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welcome-to-green-hills · 1 year ago
SCU Sonic and Shadow on a double date with SCU Knuckles and Rouge 💙🖤♥️💜
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xxnomadsxx · 1 year ago
In the Nomads AU Branch is still babied by his brothers. Nothing to far just things like calling him baby Branch/Bitty B always trying to cuddle or smother him with affection, on a couple occasions even try and pick him up to carry around, or do things they used to do with Branch when he was a baby, like trying to put him to bed or read him a story. They do these things without realizing like a sort of big brother instinct. EVEN Floyd babies Branch!!! (He sees Branch as an adult but it’s hard sometimes since he has had this image of what Branch used to be in his head for the last 2 decades and also still follows some of his big brother routines he had with Branch 20 years ago) The brothers are also doing this as a strange coping mechanism due to Branch being so …….different? So they make it their mission to make him a “normal” happy troll!! (What’s that!?! pop trolls are at it again with their toxic positivity who could’ve seen that coming?!?!..oh yeah me 😑)
Branch absolutely hates it (I don’t blame him) He has told them time and time again to knock it off or he will kick them out (which he has done multiple times but they just keep coming back!!) He hates how they keep trying to touch him with their hugs and cuddles. He hates them treating him like a…a..A CHILD !!! He yells at them to stop sometimes or just growls and runs away….but his main problem is.. he hasn’t told them exactly to stop treating him like a kid, he’s afraid if he tells them to stop that they would see he’s not the brother they once had and would leave again.. (yikes my dude😬! another reason this happens is because he wasn’t there for the fight in Rhonda and never told them off for how they treat him so it sorta just all adds up into issues not to mention the jealousy🙄 Branch is so done with their behavior)
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lexa-griffins · 4 months ago
Mundane Lexa gets very horny when she's pregnant so Clarke rises to the occasion to satiate her needs. Clarke is worried she'll hurt Lexa and the baby so she's gentle and soft. Lexa just wants to be railed
Lexa and Clarke have always been pretty vanilla. A little smack to the ass here, nails on the back there but both prefer a more loving sex life. Lexa tends to absolutely adore when Clarke is all sweet and gentle and focused on her pleasure. She basks in the attention from her wife.
But she is HORNY, clawing at the walls type, please bend me over and fuck me. And Clarke wants to indulge her and do whatever she can to keeper her pregnant wifey satisfied but by lord she cannot bring herself to rail Lexa when she is carrying their baby. She wants to make love to her and craddle her tummy and be ever so gentle with her. Honestly, Clarke doesn't even feel brave enough to go fully inside Lexa, that's how much she fears hurting her despite her completely average size that would not hurt at all.
And Lexa is frustrated. With Clarke and herself because Clarke is doing nothing but being the absolute sweetest with her, giving her everything Lexa always wanted in bed. But Lexa doesn't want that right now. She wants rough and sweaty.
And then, then Clarke finally tells her she'll try. It's hard because Lexa is carrying their precious little girl but she'll try, for Lexa.
She barely gets to half a minute being rougher and grabbing at Lexa more aggressive before Lexa's hormones are making her feel like this isn't her Clarke and she's asking her to stop, which Clarke doesnt for a second before coming to an immediate halt, soothing Lexa and holding her as she tries - pretty close to crying too to be honest because she didn't even want to do it like this in the first place.
They spend a couple of hours talking, naked, after Clarke gently rubs Lexa's clit to allow her to cum. They talk about Clarke's fear of hurting Lexa and the baby, Lexa talkes about this constant horniness she doesn't know what to do with. They decide on Clarke helping Lexa orgasm more often, despite the fact Lexa doesn't want Clarke to feel neglect - something Clarke reassures her over and over again she won't as she loves making Lexa feel good especially when her hormones are all over the place and she can help with it. It also becomes clear Lexa wants more *of* Clarke, not particularly more of sex. She wants Clarke all over her during sex, she wants Clarke to not act like she's afraid she'll break just because she's pregnant.
And oh from that day on, Clarke realizes what it is to have a satisfied pregnant wife who is double obsessed with her now that Clarke makes her cum in bed, in the shower, just as she gets home and right before they go to sleep.
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omgwhatchloe · 1 year ago
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current situation today lads
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infamousgert · 1 year ago
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childoftheriver · 2 years ago
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I love this picture so much.
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ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 1 year ago
Ythogtha art
Mah wittle bb
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viky2318 · 2 years ago
here we go, jumping from a world to another.
Maddy never experienced floating in an almost complete absence of gravity. She got to Outertale and other "spacey" universes a few times, but always had something to land their feets on and walk normally. That was why, the moment she got into that weird colorful place called "Doodle Sphere" she felt pretty lost. There was no floor there, or a whatever place to stand up instead of floating. She looked down and saw what seemed an endless infinity that gave her the chills. Having the sensation of falling without ever actually doing it was terrible… The moment she remembered she were still holding Grillby's wrist, she held it tighter. Maddy focused on her mission and looked around. The Doodle Sphere was a weird place… it was colorful, but you didn't have a clear idea of the colors. They were there and you knew it, but you couldn't see where those colors were from or anything. It was confusing in a weirdly addicting way, almost psychedelic. In the middle of this, there were many floating labeled buckets filled with paint. Those were the real reason why they were here. Every bucket was connected to a universe, and the "owner" of this place used the paint inside of them to travel. Maddy couldn't travel in the same way, but she could use them as a start. "Ok, plan: we go by elimination. We start excluding the ones where Muffet couldn't be and go ahead." She explained to Grillby, but he didn't seem so fond of this plan… "we'll take an eternity, and we don't even know if there actually is every timeline of every universe in this already huge place. We could end up searching for something that isn't here. And what if Ink comes back?" he asked, again with that unreadable expression. The cat looked at him annoyedly, then said: "first: we'll surely take less time than by going by memory and checking only the few ones we know. Second: Ink is as curious as a damn child and is a control freak. He surely placed here a passage for every timeline that could be somehow relevant in any twisted or nonsensical way. Last: he's always around. He comes here rarely, and doesn't remain for too long". The fire man didn't seem really convinced by this explanation and clearly had something to say against it, but thankfully kept it quiet. Maddy wasn’t in the mood to discuss again with him. She left his wrist and started searching through those millions of buckets, marking the ones that she discarded with a pencil the cat found floating around. She moved quickly from one bucket to another, giving a look at the name they had written on and going to the next one. Underfell, Swapspin, Alphatale, Chesstale, Negativetale, Undersail… all universes with their own story and characters, but not the one she was searching for. Maddy kept searching resolutely, wanting-no, needing to find something useful. They felt the impellent need to be useful to the squad, to do something right, to not be a burden. Because that’s how she felt right now. She hadn’t been able to stop Muffet from going away, to stop herself from killing innocents, to understand that there was something wrong inside of Sam’s plans… It was all because of Sam. Everything, always. Sam put in her mind the idea, Sam guided her through the multiverse searching for Sanses, Sam forced her twice to kill innocent people who were in their way. She knew that, but also felt like one way or another it was her fault. Maddy’s hands were the dusty ones. Maddy’s eyes were the ones who saw the world crumbling around them, in part because of them, but didn’t do anything about it. Maddy’s mind was the one stressing out trying to find a solution to a problem she could have avoided if she acted more fast. In her irruent searching she accidentally spilled some paint from one of the buckets, staining her glove with a shining cobalt. She glared annoyedly at the name written on the bucket while thinking about how to make that stain go away.
DELTARUNE (Pacifist route, Castle town shortcut).
Maddy read that name a few times, just to make sure they were reading correctly. The original creator’s own alternative universe… Still a work in progress universe, with a lot of differences and similarities with the original world. A lot of creators have already started generating many worlds based on this one. The cat searched in her small mind anything particularly relevant in this world. A character, a place, an object… “GRILLBY! I THINK I FOUND SOMETHING!” she called out. The fire man, who after a while decided to search around too, floated near and looked at the bucket Maddy was holding close as she started explaining: “There is a guy who could give us a hand here. This person is-” “i know who you’re talking about and we will leave him where he is” he cut them short, not even wanting to think what would happen if they met that weird fool. Maddy glared at him with an annoyed huff, then said: “... well, if you have any other brilliant idea then speak up NOW. we have no time to waste”. As expected Grillby remained silent, clearly not having a better plan but not liking this one either. Satisfied with his silence, Maddy set to work. She never thought she would use this little trick… She took off their clean glove and soaked the tip of her index in the paint, then took it out and observed it carefully, a small slime forming in their face. She closed the hand in a fist, focusing on the thin lines of code inside of that colorful liquid that connected it to the world she wanted to reach. She then opened her hand and the lines of code appeared in front of her, clear and ordinated inside of a text box. Grillby, who didn't know about this ability Maddy had, remained quite astonished. "What- how did you do that?" he asked, a small hint of surprise in his voice. Maddy couldn't help smiling a bit at his reaction, and explained: "Sam taught me how to do this a few weeks after we started all the murdering thing. They said it would have been useful to find people hiding in worlds we don't know. It's the first time I actually put it into practice…". She focused back on the codes and started searching for a specific line. She needed the identification number of the timeline and some coordinates, so they could use those instead of an image of the place. "... Here you are, little one…" she mumbled when she finally found it. It was in the last line of code, short and simple.
Maddy memorized the string and made the text box with the codes disappear, then cleaned off her finger and put their glove back. She then held Grillby's shoulder and teleported both focusing on that line of code instead of the simple image of a place. It took a bit more effort because it was her first time teleporting in that way, but she still did it. 
The Darkners that were hanging around the center of Castle Town remained quite surprised when they saw a cat-looking monster and a fire man literally appearing out of nowhere almost a meter away from the ground, and falling down pretty heavily. Maddy mind-noted to change the z's from 24 to 23, then started walking towards the castle. Grillby hesitated a moment, evaluating the possibility of grabbing her and bringing her to a safe place to make sure she couldn't do anything stupid, but then left that plan aside and followed her. The two monsters walked through the entrance of the Card Castle, some of the citizens still looking at them with surprise or curiosity and some of them turning around and avoiding them, having a bad feeling about those two.
They reached the elevator and got in, then Maddy pressed the blank button. The two of them remained silent for a long time, Grillby looking straight into the cat’s eyes. She knew what that look meant. She saw it already at least ten times, even if usually it was used against Fresh or Muffet when she decided to do something on her own. “I’m not approving what you’re doing and I'll follow you only to make sure you don’t get yourself killed” was the meaning of that look. The last time he used that look on them was the time when, that one day where Muffet was weird and Sam sent the two of them alone to mission, Maddy decided to go and simply kick the Sans’ butt without a real plan. “Alright, shoot. Tell me you don’t approve my plan, that you would have done differently and that you have a better plan. I’m eagerly waiting, especially for the last part”, she suddenly stated, glaring at him back. She knew he wanted to tell her how many leaks were in their improvised plan because he didn't want her to get hurt, but she couldn’t stand a person who kept complaining without actually offering a solution. The fire man remained silent for another moment, and something in their expression changed. He then looked away and started: “I'm sure this is a bad plan that you made in a few seconds; I see a huge possibility of starting a massive disaster; we will probably end up wasting time… but right now I have to admit I couldn't have done any better”. Maddy couldn’t help grinning at his sentence, happy to finally hear something different than criticism from him. “ok , ok… this is a good start. Next time try to realize it sooner, tough” she commented, half forgiving him for being a depressed jerk. The elevator finally reached the destination, and the two monsters walked to the cell where the most free jester was sleeping.
