#Lux Car Service
luxlimous · 1 year
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Discover the best black car service in New York for a stylish and comfortable ride. Experience premium transportation with professional chauffeurs and a fleet of elegant vehicles. Your journey, your way.
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a-certain-elf · 8 months
5. It's their first date, A thinks everything has gone awfully but at the end B kisses them and tells them it was the best date ever
To say that her first date with Amaya was a disaster would be a monumental understatement. Its wasnt her fault, no. Janai had planned it out as best she could. A nice dinner, a walk through the park ending at a romantic sport with a wonderful view of Lux Aurea.
They´didn`t even get to their main course before Janais ex walked into the restaurant. At her brothers side no less. It had been quite a shock to her when she found out. A betrayal of trust by her partner and her brother. Without even a hint of an apology.
It seemed like her brother was hellbound to also sabotage and destroy Janais new relationship. Heading straight to Janai and Amayas table and sitting down right next to his sister, not paying any attention to the human. Knowing exactly how to push her buttons and make her angry, it didn`t take long for her to lose her cool.
Literally. And the restaurant didn`t take well to Lava monsters during dinner service, so they were encouraged to leave. Only Amayas intervention stopped Janai from tearing the place up and they tried to leave the place. Not giving a single look to Karims evil smirk.
It was the flash of a reporters camera, no doubt brought along by Karim with the promises of juicy gossip, that made Amaya snap too. Before Janai could stop her she had knocked the reporter out could, throwing them into their former table. Covering them, Karim and Miyana in whatever drink was left on the table.
With the last of the suprises dealt with they went outside and headed to Janais car. It was then that Janai turned to Amaya and apologized for what happend. She told Amaya that this wasn`t at all what she had planned and that she never expected her brother to do something like this.
Amaya silenced her by pulling her into a kiss. Deepeing it shortly before pulling away and taking out her phone. Janai hadn`t learned sign language yet and this was still the best way for Amaya to communicate with her.
The text that Amaya had wrote was not at all what Janai expected:
Kicking your brothers ass and ruining his date with your ex after ruining ours? Best. Date. Ever.
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jogallice · 1 month
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Aujourd’hui, lundi 12/08/24, Journée internationale de la jeunesse 🧒 et Journée mondiale des él��phants 🐘 Au niveau de vos activités physiques, privilégiez les parcs, les zones piétonnes et les rues peu circulantes pour vos activités de plein air 🌬️
J’ai supprimé une information ce matin : la sortie crépusculaire au Roc de Chère ce soir. J’ai eu quelques doutes et j'ai contacté le Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de la Haute-Savoie : appel téléphonique ce matin pour vérifier et c’est malheureusement complet les ami·es ☎️
Lundi des rails sous les cocotiers 🌴 Dress code : lunettes flashy & look fleuri 🥽 Dans le cadre de la 4e édition de la Friche des rails ℹ️ Animations, concerts, foodtruck et bartruck sur place 🎫 Accès gratuit (tout public) ➡️ Ce lundi 12/08/24 de 18h à 22h (2 rue de la Cité) 🛤️
Viens chanter sous les cocotiers avec la compagnie du Serpent à Plumes : tu penses que tu chantes comme une casserole (de luxe), alors rejoins-nous, tu es fait pour chanter sous les cocotiers 🎫 Accès gratuit ➡️ Ce lundi 12/08/24 à 18h (2 rue de la Cité, quartier des Trois Fontaines) 🛤️
Démo de danse tahitienne avec l’école de danse Mahaora 🎫 Accès gratuit (tout public) ➡️ Ce lundi 12/08/24 à 19h10 (2 rue de la Cité, quartier des Trois Fontaines) 🛤️
Aïtawa (musique afro colombienne) : expérience sonore moderne et traditionnelle, imprégnée des goûts, des arômes et de la chaleur humaine colombienne 🎫 Accès gratuit (tout public) ➡️ Ce lundi 12/08/24 à 19h30 (2 rue de la Cité, quartier des Trois Fontaines) 🛤️
DJ Cheb Chalet (tropicool dancefloor) : un cocktail explosif de kompa, cadence, merengue, cumba, zouk, soukous et coupé-décalé à faire twerker les marmottes du parc des Bauges 🎫 Accès gratuit (tout public) ➡️ Ce lundi 12/08/24 à 20h45 (2 rue de la Cité, quartier des Trois Fontaines) 🛤️
L’opération Vital’été a repris du service dans la cité lacustre le lundi 8 juillet (jusqu’au samedi 24/08/24) : aujourd’hui (lundi 12 août), initiation au Qi Gong, karaté full contact, marche nordique ou randonnée pédestre, tennis et “Savoir rouler à vélo en sécurité” 👌 Activités gratuites et ouvertes aux adultes, profitez-en 👍
Qualité de l’air dans la cité lacustre (indices ATMO) : alors que les fortes chaleurs perdurent, les concentrations devraient rester en-deçà du seuil d’information de 180 µg/m3 🌡 Le vent du sud régulier permet un certain brassage atmosphérique et la qualité de l’air attendue reste donc dégradée à mauvaise 💨
L’indice de risque pollinique à Annecy est moyen (armoise, graminées, plantain et urticacées : niveau 1 ; peuplier et platane : niveau 0) ➡️ Indice communal valable du 10/08/24 au vendredi 16/08/2024 inclus 🤧 Personnes allergiques : n'étendez pas votre linge à l'extérieur car les pollens se déposent sur le linge humide 😷
Le dicton du jour : « S'il pleut à la sainte Clarisse, c'est souvent comme vache qui pisse. » 🌧
Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée annécienne et un très bel été à Annecy, dans les 33 autres communes du Grand Annecy, en Savoie ou ailleurs 🏖️
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Bon premier jour de la semaine à tous et à toutes 🐤
Bonne fête aux Clarisse et demain aux Hippolyte 😘
📷 JamesO PhotO à Annecy le samedi 10/08/24 📸
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seodigital2006 · 3 months
Achetez les peignoirs les plus élégants et les plus confortables de Peignoir-Femmes
Aujourd’hui, l’ensemble chemise de Ensemble Chemise de Nuit et déshabillé auprès des gens car il offre des avantages de premier ordre tels que la fonctionnalité, l’esthétique et le confort. Ils sont faits de tissus doux comme le satin, la soie ou le coton. En les portant, vous pouvez avoir une sensation douce et confortable contre la peau. La meilleure partie à leur sujet est qu’ils sont respirants et offrent un grand confort à celui qui les porte. Nous, Peignoir-Femmes, sommes une boutique en ligne renommée où vous pouvez acheter les peignoirs les plus élégants et les plus confortables à des prix extrêmement abordables. En tant que boutique en ligne de premier plan, nous croyons en la qualité, le confort et l’élégance.
