rusty-gloinks · 1 month
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pulaasul · 9 months
Hirogaru Sky - first Cure guy
Gotchard - first female 2ndary Rider.
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abandonedquishe · 1 month
Today is my son Majd’s first birthday. We were supposed to celebrate it at home and get cake and gifts for my little son.
We celebrate it in the hospital. Unfortunately, we need your support and support for my little son.
My compaign vetted by 90-ghost, North Gaza updated and butterfly project line no. 406
My compaign link
Please don't leave my little son alone and donate if you can
Thanks 🙏🍉
Hello, @saveyouseffamily .
I hope your son's condition gets better. An infection of that kind is hazardous for someone his age. While I can't donate, I'll gladly spread awareness of your family's condition in hopes that some kind-hearted person does leave some money for you. You have my prayers, and I wish him a happy birthday. I hope he has a good time with his family.
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jf-madjesters1 · 2 years
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pandabrayant · 2 months
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aria-ashryver · 2 months
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follow Yousef: @savefamilyyousef | follow Khadija: @girlquee
Yousef | vetted by 90-ghost here Yousef | vetted by northgazaupdates here Khadija | vetted by 90-ghost here Khadija | vetted by northgaza updates here
🤍 Meet Madj 🤍
You may have seen photos or videos of this sweet little one going around -- Madj is the infant son of Yousef and Khadjia; a young family displaced in Gaza. They were forced to flee their home due to bombings and widespread violence, and are now living in tents in Rafah. Madj suffers from a severe respiratory illness, and they cannot get treatment for him in Gaza.
They are looking for kind hearted people to donate to their GFM campaign, so they might relocate away from the war zone and afford to treat Madj's illness.
At present, they have raised only £1,000 of their £20,000 goal.
Can you help them? Donate here!
If you cannot afford to donate at this time, you can always help by sharing their story, and following their accounts! Please keep lifting them up so they can get the help they need ✨
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chososhairbuns · 2 months
list of palestinian fundraisers (part 2)
(part 1) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
so since posting part 1 of this post yesterday night, some certain people on this site appear to have made the decision to double down on trying to grind every single palestinian that joins tumblr under their heel. there's a lot to be said about that, but honestly, what even is there left to say that the rest of us haven't already said? i'm not gonna start going off about that situation on this post that's supposed to spotlight various palestinian campaigns, so let's just say that i think it's really crucial that we push back on such harmful rhetoric and minimize the damage done as much as we can.
disclaimer: i do not vet fundraisers, nor am i in extensive contact with any of the people below. these are just people that reached out to me via my asks and messages, and i am only going off of information that has been provided to me through posts made by them and other people spotlighting them.
and please, for the love of god, if one of these doesn't sit right with you, then keep that to yourself and devote your attention to one of the other ones instead instead of denouncing all of these as one big scam ring. i can't believe this is something i have to walk people through.
The Shehab Family (@danashehab, @fahedshehab051, @fahedshehab-new) - €35,559/€50,000 (71.12%) // vetted by @/el-shab-hussein (here)
Maram Ashour (@ashourmohammed) - £1,154/£25,000 (4.62%) // vetted by @/90-ghost (here) // EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS -> Note: Maram's newborn daughter Hoor has not had the chance to receive her birth vaccinations and proper healthcare.
Amal Ashuor (@amalashuor) - €27,800/€30,000 (92.67%) // vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi (#175 on this spreadsheet) // ALMOST COMPLETE
Ahmed and Abedelrahman Al-Nabih (@ahmedalnabeeh11) - €22,551/€30,000 (75.17%) // vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi (#218 on this spreadsheet) -> Note: Ahmed and Abedelrahman's elderly mother is chronically ill, and her health condition has only worsened over the course of the past year.
Sarah and Amir (@sarazidan) - €876/€35,000 (2.50%) // NOT YET VETTED // EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS -> Note: Amir is physically disabled, and his condition has only worsened over the course of the past year. He now cannot walk.
