back. A solid mass of body heat beneath damp clothes punctuated by his dick straining against her ass through his pants.
"All that talking again. Just hush up and let me make you cum, 'kay?" He was back in her ear, sending a pleasant shiver through her when he gently blew a breeze on her wet neck. "You're so fucking sexy just like this. I really could just fuck you right in here." 
"Oh yeah?" she raised an eyebrow before spitting on her fingers so she could properly touch herself long with him. "Do it then...fuck me..." Her voice had that edge to it that she often got when she knew she was close to cumming. The sounds of their hands working had begun to compete with the sound of the water around them.
"I dunno..." His voice grew grittier as his fingers worked into her faster, "where would I be able to cum?"
"I'd take it! Fuck! You know I'd take it all!" she panted, her hand doing its best to keep up with the pace of his.
"Mmm, I know you would. Just wanted to hear you say it. Because I know how crazy thinking about that makes you." His free hand let go of her hip to plunge down into the front of her top, grabbing at her bare tit and rolling the nipple between his fingers. "Come on, gorgeous, I wanna hear you cum. You're so close, let me hear how bad you want it..."
"Gen! I want it I want it I want it....ahh!" her orgasm was much closer than she realized. It came to her quickly, making her jump slightly and lean over the front of the log to seek purchase in the grooves of the fake bark. She surprised herself with how loud she cried out at the end. She let him fuck her through it until his fingers left her, rubbing slick over her clit until she was shaking again.
"That's it, babe...Fuck, you got so tight around my fingers just then," Genya groaned before he enveloped the aforementioned fingers in mouth. Fuchi watched him suck his fingers clean until he dropped back into the seat, taking his hand from her shirt along with him. He wrapped his arm around her hips and crashed his face into the swell of her ass cheek so he could kiss and suckle at it until he left a nice dark mark. All while he used his opposing hand to begin unbuttoning his pants and palming at his erection. "Tell me where you want this dick," He murmured into her skin, though she managed to hear it.
"I want that beautiful dick right here and right now on this boat," she said earnestly, still raring to go after her orgasm.
Genya chuckled, peppering her hickey with kisses, "Not necessarily what I was asking but I love that energy."
Fuchi tilted her head and ran her hand through his hair to push his head back up off of her, catching his full attention. "Well then where do you want it?" she asked, taking her hand out of his hair to casually pat both of her holes. Gen stared at her with his eyebrows raised in shocked silence. The pause broke when Fuchi broke out in laughter, which made him laugh again, in turn. It never ceased to amaze him how quickly they could flip the script on each other.
"Tease," he laughed, standing back up to kiss her on her shoulder. She caught him by the chin and kissed him on the lips, holding him there until she felt something hot, hard, slick, and all too familiar rubbing against her sex. "I think I know what I want," he breathed against her lips. She bit his lower lip, urging him on. He had just lined up with her when they heard from the speakers above.
"Attention riders, good news! The ride is totally fine and ready to go. There had been a loose article detected by the ride's censors and it has been fished out and now the ride is cleared. We do apologize for the inconvenience and are offering free meal vouchers after the ride is done. Thank you all for waiting, the ride will start back up in a few minutes."
"Come on," Genya muttered, looking up at the speaker. "Right when we were gonna--"
"What a MOTHERFUCKER!" Fuchi slammed her hands against the vehicle. "First you make us stop here, then once we're about to get serious, it's time to go again? This ride hates me, bro, I swear!"
Her bout of rage softened the sting of being interrupted, bringing a smile to his face. He couldn't help but tease her again, "Thought this was what you wanted in the first place?"
Fuchi stammered, so frustrated, her words clogged in her mouth. "Maybe if they had waited like, five more minutes. Actually, you know what? Get back here, let's do it while we have a chance."
"'m afraid I'll have to turn that offer down," he shrugged, having just finished fitting his still raging boner back into his pants. "You and I both know there's no stopping once we get started."
"True..." she deflated a little, letting him pull her underwear and shorts back on for her before buttoning them up herself and sitting back down properly in the seat. "I'm still mad though. Fuming, even. So much so that I just might have to take it out on you."
"I'm looking forward to it, gorgeous," he said, pulling her back by her waist so she was snug against him again. He happened to smack her thighs in perfect timing with the hiss of the brakes letting them free and propelling them out of the tunnel and onto the lift hill. "And if we get stuck again, I'm fucking you right here!" he proclaimed over the loud clacking of the chain lift.
The actual final drop of the ride ended up being pretty anticlimactic, though they did get thoroughly soaked thanks to a giant splashdown at the end of it. They were still laughing and pushing dripping wet locks out of their faces as they got off the ride and left the station. They were just outside the nearby gift shop when Fuchi turned around.
"Maybe we should dry off and go get-- Oh, hello..." she was sidetracked by the sight of Genya, his hair and clothes still drenched. The collar of his shirt was low enough that she could see nearby lights glistening on his wet skin. The material of it was thin enough that it clung flawlessly to each ripple of muscle on his torso. He flexed his chest when her hand instinctively ran across his diamond hard nipples that poked through.
"I could have sworn you said you were angry bout something earlier," his voice was low and full of promise.
"I think I just remembered what it was. Now I'm mad again," she said, completely hypnotized by the blue and pink lights dancing across the smooth planes of his dripping wet pecs. "Maybe help me express my anger once we get back to the car?"
"There's actually a quiet little construction area behind the ride. If you're mad enough for that."
"I am," she nodded, holding her hand out for him to take so he could lead her there. "And good on it for being quiet. I'm pretty aggy, don't want anyone else seeing that."
Genya smirked as he led the way. "I know you don't."
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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WIP of Fuchi 😌💕💕💕
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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An old study (??? practice???? sketch????) from early quarantine when I was experimenting with different ways to color from b&w. Kyo rights!!!!
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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Was feeling really festive during Kyo's bday period so have a Fuchi!
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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I'm currently reworking this drawing bc I lost the file of the finished piece. Probably gonna clean up the lineart bc not doing so bit me so hard lmfaoooo
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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I used the Voltage templates for my own MCs! (ignore the story sections I'll write them later 😂)
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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An infographic.
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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Made with leftover art from last year 😌
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
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Seeing lil Saku and Genya made me want to draw lil Fuchi too 😭💖
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