#MA and Laconia
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holbrookinsurance · 1 year ago
Car Insurance  in Quincy, MA and Laconia: Tips for Seniors
As seniors in Laconia, New Hampshire, transition into their golden years; certain considerations become essential when it comes to car insurance. Tailoring Coverage to meet the unique needs of senior drivers ensures both protection and affordability. Here are some valuable tips for optimizing car insurance in Quincy, MA, and Laconia for seniors.
1. Regularly Review and Update Coverage:
Seniors' driving habits and lifestyles may change over time. Periodically review and update the car insurance coverage to align with one's current needs. Consider factors such as changes in mileage, vehicle usage, and any additional drivers on the policy.
2. Take Advantage of Safe Driver Discounts:
Many insurance providers offer discounts for safe driving records. As a senior in Laconia, maintaining a clean driving history can qualify one for discounts. Enroll in defensive driving courses to enhance the skills and potentially reduce the insurance premiums.
3. Consider Mileage-Based Insurance:
Explore mileage-based insurance options if one's driving frequency has decreased in retirement. These policies calculate premiums based on the number of miles driven, potentially offering cost savings for seniors in Laconia who use their vehicles less frequently.
4. Evaluate the Need for Comprehensive and Collision Coverage:
Assess whether the cost of comprehensive and collision coverage aligns with the value of one's vehicle. If one owns an older car, dropping these coverages and focusing on liability insurance may be more cost-effective, especially if the vehicle's market value is low.
5. Explore Bundling Options:
Bundling car insurance with other policies, such as homeowners' or renters insurance, can often result in discounts. Check with the insurance provider in Laconia to explore potential savings through bundling.
6. Look Into Usage-Based Insurance:
Some insurers offer usage-based insurance programs that monitor driving habits through telematics devices. If one is a safe and low-mileage driver, this could lead to personalized and potentially lower insurance premiums.
7. Understand New Hampshire's Insurance Requirements:
Be aware of New Hampshire's minimum insurance requirements. While the state doesn't mandate auto insurance, having liability coverage is crucial for financial protection. Understand the coverage limits required and consider additional coverage for enhanced protection.
8. Inquire About Senior Discounts:
Many insurance providers offer discounts tailored explicitly for seniors. Inquire about age-related discounts and any special programs that cater to the unique needs of senior drivers in Laconia.
9. Assess Medical Coverage:
Evaluate the medical Coverage within the car insurance policy. Consider whether additional Coverage for medical expenses resulting from an accident is necessary, especially if one has Medicare or other health insurance.
10. Shop Around for Competitive Rates:
Don't hesitate to shop around for competitive rates. Different insurance providers may offer varying discounts and incentives. Compare quotes from multiple insurers to find the most cost-effective and comprehensive Coverage for one's needs.
By considering these tips, seniors in Laconia can tailor their car insurance to suit their changing lifestyles and ensure that they have the right Coverage in place. Stay informed, review the policy regularly, and take advantage of available discounts to make the most of the car insurance in Quincy, MA, and Laconia as one enjoys retirement years. 
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crazy-so-na-sega · 11 months ago
SIGNIFICATO Della Laconia, regione di Sparta; dei Laconi, degli Spartani; di persona poco loquace, che si esprime in modo essenziale; conciso, essenziale
ETIMOLOGIA voce dotta, recuperata dal latino Laconicus, dal greco Lakonikós ‘proprio dei Laconi’.
«Ho ottenuto solo qualche riscontro laconico.» Il carattere del popolo spartano è estremamente sfaccettato e attraente, e ha un nitore unico: difficilmente una comunità entra nella lingua, col suo nome, avendo un insieme di attributi così chiari, coerenti e incisivi. Ma togliamo un velo: questo è possibile solo in virtù della sfocatura nella percezione di un popolo infinitamente lontano nel tempo, di cui non resta praticamente traccia se non nella materia più resistente lavorata dagli esseri umani: il racconto.
Sappiamo che la gente di Sparta viveva in maniera spartana: che questa frase abbia un senso chiaro, in primo luogo, è bizzarro, in secondo luogo testimonia l’impressione storica che questo popolo ha lasciato. C’è severità, nel modo d’essere spartano, sobrietà austera, rigore, durezza, sia nella dimensione morale e di condotta di vita, sia nella dimensione estetica — premesse di un’efficienza militare che si fa stile di vita.
La considerazione dei caratteri tipici di chi abitava il luogo non è rimasta monolitica attraverso i secoli, e non è chiaro quando e quanto ci sia continuità rispetto a ciò che si pensava di loro in antichità. Ciò che è certo è che l’aggettivo ‘laconico’, che propriamente significa ‘della Laconia’, cioè della regione di Sparta, nel Peloponneso meridionale, a partire dal Cinquecento in italiano ha selezionato i propri significati su un campo estremamente specifico: la concisione nel parlare.
