#Luke Foster Fan Fic
truelovevoltage · 5 years
Jealous - Luke Foster
“pristinehaven said: Hi! Can i please get some jealousy headcanons for Luke(KBTBB) and Huedhault (SCM) with a fem s!o. Like how often do they get jealous and what are the things that tik them off. And how do they handle their partner if they get jealous. Thank you!”
A/N: SCM: Jealous - Huedhaut
Luke Foster the genius Doctor that has quirky behaviour, sweet, hot and yet forgetful has another trait that he hides quite well and that his jealousy. He might not seem like the type of person to get jealous because he trusts his partner Y/N very much. He won’t show his jealous side to anyone but Y/N. 
One day Y/N and Luke were out buying groceries. It was rare for Luke to come but since it wasn’t that busy in the clinic, he decided to tag along. “Any special request for tonight’s meal Luke?” 
“Anything is good with me. I enjoy the food that you make.” He smiled fondly at his lovely girlfriend. 
Luke didn’t mind what ingredients Y/N bought, he loved her cooking and was glad that he was with her at this moment. Although there were times where she had to think about which ingredients to buy and would ask for Lukes opinion, he tried his best to help her. 
Later Y/N gave Luke a simple task to grab from different aisles to make their trip faster rather than her doing all the work. She gave him a very detailed direction on where to get the remaining things that Y/N needed to stock the fridge. “Damnit, why does the spice I need have to be on the top shelf?!?” She whispered to herself. She was struggling to reach the top when someone else grabbed it for her. “Here, it’s what you need right? Shorty.” The man laughed. 
Y/N whipped around and widened her eyes at the man who called her short. “Well excuse my height, stupid lampost.” She glared at him for a few seconds until the two exploded in laughter. 
The man that helped Y/N was a good friend of hers back in high school. The two didn’t expect to see each other after graduation and yet here they are. “It’s been long since the last time I heard that name!” Kaito beamed. 
The two were having a lovely chat catching up to each other. They would often share a laugh every now and then. “You look great by the way!” 
“I could say the same thing to you Kaito! It’s because of a special someone isn’t it.” Y/N teased her friend. 
Luke, on the other hand, did his best not to forget anything that Y/N mentioned for him to get. Once he got everything he was very proud of himself and couldn’t wait to reunite with Y/N. He went to the meat section but she wasn’t there, she wasn’t in the dairy section either. He checked every aisle to see if she was there and he ended up spotting her in the spices section. What he didn’t like was that she was getting friendly with another man. 
Luke kept a calm face and approached the two. “Hey Sexy Bones I got the things you wanted me to get.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips, making her embarrassed not only from Luke calling her “Sexy Bones” but also because he kissed her in front of a friend. Luke earned a light slap on his arm. 
“Luke this is Kaito, Kaito this is my boyfriend Luke.” The two men shook hands. “Kaito and I went to the same highschool.” 
Y/N and Kaito filled Luke in from their highschool days. He might look calm on the outside but on the inside, he’s losing it. He kept a smile on his face and would comment every now and then but he needed to stop pretending. “I’m sorry to break your reunion but I’m hungry. We need to get going, it was a pleasure meeting you Kaito.” He smiled.
Kaito fell for the fake smile Luke put up, but he didn’t fool Y/N. Once they were out of sight Y/N stopped from her tracks and looked at Luke. “Okay spill. What the hell was that about?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Luke avoided his gaze. 
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Luke. “You were jealous weren’t you?” There was a smirk visible on her face. 
“Call it whatever you want, but right now I’m hungry.” Luke continued to push the cart. 
She held Luke’s face on the palm of her hands, “Luke you know that I love you right? There’s no need for you to be jealous of an old friend.”
Luke sighed. “I know, I’m very aware of that but it sucks that he knew you back then and had good memories together. What if he ends up chasing after you and then you’ll leave me for him?” 
Y/N grinned at her boyfriend. This was something new to her because Luke never showed his jealous side. “Even if he did confess to me, he’s too late. I have you now, unless of course, you break my heart. Now that’s a different story.” 
“I’d never do that to you.” He rested his forehead on hers. 
“Okay enough of this, we need to go and pay for everything we bought so I can cook for us.” 
“I like that plan cause I’m starving.” 
In the end, only Y/N was able to see Luke’s jealous side. She was just surprised how calm he was but she knew that there was something else going on with his emotion at the same time.
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yukiobeyme · 4 years
Your tattoo shop AU sounds cute! I’d love to hear more about it!!
I’m so sorry for how long this is, but thank you to you and @s8ncake , @asmos-pet , @aguacats , @dj-night-owl , @avellanna-world for enabling me to write and share this. I am putting it under the cut because it is extremely long, like way too long. I am so sorry.
So AciesGecko on Twitter Piercing Diavolo has been living in my mind rent-free and like Tattoo Shop! AU. Their @ here is the same but they suffered from me tagging them once but here is their tweet that inspired it ( x) (it can also be found on Tumblr here: x)
This was originally found on my Twitter but I have made edits and added more details to indulge everyone because I really like this idea. I don’t have any relationships in it, but it could easily have DiaLuci, Solomon/Asmodeus, and Barbatos/Simeon. I have this currently have Lucifer being Satan’s biological father and Lucifer is a single parent. But anyway now into the actual meat and enjoyment of this Tattoo Shop! AU
Welcome to Royal Art and Design (RAD) owned by Diavolo Rey. (It’s my default last name for Diavolo, in my modern DiaLuci fic his name is Diago and someone suggested Rey because it meant King in Spanish and so it’s just stuck.) Diavolo was supposed to take over his father’s company but fell in love with tattooing instead.
This caused major tension and Diavolo’s dad just thinks Diavolo is being rebellious and will one day realize his mistake and crawl back to his Dad but as Diavolo is in his late twenties to early thirties, Diavolo doesn’t regret the tattoo shop. Diavolo is covered with piercings and tattoos that he shows off constantly. Something that also upsets his father because it isn’t professional to have all those tattoos and piercings.
The shop’s main receptionist is Barbatos, a childhood friend of Diavolo. Barbatos’ family lived on the Rey’s property and were their butlers. Barbatos is about 10 years older than Diavolo but they are close friends and Barbatos would follow Diavolo anywhere. Barbatos has far fewer tattoos and piercings than Diavolo. Most of his tattoos are covered except for the ones on his hands.
Then you have the six “brothers”. They aren’t by blood but by choice. They all grew up in (and out of) the foster system. 
The oldest is Lucifer, a renowned tattoo artist (honestly no one knows how Diavolo convinced Lucifer to work with him) Lucifer has a unique tattoo style, something that is sought after. Diavolo loved and adored Lucifer’s style and could recognize his work from a mile away. Diavolo begged and pleaded with Lucifer to work at his shop and was glad they came up with the agreement.
I haven’t decided yet but Lucifer is either covered in tattoos, that he always has covered. Long sleeve button-ups and long pants are a part of Lucifer’s everyday wear. Something Diavolo has told him isn’t necessary. OR Lucifer surprisingly has no tattoos but either way has his ears gauged and an eyebrow piercing and is constantly covered up. (I am leaning towards him being covered in tattoos)
Diavolo constantly compliments Lucifer’s skin and say how it would be a dream to tattoo because he is so pale. Any color would pop and look good and honestly, Diavolo is waiting and hoping for the day, Lucifer lets him tattoo Lucifer.  (Spoiler Lucifer will probably let Diavolo tattoo a huge back piece)
Soon after getting out of foster care, Lucifer got a girl pregnant. He didn’t know until he was contacted. Saying how the mother had given up her rights to the child and he could either sign his rights way or take the child. Not wanting his kid in foster care, Lucifer adopted Satan.
So while Lucifer is in his late thirties Satan just turned 18 and is a walking contradiction. He already filled up one of his arms with tattoos and has plenty of piercings, he loves nothing more than to curl up and read books (he wears big chunky black glasses). Lucifer tried his best to be supportive of Satan wanting to get tattoos but also had to play the bad cop and make sure Satan understood how permanent they were and if he really wanted them.
Satan more or less just hangs out at the shop all the time, that he might as well work there too. He interested in Art and is hoping to attend college for it. Diavolo said if Satan wants to intern at RAD and be a tattoo artist all he had to do is say the word and Diavolo is willing to make it happen.
The second oldest of the “brothers” is Mammon. Mammon was more or less a pity case went it comes to getting his job at RAD. He got in and out of trouble and found himself in jail for a bit, gambling and tax fraud isn’t a good mix. During his time Mammon found himself getting prison tattoos and even taught himself how to tattoo. Something that honestly was encouraged because if it allowed him to have a skill he could use once he was out then it was a skill worth him learning.
Once Mammon was released, he found he still had a gambling problem. Lucifer allowed him to crash on his couch and Diavolo put him through the wringer but told Mammon if he could prove himself he earned himself a spot at RAD and Mammon passed with flying colors.
Mammon’s tattoos are old school and traditional but have a uniqueness to them because of where he learned his skill set. It’s also evident in how Mammon moves around the piece and even how he holds his equipment. Mammon isn’t a fan of piercings, “they hurt too much!” “You have tattoos on YOUR FACE!” He does have his tongue and septum pierced though. 