... the cat actually convinced him to act...
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sc3n3-b1tch · 7 months ago
Him a bug 🐍
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Orochimaru Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu - Naruto Shippuden Episode 361
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wvyik · 4 days ago
ruined in more ways then one. d.w. ➶ 。˚ °
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dean winchester x fem! reader
summary; a lazy morning with dean turns sinful fast — filled with touches, soft laughter, and the kind of love that lingers long after… until sam walks in, coffee in hand, and instantly regrets his life choices.
warnings; mdni! explicit content, fluff & smut mix, oral sex (reader receiving), light swearing, unwanted coffee delivery, heavy doses of dean’s cocky charm, sam trauma™ (poor guy needs therapy), mild afterglow cuteness, a lot of giggling and awkward eye contact, motel room shenanigans.
notes; LMAOO sam, mah poor sweet baby, did NOT sign up for this. “(ノ _ <,, ) HE JUST WANTED TO BRING COFFEE..
words; 1862
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Mornings with Dean were usually slow, lazy things — filled with tangled sheets, warm skin, and the scent of coffee lingering in the air. But today… Today, Dean was in a mood.
You felt it before you even opened your eyes. The warmth of his body pressed against your back, the scratch of his stubble as he nuzzled into your neck. Then— his hand. Wandering.
“Mm,” you grumbled sleepily, trying to burrow deeper into the pillow. “Dean, it’s too early…”
“Too early for what?” His voice was husky, thick with sleep, lips brushing over the shell of your ear. “For me to touch my girl?”
His hand dragged lazily down your stomach, fingers skimming over your bare thigh. You shivered.
“You’re insatiable,” you murmured, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips.
Dean chuckled, his breath warm against your neck. “Nah, just obsessed with you.” His hand slipped under the hem of his own t-shirt that you’d stolen to sleep in, fingertips teasing over your hip. “You gonna stop me, sweetheart?”
You let out a contented sigh, tilting your head to give him more access as his lips trailed slow, open-mouthed kisses down your neck. “I’d be an idiot to stop you.”
“Damn right.”
And just like that, you were flipped onto your back, Dean hovering over you, that signature cocky grin on his face. His green eyes sparkled with something both mischievous and downright sinful.
“You’re unbelievable,” you huffed, running a hand through his messy hair.
Dean leaned down, lips barely brushing over yours. “And you love it.”
Yeah. Yeah, you did.
His kiss was slow, deep, like he had all the time in the world. His hands roamed, tracing every inch of you like he was committing it to memory.
Dean was all over you— hands wandering, lips pressing slow, teasing kisses along your jaw, your neck, the dip between your collarbones. His weight caged you in, keeping you right where he wanted you, but his touch? That was gentle. Worshipping.
“Mmm, I could stay here all day,” he murmured, nipping at your skin just enough to make you squirm.
You tangled your fingers in his hair, sighing as he kissed his way down your chest. “Who’s stopping you?”
Dean chuckled, voice low and lazy. “Sam’s gonna kill us if we don’t hit the road soon.”
You grinned, dragging your nails lightly down his back. “Then maybe you should stop teasing and get to it, Winchester.”
His eyes flicked up to yours, dark with amusement. “Oh, sweetheart… you know better than to challenge me like that.”
Before you could process his words, he was shifting lower, trailing his lips over your stomach, hands gripping your thighs as he settled between them. His smirk was downright sinful.
“I got you, baby,” he murmured against your skin, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
And damn, did he.
He took his sweet time, teasing you with his mouth, his hands. Dean wasn’t in a hurry, that much was clear. He was enjoying taking you apart piece by piece, relishing in every little reaction he drew from you. Every moan and shiver, every whispered plea for more—it all fueled his own hunger.
His lips found the soft skin of your inner thighs, and he sucked a mark there, his stubble leaving a delicious burn in the wake of his mouth. You bucked against him, but his grip on your hips was relentless, holding you down as he continued his slow, torturous path up your body.
“Patience, sweetheart,” he drawled, his gravelly voice sending heat pooling between your thighs. He nipped at your thigh, the sharp edge of his teeth just shy of pain, just enough to make your toes curl. “Gotta enjoy my dessert first, right?”
"Damn, you look good like this," he murmured, his voice a rough caress in the intimate space between you. His fingers flexed on your hips, like he was physically holding himself back. "So pretty, all spread out for me..."
He let his nose brush against you, inhaling deeply. “Smell so good too, baby. So sweet, just for me.” His lips curled into a wicked grin as he added, “Now, let’s see how you taste…”
Without another word, he hooked a finger under the fabric, slowly pulling your panties down, past your hips, down your thighs, off your legs, and tossing them away. He took a moment to admire the view, licking his lips in anticipation.
“Mmm… so desperate for me already,” he murmured, and you could hear the smug satisfaction in his voice. “Look at you… all wet and needy, just for me.”
And then he was on you, his tongue parting your folds, and your brain short circuited. His name left your lips in a broken whimper as he coaxed pleasure from you with slow, measured strokes. Heat coiled low in your belly, building with every movement, but he wasn't letting you reach that peak just yet. He was taking his time, like savoring a fine wine. Every touch was calculated, designed to keep you right at the edge, but not quite yet.
It was almost too much. The heat, the pressure, the way he knew just how to move to make you see stars. Your hands found his hair, fingers tangling in the short locks as you gasped his name in a ragged moan.
He groaned against you at the sound of his name, his grip on your thighs tightening. “Mmmm, I like that,” he murmured, his voice sending vibrations through you that left your legs trembling. “Say it again, sweetheart.”
You obeyed reflexively, your voice a breathless whisper, “Dean… Dean, Dean—”
He hummed in approval, the sound sending tremors through you. “That’s it,” he growled, the scrape of his stubble deliciously pleasurable. “Damn, you’re beautiful like this.”
You felt like you were losing yourself in the sensations, your body writhing under his touch. Dean seemed to know every sensitive spot, his mouth finding them and lavishing attention on each one, until you were mewling with desperation.
“Dean, please…” you gasped, your fingers clenching more tightly in his hair. Your body was trembling on the edge, needing his permission to fall apart.
“I’ve got you, baby,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of your ragged breaths. “Just let go. I’ve got you.”
His words were like a command, sending you spiraling over the edge. A shudder rocked through you, leaving you wrecked beneath him. Pleasure washed over you, hot and sweet, and you couldn’t hold back the strangled cry that escaped your lips.
Dean finally made his way back up your body, looking far too proud of himself. You were still catching your breath when he leaned in, lips brushing against yours.
“You awake now?” he teased.
You huffed, shoving his chest playfully. “Cocky bastard.”
He grinned, rolling onto his back and pulling you with him so you were sprawled over his chest. His fingers traced lazy circles on your spine. “You love that about me.”
You kissed his jaw, settling against him with a satisfied hum. “Yeah, yeah.”
Dean’s hand brushed over your hip as he leaned his forehead against yours, his voice a rough whisper. “You’re incredible. Fucking incredible.”
You giggled softly, lazily kissing him back. “I could say the same about you.”
Dean smirked, brushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear. He didn’t move from his spot, content to just be with you.
The afterglow was perfect. You were all tangled up in Dean, his hand tracing lazy circles on your bare back, his lips brushing over your temple. It was warm, safe, domestic— something neither of you got enough of.
Until it wasn’t.
Because suddenly, the motel door swung open.
And there stood Sam.
Holding a few cups of coffee.
Looking like he’d just witnessed a crime scene.
You were both still tangled in the sheets, Dean’s body half over yours, your legs intertwined. You were both spent, breathing heavily, the evidence of your time together all too clear on the both of you.
Sam blinked. His hand faltered with the coffee cup as he took in the scene— his big brother and his best friend, completely out of it, looking like they’d been worn out.
“Oh, come on—” Sam’s voice cracked as his eyes widened in horror.
You barely had time to yank the blanket up to cover yourself before Dean— completely unbothered— grinned up at his brother. “Mornin’, Sammy.”
Sam made a strangled noise in the back of his throat, immediately slapping a hand over his eyes. “I knew this would happen one day. I knew it, and yet somehow, I wasn’t prepared.”
Dean chuckled, stretching lazily beneath you like he hadn’t just traumatized his little brother. “C’mon, man, we’re all adults here.”
Sam was frozen. His face was a mix of disgust and sheer confusion. He slowly took a sip of his coffee, looking as if he was trying to will himself into believing this wasn’t his reality. “I swear to God, I just wanted to bring coffee.”
Dean stretched lazily, like he didn’t have a care in the world. “Well, you could’ve knocked, Sammy. Instead, you’re ruining my post-coital glow.”
Sam’s jaw dropped, his eyes darting between you and Dean. “Post-coital glow? What is wrong with you two?”
Dean only shrugged, completely unbothered. “Nah, you’re right. Should’ve just locked the door. But hey, it’s not my fault you barged in at the wrong time, man.”
Sam groaned, turning on his heel so fast you thought he might trip over himself. “I live with you two. I share motel rooms with you two. I just wanted to be nice for once and bring coffee! That’s it! That’s all I wanted!”
Dean smirked, amused by the whole situation. With a lazy grin, he looked over at Sam like it was the most normal thing in the world. “Appreciate it, Sammy.”
“I hate you.”
You were dying at this point, burying your face in Dean’s chest to muffle your laughter. Dean just wrapped his arms around you, clearly enjoying this way too much.
Sam groaned again, scrubbing a hand down his face. “I’m leaving. I need bleach. For my eyes and my brain.”
As he stormed out, Dean just called after him, “You sure you don’t wanna stick around? We could use a referee!”
The door slammed.
You swatted Dean’s chest, still laughing. “You love torturing him, don’t you?”
Dean just grinned, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Best part of my day.”
You, still in a fit of giggles, buried your face in Dean’s chest, not sure whether to be mortified or entertained.
Dean’s hand stroked your back soothingly as you calmed down. “I think we ruined him. And I’m here for it.”
You snorted, playfully shoving him. “You’re terrible.”
Dean smirked, clearly so pleased with himself. “You love it. Just wait ‘til he gets over his trauma and we’re on the road. Then we’ll talk.”
And with that, Dean kissed your forehead, settling back into the sheets with you, as if the world hadn’t just gone off the rails for both of you.
But Sam? Well, Sam was gonna need some serious therapy.
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taglist; @lieutenantchaos @bejeweledinterludes @ambiguous-avery @mostlymarvelgirl @freeluigihesbae @brutuuallove @impala67rollingthroughtown ⊹ ࣪ ˖
⤿ wanna be tagged in my fics?.. don't be shy! @ taglist.
tysm for reading! more works incoming @ library. ⊹₊⟡⋆
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seonghwaddict · 8 months ago
not just a distraction — park seonghwa
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in which it’s too easy for the new literature professor to pick a favourite.
literature professor!park seonghwa x fem!reader. genre. fluff, angst. warnings. LEGAL teacher-student relationship, implies age-gap, an argument, suggestive, nickname (baby, angel, doll, princess). wc. 10.4k. rating. pg-13.
lilo’s notes. this is my comeback yessss~ anyways, this is part 1 of 2 because the next part will have some… fun activities >:) i hope you guys enjoy this, i’m sorry for being so inactive for the past month but i have lots for you guys to look forward to! excuse any errors i did not proofread this.
listening to. training wheels, melanie martinez / angel, kali uchis.