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À tous les clients, nous offrons la livraison gratuite sur toutes les commandes. Fournir un excellent service à la clientèle est notre priorité absolue. Lorsqu’il s’agit d’effectuer des paiements, vous le trouverez 100% sécurisé avec Visa, Mastercard et PayPal. Dans notre boutique en ligne, vous pouvez acheter des peignoirs pour femmes par style, couleur et tissu. Si vous cherchez un cadeau attentionné pour vos proches, vous devriez consulter toute notre collection. Nos peignoirs sont un excellent exemple de raffinement et de confort à la maison. De plus, nous offrons des retours faciles à tous les clients.
Tous nos peignoirs sont spécialement conçus pour donner un style intemporel et un confort incomparable à tous les porteurs. En plus de cela, nos prix sont relativement inférieurs à ceux des autres boutiques en ligne. Vous souhaitez acheter un peignoir de Peignoir Homme Luxe? Découvrez dès aujourd’hui toute notre collection de peignoirs et d’ensembles de déshabillés !
Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez visiter notre site Web https://www.peignoir-femmes.com/ ou nous appeler au +5215513717600
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stephensmithuk · 2 years
Railway to the Danger Zone
Or "Wagon-Lit to Varna".
The 15 October entry includes a brief mention of one of the most famous trains in the world, the Orient Express. I apologise in an advance for any errors.
So, it might be worth discussing this service and giving an idea of what it would be like, part based on my own limited experiences with sleeper trains. A return trip on the Caledonian Sleeper in 2016 and an Amsterdam to Munich ride on Nightjet last year.
The Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (et des grands express européens) or The International Sleeping-Car (and European Great Expresses) Company, usually referred to by "train fiends" as CIWL, was established in 1874 by a Belgian called Georges Nagelmackers, who inspired by the Pullman sleeping cars in the United States, decided to set up a European operation. Being the son of a powerful banker and with connections with royalty (especially King Leopold II of Belgium - yes, that guy), he was able to get his first operation going in 1872.
The Orient Express from Paris Est to the Sirkeci terminus in Constantinople (now Istanbul), which initially started just going as far as Vienna in 1882 and finally got there in 1889, was just one part of a large network of trains operated by CIWL. They eventually operated services in Africa, the Middle East and East Asia too. Even Britain got in on the action with the Night Ferry.
A photo of the modern day Paris Gare de L'Est I took last month is below. This is a roughly 10-minute walk from Gare du Nord, where boat trains from the Channel ports arrived and I am sure they could have found a taxi or something to carry their baggage.
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CIWL would either attach its carriages to regular trains or do their own dedicated "Trains de Luxe" of which the Orient Express was initially the latter, charging a supplement to the regular First Class fare. Locomotives were provided by the various railway companies, changing at national frontiers or at terminus stations, like Munich Central or Vienna West. Their main network was in Western Europe - travel to the Mediterranean or to various spa towns (like, well, Spa) by the upper classes being their main source of business. They also managed to corner the restaurant car business in mainland Europe for several decades.
It's worth mentioning that the Orient Express service here is not the more famous train from the Agatha Christie novel. That was the Simplon Orient Express, a post-First World War train routed via Switzerland (the Simplon Tunnel), Italy and Yugoslavia to avoid going through the losing countries of the Great War - for one thing, the Germans had seized a good deal of CIWL's rolling stock and set up a rival operation called Mitropa.
The Orient Express here had the routing of Paris-Munich-Vienna-Budapest-Bucharest-Varna-Istanbul, at least initially. The 1888 timetable can be found here:
As you can see, it only went through to Constantinople (via ship from Varna at this time) twice a week; most of the carriages would have only go as far as Vienna. I am not sure of the actual arrangements in 1893 and if a change would be required at Bucharest. The train would not be massively long - maybe six carriages total.
While luxurious and elegantly decorated, the provisions of your 1890s sleeper compartment were limited and the compartments rather small. The 2000s-built Nightjet version from Amsterdam to Munich might serve as a useful illustration. This is the standard compartment; the deluxe ones with toilet and shower had sold out. Sleepers are very popular right now!
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The seats convert into bunk beds for sleeping, something still done done by a smartly dressed conductor. You got a sheet and a branded woolen blanket. Indeed, the modern-day successor to CIWL, Newrest Wagons-Lit, provides the staff for the Nightjet network. This compartment has three beds total - the 1890s train had a mix of 2-berth and four-berth compartments.
More photos of the modern-day carriage can be found here:
While there was an en-suite washbasin provided in each compartment with a mirror for shaving, if you needed to go to the toilet, you had to go down the corridor. This would have been something familiar to Lord Godalming from his boarding school days. No WiFi - even on most trains today that's the case.
Most of the photographs of CIWL rolling stock are from the 1920s onwards, when they used steel carriages painted blue; the 1890s carriages were in teak and looked roughly like this:
Space for larger luggage is limited and these trains had dedicated luggage cars. In Western Europe, customs/passport inspections would be handled by the conductor during the night, because the last thing you want to do is wake up someone like Baron Renfrew. Especially as that guy was the Prince of Wales travelling incognito and he could have a ferocious temper. Although to be fair, he would usually be extra nice afterwards.
Restaurant coaches were generally only found on trains with significant daytime portions (frequently only for those bits), a waste of money and coal otherwise. Otherwise, you would have a tray brough to your room. A carafe of water was provided, and the conductor could sell you something a bit stronger. The food would have been rather good in any event; my Nightjet and Caledonian Sleeper meals made up for a lot of the problems.
