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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 4 months ago
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as Lupe García in A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN (2022): 01x09, “Full Count”
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acumtv · 2 months ago
INCIDENT TRAGIC ÎN PĂDURE: BĂRBAT DE 46 DE ANI DECEDAT DUPĂ CE A FOST RĂNIT MORTAL CU O DRUJBĂ. TÂNĂRUL IMPLICAT, REȚINUT La data de 23 decembrie a.c, ora 16.29, polițiștii din cadrul Poliţiei Municipiului Oneşti au fost sesizați prin SNUAU 112, de către un tânăr de 24 de ani, din comuna Mănăstirea Caşin, cu privire la faptul că, un localnic de 46 de ani şi-ar fi tăiat gâtul cu drujba, ceea ce a…
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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 3 months ago
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this scene is comedic gold but also so indicative of all their dynamics. esti’s exaggerated cartoon-like legs flailing about as she gets up to run away is so funny but she clearly wants nothing to do with lupe at this point, lupe obviously caring about esti being missing but insisting she doesn’t and then putting on an angry front, esti telling her that she’s not her mother hitting a nerve, lupe acting both like a scolding mother and an immature squabbling sibling, jess trying to talk some sense into lu, who still stubbornly refuses to listen and tries to push past jess, jess being so exasperated by lupe’s behaviour to the point where they think it’s a little funny.
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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 4 months ago
i don’t think this scene will ever stop emotionally obliterating me. there’s so much that builds up to this moment, you can almost see the moment lupe knows that she has to talk about it, and you can see how painful it is, how it’s still painful to think about her daughter, so much so that she pushes away and dismisses esti because she reminds lupe of her.
in the earlier car scene, before esti crashes, it’s like lupe finally sees how much she’s been contributing to esti feeling alone, that it’s been hurting her. she seems surprised to even learn that esti just turned 17, and you can see the moment it clicks for her. she could have been thinking about herself at 17—how much she needed someone the way she could have been there for esti. but it was too painful for her, it might have felt easier to pretend she didn’t care, to keep her distance, to hide away her pain behind anger.
but she realises the impact that it’s had, how esti had to grow up too fast just like she did, but she’s still a kid who just wanted to feel less alone. who saw lupe and thought lupe would be just as excited to have someone on the team who speaks spanish. except she ends up feeling more alone because lupe brushes her off time and time again, even when esti is trying to help her.
“it’s like seeing her and not seeing her.” is the most gut wrenching line—she’s reminded of alma but simultaneously reminded that she can’t see her. having that reminder be constantly present would have been hard to handle, how difficult it must have been, to be expected to care for and be the sole person responsible for esti when she was told by her parents that she would screw up her own kid, when esti’s a reminder of that child that got taken away.
the way lupe looks at her kills me, because it’s like she finally lets herself feel the pain of it, without the anger, without the defence mechanisms that she normally uses to disguise it.
then esti hugs her and lupe doesn’t expect it but she realises how much she needed it. it shifts something, because she immediately jumps into caring mode when esti is cold, and you see so clearly the change in their dynamic. the start teaming up with each other, lupe looking at esti like a proud dad when she does her pep talk.
anyways, this scene is as beautiful as it is devastating, and i think just a really important moment for both lupe and esti. roberta and priscilla’s acting is just perfect in this scene, they both have such good control of their micro expressions. roberta conveys such deep pain and sadness with very subtle facial acting, priscilla crushing your heart without a word of dialogue is mind blowing. i wish we got to see more of their dynamic as it changed
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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 4 months ago
this turned out way sadder than i expected
lupesti: to be seen
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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 4 months ago
lupe saying shut up to esti when she says ‘leave me alone you’re not my mom!’ and honestly this scene is so funny and lupe is acting so immature but ooooofffff realising that must have hit a nerve :(
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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 4 months ago
“am i the same when you look at me? or am i somebody else?”
lupe x esti: to be seen
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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 4 months ago
did not sleep last night instead i made the most gut wrenchingly sad lupesti edit……… genuinely cried making it. what is my problem
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acumtv · 3 years ago
Veste buna pentru mânăstireni- se va reface digul afectat de inundatii
Veste buna pentru mânăstireni- se va reface digul afectat de inundatii
Veste extrem de buna pentru locuitorii afectați de inundatii: documentațiile sunt in linie dreapta și in scurt Timo vor începe lucrările de consolidare a malului in zona Durbacesti. Despre inundatii am scris aici “În ședința din data 08.11.2021 a fost aprobata documentatia tehnică pentru derularea obiectivului de investiții ” Refacere L =0, 200 km mal erodat râu Casin , sat Lupesti, com…
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acumtv · 3 years ago
Atenție mânăstireni - de luni, 1 Noiembrie începe colectarea deșeurilor reciclabile! Afla programările !
Atenție mânăstireni – de luni, 1 Noiembrie începe colectarea deșeurilor reciclabile! Afla programările !
Veste buna pentru locuitorii comunei Mânăstirea Casin: de luni, 1 Noiembrie începe colectarea deșeurilor reciclabile. Acțiunea începe din satul Lupesti, Mănăstirea Casin. Anunțul a fost postat chiar de către Primaria comunei Mânăstirea Casin. “ Omul sfințește locul” – aceasta vorba fin bătrâni se potrivește mai mult ca oricând. Oamenii gospodari se vad de departe.   “Anunț important!!!! De luni…
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acumtv · 4 years ago
Un autoturism s-a răsturnat - doua persoane au ajuns la spital
Un autoturism s-a răsturnat – doua persoane au ajuns la spital
Un banal eveniment rutier s-a finalizat cu patru persoane accidentate din care doua au ajuns la spital. Evenimentul a avut loc marți, 16 Februarie, in jurul orei 13.00 in satul Lupesti, comuna Mănăstirea Casin. Doua mașini au fost implicate in accident, iar una s-a prăbușit  in albia râului. Cele doua victime au fost transportate, de urgenta la spitalul  din Onesti. Una din victime a fost…
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