Third is Leviathan, an otaku but has beautiful Japanese-style tattoos. Even went abroad to Japan to learn about tattooing. In between appointments you can find him either watching anime or playing some game on his phone. Levi had his tongue pierced for a bit but went ahead and committed to having his tongue split. Definitely talked Diavolo into having a fish tank and Levi own reptiles (Is this important to the story? Not really but good to know)
The fourth is Asmodeus. He is the head piercer at RAD and it shows. Asmodeus only has tattoos on his fingers and they are small dots, very minimalist. He also helps Barbatos with receptionist duties. Loves wearing crop tops to show off his belly ring. And flirts with everyone, mainly because it hard to be nervous when you have such a gorgeous person flirting with you.
Finally, the last two “brothers” are the only ones that are related. The twins, Beelzebub and Belphegor. Their style of tattoos are the complete opposite. While Beelzebub focuses on lots of colors, Belphegor works in black and white with maybe one or two colors. Beelzebub is really fit and has full sleeves on both arms and one leg. Belphegor has both hands tattooed and one-half sleeve. He has a hard time finding and committing to a tattoo design, so he waits until it’s perfect. He also is one of the only people Diavolo knows that can fall asleep while being tattooed, it’s quite impressive.
Then you have the current interns Solomon and Simeon (and MC if you want to include them) The application process was intense and it means something to be an intern at RAD because you are honestly learning from the best and learning multiple different styles and perspectives.
Solomon is learning how to pierce too if it’s because of the attraction to the head piercer well no one needs to know about that. While Simeon is strictly doing tattoos and focuses on traditional styles, nothing too modern and not too many colors/ complex colors; “You can’t use the color straight from the tube Simeon, that’s just not right!”
Simeon is the legal guardian to his godson Luke, who is constantly found at the shop too. Energetic and loves to draw then show it off to everyone. Simeon is a little old to be an intern but Diavolo took the chance with him. Something Lucifer disagrees with.
“Wasn’t he apart of your family at one point?” Diavolo asked at some point
“Yes, but he was adopted. We are brothers no more”. was Lucifer’s only response, and didn’t talk any further on the topic.
That’s all I have at this point, but it’s a lot and I just need it in my life. Someone help me do punk edits of the boys. Like maybe I’ll write a small piece on it eventually, but this could easily turn into a huge work that I don’t currently have the time to plan or write. Because tbh I would make DiaLuci a thing for sure, but add Simbarb and Solodeus just for fun or have them as a side relationship.
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pocketmouse18 · 3 years
Thank you so much to @herosofmarvelanddc @cloudypaws and @mtab2260 for the tag! This was so much fun to think about :)
(fair warning, I wrote too much for many of these...)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just 2 :)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
450,577 if I did my math right!
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Officially? Just 1 - Agents of Shield (two, I guess, if you count MCU as separate, since I use characters from both...). Off the record, many more than that! I have lots of bits and bobs from other fandoms that I tinkered with when I was younger, still getting the hang of writing, not brave enough to post things, etc. etc. Some of those include X-Men, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Fosters, Star Wars, the Hunger Games, the 39 Clues, and a few others I can’t remember. None of those will likely see the light of day, mostly because they’re unfinished, not very good, and just not reflective of who I am as a writer anymore, but they were fun to play around with at the time :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I just have the two, but The Important Thing is to Try wins, hands down, with 1227. Shoulder to Shoulder has 95, though, which I’m also very proud of! Important Thing has a definite advantage, being as long as it is, so I don’t know if that’s really a fair comparison between them.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! Or at least, I always try to! I just can’t believe someone would be kind enough to take the time to tell me what they thought of my story, so I always want to take the time to thank them and return the favor :) Plus, as I’ve learned, it’s a fantastic way to get to know some really lovely people!
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Well... I technically only have one story that has an ending, at least on Ao3, and it’s not an especially angsty one, since it ends in Phil and Melinda getting married :) I have some angsty chapter endings in Important Thing, if that counts? I’m not even sure if any of my unpublished fiddlings have angsty endings (most don’t have endings at all lol)... I don’t mind writing angst, but I don’t know if I’m capable of making something without a happy (or at least hopeful) ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've ever written?
Not really, unless you count AoS/MCU crossovers (which I guess technically count, but also I would argue it’s not a true crossover since (and I will die on this hill) AoS is a part of MCU canon). When I was younger I was a fan of playing around with crossover AUs more so than the actual characters crossing paths (so like, what if these characters from XYZ were demigods or went to Hogwarts or what have you, and not so much what would happen if the X-Men met Luke, Leia, and Han on one of their space adventures). I started writing a crossover between AoS and the Marvel Rising cartoon once (which again, not sure if that’s a true crossover, since Daisy was in Marvel Rising, but I digress), where Coulson tasks Daisy to work with Kate Bishop and Rayshaun Lucas to collect and train a team of young Inhumans, starting with Kamala Khan, but I ran out of steam pretty quickly when it got too plot heavy.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think so. I’ve had some people not understand some choices that I made, but they asked it in a way that I thought was perfectly nice, and I was happy to talk about it with them. Sometimes people get “mad” at me when I cause pain and suffering, but I know that’s all in good fun :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, not for me. I don’t read it or write it, personally. Writing a kiss is hard enough!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge! Important Thing is probably too long and unwieldy to ever steal :P
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone once asked me on FFN if they could translate Important Thing to Russian, which was basically the coolest thing I’ve ever been asked!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A fic, no. I’d love to try sometime! I had a friend in college who I co-wrote with A LOT, though, so I know I enjoy that process, given the right partner. We wrote several short plays together (ranging from ~15-50 minutes in length, including one that we wrote in a single afternoon!), selected scenes from a larger (unfinished) play inspired by historical letters we found in an archive that were sent between a man from Massachusetts serving in the American Civil War, his wife, and his 8-year-old son, and several scripts for TV sitcoms (2 pilots for 2 different shows, plus additional eps for those pilots, and a couple of later eps for a different show that a classmate of ours wrote the pilot for - we were trying to practice what it would be like to be on a staff with a showrunner haha). The sitcom scripts in particular I’m very proud of, and could talk somebody’s ear off about if asked (one’s about ghost hunters and one’s about a DnD party!), but maybe that’s better saved for another post ;)
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
That’s a very hard question for me! Mostly because shipping stuff is usually one of the last things to register for me when I’m thinking about shows/books/movies I like haha... I’m always a sucker for Philinda, and younger me was rather taken with Percabeth, I suppose.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Hmm, several, really. The aforementioned AoS/Marvel Rising crossover I think could be really cool if I got it to work, but I don’t think that’ll ever happen. I also have a WIP that’s like an angstier version of a Hallmark Christmas movie AU where Daisy has to come home to her small town right before Christmas and figure out what she wants out of life, but I’m a little stalled out on that one, mostly because I’m waffling on who the charming love interest should be and because I don’t have enough of a plot, just lots of feelings about coming back home to a place you thought you had left behind lol.
I’d put Important Thing and it’s (as of yet) untitled sequel on here as things I want to finish, but I’m much more determined to see those through, so I don’t think they qualify for the “never will actually write” part of this question :)
15. What are your writing strengths?
I don’t know if other people agree with this, but I think I write pretty decent dialogue. My “training” (if you can call it that) is in, as you might have figured out by now, script and screenplay writing (those were the only creative writing classes I took in college). So having a sense of the rhythm a conversation needs to have and how to write dialogue that sounds mostly like how people really talk (but shined and tightened up enough so that it’s not actually like verbatim dialogue, which is far less interesting to read!) is something that I feel like comes pretty easily. I also think I do okay with similes and metaphors - my brain tends to work in that way. It’s easier for me to think of stuff (feelings, especially) in terms of comparing it to more familiar things than to just think of the thing directly, if that makes sense?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
If I was being honest, this would be a very long section, but I know it’s not fun to read a big ol’ paragraph of someone self-criticizing, so I’ll keep it to one or two items ;) A big one for me is pacing, I think. I tend to write more than I need to and to over-explain things, so my chapters get very long and sometimes don’t really go anywhere? Until all of the sudden, they DO, because things need to HAPPEN! I’m a pretty rigorous self-editor, but I do have a really hard time cutting out sections (unless they’re really just not working), so even if it would help the pacing to leave out this conversation between character A and character B, I often can’t make myself cut it. I also think I struggle sometimes with balancing my ‘showing’ and my ‘telling,’ especially in the sense of me over-explaining certain things - like when it comes to feelings/facial expressions/etc, for example. I compensate for that in Important Thing by making it a part of a few people’s POV, but it’s not really a good habit to have in general. Also spelling! I’m really bad at spelling and run my stuff through robust spellchecks and text-to-speech before I post anything to make up for it :)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do it with some regularity, although I always get nervous about doing it wrong! It’s hard to avoid in AoS, where characters are spies and should (in theory, at least) have a working knowledge of multiple languages (”We’re spies, I thought we all learned languages?!”). Even in an AU, where characters aren’t spies, I like to try and pay homage to that, plus pay homage to certain characters’ native languages or just general multilingualism. I’ve spent a fair amount of time around people who speak more than one language, so I feel like it’s a natural part of groups of people to have more than one language spoken. I have a pretty good handle on written Spanish, a patchy idea of French, plus I know some Russian phrases from my dad and some German words from my grandfather, but I do rely on internet translation a lot. I usually run stuff through google, then run it backwards to see just how far off the initial translation was, then consult some actual, like, language learning sites to see if there’s particular idioms or common phrases that use different words than what google will give me, then run those words through backwards in the place of the original words to see if I can massage the whole thing to sound reasonably competent. Languages like Russian or Mandarin (which have their own alphabets/characters) are the hardest, since I have to also try and do a transliteration. I always try to put an apology/disclaimer in the notes any time I write in a language that isn’t English, because I’m sure I make lots of mistakes.
