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T3 Christie tank with US Army troops during evaluations, 1930s
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1280x1832 -- Spotlight on an Italian movie poster for the 1960 re-release of the groundbreaking and crirtically-acclaimed crime thriller "M" (1931), (renamed "The Monster of Düsseldorf), co-written & directed by Fritz Lang. Artwork by Niso "Kremos" Ramponi.
FILM/POSTER OVERVIEW: "Inspired by the crimes of a real-life murderer at large in Düsseldorf, Peter Kürten, German director Fritz Lang created yet another classic that ventured outside the normal bounds of early filmmaking, and laid the foundations for a whole new genre in the process. Peter Lorre gave the performance of a lifetime as child killer Hans Beckert, a part specifically written for the actor by Lang himself.
Despite it being his first ever starring role, Lorre's bone chilling performance disturbed audiences and enthralled critics, gaining international praise and the attention of Hollywood. Lang considered this picture his greatest work, a well-earned distinction considering its instrumental influence on the burgeoning film noir genre."
-- HERITAGE AUCTIONS (movie posters)
Source: https://movieposters.ha.com/itm/crime/m-unitis-1960-first-post-war-release-italian-4-fogli-55-x-78-niso-kremos-ramponi-artwork/a/7162-86012.s?ic4=GalleryView-Thumbnail-071515.
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142thedarkpassenger · 2 years
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kimasov · 9 days
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Jupiter IV" представляет собой кубинскую комбинацию советского 122-мм полевого орудия M1931 / 37 (также известного как A-19) и сильно модифицированного шасси КрАЗ КрАЗ 255В 6x6.
Орудие может использовать для стрельбы фугасные, осколочные и бронебойные снаряды. В СССР для этого орудия существовали также бетонобойные и химические снаряды. Дальность стрельбы бронебойными снарядами составляет 4 км, а осколочными до 20 км. Заряжание ручное. Максимальная скорострельность составляет 4 выстрела в минуту. расчёт составляет 6 человек.
В поход��ом положении все члены экипажа сидят в необычной кабине с отдельными отсеками на каждой стороне двигателя
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gepetordi1 · 2 months
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A huge Russian gun on tracks, likely a 203 mm howitzer M1931, is manned by its crew in a well-concealed position on the Russian front on September 15, 1941.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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The Soviets bought two Christie M1931
The Russians are just seeing if we still have our sense of humor
and the license to produce them. Soon after, they derived the BT-1 prototype, BT-2 and BT-3 pre-series, and mass-produced the BT-5 and BT-7. These were the fastest tanks in service in 1939, as the BT-2 was capable of 100 km/h (62 mph).
Wondering whos still fighting the last war?
[I think Christies vehickl is quiet smarp looking!
You just need somebody who knows how to speak
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aiiaiiiyo · 3 years
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2 IS-2, 1 T-34-85, 1 ISU-152, 1 Stalinetz Tractor towing an M1931 B-4 203mm Howitzer in the streets of Berlin during the Battle of Berlin, date unknown.[800x577] Check this blog!
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greatworldwar2 · 4 years
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• Flak Towers
Flak towers (German: Flaktürme) were complexes of large, above-ground, anti-aircraft gun blockhouse towers constructed by Nazi Germany in the cities of Berlin, Hamburg, and Vienna from 1940 onwards.
After the RAF's raid on Berlin in 1940, Adolf Hitler ordered the construction of three massive flak towers to defend the capital from air attack. Each tower had a radar installation with a radar dish which could be retracted behind a thick concrete and steel dome for protection. Hitler was interested in the design of the towers, and even made some sketches. They were constructed in six months. The priority of the project was such that the German national rail schedule was altered to facilitate the shipment of concrete, steel and timber to the construction sites. With concrete walls up to 3.5 m (11 ft) thick, flak towers were considered by their designers to be invulnerable to attack by the standard ordnance carried by RAF heavy bombers at the time of their construction. The towers were able to sustain a rate of fire of 8,000 rounds per minute from their multi-level guns (albeit mostly smaller-caliber shells, such as the 2cm FlaK 30), with a range of up to 14 km (8.7 mi) in a 360-degree field of fire. However, only the 128 mm (5.0 in) FlaK 40 guns had effective range to defend against the RAF and USAAF heavy bombers.
The flak towers had also been designed with the idea of using the above-ground bunkers as a civilian shelter, with room for 10,000 civilians and a hospital ward inside. During the Battle of Berlin, occupants formed their own communities, with up to 30,000 Berliners taking refuge in one tower during the battle. These towers, much like the keeps of medieval castles, were some of the safest places in a fought-over city and so the flak towers were some of the last places to surrender to the Red Army, eventually being forced to capitulate as supplies dwindled. The Soviets, in their assault on Berlin, found it difficult to inflict significant damage on the flak towers, even with some of the largest Soviet guns, such as the 203 mm M1931 howitzers. Soviet forces generally manoeuvred around the towers, and eventually sent in envoys to seek their surrender. Unlike much of Berlin, the towers tended to be fully stocked with ammunition and supplies, and the defenders used 2 cm Flak cannon to defend against assault by ground units. The Zoo Tower was one of the last points of defence providing cover fire to the nearby districts, German armoured units rallied near it at Tiergarten, before trying to break out of the encircling Soviet Red Army.