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the first class of the new literature course at your campus garnered the attention of quite a few of the students from the arts department.
there was, of course, a literature class that existed before that one, though a few students had been unhappy with it since the introduction of more contemporary works. the classic masterpieces, they thought (including you), should not be bunched together with colleen hoover.
with enough pressure, the faculty were able to introduce a new course; classic literature. the few students unhappy with the initial course switched into this course instead, delighted by the fact they were allowed to keep their previous credits. a completely new teacher had been hired too, stirring anticipation. all you knew of him was his name, given in the description of the course when you signed up.
so you found yourself in one of the many lecture halls, around fifty others surrounding you. when you walked in, the new professor was at the long chalk board at the front, looking down at a book in his hand while the other wrote something down. you tried catching a glimpse of him, but his positioning faced him away.
but from what you could see, he was quite slender. his grey slacks, neatly ironed, were secured around his hips by a thin black leather belt. his white button up seemed a little large, though it complimented him well, tucked into his trousers with the sleeves rolled halfway up his arms elegantly—his blazer, a grey matching his slacks, shucked off and placed around the back of the chair at his desk. you could also see his hair was dark, a slight waviness to it, a little longer in the back.
finding the most convenient seat, you chose to sit in the left-most seat on the second row, next to a girl you recognised but couldn’t remember the name of even if you tried.
you catch a glimpse of professor park glancing down at his watch, prompting you to do the same. nine in the morning, on the dot.
“literature,” he starts, underlining the bold word on the chalkboard before turning around. and you nearly choke at the sight of his face.
he’s handsome, almost impossibly so, and a lot younger than all your other professores. dainty glasses sit atop the bridge of his nose, carefully placed strands of his hair framining his face as he begins pacing in front of the seats, making sure to look at each students individually.
“it’s many things, but at its core, it’s all about the manipulation of language. language, simply put, is food, nourishing literature. and so, with the intricacies of the art, literature becomes one of the sweetest passions known to man. because what is it if not love and hatred and disgust and every indescribable feeling thrown into a melting pot of prose.”
his voice is captivating, making you feel just a little lightheaded as you listen to his passion intently, all precise words and confidence as he paces, his hands clasped behind his back. you’re hanging off his every word, watching as he stops by his desk to place down the chalk.
it isn’t after a few moments that you realise you were admiring his hand, how it moves to elegantly. the way his fingers gently curl around the little white stick is almost artistic in itself.
he turns around, resting his hips against the edge of the mahogany desk behind him, legs crossed at his ankles and arms crossed over his chest. his eyes scan the room as he continues speaking, occasionally locking with yours. “is it not poetic? how morphemes, for example, or adjectives or conjunctions are the morsels of literature, small parts that are put together to create meaning? of course, something may be described in one word, but there’s something quite magical about being more metaphorical, more intimate.”
he catches you leaning forward in your chair slightly, a small smile tugging at his lips at how captivated you look before he schools his expression. but his focus is quickly redirected when another student raises his hand.
“yes?” professor park pushes himself off the desk, clasping his hands behind his back.
“professor,” he begins—you recognise him as a jock that calls himself dylan, but you know it’s not his real name and he’s probably here to fulfil a requirement to keep him on the volleyball team—his tone incredulous, “don’t you think all this romanticisation of literature is a bit dramatic? we don’t need fancy words to describe everything.”
professor park arches his eyebrow, a soft huff escaping his nose as he took steps in the direction of dyland’s seat. “dramatic? perhaps,” he nodded, eyes fixed on him, “however, as a literature professor, i enjoy the romanticisation of it. my job is to introduce others to the passion that is literature, and therefore i will romanticise it all i wish… what is your name?”
“it’s, uh, dylan?”
his eyebrow quirked once more as he gave the jock a once over, evaluating him. “i see… well, dylan, have you ever felt the rush of emotion when reading something truly spectacular? have you ever read a sentence and felt it like a punch in your chest or a sudden breath of fresh air?”
dylan’s opens his mouth to respond before he is interrupted with a raise if professor park’s palm. “think before you answer, please.”
you nearly laughed at his baffled look, never having seen him so silent, pondering the question for a moment before answering. “well, yes i have.” he answers honestly, earning a nod of approval.
“describe that feeling for me. can you find the correct words to explain the way you felt in that moment?”
dylan tries to explain it the best he can, but your teacher only shakes his head and clicks his tongue. “close, but no. see, it’s difficult putting into words such strong emotions no matter how many synonyms of ‘joyful’ you use.”
he turns away from him to address the rest of the class. “and that is the beauty of literature—it can be used to describe the most indescribable feeling, stringing together individually meaningless words to create something so much more.”
you smile at that, enjoying the link he made. your eyes meet for another moment, a split second that made heat rise to your cheeks under his perceptive gaze. but you blink and his pretty brown eyes are gone.
he takes a moment’s pause, glancing over at the clock in the room before finally addressing the rest of the class again. “i want an assignment from each of you by next class that demonstrates the true beauty of the language we know. it can be anything you feel like writing. a short story, a narrative, an essay, a poem,” his eyes flick over to land on you once again, “i want to see the feeling you want to convey in this written form. and i don’t just mean the happy feelings—get raw and descriptive. write something from the heart.”
the class is dismissed and you pack up your things, heading out but not before trying to catch another glimpse of him in the moving horde of students.
though you hadn’t noticed it, throughout the lecture his eyes lingered on you as well. of course, there were so many students for him to focus on, but none of them seemed quite as captivated as you. judging by the evident fascination on your face as he spoke, he knew you understood every word he said. unlike dylan, apparently.
the next class is on friday, four days away. you take that time or write the assignment. instead of writing a story or a poem, you decide on writing an essay. something where you can really write without the constraints of sticking to a plot. when you’re not in any of your other classes, you’re at your shared house, writing. and if your roommate is being too loud, you take the short bike ride to campus, sitting in your usual corner in the library, also writing.
by the time friday comes around, it’s ready and you’re happy with it, confident in your works as you walk into the lecture hall between some other students. you follow them as they stop at his desk, placing their papers on a stack of other turned in assignments, following suit before sitting at the same seat as last time; far left, second row. this time there’s more people sat at the front, whispering and giggling as they gaze at the professor.
he’s sat at his desk, a similar suit to last like on except a beige colour. his glasses are off and placed on the wooden desk, a book partially obscuring his face as he reads and waits for it to be nine on the dot.
he can vaguely hear the students talking amongst themselves as he reads, but he doesn’t pay it too much mind. it was normal. a lot of his students found him attractive, and that was clear just by the way they talked while he was around. after a while, he glances up at the time, noting it was almost time for class to begin.
he closes his book, setting it off to the side before standing up behind the desk. his hands clasp behind his back.
he glances around the room as more students trickle in and take their seats. he notices you at the second row almost immediately, and he can’t help the small smile that crosses his face. he lets his eyes roam over you for a second before he looks away, noticing the other students chattering in their seats. he clears his throat, loud enough to make them stop and look at him.
“good morning, class.” he says loudly, glancing around once more before resuming, “i’ll be looking over your assignments after class, but for today i’d alike to talk about some literary devices. i know this is classic literature and you’re all expecting to be reading classics, but some groundwork should be set before we jump into analyses. for example, can anyone tell me what a hyperbole is? any guesses?”
he scans the room, as if challenging one of the students to answer. the students in the class are quiet, no one wanting to take the challenge. he hums after a couple minutes and walks around to the front of the desk to lean against the edge of it.
“no one? how about you,” he suddenly says, nodding to you.
you blink, taken aback by the fact he chose you in the sea of fifty-something students. after clearing your throat, you simply say, “an exaggeration, sir.”
he gives a small nod of approval, a smile accompanying it. he expected you to know it, one of the most basic terms in the subject, but could he really be blamed if he just wanted to hear your lovely voice?
“that’s correct. a hyperbole is an exaggeration. it’s also a useful tool in literature to convey specific emotions. i’m sure you’ve come across sentences such as... ‘i could kill him’ or ‘i can’t believe it. this assignment was a literal death sentence.’” he adds the last part in a joking manner, and the few students in the room who were paying attention let out a quiet bout of snickers. he gives you one last small smile before moving on.
he spends the rest of the lesson talking about all sorts of techniques used to enhance literature and the effects they have on the readers. sibilance creates a smooth flow and double entendres are often used to amuse the reader.
nearing the end of the class, he instructs everyone to start on their reading of “the picture of dorian gray” by oscar wilde while he starts going through the turned in assignments. you pull out the book, having borrowed it from the library the other day. you’ve read it before, but it was entertaining enough for you to be willing to read it again, leaning back in your seat comfortably as you flip to the first page.
professor park gets through the first couple of assignments, grading them and adding comments here and there. he finds your essay on the third assignment, and glances up to look at you sitting at your seat, reading so serenely. he takes the time to look you over for a moment before his focus turns to your paper in his hand. he can’t help the slight curiosity as to what you have written, so he begins reading.
he can tell from the quality of the writing alone what kind of writer you were. not like the others, you weren’t rushing with each sentence. no, each word was well thought out, each word placed delicately in the paragraph. it was obvious you had taken the time to write it, and it was obvious that you enjoyed writing even before he finishes reading the introduction. there is passion in the way you laid out your paragraphs. the way it seems so effortless for such words to spill onto your pages.
he finds himself rereading some of the sentences and paragraphs, just to see the way you had worded things. the way you describe how literature can make a person feel could be compared to a piece of art itself. a smile tugs at his lips as he finished reading, having become completely entranced in what you had written. he wanted more, he wanted to read even more of your writing, see more of your passion, more of you. he had expected to have to read through mindless writing but instead he had been surprised by something actually worthwhile.
at the end, he writes a decently-sized comment, a perfect grade circled in his black ink right below.
as he dismisses the class, it takes you a moment to register his words and the people filing out of the hall around you. but once you do, you fold over the corner of the page you’re on and start packing away your items.
as the class is now empty, the only person left in the room besides himself is you. he watches from behind the desk as you pack up your things, noticing the slight hesitation in your movements when you glance towards him. he takes a moment to just watch you before speaking up, his voice firm and clear.
“stay a moment, if you don’t mind.”
you glance up at him before looking around, making sure he was speaking to you before you nod, taking the steps down from the second row to the first, standing at the end of the seats expectantly.
he picks up something from his desk before making his way over to you, his long legs carrying him effortlessly.
he studies your face for a moment, holding up the stapled stack of papers that were your essay. he takes in your features as he speaks, his tone softer now that you’re alone, “you enjoy literature, i take it?”
you glance at the papers before meeting his eyes again, heat rising to your face at the realisation that his full attention was on you. that he was standing so close, just a step away, looking down at you ever so slightly. you give him a nod.
he hums softly in acknowledgement, his eyes looking at your face curiously. he can see the flush of your cheeks clearly, the way you’re keeping your gaze averted from his for the most part.
he glances down at the paper in his hand, tapping it against his fingers gently before looking back at you.