Also, I tend not to italicize words that are in other languages, because it looks weird on the page to me to set the other language apart like that (and because I italicize mainly for internal thoughts or emphasis, and usually what’s being said in another language isn’t internal or being emphasized). I put a rough translation at the end so we don’t have to pause the story for a parenthetical translation, but because the translation’s not right there, I try to either put in enough context clues that a person can still understand what’s going on, or I make sure that what’s written in another language isn’t critical to the overall understanding of the scene.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Officially, it’s AoS, since that’s the only fandom I’ve published for. I think the first true fandom I wrote fic for was probably either Harry Potter (entirely populated with OCs lol, I just liked using the world/setting), Percy Jackson (a mix of OCs and canon characters), or X-Men (all canon characters). I was a bit of a latecomer to fanfiction, though, like, I wrote a ton as a kid, but mostly original stuff, because I didn’t know that fanfiction in its current form was even allowed until I was in high school lol.
Oh! I almost forgot one! I’m not sure if this really counts as a fandom, but it’s definitely the earliest version of fanfic I wrote haha... I was like 12 and I wrote more than one story of an OC joining Robin Hood’s band of Merry Men, and then also one of that same OC becoming a knight of the Round Table, so like... do what you will with that information haha.
19. What's you're favorite fic you've written?
I can’t choose between my two darlings :( I mean, okay, technically it’s probably Important Thing. That story’s my baby. It’s huge and I’ve been working on it for almost 2 years, and I’ve poured a lot of my heart and soul into it. I’ve fallen in love with the universe I built in it, so much so that I wrote an entire prequel and have very concrete plans for a lengthy sequel. But I can’t not crow about Shoulder to Shoulder (the aforementioned prequel!), too... I’m just really proud of that one - it has a lot of firsts for me. First completed story. First romance-focused story. First foray into expanding the Important Thing universe. But yes, if I have to choose, then Important Thing wins. That’s a story that I started writing exclusively for myself - to give myself characters I could relate to and to explore a style of AoS fic that I loved reading - and that’s a story I will always and forever be proud of.
I think most people have probably answered this tag game at this point, so I don’t want to accidentally retag anyone! If you haven’t yet, and would like to join in, please do! This is your invitation <3
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daredevilexchange · 5 years
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DDE is happy to introduce a new, semi-regular event! To help give visibility to content creators, keep us all engaged with the fandom, as well as foster interactions between fans, here is the...
Content Creator Spotlight!
Do you create *something*? Fanvids, art, fic, fanmixes, gifs, metas...? Are you an event or campaign organiser?
Are you a creator in the fandom? Daredevil, the Punisher, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, the Defenders... In any and all versions - TV, film, comics... it’s all good!
Would you like to talk about your fanworks, share your fannish interests, and make new fandom friends?
Then head here and fill in the form!
Your answers will be put into a post tagged #content creator spotlight and posted on this blog (and, if relevant and you’re ok with it, on @frattweek ). There is no particular schedule. Only a few questions are mandatory (who you are, where to find your works, etc); you don't have to answer everything! Your answers can be as long or short as you like. No need to be on Tumblr! This is why this is a separate form, and not a set of questions to reblog on your own Tumblr.
We encourage all creators to head there and all fans, creators or not, to spread the word, discover new faves, reblog fanworks and Content Creator Spotlight posts, and make new friends \o/
Feel free to get in touch via ask, submission, or private message if you have any questions! 
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !!!
@marvel-events-central @thebigbangblogproject
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softforcal · 5 years
OC Masterpost
Monte Carlo
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Celeste (post) (fic)
-She’s a model
-Loves chicken and waffles
-a bubbly drunk
-She hates making decisions and would rather just go with the flow, even if it sends her over a waterfall
-a sweet soul but a bit messy
Something Like Love
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Penelope (post) (fic)
-Penelope is smart and driven
-she’s a sugar baby but still wants to be self-sufficient
-a very graceful honey, good at listening, wants to learn
Band Baby
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Claire (post) (fic)
-Claire is a recently graduated English student and poet
-She lives with Luke
-When she finds out she’s pregnant from an ex, she decides to keep the baby
-She’s a strong survivor, with a bit of an anxious streak
-She constantly questions herself and her self worth... but then she finds someone who proves to her how important she is to him :)
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Beatrice Becker (post) (fic) (her tumblr aesthetic)
-Bea is a princess with a bratty side
-She’s used to luxury and getting what she wants
-she’s stubborn but has a big heart
-It can be hard for her to know what she wants sometimes, but once she does, she’ll go out and get it
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Harley (post) (fic)
-Harley is an ex stripper
-she’s a little lost right now but that’s okay
-she has a stage persona that’s very confident, but the real Harley is much more anxious and unsure about herself
-she underestimates herself a lot and has self worth issues
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Bedelia Blue (post) (fic)
-She’s a certified Cosmetologist
-she’s had followers on youtube and insta for makeup tutorials since she was 18
-she has her own line of makeup
-she’s very honest and genuine and sweet and gentle, also just a tad anxious
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Ren (post) (fic)
-Ren grew up with a rough life and she’s super strong and family oriented because of it
-She’s super open and honest and isn’t used to letting her feelings get the better of her
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Jasmine (post) (fic)
-She’s super chill, trying to figure herself out, cautious.
-She’s a model.
-Her name ‘Jasmine’ is the national flower of the Philippines.
-She’s half Filipina.
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Grunge!Cal (post) (fic)
-lead singer for a grunge band.
-Usually does hookups but has always desired something more.
-He’s intense but chill at the same time.
-He’s a genuinely good guy.
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Model!Luke (post) (fic)
-Doesn’t love modelling but it pays really well.
-Just wants love. 
-He’s not great at making big decisions and putting himself out there.
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Valentina Armani (post) (fic) (her tumblr aesthetic)
-soft, thoughtful, quiet, caring, kind of awkward.
-An opera singer.
-Is Italian and can speak Italian.
-likes plaid pants, belts, dusters, turtlenecks.
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Artist!Harry (post) (fic)
-Moody, socially awkward, thoughtful, artsy.
-He can be sort of wild with the way he talks to people, a little socially weird.
-Super passionate about his work with a fine attention to detail.
-Not a relationship type, never thought he’d find love.
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Chlo Sterling (post) (fic)
-Driven, Intelligent, knows how to work the system.
-She’s a popstar and knows how to act in the lime light.
-Can be hard to get to know, has a lot of walls built to keep people out.
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Tattooist!Calum (post) (fic)
-Quiet, driven, talented, respectful, guarded.
-he’s young and successful, runs his own shop, is known world wide.
-Hesitant about love, never wants to overstep.
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Lily (post) (fic)
-Soft, artsy, quiet, anxious, bad ass.
-She’s equal parts soft/anxious and bad ass. with a super steady hand, she tattooed on herself to practice tattooing while in art school but when it comes to talking to others she’s super shy. 
-She has a very grunge style with her blonde hair usually up in a bun with a scarf in it.
Bro Code
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Ostara Irwin (post) (fic)
-Sweet, responsible, funny, adorable.
-She knows her duties as a Princess and will do them but she won’t be happy about it.
-She goes on dates with Princes because she has to but she doesn’t think she’ll actually find someone she likes.
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Prince!Calum (post) (fic)
-he’s quiet, respectful but has a bit of a hot head that gets him into trouble sometimes.
-Not a fan of the Prince life and the expectations. 
******** Noise
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Annabelle (post) (fic)
-strong, smart, stubborn, opinionated.
-psychology major
-A bit of a trouble maker, soft inside, never backs down.
Gang AU
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Puppy (post) (fic)
-strong, confident, realist, chill but set in her ways, loyal.
-Puppy is strong willed, she’s a working woman and she knows the harshness of the world and doesn’t let it bring her down.
-she is fiercely loyal to her family and if you betray her once, it’s going to take a while to get her to trust you again. 
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Birdie (post) (fic)
-soft, kind, sweet, naive, innocent.
-Birdie is a bit naive at times, she’s super sentimental about the little things (scrunchies, lollipops, ice cream etc...) but she really is the glue of her family, she’s always ready to forgive and play peacemaker.
-an English major with a thing for the classics (Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Shakespeare)
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Dove (post) (fic)
-bad ass, cold, quiet, controlled.
-Dove was a street rat as a kid and went in and out of the foster care system, she ended up in a gang and was known for her ruthlessness, easily climbing the ranks and taking advantage of people underestimating her.
-she learned from a young age to put herself first, self preservation is important to her.
-she’s never really had a family and can be a bit weird when it comes to meaningful interactions with others. 
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Olivia (post) (fic)
-art baby, passionate, level headed.