È chiaro: nell’eterna contrapposizione abbiamo da un lato il popolo di Atene, dedito a filosofare e a discutere nelle assemblee — una ciarla continua, pietra miliare dell’Occidente ma per un certo metro sempre ciarla. Dall’altro quello di Sparta, fattivo, concreto, che non si perde in chiacchiere, non si dilunga: s’è mai vista una genìa di militari fanatici che si diffonda in discorsi prolissi, in sbrodolature e svolazzi? C’è però un però.
L’aggettivo ‘laconico’ è piuttosto laconico: ci racconta solo una tendenza all’essenzialità nel parlare, una scarsa loquacità. È un significato vasto, che resta non tagliato: in particolare non ci dice niente sulle sue ragioni di questa manifestazione di parole in scarso numero — ragioni che possono essere le più varie e opposte.
Posso dare risposte laconiche quando temo di tradirmi e non voglio rovinare una sorpresa; ci dà risposte laconiche la figlia quando le chiediamo com’è andata a scuola, com’è andata la serata; è laconico l’idraulico a cui ci rivolgiamo da trent’anni; laconica la critica secca; l’amministrazione dirama una circolare laconica che fa intendere ciò che deve a chi deve intenderla; ed è laconico il commento della persona sotto indagine intervistata dai giornali.
Non resta fissata necessariamente un’essenzialità spartana, nel laconico. Ci può essere delicata riservatezza, inclinazione caratteriale, calcolo, freddezza, imbarazzo — non proprio il modo laconico di essere di un Rambo greco del V secolo a.C. che ci immaginiamo.
Testo originale pubblicato su: https://unaparolaalgiorno.it/significato/laconico
questione di stirpe.
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csajokamotoron · 10 months ago
Motoros csajok a múlt századból: Motor Maids of America a Laconia Rallyn
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1947-ben a LIFE magazin Sam Shere fotóst küldte el, hogy megörökítse a New Hampshire állambeli Laconia Rally egy korai, de már akkor is nyüzsgő változatát. A magazin 1947. augusztus 11-i számában megjelent cikkben nagy szerepet kaptak az akkor is különlegességnek számító motoros nők. A cikkben kihangsúlyozták, hogy a második világháborúután a motorozás, mint társadalmi tevékenység milyen nagy mértékű növekedésnek indult. A motorosokat a katonákhoz hasonlították, mivel a motorosok már akkor is úgy szerveződtek a motoros klubokba, mint megannyi páncélos egység. A motorosokat "fegyelmezett, jelmezes klubok"-nak nevezte a LIFE. Shere fotói megörökítik a bőrbe öltözött motorosok vidám egységét, akik a festői new england-i környezetben találkoznak. A legjobban kiemelkedő képeken azonban a Motor Maids of America motorosai szerepelnek. A csoport, amely a női motorosok összefogását tűzte ki célul, 1940-ben indult néhány tucat motorossal. Alapítójuk Dot Robinson. A klub ma is létezik, és mintegy 1300 taggal büszkélkedhet. https://csajokamotoron.hu/70-eves-a-motor-maids A Laconia rallyn készült fotókon a csoport alapítója és 15 éves lánya, Betty is szerepel. A Motor Maids tagjai egy olyan egyenruhát viselnek, amely egyszerre pimasz és egy kicsit hivatalos is. Míg a ruhájukkal az egységet hangsúlyozták, egyedi, személyre szabott bőr vesevédőikkel éppen az egyéniségüket emelték ki. Read the full article
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brookpridemore · 2 years ago
Tour Dates September/October 2022
Hey, y’all. Glad to be Alive, the 7th album from Brook Pridemore, is out tomorrow! I’m celebrating with a long tour. Here are the dates.
