#Lynette x Gareth
oneshoulderangel · 10 months
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Lynette and Gareth totally not flirting.
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woozapooza · 4 months
Don't mind me, but you had me at Gareth and Lynette. What caught your attention of them? 👀
Mainly I just love the character development of it all! I think Lynette is the most interesting female character in Le Morte D'Arthur*—she's brash and stubborn and blunt to the point of rudeness (though to be fair, if I were in her position and Arthur gave me a kitchen boy instead of a top-tier knight, I would be pissed off, too), but also brave and motivated first and foremost by love of her sister. I love that she comes around to Gareth eventually and regrets being so mean to him, but I also love that it takes her a while to reach that point of reevaluation—underneath all the wacky conventions of the genre (I mean that affectionately), it's a pretty realistic of one person realizing they were wrong about another person. And Gareth is just impossible not to like. Years and years ago an Arthurian blogger on here described him as "the human version of the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoticon," and that description is still hilarious to me because of how apt it is.
I like that in Malory's version they don't end up as a couple, just as friends and in-laws. Malory even has Lynette act as a wingwoman for Gareth. She basically tells Lyonesse "yeah this guy is pretty much a saint, I know this because I bullied him the whole way here." It's like she was test-driving him for her sister, lol.
Also, until I started working on this answer, I had totally forgotten the part of the story where Lynette is afraid that Gareth and Lyonesse are going to have premarital sex, and instead of just, like, talking to them about it, her solution is to just magically conjure up a guy to cockblock them. Iconic. I love how no one in these stories can ever solve their problems in a normal way.
*I've read other versions of their story too, but Malory's is the definitive version to me.
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gareth and lynette by arthur dixon, galahad and mordred by @perplexingly
[ID 1: an illustration of gareth in armour holding a horn. he is turned towards lynette, who is grabbing his arm. there is a collection of tents behind them. /end ID 1 ID 2: black and white digital art of mordred and galahad kissing in side profile. /end ID 2]
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tiodolma · 1 year
i still ship Gareth(beaumains) and Lynette(lady savage) ngl
They were two egotistical idiots forced by Arthur on behalf of Gareth(Beaumains) on a roadtrip together. Lynette was an ass to him and kept calling him "unworthy kitchen boy". Gareth was an ass to her and won't let her be released from his charge coz "he promised King Arthur". Lynette kept asking other knights to kill him so that she could be free. Gareth kept killing all those knights and wont give them mercy unless she asked for them to be shown mercy.
But ngl it's obvious they pushed and challenged each other the whole time.
And at the end, Lynette finally admitted her mistakes and apologized and went on assisting and healing him.
and Gareth still thought he never did any wrong.
Their toxic hate-hate-enemies-to-friends relationsht was a lot more organic and built thru prolonged exposure with each other in a extended roadtrip filled with challenges.
I wish they just became more. They honestly brought out the best and worst in each other. Gareth x Lynette is probably one of the most fleshed out m/f dynamics in malory i have ever seen.
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freesidexjunkie · 6 months
what's your favorite story idea you've had but haven't written?
Ohhhh just one? Damn okay so.
Reading ACOTAR made me really mad at Sarah J Maas, so I do have an entire world and most of a plot planned for a much better fairy romance novel premise, but I have a lot of that plotting and world building written out.
Currently, my medieval lit class has me obsessed with the idea of an adaptation of Gareth and Lynette from Tennyson's Idylls of the King. I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers so so so much and also I can make that shit as fantasy as I want.
In fanfic terms, I've spent way too long thinking about a Nathaniel Howe x Cousland plot that I just haven't had time/brain worms in the right direction to write. But I have spoken at great length about it to @ddxcrow.
That was not just one but that's on you for asking an adhd bitch about her favorite hobby (tyvm for asking btw I love talking about writing and especially stuff I haven't formed enough to post 🥺🥺)
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
Hahahaha not my silly writing major brain rattling around in my skull and having its yearly Arthurian phase yelling about the similarities between Twilight and Midna’s story and the legend of Gareth and Lynette
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wardenparker · 3 years
Once Upon a Time... the Ending
Zach Wellison x plus size f!Reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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Zach’s life gets turned upside down when his visit to the local library sends him all the way back to Camelot - and he meets another time traveler who has made the kingdom their home.