-Olivia is an art major, she feels things passionately and falls in love easily, she likes looking at the fine details of things and can get obsessed with finding art in people.
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smuthuttpodcast · 5 years
Jane Nightwork
About how long would you say you’ve been rooting for Reylo?
I'm definitely a TLJ reylo. In fact, I didn't even become intrigued by the idea of reylo until after the third time I saw TLJ in the theater! (Blasphemy, I know.) But by January 2018 I was absolutely rooting for reylo and bendemption. 
What did you think of the way Rise of Skywalker handled Rey and Kylo’s relationship?
So, confession: I haven't actually seen the film. I don't know that I ever will, which is a heartbreaking place to be considering how much I've fallen in love with the whole SW universe since TLJ. But since I know everything that happens especially in regards to their relationship, I think it's cruel: to the characters, to the myth, and to the audience. I'm uncomfortable with the way Rey and Ben both seemed to revert to their early TFA characterizations throughout much of the film, but even that I could've forgiven had they been given an HEA. And for what it's worth, if the decision had been made to make Kylo go "full evil" and live and die a villain, I'd have hated it of course, but I could have at least respected the decision if it was done well. The handling of their relationship in TROS spoke of a total lack of artistic integrity, which is such a disappointment because I loved TFA and had a great amount of respect for JJ Abrams.    
Do you think the film understood why you, and other people, felt like Rey and Kylo had something together? Did it get their chemistry?
No, absolutely not. I think that Daisy and Adam have an incredible amount of on-screen chemistry, and that definitely shines through in their scenes together. (I've seen all their scenes.) But I don't think the film had the slightest idea why I and others find Ben and Rey's relationship meaningful. I'm so sad to say these harsh things, but unfortunately they're how I feel.
What about the handling of Kylo’s redemption? Was it something you had to think through in your stories? 
I give Adam Driver all the credit in the world for his acting through the redemption scenes. All of the many problems with the film, in fact, are because of the leadership (writing, directing, producing), not the actors. That said, the way the film handles Ben's redemption is atrocious. TFA and TLJ, as well as the supplemental materials, show us a person who has been manipulated and abused his entire life. The film doesn't give us the slightest acknowledgment of that. Rather, it seems as though Leia has already given up on Ben before he was even born, which makes absolutely no sense for what we know of Leia. In the pivotal scene where Ben speaks to his memory of Han, the acting, again, is beautiful. But it's horrible that none of his family or the other Jedi come to help him, and that the only way he can comfort himself is to essentially daydream his father back into existence. Then every one of the Jedi, including multiple members of Ben's family, converge to help Rey, leaving Ben all alone at the bottom of a pit. And then none of them show up to help him save Rey. Frankly I find it disturbing. I think Marie-Claire said it best on WTF: "No one ever loved Ben Solo, except for Rey." I really don't like to think about it.
Funnily enough Ben's redemption is something I spend a TON of time thinking about in my own stories. That might not seem obvious, because thus far I've written exclusively already-redeemed-Ben. The vast majority of my stories are modern AUs, and my plots are all very soft and romantic and fluffy. My pre-writing focus is all about what happened to make Ben get to the place where my characterization of him is possible. Is it that Leia took a more active role in his childhood, that Luke was kinder, that Ben himself was more perceptive about Snoke's manipulations? I love finding the modern AU equivalent for the family dynamic, and the catalyst for Ben's "return," even if that's not something the story focuses on. I haven't tackled a story that goes through Ben's redemption arc myself, but I LOVE reading them; this fandom has so many gifted authors that really dive into the nuance and complexity of Kylo/Ben's journey. I'm drawn to space post-redemption and pre-happiness. My main question is: now that Ben and his family are reunited, how can they heal and grow?
Before TROS I imagined Ben's redemption would be a largely internal journey that was motivated by Ben's desire to reunite with Rey. He'd realize that as Supreme Leader he now had everything he thought he ever wanted, but the victory was hollow. He'd also realize just how much Snoke warped his perceptions now that he was free of him. And then, when Palpatine returned and tried to take over/make Rey his apprentice/recruit him/whatever, he'd have a revelation that the burden of Kylo Ren was too heavy and he was ready to become Ben again. I don't fully accept TROS as canon, to be honest, so I haven't changed my mind much about how I see his redemption. 
What did you think of where Rey landed at the end? There had been a lot of excitement around Star Wars having a female protagonist. Do you think she lived up to the promise of her character?
It's obvious to me that Rey Palpatine was a last-minute decision, and I'll hate it forever. It was even WORSE to make her take the name Skywalker at the very end. Again, I think it's cruel. So many people deeply identified with Rey Nobody, and to see her stripped of all her agency, and have her power attributed to a man, is disgusting. On top of that, Rey's entire arc for TFA and TLJ was to find belonging, to find a family. And she ends up alone and back in the desert with no one but someone else's droid. I sincerely don't have words for how heartbroken and enraged that makes me feel. Throughout TFA and TLJ Rey was such a gorgeously complex character. She's light and dark, frightened and courageous, fierce and soft. On a personal level her character gave me hope that I could be both powerful in my own right and still lovable. That my desire for love and belonging didn't negate my strength. TROS undercut all of that.
I absolutely believe that Rey is an amazing a character and Daisy Ridley as an actor achieved something wonderful with her performance of Rey. But neither the character nor the actor were given the opportunity to achieve their full potential, not by a long shot. 
There’s criticism of the movie that argues it’s akin to “fan fiction” and that is has too much fan service. As fans and fan-fiction writers, how do you react to that?
As of right now I have 255 fics bookmarked in my AO3 account. I'd recommend any one of them over TROS. I don't actually think the film has much of anything in common with fic, and in fact the comparison seems like a holdover from 10+ years ago when writing fic was a lot more taboo, and all fic was assumed to be terrible writing. I don't think anyone within the reylo community thinks TROS is like fan-fiction, but if I was talking to a casual fan and they said that I'd sincerely encourage them to check out actual fic and see how amazing it is.
On the issue of fan service, though, I would agree. I think one of the central problems the ST has had as a whole is trying way too hard to rope in fans of the OT and getting bogged down in "did you see that? did you get that reference??" type nods to OT. Neither TFA nor TLJ have as much of a problem with it as TROS, though, which is so overwhelmed with desperate fan service. 
Are you still writing any Star Wars fanfic? Tell us about it! (Don't forget your Ao3 handle!)
I am absolutely writing fic, and will continue to do so for a long, long time! I love Star Wars, and that's not going to change because I'm upset by TROS. My current story is a Christmas fic (I'm a little behind) in which Ben fosters a momma dog and her puppies, with the help of veterinarian Rey. My username on AO3 is JaneNightwork, and my puppies fic is called Merry (Fuzzy) & Bright.
Thank you Jane Nightwork you can find their writing here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/JaneNightwork/pseuds/JaneNightwork
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iamanartichoke · 6 years
It kinda breaks my heart to see you’re a th*rki shipper cos I love your fics and your blog in general but then the th*rki love is just so off putting, like I find it hard to believe anyone shipping them. I’m guessing you’re an only child?
Thanks  for the politeness of your message, anon. I do understand where you’re coming  from, because the ship is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s  totally fine. I also know that there are ships out there that, due to their  general nature, can be off-putting as well.
That  said, I don’t particularly feel as if I need to defend why I ship Thor and  Loki. If I were to defend it, I could say, well, they aren’t blood-related, but  that undermines the validity of adoption and, besides, I’d still ship it even   if they were. I could say, well, consider the mythological aspect of these   characters and that incest is fairly common in mythology (if you’ve read my   fics, you might remember Osiris and Isis from Sanctuary, and consider that they  are brother and sister as well as husband and wife, just to give an example  from both Marvel comics and Egyptian mythology). There’s also Freyja and Freyr, who are married siblings and the rulers of Vanaheim. But   that is neither here nor there, really, because again, I’d still ship Thor and   Loki even if this wasn’t common in mythology. The MCU versions that I ship   are pretty far removed from their mythological counterparts, anyway.
I ship Thor and Loki because they have an incredibly complex bond. They know each other better than anyoneelse in the universe. They love each other more deeply than anyone else in the universe.Their dynamic can be read as strictly platonic, and that’s fine. Their dynamic  can also be read as romantic, and I think that’s fine, too. Ultimately, how  each person chooses to interpret their relationship is up to them, but it doesn’t mean that these are relationship dynamics we wish to replicate in our own lives. 
Put it  another way: one of the most popular tropes in fiction – TV especially – is the“will they, won’t they” dynamic of two characters who continuously go back and  forth between whether or not they’ll finally take the romantic plunge – which,  usually, they do, but not without a lot of buildup, angst, miscommunications, and  drawn out tension. Castle and Beckett, Ross and Rachel, Luke and Lorelai,  Barney and Robin, etc etc etc – these are all couples that people get  ridiculously invested in for the sake of the push-and-pull drama. We eat it up.  We can’t get enough. But in real life? Nobody actually wants that. It would drive us crazy. It would be aheadache on top of our already stressful lives. Shit or get off the pot because  nobody has time for that nonsense in real life. You get where I’m going with  this, right?
