#Lyrica Medicine
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occasionaltouhou · 1 year ago
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regular touhou #39: a few friendly (?) faces dressing up as the only thing that really scares a youkai - other, more powerful youkai
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pupsmailbox · 11 months ago
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NAMES ⌇ aceso. addison. aden. aero. airmed. aliza. alora. althea. ambrose. ambulette. ame. amelie. amor. amore. angel. angelique. angelo. anna. anthony. apollo. arabella. arzt. asa. avian. babe. baby. bambi. bandage. bandagette. blanche. blanchette. blood. bloodette. bright. brigid. cal. carla. carmelita. catherine. cathie. cathy. cecil. chamomile. charge. charles. charlotte. clara. clemence. clement. connie. cora. corina. corry. cosmas. cross. crosse. crossette. daisy. daniel. david. delilah. desdemona. dorothea. dropsy. edema. edith. eira. elias. eliza. elizabeth. ellison. emil. emily. emma. evangeline. feronia. fleur. florence. fragilette. frailette. galen. ginger. gram. grimm. hansen. harmonie. harmony. hazel. healer. hira. hospette. ida. incisionette. incisionne. ivie. ivy. jace. jackie. james. jason. jayla. jayr. jen. jennifer. joasias. john. josiah. joy. jules. kaison. lace. lain. laryn. leah. lee. leigh. leuk. lucie. luciel. lucile. lucy. lue. lues. lyra. lyrica. mae. maebell. maggie. maiya. malachi. mark. mary. marybelle. may. maya. meddette. medette. medicel. medicette. medicinalle. medilita. mercia. michael. michelle. milo. milu. mitzi. moraxella. morgan. natasha. needlette. nile. norrie. norry. nursesse. nursette. nursie. nwurse. nyura. palsy. penny. phoebe. phoebus. pille. pillette. pott. potter. quinn. raphael. ray. red. redde. reseda. reye. richard. robert. rose. salmon. savior. scalpelle. scarlet. scrivener. scrubbe. scrubette. scrubs. serra. shiga. solitude. steven. stitch. stitches. stitchette. susan. sylvie. syrinelle. syringe. syringette. thomas. triage. vasc. viper. vitas. vitus. wiel. winnie. yves. zika. zoster.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ache/ache. ai/aid. aid/aid. aid/aide. amb/ambulance. ambulance/ambulance. bacteria/bacteria. band/age. band/aid. band/bandaid. bandage/bandage. bandaid/bandaid. bile/bile. bl0/bl00d. blood/blood. bu/bubonic. bump/bump. ca/care. care/care. chick/chicken. chronic/chronic. chu/chu. clean/clean. cold/cold. cough/cough. crab/crab. cross/cross. cross/crosse. cure/cure. cyu/cyu. die/dying. doc/doc. doc/doctor. doctor/doctor. dra/draw. drug/drug. fe/fever. fever/fever. flu/flu. fluff/fluffie. fragi/fragile. fragile/fragile. fragile/fragility. frail/frail. frail/frailty. gauze/gauze. germ/germ. gown/gown. gross/gross. he/heal. he/heart. he/help. he/hem. heal/heal. heal/healer. healer/healer. heart/heart. help/help. herb/herb. herb/herbal. hos/hospital. hospital/hospital. ill/ill. in/inject. incision/incision. infect/infection. injure/injury. IV/IV. iv/iv. ivy/ivie. ivy/ivy. lace/lace. li/live. love/love. lung/lung. luv/luv. mas/mask. mask/mask. med/med. med/medic. med/medical. med/medicine. medi/medic. medi/medicine. medic/medic. medical/medical. medicine/medicine. nee/needle. need/needle. needle/needle. nu/nurse. nur/nurse. nur/se. nurse/nurse. out/outbreak. pain/pain. pat/patient. patient/patient. pi/pill. pil/pill. pill/pill. pla/plague. plus/plushe. poke/poke. red/red. sa/save. savior/savior. sca/scan. scissor/scissor. scissor/scissors‎. scrub/scrub. shi/hir. si/sick. sic/sick. sick/sick. sick/sickly. skin/skin. sle/sleep. sneeze/sneeze. so/soft. soap/soap. sore/sore. stab/stab. stem/cell. stitch/stitch. stu/study. su/surgeon. sun/sun. sweet/sweet. symptom/symptom. syn/syndrome. syr/syr. syr/syringe. syri/syri. syrin/syringe. syringe/syringe. tape/tape. te/test. virus/viruse. ward/ward. we/well. wrap/wrap. ☎ . ☣️ . ⚰ . ❤️‍🩹 . 🌀 . 🌡️ . 🎀 . 🏥 . 🏨 . 👨🏻‍⚕️ . 👩🏻‍⚕️ . 💉 . 💊 . 💐 . 💤 . 📞 . 🔬 . 😷 . 🚑 . 🤒 . 🤢 . 🤧 . 🥀 . 🥼 . 🦠 . 🧊 . 🧑‍⚕️ . 🧠 . 🧪 . 🧫 . 🧬 . 🩸 . 🩹 . 🩺 .