September 22 cafe bourbon St Columbus 
23 Tune Temple, Akron, OH
24 The DAAC Grand Rapids
25 Night Shop Bloomington, IL
26 Rhinelander checked with Shelley
27 Dark Horse Madison, WI
28 Badger’s Den, Minneapolis, MN
29 PS1 Close House, Iowa City, IA 
30 TBA, Lincoln, NE 
10/1 Sk8 Bar, St. Joseph, MO
2 Farewell Transmission, KCMO
3 Rubber Gloves, Denton, TX
4 Kick Butt Coffee, Austin, TX 
5 Casa de Avi, San Antonio, TX
6 Super Happy Fun Land, Houston, TX need locals 
7 Mudlark Theater, New Orleans, LA
8 TBA, Jackson, MS HELP
9 Hi Tone , Memphis
10 Betty’s, Nashville
11 Eric’s House, Knoxville, TN
12 Coal Chute, Roanoke, Va
13 Baltimore
14 The Pop Club, Long Branch, NJ 
15 New Brunswick David on it
16 Dan’s Farm, Cambridge, NY
17 10 Forward, Greenfield, MA
18 Deese House, Swampscott, MA
19 FIND Portland, ME 
20 The Collective, Brattleboro, VT
21 New Haven Cafe Nine
22 Ralph’s, Worcester, MA
23 Dusk, Providence, RI
24 The Silhouette, Allston, MA
25 Curry Donuts Wilkes-Barre
26 Ormsby Cafe, PGH 
27 Flat Burger Society, Pittsfield, MA
28 Charlie O’s, Montpelier, VT 
29 Penuches, Concord, NH
30 The Studio, Laconia, NH 
31 Chess Company, Rockland MA
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wetsteve3 · 4 years ago
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Dave Perewitz' Cycle Fab shop in Brockton, MA from 1987. This was made just before leaving for Laconia Bike Week. Definitely old school! I'd spent the prior night at Dave's house, which is when I first met Jody (she was only 5-years old!) What do you think? Print for the exhibition? (OR NOT?) Perewitz Jody Perewitz Dave Perewitz Motorcycles As Art
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diceriadelluntore · 5 years ago
Di Sederi, Navi e Cambiamenti
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(in foto, particolare di vaso greco con nave da guerra, Museo Archeologico Regionale di Gela, Caltanissetta )
Si narra che Teseo fu fondatore di Atene. A dimostrazione di ciò c’è un mito particolare: aveva fatto un patto con  Piritoo, re dei Lapiti: rapire una figlia di Zeus e sposarsela. Pensarono a Elena sebbene fosse solo una bimba. La rapirono approfittando dell'assenza dei suoi fratelli, i gemelli Dioscuri Castore e Polluce, e giocandola a dadi la futura regina di Sparta toccò a Teseo. Teseo la portò ad Atene e la affidò alla madre Etra. Piritoo però voleva la sua parte, e Teseo non si tirò indietro nell'aiutarlo: un oracolo predisse loro che per salvaguardare la controversia dovevano scendere agli Inferi e prendere Persefone, la regina e sposa di Ade. L’oracolo però era in realtà Momo, figlio della Notte e personificazione del Sarcasmo, e presero l'oracolo in parola. Così tornarono in Laconia, presumibilmente evitando i Dioscuri, e arrivarono a Tenaro, dove c'era l'ingresso per l'Ade usato da Dioniso, Orfeo e in seguito Eracle. Ma Ade li ingannò, e per punirli della loro presunzione li fece accomodare sulle Sedie dell'Oblio: immediatamente quei seggi divennero carne della loro carne, e i due non riuscirono ad alzarsi; serpenti sibilanti li avvolgevano, le Moire li fustigavano e Cerbero li addentava. Il tutto sotto lo sguardo ghignante di Ade. Il supplizio durò quattro anni.Poi nell'Ade arrivò Eracle che doveva catturare Cerbero per la più tosta della sue dodici fatiche. L'eroe vide i due sventurati e riconobbe in Teseo suo cugino (in fondo l'ateniese aveva come padre divino Poseidone, ed Eracle era figlio di Zeus); così, con l'autorizzazione di sua sorella Persefone, cercò di liberarli dal tormento: afferrò le mani di Teseo e tirò con così tanta forza finché con uno strappo lacerante, il povero Teseo fu strappato alla sua Sedia… lasciando una buona porzione di carne attaccata al seggio. Per una contingenza mitica i suoi sudditi ateniesi immediatamente si adattarono alla mutilazione del loro re e divennero famosi per le piccole natiche, caratteristiche che nell’antica Grecia non era molto apprezzata.
Ma voglio ricordare Teseo per un altro aspetto: una delle leggende su Teseo, che ricordo è uno dei maggiori eroi mitici della Grecia, narra il suo viaggio da Creta ad Atene. Durante questo viaggio la nave si mantenne intatta, perché tutte le sue parti furono sostituite nel tempo. Al suo ritorno, tutti gli elementi erano stati sostituiti, non esisteva più alcun pezzo originale. La domanda che sorge spontanea è:  la nave con cui arriva Teseo è la stessa con cui è partito? 
Parte qui un quesito metafisico che mi è venuto più volte in mente pensando alla ripartenza delle attività, da oggi: cosa è cambiato nella nostra sostanza dopo un periodo così diverso, di forzature di libertà, di apprensione, di riflessione?
Siamo le stesse persone?