“your assignment. i read it,” he starts, flipping through the pages absentmindedly to keep him from staring at you too long, “it’s quite well written, and i can see the care you put into the language of it. i enjoyed reading it.”
he watches as your eyes queen ever so slightly, a certain sparkle that does not go unnoticed by him; can see the gears turning in your head as you take in his words, your face growing to an endearing mix of shy and embarrassed. he couldn’t exactly pinpoint what he was feeling, couldn’t describe it in any way other than a bloom of warmth in his chest, akin to familiarity.
“oh, thank you, sir.” you smile at him lightly, having been worried you were in trouble and about to be in the receiving end of his scolding.
he hums again, still looking at your face. he can’t help the slight grin that forms on his face as he hears you call him ‘sir.’ he liked the sound of it coming from you. he glances down at the paper again before speaking again, holding the stack out to you.
“i should be thanking you, really. you seem to be the only one to have put some effort into it,” he gave you a soft smile before nodding towards the door, “you may go now, i’ll see you next class.”
you smile and nod, giving him a slight bow before straightening up again. “have a nice day, sir.” and with that you leave, making a beeline to leave campus since you didn’t have anything else to do for the day.
the next time you see him is on monday, in class. he teaches as usual, introducing some context for the book you’re all supposed to be reading. he doesn’t talk to you during the class, though occasionally his eyes find yours and you can’t help but think they soften ever so slightly.
soon enough, you pick up on the fact that you have a similar routine on wednesday evenings. usually, you stay in the campus library for a little longer on those days, whether it’s to read or to work. you like it then because there’s usually barely anyone there, the library big enough for the students that are there to disperse out of each other’s views.
you notice him on your way in, talking to the librarian with a stack of three or four books on the counter. but sometimes you’d see him at a table or couch, or browsing through the shelves. and each time you smile at the sight of him before making your way straight to the second floor, ducking between some bookshelves on the far end to sit in your usual seat.
this may be your favourite spot on campus, maybe the whole city. a little sofa tucked against a big window, two bookshelves—historical fiction—on either side hiding you from the prying eyes of your peers. at this time, the sunlight is just right, a copper glow feeding the two little plants on the windowsill and providing a warmth that felt like a blanket on a cold winter day. it wasn’t too bright, able to look outside without squinting your eyes, enough light to read comfortably. there’s also a little round table that you use to place your laptop on if you need to work, though often you push it aside, favouring to relax on the plush sofa against the soft pillow and get lost in the pages of whatever book you got your hands on.
he’s noticed you there before, on his way to pick up a book from the bibliography section, right next to the historical fiction section where you resided. he soon comes to notice your form among the bookshelves that he passes by, doing a double take before he forces himself to continue along his way. when he finishes the bibliography exactly a week later, he offers to bring it back to its previous spot; in reality, he just wanted to see whether or not you’d be there again.
and sure enough, you were. and he slows down in his movements, looking at the way you’re curled up comfortably in the sofa.
he finds himself watching you silently from a distance for a while, just watching you flip to the next page in your book as you lay comfortably against the pillow, to absorbed in the story to notice him. you look completely at ease there, he finds himself thinking. the sunlight from the window seems to caress your features softly, and a part of him wondered what it would be like to be the sunlight for once, to touch your skin so softly and admire the details of it.
he watches you for a while, taking in your expressions as you turn the pages, before deciding to make his presence known. he takes a step, his leather shoes clunking against the polished wooden floors, “mind if i join you?”
your eyes dart up at the sound of his voice, flinching as you were caught off guard. once his words process, you offer him a smile, nodding as you retract your feet from the sofa to make some space for him. “yeah, of course, professor.”
he smiles warmly at your reply, settling into the newly available space on the sofa. now sitting, he realizes just how small the space is. it’s a two seater, so he ends up sitting very close to you, his side pressed right up to the armrest to prevent from being pressed against you. he glances at your face, noting the small reaction you had when you weren’t expecting him to approach. cute.
he leans back a little to get comfortable on the sofa. it’s quiet between them for a moment, both of them looking outside or at their books. the silence isn’t awkward, he finds. in fact, he quite enjoyed it in such proximity to you. he turns his gaze to watch your face, studying you; the curve of your nose, your lips that are pulled into a frown ever so slightly as you concentrate. his gaze then flicks down, to your sweatpants-clad legs tucked under you on the sofa, and lower to the hand holding the book.
you sit together in silence for a while, reading your respective books. you can’t stop yourself from glancing up at him occasionally, however, just wanting to catch a glimpse of his soft hair or perfect plump lips or the slope of his neck.
but when the sun go too low and the lights too dim and you could barely keep your eyes open, you let out a soft yawn, stretching. he glances up, opening his mouth to say something before his throat suddenly feel to dry to produce any words, distracted by the arch of your back and the curves of your hips. you look so inviting.
“tired?” he manages to force out with a slight chuckle, watching you slump back into your seat. he has the urge to brush away the stray hairs that fall over your cheeks.
you glance at him, nodding as you pull yourself off the couch for one last stretch before gathering your stuff and facing him. “i should probably head home,” you mutter.
“alright,” he pushes himself off the couch, closing his book, “i’ll walk you out.”
too tired to argue and insist he didn’t have to, you just nod, turning on your heels to walk out of the shelves, waiting at the end for him. the walk is silent, holding your breath and heart thumping in your chest each time his fingers brush against the back of your hand as you walk side by side.
this became a new routine. every wednesday, you’d find him or he’d find you, sitting in the little brown leather couch. and you’d stay there together for a while, talking or laughing or working or reading. there was no longer an awkward space separating the two of you, happily resting against each other, far from worried that anyone would see.
neither of you mentioned it, but it was the elephant in the room. you didn’t know what to call it, whatever was happening between you. but it felt good, it made you want to cling to his shirt and bury your face into the warm curve of his neck and never let go. but you couldn’t, no matter how much either of you wanted to.
and as the lines between professor and student blurred, you found yourself looking forward to your wednesdays with him.
and so did he. still, he often thought about how he behaved around you, like it was a secret meant for him and you and you and him.
the way he would find himself sitting closer and closer to you. the way he’d find his gaze lingering on you for too long. the way his mind would wander on how it would feel to run his fingers through your hair, trails them along your thighs. oh, how badly he wants to feel your skin against his own. the idea of what he was doing was dangerous, foolish for someone of his position.
but it’s hard to care when you’re right there next to him, in the soft light that makes your skin glow, your face relaxed and content as you read beside him.
one particular friday evening, it’s pouring, and you’re standing outside under where the roof of the humanities building entrance protruded, protecting me from the rain. this morning you had decided to walk to school instead taking the bike, though you suppose it wouldn’t have been much better with a bike.
your shoes are already wet from the puddle you had accidentally stepped into on your way out, your clothes soaked from having walked into the rain for a minutes as you hug your messenger bag close to your chest.
he’s on his way to his car when he spots you standing by the doorway, and he frowns as he notices you, soaked from the rain that pours mercilessly. he glances around, noticing the lack of anyone nearby thanks to the weather, before making his way towards you.
he stops a few steps in front of you, opening his umbrella to block the rain above both of you. "what are you doing standing out in the rain?"
“i walked to school this morning,” you look from him to the pouring rain, just a step away, “didn’t check the weather.”
he takes you in for a moment, taking in the way your clothes are sticking to you, your hair slightly damp. a small part of him found it quite adorable to see you like this.
"you’re soaked," he says, his voice firm and concerned, "you’re going to get sick like this." as if on cue, a shiver racks through your body. he notices, his expression softening as he takes a step closer, offering his free hand. “come on, i’ll drive you home.”
“oh, you really don’t have to,” you smile at him, grateful at his offer, worried about getting his car wet with your clothes, “i can just wait here until the rain stops.”
his eyes narrow slightly, taking your wrist lightly. "don’t be ridiculous," he scolds, "you’ll freeze to death if i leave you here."
you blink at him, not used to being on the receiving end of his firm tone. his concern making the corners of your lips tug up, you sighed softly, nodding, “alright, lead the way.”
a small smirk pulls at his lips as he watches you relent, giving in to his words. he steps to your side, releasing your wrist and putting a hand on the small of your back to guide you towards the parking lot.
he pulls a tissue from his pocket, unfolding it and using it to gently pat your face. you giggle softly at his attempts to dry your face, reaching one of your hands up to take the handkerchief, your fingers brushing against each other before you dry your face yourself, your other hand helping him hold the umbrella in the strong wind, hand a little lower than his on the handle.
he looks at you with a small smile as his hand rests on the umbrella’s handle, moving to cover yours. his hand is a little bigger and warmer than yours. but as he guides you further towards the parking lot, he notices you shivering again, the cold air starting to get to you.
"if you get a cold, it’s your fault." he teases slightly, pulling you closer to his side, making you stumble a little before you regain your footing.
“oh no, i won’t be able to attend your 9 am lecture on monday, whatever will i do?” you gasp dramatically, holding back a laugh as you joke around, instinctively glancing around in case anyone saw. but everyone was gone, rushing home in the midst of the downpour.
he lets out a low laugh at your dramatic response, rolling his eyes playfully at you.
"stop that," he chastises, his hand on your waist keeping you from falling. it was hard to miss the nervous looks your threw around, and he knew exactly why.
“hm?” you glance up at him as he stops in front of what you assume is his car. it’s a black mercedes, sleek and modern. you clasp your hands behind your back, tilting your head, “no idea what you’re talking about.”
he pushes open the passenger door of his car, gesturing for you to get in. he shakes his head slightly with a scoff, his gaze raking down your figure for just a moment.
“sure you don’t,” he says in a slightly teasing tone, “just get in the car, angel.”
you blush lightly at the nickname but shake your thoughts away, looking down at the leather passengers seat before looking up at him again “but i’ll get your seat wet and mess it up.”
it takes him a moment to process your words, distracted by how the flush of your cheeks makes you look even lovelier. the thought that he was able to make you blush like that because of a simple nickname makes him bite back a giddy smile.
he shakes his head. “i’ll take my chances. just get in, you’re shivering.”
you don’t move for a moment, weighing your options; get his seat a little wet, or walk in the rain. deciding the former is obviously the better choice, you thank him silently as you slip into the passenger seat, securing your seatbelt after resting your bag in your lap
he shuts the door behind you and circles the car, walking to the driver’s side. his steps are a little rushed, eager to get out of the rain and into the warmth of the car.
he gets in the car, pulling the door shut behind him before he looks over at you. you sit quietly, your head down and hands in your lap.
it’s silent for a brief moment before he speaks up. “i’m gonna need your address, you know.”
“oh, right.” you hum, leaning forward to the screen on the dashboard to type in your address. it takes some effort, your muscles mostly focused on your legs as you try not to seat my full weight in an attempt to not ruin his seat despite what he said earlier.
he says absolutely nothing, his gaze glued to the arch of your back. he swallows hard, clenching his jaw as he keeps his eyes trained on you, fighting the urge to reach a hand and touch you.
he clears his throat, “just lean back into the seat.”
before you can protest, he’s pushing down on your thigh until you’re fully seated. you give him a playful glare as you finish typing the address. it’s just over a five-minute drive, while walking in this weather would’ve taken you nearly twenty.
he looks at you with a chuckle, his hand still on your thigh, giving it a slight squeeze.