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pyrohearts · 7 months ago
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nurse themed npts (fem/neu leaning)
Names - blanche, chamomile, clara, cora, edith, florence, ginger, ida, ivy, joy, lain, lucile, lucy, lyra, lyrica, mae, nursette, nursette, penny, stitch, yves
Pronouns - blood/bloods, drug/drugs, he/hem, heal/heals, mask/masks, med/medic, med/meds, pill/pills, poke/pokes, shi/hir, stab/stabs, syr/syringe
Titles - healer of wounds, prn who aids the injured, prn who gives medicine, prn who heals, prn who is dressed in scrubs, prn with a healing aura, the healer, the medic, the one in scrubs
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twstedforyou · 11 months ago
Honestly whatever you were given might be too strong of a dosage for you
I know certain meds can mess with your memory as well, happened to my mom with this medicine called Lyrica
Please just be kind to yourself op
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bikwin5 · 2 months ago
top 200 lolita outfits in touhou project
yuyuko (perfect cherry blossom)
yuyuko (imperishable night)
keine (green)
yuyuko (scarlet weather rhapsody)
marisa (imperishable night)
marisa (double dealing character)
reimu (urban legend in limbo)
reimu (phantasmagoria of flower view)
marisa (subterranean animism)
(I then get distracted by virtual boy mario tennis, allowing the list to never be completed.)
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merthlock · 1 year ago
I gave all the vehicles in your Touhou 9 video Mario Kart - style names
Presented here in the standard format
Marisa / Street Sweeper
Sakuya / Meidocycle
Youmu / Spirit Taxi
Reisen / Machine Bun
Yuuka / Weed Killer
Cirno / Formula 9
Lyrica (+ Lunasa) / Initial Key
Medicine / Tox Tanker
Mima / The Classic
Komachi / Sanzu Rider
Eiki / Final Judgment
For some background on the designs for some of the vehicles because I never talked about them Sakuya, Lyrica, Medicine, and Komachi's vehicles were made by a friend of mine who wanted to volunteer designs for me to use, which I later refined to the designs I used. Sakuya's I specifically colored after DIO from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders due to haha funny jojoke Youmu's car is modeled after the Fiat 500, famously used by Lupin the Third in the eponymous anime series and extremely obvious because Youmu's ghost part is wearing Jigen's hat On the same inspiration, Yuuka's car is a yellow Mercedes Benz SSK 1929 also used by Lupin the Third in the 1971 anime. Reisen's motorcycle is based on a 1984 Honda Goldwing model I found with built in gatling guns because I thought it looked cool and is how I felt Reisen was like when I played Touhou 8 Mima's (and to an extension, Cirno's) is a Ferrari 321B, which was used in the first episode of Lupin the Third 1971 anime (which is also the main inspiration for that entire video's premise(I really like Lupin III)) The numbers on the race cars are a double reference, being that the number 9 is referencing this being the 9th Touhou game and 3 referencing Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream, alongside the 3 being that the entire video is just a giant Lupin III reference. Eiki's I just made something up on the spot because I was struggling to think on what to use so I just drew a box with wheels and rolled with it because it was easy to draw and I could make a joke about her storing hot dogs inside the trunk of it Cirno starts with a Mario Kart kart at the start because I thought it was funny Anyways my favorites are Weed Killer and Sanzu Rider thank you for making these!! Have a cat
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bufferbrain · 5 months ago
Lately it feels like I'm plodding on in spite of myself
Mental illness really puts a different cast on chronic illness. I have taken two medications that caused my suicidal ideations to turn up past ten. The first one was Vimpat, probably about ten years ago (I was taking it for my epilepsy). THIS one I am still trying to titrate down from (Lyrica) and it is ROUGH. I was taking it for my endo pain. They are both schedule V. That's my problem, as far as I know?? I can't take schedule V because once it levels, my brain just self implodes.
EDIT: I wrote this yesterday and got distracted, eventually saved it as a draft. This might happen a lot, as I'm fairly certain I have ADHD. My dad was diagnosed with it (he is deceased), my brother is also diagnosed. I have spoken with my docs about it, but there are comorbidities with symptoms in ADHD, epilepsy, depression, and anxiety, so it is hard to diagnose, and hard to treat medically (with stimulants). Apparently epilepsy meds slow the brain down (in a very basic sense) and stimulants are the main way to treat ADHD medicinally. It would simply oppose my epilepsy meds.
I don't remember really struggling as a kid? I was the "model student" back then, but damn, I'm noticing it so much as an adult.