Rating: Mature Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: Anxiety, worry, mentions of homelessness and dealings with the police. All in all, though, this is just a hell of a lot of fluff. Summary: The time has come to leave Camelot - though Zach and Dandelion’s arrival in the future isn’t everything they expected. Notes: I am honestly overwhelmed by all the lovely responses to this silly little story. Keri and I loved every single moment of writing it and we love all of you for coming along for the ride 💖 I don’t know about you guys, but it definitely makes me want to go to a Renaissance fair!
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 9 ~ Part 10
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With Gareth and Lynette’s wedding feast roaring in the Great Hall, it’s easy to sneak away. The minstrels have already been playing for hours and the dancing was bordering drunken hilarity, even at only mid-afternoon. Every second of the party has been bittersweet for you, though. Knowing that you cannot say goodbye to anyone but Merlin has been heartbreaking. Every moment spent with your friends has been time to soak up every possible memory. This afternoon, the plan is to take the medallion that Merlin gave you along with a single bag of the things you want to bring back to your own time. Anything more than that would be suspicious. Gwen’s christening gown, the blanket Isolde embroidered for her, and a few other precious items have been carefully packed inside, ready to make the jump back to 2021.
Zach is carrying the bag, also containing the clothes that you had come in, although he didn’t want you changing into yours since you were pregnant. His hand is firmly wrapped in yours, squeezing gently in reassurance, both for you and for himself. He had also fallen in love with Camelot. The man he knows now as a far distant relative becoming even closer after the return to the castle. His unwavering faith in Zach, along with yours, has made him realize that he has a bright future.
“Are you ready, baby?” He asks softly, knowing you are about to cry. You have had to hold back tears all day, but now, with him— you are free to let them loose.
“No.” You tell him truthfully as the tears start to fall down your cheeks. The walk to the forest isn’t long, but it seems to go on for an eternity. You have the medallion in your hand while Zach carries your things, and you squeeze his other hand tightly in yours. “I wish we didn’t have to go…”
“I know. I wish we didn’t either.” It was a far different mentality than he had when he first arrived, but he was fully willing to admit that he had fallen in love with this place. “Remember what happens. We don’t want to be here for that.” He murmurs softly. “Well, allegedly happens. I don’t want to choose sides.”
“It can’t be more than a few years away now.” The revelation of Guinevere and Lancelot’s affair is set to shake Camelot down to its very foundations, but pinning down when it will happen is impossible. “And Gwen needs to be born in America. But…” Sniffling deeply, you wipe the tears from your cheeks as you focus on the tree line ahead of you. “But I’ll miss it so much.”
“I know you will.” Zach leans over and kisses your hair. “We will make our own home our Camelot.” He promises.
“I know.” Your voice is soft, barely a voice at all, but it’s enough for him to hear. “I know I’ll love our family and our life. I just…I love this life, too. And I know you do.”
“Being here has given me back my life.” Zach is emotional too, his own eyes filling with tears. “I was hopeless before, but now…” he chokes up and squeezes your hand again. “I have m-more than I ever dreamed.”
“You deserve the world, baby.” Leaning in your him as you walk, you lift his hand to your lips and press a kiss to his skin. “We needed this place to find ourselves again. The trick will be never to lose it again.”
“We won’t.” Of that, Zach is certain. “Not when we have each other.” He pauses when the two of you are deep enough in the woods and looks around. “Here is as good a place as any.” He whispers softly.
“O-okay.” You nod resignedly and hold up the medallion. Its chain it long enough to wind around your wrist and Zach puts his hand on top of it the way Merlin showed him. Supposedly, when you both touch your thumbs to the engravings on either side of the disc, it will activate - throwing you forward in time. “I love you, baby. See you in fifteen-hundred and twenty-three years.”
"I lo—" He doesn't even get to finish the words before his body, his entire being it hurtled though time and space in the blink of an eye. His head jerks up, eyes wide and all he sees are table and books around. Fuck. He scrambles out of the chair he was sitting in, and he would believe that he had dreamed, fallen asleep and made up the entire thing. Except he was not dressed in his normal jeans and a t-shirt nor was his ever-present bag containing all of his worldly possession nearby. Nothing except the small satchel he nearly trips over in his panic. "Baby?" He looks around, expecting to see you next to him. You had been right there. "Baby where are you?"
“Shhhh!” The harsh admonishment comes from around the corner, a few seconds before the corresponding head appears to find out what all the ruckus is. The young man dressed head-to-toe in medieval costume barely raises the new librarian’s eyebrow. She, like most of LA, used to be an actor. People in costumes are everywhere. “Quiet, please.” She insists, giving him a cross stare.