“now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” he jokes, giving your thigh a tap before pulling his hand away, turning the ignition on and pulling out of the parking space.
the drive to your place is quiet except for the sound of the rain outside. he has the heat on full blast to keep you warm. every now and then he glances at you out of the corner of his eye.
the heat makes you shudder, holding your fingers up to the air to warm them up a bit.
he can’t help as his mind thinks of how cute you look, all bundled up with your bag in your lap. and the urge to touch you, god, the urge to run his fingers through your hair.
“we’re almost there, don’t worry,” he mutters as he tears his gaze away from you.
“hey, um,” you start after a few moments of silence, glancing at him, “if you want, you can come up and we could have some coffee or tea or something together. if my roommate doesn’t mind, which she probably won’t, she’s really nice so i wouldn’t worry. but you don’t have to if you don’t want to! i just, uh, wanna thank you properly… for this.”
he watches with a fond smile as you ramble, stopping at a red light. he’s about to accept the offer, tell you that he’d love to, but the realisation of your roommate being there changes things, his expression turning solemn.
“i don’t think that’s a good idea…” he mumbles, avoiding your piercing eyes.
your brows furrow ever so slightly, a frown threatening to override your features. “why not?”
he swallows, pulling over in front of the address you had typed into the gps.
“i’m your professor,” he starts, his tone firm, “it would be unprofessional if we’re caught.”
he hopes you can’t notice the way he’s gripping the steering wheel a little tighter than necessary.
“that hasn’t stopped you so far, though,” you muse, chuckling lightly despite your confusion of his suddenly change in sentiments, trying to ease the tension.
“but don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious that we’ve been sitting together in the library every week, completely hidden away?” he mutters, “if someone saw us, someone who didn’t know, it would look bad. this could be worse.”
“i thought you liked being there with me…” his words get to you this time, actually frowning as you turn to look out the window instead of at him, noticing you were in front of your house.
he mentally berates himself upon noticing the slight change in your expression, realizing with a pang of guilt that his words bothered you, having come out the wrong way.
“oh, angel,” he starts, letting go of the steering wheel. his hand reaches for you, and before he can stop himself, it’s cradling your face.
“i do. i like being with you there,” he sighs, gently pulling your face to make you look at him, his thumb caressing your cheek. “you have no idea how much i enjoy it.”
his touch on your face feels warm, and his words even warmer as his directs you to look at him. you don’t say anything.
he’s not used to this, to you being quiet and still. he’s too used to your carefree self being full of jokes and laughter. he doesn’t like you like this, looking at him with disappointment written on your face.
“what i meant is,” he murmurs, the pad of his thumb moving across your cheek to your chin, tilting your head up so your eyes meet his, “i’m just worried about your roommate.”
“i like spending time with you, princess,” he continues, his tone firmer this time, “i like it a lot, alright?”
your frown eases at his words, nodding as you answer in a whisper, “okay.”
he lets out a small sigh of relief, his fingers tracing down from your chin to the side of your neck, and then your collarbone. he gently caresses your skin with the lightest of touch, letting the pad of his fingertip graze your skin.
he tries to ignore the voice in the back of his mind telling him to tug you across the console and kiss you. he shouldn’t.
he shakes himself out of his thoughts, pulling his hand away reluctantly. glancing out the window, he sees your place right in front of him.
“we’re here,” he murmurs, looking back at you. his gaze softens when he sees the remnants of the frown still on your face, and his hand gently reaches out to give your thigh a light squeeze.
“come on,” he says quietly, “let’s go.”
you look out the window before nodding, unbuckling and stepping out, walking to your front door as he accompanies you with an umbrella. you rummage around in your bag, trying to find the keys. groaning as you realise you were in such a rush this morning you must’ve forgotten them in the bowl where you and your roommate place your keys so you don’t lose them. with a sigh, you ring the doorbell, waiting for her to answer.
but she never comes. and that’s when you realise she had the late shift at work today. you groan, frustrated as you thump your forehead against the wooden door.
great, he thinks to himself as he watches you struggle trying to get inside. and then you turn around, with a frustrated sigh, and a thump of the door.
he can’t help but feel like the world is against him. the universe wants to punish him, to test his limits.
he bites the inside of his cheek, watching you and listening to you as you mutter about your locked door.
“i don’t have my keys, my roommate isn’t home,” you explain, kicking the door light before burying your face in your hands, your voice a little muffled, “oh, i’m so sorry, hwa.”
he stands there, watching you explain your situation, and he fights back a smile at your last sentence.
he likes it when you call him that. spending three months growing closer, you’ve evidently given each other little nicknames.
he glances over at the parked car behind him, before back at you. “do you need a place to stay?” he asks, trying to keep his tone neutral again.
“i don’t wanna bother you too much,” you shake your head, running your hands over your face “please, i can just wait here for her to get back.”
he doesn’t like how you’re trying to push him away. frowning, watching you as you shake your head and run your hands over your face in defeat. he closes the distance between you, taking hold of your wrists and pulling your hand away from your face gently.
“it’s pouring,” he reminds you, “your clothes are soaking wet. and you think you can just sit here on the front porch until your roommate comes back?”
“i don’t want to inconvenience you any more,” you murmur, your hands relaxing as he pulls your wrists away from your face.
his chest tightens at your words, at how stubborn you’re being. he sighs.
“you’re not inconveniencing me,” he insists, “i’d feel better knowing you’re inside with dry clothes and a warm drink than out here soaked to the bone.”
you contemplate his offer for a moment before sighing, nodding, “okay, if you insist.”
his heart nearly skips a beat at your agreement, and it takes all his willpower not to visibly show the relief that washes over him.
he tightens his hold on your wrist for a moment, before gently guiding you back to his car. he opens the passenger door for you, waiting until you get in before he shuts the door and circles around to the driver’s side.
he starts the ignition again, the warm air blasting through the vents yet again. you hold your hands in front of the hot air again, glancing over as you hear his door open and close as he slips. “in is it a long drive?”
he lets out a scoff, looking over to you with a teasing smile. “it’s a whole two minute drive. i’ll try not to bore you too much.”
he turns back to the window, pulling out of the parking spot. the rain starts again, and the sound of it pounds against window before he turns on the wipers.
“oh dear me, i can already feel myself falling asleep,” you slump your head back and pretend to snore, back to being playful.
he turns to look at you, watching your dramatics with a fond grin. “shut up, you,” he says, reaching out to pinch your side gently.
you giggle as he pinches your side, opening your eyes again to look out the window, watching buildings and cars glide past as he drives smoothly. true to his word, just a few minutes later he’s pulling into the underground parking lot of an apartment building.
he parks in front of a spot numbered ‘407’, cutting the ignition as soon as he does.
he glances at you briefly before nodding almost to himself.
“come on,” he says with a jerk of his chin, gesturing for you to follow as he gets out of the car.
his longer strides have him walking faster than usual, and it takes him a conscious effort to slow down for you to keep up.
he presses the ‘up’ button and the elevator doors part within seconds. he steps into the elevator, holding the door open for you to enter.
it’s a silent ride up. his mind is racing, though he doesn’t show it outwardly. his hands are in his pocket, and he keeps his eyes trained on the blinking numbers signifying each floor.
the elevator dings and the doors open and he steps out without looking back to see if you’re following, striding down the hallway, making a turn to a door marked ‘407’.
he fishes for his keys in his pocket, pulling them out before unlocking and opening the door as you look around the empty hallway, your gaze lingering on the mass-produced paintings hanging on the wall that he knows can be seen on every other floor of this building.
the apartment is spacious, with plenty of open floor space for the front room. the color scheme is simple and neat, with a large armchair and a small couch that sits in front of a flat screen tv, as well as a wooden coffee table.
he steps in, taking a moment to kick his shoes off and set his stuff down. he looks over his shoulder, watching you step into the apartment as he places his umbrella in the umbrella rack and hangs up his coat.
you grimace as your shoes squelch when you step in, muttering apologies as you take them off and leave them outside of the door in the hallway instead, not wanting to mess up his flooring.
he raises an eyebrow, watching you as you leave your wet shoes in the hall. he’s about to say something when he’s interrupted by the sound of a small meow.
a ball of black fur appears at his feet, nuzzling against his ankle, and he smiles, scooping the cat into his arms without a word.
he scratches behind the cat's ears as it purrs in his arms, the sound of its soft mews filling the room. he can see a hint of confusion on your face, watching the cat with interest as he holds it, its front paws resting on his chest.
"his name is kuma," he explains, bringing the cat up to his face and letting it rub against his cheek.
you nearly melt at the sight, stepping into the house with wet socks as you coo at the cat, the front door falling shut behind you automatically. “i didn’t know you have a cat.”
he has to physically stop himself from grinning as you nearly swoon at the sight of his cat, covering up his smile with a cough. he shakes his head, lowering the cat gently to the floor. it runs over in your direction, nuzzling against your ankles much like it did to him moments ago, before disappearing down the hallway into the heart of the apartment.
"i got him a couple months back," he says, taking in the sight of your soaked clothes once more. he lets out a sigh, tilting his head toward the hall.
he glances down at your feet, eyeing your soaked socks, before looking back up to your face.
"you can shower if you'd like. I can lend you some clothes to change into," he says, pointing down the hall toward the bedroom.
“oh, yes please,” you nod, relieved that he offered instead of you having to ask.
he nods and starts down the hallway, motioning for you to follow him. as you follow, you look around. just like his car, the design of his apartment is sleek and modern, glowing in warmth as he uses a variety of floor lamps and shelf lamps to light up the interior instead of headache-inducing overhead lights. the furniture and walls are light in colour, a variety of whites and beiges.
it’s an open floor plan, the kitchen and living grouped together, separated by a counter island and some stools. the countertops of the kitchen have a glossy white finish, everything clean. a narrow hallway leads to some three doors, which you assume are his bedroom, a bathroom, and guest bedroom or office.
he stops first in front of a door, where the cat lies on the floor, tail flicking back and forth. he bends down to pet the cat briefly.
"that's the bathroom. the towels are in there. I'm just going to grab some clothes for you," he says, giving you a quick glance before striding away toward the bedroom.
your eyes follow him as he walks away, before letting out a soft yelp at the feeling of something furry wrapping around your ankle. looking down, you realise it’s kuma, giggling as you crouch down to pet him.
he returns a few moments later, taking a moment to watch as you play with his cat so nicely before clearing his throat, making you stand back up as he hands you the stack of clothes.
“feel free to use whatever you need in there,” he nods towards the bathroom door, “you can leave your clothes in the basket, i’ll put them in the laundry later.”