I bambini cominciano tutti con la metafisica, gli adolescenti continuano con la morale, e noi adulti finiamo con la logica e la contabilità. Daniel Pennac
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la-anarchy · 6 years ago
yall im so upset
i dropped my bike off at a well known dealership in mass to get the fork seals and wheel bearings replaced last Tuesday. my appointment was for that Wednesday so i dropped it off a day early that way it was there and they could get to it asap. well i didnt hear back from them on Wed so Thur i called and was told it was next to go on the lift i said awesome. so Fri after work i called to see what was up. The parts counter guy informed me that that my bike needed fork seals and wheel bearings (and also a front caliper and brake which i told him id just do myself to save some money) . ............. i was like yea i know thats what i told yall when i scheduled the appointment two weeks ago and re- told yall again when i brought it in. the guy tells me “oh okay well the mechanic was just gunna do it all and call you when its done”. I was like “well i didnt ask for the caliper and the brake to be done so how long till the seals and the bearing are finished”? he tells me that they have to order the parts and itll be done Monday (yesterday). i said okay and that was that. So yesterday i was up in MA visiting my grandparents (they live close to the shop my bike is at) and after being with them all day i figured id give the shop a call because it was close to closing time for them and i still havent heard anything yet. i call and was told the parts still havent come in yet and i would get a call back in a few min after they find out where the parts are at. i say okay. well i never got a call back so i called today. i was told they dont make aftermarket seals and bearings for my bike and they were gunna have to order parts direct from Kawasaki and it was gunna be a lot more money. so i call a shop closer to home and guess what they can have the parts for me day after tomorrow except for one part that has to come from kawai. yall i call the shop that my bike is at and was like listen yall have had my bike for over the time yall were supposed to have it and im just gunna buy the parts myself and have yall put it in for me the guy was pissed but like wtf man. im just super mad because i was supposed to go to Laconia bike week on sat with my buddy and now im not gunna be able to go because this shop couldnt call me to tell me they couldnt get the parts in on time to get the job done. its such a let down honestly.
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livingdeaddrummer · 3 years ago
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TONIGHT at @kingofclubscuse in Akron, OH! @prettyboyfloydband 6/10 – King of Clubs – Columbus, OH 6/11 – Harpo’s – Detroit, MI 6/14 – Crafthouse – Pittsburgh, PA 6/15 - Artie’s - Frenchtown, NJ 6/16 - Reverb - Reading, PA 6/17 – The Vault – New Bedford, MA 6/18 – Granite St. Music Hall – Laconia, NH 6/19 – Dingbatz – Clifton, NJ 6/22 – The Vortex – Akron, OH 6/23 – Blue Note – Harrison, OH 6/24 – This Town – Aurora, IL 6/25 – Hard Rock Casino – Sioux City, IA 6/26 – 21 Rock – Arnold, MO 7/29 – 2300 Arena – Philadelphia, PA 7/30 – The Chance – Poughkeepsie, NY #TourTime #TourLife #RoadWarrior #OnTour #PrettyBoyFloyd #EnuffZnuff #TheMidnightDevils #GlamSlam #HairMetal #80s #GlamMetal #GothRock #LivingDeadDrummer #YamahaDrums #Paiste #AquarianDrumheads #AheadDrumsticks https://www.instagram.com/p/CepGhLCvf81/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bat-bear-cub-blog · 6 years ago
A História do Brownie
Um brownie de chocolate (comumente referido como simplesmente brownie) é uma sobremesa de chocolate quadrada, assada. Os brownies vêm em uma variedade de formas e podem ser fudgy ou cakey, dependendo de sua densidade. Eles podem incluir nozes, glacê, queijo creme, gotas de chocolate ou outros ingredientes. Uma vez que você pode fazer um bolo de chocolate ou louro. O brownie foi desenvolvido nos Estados Unidos da América no restante do s��culo XIX e popularizado nos EUA e no Canadá durante um primeiro dia do século XX.
Os brownies são tipicamente comidos à mão, acompanhados de ameixas de leite, servidos com sorvete quente, cobertos com chantilly ou polvilhados com o carro ou caminhão em pó e calda. Na América do Norte, eles são populares, e também populares em restaurantes e lanchonetes.
Hoje em dia é um produto muito procurado e você pode fazer brownie para vender na marmita.
Uma lenda sobre a criação de brownies é uma de Bertha Palmer, uma proeminente socialite de Chicago com o seu filho foi construída no Palmer Property Resort. Em 1893, Palmer pediu um chefe de pastelaria para as suas compras na Exposição Mundial da Chicago. Ela pediu uma confecção de um bolo menor que um pedaço de bolo que poderia ser incluído nos almoços embalados. O resultado foi o Brownie Palmer Household com um esmalte de damasco. O moderno Palmer Dwelling Vacation resort oferece uma deliciosa comida aos clientes da mesma receita. [3] O nome foi dado à sobremesa em algum momento depois de 1893, mas não foi usado por livros de culinária ou revistas na época.