David  Foster Wallace said, “Fiction is one of the few experiences where lonelinesscan be both confronted and relieved. Drugs, movies …. Loud parties, all these  chase away loneliness by making me forget my name’s Dave.” In other words,  fiction (and this includes fanfiction, shipping dynamics, headcanons, meta,  everything that transfixes us so completely as fans) is escapism at its finest.  It fills a void, in that it allows us to step outside of ourselves and look at  the world through different perspectives.
Fiction  explores what it means to be human, but that doesn’t mean that it inherently defines  our morality, values, or circumstances. We can feel drawn to exploring, through  Thor and Loki’s relationship, for example, the complexities and highs and lows  of love, the frustration of feeling inferior, the pressures of being in a  position of responsibility, the sorrow of loss, and the angst of fighting,  without literally wanting to experience those things in our own relationships  (or, for that matter, without literally wanting to experience them with our  siblings). That’s the beauty of it - that fiction gives us the outlet to explore those things while forgetting that our name’s Dave. It gives us a safe space where we can forget who we are for awhile and lose ourselves in someone else’s drama. 
In  response to your assumption, I’m not an only child. I have several brothers. I  have not ever, in any way, shape, or form, wanted to engage with them sexually  or romantically. The very idea is revolting. I’d rather shit in my hands and  clap twice. My personal life circumstances and relationships have absolutely no  bearing, whatsoever, on what media I choose to consume or what fictional tropes  I invest myself in or what ships I’m interested in. I’m also mostly asexual, but I still enjoy reading sex scenes between two characters I’ve become invested in over the course of a story. I’m truly sorry to hear that it  breaks your heart to know this about me, anon, but I’m not sorry for shipping  Thor and Loki. You are more than welcome to continue to follow me for my blog  content and read my fics, but if you choose not to anymore, that’s totally  fine, too. If you’re someone who regularly engages with me, then I’ll be sorry  to see you go, but you’ve gotta do you. I have no problem with that. 
I realize that you didn’t ask for this long, rambly response and that I probably ended up  defending my shipping choice when I said I wasn’t going to, but I’ll consider  this a general explanation and message to any of my other followers who may  feel the same way. This is where I stand, I don’t feel that there’s anything wrong with it,  and at the end of the day, I’m here to participate in fandom I enjoy in the most  pleasant and non-dramatic way as possible. So if you’re uncomfortable with the  fact that I ship Thorki, please just unfollow me and move along. I will not be  offended and wish you all the best in your fandom endeavors. :) 
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malliebuu · 6 years
Mallie’s Reylo Fanfic Rec List:
This is in no particular order and not limited to! There are so many talented writers out there! These are stories that have really stuck with me, so I am sharing them with you all! I will add as I go.
The Inheritance of the Resistance by @waterlilyrose
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The discovery of a new unknown Duchess of the House of Kenobi brings new life to the Rebellion Court. Having lost their old Queen Leia, Rey and Han are forced into a deeply unconventional but quietly happy marriage. Having never had a family of her own, Rey sees Han as the father figure she always longed for.
So when the disgraced Prince returns to court to make amends with his aging King, how will he take to the girl who is now effectively his stepmother?
Medieval/Tudor Reylo.
Review: This has Tudor vibes - it is unreal. I love history, so naturally historically AUs are right up my ally. I was quite impressed by the setup and dynamic. The author uses Star Wars terms in place for the historical ones. This doesn’t follow the Tudor chain of events, but veers in it’s own original direction. Ben and Rey for this interesting relationship and it is quite troubled because Rey is actually married to Ben’s father ::gasp::. Love this fiction. So beautifully heartbreaking! (complete) 
There Shall I Be By philcollins
Rating: Not Rated (Mature if anything)
Summary: AU in which Rey, our lonely scavenger from The Force Awakens, meets Kylo Ren under very different circumstances - he's a shepherd on Jakku. Rey inherits an estate on the moon Ceathea and Kylo follows her there, works for her there, and soon encounters his hated old foe, Uncle Luke Skywalker. Will Rey ever accept Kylo's love? Will crusty old Luke Skywalker come between Rey and her true love? More familiar faces will make an appearance in this Force-free story of love, longing, angst, and anger.
Review: This story was so heartbreaking, but so good. A mix of pining, angst, drama and uncertainty. This story I read nonstop and was quite heart broken, but these two stubborn people just need a little extra time in order to figure out they were meant for one another. This story had me sighing and talking aloud with frustration! So well-written! (Complete)
The End of Father Kylo By Sweet_Solitude
Rating: Explicit
Summary: After a filthy youth and almost suffering a great loss, Kylo turns to priesthood and leads a virtuous life. That is until he meets a girl who turns his world upside down and reminds him that he has a functioning body below his waist.
Review: Again, this one was found during my priest Kylo fazes. Don’t judge me! This has everything you would think when you think of the church and priests, though there is a little bit of something else. Yes, I am going to hell. I know this. Smut, smut! Love this kinky one-shot. If you aren’t offended by this, give it a read. ::fans face:: (one-shot)
Fault Lines By Devil Betty
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Rey has always dreamed of a family. She starts to believe she could have it when she moves in with her new foster mother, Leia Organa. Then Leia’s son, Ben, moves back home and threatens to ruin the life Rey is trying to build. Nothing will prepare either of them for the truth. Some family secrets should stay hidden.
Review: This story is a “page-turner”. It has a simple setting, but so much happens and the dialogue between both Kylo and Rey are so intriguing. The chemistry is unmistakable and the lemons are to die for. Unfortunately, this is one minor thing that has a draw back, and both character experience a major revelation that hurts them both. Please read warnings before reading!!
Spit and Sweat by bunnystealsyourcarrots
Rating: Explicit
Summary: In 1975, Finalizer played a gig at CBGB. The punk band gave their best, the crowd went wild, but a young girl named Rey wanted more.
God Save Them All.
Review: AH! This AU I really couldn’t get enough of because it involves our lovely Kylo and Rey, but is also peppered with sex, drugs and rock-n-roll! I mean...no on the drugs, but in all seriousness, I LOVE Rock-n-roll! So, naturally I honed in on this like no one’s tomorrow! The chemistry between Kylo and Rey is off the damn charts! Ugh, the sexual tension! I absolutely love how this starts as a childhood crush and as she gets older Kylo sees her and is completely blown away! (Uncomplete)
Love and Comfort, Sex and Wondering If This Could Be Our Turn By AquaWolfGirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Anonymous Prompt: Ben and Rey are in college and best friends, and very much in love, they just don't realize it. Rey is tired of people making jokes about her being a virgin, so she asks Ben to help her out.
Review: Virgin Rey has a little delima. Ben is there to help guide her. This is actually a very sweet and sexy story! Give it a read! The author is a fantastic writer! (One-Shot)
nolite te bastardes carborundorum By SaintHeretical
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Born on the fringes of a dystopian dictatorship, Rey has lived most of her life in the shadows until desperation drives her into the hands of the government. Her unblemished womb is her only salvation, which leads to her being placed as a Handmaid in the household of Commander Kylo Ren and his infertile wife.
Her task? Produce a healthy child for the Commander, or be banished to a life of hardship and almost certain death. A Reylo Handmaid’s Tale AU
Review: I loved The Handmaid's Tale, so naturally when I visited this story, I was drawn to that aspect. There is non-con in this, so please beware when reading. If you do not know the Hulu original series, refer to their site for a detailed description. The author, in response to this TV show, stays true, but brings originality and this is really a wonderfully written piece. The author is extremely talented! (Unfinished)
Innocents Lost By Pontmercy44
Rating: Explicit
Summary: “That’ll scar.” Han stood behind him, nervously. He’d always been nervous around him, first, because he was a baby, and Han didn’t understand babies, and then, because he had the Force, and Han didn’t understand the Force. “Girls like scars.”
“It’s not like it matters.” Ben looked out at the thousands of spires. “I’m going to be a Jedi.”
Han grunted in sympathy, and then sat next to him, swinging his legs off the side of the tower. The urge to feel alive, to take risks and taste danger – that was what he’d inherited from his father. “Heard you got off the hook.”
“Not exactly. Community service.”
“Better than a detention block.” Han leaned back on his hands.
Ben scoffed. “It’s asinine.”
His father shifted, looking up at the stars, through the hazy, translucent atmosphere of Hosnian Prime. “What do they have you doing? Picking up orbit pollution, or something?”
“Worse.” Ben snorted. “Teaching orphans to read and write Basic. On Jakku.”
Han winced. “Only slightly better than a detention block.”
Review: Love this story! I flew through it. Very well-written! Ben has to do community service as punishment and meets little Rey on Jakku. This forbidden relationship is beautiful and bittersweet at the same time. I love this first love adaptation! The author went above and beyond with these two! (complete)
Daddy Dearest By AquaWolfGirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When single father Ben Solo moves into his new apartment in Bespin with 5-month old daughter Amy in tow, he hopes to hell and back that this life will be better than the one they left behind in upstate New York. It's not long before his life becomes a cycle of work, Amy, work, Amy. One night, while trying to fish his keys from his pocket without waking his infant daughter, Rey, his next door neighbor, offers a helping hand.