“thank you, hwa.” you grin at him, accepting the clothing before disappearing into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
you shower with warm water, relaxing every muscle in your body as you wash off the rain. without any other choices, you’re left to use his shampoo. it smells of him, a deep vanilla. when you finish, you dry off and change into the clothes he brought, using your own previous undergarments as he obviously didn’t have those on hand.
the clothes are quite large on you, hanging off your body as you tighten the string of the sweatpants. you pat your hair partially dry with the towel before tossing everything in the laundry basket, stepping out to go to the living room.
only to see he wasn’t there. shrugging, you figure he’ll return soon as you flop onto the couch, kuma coming to sit with you after a moment. you sprawl out a bit as you realise just how spacious the couch is, the cat padding all over your body, playing with the drawstrings of the hoodie he gave you before curling up on your stomach.
meanwhile, he’s in the shower of his bedroom’s en-suite bathroom attempting to get himself together, both physically and mentally. the water feels amazing on his skin as it beats down on him, and he tries to relax his muscles as he lathers shampoo in his hair.
but his mind keeps going back to you, and how you’re probably already in his living room.
wearing his clothes.
he sighs, leaning his head against the shower wall as he tries to push those thoughts out of his mind. he stands there for what feels like hours, letting the hot water hit his skin before shutting off the shower and stepping out. he dries himself off, quickly drying his hair enough so that it’s not dripping all over his floor before he getting in record time, pulling on an old pair of sweats and a loose black shirt.
he takes another deep breath, opening the bathroom door as he ruffles his damp hair. he starts to make his way toward the living room, hoping that you’re just as nervous as he is.
he turns the corner and enters the living room, nearly freezing in his place at the sight of you sitting on the couch with kuma. you look good. comfortable.
by the time he makes it back, you’d be kuma are no longer sitting calmly, practically rolling around on the couch as you try to get away from the playful punches of his paws. he feels his heart flutter at the sight and the sound of your laughter.
there’s just something about seeing you getting along with his cat that makes his heart nearly skip a beat. he silently watches from the hall for a moment, just gazing at the two of you playing together before clearing his throat to make his presence known.
you look up at the sound, grinning at him stupidly. you glance at his clothes, noting that he’s wearing comfortable clothes now rather than his usual suits. “oh, hey,” you say between giggles as kuma continues to jump all over you.
his heart stutters at the sight of your grins and the sound of your giggles, at the joyful look on your face. he swallows, forcing his arms to cross over his chest to keep himself from reaching out and pulling you against him.
trying to appear nonchalant even though he’s having a hard time doing so, he walks over to the couch, standing at the end of the coffee table and looking down at you.
“seems like you’re having fun together,” he remarks with a slight nod towards kuma.
“uh huh,” you nod before squealing, covering your face as kuma’s paws swat against your cheek, attacking you, your stomach hurting from laughing.
he lets out a scoff, watching kuma pawing at you and your failed attempts to shield your face from the attacks. he can’t help but let a small smile settle on his face, his heart fluttering again at the sight of you two.
“he’s playing rough,” he comments with a smile, walking to the couch and plopping down beside you.
you crawl over to his other side, hiding your face under his arms as kuma chases, “help me, hwa.”
his heart skips a beat as you hide under his arm, ducking away from the harmless kitten. he can’t help but laugh, finding the situation both endearing and adorable.
“I think you can handle kuma, doll,” he teases, grinning down at you as you continue to use him as a human shield.
“he’s a beast,” you try to sound serious, your voice muffled against his sleeve as kuma starts attacking him instead.
“he’s not that bad,” he teases, grabbing the cat by his little body and lifting him up in front of his face, “see? look at this face. he’s not even one bit menacing.”
“that’s the face of evil!” you exclaim, sitting up and placing the back of your hand on your forehead to fall into his lap dramatically, feigning death, my body draped over his thighs faced down.
he looks down at you as you go limp against him, and he can’t help but laugh at your antics.
“don’t be so dramatic,” he grins. he lets kuma go, watching as he climbs down your combined bodies to muzzle against your cheek before moving away to curl up in his usual spot in the corner of the couch. “i think he’s gonna end up liking you more than me.”
“good,” you hum, closing your eyes and relaxing in his lap, forearm under your chin so it doesn’t dig into his legs.
he rolls his eyes jokingly, resting his hand on your back and tracing down your spine, “very funny.”
you chuckle at his response, sighing softly, content where you are. in the privacy of his home, you’re not scared of being affectionate, especially not as his hand traces down to rest against the small of your back, eliciting a faint shudder.
his heart hammers in his chest as his hand trails further down to the back of your thigh, the feeling of your plump flesh beneath the fabric, under his touch igniting something in him. he has to remind himself to breathe, trying to control the rush of blood that is steadily flowing downward.
enjoying the feeling of his hand kneading the back of your thigh, you go a little silent before turning to look up at him, a question that’s been balancing on the top of my tongue for three months finally spilling out.
“hwa… what exactly are we? what is this?” you point between the two of you as you mutter the question.
his hand freezes the second he hears it. he’s been avoiding that question since the two of your really started seeing each other every wednesday months ago, but he knows he can’t anymore. not when it’s thrown straight at his face.
he takes a deep breath, avoiding your gaze for a moment. he lets the silence sit for a few more seconds as he considers his answer, then looks down at you.
“i don’t know,” he mutters, his hand moving to rest on your waist, “i’ve been asking myself the same thing.”
“well, what is this to you then?” you ask softly, sitting up to be eye level with him, kneeling beside him.
the question sounds more demanding coming from you face to face, eye to eye, and his heart is beating fast enough that he fears you can hear it. he swallows, looking into your eyes.
“a distraction,” he mutters, his gaze flitting to your lips for a moment before going back to your eyes, preparing his next words.
but before he can continue, you visibly deflate at his answer, sitting back as i nod. a distraction. “i see,” you tear your gaze away from him, getting up, making his hand drop from you, “i’m gonna go to bed, wheres the guest room?”
he feels his heart twist at the sight of you leaving his touch, a dejected look on your face.
he’s never seen you back off so quickly before. not like this. he watches you get up and stand over him, a step too far for him to reach for you agajn, his heart tightening in his chest.
“wait, doll-“ he starts, reaching out to take your hand.
“what? you said what you said.”
“i didn’t mean it like that,” he mutters, his tone firmer. he stands up from the couch, towering over you. he holds a hand out to you. “come here, please.”
“then how else could you possibly mean it,” you scoff lightly, eying his hand but not taking it.
“listen, doll,” he mutters, holding back a huff of frustration. “you can’t seriously think that I would call this a distraction,” he gestures between the two of you. “a distraction. you really think that you are just a distraction to me?”
“well is that not what you said?” you mutter, trying to prevent your lips from trembling as a lump latches itself onto your throat.
he lets out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. he reaches out and grabs your wrist, tugging you closer to him. he can feel the tension in your body, and he hates it. he hates himself for causing it.
“you didn’t let me finish. i didn’t mean it like that,” he mutters, looking directly into your eyes, resting your hands in his chest. “you’re not just some random, meaningless distraction to me.”
your fingers flex slightly as he holds them up to his chest, right over his heart, “then tell me how you really feel about me if i’m not a distraction”
he looks into your eyes, holding onto your wrists firmly but gently, his thumbs rubbing against your skin, the inside of your wrists.
he’s never seen you like this before. this vulnerable and open in front of him. he can feel the tension in your body, the stiffness in your shoulders and the tightness in your jaw.
he wants to smooth out those frowning lines on your face, erase that look of uncertainty in your eyes.
“you’re more than just a distraction to me,” he mutters. “you’re an obsession. you’re all i think about, doll. i think about you constantly. i don’t know how else to describe it other than an obsession,” he continues, his voice getting softer as he speaks. “i can’t shake you. you’ve gotten in my head and you’ve been living in there rent free for months and you refuse to get out. even when i try to ignore you,” he lets out a scoff, looking into your eyes, “even when i pretend to ignore you, you’re still there. you don’t leave my mind.”
his heart races as the words spill out of his mouth, like there’s a dam bursting inside of him. the feelings that he’s been bottling up for months finally coming out, and he doesn’t want to stop, letting those words tumble out and onto you. he can see that you’re listening intently, that you’re listening intently as his grip on your wrists tightens, almost as if he’s scared that you’re going to run away from him.
“you’ve got me so distracted i can barely focus on anything that doesn’t involve you,” he admits in a low voice, glancing down at your wrists. “i can’t even teach my own goddamn class without thinking about you.”
you’re speechless, even as he finishes, staring up at him with wide dumbfounded eyes, feeling his hammering heart beneath your fingertips just as how he feels yours under his as his thumbs continue to rub the inside of your wrists.
you suppose you can always rely on a literature professor for an extravagant, dramatic confession.
he continues to hold onto you. he’s never seen you this speechless and dumbfounded before, and he’s torn between how good it feels to see you like this and how bad it things could go now that his feelings were out.
he swallows, looking down at your wrists. he can feel your pulse point under his thumb. “say something, angel,” he murmurs, a pleading tone in his voice.
instead, you pull your hands out of his grip to wrap them around his neck, pulling him down, placing your lips against his urgently, your eyes falling shut.
his heart hammers in his chest as he kisses you back, his hands gripping your waist and pulling you against him, his fingers curling into your hoodie. he wants to kiss you forever, wants to make up for all those months of holding back, but his lungs are burning from the lack of air and he’s forced to pull away to breathe.
he lets out a sigh, his forehead falling to the crown of your head. his hands stay on you, still holding you against him. he can still feel your heart racing against his chest.
“that was your idea of saying something?”
“uh huh,” you hum, chuckling softly as you thread your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, mind full of him. seonghwa, seonghwa, seonghwa.
he closes his eyes as he feels your fingers, enjoying the feeling of your fingertips against his scalp. he still has his arms around you, unwilling to let go yet. he leans down just enough to press a kiss to your temple, his lips brushing softly against your skin.
“but seriously,” you snicker, pulling away from him a little “i am kinda tired, wheres the guest bed?”
he almost lets out a whine when you pull away from him, opening his eyes reluctantly. he looks down at you, a frown on his face.
“you’re really gonna go sleep by yourself?” he mutters, an almost petulant tone in his voice as he quirks his brow.
“is that not what i’m supposed to do?“
“you really think i’m going to let you sleep alone after… that? come on now, you’re not that dense.”
“i know, i just wanted you to say it,” you giggle after a moment, grinning up at him as you lean down to scoop up kuma from the couch.
he lets out a scoff, rolling his eyes, but he’s unable to hide the small smile of his own. he reaches out and ruffles your hair, letting out a scoff. “you’re insufferable.”
“and you just said you’re obsessed with me,” you shrug, kissing his cheek as his hand find the small of your back, leading you don’t the hallway, “where does the kitty sleep?”
he looks down at kuma, still curled up in your arms, practically purring himself to death. “baby, he’s a cat. he’ll sleep wherever he wants.”
you snort, setting him down on a little armchair in the corner of his room, next to some bookshelves stacked with books upon books, and more books. you lean down to pet him a few more times as seonghwa watches you with a fond smile.
he watches you as he sits on the bed, his heart clenching at how good you look in his bedroom. it feels almost surreal, having you here in his home. he pats the spot next to him.
“get over here, baby.”
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networks. @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet @wonderlandnet @atzhouse
permanent taglist. @ad0rechuu @sankatchu @mlink64 @yeosangsbb @seonghwasbbgirl
@likexaxdaydream @dreamingofyeo @yalyallic @yunhoswrldddd
@coffee-addict-kitten @thunderous-wolf @chngbnwf @okdudeiime
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al1fers-haven · 11 months ago
"Mama or Papa?"
Domesticated Alastor blurp (Apart of my Alastor x pregnant! reader fanfic called 'Almost Instinctual.)
Alastor gently rocked the baby in his arms, eye twitching a little bit as he looked toward the clock on the wall. 3:01 AM. He grabbed the small bottle of milk and cooed a bit, watching as Maria reached out for the bottle and immediately started going to town on the poor bottle. Her little wiggling stopped eventually. Alastor smiled a bit more, happy she started eating without a problem. Humming a little bit as he stood in the middle of the kitchen, his eyes either on the baby or on the food he was preparing.