O primeiro uso da palavra escrita "brownie" para descrever uma sobremesa em 1896 do livro Boston Preparar o jantar - Docente Prepare o jantar, da Fannie Farmer, em referência a bolos de peixe feitos com calor em moldes de lata. [4] A casa World (1904, Laconia, NH), O Boston World (1945, Chicago, IL), O Boston World (abril de 1905, p.34). [dois] e edição de 1906 do livro de receitas Agricultor. Estas receitas são uma brownie relativamente suave e semelhante a um bolo.
Em 1907 o brownie ficou bem definido em uma forma de vantajosa, aparecendo em um jantar de comida Livro de Lowney por Maria Willet Howard (publicado pela Walter M. Lowney Empresa, em Boston) como uma adaptação da receita da Escola de Culinária de Boston para um " Bangor "Brownie". He e Um ovo Adicional e hum Quadrado Adicional de chocolate, Criando Uma sobremesa rica e rica. O nome "Bangor Brownie" parece ter SIDO Derivado da Cidade de Bangor, Maine, that Uma História apócrifa Afirma Ser Uma Cidade natal de uma doninha de casa que tem uma receita inicial do bolo de chocolate. [4] A educadora e colunista do Maine Mildred Brown Schrumpf foi uma das principais defensoras da teoria dos brownies foram inventadas em Bangor.[A] Enquanto The Oxford Companion to American Food items items and Consume (2007) refutou uma premissa de Schrumpf de que como "
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thatfictionalgal · 4 years ago
All right, key highlights: no income tax, great foliage, generally nice sea coast, and (as an ex who grew up in Michigan pointed out) things are relatively close enough that it could take about an hour to get to. The only thing would be going from Mass border to Canadian border, which would take several hours. There's some niche stuff like harvest festivals, Laconia's motorcycle week, Ice Castles in Lincoln, Macdowell Art Colony, Peterborough/Sharon's art scene in general, and the Squam Lake Natural Science center. Mount Monadnock claims to be the second most hiked mountain ever (whether that's true is up for debate) and there are some nice skiing/camping areas. Part of Jumanji was shot in the downtown Keene area and you can still the advertisement for Parish Shoes on one building. We may be considered small business friendly and (depending on your view) having an Amazon warehouse in Hooksett makes their goods more accessible.
THE BAD: there's a biiiiggg opioid problem. Like a massive opioid problem. For a state that likes to claim being tax free so much, our property taxes are insane and our rental costs are starting to hit a point where it's just expensive to live here in general. There's also prepared meal taxes and the libertarians are constantly yelling that we should not have taxes at all. Route 93 - enough said. Governor Sunnunu pretty much refuses to legalize weed (despite VT, MA, and ME's stance on it and it's ability to generate revenue) - and took a pretty weak stance on covid. Though it hasn't been too much of an issue the past couple of winters, we do have a lot of winter weather and we haven't seen a decent spring in years. It's just slush to summer during May. No matter what, NH people will bitch about the weather no matter how good it is and take a "you don't know winter until you've lived in NH" stance as if the winters are somehow different than the rest of northern United States.
DEPENDING ON WHO YOU ARE: we lean pretty heavily towards Republicans and there's a strong libertarians presence here. Like they purposely move here en masse because of the libertarian presence. The gun laws are less strict and are more accessible than neighboring states. All dating profiles feature one of the following: fishing, hunting, or snow sports. Keene State students killed the Pumpkin Festival permanently but it wasn't that great to begin with tbh.
There you go.
does anyone know a single redeeming fact about new hampshire? is anything good about it?
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holbrookinsurance · 1 year ago
Holbrook Insurance Center has a wealth of knowledge in the insurance industry. We provide homeowners insurance, flood insurance, auto insurance, commercial insurance, and more.
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adidasklasnii10-blog · 6 years ago
A História do Brownie
Um brownie de chocolate (comumente referido como simplesmente brownie) é uma sobremesa de chocolate quadrada, assada. Brownies vêm em uma variedade de formas e podem ser fudgy ou cakey, dependendo da sua densidade. Eles podem incluir nozes, glacê, queijo creme, gotas de chocolate ou outros ingredientes. Uma variação feita com açúcar mascavo em vez de chocolate na massa é chamada de brownie ou louro. O brownie foi desenvolvido nos Estados Unidos no final do século XIX e popularizado nos EUA e no Canadá durante a primeira metade do século XX.
Os brownies são tipicamente comidos à mão, muitas vezes acompanhados de leite, servidos quentes com sorvete (à moda), cobertos com chantilly ou polvilhados com açúcar em pó e calda. Na América do Norte, eles são lancheiras comuns, e também populares em restaurantes e cafeterias.
