#Lumen et Umbra
funstealer · 3 months
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Lumen et Umbra Leather Jacket
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talkshit-postfit · 2 years
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Lumen et Umbra pants I need so that I can be a real man
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honeyynymphh · 2 years
alright, I couldn't stop thinking about this so I just quickly wrote something out. you can imagine it as whichever Papa you prefer listening to Papa read excerpts from an old text while you lie in his lap it is written with a fem!reader in mind no warnings 600 words
Shifting on your side, you let out a contented sigh. The flames in the grate twist as you watch them, hypnotising you as they dance. The room is softly quiet, the popping of the logs and tick of the old clock helping to lull you into that blissful daze. Your head is in Papa’s lap, his soft voice the only other sound as he reads through an old Satanic text he found in the library just before Unholy Mass this evening. He’s still in his vestments, the slide of cool silk against your cheek is heaven while his free hand idly plays with your hair.
"'Annon in luce stamus ut umbras nostras eiciamus?'" Papa says, and you feel the vibration of his words against your back as he speaks.
As he has been reading passages out to you, he occasionally leans over to the little side table to take notes for his next sermon. You’ve barely registered a word he has said, too busy staring into the fire and basking in the feel of his steady breaths as he speaks. You didn't care if he decided to read the phonebook to you, as long as he kept speaking in that same low tone you would listen to him read just about anything.
“Yes, Papa.” 
Your words are whispered and full of sleep. Perhaps you should have paid more attention during your Latin lessons but you feel him nod. So far you haven’t been wrong in your responses.
You smile and rub your cheek against him, trying to bury in deeper. He smells delightful; the incense used during Mass clings to him along with the heady smoke of the fire. But this close you can smell what can only be described as him and that makes you feel more comfort than anything else. It smells like home.
“'Lumen gubernat sed non docet nos sentire. In tenebris confidere debemus aliis sensibus nostris. Oculos nostros in tenebris relinquimus, ut viam nostram clarius sentiamus et veritatem obcaeatam videamus.'” He pauses, hand running down the nape of your neck and making you shiver. “What do you think, dolce?”
Your eyes are closed now, too busy enjoying the feel of him around you. His low voice is lulling you to sleep and so you merely hum noncommittally as his fingers return to your hair.
“You are meant to be helping your Papa,” he admonishes gently. “Instead you are…” His thumb idly traces the soft patch of skin behind your ear and you sigh in pleasure.”...comportandosi come un gatto!”
Papa shifts beneath you as you hear him close the book and place it on the little side table. One hand is still in your hair and the other comes to gently rest on your hip, his fingers idly fidgeting with the fabric of your habit.
"It is not written that 'Dominus tenebrosus dabit voluptatem petentibus', sorella?" You nuzzle against him, too content to notice the teasing edge to his voice. "I think you have not been paying attention during your studies, dolce"
"No, sorry, Papa." A smile pulls at your lips as you shake your head. His hands are still aimlessly tracing patterns against you, though the hand at your hip has since snuck under the hem of your dress to tickle the back of your thigh. ”Latin is very difficult, my tongue has trouble with pronouncing the words.”
“Hmm.” He gets you to sit up, dragging you into his lap and pushing your mussed hair out of your face. Those mismatched eyes regarding you with a smile. “Perhaps you need a private lesson with Papa, si? I can help with wrangling your tongue, sorella.”
------ am feeling some type of way. Annon in luce stamus ut umbras nostras eiciamus - Do we not stand in the light so that we may cast our own shadows? Lumen gubernat sed non docet nos sentire. In tenebris confidere debemus aliis sensibus nostris. Oculos nostros in tenebris relinquimus, ut viam nostram clarius sentiamus et veritatem obcaeatam videamus - The light is guiding but it does not teach us how to feel. In the darkness we must trust in our other senses. We leave our eyes in darkness so that we can feel our way more clearly and see the truth unblinded comportandosi come un gatto! - behaving like a cat! Dominus tenebrosus dabit voluptatem petentibus - The dark lord will give pleasure to those who ask
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eternalfarnham · 2 years
Y'know what could improve Viola?
Singularity is a Bayonetta who chose humanity's power over the paths of the Lumen or the Umbra, with the Homunculi as her genetically engineered army for waging war on Heaven and Hell (and witches into the bargain). Viola is her experimental clone daughter, spliced together from humans and fairies to harness a wholly unique power that is neither Paradiso's nor Inferno's, whose dedication to the fight is in part a dedication to waking up her mother from her long madness. After defecting, she was raised by Cereza-gularity's former comrades — Luka, Jeanne et al. — and knows everyone, but is having trouble adjusting to a mom who isn't trying to annihilate Heaven and Hell and achieve her revenge on the Umbra for ostracizing her.