"What— what day is it?" He begs, eyes still searching you out. He needs to know when he is. If Merlin had somehow sent him back before he was at the library reading the book. "What day is it?!" He demands again when the woman just stares at him.
“Thursday.” She crosses her arms, guarding herself against this clearly agitated man who is twice her size. “August 19th.”
He raises his hands slightly, showing her that he means you no harm. "August 19th, 2021?" He needs to make sure. When she nods, he looks around. "Is there a woman here - dressed like me?" He lifts his voice and calls your name out over the library.
“Shhh!” Her hiss is by no means quiet. “I haven’t seen anyone like you since the last time I went to a ren faire. Now please be quiet or I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“Mara?” A softer, older voice sounds from around the same corner. “Everything okay back there?”
There is a moment where he thinks he's about to hyperventilate. He was supposed to be with you. You were supposed to be here together. Not be separated. Stumbling back, he nearly falls over the bag again, holding everything from Camelot the two of you had brought and he snatches it up. "I— this wrong, she should be here! I don't— I don't know where— where she—" Doubling over he starts to panic. You are pregnant and he has no idea where you are. "Shit."
“Zach!” Over the small spectacles perched on her long face, the head fiction librarian looks like she might about pass out at the sight of the long-since missing former Marine. “That is you? Isn’t it?”
He looks up and a flood of relief washes over him. A familiar face. "Ms. York!" Her presence is like a life line. "You're here! Yes, I— I'm here, I'm back." He rushes out and starts to move past the librarian named Mara to the older woman. Someone who has always been kind to him. "I need your help." He begs her softly.
“Of course, dear.” The small smile on her face is the only emotion she betrays, putting one hand around his shoulders. “Let’s go to my office and we can talk, hmm? From the look of it I’d say you have quite the story to tell.”
He nods and walks through the library with her, fully aware that there are multiple sets of eyes on him. Instead of shying away like he would have when he was last here, his back is straight and tall as he holds onto the bag with your belongings inside.
The small office is dominated by a messy desk, ergonomic desk chair, and large bookcase. Ms. York gestures to the spare chair in the other side of her desk and settles down, somehow deftly producing a package of shortbread without ever opening a desk drawer. She sets it out on the desk between them without comment before smiling again - an enigmatic little thing. “What can I do for you, dear?”
Zach leans forward and stares at her with earnest eyes. Eyes that he now recognizes as easily as yours. "I need you to help me find my wife, since you are the descendant of Merlin."
The only thing you’re aware of besides the cold and damp darkness is your own screaming until the air is knocked out of your lungs when you land on something hard and soft all at same time. One arm guards your stomach while the other is thrown over your face until you’re sure you’re not moving anymore, and you dare to open your squeezed-shut eyes. Your old apartment looks mostly the same - framed art prints on the walls and mismatched furniture strewn haphazardly around the living room as you take in the scene around you. There are things that are different, like the plants on the windowsills, but not much. “Zach?” Where is he? He’s supposed to be here. “Zach??”
"What the fuck?" Carly steps out of the kitchen and her mouth drops open in shock. "Where— where the fuck have you been?" She asks you, rushing over to the sofa you are laying on like you never left. "You— we thought you were like kidnapped or something!"
“Carly!” It takes a little extra effort to sit up, but you manage it enough to throw your arms around your old roommate’s shoulders in a tight hug. “It’s such a fucking long story, honey, you wouldn’t even believe.” Your eyes are traveling past her, though, darting around the room. “You haven’t seen a guy dressed like a medieval movie extra, have you? A little under six foot, curly brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, complete dream boat?”
“What? No?” She hugs you back and then pulls away. “Is that where the fuck you’ve been? Traveling with a RenFest troupe?”
“Um…” You swallow, blinking back scared tears. He was supposed to be with you. “Yeah, uh, yeah. I joined a renaissance faire. Very last minute.” Sure, let’s go with that. “Listen, Carly, I’m really, really sorry that I took off like that, but it wasn’t planned. You didn’t happen to chuck my stuff in the basement or anything, did you?” You wouldn’t blame her if she had thrown everything out, but you’re hoping Carly’s kind heart was big enough to just store the stuff somewhere and forget about it. As soon as you figure out if you have any worldly possessions left, you’re headed straight for the library. That has to be where Zach is if he didn’t land here with you.