Then it would be a case of riding through the night, the clickety-clack of jointed track hopefully helping you sleep.
The OG service, soon being routed via Belgrade instead, continued to run except for wartime interruptions, gradually contracting after the Second World War as the Iron Curtain and air travel put people off it, until 2009, ending as just a Strasbourg-Vienna EuroNight.
However, Nightjet now do a thrice-weekly Paris to Vienna service, which as a nice nod to the past uses the same numbers (469/468) the Orient Express used in its final years.
The First World War saw CIWL's carriages requisitioned for military use and the Armistice would be signed on one of their carriages used as part of Ferdinand Foch's staff train at Compiègne in France on 11 November 1918. Hitler would then use that same carriage for the surrender of France in 1940, taking it back to Germany where it was destroyed - a modified vehicle from the same class stands on the site today.
CIWL itself would go on (despite the loss of its Russian operations in particular) to reach its peak in the early 1930s before the Second World caused more loss of rolling stock. After that, their Central and Eastern European operations were nationalised and with the market in decline, they eventually sold or leased their carriages in 1971 to a consortium of Western European operators. They continued to build and maintain carriages until 1998 and some of their stuff can still be found in Europe today, especially on the private sleeper operators like the Alpen-Sylt Express. They also continued to staff these trains and still do with Newrest Wagons-Lit.
My trips did not see me get the greatest night's sleep and I had a big delay on the Nightjet, but it was a memorable experience and I intend to do another overnight train next year.
More details of that can be found here if interested:
So, yes. A good train ride ahead of a dangerous operation.
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skippyv20 · 1 year
ILBW Gets Her Pap Photos No Matter What!
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here trying not to barf up my coffee as I peruse the latest images of the notorious narc/grifter making belive she is rich and famous. The white car with P/S on the side stands for a new service called Private Suite at LAX or PS, which also offers annual memberships. This paid for service starts at the airport and does not include the price of airfare.
According to an article from Sunset magazine this past May, 2023, the author, Krista Simmons says, “You arrive to a private gated entrance just outside the LAX main airport, and immediately are shuffled off to what’s the most bespoke, white-glove treatment you’ll ever receive at an airport. The first thing you’ll notice upon arrival at the main salon area is the design. The space looks more like a luxe hotel lobby than an airport lounge, with brass Art Deco fixtures, cozy azure velvet couches, and a mirrored bar adorned with mid-century modern stools. If you really want some privacy, you can splurge on a private suite, which offers panoramic views of the tarmac, allowing you to watch the planes gracefully take off from a vantage point like no other.” It is owned and operated by Gavin de Becker & Associates, a security and consulting firm known for protecting the most prominent families in the world. They transformed a cargo building on the far side of the runways into a remote terminal.
The article continues in rapture of the special treatment that costs $995.00+/- per person. “The real showstopper, though, was the trip from the lounge to the aircraft. The concierge shuffles you from the salon across the way to your private TSA screening. To me, bypassing the hellscape that is TSA is almost worth the price of admission alone. I was the only traveler being screened, and there’s even a fridge full of liquid refreshments for you to take with you once you pass through. Then, you’re bundled into a luxury vehicle on the actual tarmac, passing by international Airbuses. For me, it was absolutely mesmerizing getting to drive by all the planes before takeoff, seeing them from a totally different angle than I’ve ever experienced before. After a lifetime of travel, I’ve never had such a magical, memorable pre-flight experience, and hope to be able to justify another trip with PS soon.”
This whole service is so the super-rich can AVOID the paps inside the airport…but not the ILBW!!! Wearing Mules for the bunions, looking scrawny and desperate, she gets her media fix showing off her assortment of brand label items as if she is flying private. Let the games begin…Over and out for now…PS I loved the Sandwich Police car photo!
Thank you so much Pilgrim…great info….she makes me sick!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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landboundstar · 1 year
Trade Secrets Part 9
So, I reached the first part of my story after Crime Alley. I decided to skip the normal Crime Alley scene, so we have skipped ahead to the end of the funeral. It is going to be interesting dealing with how this version of these characters are going to process their grief in this story.
Trade Secrets
Part 9
I don't know how I made myself move.
Standing, with rain hitting the umbrella, I watched cars pull away from the graveyard.
And felt like I had turned to stone, like a statue that belonged here just as much as the two roses that laid on the freshly turned dirt.
I don't know how I made myself move.
But, I do know why I moved.
Zatanna leaned against me, shivering in her coat. Her face was red and splotchy from crying through the service. She rubbed my spare handkerchief across her nose again with her right hand.
Her left hand had been holding Bruce's hand the whole time that we had been at the graveyard. Selina and Harvey had rested hands on Bruce's shoulders. And Bruce had just stood, tears streaming down his face.
Normally, I would have asked Alfred. But, with the way Rachel was sobbing against her father, I couldn't ask right then. 
"Excuse me," I touched the shoulder of the man who stood a few steps away from me, a man I had only met a few months before. 
He turned, as did the woman weeping openly next to him. 
"I'm sorry, Dr. Thorne, Dr. Thompkins, but I think we need to get the children out of the rain. Would you like to join us?"
Matthew Thorne looked at Alfred and Rachel, Zatanna by my side, Selina and Harvey who stood, coats dripping in the rain, and Bruce. Then, he nodded.
"Of course, just give me a second, and I'll -" He patted his pockets, looking for keys.
"No need," I said, and did something I rarely did off stage.
I swayed, forgetting how jolting the spell could be, especially when I was moving so many people with it, and steadied myself with a hand on a chair.
Looking at the wide-eyed expressions on both Selina and Harvey's faces and the identical expressions on both doctors, I realized that in trying to help, I might have made an already terrible situation worse by forgetting that stage magic, let alone real magic, could be a shock to most people's systems.
That, and the loneliness of standing in the living room, where I had shared so many visits with Thomas and Martha brought my own grief up in a sudden wave.
"Excuse me."
 I walked out of the room and down the steps to the kitchen, because however overwhelming my grief was, there were children to take care of.