Hoje em dia é um produto muito procurado e você poder fazer brownie para vender na marmita.
Uma lenda sobre a criação de brownies é a de Bertha Palmer, uma proeminente socialite de Chicago cujo marido era dono do Palmer House Hotel. Em 1893, Palmer pediu a um chefe de pastelaria uma sobremesa adequada para senhoras que frequentam a Exposição Mundial da Chicago. Ela pediu uma confecção de bolo menor do que um pedaço de bolo que poderia ser incluído em almoços embalados. [2] O resultado foi o Brownie Palmer House com nozes e um esmalte de damasco. O moderno Palmer House Hotel serve uma sobremesa aos clientes da mesma receita. [3] O nome foi dado à sobremesa algum tempo depois de 1893, mas não foi usado por livros de culinária ou revistas na época.
O primeiro uso impresso da palavra "brownie" para descrever uma sobremesa apareceu na versão de 1896 do Boston Cook-School Cook Book, da Fannie Farmer, em referência a bolos de melaço feitos individualmente em moldes de lata. [4] As mais antigas receitas publicadas para um brownie de chocolate de estilo moderno apareceram no Home Cookery (1904, Laconia, NH), no livro Service Club Cook Book (1904, Chicago, IL), The Boston Globe (2 de abril de 1905, p.34). [2] e a edição de 1906 do livro de receitas Farmer. Estas receitas produziram um brownie relativamente suave e semelhante a um bolo.
Em 1907 o brownie estava bem estabelecido em uma forma reconhecível, aparecendo em Cook Book de Lowney por Maria Willet Howard (publicado por Walter M. Lowney Company, Boston) como uma adaptação da receita da Escola de Culinária de Boston para um "Bangor Brownie". Ele acrescentou um ovo extra e um quadrado adicional de chocolate, criando uma sobremesa mais farta e rica. O nome "Bangor Brownie" parece ter sido derivado da cidade de Bangor, Maine, que uma história apócrifa afirma ser a cidade natal de uma dona de casa que criou a receita original do bolo de chocolate. [4] A educadora e colunista do Maine Mildred Brown Schrumpf foi a principal defensora da teoria de que os brownies foram inventados em Bangor. [A] Enquanto The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink (2007) refutou a premissa de Schrumpf de que as "donas de casa Bangor" criaram o brownie citando a publicação de uma receita de brownie em um livro de receitas do Fannie Farmer de 1905, [9] em sua segunda edição, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America (2013) disse ter descoberto evidências para apoiar a alegação de Schrumpf, em 1904 livros de culinária que incluíam uma receita para "Bangor Brownies".
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bringinbackpod · 3 years ago
Interview with P.O.D
We had the pleasure of interviewing Marcos Curiel of P.O.D. over Zoom video!  P.O.D. — Sonny Sandoval [vocals], Marcos Curiel [guitar], Traa Daniels [bass], and Wuv Bernardo [drums] — have announced their upcoming summer and fall tour plans. The band will embark on a headline tour of the U.S., celebrating the 20th anniversary of their landmark, multi-platinum album Satellite. The tour kicks off August 14 and runs through October 7 in their native San Diego. From Ashes to New, All Good Things, and Sleep Signals will also appear. All dates are below. Tickets are available here. "We've been touring and working hard for almost 30 years now," Sandoval says. "It's all we know. This past year has really made me realize how much I love what I do and how much I appreciate that I am still able to make music and play live for all of those who are still listening. Thank you to all of you who still love live music and can't wait to be a part of the P.O.D. experience. We can't wait to see all of your beautiful faces out on the road." Curiel shares the sentiment, saying, "It's been way too long. We are beyond excited to get back to the stage — where we provide the rock and you provide the roll. From familiar faces to new ones, let's get back to what we've all been waiting for. We are ready as a band to create new memories with you all. Let's do this! Peace, love, light, and rock 'n' roll." From Ashes to New's Matt Brandyberry weighed in about the tour, saying, "In 2001, we were literally 'The Youth of the Nation' and P.O.D.'s hit was an anthem to so many of us. Satellite was an album that helped shape a genre and will go down as one of the greatest records of that era. We are honored to join them on this U.S. tour to help celebrate 20 years of an absolute masterpiece."   