Carly huffs and crosses her arms over her chest and pouts at you. "You could have called; I would have understood." She grumbles at you. "I didn't touch anything." She admits softly. "Your room is just like you left it in case—" Her lips trembles slightly. "In case the police came and told me they found your body."
“Oh my god…” You slump slightly - as much as you can with your belly as it is - and scrub your hands down your face. “I’m so, so sorry, Carls. Seriously. There was absolutely no way for me to call or get in touch, I promise I didn’t just ghost for no reason.” Shifting your weight, you push to your feet and stretch. Apparently, time travel makes you feel like you’re all crunched up until you have a good stretch. “I promise I will come back and explain as much as I can, but I need to go find my husband.” You don’t miss the way her eyes widen and her jaw drops, but there’s no time to waste. “What day is it, honey? What’s the date?”
She sputters and shakes her head. "I— uh, it's August 19th." She tells you. "Did you say husband?" Her eyes drift down to your stomach. "Holy shit, you're pregnant!"
“Yeah. Uh…yes to both, I mean.” You shake your head a little as you soothe one hand over your belly. Apparently time travel also makes you nauseous. Or maybe that’s just Gwen. “Listen, I promise I will come back in a little bit, but I need to go find him.”
She stares at you for a moment before she shakes her head. "You— you'll need to take my car." She tells you, walking over to her purse. "Your car— I didn't renew the registration on it."
“It’s been almost two years. I wouldn’t expect you to.” The fact that your room is intact is kind of a miracle, but you take Carly’s keys gratefully. “I promise you; I will be back tonight.”
"You better be." She warns, still unable to believe that you are here. "Your purse!" She tells you as open the door. "You need your license. It's still valid at least."
“Purse. Right.” It’s been so long since you’ve carried one that you had completely forgotten. Heading back to your room is awkward. Like walking through a hazy dream. The little closet-sized space barely big enough for your bed and few other pieces of furniture. Pulling open the first drawer of your storage bed, you find your regular purse exactly as you left it, right down to the crumpled receipts and half-empty tin of Altoids. “I owe you everything.” You tell Carly honestly when you re-emerge. The big cardboard box of mail on your bed can be gone through later, but for now there’s still cash sitting in your wallet and your old cell phone still has a little battery left even though you’re sure it’s not good for anything more without a service plan. “Thank you.”
Carly shrugs. "I kept hoping that you would show back up." She tells you. "And you have."
You give her another tight hug before flying out the door, not even bothering to change your clothes because that would just be lost time. If you panicked at not seeing Zach when you landed, he must be freaking right the hell out.
The Baldwin Park branch of the LA public library is across the city and traffic is definitely one thing you have not missed about modern life. Zach mentioned which library he went to exactly once and you’re praying it was the one he was going to when he disappeared.
Zach paces while Ms. York goes through the news articles about your disappearance, honestly a little pissed off that there's not a lot more information beyond the initial report of a women being reported missing by her roommates. Cursing himself for not making you write your address down or something he feels bile rising in his throat at the mere idea that maybe you had gone back to the time you disappeared and didn't remember him. Or Merlin's magic had messed up.
This library is a goddamn maze, or maybe it’s just that you’re a frantic mess trying to navigate a place you’ve never been before with only one goal on your mind. “Shit, shit, shit,” you keep muttering to yourself as you hunt through the stacks, trying to figure out where the mythology section is.
“May I help you?” The same librarian who had hissed at Zach rolls her eyes when she sees your dress. “You must be the one he was yelling for.” She states, crossing her arms. “Do not start yelling in here too.”
The way she reacts instantly convinces you that this sour looking woman has seen Zach and you nearly pounce across the counter at her. “Point the way and I promise not to yell.”
Huffing, she rolls her eyes at you and motions you around the counter. “He’s in Ms. York’s office so he didn’t disturb other patrons.”
You practically leap over the desk to follow her, ready to run the diminutive woman over in order to get to Zach. Down a short hallway and around the corner, you skid to a stop in front of a generic-looking door as the small woman raps her knuckles twice on the hollow wood.
Zach turns, halfway expecting the police to come through the door, but it’s Mara. “Someone just came in too.” She tells Ms. York, looking over at Zach. “I think she’s looking for him.”
“She?” Zach’s knees threaten to buckle under him, and he prays it’s you.