Starting in 1940, the first tower built near the Berlin Zoo was the first generation type and covered the government district. It was also used as a repository from artefacts from the Berlin museum. The occupants surrendered to Soviets on April 30th, 1945 In 1947 the British blew up the G-Tower on the second attempt with several tons of explosives. Two additional towers were constructed in Berlin through the period of the war. Another 5 towers were constructed, two in Hamburg and three in Vienna. More towers were planned to be built, yet do to limitations of available manpower and resources they were never completed. After the war, the demolition of the towers was often considered not feasible and many remain to this day, with some having been converted for alternate use.
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Charles and Lavinia Stratton, c. 1860-1870, Smithsonian: National Portrait Gallery
Size: Plate: 9.5 × 6.2 × 0.4 cm (3 3/4 × 2 7/16 × 3/16") Medium: Glass plate collodion negative
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Christie M1931 at Fort Knox, 1932.
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ww2photoarchive · 4 years
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The firing position of the Soviet 203 mm howitzer m1931
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sug-bug · 6 years
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選べる5size☆[XS〜LL]心地よい伸び感で動きやすさ抜群!ストレッチFitカラースキニーパンツ[M1931]- レディースファッション通販 神戸レタス【公式サイト】
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officialyasen · 7 years
the wildest part of the M1931 is that Ukraine brought it back in service in 2015, they're still using them
Ukraine brought back lots of WW2 armaments actually. Really satisfying to see T-34/85s rolling in again
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gasmaskking3c8o · 7 years
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Belgian M1934 made by Bergougnan Belge in 1938
Belgian M1931 made by Pirelli in 1931
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nunoxaviermoreira · 5 years
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Esbentrat / Backfire by SBA73 IN ENGLISH BELOW THE LINE Una de les casamates de la bateria de Pardigan rebentà per una masiva explosió. Probablement foren els propis alemanys que la destruiren en abandonar el Llanguedoc l'agost del 1944. Al sud de la vila occitana de Leucata (antiga fortalessa francesa oposada a Salses), hi ha les restes d'una bateria de costa alemana, part del Südwall de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Es tracta de la bateria HKAR 1290 Leucate-Pardigan, formada per un bunquer de direcció de tir, quatre bunquers d'artilleria i alguns altres de menors, com defensa AA i un polvorí soterrani. També apareix com a HKB Leucate-Pardigan (Heeres Küsten Batterie, "bateria de costa del exèrcit"). Els 4 canons eren peces sovietiques capturades, denominades 12,2cm K390/1 (r) pels alemanys. Estaven situades en casamates tipus Regelbau 669. De fet es tracta de canons sovietics M1931/37 (A-19) de 122 mm. De les 4 casamates, fa gracia perque hi ha varietat: una està tancada, l'altra fou convertida en xalet (!!!) i abandonada, la 3ª rebentà per una explosió interna, i la darrera està més tal qual (apart dels grafitis). Foto feta amb una Rolleiflex Old Standard fabricada el 1933; objectiu Carl Zeiss Tessar f3.5 75mm; pelicula Kodak Tri-X 400 revelada en HC110. lecami.eklablog.com/leucate-fortifications-p1325228 sudwall.superforum.fr/t2518-lgs-094-7-i-hkar-1290-pardiga... sudwall.superforum.fr/t2212-122cm-k390-1-r en.wikipedia.org/wiki/122_mm_gun_M1931/37_(A-19) ========================================== One of the artillerie bunkers in the Pardigan batterie suffered a massive internal explosion. Probably it was just a German demolition while abandoning this position in August 1944. In the Languedoc coast, to the south of the Leucate village (a former French fortress opposite Salses) you could see the remains of a German coastal battery, part of the Südwall of World War II. This is the HKAR 1290 Leucate-Pardigan Battery, made up of a Fire Direction bunker, four artillery bunkers and a few minor ones, such as Flak Defense and an underground magazine; sometimes it's also mentioned as HKB Leucate (Heeres Küsten Batterie). The 4 guns were captured Soviet pieces, called 12.2cm K390 / 1 (r) by the Germans. They were located in Regelbau 669 type casemates, in fact they were 122mm M1931 / 37 (A-19) Soviet guns. Of the 4 casemates, it is funny because there is variety of abandonement: one is closed and in fair shape, the other was converted into a villa (!!!) and abandoned, the 3rd burst due to an internal explosion, and the last one was left to it's own (apart from the graffiti). lecami.eklablog.com/leucate-fortifications-p1325228 sudwall.superforum.fr/t2518-lgs-094-7-i-hkar-1290-pardiga... sudwall.superforum.fr/t2212-122cm-k390-1-r en.wikipedia.org/wiki/122_mm_gun_M1931/37_(A-19) sudwall.superforum.fr/t1190-r-669-sur-le-sudwall-et-son-e... https://flic.kr/p/2iG1QAJ
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pattern-53-enfield · 8 years
rockinbierkatze reblogged your video and added:
Even if they do get it running, where the fuck...
It’s a 122mm M1931/37, not exactly rare in the former Soviet Union.
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