Additionally, P.O.D. will drop the SATELLITE: 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION as a double-CD and digitally on September 3 for $24.98 through Rhino. It is available for pre-order now. Releasing a few days before the album's official anniversary on September 11, the 27-song collection introduces a newly remastered version of the original album, plus a selection of rarities, remixes, and four previously unreleased demos, including "Alive (Semi-Acoustic Version)," available today. A few weeks later, on October 8, SATELLITE: 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION will be released on vinyl as a double-LP as a part of Rhino's Rocktober campaign.    After debuting at #6 on the Billboard 200, SATELLITE went on to sell more than seven million copies worldwide, including three million in the U.S. The record generated four singles: the title track, "Alive," "Youth of the Nation," and "Boom." In addition to its commercial success, Satellite also earned P.O.D. three Grammy nominations for: "Alive" (Best Hard Rock Performance, 2002), "Portrait" (Best Metal Performance, 2003), and "Youth of the Nation" (Best Hard Rock Performance, 2003).    SATELLITE: 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION has a bonus disc that includes b-sides like "Critic" and "Sabbath" that were initially released in Europe, plus remixes for "Boom" by The Crystal Method and "Youth of the Nation" by Mike$ki.   P.O.D. ON TOUR: WITH FROM ASHES TO NEW, ALL GOOD THINGS, + SLEEP SIGNALS: 8/14 — Sturgis, SD – Buffalo Chip* 8/16 — Denver, CO — Gothic Theatre 8/17 — Omaha, NE — The Waiting Room 8/19 — Sioux Falls, SD — The District 8/20 — Des Moines, IA — Wooly's 8/21 — Glen Flora, WI – Northwoods Rock Rally^ 8/22 — Minneapolis, MN — First Ave 8/25 — Louisville, KY – KY State Fair# 8/26 — Fort Wayne, IN — Piere's 8/27 — Belvidere, IL — The Apollo Theater 8/28 — Joliet, IL — The Forge 8/29 — Detroit, MI — St. Andrew's Hall 8/31 — Pittsburgh, PA — Roxian Theater 9/4 —   Houston, TX – BuzzFest (Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion – KBTZ Show)~ 9/5 —   Dallas, TX – BFD21 (Dos Equis Pavilion – KEGL Show)~ 9/9 —   Danville, VA – Blue Ridge Rock Festival^ 9/10 — New Haven, CT — Toad's Place 9/11 — Laconia, NH — Granite State Music Hall 9/12 — Worcester, MA — The Palladium 9/14 — New York, NY — The Gramercy Theatre 9/15 — Huntington, NY — The Paramount 9/16 — Baltimore, MD — Ram's Head Live 9/18 — Atlanta, GA — Center Stage 9/19 — Mobile, AL — Soul Kitchen 9/21 — Birmingham, AL — Zydeco 9/22 — Savannah, GA — Victory North 9/23 — Orlando, FL – Rebel Rock Fest (Pre—Party)~ 9/25 — Columbia, SC — The Senate 9/28 — Cleveland, OH — House of Blues 9/29 — St. Louis, MO — Pop's 10/1 — Tulsa, OK — Tulsa State Fair 10/2 — San Antonio, TX — The Rock Box 10/3 — Lubbock, TX — Jake's Backroom 10/6 — Santa Ana, CA — The Observatory 10/7 — San Diego, CA — House of Blues  *With From Ashes to New ^With From Ashes to New & All Good Things #With All Good Things ~P.O.D. Only We want to hear from you! Please email [email protected]. www.BringinitBackwards.com #podcast #interview #bringinbackpod #POD #PayableOnDeath #SanDiego #20Years #Satellite #zoom #TwentyYears Listen & Subscribe to BiB Follow our podcast on Instagram and Twitter!  source https://www.spreaker.com/user/14706194/interview-with-p-o-d
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lucianopodes · 4 years ago
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Limpar os estábulos de Aúgias em um dia. Isto era visto como humilhante (mais do que incrível, como os trabalhos anteriores) e impossível, já que o gado era divinamente sadio (imortal) e assim produzia um enorme quantidade de esterco. Héracles o cumpriu em um dia, desviando o rio Alfeu para lavar os estábulos; e sem fazer nada que o desgraçasse e o tornasse indigno da imortalidade. Na versão de Pausânias, Aúgias havia prometido algum prêmio a Héracles pela tarefa, e Héracles desviou o rio Mênio. O valor deste trabalho foi às vezes questionado porque as águas limparam os estábulos e porque Héracles foi incentivado por esse prêmio, prometido mas não entregue, que inclusive motivara a invasão de Augias pelo herói e posterior expiação criando uma corrida em honra a Zeus: a corrida do Stádium. (em Augías (Laconia)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRqNQuZMspHCA_C-1Q-7yfcMhvlkS4vFFXZXIA0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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netmassimo · 4 years ago
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Il romanzo "Tiamat's Wrath - L'ira di Tiamat" ("Tiamat's Wrath") di James S. A. Corey è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2019. È l'ottavo nella serie Expanse e segue "Persepolis Rising - La rinascita". In Italia è stato pubblicato da Fanucci nella traduzione di Annarita Guarnieri.