Practically pushing into the room, it takes no more than a split-second for your eyes to find Zach to the right of the doorway. “Oh, thank god!” You breathe in relief, practically flinging your arms around his neck the second you lay eyes on him.
“Baby!” It takes everything in him not to crush you against him, still ever mindful of the baby. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? How is the baby?” He rushes the questions out quickly as if you were on a timer, his hands running up and down your back and sides before he pushes back to touch your stomach.
“We’re okay.” Both of your hands cup his cheeks, thumbs running the length of his jaw as if to make sure he’s really there. “A bit of nausea, a little creaky. Are you okay?”
“I’m good now.” He feels like he’s taking his first breath since returning. “I—I panicked when you weren’t with me. And I didn’t have your address.” He murmurs, leaning in to nudge his nose against yours while Mara looks on in confusion while Ms. York wears a secretive smile on her face.
“I landed in my old apartment.” If you could just tuck into his arms and stay there, you would live there happily for the rest of your days. “I’m just glad I remembered what branch of the library you used to come to.”
“Mara, you can leave.” Ms. York’s voice comes out firm and Zach hears the office door close but all he can think about is you.
“My stuff is still at my apartment.” You’re focused entirely on Zach, letting the rest of the world fade away at the edges. “It’s not much, we can get my bank card reactivated and rent a U-Haul and be on the road in a few days max.”
“I – that’s good.” He tells you with a rueful smile.” Cause I’m sure I don’t have anything.”
Ms. York clears her throat gently and rises from her chair to dig into the corner of her office. “I wasn’t sure what happened,” she explains, producing Zach’s duffel from the nook beside one of the bookcases. “I didn’t touch a thing, but I wanted to make sure it was safe if you came back.”
He knows she hadn’t technically acknowledged that she is Merlin’s descendant, but in this moment, he could kiss her. “Thank you, thank you.” His DD2-14, birth certificate and expired passport was in that bag. Along with something buried at the bottom that meant the world to him. Something he had never been able to get rid of despite everything.
The older woman smiles, handing over the bag and settling down in her chair again. “The two of you have another great journey ahead. It was my honor to provide help here, but I will not be with you in Maine to continue to keep watch.” After everything you’ve been through, she sees no harm in a little honesty. After all, Zach has always explicitly stated that he knows who she is - so there is no need to be coy.
Zach turn his head towards the older woman, misty-eyed with relief that you are here and gratitude for the kindness the librarian had shown him. “Thank you.” He murmurs softly. “Arthur’s legacy will continue on. We will make sure of it.”
“I have no doubt.” The tools at her disposal have allowed her and her many ancestors before her to prepare for each step the Pendragon line has taken, and each step to come. Her grandson is already living a full life in Kennebunkport, ready to help support the king’s line in any way necessary. “You are welcome to use my office as you plan your next steps, but I’m afraid I should return to work.” The smile she offers the two of you is soft and genuine. “I’m very happy to see you both well.”
Zach moves away from you for a moment. Approaching the older lady and reaching out to pull her into his arms for a grateful hug. Something that months ago, he would not have been able to do. “Thank you. You kept me going on some of my worst days.” He admits softly. “You will always be remembered.”
“It has been a pleasure to know you.” She can say that with the utmost sincerity. “And I know that your next steps will be exciting ones.” Hugging Zach briefly once more, the librarian reaches to gently squeeze your arm as she walks past the two of you and exits her own office.
Turning back to you, he cradles your jaw lovingly and doesn't hesitate to give you a kiss. Needing to reaffirm for himself that you are here and more importantly, nothing has changed between you during your journey through time. "I love you." He whispers against your lips.
“I love you, too.” Everything about being back in modern times feels completely surreal and being in Zach’s arms again is grounding in a way you truly need right now.
"How— how did you get here?" He asks, unwilling to let you go again for another minute. As if he was afraid you might be snatched from him again.
“My old roommate lent me her car. My license is still valid.” Your face is buried in his chest, but you know he can hear you just fine. “She…she left my room intact. For the police…”
"Oh baby." He smooths back your hair and sighs, slightly grateful for the idea of you having a conscious roommate. "At least you have a place to stay tonight." He tells you practically.
“We.” Tipping your chin back, you frown at him animatedly. “We have a place to stay. I promised you that you would never have to be alone again, and I meant it.”