"You're gonna end up like me huh? No sleeping?" Maria looked up at him before putting all of her focus on the bottle, still drinking away. "Y'know, dear, you are going to give your mom a heart attack with all that screamin'." His static slowly went away, his voice becoming clearer and clearer as he spoke. Alastor slowly pulled the now empty bottle away from Maria, placing it down on the counter before moving the child up to his shoulder. A bit more focused on gently patting the baby's back and the food he was cooking. "Alastor...? What are the two of you doing up at this hour...?" You walked up to the pair and huffed. Gently taking the now sleepy Maria away from Alastor with a smile. "You know you could have gotten me, she's my daughter too." Alastor hummed, stirring the gravy he was making. "-It's only fair, I'm sure you need your sleep after dealing with her and Charlie all day my dear!" You snickered, placing the baby down in the high chair next to the counter. "Well thank you Alastor, it means more than you think." He nodded, staying quiet for a little bit until he heard you cooing to Maria, the little girl giggling as you tickled her a bit. "Can you say that for me, Maria? Mama, Mah-Mah." You waited, her eyes staring at you without knowing what to do. You sighed and tried again, crouching down to her level. "Ma-ma." The baby babbled a little, hitting the table in front of her and bouncing as she looked to Alastor. The red-haired man looked back, humming a little bit before turning the stove off. "Carried her for nine months and she likes you more..."
Alastor chuckled, his eyes on the child that was now in your arms and reaching out to him.
'"dahd." Alastor stopped, the two of you watching Maria with wide eyes. Looking towards each other, a smile slowly creeps onto your face. "Who's that Maria?" Maria clapped her hands together as Alastor picked her up, holding her against his hip. "dahda!" Alastors ears pinned against his head eyes a bit wide as he looked between you and the baby. Kissing the top of Marias' head as you squealed behind him. "Mm, I suppose I'm okay with that title." You walked over and kissed Maria's face a couple times. Beaming with joy as she repeated the word over and over now that she could say it. Alastor's heart was going a thousand miles per hour, although he was quiet and composed on the outside. The poor demon was overjoyed on the inside. Squeezing her a bit as he attempted to keep that side of him hidden. "Oh! We have to tell Charlie!" You cupped alastors face and pecked him on the lips, his face turning a bit red as you run out of the kitchen. Well this was all very, very knew.
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chuluoyi · 8 months ago
Imagine LE reader wearing those pretty floral formal kimono and her hair up in a bun with decorative hairpins for a family photoshoot with little baby Gojo wearing a baby sized one and Satoru wearing the traditional hakama I think. The Gojo main family aura. 🥹
- 🏵️ Anon
that would be a sight to behold🙂‍↕️ but before then, classic bickering occurs:
“mah!” your baby scrunches his face, squirming in your hold, the little hakama he wears is now slightly crumpled as he can’t stay still and keeps tugging at the collar.
“he doesn’t like his outfit,” gojo points out with a laugh next to you, standing straight as the photographer takes the shots, while you, seated while facing him, is struggling to keep your smile as you calm the boy down.
“does it feel too stuffy?” you ask baby with a resigned sigh and a smile, seating him on your lap and folding his collar a bit. “c’mon we have to make good face cards. your papa has established himself as a clown so it’s up to us to save this family’s face.”
“what? that’s the truth.”
and so you end up with many candid shots for the family photo💁🏻‍♀️ some of them show you trying to keep your baby in your grasp, then you and your baby’s unamused glances vs gojo’s irked pout 😗
and then the final one has the three of you finally smiling at the camera— you and your husband looking refined in his light blue hakama and your intricate scarlet floral kimono, while the baby calmly settles in your arms, his bright eyes is a statement enough to everyone whose legacy he is 🙂‍↕️
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italiansteebie · 2 years ago
Secret relationship steddie getting through vecna without suspicions from the others until steve hasn’t left eddie’s bedside for a week and he somehow knows wayne munson's phone number from memory and even gets a hug from the man when he enters the room. And he gets to stay when the others are kicked out.
It’s only when eddie wakes up that everything comes out.
He cracks open his eyes, meeting the gazes of dustin, wayne, and robin, but no steve.
“Where’s my baby?” he murmurs, and from the outside it sounds like “where mah beebee.” He watches the faces in front of him turn into something of confusion. “My baby, my baby. I want him.” It comes out clearer, and unfortunately for them wayne understands immediately and unknowingly outs them. “Steve’s off gettin��� some food, he’ll be back in just a minute,” Wayne pats eddie’s hand gently, watching as the kid smiles, eyes drooping once again.
Dustin and robin share a look but they choose to ignore it, maybe wayne heard wrong or eddie is just on too many painkillers.
Until steve walks in, seeing eddie’s eyes, tired, but open. He drops the coffee he’d brought back for wayne and bolts to eddie’s side.
Eddie raises a hand and cups steve’s face, “hey baby.” and for the first time, dustin and robin see steve harrington cry. “I told you-” he pauses to sniffle, “I told you not to be a hero,” his voice cracks, holding back tears. Eddie grabs his hand “‘M still here, baby.” and the dam breaks. Steve is sobbing into eddies chest, while the metalhead runs a weak hand through his hair.
Wayne would deny it with all his heart if anyone asked, but he shed a tear at the display in front of him, he wasn’t sure about steve harrington the first time eddie brought him home, but damn, the kid weaseled his way into his heart. And as touching as the moment was, dustin and robin where still highly confused.
Steve’s tears slowed, and he lifted his head from eddies chest, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
“Uh. Excuse me?” robin broke the silence, and the little world steve had found himself in shattered.
Eddie smiled though, ever the brave. “Me nd stevie are datin’. He’s mah baby.” he ended the sentence by placing a sloppy kiss on steve’s cheek. Dustin was, surprisingly, satisfied with that answer, but robin was not.
Steve blushed, “We had just met when i started at scoops okay! It was really new, i- i didn’t know how to tell you so…. I just decided to be overly supportive by bashing your taste in women.”
This set robin off, and she didn’t stop until a nurse came in and threatened to have her removed from the premises.
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strnilolover · 2 months ago
Oh mah goodness, huge idea
Dealer!Chris and Soft!Reader, alright?
Soft!Reader has been going on, and on, about wanting a kitten, puppy, hamster, just something small, soft and cute!
(Everyone gets fluffy animal fever; it's understandable)
Dealer!Chris, well while he's out doin' Dealer!Chris things, he finds a kitten, it looks a little bigger than your average kitten, but he's still a lil' scrawny baby boy.
Well, Dealer!Chris sends a picture to Soft!Reader saying how cute this stupid lil' kitten is and she wants it SOOOOO BADD
Well, he goes to pick the lil' silly guy up, BUT when he picks this guy up, another one comes up and this little grey one comes up as well. In conclusion, he brings both to her, and she is PREPARED.
The second she got that text she went and got stuff for said kittens, food and water bowls? Check. Litter box with a bag of litter? Check. Toys? Check. She is simply ready for these scrawny little Kittens.
Anyway, as the author you can go bananas w/ this, but this is what I imagined them to look like :3
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Obviously, they're scrawnier when he picks them up, but this is what they look like when they're happier and healthier!
For names do wtv <3
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chris leaned against his car as he finished texting you back. you’d been on a tear lately, going on and on about wanting something soft and small to take care of—a kitten, a puppy, even a hamster. he’d tease you about it, calling you ridiculous, but really, he loved how excited you got every time you brought it up.
so when he had stepped out of the car and spotted a tiny orange kitten sitting under a streetlight, its big eyes staring up at him, chris froze.
“hey, little guy,” he said softly, walking over and crouching down. the kitten meowed, a weak, squeaky sound that tugged at his heart. it was scrappy, a little bigger than a typical kitten but still scrawny, its fur sticking out in patches. chris grabbed his phone, snapping a quick picture before texting you.
CHRIS: you’d lose your mind if you saw this lil guy. he’s kinda scruffy, but he’s cute.
he didn’t even have time to put his phone away before it buzzed.
chris laughed under his breath, shaking his head. “of course you do,” he muttered to himself, reaching out to gently scoop the kitten up in his hands. but just as he did, a tiny grey fluffball stumbled out from behind a nearby dumpster, its meow even weaker than the first one’s. chris froze again, his heart squeezing.
“no way,” he murmured, his voice impossibly gentle. the grey kitten wobbled over to him, brushing against his shoe before sitting back on its haunches to stare up at him with wide, hopeful eyes.
he smiled to himself, pulling out his phone once again.
CHRIS: update, the orange guy brought his little sidekick.
he shook his head fondly, crouching down to carefully pick up both kittens. the orange one meowed indignantly but settled against his chest, while the grey one curled up in his arm like it had been waiting for this moment.
when chris knocked on your door, he barely had a chance to breathe before you yanked it open, your arms full of soft blankets and your face glowing with excitement.
“where are they?” you demanded, bouncing on the balls of your feet. chris grinned, stepping inside and gently lowering the kittens into your waiting arms. “right here, angel,” he said.
you gasped, cradling the tiny creatures like they were made of glass. “oh my God,” you whispered, tears welling in your eyes. “chris, they’re perfect.”
“they’re kinda scrappy,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “but i figured if anyone could make ‘em feel loved, it’s you.”you looked up at him, your face impossibly soft. “chris,” you said quietly, “you’re the sweetest person alive.”
he ducked his head, embarrassed but smiling. “yeah, well, don’t go spreading that around,” he mumbled. you set the kittens down gently on the couch, letting them explore, before throwing your arms around chris. “thank you,” you said, your voice muffled against his chest.
chris wrapped his arms around you, his chin resting lightly on your head. “you’re welcome,” he murmured softly. as the kittens began to climb over the blanket you’d spread out, you clapped your hands excitedly. “okay—we have to name them!” you say, sitting down on the couch near the tiny babies.
chris smirked, sitting down beside you. “alright, what’re we calling them?” you tapped your chin, staring at the orange kitten who was batting at the grey one’s tail. “this one,” you said, pointing to the orange fluffball, “is definitely marmalade. i mean, look at that color!”
chris chuckled. “marmalade? alright, that’s solid.” he glanced at the grey kitten, who had curled up into a tiny ball after the scuffle. “and this one?”
“hmm…” you frowned in thought before your face lit up. “smokey! because of his fur!” chris nodded, smiling softly at you. “marmalade and smokey. i like it.” you turned to him, your eyes sparkling. “they’re perfect,” you said
chris reached out to scratch marmalade behind the ears, watching as smokey batted at the edge of the blanket. “yeah,” he said quietly, his gaze flicking back to you. “they really are.”
you smiled once more, before your expression changed. “oh!—i already have everything for them!!” you stated excitedly, getting up quickly and darting off into the kitchen. you returned moments later, carrying a bag fully of cat things. food bowls, toys, cat food—you name it, you had it.
chris’ chuckled in disbelief. “baby, how did you even get all that before i got home? i had the car.” he asked, and you just giggled. “i got these delivered…as fast as i could get them delivered.” chris just smiled, nodding his head as he accepted that fact.
chris always loved seeing you so happy.