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nabaart · 2 days
Yes I'm aware I mispronounced "briars". But listen, my brain was wired for latin while I was doing this. Heavens above (and @aealzx ) as my witness, I'll butcher even my own OCs' names if I'm talking in one language and suddenly switch to a different one.
Lyrics below the cut
Walking, eating, humming Is the moon or I the most full? Free yet watched by something Inhuman and beautiful
Ambulare, comedere, fremere oblivio (Walking, eating, humming oblivious) Aut ego plenissima luna? (Is the moon or I the most full?) Libero adhuc custodiebantur ab aliquo (Free yet watched by something) Pulchra et inhumana (Inhuman and beautiful)
O' ruler of shadow and thorns Who nests my birds in thy briars This song of mine is then born Preceding and announcing the queen
O' ruler of autumn and winter Make me lord of summer and spring Your shadow is the harvest bringer That rippens my buds most green
Regina hiemis et umbrae (Queen of winter and shadows) Rex veris et lumine (King of spring and light) Per radix et sap animas terrae (Souls of the earth, by root and wisdom) Qui saltant in limine (Who dance on the threshold)
Regina hiemis et autumnae (Queen of winter and autumn) Tibi servio, sole et tempestas (I serve you in sun and storm) Texere licio meo fenestras (Weave your lace on my windows) Et ego relinquo flos in umbrare (And I'll place a flower by the shade)
Rex aestatis et veris (King of spring and summer) Sparge me in tuo lumine (Sprinkle me with your light) Tuo floreat per hortis (Let your flowers bloom through the gardens) Et glacio texere in limine (And through lacy frost as a threshold)
O' ruler of light and lastborns Who nests thy birds in my briars I cradle your song, all that's yours The beauty of blooms and seeds green
O' ruler of my heart splinters And also of summer and spring Yours is the warmth that lingers In ice, the treasure you bring
Ambulare, comedere, fremere oblivio (Walking, eating, humming oblivious) Hic lumen esne summa solis (As if you're sunlight in full) Simplex sed dilexit ut aliquo (Simple yet loved, it's something) Sic humanum et mirabilis (So human and wonderful)
Who cred rainy skies bleak and rainbows art? Unseen the soft beauty of snow Yet no truth — only man— set apart The chirping of birds, the cawing of crows
Walking, eating, humming Is the moon or I the most full? Free yet watched by something Inhuman and beautiful
Ambulare, comedere, fremere oblivio Aut ego plenissima luna? Libero adhuc custodiebantur ab aliquo Pulchra et inhumana
O' ruler of shadow and thorns Who nests my birds in thy briars This song of mine is then born Preceding and announcing the queen
O' ruler of my heart splinters And also of summer and spring Yours is the warmth that lingers In ice, the treasure you bring
Ambulare, comedere, fremere oblivio Aut ego plenissima luna? Libero adhuc custodiebantur ab aliquo Pulchra et inhumana
Who cred rainy skies bleak and rainbows art? Unseen the soft beauty of snow Yet no truth — only man— set apart The chirping of birds, the cawing of crows
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paganizmturkiye · 1 month
Yunan tanrıçası Selene ve küçülen hilal için Türkçe çevirisiyle birlikte Latince bir dua
Selene, dea noctis, inluminatae Lunae domina,
Sub lunae cornicis tui lumine carente,
Oramus te, sub tua clementia,
Da nobis pacem et per vitam duc nos gratia.
Tuam pulchritudinem caelestem, signum in nocte,
Tenebras illustrat, somnia ad lucem deducit.
Sub argentea tua luce, super nos viges,
Dum per mundum erramus, magni et parvi.
In regno tuo tranquillo, ubi stellae caelum ornant,
Praecipio sapientiam, dum dies fluunt.
Duc me per umbras, tua arte miti,
Revela veritates absconditas in corde meo.
O Selene, dea lunae superius,
Animam meam implebis radios tuos, amore.
Cum crescente lumine et stellis fulgentibus,
Sentio praesentiam tuam, quamvis longe.
Benedicte Selene, in tua tranquilla complexione,
Invenio solacium, serenitatem, et gratiam.
Dum ad te aspicio in silentio noctis,
Scio te mecum esse, splendes valde.
In nomine tuo, hoc precem offerimus, vere,
Ad Selene, deam cornicis crescentis coloris tui.
Tua lux ducat me in hoc itinere terrae,
Dum per vitam progredior, te duce.