That had gotten me through the moments when my love for Sindella still welled up so much it hurt. And it would get me through this fresh grief.
But it could do nothing to diminish the hurt.
I opened the fridge, and shut it.
"Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace. Amen."
It was a prayer rather than a spell, but I drew strength from the words, from my grief, from the feeling of helplessness, and cast from that strength.
"I was going to ask if you needed anything, but I see you have it in hand." Alfred said from behind me, still wearing the same long wool coat he had worn through the service.
He walked past and grabbed one of the two trays I had conjured. I went to open my mouth to speak, but Alfred stopped me.
"It is better for me to have something to do."
I said nothing, but just carried the other tray up the stairs.
We all sat together, picking at the meat, cheese, and vegetables on the tray over a quiet meal.
Halfway through, Bruce just stopped eating, breaking into a fresh wave of tears. Dr. Thompkins walked over and enfolded him in a hug, letting him weep on her shoulder.
And the rest of us stayed, not knowing what to do, but not wanting to be alone either.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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October 21st 1956 saw the last tram car ran in Dundee.
The old trams are fondly remembered but by the 1950s, they were starting to get old and their network of lines had been outgrown by the developing city. Thousands of people turned out to bid the rattling, swaying old trams farewell.
In the evolution of Dundee’s urban transport, horse-drawn carriages gave way to steam propelled cars in 1877, which were superseded by electric trams in 1900, which in turn met a fierce rival in buses.
There is always a romantic sentiment around the old trams around the country and Dundee is now different, here is a description from a 1930’s leaflet on them, they were “lovely electrically-driven and electrically lit cars de luxe which we can now enjoy with so ample accommodation both inside and on the saloon on top, where one can smoke in comfort – having first, of course, asked permission from any ladies who have ventured to climb the ‘smoking room’.”
At their peak in the 30s, 79 tramways were in operation around the city,but mid-20th Century Dundonians considered trams old fashioned, costly to run, too slow and an impediment to the growing volume of other traffic.
And so it was in October 1956, the last trams were taken out of service and more than 5,000 people, many souvenir hunting, witnessed Car No. 23’s final journey to go to the Lochee depot, accompanied by the moving strains of We’re No Awa’ Tae Bide Awa’ and Will Ye No Come Back Again.
All remaining cars were reduced to scrap by burning – a sad end to a transport system that had kept Dundee on track for nearly 80 years.
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raisongardee · 2 years
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La recherche de moyens de subsistance justes est la première préoccupation de l’âge adulte, à l’heure où le simple emploi a remplacé les anciens métiers et où la comptabilité d’argent décide de toutes les professions.
Au premier degré de ce phénomène, il y a l’exploitation de ce qui est alors regardé comme une simple force de travail, comptablement plus intéressante que tout ce qui regarde le juste, le beau et le bien. Soumis à une logique économique acceptée comme une nécessité, les œuvres s’appliquent au rendement, et renoncent à l’esprit en exploitant la matière. Le sens de ce qui est fait, l’honneur attaché au beau geste, la valeur du savoir-faire, la qualité du rendu, la communauté des pairs, les identités de métier, le talent des hommes de l’art, la satisfaction de l’efficience, l’utilité sociale et le service de la communauté, la transmission par lignées d’apprentissage… tout cela est un luxe trop gratuit pour intéresser le chiffre d’affaire. SI la maîtrise est l’âme des métiers, c’est la comptabilité qui règne sur les emplois.
Dans ce contexte, la nécessité matérielle et économique confronte les jeunes gens à une cruelle alternative : une adaptation au prix de l’aliénation, ou un épanouissement au risque de l’indigence et de la marginalité.
Un peu d’observation fait voir à quel point les belles carrières se font presque immanquablement aux dépens des choses ou des êtres, et qu’il n’existe pas une seule "bonne place" qui, d’une façon ou d’une autre et au moins indirectement, ne consiste pas à exploiter un malheur. A partir d’un certain niveau de rendement, maintenant appelé compétitivité, on peut être certain que quelque chose ou quelqu’un a été abimé, et que le profit a été extirpé avec violence. La médecine semblait pouvoir faire exception, et soulager la douleur contre excellent revenu, mais l’argent a déjà soumis la santé à sa logique gestionnaire.
Les carrières se font toujours par allégeance à une sorte de maître de l’exploitation, qui peut gratifier ceux dont il a besoin pour "tirer profit", et laisser les autres pour morts sur le bord de sa route. 
D’un autre côté, lorsqu’une âme libre et consciente d’elle-même se refuse au grand appareil de la production, plus aucun paravent ne la protège de la nécessité. Le froid, la faim, le manque et la dépendance assombrissent ses jours. Dans son Livre du travail et des moyens de subsistance, Al Ghazâlî rapporte ce conseil qu’un sage donnait déjà à son fils : "Mon fils, mets-toi à l’abri du dénuement par un travail licite. Car lorsqu’un homme se trouve dans le dénuement, trois maux ne manquent pas de l’affecter : il rend son culte de manière lacunaire ; il a peine à réfléchir ; et il perd sa dignité. En outre, un mal plus grand encore le touche : les gens se mettent à le mépriser."
Une jeunesse sans charge de famille peut certes se contenter de peu, soutenue par l’entraide et les ressources du clan, mais l’indépendance et le mariage entrainent bien vite son lot de nécessités. L’autarcie semble également permettre d’échapper au jeu de l’échange contre argent, mais implique des moyens qui doivent aussi être acquis et entretenus.
La dignité est le fond de la question, à la recherche d’une existence honorable et paisible, sans volonté de dominer ou de s’enrichir, sans outrage à la nature ou à ses semblables, mais pourvoyeuse de suffisamment de ressources pour échapper à la misère. Cette question tourmente une partie de la jeunesse, sans autre réponse possible que la fuite ou la révolte. Les aînés ne font alors que rarement justice à un tel refus de parvenir, et préfèrent souligner la maladresse de la réponse plutôt que la pertinence de la question.