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a/n : sorry it’s so short but i loved writing this (and sorry it took so long)
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cheriewoo · 3 months ago
Gonna Make You Rock Hard | Jeong Yunho ☆
~ ~ call me chérie ☆
Navigation | Kinktober List
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☆ Day 30: Mask Kink (Connected with Rum To My Whiskey (iykyk!😉))
↬ [ Synopsis ] : Under dim lights and the cover of a masquerade party, you’re alone with Yunho, the man you’ve been craving all night, with only one rule: the mask stays on. What starts as a playful bet with Wooyoung soon turns into a sultry, forbidden encounter behind closed doors, where every whispered word and heated touch makes the stakes feel deliciously higher.
☆Word count : 1.8k ☆Genre : Smut, no plot just drunk and fun vibes, Non-idol Au. ☆Pairing : Stranger in the party! Yunho x F.Reader
☆ ☆ ☆WARNINGS : mdni!, reader’s craving for Yunho builds all evening, playful eye flirting, alcohol-fueled tension, mask kink, mild voyeurism, size kink (it’s Yunho, after all), dom/sub undertones, messy and intense makeout sess, fingering (fem receiving), biting kink, praise (pet names like babygirl, baby, cutie), unprotected sex (remember to wrap it, buddies), overstimulation, and filthy talk.
A/N NOTE : With this fic ma chéries, we conclude Kinktober 2024🏆. Thank you for sticking with me till the end. I appreciate and love each and every one of you, and in whichever way you supported this rookie writer, THANK YOU SOO FUCKING MUCH! 💖😘🤗
I love ATEEZ (Atiny for life 💖🏴‍☠️), and writing these fics about them made me appreciate the art they create even more🤩. I also explored new genres and learned that I can write various genres and scenarios (they all did not turn out perfect, but some did and to me what really matters is that I actually gave it a try).
I will be on a short break and then will come back with more awesome stuff for y’all. Till then, enjoy these 30 fics (my first writing work…ahhhhh…this feels surreal). Hope u miss me🥺...cuz I sure as hell will😤. Thank u again for giving my work a chance! Adios! 👋👋
P.S.: My DMs and requests are open now..so feel free to send me any particular requests you guys have or any msgs you wanna send me. I will be gone for now but will be responding to comments & dms. Adios mah loves...Byeeeee.
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Before stepping into that dimly lit room with Yunho, you remembered exactly how you had ended up there.
It had started with Wooyoung and his unpredictable games, pushing you to see just how far you would go to prove a point.
“If you’re as bold as you say, then show it,” he had dared, a smirk dancing on his lips as he nudged his chin toward Yunho, the man you had been eyeing all night at the masquerade-themed party at Club Havana. “Hook up with him and prove me right. But here’s the catch,” he added, his grin widened mischievously. “The mask stays on the entire time.”
The cocktails had been flowing freely, and Yunho had looked like an absolute snack, leaving you more than a little tipsy and far too eager to rise to the challenge. The thrill of proving Wooyoung wrong and maybe even showing him just how unpredictable you could be had landed you here, flirting with Yunho before you could even give it a second thought.
The attraction had been instant, his charming smile and intense gaze igniting a spark in you that only grew stronger with each passing moment.
So here you were, leading Yunho through the crowd and away from the party's noise. A mix of drunk excitement from Havana’s finest shots and the thrill of winning the bet coursed through your veins.
The mask you had worn only added to the excitement as you both made your way into the room.
The deep red walls of the room had welcomed you under the dim lights, shadows casting an intimate glow that served as an invitation for the moments about to unfold. As you closed the door, the sounds from the club outside became muffled, leaving you and Yunho in silence. The scent of leather and faint traces of cologne filled your senses, the air in the room growing thicker with every passing second.
You faced him, your masked gaze teasing. His eyes searched yours, curiosity slowly turning into hunger. As you took a step closer, your fingers slid up his chest, moving slowly as you felt the warmth of his skin through his shirt. You could tell it was driving him crazy, not seeing all of you, your eyes just peeking through the mask. He caught your hand, his grip warm and firm, his fingers tracing slow circles against your wrist.
“Are you always this mysterious ?” he murmured, his voice low and smooth, his eyes locked on yours with a delicious mixture of intrigue and excitement.
You gave a sly smile, tilting your head just enough for the light to catch your lips. “Only for the right kind of company,” you replied, your voice filled with playful flirtation.
A slow grin spread across his face as he stepped closer, closing the distance between you. His hand found your waist, his fingers firm as he pulled you against him. His gaze flickered to your lips, torn between playing the game or surrendering to it. His chest rose and fell, his breath quickening as his eyes tried to memorize every inch of what the mask hid.
You reached up, your fingertips brushing his jaw, soft and deliberate. Leaning in, your lips hovered near his ear. “Want to see what’s behind the mask?” you murmured, your breath warm against his skin.
His chuckle was low and rich, his other hand sliding to the back of your neck, his thumb grazing your collarbone. “Maybe not,” he teased, his lips brushing your cheek. “I think I like the mystery. It keeps things… thrilling.”
You smirked, leaning into his touch, your hands gliding to his shoulders. The mask and the tequila shots you had taken fueled your boldness as you pressed closer, your lips brushing his in a kiss that sparked between tender and electric. He deepened it, his hand trailing to the small of your back, pulling you tighter as if he was as captivated by the game as you were.
As seconds passed, his kisses grew hungrier, his hands exploring your curves with desperate passion. When his fingers grazed the edge of your mask, you caught his wrist, stopping him with a playful, breathless smile.
“Not yet,” you whispered, your voice soft but commanding.
His laugh was low and rough, filled with something darker. “Alright,” he murmured, pulling you closer, his hands refusing to leave your body. His fingers pressed into your hips, giving a little squeeze on your ass, which excited you even more. He had surrendered to the mystery, letting the unknown drive him wild as he lost himself in every inch of you he could reach. Everything but what was hidden behind the mask.
The mask had become part of the game, a sensual mystery like a barrier between you that fed his desire and made each touch more desperate.
His hands, once hesitant, now roamed with bold intent, tracing your curves with a hunger that matched the fire in his kiss. His lips crashed into yours, deep and demanding, pushing you back until the cool surface of the wall pressed against you, a faint contrast to the heat building between your bodies. As he surrendered to the game, his restraint slowly slipped away, leaving only the raw, electric energy that burned hotter with every touch, every breath.
His fingers slipped beneath the fabric, brushing lightly before pressing firmly, the sensation making your breath hitch. His touch grew bolder as his fingers found your core, your arousal evident.
Slowly, he slid one thick finger into you, his pace teasing at first, each movement deliberate, as if testing how far he could push you. But as your breaths quickened, he picked up speed, his fingers curling and thrusting in a rhythm that had you gripping his shoulders for support.
The pleasure built quickly, the pressure overwhelming, and when you came undone around him, your moans muffled against his neck, he didn’t stop. Instead, he added another finger, the stretch making your body arch into him. His lips grazed your neck, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin as he drove you toward another release.
Your legs trembled, your forehead resting against his shoulder as you gasped for air, the intensity leaving you weak and breathless. But Yunho wasn’t done. His hands and lips kept you tethered to him, his movements relentless as he worked to break down every barrier between you.
The mask remained, teasing him with what he couldn’t see, but he didn’t care, if he couldn’t uncover your secret, he would take everything else, leaving you trembling and completely at his mercy.
Pressed against the cold wall, the chill against your skin only made the heat between you burn hotter. You felt him move closer, his body pressing into yours. His hips ground against you with deliberate intent, letting you feel every bit of his desire. The friction sent sparks through you, each movement making your breath hitch and your body ache for more.
His hands slid down your thighs, lifting one leg effortlessly, holding you as if he had done this a hundred times. His touch was steady was strong but careful as he tugged your panties away with practiced ease, his focus completely on you.
Your breath caught when he revealed himself, and for a moment, all you could do was stare. A mix of awe and arousal overwhelmed you, your thoughts spinning with the idea of him inside you. His hand moved back to your leg, grounding you, while his hips pressed forward, his hard length teasing against your skin.
The way he moved, slow and purposeful, stoked a fire deep inside, and soft moans escaped your lips, filling the room. Your knees trembled, barely able to hold you, but his strong hands kept you steady as he lifted you into his arms.
You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, your body instinctively clinging to his strength. His eyes met yours, dark and full of restrained hunger, his expression both commanding and tender. The mask on your face gave you a boldness you had never felt, adding a thrill to every moment. As he positioned himself, his length pressed teasingly against you, and your body arched toward him, desperate to close the unbearable gap.
When he finally pushed inside, the feeling was overwhelming, a perfect mix of fullness and heat that left you gasping. He paused just long enough for you to adjust before he started moving, slow and steady at first, every thrust sending shivers through you. His hands gripped your hips tightly, holding you in place as the rhythm built, each movement deeper, faster, more urgent. The intensity grew with every second, his pace losing control, his need for you taking over.
The mask stayed on, a reminder of the thrill of the moment, giving you the confidence to completely let go. Your moans grew louder, your body trembling under the pressure of his relentless pace. Stars danced before your eyes as your vision clouded, the intensity of it all consuming you. His lips brushed against your neck, his breath hot and heavy as he muttered low, broken words that sent you even closer to the edge. Every thrust felt like a claim, every move a promise, as if he knew exactly what you needed and gave it without hesitation.
It felt like you had known each other forever, your bodies fitting together perfectly, moving as one. The tension built higher and higher until finally, with one last thrust, you broke apart, the release crashing over you in waves. Your body trembled in his arms as the pleasure overwhelmed you, every nerve alive and buzzing.
Moments later, his movements grew erratic, his breathing ragged as he buried himself deeper into you, chasing his own release. With a low groan, he came undone, his grip tightening on your waist as he spilled into you, his body shuddering against yours. You held him close, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered, “It’s okay. I’m on the pill.” Your words seemed to pull him further into the moment, his tension melting into complete surrender.
Even when it was over, he didn’t let go. His hands stayed on you, holding you close as you caught your breath, your body still humming with the aftershocks. His dark eyes lingered on your face, the mask a silent reminder of the game you had played and won. No words were spoken, but the moment hung between you, heavy with the memory of something unforgettable.
As you both recovered, your breaths slowly steadied, though the air around you remained charged. His arms stayed wrapped around you, reluctant to let you go. With a soft smile, you gently slipped out of his embrace, his hands lingering on your waist as if trying to hold on to the moment.
“Will I see you again ?” he asked, his voice low, almost pleading.
Adjusting your mask, you took a step back, tilting your head playfully. “Maybe… if you’re lucky,” you purred, a teasing lilt in your voice.
Your lips curved into a smirk into a half promise, half challenge as you walked towards the door. Just before disappearing into the crowd, you paused, looking over your shoulder, your eyes locking with his one last time. “Try not to miss me too much,” you added with a wink, your tone equal parts flirtation and mischief.
The club swallowed you, leaving him standing there, still burning from your touch, his eyes fixed on the spot where you had vanished. The mystery of your face still lingered behind that mask.
Even in the shadows, you could feel his gaze following you, and you knew that tonight, you had won the game and you were unforgettable.
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~ ~ Chérie ☆ signin’ off
DISCLAIMER: This is totally fictional and not a real depiction of the ATEEZ members. It's all just for fun only so please don’t take anything seriously and keep the mood light around here.
© ShixCherie.
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