"I can't ask your roommate to accept some strange man into her home." He shakes his head quickly. "I don't want to make her uneasy."
“I already said you’re my husband, and I’m obviously pregnant.” If he thinks there is a single chance in hell that you’re not taking him home with you, then he obviously doesn’t know you as well as he thinks he does. “If they’re not okay with it, then we’ll just stay at a hotel for a couple of nights. A quick stop at the bank on the way back to get my debit card reactivated and we’re all set.”
He gives you a slightly amused look, sliding his eyes down your body at your outfit. "We might need to see if there is something else you can wear, sweetheart."
“I love my dresses.” You pout playfully, trying to get him to smile. “We both need to do some shopping. All the more reason to get my card reactivated again. And tonight we can eat whatever take out you’ve been craving most while we go through the giant box of mail Carly left on my bed. The letters from my godmother’s lawyers about the inheritance should be in there somewhere.” Having dealt with your grief while you were away, you can attempt to focus on the business end of everything now. Although you still don’t know how she died.
"Whatever you and the baby want." Zach inputs quickly. "You two are my top priority." He turns and digs into the bag where his clothes he had traveled to Camelot was. Pulling out the old wallet he had and opening it. "I've got like 25 dollars."
“I have more.” It’s not a competition, but you need him to know that he doesn’t have to worry. “There’s a used clothing store near the apartment that makes a point of having plus sized stuff and we can get some new-to-us clothes without breaking the bank.” You lean in to press a soft kiss to his lips, letting your fingers curl into his hair the way you know he loves. “Carly guessed from the dress that I had joined a Ren Fest and I just kind of said yes because I was so focused on finding you. So…I guess that’s the story we’ll go with?”
"Well, she might want you committed to a mental facility if we tell here we traveled back to live in King Arthur's court." Zach is grinning but he's also serious. The story you have for where you are is fantastic and no one would believe it. "Did you have the medallion?" He asks, knowing he didn't have it on him when he came to.
“Right here.” You produce the disc from the deep pocket of your dress to show to him before tucking it safely away again. “You have our bag?” It had been in his hand, so you had assumed it went with him like the medallion came with you.
"It's right there." He points towards a chair where he had set it. "Do you want to get out of here and go back to your roommates - well, your place?"
“My place is above a carpenter’s workshop in Wales.” You sigh slightly and lean into him once more to claim a hug. As long as he’s right beside you, it doesn’t seem quite as daunting. “We need to go to the bank and get some clothes. Then we’ll go back to the apartment and start figuring things out. Does that sound like a plan?”
"Wherever you want to go, I will follow you." Zach promises. If you wanted to go to the Santa Monica Pier he would be up for it. Anywhere you wanted to go, whatever you wanted to do. As long as you wanted him to be there, he would be.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks
Once…: @raisonppascxl @skvatnavle @luminescentlily @lowlights @allthe-ships @ikinmahlen @girlwholoveswords
My Masterlist!
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missionlameturtle · 5 years
My favorite thing about Malory is how nobody knows what anybody else looks like. An entire culture that’s so faceblind that just taking off your very distinctive jersey renders you invisible.
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met-photos · 3 years
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Gareth and Lynette, Julia Margaret Cameron, 1874, Metropolitan Museum of Art: Photography
David Hunter McAlpin Fund, 1952 Size: 33.9 x 28.2 cm (13 3/8 x 11 1/8 in. ) Medium: Albumen silver print from glass negative
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oneshoulderangel · 11 months
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A picture of Lynette and Gareth that takes a bit more inspiration from Malory’s version of events. Gareth has some very real concerns about the zombie apocalypse, Lynette just wants to patch this idiot up without causing said apocalypse.
Technically in Le Morte d’Arthur, Lynette uses healing ointments and the other usual methods to treat wounds, however I really wanted to draw her using magic. So for the sake of this drawing please assume she lost her supplies and is making due.
You may notice that Lynette got a new hair style, that is for my sanity.
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epic-summaries · 5 years
Galahad x Mordred: Accidental Confession of Love ❤️
Made this the sequel to my other prompt. Link. (I may have taken months between posting these two.)
Mordred ran away just as soon as the sun rose. What cruel world was this? He couldn’t face Galahad after last night. He’d probably never be able to face Galahad again. But fate had a sick sense of humour.
Mordred went to do anything. He was desperate enough to help his idiot brother with whatever task Kay gave him. Mordred was in the kitchens preparing the food! He was doing manual labour so he didn’t face Galahad. Oh God what was wrong with him?