Mais la nécessité fait loi, qui ajourne un épanouissement plus intérieur. L’entrée dans la vie pratique contraint de s’adapter à l’appareil de production, et détourne de ce qui est pourtant plus authentique et personnel. Il y a donc deux sortes de maturité, comme il y a deux sortes de croissance. Les conflits de génération reposent sur ce malentendu, où révolte et adaptation ont toutes deux leur part de légitimité. Or la légitimité soutient les convictions les plus entêtées. 
Les parents attendent peut-être de leurs enfants qu’ils les approuvent en faisant les mêmes choix qu’eux ; les enfants attendent peut-être de leurs parents qu’ils les protègent de la dure réalité… mais la crédibilité de ces deux partis s’effrite chaque fois que les parents confessent leur aliénation et que les enfants réclament leur indépendance. Il faut faire mention d’un scénario croisé, dans lequel les parents ont refusé l’adaptation au prix d’une marginalité à laquelle les enfants font au contraire tout pour échapper.
Le système économique de l’exploitation à des fins de profit tend donc à rendre l’adaptation de plus en plus incompatible avec l’épanouissement. Avec sa voracité caractéristique, le capitalisme ne laisse presque plus rien échapper à sa logique de captation, y compris l’imaginaire d’une jeunesse dont les rêves fabriqués sont rendus de plus en plus compatibles avec la "carrière". La floraison des désirs et la complexité des besoins attache à l’argent, qui lui-même attache à l’appareil de production. C’est ainsi que la "réussite" a pris le sens si irrémédiablement économique qu’on lui connait aujourd’hui.
La jeunesse récalcitrante à l’imaginaire du marketing urbain poursuit sa recherche d’un mode de vie en marge du système capitaliste. Elle entend simplement subvenir à ses besoins sans perdre son âme, telle est son idée du luxe et de la vraie richesse.
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MARDI 23 MAI 2023 (Billet 1 / 3)
Nous venons de recevoir ce document envoyé par un sympathique voisin, très cultivé (principalement dans le domaine des techniques et des sciences), très informé, très bricoleur… et adorable avec nous. Il nous a déjà rendu de multiples services. Cerise sur le gâteau, il a de l’humour. Nous lui avons demandé de qui il tenait ce texte, il a botté en touche. Si ça se trouve, c’est peut-être lui qui l’a écrit… car en plus, il est modeste.
Ce texte est à lire à haute voix, il est tragiquement drôle !
Une prospective qui circule... et qui, avec ou sans virgules, ne manque pas de nous apostropher !!!
Ce matin de 2035, mon fils de 8 ans m’a fait une crise et a menacé d’appeler le 119 car je refuse qu’il aille à l’école en jupe & avec du vernis aux ongles. Ma fille Julie de 15 ans, qui se sent « non binaire », m’a traité de « boomer » car j’ai refusé de l’appeler « iel » en parlant d’« elle » et parce que je refuse de changer son prénom à l’état civil. Elle veut s’appeler « Jul » pour ne pas qu’on puisse supposer son genre. Et aussi parce que « Jul » est son chanteur préféré.
Je pars au boulot à vélo, car depuis la loi Hidalgo de 2026, la voiture (même électrique) est interdite dans les grandes agglomérations. Je parcours donc 35 km tous les jours à vélo. Avec la chaleur de ce mois de juillet, j’arrive au boulot trempé et décoiffé.
Mais ce n’est pas grave, c’est le cas de tout le monde : ici, personne ne se regarde et personne ne se juge, car c’est passible d’une amende et, éventuellement, d’une peine de prison selon la gravité de la remarque.
Mon patron me fait savoir qu’il m’a mis un blâme car, hier, j’ai écrit un mail sans écriture inclusive et qu’une cliente s’en est plainte. La prochaine fois, c’est la porte ! Il faut que je fasse attention à ce que j’écris et à comment je l’écris. Et aussi à ce que je dis… 
Ma nouvelle collègue, qui partage mon bureau, n’est pas là aujourd’hui, car c’est sa semaine de « congé menstruel ». C’est un congé mis en place depuis 2023 afin de permettre aux personnes possédant un vagin (sans distinction de genre, pour éviter d’éventuelles stigmatisations) de rester à la maison, pour motif de règles douloureuses, une semaine par mois.
Grâce à son absence, je peux donc exceptionnellement fermer la porte de mon bureau. En effet, après le mouvement #MeToo, la France a imposé l’interdiction de « portes closes » lorsque des employés de genres différents travaillent ensemble. Certaines entreprises créent même des « espaces safe », c’est-à-dire des bureaux sans aucun homme hétérosexuel pour éviter tout risque d’agression sexuelle.
A midi, pour la pause déjeuner, je n’apporte plus de viande dans mes plats, car j’en avais marre de me faire traiter de « carniste », de « spéciste » ou carrément d’arriéré par mes autres collègues – pour la majorité d’entre eux devenus « végans ». Par ailleurs, lorsque je fais les courses au supermarché et que j’ose m’acheter un rare morceau de poulet à 45 euros le kilo, je me fais systématiquement dévisager par les autres clients, emplis de dégoût.
Le soir, tout en grignotant mon bol d’insectes accompagnés de pousses de soja (bien plus écoresponsable que mon bifteck d’antan), je peux enfin me distraire devant un film Netflix : c’est l’histoire de Napoléon, joué ici par Omar Sy, et Joséphine, sa femme, jouée par une actrice mexicaine dont le nom m’échappe. La parité dans ce film est parfaitement respectée et on apprend, par ailleurs, que Napoléon était bisexuel, afro-américain et musulman. Le film a d’ailleurs obtenu 12 oscars, battant ainsi le précédent record de 11 statuettes, remporté par « Titanic », un vieux film qui racontait l’histoire grotesque d’un couple blanc hétérosexuel, voyageant dans un paquebot de luxe au début du XXe siècle.
Le film terminé, je décide de me glisser dans mon lit pour continuer ma lecture du moment « La Gloire de mon parent n° 1 ». (Pour les plus anciens comme moi, ce livre s’appelait autrefois « La Gloire de mon père », et faisait partie de la série « Souvenirs d’enfance », de Marcel Pagnol).