Laconia è rapidamente diventata la dominatrice dell'umanità grazie alle tecnologie sviluppate studiando la protomolecola. Nonostante ciò, l'alto console Duarte sa che le sue ambizioni potrebbero scontrarsi con la specie aliena che ha annientato i creatori della protomolecola. Ha arruolato la dottoressa Elvi Okoye per studiare qualsiasi traccia di questa specie aliena e allo stesso tempo si prepara al peggio addestrando sua figlia Teresa per succedergli anche se ha solo 14 anni.
Naomi Nagata continua il suo impegno con il movimento di resistenza nel sistema solare. Con James Holden prigioniero su Laconia e Amos sparito, le rimangono Alex e Bobbie ma combattere Laconia sembra un'impresa impossibile, almeno finché un attacco a un'astronave laconiana che sembra essere finito con un mezzo fallimento rivela risultati inaspettati.
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peabodyinstitutearchives · 7 years ago
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A photo of the Reverend Lewis Malvern taken by Bailey Portraits of Main & School Streets in Concord, New Hampshire at an unknown date.
Lewis is the son of Thomas (1795- 23, December 1870) and Elizabeth (Lewis) Malvern (1807-2, August 1877). Lewis's father was born in Newent, Gloucestershire, England and was baptized on 12, April 1795 and Lewis's mother was born in Droitwich, Worcestershire. Lewis was born on 9, June 1846 in Cheltenham, England. Lewis has three brothers: Charles Malvren (1835-1915); John Malvern (1837-1918); and Thomas (1842- ).
Lewis went to school in Cheltenham with the Rev. H.H. Hayman, D.D., as the headmaster and at New Hampton. He was converted in 1867, and was licensed that year as well. He was ordained on the 3, June 1874 by the Sandwich Q.M., and supplied at Barrington, Ashland and Dover.
He married Mary Brindley (18, May 1840-1924) on 13, August 1874 at St. Mary's Church by the vicar Rev. G. Kingdon [sp].
It is unclear when he first came to the United States. According to Massachusetts Passenger and Crew List from 1820-1863 he arrived on 9, May 1871 in Boston; he was 25 at the time. He was in a cabin rather than steerage, which means that he had means before making the voyage.
For a time he was the pastor of the Baptist Church in Bristol, New Hampshire. He was ordained to minister in the Free Baptists Church in Bristol on 3, June 1874. He then served there from September 1873-March 1876. He is credited helped to strengthen the church and increased its membership. He was able to have a pipe organ installed. In April of 1876 Lewis and Mary had a child Mary E.A. Malvern (1877-1955).
Once he left Bristol he went to Laconia, New Hampshire where he served from 6, May 1876 to 24, January 1880 and then returned in 1883 though it is not clear when it left. While living in Laconia he Lewis served on the Laconia School Board and was a Grand Master of Odd Fellows in New Hampshire. in Manchester for three years. It is in Manchester where he would become a citizen. According to the paperwork the date of his naturalization was 2, November 1882. He went to the Hillsboro Police Court to file the paperwork. The witnesses were E.G. Selden and John C. Bickfour.
The 1900 Census lists Lewis living in Portland, Maine. He was working as a pastor. While in Portland he was a member of the Bible Society of Maine. In the ninety-third annual report from 1903 he was one of the Trustees and he wrote the Trustees Report. While in Portland he was be an associate member of the Bosworth Post No. 2, G.A.R. Portland and a Mason.
Neither Lewis nor Mary appears in the 1910 census, but they were lived in Lynn from 1906-1913.  According to a report by the MA Secretary of State from 1911, Lewis was living and working in Lynn. Lewis moved to Peabody in May of 1913. In addition, they do appear in the 1920 census. They are living in Peabody at 73 Bartholomew Street (Ward 1). The "Peabody Enterprise" from September 7, 1917 stated that Lewis was the pastor of the Lynnfield St. Baptist Church and had a tendered party on September 16, 1917 in honor of his Golden Jubilee. The paper also stated in the February 28, 1919 issue that a "Farewell reception was tendered to [him] [...] on February 25, 1919. Although no longer able to be an active pastor in charge of the growing parish, he will continue as Pastor Emeritus. Many glowing tributes were paid to him by his parishioners."
In the 1920 Census he is listed as working at the Baptist Church. In 1824 Lewis's wife, Mary, died at the age of 62 and is buried in Pine Grove Cemetery in family plot in Lynn. The plot number is Plot-C, Lot-118, Grave-2. Lewis died in May of 1939 in Peabody, Massachusetts, at the age of 92.
Mary would continue to live in the house in Peabody for a time. It is unknown when she left Peabody. Mary died in April of 1955.
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