Review: Daddy Ben! He is a great dad who falls for the babysitter. Interesting read; well written! You feel so sorry for Ben, but also Rey is a God send! Sweet interactions! Give it a read if you want some light hearted, fluffy interactions. Not much for fluff, but this was really a nice read! :3
Stigmata By SaintHeretical
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Fifteen years after tragedy tore them apart, a priest and his sister band together to protect a homeless girl who appears to have been touched by God. Too bad his excommunicated nephew seems to have other plans for her.
A Reylo slow burn Modern/Religious AU.
Review: After the priest hype came out, I searched merely to humor myself. I found a few fictions that really had an interesting plot. This is one of them. Focused on Christianity and different groups within. Kylo and Leia are curious about this young girl who turns out to be homeless and has a curious development. She has formed the stigmata. This really is different than anything I have experienced. I usually don’t go for stuff like this, but there is enough angst and romance to fill my needs. LOVE it!
World In My Eyes By Sasstasticmad
Rated: Explicit
Summary: "The bond should be dead," Rey says through gritted teeth. "Just like you.”
"The bond is only this strong because of you," Kylo Ren tells her. "You're the one who touched me. You took my hand and let me hold yours. This is your fault, not mine. (A post-TLJ force bond fic)
Review: This is after TLJ. I was obsessed for a while, which I am sure comes to no shock to anyone! Everyone was wrapped up in the force bond, which sasstasticmad delivers VERY well! There is so much continued tension between Rey and Kylo. It is quite interesting to see these two continue their interaction from opposite groups. The Resistance Vs First Order. (incomplete)
Wolves By @albastargazer
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Rey Kenobi is a human beta until one fatal night and everything changes. With the existence of werewolves turning her world upside down, she is left with only her boss, Ben Solo, to help. Little did she know he is an Alpha wolf and the next leader of his pack, intent on claiming his rare omega.
Review: A/O/B dynamic. This story really is amazing. I have always had a soft spot for werewolves and I haven’t really had the pleasure of finding one that really stuck yet, of course, that was until I stumbled upon this little number. The dynamic between Ben and Rey is quite interesting. A horrible event leads Rey down an interesting path. Ben takes charge and attempts to help Rey. Interesting revelations emerge, however. (incomplete)
Hatchling By g_girl143 @gwendy85
Rated: Teen
Summary: Rey's leads a predictable life as a general labourer at Niima Junkyard until an unexpected visit from the daughter she doesn't even know exists turns her world into a tailspin.
Review: This is simply the sweetest story. I binged it in one sitting. So sad that it doesn’t update as frequently, but when I do get an e-mail I am jumping for joy! This author really is talented. Love the way this dynamic is set up. There are so many intriguing questions-- you are left wanting more. So bitter sweet it isn’t complete! It really is something I haven’t seen done before. Really hope that it is completed someday! So much potential! I cannot wait to see what becomes of this new found family knit that develops on a whim, no thanks for Rey’s surprise daughter! ;)
Kismet by @ladylionhart
Rated: Mature
Summary: Sometimes, what seems like a simple mistake is truly the first step of a fateful journey.
- Or the one where a single text message sent to the wrong number completely changes the lives of two people and those around them.
Review: Easily one of my all time favs! This is such an amazingly written, intriguing AU. It really begins like none other via text. Both parties, shockingly, continue their witty bouts of conversation until they both begin to develop feelings for one another without actually seeing one another. When they finally begin to interact on a level far from platonic, it heats up fast and you are left needing more! LOVE!
Summer Heat By @isharan
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A lonely young woman arrives at the cottage she inherited from her grandfather on a remote lake in northern Ontario, to find her neighbor is a rare Alpha, a relic of the old days when humans were ruled by their designation. Across a long hot summer, they connect over their shared history, and she finds that the past may not be as far away as she assumed.
Review: ::Bats lashes:: What can I say about this one? Well, I am slowly dying because man is this a slow burn! This is an A/O/B dynamic, but it is so well written that it isn’t just a heat and commence screwing each other’s brains out. No, this really has amazing storyline that has you asking questions or attempting to figure out the author’s train of thought. Gosh, there are so many good things to say about this fic! Ben is absolutely a dream in this fiction too. I cannot even begin to describe because I just wouldn’t do it justice. This fiction killed me in a good way! (Incomplete)
Serotonin and Dopamine By Pontmercy44
Rating: Explicit
Summary: He could lie and say it was because he was gentleman, but that wasn’t quite true. “I – well, I want to take advantage of you. But I know better.”
Rey looked at him for a long moment, and Ben thought she might slap him. She didn’t. She started to laugh, shaking her head as if she couldn’t quite believe it. Finally, she said, smiling, “Goodnight, Ben.”
Ben turned and walked slowly back to his car. He heard her door creak open, but he didn’t hear it slam shut. It felt as if he was walking away from his chance, from his chance to have something good and uncomplicated and nice.
Ben turned around, and went back to the door. Rey waited for him, biting her lip. He took off his stocking cap and held it in his hands in front of himself. His ears were cold without his hat, but he was in the posture of remorse and penance. "I'm sorry. I'm an ass. Can I kiss you again?"
Review: This fiction was different and reeled me in because Ben was different. In this fiction he has mental disorder that makes it difficult to form relationships. Though, Rey takes to him and Ben to her in the sweetest of ways! I really liked the development in this story. The author delivers fluffy feels too. I am not usually one that enjoys a ton of fluff, but they did right by it! (Complete)
An empire to be won By Bitterbones @dvrksister
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The grin of satisfaction that split Rey’s face was utterly demented. “In three days time I will be wed to her son.” Rose blanched at the word son, apparently having been unaware of the familial relationship between her beloved general and the scourge of the galaxy.
Rey chuckled and continued, “It will be televised across the galaxy, and I’m certain that she will be watching; supportive mother that she is. Tell her to look on her son’s face, and see that he is gone. Tell her that the mark she sees there is my own, that it is an engagement gift from myself. And tell her that where she failed to save Ben Solo, I will raise Kylo Ren.”
[In which Kylo and Rey are betrothed as children and separated for their respective darkside trainings. Their reintroduction as adults is explosive, to say the least.]
Review: Cold Showers. I swear, these two, from the beginning, have so much sexual chemistry I had to fan myself when reading. Holy shit, this was tense. I LOVE her Kylo. This is an arranged marriage fiction, but even so there is so much going on in the world she so wonderfully weaved as well as the character interactions. You will be flying through each chapter begging for more! (Incomplete)
Eunoia By MalevolantReverie @malevolent-reverie @meth-lab-shenanigans
Rate: Explicit
Summary: Rey Kenobi, an underachieving college student becomes tangled in a twisted web with her astronomy professor, Kylo Ren, who is hiding a dark secret. (Unfinished)
Review: Violent, dark, heart wrenching, Eunoia is the cream of the crop for dark fictions. I am a huge horror fan, so naturally I was curious to read something dark and dreary in regards to Reylo. The author doesn’t hope back, which I am quite pleased about. She really builds her word and characters fantastically. The dark character of Kylo really stays completely vile. Please only read if you can hand reading explicit content. Contains non-con!
The Quietest Evening By MalevolantReverie @malevolent-reverie @meth-lab-shenanigans
Rated: Mature
Summary: Every so often, a girl disappears. No one knows where they go or why they’re taken, but they're never seen alive again. Rey, the police chief’s daughter, is next.
Review: This story is one of my favorites from MR. This one wasn’t nearly as graphic as the others she has written, but I really like the storyline she has built here. It was dark, contained secrets and revelations that had my jaw dropping. I really was at the edge of my seat for this one. It really got my heart pumping! If you are looking for a dark, angsty thriller this is the story for you. Please be aware there are triggers and non-con! (Completed)
Nobody Knows By hernamewasalice @hernamewasalicewriter
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Nobody knows that the loving wife of Ben Solo was kidnapped as a teenager. Nobody knows. Not their family or closest friends. Not even their twelve year old son, Benny.
Review: Amazing story! This is another extremely dark fic, but more so the past that is associated with Rey and Kylo. Kylo has so many secrets, so does Rey. They look like the perfect couple, but really they have a more sinister start. There are parts that are tender and sweet, but the reality and hard truth of it all is quite painful. Author has an extremely fantastic beginning where she pulls you in. It is seen through the eyes of their son! So good! Recommend! Please be warned, however, there is non-con and violence! (Unfinished)
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klcthebookworm · 6 years
Mission on Mimban: My Outline Process
Previous Installments
Introduction, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve
What Changes in My Fic
Here's the place where I put all my ideas in one place and see what scenes need to happen when to make a story. Normally, I would do this in private but since you have seen all my notes in reviewing Splinter of the Mind's Eye, I figured you guys deserved to see the next step. So first, I'm grabbing my notes from the previous twelve posts.
Cast change: Luke, Mara, and Artoo. Threepio is with Leia who doesn't get stranded on this swamp planet. Mara does need an astromech for her X-Wing so I have to commit to a new character or commit to killing off a droid. Regardless, this adventure will give Mara all kinds of snark when she and Luke end up on Dagobah.
The timeline: I need to move this adventure much closer to the Battle of Yavin to preserve the padawans' inexperience with the Force. Plus the Rebel Alliance suspicions on if Mara has fully defected.
The reason for being there: One of Obi-Wan's complaints in Extrication will be Alliance duties yanking his padawans out of their Jedi training. This could be one of those duties, surveying unexplored and non-colonized worlds for Alliance purposes, and it's Luke and Mara's turn. The beacon is unexpected given their information on Mimban so they approach to investigate, strange energy in the atmosphere fried their ships, and they crash on planet.