Je vais, d’ailleurs, bientôt attaquer « Le Château de mon parent n° 2 » qui est la suite du premier. J’ai hâte.
Ne riez pas, on y va en courant…
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tybaltsjuliet · 2 years
What are some places I should go next time I'm in LA?
off the top of my head, and i will add to this as i think of more neat places:
HOLLYWOOD FOREVER. the cemetery of the stars. my favorite place in maybe the whole city. forest lawn is gorgeous and westwood’s got marilyn monroe, of course, but there’s just something about hollywood forever, right in the middle of the neighborhood, a few blocks away from paramount studios. judy garland’s there. mel blanc’s there. maila nurmi’s there. when i’ve been running too many errands on the boulevard and i can’t bear to look at what it’s become a second longer, i go and sit on the bench at tyrone power’s grave for a few hours and leave him a kiss and i am at peace. you can get little maps that show you where everyone’s at, but i think it’s fun to just walk around and see who you meet, too.
heritage square. the most cohesive collection of victorian architecture still standing in L.A. (most of the buildings here were moved from elsewhere in the city, to be saved from demolition.) besides the regular guided tours of the houses on the grounds, they host all sorts of cool events throughout the year: artisan markets, a night circus, historical fashion shows, the annual mourning faire. (N.B.: here, you will be walking on a whole lot of gravel. do not wear heels. i forget this every single time i go.)
the mystic museum, a very fun horror/occult-themed museum and shop in burbank. every few months they change up the exhibit - right now, i think, it's a celebration of '90s slashers, and the first time i visited, it was a history of witchcraft in pop culture. the shop runs the whole Goth Stuff gamut, from tarot decks to vintage horror movie poster prints to whimsical taxidermy.
valley relics. a dope, eclectic collection of cars, clothes, obnoxious neon signs, whatever they can get their hands on, really, to honor The Once And Future SFV. this place serves much the same emotional and spiritual purpose for me as hollywood forever, actually, except for my alternate existence as a 1980s valley girl (or girl-adjacent being) instead of my alternate existence as a 1930s screenwriter.
the lake shrine, up in the palisades. run by the self-realization fellowship, although the Transcendental stuff is not overbearing for anyone who’d just like to come and enjoy an exceptionally pretty park. it’s a great place to spend a morning or an afternoon decompressing, if you’re worn out from running around the city. (fun fact: the memorial services for tom petty, judee sill, and lux interior were all held here.)
the academy museum. it’s huge, and it’s full of incredibly thorough and thoughtful exhibits on the history of cinema. the tourists might come just to see the ruby slippers or the midsommar gown, but so help me, they WILL learn about oscar micheaux and pedro almodóvar on the way. my personal favorite parts: the documentary hallway, the oscars gallery (with several notable statuettes on display, like sidney poitier’s for lilies of the field and eiko ishioka’s for the coppola dracula), the spike lee gallery, and the “behold” installation. if i die, just put my remains in "behold" so i can spend eternity there.
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shivkunjauto · 3 days
Lucknow Car Wash: Luxe by Shivkunj Auto end
Whether you require enhancing the attractiveness of your car or you require help in its long life, cleanliness is one of the critical things an automobile owner should always be careful about. For the best car wash in Lucknow, you are just a step away, as Shivkunj Automotive offers you the best services so your car stays fresh and new. With the latest technology, eco-friendly products, and well-trained professionals, Shivkunj Automotive ensures the best care for your car.
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Why Shivkunj Automotive for car wash in Lucknow?
The Advanced Technology
In Shivkunj Automotive, we have the best machines using the latest technology for cleaning entirely within the shortest time possible. From automated exterior cleaning and precision detailing, this facility understands that the ultimate requirement for a car is comprehensive treatment. Its technology strikes a perfect balance between speed and care which makes our services ideal to busy automobile owners who want better results without waiting too long. Eco-Friendly Solutions
Worried that such chemicals may harm your car as well as the environment? We use non-hazardous cleaners to ensure the healthy well-being of your car. Our cleaning solutions are tough on dirt but gentle on your car's paint as well as interior surface, which lets your car shine bright with no side effects on the environment.
Full Service Detailing
Shivkunj Automotive also offers full-service detailing packages in addition to regular washing. Services include interior vacuuming, leather conditioning, application of protective waxes, and steam cleaning. Be it a basic wash or detailed cleaning, our team takes pride in making your car look and feel fresh
Professional Staff
We have a team of industry-experienced professionals who have spent years working in the car care industry. They are focused on providing thorough cleaning and detailing services that surpass customer expectations. Once you choose Shivkunj Automotive, rest assured that your vehicle is in the best of hands.
Affordable and transparent pricing
We believe in offering high-quality service at reasonable prices. When you visit Shivkunj Automotive, you get no-hidden-charge transparent pricing. We assure you that you get good value, whether you go for a simple wash or a full detailing package.
Benefits of Regular Car Washes at Shivkunj Automotive
Preserve the Car's Finish
Your car is constantly exposed to dust, dirt, bird droppings and pollutants all which, if not cleaned could ruin the paint. Regular washing keeps the exterior appearance of your car as acceptable as possible and prevents it from suffering long-term damages.
Enhanced Resale Value
A clean and well-taken care of car keeps its resale price for as long as possible. When you have to sell or trade your vehicle, regular washes and detailing services make it possible for you to get a good resale price compared to one who never kept their vehicle clean.
Cleaner Interior Environment
Just as the outer shell of the car should shine, its inner walls should sparkle. Clean the inside on a routine basis to remove dust, allergens, and bacteria from the car cabin, making it healthier and more pleasurable for you and your passengers.
Frequently Asked Questions
1- How often do I need to wash my car?
You should wash your car every two weeks if you live in a very dusty or pollution-ridden area.
2- Do you provide detailing services in addition to regular car washes?
Yes, Shivkunj Automotive offers full detailing services, such as vacuuming the interior, using steam cleaning for interior and exterior, and waxing the exterior.
3- Are your cleaning products environmentally friendly?
We use only biodegradable and eco-friendly cleaning products that will not put your vehicle or the environment to risk.