“Think fast!”
Gareth threw a dirty rag in Mordred’s face. He did not in fact though quickly.
Mordred picked up the rag and threw it in the bucket of water. His hands were bloody from chicken! He was not used to the blood of animals on his hands.
“So, what’s up?”
Mordred gave him a look telling him that he did not want to chit chat.
Gareth either ignored it or didn’t get the hint. Mordred would bet on the latter.
“Last night Lynette got so drunk that she gave me a hug! She might finally approve of me and Lynors.” Mordred rolled his eyes.
Mordred continued doing whatever he was doing. He was just going through the motions.
When they were finished Gareth’s chores, Mordred hoped Gareth would shut up and go somewhere else. Nope.
“I saw you spend most of the time with Galahad.” That stopped Mordred in his tracks. He was going to have this conversation with his brother. “He looks so much like his father. Which is nice because Lancelot is so hot.” Ew. “Galahad seems very nice. And I think you two might make a good couple.” Mordred punched his brother. “I’m right. And Lynors thinks so too. And I think you think so too.”
“I do not.”
Gareth rolled his eyes. “You do.”
“I do not.”
“You do.”
“I don’t.”
“You don’t”
“I do… Hey!” Mordred punched a giggling Gareth. “Fine, I think I’m in love with Galahad.”
Gareth forced Mordred to give him a high five. Mordred couldn’t believe what he just admitted to his idiot of a brother how he felt about Galahad. What’s more unbelievable, Galahad was standing in hearing distance. His eyes were wide. Mordred was ready to kill himself. Bye cruel world, you were not any fun. Where was his sword so he could stab himself?
Gareth pushed Mordred towards Galahad. No. This was his master plan! Gareth was smart!
“Um… hi,” said Mordred.
Galahad gave him a peck on the cheek. “Hi.”
Okay, Mordred didn’t need to kill himself. Maybe the world wasn’t as cruel as he thought.
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gareth and lynette by arthur dixon, gareth and lyonesse by arthur rackham
[ID 1: an illustration of gareth in armour holding a horn. he is turned towards lynette, who is grabbing his arm. there is a collection of tents behind them. /end ID 1 ID 2: an illustration of gareth in full armor standing over a fallen knight while lyonesse looks on. behind them is a creek and a forest. /end ID 2]
it is lynette who gareth travels together with to rescue lyonesse, lynette's sister. though lynette is originally antagonistic towards gareth, believing him a kitchen boy and not the knight who could save her sister, she comes to see his worth and the two fall into mutual companionship and fondness. though most variations have gareth marry lyonesse after he rescues her, in tennyson's version it is lynette who gareth ends up with after their time coming to know each other.
lyonesse and gareth are married after gareth (alongside lyonesse's sister lynette) rescues her. they spend a fun journey with lynette attempting to stop them from sleeping together out of wedlock so that they may keep their honour.
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tiodolma · 17 days
lynette: i'll make sure you will die and then i will be free of you. gareth: watch me. you will never be free of me until i say so.
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oneshoulderangel · 1 year
Gareth: Aren’t you…a damsel in distress?
Lynette: I’m a damsel.
Lynette: I’m in distress.
Lynette: I can handle this. Have a nice day.
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oneshoulderangel · 1 year
We know that Malory tells us what was Lynette's first impression of Gareth. What do you think was Gareth's first impression when he met Lynette?
I see two possible avenues:
1) Lynette may as well have been a sign saying “quest this way” for all he cared. She’s a damsel, she’s in distress and he just so happens to be a…A HERO!
Lynette: My sister and castle are being besieged and we need a champion!
Gareth: This is perfect!
Lynette: I can see you’re real choked up about it, huh, kitchen boy!
Option 2) Gareth sees that Lynette is trying to do the “I can’t reveal my name” thing he did and is having less luck, she’s obviously distress and uncomfortable with revealing too much. He just so happens to have at his disposal 2 wish from the king. And his whole reason for coming here just so happens to becoming a knight. Two birds, one stone.
Now, personally, I think a combination of these is best. If Gareth was acting out of pure concern and care for Lynette, he probably could asked a more seasoned knight to accompany them, if nothing else for her piece of mind. But I don’t think he was totally unsympathetic which is why he’s generally so patient with her outbursts. Thats my thoughts anyway, in terms of Malory.
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