This entry is a testament to my need for a place to direct my random other train tracks. My thoughts get all bunched up in here and I get frozen. Nothing gets done. I even get frozen about writing!
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touhou-memories · 2 years ago
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In the キャラ設定.txt file of Phantasmagoria of Flower View, the name order is different depending on character.
Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu, Tewi, Aya, Yuuka and Komachi have their forename written last.
Reisen, Lyrica, Merlin, Lunasa, Mystia and Medicine have their forename written first.
Eiki doesn’t even have her name romanized. It only appears with Japanese symbols.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year ago
Pregabalin is a controlled substance, but I never see if when I check PDMP. I didn't understand why it's a controlled substance, but it is.
Lyrica (pregabalin) is a Schedule V (Schedule 5) controlled substance, the lowest schedule for abuse potential, as defined by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
No, it is not a narcotic (opioid), but is used to treat various types of nerve pain (diabetic neuropathy, herpes zoster), as well as epilepsy, fibromyalgia and spinal cord injury.
Both Lyrica and Lyrica CR are classified as schedule V controlled substances because of reports of euphoria, improved happiness, excitement, or calmness, and a "high" similar to marijuana with use of pregabalin.
In general, medications in schedule V are considered to have a low potential for abuse compared to medicines in other schedules I-IV. Medicines in Schedule V are most commonly used to treat diarrhea, cough or mild pain. Certain anticonvulsants and antimigraine agents are also found in Schedule V.
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bruhstation · 2 years ago
Hi it's me again back at it with da song recs but this one is a lot more niche so bear with me for a moment
So there's this artist (who is also on tumblr so if she sees this My Bad lol) called Lyrica Live who takes touhou songs and comes up with lyrics for them and uploads them to YouTube
One of the songs, Poison Body ~ Forsaken Doll, is about a doll who was thrown away by humans, stuck on a hill of poisonous flowers, and her hatred for the humans who abandoned her gave her enough Power Of Spite to learn to animate herself with the poison from the lillies-of-the-valley and she set out on a quest to kill all humans (she got better though it's fine)
Anyway that but. Act 2 Percy
Oh-- Forsaken for another's sake.
Too much for one small heart to take.
Intoxicated by the bitterness of potent memories.
No strength in closeness after all.
Tossed easily off as a ragged doll.
Moved along in something like life, suddenly to freeze.
Also the last 2 verses
Choked, smothered by your sinful fault,
Weighed down until you reach a halt:
Yes, taste a poison brewed over a hundred years of boiling hate.
Come, open wide and take it in:
None sourer than one's own medicine.
Those manipulated thus learn to manipulate.
OH I GOTTA LISTEN TO THIS AFTER SCHOOL. TOUHOU SONGS WITH LYRICS? HELL YEAH!!!! I'll do my best to give my two cents on your connections with casa tidmouth percy. ehem.
"no strength in closeness at all, tossed easily off as a ragdoll" AHHHHHHAHAHAHA. THIS HURT. no matter how many people he becomes aqcuainted to (first thomas, then d10), percy always has this lingering distrust toward them. he's always suspicious of them. any sign of "command" that his acquaintances give to him is interpreted by him as them only having him around just to use him.
"taste a poison brewed over a hundred years of boiling hate" AHHHH THIS ONE. THIS ONE REMINDS ME OF PERCY'S BACKSTORY with how he keeps his anger and frustration inside for so long. and then it exploded horrendously during his big baseball game. the same thing is now happening with him and thomas with how he kept his frustration towards him and his selfish goal deep inside ("choked by your sinful fault". this also points towards how thomas unknowingly kickstarted their downward spiral for both of them and how percy now has to clean up all his mess in his own way). when will it explode? who knows.
the line "those manipulated thus learn to manipulate" stands out the most to me because that's EXACTLY what percy is like. he learned how his schoolmates only wanted him for his skills. he assumed thomas only wanted to be his friend because he just wants a companion, especially for his adventures. however he doesn't have the strength to think badly about them because he felt a sick twisted attachment to them.
his feelings towards thomas fluctuate erratically (similar to the original show with how he always beefed with thomas but eventually came back). thomas gets angry at him? percy dislikes him. thomas praises him? percy loves him. and he also learned how to hurt others the way others have "hurt" him
saying that he loves thomas isn't exactly correct. saying that he hates thomas also isn't exactly correct. saying that either of them is right or wrong is also isn't exactly right. he wants to be able to do things freely but his mind is still like a child's. this song perfectly encapsulates the feelings of this poor guy
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sneakyscarab · 1 year ago
another day, another touhou post! i almost missed the deadline on this one (not that it really matters, the pace is gonna slow down a lot in a couple posts anyways once i catch up). today's game is a bit of a weird one!