4- How long does a car wash take at Shivkunj Automotive?
The time to be spent in washing a car using a standard car wash depends upon the level of service, thus taking from 20 to 30 minutes on average.
5- Do you run any loyalty or seasonal discount scheme?
Yes, loyalty programs and seasonal discounts for the regular ones are available. Inquire about our special package next time you visit.
Shivkunj Automotive car wash in Lucknow reaches the pinnacle of commitment toward high technology, eco-friendly practices, and professional services. We take immense pride in sending every vehicle out of our facility with the best condition. Visit us today to feel the unmatched car care services for your vehicle.
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Which Miami Limo Services Offer the Best Packages for Weddings?
Planning a wedding in Miami? One of the key details is arranging transportation that complements your big day. A limousine service offers a luxurious and stylish way to travel, but which companies provide the best wedding packages? This blog explores top Miami limo services with exceptional wedding packages to make your special day unforgettable.
1. Top-Class Limo Services
Top-Class Limo Services is renowned for its wide range of elegant vehicles, from classic stretch limos to vintage cars. Their wedding packages often include red carpet service, complimentary champagne, and a professionally trained chauffeur to ensure a seamless experience. They also offer customizable packages to suit any wedding theme or budget.
2. Miami Lux Limousines
Wedding Limos in Miami
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Miami Lux Limousines specializes in luxury and personalized experiences. Their wedding packages include multiple vehicle options, such as party buses for larger groups or sleek sedans for a more intimate feel. They offer perks like "Just Married" signs, flower decorations, and even photo stops at scenic Miami locations. This company focuses on making each wedding unique by tailoring its services to the couple's specific needs.
3. South Beach Limousines
South Beach Limousines offers comprehensive wedding packages designed to cover all transportation needs. From transporting the bridal party to and from the venue to shuttling guests, they provide a range of limos, party buses, and SUVs. Their packages typically include a decorated vehicle, a courteous chauffeur, and flexible pick-up and drop-off options, catering to both small and large wedding parties.
4. Miami Limo Coach
Miami Limo Coach is perfect for couples who want a blend of luxury and affordability. They offer various wedding packages, including exclusive deals for weekday weddings or off-season events. Packages usually feature elegant vehicles, a choice of chauffeur attire, and a "white glove" service option. Miami Limo Coach is known for its transparent pricing and excellent customer service, making it a popular choice among budget-conscious couples.
5. A1A Limo
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South Florida Limo
A1A Limo offers an extensive fleet and customizable wedding packages that range from basic transportation to all-inclusive experiences. Their services include a decorated limousine, a bottle of champagne, and a personalized itinerary to meet the unique requirements of your wedding day. They are praised for their punctuality and attention to detail, ensuring your day goes smoothly from start to finish.
Choosing the right limo service can enhance your wedding day, providing comfort, style, and a touch of luxury. The companies mentioned above offer the best wedding packages in Miami, each with unique perks and services to suit different tastes and budgets. Consider these options to find the perfect limo service that matches your vision and makes your special day even more memorable.
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aarluxe1 · 5 days
Car Polishing in Dubai
Looking for premium car polishing in Dubai? At AAR Luxe Car Care, we offer top-notch polishing services that give your vehicle a flawless shine and protection. Our expert team uses advanced techniques and high-quality products to ensure a perfect finish every time. Whether you're preparing for a special occasion or just want to maintain your car’s appearance, trust AAR Luxe Car Care to deliver exceptional results. Enhance your vehicle's look and protect its paint with our professional services.
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airporttaxiiservice · 11 days
Limousine Rental is the Perfect Choice
Attending a wedding is usually a unique occasion, and when it takes place in a vibrant town like Cleveland, it could be even more memorable. Whether you’re a guest or a part of the wedding birthday party, making sure that you arrive in fashion and comfort is crucial. One manner to gain this is by way of opting for a Limo Rental Cleveland, Ohio. With the help of Cle Lux Transportation, your travel revel in may be as costly and strain-free as the marriage itself.
The Advantages of Limousine Rental in Cleveland
Choosing a limousine condominium in Cleveland, Ohio offers a plethora of blessings which could beautify your average wedding experience. Here’s why:
1. Style and Elegance
Arriving at a marriage in a limousine now not only makes a assertion but also provides a touch of sophistication to your front. Cle Lux Transportation offers a number of high-quit cars which could perfectly supplement the beauty of a Cleveland wedding ceremony. Imagine stepping out of a graceful, well-appointed limo and creating a grand front at one in every of Cleveland's upscale venues.
2. Comfort and Convenience
Weddings often involve lots of tour, whether or not it's shifting among the ceremony and reception or getting from a lodge to the venue. With a limousine rental from Cle Lux Transportation, you may enjoy plush seating, weather manage, and a spacious surroundings. This guarantees that you arrive at every vicinity feeling relaxed and equipped to experience the party.
Three. Stress-Free Travel
Navigating thru Cleveland’s site visitors, locating parking, and dealing with unusual routes may be demanding, mainly on a unique day. By choosing Cle Lux Transportation for your limousine apartment in Cleveland, Ohio, you may go away the riding to experts. Their experienced chauffeurs will take care of the logistics, allowing you to awareness on playing the wedding.
4. Group Travel Made Easy
If you’re part of the marriage celebration or attending with a set of friends or family, a limousine offers ample space for every body. Limo Rental Cleveland offers cars which can accommodate larger companies, making it a convenient choice for transporting more than one people to and from wedding-associated activities.
5. Enhanced Safety
When you e book a limousine with Cle Lux Transportation, you’re not simply choosing luxury but also prioritizing protection. Professional chauffeurs ensure secure and reliable transport, so that you can revel in the celebration with out disturbing about the info of the adventure.
Cleveland’s Best Wedding Venues and How Cle Lux Transportation Fits In
Cleveland is home to a number stunning wedding venues, from historical landmarks to fashionable spaces. Whether the wedding is taking area at the grandiose Hall of Mirrors at the Cleveland Museum of Art or the picturesque Botzum Farmstead, arriving in a limousine provides an additional layer of luxury to the event.