Nour Ashour (@nourashoure44) - £801/£80,000 (1.00%) // vetted by @/90-ghost (here) // EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS
Youssef and Khadija Al-Habeel (@saveyouseffamily) - £9,724/£20,000 (48.62%) // vetted by @/90-ghost (here) and @/northgazaupdates (here) -> Note: Youssef and Khadija's son Madj suffers from a severe respiratory illness and requires treatment.
Fadi Ayyad (@mayadayyad81) - $36,700/$50,000 (73.40%) // vetted by @/nabulsi (here)
Fidaa Resh (@fidaa-family2) - $11,861/$30,000 (39.54%) // vetted by @/90-ghost (here)
Asmaa Ayyad (@asmaayyad) - €8,969/€45,000 (19.93%) // vetted by @/90-ghost (here)
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chris-sturniolo0 · 1 month
everyone's saying Matt got a eyebrow slit BC of this photo
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true or not? but seriously they be going crazyyyyy LMAOO😭😭😭🤚🏼
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piraytoro · 2 months
Hello I'm Yousef, I'm afather of a sick son, he suffers from shortness of breath and needs continuous treatment.
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I live in very hard and bad situation in the tent, because of the war I lost everything my father, my house and my job, also my wife didn't complete her university studies, so please stand with us and donate to us to escape from war and secure medical treatment for son
My compaign verified by 90-ghost, North Gaza updated and butterfly project line no. 406
My compaign link https://www.gofundme.com/f/aid-for-youssefs-family-and-majds-treatment
Please don't hesitate to help us 🙏
Thanks 🙏🍉
Here is the link to the Butterfly Effect spreadsheet where you can find verification of Yousef’s fundraiser. I have been talking to him about his family’s struggles and hope others who see this will join me in contributing to his campaign. Even if you can’t contribute money, please share his posts and the link to his gofundme with your followers, and anyone else who might be able to help. To Yousef, I hope that Madj will be healthy again soon and that your family will reach the goal quickly (ojalá) 🍉
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dritez · 5 months
Jo të gjithë të duan! Madje disa nuk duan as veten e tyre!😏
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focuriousity25-blog · 2 years
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Just one more couldn’t hurt, could it? ...  The artwork for this was done by https://jf-madjesters1.tumblr.com/ While I know this comic is mostly in black and white, you should see the way MadJ does colors and backgrounds, they’re so vibrant and spectacular! ^^ A huge thanks to them for letting me commission them :)
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biceratops7 · 2 months
Now we are in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, My little son is under an oxygen machine to receive oxygen. He cannot breathe normally. Please help us and do not leave my little son alone.
Save our life's little son, before it's too late
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My compaign verified by 90-ghost, North Gaza updated and butterfly project line no. 406
My compaign link https://www.gofundme.com/f/aid-for-youssefs-family-and-majds-treatment
Please don't leave my little son alone and donate if you can
Thanks 🙏🍉
I'm helping to share this campaign for Yousef and his baby son Madj. Madj has a medical condition that puts him even more at risk in such inhumane circumstances, and their campaign hasn't even come close to reaching half their goal.
IMPORTANT! Someone brought to my attention the other day that a shared an ask featuring a fraudulent campaign. I've taken that down and have been more careful looking into the campaigns that come to my inbox. Yousef and his family have been vouched for by several accounts already, and I myself put several of their images through reverse image search and they are not stolen.
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legene · 1 year
Ndonjeher une hedh poste qe ne pamje te pare duken te nje vajze shume te deshperuar. Kjo sepse kujtdo i ndodh ta kaplojne sekonda pikellimi.E pikerisht kjo eshte arsyesja pse une jam ne Tamblr. Qe te shkruaj cdo emocion timin. Ne kembim te kesaj une kam shume mesazhe ngushellimi, mesazhe te njerezve qe duan te dine nga cfare vjen ky reagim i imi,madje tentojne deti aty sa te te tregojne si mund te jem e lumtur. Une jam nje nga njerzit me te lumtur me jeten time. Dhe njerezit nuk zjedhin kurre tju bashkohen lumturise se tjetrit. Zgjedhin te jene pjese e deshperimit dhe ateher kur nuk mund te te japin nje dore, sepse ne jemi rritur me deshiren per te ditur hallet e tjetrit. Jemi rritur me deshiren per te ofruar meshire…
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aria-ashryver · 2 months
This is my link Tumblr
I'm Yousef, I'm afather of a sick son, he suffers from shortness of breath and needs continuous treatment, also my wife didn't complete her university studies.