nina's thoughts on Touhou 9 - Phantasmagoria of Flower View
PoFV is a pretty strange game. instead of being a single-player experience like most mainline touhou games, PoFV is a competitive 2-player danmaku vs game. there is still a 1-player story mode, but instead of 6 stages and boss fights each character has 8 versus matches against other characters tied loosely together into a storyline.
the gameplay is neat, its honestly impressive how well the concept of a competitive danmaku battle actually works and it feels pretty natural. as usual the screen fills up with enemies and bullets, but stages dont have defined patterns or moments, instead both players keep surviving through an increasing onslaught of bullets and spell cards until one slips up and takes too many hits. destroying enemies creates a small explosion around them that deals damage to nearby enemies and sends weak bullets in the range to the other player's screen. if you line it up right you can get some nasty chain reaction explosions that can clear up your screen and really put the pressure on your opponent. in addition you can put more direct pressure on the other guy by building up your spell meter, expending it to summon powerful bullet patterns or even your own character as a boss fight onto your enemys side. while at times it can get a bit ridiculous (the two 'villain' characters have completely broken spell cards and insanely good ai piloting) in general the gameplay is fair and pretty fun!
as a fighting game of sorts, PoFV naturally has a rather large character roster, a total of 14 playable characters! we have the returners in Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu, Reisen, Cirno, Lyrica, Mystia, Tewi, and Aya. Then we have 4 characters new to this game: Medicine, Yuuka, and the 'villains' of the story Komachi and Eiki Shiki. each character has different stats, shot types, zone shapes, and spell attacks, which makes for a lot of variety in the roster.
to try and unlock everything i beat the story mode for all 12 choices (Komachi and Eiki Shiki don't have a story mode). i didn't aim for 1cc's since the game doesn't differentiate whether you used a continue or not, but a couple of the runs happened to be done without continues: Marisa, Mystia, Aya, Medicine, and Yuuka. i dont remember enough about all the different characters bullets and stats to say that i really prefer any over the others, tbh if i were to play more i would probably just pick a character based on vibes alone. Marisa is my go-to generally, but im also partial to Cirno, Mystia, and Aya.
for the four new characters, theyre cool. Yuuka is probably my favourite solely because she gets a lot of cute art with Wriggle lol. for some reason the fandom is very split on whether Yuuka is an angry masochist or a lonely but wholesome flower lady. i think shes realistically somewhere in the middle. Medicine is also a neat concept, being an abandoned doll in a field of poisonous flowers who came to life through raw poisonous energy. Komachi is goofy, shes basically the grim reaper of Gensokyo but shes also really lazy and always slacking off, pretty much every singleplayer storyline involves her getting caught snoozing by her boss Eiki Shiki. Eiki Shiki herself is probably the weakest new character imo, its funny watching her judge all the characters supposed sins, but its really all she talks about, and her annoying fight isnt winning her any points for me.
PoFV is certainly a weird outlier in the series, but i think the gameplay does genuinely work pretty well! the idea of making a competitive bullet hell is so out there and they really put in the work to make it happen.
as always, thanks for reading! and if, somehow, someone is reading this who is remotely decent at touhou and wants to try playing the 2-player mode of this game with me, Please get in contact with me through whatever means works for you. i would love to give this a shot against an actual human.
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jack-cobar · 2 years ago
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wishful-seeker · 1 year ago
My cats are on gabapentin for anxiety and im on lyrica for pain, which is like a sister medicine of gabapentin.
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pregabalinmed · 6 days ago
Pregabalin Tablets Uses & Effects
Welcome to our reputable educational page where you will dive into the realm of comprehensive information about reliable and safe medicine.  
Reading further, you will get acquainted with the treatment called Pregabalin tablets also known under the name Lyrica. To read our blog visit at : https://pregabalinmed.com/blog/pregabalin-tablets-uses-effects/
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ipharmacyeg-blog · 1 month ago
Lyrica® (Pregabalin): Uses, Safety, and Side Effects
🌟 Discover how Lyrica® helps manage neuropathic pain & epilepsy. Learn about its uses, side effects, dosage, and safety tips. #HealthTips #LyricaGuide 🔗
Lyrica® is a prescription medication that contains pregabalin, a widely used anticonvulsant and pain-relief medicine. It is primarily prescribed for neuropathic pain and epilepsy, offering significant relief to individuals suffering from these conditions. This guide will provide a thorough understanding of Lyrica®, including its uses, safety precautions, dosage, and potential side effects.…
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codeineuk24 · 3 months ago
Buy Pregabalin (lyrica) 300 Mg Online for Nerve Pain
Are you looking to buy Pregabalin online 300 mg for nerve pain relief? Pregabalin is an effective medicine used for neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and anxiety. Order Pregabalin online, and you can enjoy the convenience of discreet delivery and competitive prices. Choose a reputable online pharmacy for safe transactions and high-quality products.
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