Cle Lux Transportation offers a number of motors to fit special wishes and alternatives. Whether you’re looking for a traditional stretch limo or a greater present day SUV limousine, their fleet is well-maintained and ready to fulfill your needs. The professional chauffeurs from Vip Transfers Clevelandare acquainted with the great routes to these famous Cleveland venues, making sure timely arrivals and departures.
Why Choose Cle Lux Transportation for Your Limousine Rental?
Cle Lux Transportation stands out for its commitment to supplying top-notch service and a steeply-priced revel in. Here’s what units them apart:
Exceptional Customer Service: The crew at Cle Lux Transportation is devoted to making sure that each purchaser has a memorable experience. From reserving to the very last drop-off, their customer service is attentive and customized.
Well-Maintained Fleet: All vehicles are stored in pristine situation, making sure a snug and stylish ride for each event.
Professional Chauffeurs: The chauffeurs aren't simplest professional drivers but additionally pleasant and knowledgeable about Cleveland’s exceptional routes and visitors patterns.
Flexible Packages: Cle Lux Transportation gives customizable packages to healthy exclusive desires, whether you require delivery for only some hours or an entire day.
Competitive Pricing: Despite the posh and excessive service standards, Cle Lux Transportation gives aggressive costs, making it an amazing desire for those looking to combine beauty with value.
Attending a marriage in Clevelandis an interesting occasion, and journeying in a limousine can enhance the revel in notably. With Cle Lux Transportation, you could enjoy a seamless, highly-priced, and stress-loose journey. Whether you’re a visitor or a part of the wedding party, a limousine apartment in Cleveland, Ohio, ensures that your arrival is as unique because the event itself.
1. How a ways earlier should I book a limousine for a marriage in Cleveland?
It’s recommended to e book your limousine as a minimum 2-three months earlier, particularly if your wedding ceremony is for the duration of top season.
2. What kinds of vehicles are available with Cle Lux Transportation?
Cle Lux Transportation offers a variety of vehicles consisting of stretch limousines, SUV limos, and luxury sedans to suit unique organization sizes and alternatives.
3. Are there any extra charges related to limousine leases?
Additional charges may additionally encompass gratuity for the chauffeur, gas surcharges, and any extra time past the booked length. Cle Lux Transportation will provide an in depth quote and give an explanation for all capability prices in advance.
4. Can Cle Lux Transportation accommodate big agencies?
Yes, Cle Lux Transportation has automobiles that can accommodate larger companies, ensuring each person travels effortlessly together.
5. What must I do if I want to make changes to my reserving?
Contact Cle Lux Transportation as quickly as possible to discuss any changes. They will do their excellent to accommodate modifications based on availability and your requirements.
Call Us: 440-340-9464
Adress: 1510 Remington Drive, Westlake 44145 Ohio USA
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emploisdacheteurs · 13 days
Travailler comme Personal Shopper au Luxembourg
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Luxembourg, une nation européenne cosmopolite et prospère, offre un mélange unique de culture, d'histoire et de vie moderne. Son économie florissante et son attrait international en font une destination attrayante pour de nombreux professionnels, y compris les personal shoppers. Vous aimez faire du shopping ? Si vous aimez la mode, vous pouvez obtenir des emplois de personal shopper chez The Personal Shopper Agency.
Comprendre le rôle d'un Personal Shopper au Luxembourg
Un personal shopper au Luxembourg est bien plus qu'un simple styliste. Il s'agit d'un conseiller de confiance qui aide ses clients à naviguer dans le monde du luxe, en leur offrant des recommandations et des services personnalisés. Ce rôle exige un œil averti pour la mode, d'excellentes compétences en communication et une compréhension approfondie du marché local.
Compétences et qualifications clés
Pour réussir en tant que personal shopper au Luxembourg, vous aurez besoin de :
Expertise en mode: Une solide connaissance des tendances, des styles et des marques de mode est essentielle.
Excellentes compétences en communication: La capacité à établir des relations avec les clients, à comprendre leurs préférences et à offrir des conseils personnalisés est cruciale.
Sensibilité culturelle: Le Luxembourg est une société multiculturelle. Comprendre les coutumes, l'étiquette et les préférences locales peut améliorer vos interactions avec les clients.
Maîtrise des langues: La maîtrise du français, de l'anglais et de l'allemand est très avantageuse, car ce sont les principales langues parlées au Luxembourg.
Compétences en réseautage: Établir des relations avec des boutiques haut de gamme, des grands magasins et des marques de luxe peut vous donner accès à des produits et services exclusifs.
Le marché du luxe au Luxembourg
L'économie du Luxembourg est principalement axée sur la finance et la banque, attirant un nombre important de personnes fortunées. Cela a créé un marché du luxe florissant, offrant un large éventail de marques et de boutiques haut de gamme. En tant que personal shopper, vous aurez accès à une sélection diversifiée de produits, allant des vêtements et accessoires de créateurs aux bijoux et montres de luxe.
Défis et récompenses
Bien que le rôle d'un personal shopper au Luxembourg puisse être gratifiant, il présente également des défis :
Marché compétitif: Le marché du luxe est compétitif, ce qui vous oblige à vous démarquer et à vous bâtir une solide réputation.
Longues heures de travail: Le personal shopping implique souvent de travailler à des heures irrégulières, y compris les week-ends et les soirs.
Attentes élevées: Les clients ont souvent des attentes élevées et peuvent être exigeants.
Cependant, les récompenses peuvent être importantes :
Mode de vie flexible: Le freelancing peut offrir un mode de vie flexible et la possibilité de travailler à votre rythme.
Opportunités de réseautage: Établir des relations avec des personnes influentes et des marques de luxe peut ouvrir des portes à de nouvelles opportunités.
Satisfaction professionnelle: Aider les clients à trouver les produits et services parfaits peut être extrêmement satisfaisant.
En conclusion, travailler comme personal shopper au Luxembourg offre une opportunité de carrière unique et passionnante. Avec les bonnes compétences, les bonnes qualifications et de la détermination, vous pouvez bâtir une carrière réussie et épanouissante dans cette industrie dynamique.
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