Türkçe çevirisi:
Selene, gecenin tanrıçası,
ışık dolu Ay'ın sahibesi,
azalan hilalinin ışığı altında,
merhametinle sana dua ediyoruz,
bize huzur ver ve bize yol göster
hayat boyunca lütufla.
Göksel güzelliğin, gecenin içinde bir işaret,
Karanlığı aydınlatır,
rüyaları ışığa götürür.
Gümüş ışığının altında bizi izlersin,
dünyada dolaşırken,
hem büyük hem de küçük.
Huzurlu diyarında,
Yıldızların gökyüzünü süslediği yerde,
günler akıp giderken bilgelik için yalvarıyorum.
Gölgeler arasında bana yol göster,
nazik sanatınla,
Kalbimdeki gizli gerçekleri ortaya çıkar.
Oh, Selene, yükseklerdeki ay tanrıçası,
Ruhumu ışıltılı aşkınla doldur.
Ağaran ışıkla
ve en yüksekteki parlayan yıldızlarla,
Varlığını hissediyorum,
ne kadar uzakta olursan ol.
Kutsanmış Selene, huzurlu kucağında,
Teselli, huzur ve ilahi lütuf buluyorum.
Sessizlikte sana bakarken
gecenin bir yarısı, benimle olduğunu biliyorum,
ışıl ışıl, saf ve parlak.
Senin adına bu duayı ediyorum,
tüm samimiyetimle,
Hilal'in neşesinin tanrıçasına.
Işığın bana yol göstersin
bu dünyevi uçuşta,
hayat yolculuğumda,
sen yol gösteren ışığımsın.
İşte Yunan tanrıçası Selene'ye ve onun aydan gelen armağanlarına adanmış Latince olumlamaların Türkçe çevirileriyle birlikte bir listesi:
Latince: “Lumen lunae in me lucet.”
Türkçe: “Ay'ın ışığı içimde parlıyor.”
Latince: “Tua gratia, Selene, me fovet.”
Türkçe: “Senin lütfun, Selene, beni besler.”
Latince: “Sub lunae lumine, anima mea floret.”
Türkçe: “Ayın ışığı altında, ruhum gelişir.”
Latince: “Tu es speculum lunae, Selene.”
Türkçe: “Sen ayın aynasısın, Selene.”
Latince: “Luna tua, dona tua.”
Türkçe: “Senin ayın, senin hediyen.”
Latince: “Lunae dona in corde meo refulgent.”
Türkçe: “Ayın hediyeleri kalbimde parlıyor.”
Latince: “Sub Selene custodia, me sentio secure.”
Türkçe: “Selene'nin koruması altında kendimi güvende hissediyorum.”
Latince: “Luna tua, via ad sapientiam.”
Türkçe: “Senin ayın, bilgeliğe giden yol.”
Latince: “Per lunae viam, me invenio.”
Türkçe: “Ay'ın yolu sayesinde kendimi buluyorum.”
Latince: “Selene, lumina meum iter.”
Türkçe: “Selene, yolumu aydınlat.”
Bu olumlamaların tanrıça Selene'ye ve Ay'ın armağanlarına ve sembolizmine saygıyı ve bağlantıyı ifade etmenin bir yolu olduğunu unutmayın. Bunları niyetlerinize ve düşüncelerinize odaklanmak için meditasyon veya olumlama olarak kullanabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: https://www.tumblr.com/panjackdaw/728218144132546560/a-prayer-poem-in-latin-along-with-its-english?source=share
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source: unknown
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w2c · 4 years
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Lumen et Umbra Resin Pressed Wrinkled Sweater
50% Cotton, 20% Alpaca, 18% Wool, 12% Nylon
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1000sassa1000 · 5 years
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Lumen et Umbra – “light and shadow” by Japanese designer Issei Fujita
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funstealer · 6 months
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InAisce / M.A+ / Lumen et Umbra Styling by Atrum Blog
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Lumen Et Umbra
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tbac · 7 years
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wildsidefashion · 7 years
lumen et umbra
“lumen et umbra” je naziv koji me je odmah zaintrigirao. na latinskom znači “svetlost i senka” i već to što je neTko svoj brand tako nazvao zvuči dovoljno primamljivo i govori  o njemu (nomen est omen)… a tek činjenica da je čovek koji stoji iza tako dobro odabranog imena japanac koji stvara u italiji (selo u okolini rima) okružen majstorima svog zanata…zvuči  kao susret zena i strasti. i to  da…
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otheranimals · 7 years
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i miss Tokyo 😿
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