I also suspect everything in this chapter can be condensed.
Remember to come back to this book to steal Threepio and Artoo insults. I had a time creating them for Star Wars: My Home Is You, so I need more examples.
In an effort to get on with this project, I'm going with they crashed a roughly two-day hike away to the mining outpost and that was far enough away for the Imperials to not notice crashing ships.
Mimbanites' abuse mini-scene is an opportunity to display some growth from Mara. Since she was raised on Coruscant in the Imperial Palace, the only contact she has had with aliens are the ones who have been subjugated as slaves or the ones trying to survive in the ghettoes created on Coruscant. Humans abuse aliens when they can is all she has seen. The equality in the Rebel Alliance ranks is a cultural shock she is soldiering through in her endearing Mara way (which probably isn't helping her reputation any), but Luke's reaction to the abuse puts her perspective in a different light. Actually that may be the best way to sum up their relationship. It gives Luke's empathy something to play off without making Mara callous, like the scene currently does with Leia.
Luke and Mara's cover story won't involve slavery.
Threatening miners will be threatening without being titillated by a mud-covered Mara.
The miner who loses an eye is unidentified, but I'm willing to say it was the double-bladed stilettos everywhere miner.
Grammel's interrogation technique is to beat up the weaker of the pair. Just how well would this work against Mara Jade? I mean, she'll take a beating to sell her cover story or get her where she needs to go, but really does she have to take it from Grammel? Or can she lash back?
Luke's lightsaber does draw Grammel's notice, which gives Mara the observation that he needs to find a better hiding place for it, and leads to Artoo's flare launcher getting modified.
Luke's lightsaber is what gets them booted up the chain of command here. I don't know if it needs to be in what I write. It depends on whether I write from Grammel's POV or not and I haven't decided.
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Alien Species by Ann Margaret Lewis had a better reason for Luke knowing Yuzz: a Yuzzem lived in Anchorhead and Luke made friends with him. This is the backstory reason I'm going with rather than "I studied a lot of worlds back on Tatooine" reason Foster came up with.
Hin and Kee's backstory won't change much except I'm going with option three: alien trafficking. These two Yuzzem kids were approached and promised a well paying job, a chance to send credits back home which probably isn't doing so great under Imperial rule. Then they get to Mimban and they are paid, but everything is being docked from their paychecks. The flight to Mimban, their return flight home whenever they fulfill their contract, food, lodging, any equipment they break because it's designed for humans not Yuzzem until there is nothing left to save. They are free to leave once their contract is fulfilled or they pay to get out of it. Hah, hah, you can't pay. There you go, exploitation without slavery.
I have to decide on Puddra's rank, but I'm making him the ranking officer over the prisoners like a warden.
Overall, the prison break is decent, if a bit talky in spots. My problem is there would be less for Halla to do because Luke and Mara both are in training and levitating the tray should occur to them without outside prompting. Also, I'm not sure this qualifies as the midpoint but I'm putting it there unless a later scene makes a more compelling case.
This chapter is continuation of the escape and a reaction to it, so I don't see much of it changing. I'm a fan of Hin and Kee dismembering stormtroopers and Halla being a bad-ass.
But we know lightsabers don't need recharging, so I don't have to bother with that.
Frangi (@teagrl) introduced me to a new term last night: Grudgewriting. The way I understand it is you at least found the premise of the story to have some worth but the execution of that premise pissed you off enough to respond via fic. I was categorizing this under the Fix Fic trope but recognize that doesn't cover the sheer anger the canon work caused by its existence.
I don't know if I need hard numbers on the Imperial forces. I do have the feeling that this is information Mara would seek to gather for Rebellion Intelligence, but I have no idea what to put in Google to start the search for realistic numbers. "How many soldiers do you need to occupy a civilian population?"
I'll probably keep in the wandrella chase, it's not too bad for a complication. But Hin or Kee is picking up Threepio as they flee the thing. Do I want to keep its pathetic death? It's kind of sad that our protagonists don't do anything to defeat it. But it does set them onto a new path.
Showing better trauma victim support: Mara's trauma is so different from Leia and with the bond between her and Luke, I don't see this conversation even having the massive misstep of Luke making it all about him. What will they talk about during this hike?
Lumas will be changed to glow rods. And do a better job with explaining where the equipment comes from.
I want a line from Mara about how bad they are at keeping watch when they wake up.
The underground lake is a good opportunity to touch on what swimming lessons the Alliance has given Luke.
The lightsaber effects the lake monster. Unless it doesn't for the same reason lightsabers don't seem to boil water. Research this.
My revision of the after lake monster fight: Luke's clingy because oh-crap-I-could've-drowned! reaction has kicked in and Mara has pulled him back onboard. Mara discovers she's not opposed to clingy or more accurately hugging with Luke.
Mara's getting the Canu's judgment fight. She's better at hand-to-hand combat and didn't almost drown fighting a lake monster several hours ago. Let's add in that she's having trouble with levitation. She tried it with her droid that sank into the quickclay and couldn't, so grappling with the rock unlocks it for her.
Concentrates versus ration bars: I think I'm bringing back ration bars. There's just something too Jetsons Space Age about one pill keeping you fed for several hours, even though I appreciate the work Foster put into creating them.
The art comparison is a perfect one for Mara to make. Raised in the Imperial Court in the heart of Coruscant, trained in dance as her cover but it and music for dancing were probably the one fun thing she was allowed once her training began in earnest, she has the technical expertise and the Force Sensitivity to figure out what is different between the Coways' dance and the Imperial ballet corps. She wants to dance with the Coway to combine their moves with the ones she was taught. Will she get the chance? Will she take the chance?
Vader or not to Vader: To be honest, I had thought about leaving Vader out of my version of this story despite his pose on the cover art. [IMAGE HERE] Grammel is the big bad at the beginning, so I was considering ways he could continue being the big bad all the way through. Or if he absolutely couldn't, make concrete the more Emperor's Hands with a new character taking Vader's spot to get rid of Luke Skywalker once and for all. But since Foster neglected to give Vader his proper due, I'm back to wanting him. And it will do Anakin some good to be rejected by Luke three times in the series. Trust me.
If anybody knows how to build a booby trap with Imperial weapons, it's Mara. Luke wanders off to be dejected he can't stop the massacre and she does something useful like get them fully charged weapons and tell the Coway what to do with the rest.
Halla muscles her way into the driver seat since she's the one who knows Mimban the best, with the same driving results.
Needless to say, Vader's conversational gambits are changing. He's not ready to reveal who he is to Luke yet (I'm saving that fun for Bespin of course) and Mara's there and of course, she's there to kill Luke again.
The Kaiburr crystal gives Padmé's ghost enough energy to show up to Luke, Mara, and Vader. Luke pulls down part of the temple to keep Vader from killing Mara and has a talk with Padmé, asking if she's an angel. Hin and Kee are not both going to die. But Vader's shuttle will end up at the temple, piloted by one of his Noghri honor guards, and our good guys are going to steal it to get off Mimban. So there will be a new conclusion scene when Leia and Obi-Wan come to pick them up.
My second step is to fill out the expected scenes in bold. This outline started with a worksheet from Larry Brooks (storyfix.com) and I have been adding details from K.M. Weiland's techniques (Helping Writers Become Authors). These are the scenes that must be there for the plot to make sense. I don't worry about the blank numbers in between. As I work on the third step, I will fill in the scenes between the expected scenes evenly so the math works out (at least closer than Foster's finished product did).
The third step is to answer the Questions to Ask to Figure Out the Beats that is under the blank outline. Usually, I don't fill this out while I'm outlining but the way the published novel has beaten me up, I'd rather take the time now to make sure what I picked works before I write the narrative. Also since I want to shorten my version, my plan is to drop some scenes.
My fourth step is to even out the sections and delete all the blank numbers in my outline. Now I'm checking how many scenes are between my plot points. Five scenes before 1st Plot Point, four scenes between 1st Plot Point and the Midpoint, six scenes between the Midpoint and the 3rd Plot Point, and eight scenes after the 3rd Plot Point. OOPS! I left out a scene between the 1st Plot Point and the Midpoint: Grammel and the prisoners conversation through the cell bars. So now I have Five scenes before 1st Plot Point, five scenes between 1st Plot Point and the Midpoint, six scenes between the Midpoint and the 3rd Plot Point, and eight scenes after the 3rd Plot Point. And it's only five scenes between the 3rd Plot Point and the Climactic Moment, so I don't feel the second half is uneven.
So now if you want here's the Mission on Mimban Beat Sheet:
Part 1 – Set up:
Hook = Discovering the broadcasting beacon and an energy discharge in the atmosphere causes both Luke and Mara’s X-Wings to crash.
Luke and Artoo find Mara. Her astromech sunk in the quickclay and she couldn’t save it by levitating it with the Force since her levitation isn’t working. She treats the cut on Luke’s head.