I live in very hard and bad situation in the tent, because of the war I lost everything my father, my house and my job,so please stand with us and donate to us to escape from war and secure medical treatment for son
This is my link compaign
Please don't hesitate to help us
Hi Yousef and Khadija
I am happy to help. I have made a new post to try and boost your campaign -- [CLICK HERE] to reblog on your own pages 💖 I really hope this helps sweet Madj get the treatment he needs. I hope your family stays safe 🌻
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empire-land · 6 months
Nuk kam reshtur së menduari për ty, sa do doja të të thoja
Do doja te te shkruaja se do doja te kthehesha, se me mungon dhe e mendoj
Por nuk po të kërkoj
Jon madje të shkruaj
Nuk e di ku je
Dhe e çuditshme ta dish
Keni plane?
Keni buzëqeshur sot?
Për çfarë keni ëndërruar?
Ku po shkon?
Keni ëndrra?
A keni ngrënë akoma?
Sa do doja të të gjej
Por nuk kam forcë
Dhe as ti
Kështu që ne mbetëm duke pritur më kot
Dhe duke menduar për të.
Dhe më kujto
Mos harro une mendoj per ty, ti nuk e di por un te jetoj cdo dite, shkruaj per ty
Dhe mos harro se të kërkosh dhe të mendosh janë dy gjëra të ndryshme
Dhe unë mendoj për ty por nuk të kërkoj.
Charles Bukowski
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sup4cid-g-1rl · 4 months
today is the first day i feel really really sad and scared because my empathic openess and authenticity is not present, most importantly my easy goingness. sot eshte dita e pare qe takohem me nje botekuptim tjeter, ku une takohem me nje version shume te vetedijeshem te vetes time, te mbivetedijshem mbase sidomos per egon time. ndihem me pak e lumtur keshtu, jam dhe me pak ore gjum dhe pa ilaçe, dola dhe ne date me dike ku pash sesi kjo gjendje me ndikonte teper dhe sesi u ktheva ne nje njeri "normal". inteligjence emeocionale e reduktuar dhe ndryshimi i besimeve ne koke me ktheu ne nje realitet krejt tjeter. u bera e friksuar prej veprimeve te mia dje, mendova dhe besova se kjo gje do te kishte pasoja tek une, dhe pati!! ndihem sikur bpd-ja ime u be trigger dhe u lekunda shume mes iluzioneve te mia dhe identietetit tim, nje shkundje prej rrenjesh madje do te thoja, kurre ne jeten time s'jam ndjere keshtu, kurre. kam frike nese do jem prap Krijesa qe isha me pare. a valle nje karme mallkimi te me ktheje ne kete gjendje kaq te cuditshme per mua. mendova se sot do zgjohesha si gjithmone, por jo. ajo çka eshte dhe e bukur njekohesisht eshte sespe dje thashe se e vetmja gje qe nuk i rezistojme dot eshte ndryshimi. pikerisht sot ndryshimi godet forte, ben dhe gol pa portier madje, madje dhe pa porte fare. ndenjat e mia ishin porta ndaj e hoqem nga ekuacioni.
me mungojne ndjenjat e mia, pikë.
e hoqa dhe mallkimin nuk e kuptoj pse vazhdoj keshtu....pffft
p.s ( kjo s'do te thote se s'do mallkoj prap meshkujt qe kujtojne se mund te sillen si te duan duke anashkaluar boundaries, madje nuk do t'i heq me kete rradhe. )
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