Hiking and then camping. Mara has snark about easy assignment and fun exploring more planets Luke promised her. Luke insists that’s what Wedge told him. Talk around the campfire leads to romantic interest (Mara’s in Luke’s head she knows how much he loved Biggs.) Luke is bisexual, Wedge is heterosexual, Mara is scary. Luke: “You give off a vibe that you’ll tear out anyone’s throat for saying hello.” Mara: “I would not. You and Master Obi-Wan would not approve.” Mara is uncomfortable with sharing snuggles, thinking it is more intimate than they are. Luke explains he and Biggs did the same to stay warm on Tatooine.
Inciting Event at 1/8 or 12% of word count = Luke and Mara discover the Imperial mining town and that the Empire is secretly and illegally mining on Mimban.
They infiltrate the tavern for some real food, see how the Mimbanites are treated, and draw Imperial curiosity. Luke’s cover story: Mara is his Holo Domestic Partner and Mara adds a personal sob story. The Imperial leaves them alone.
1st Plot Point at 2/8 or 25% of word count = Luke and Mara make a deal with Halla to help her find the Kaiburr crystal in exchange for Halla’s help in getting them off planet.
Part 2 – Response:
A group of drunk miners are intent on assaulting Mara, Luke and Mara are intent on preventing that, and a fight breaks out. Halla finds Artoo as she sneaks away and Imperial stormtroopers round up everyone for Grammel to punish.
Pinch Point at 3/8 of word count = Luke and Mara meet Grammel and are imprisoned while their second cover story is investigated.
Luke and Mara are thrown into a cell with a pair of Yuzzem, Hin and Kee. Mara is alarmed, but Luke knows how to say hello in Yuzz and makes friends.
Grammel contacts Governor Essada over the lightsaber. Essada is sending it to the Imperial specialist’s attention and Grammel needs to keep the pair in custody until a decision is made about them. Grammel then hurries down to the prison level to check on things.
Grammel charges into the cell block and is relieved that the Yuzzem have not killed Luke and Mara. Then he threatens them trying to learn what’s so special about them.
Mid-Point Shift at 4/8 or 50% of word count = Prison escape. A good time to show how weak Mara’s levitation skill is with the tray. They underestimated the blood thirst of the Yuzzem.
Part 3 – Attack:
Luke sees his lightsaber on Grammel’s belt before sending the charges down that hallway and grabs it back with the Force. They blow their way out of the Imperial headquarters and steal the crawler. Information exchange while they keep moving at a slower pace.
Pinch Point at 5/8 of word count = Vader arrives on Mimban and meets Grammel. Vader is not impressed, but is oddly proud of the Rebel who orchestrated the prison break.
Cover the wandrella chase and underground hike with exposition and start the scene with the underground lake travel. Luke fights the lake monster.
They land and are attacked by the Coway. They win and chase after the last one, only to find their captured party in the Coway village.
Mara fights to the Coway champion for Canu’s judgment. She wins by finally harnessing levitation to hit the Coway in the head with a rock.
All is Lost Lull = Coway feast ends with the realization Vader and stormtroopers are coming
Part 4 – Resolution:
3rd Plot Point at 6/8 or 75% of word count = Battle between the Coway and the Imperials
Aftermath of the battle, liberating transportation from the Imperials, and racing to the temple.
Vader kills Grammel.
They arrive at the Temple of Pomojema, apparently first, and have to fight off a lizard monster. Luke defeats the monster, but his arm is broken by rock pulled by the lizard monster. Then he gets trapped by the falling ceiling.
Vader’s entrance, Vader fights Mara. Halla and Hin go for the crystal. Kee tries to help Mara with Vader and Mara is able to deflect Vader’s killing blow so Kee loses his arm instead. Vader gives her the gash down the leg.
Halla and Hin come back to Luke and Kee, and Hin pulls the stone off Luke. Vader offers to spare Mara’s life if Luke surrenders to him. Halla gives Luke the Kaiburr crystal.
Climactic Moment at 7/8 or 98% of word count = Luke powered by the Kaiburr crystal pulls part of the temple down on Vader and talks to Padmé.
Vader’s Noghri Honor Guard brings Vader’s shuttle to the temple, so they steal it. They clean up and treat the wounds as they flee in hyperspace. Halla notes that the Kaiburr crystal is no longer magical.
Obi-Wan’s POV: The Falcon lands in the Nanth’ri system to pick up Luke and Mara with Obi-Wan and Leia both on board. They are battered and burned and have the Kaiburr crystal and two Yuzzem with them, one down an arm. Obi-Wan tells them they’re learning healing techniques next as they get them on board. They had exchanged a part of value off of Vader’s shuttle with Halla for the Kaiburr crystal, even though it seems de-powered now. Obi-Wan doesn’t think the stone is suitable for lightsabers and Mara protests cutting it into smaller pieces. Luke agrees with Mara. “It’s not ours. Not really. We’re just keeping it safe until the Empire is gone and we can return it to Mimban.”
Questions to Ask to Figure Out the Beats
What is the conceptual hook/appeal of your story? Rewrite Splinter of the Mind’s Eye to improve it and fit it into the Rescue the Farmboy series
What is the theme(s) of your story? Not completely sure yet, but something to do with the human bigotry against the various alien species. I want to take that aspect of the original book and beat it to death with a hammer.
How does your story open? Luke and Mara arrive at Mimban and discover a beacon broadcasting. They head down to land and the energy discharge causes them to crash.
Is there an immediate hook? Yes, will they survive crashing is a question to keep readers reading.
And then…
What is the hero doing in their life before the first plot point? The assignment was to explore Mimban for potential Rebel Alliance use. Crashing their ships has changed it to finding the beacon and surviving until they can find a way off the planet.
What stakes are established prior to the first plot point? The Empire has established a secret mining facility on Mimban. This makes survival easier (human supplies) and harder (Luke and Mara are both wanted by the Empire).
What is the Inciting Event in your story? Luke and Mara finding the Imperial mining town and realize what is going on here.
What is your character’s backstory? Luke was wanted by the Empire, surrendered to Darth Vader, and was kept a prisoner on the Death Star until he was rescued by his friends. He then blew up the Death Star and saved Mara Jade’s life by finding her after she crashed into Yavin 4. Mara Jade failed to kill Luke Skywalker and would have died for it if not for Luke’s intervention. Her loyalty has transferred to him along with sharing a Force Bond with him. Artoo has finally found Anakin Skywalker’s son that Obi-Wan Kenobi disappeared with eighteen years ago and he is not letting the organic out of his sight again. Even better, Luke is a pilot too. He gets to fly again. This story is set two months after Liberation.
What inner demons show up here that will come to bear on the hero later in the story? What is the lie the character believes? Lie Mara believes: Human are superior. Lie Luke believes: He won’t love anyone else like he loved Biggs.
What is foreshadowed prior to the first plot point? Dealing with the misconceptions Mara has about physical contact and what was between Luke and Biggs come up while they make camp after crashing. Mara sees nothing wrong with how the Mimbanites are treated.
What is the first plot point in your story? Luke and Mara make a deal with Halla to help her get the Kaiburr crystal in exchange for her helping get them off Mimban.
Is it located properly within the story sequence? Yes.
How does it change the hero’s agenda going forward? It seems like a minor diversion to earn them good will of a local who can help them escape Mimban without Imperial reprisal. And that the Kaiburr crystal seems to affect the Force is a good reason to keep it out of Imperial hands.
What is the nature of the hero’s new need/quest? Treasure hunt!
What is at stake relative to meeting that need? Luke and Mara being identified by the Imperials and probably executed.
What opposes the hero in meeting that need? The Imperial forces on Mimban led by Captain-Supervisor Grammel.
What does the antagonistic force have at stake? Losing the secrecy over the mining operation on Mimban (if the local system government finds out, it could change the amount of Imperial resources spent to extract the ore). Losing control over the criminals who have been pressed into mining service.
Why will the reader empathize with the hero at this point? Grammel is horrible, physically violent and threatens torture to get what he wants. And he sees through Luke and Mara’s cover stories.
How does the hero respond to the antagonistic force? Luke lies and lies some more, while trying to protect Mara from Grammel and protect Grammel from Mara. Then he makes allies with the Yuzzem.
What is the mid-point contextual shift/twist in your story? The prison break is when Luke and Mara take charge of their fates. They have no plans to be here when Grammel finds out they are not criminals from Circarpous, so time to use what Jedi skills they have learned to get out.
How does it part the curtain of superior knowledge…
… For the hero? Keeping the Yuzzem under control; neither Luke nor Mara thought that would be a problem. More Luke than Mara, she’s fine with killing off the enemy that would chase them.
and/or, for the reader? Readers will see Mara’s weak levitation skills in action when Luke has to grab the tray mentally.
How does this shift the context of the story? The treasure hunt to reach the Kaiburr crystal and leave Mimban before the Imperial forces regroup is on.
How does this pump up dramatic tension and pace? The prison break ends up blowing up the Imperial headquarters.
How does your hero begin to successfully attack their need/quest? They steal a crawler (or a repulsorlift vehicle) and follow the map toward the Temple of Pomojema.
How does the antagonistic force respond to this attack? The Imperial forces have to lick their wounds and figure out how to track the escapees through the jungles. And then Grammel has to greet Lord Vader. Lord Vader is so not impressed with the Imperial forces, though, oddly enough he’s a bit proud of the prison break.
How do the hero’s inner demons come to bear on this attack?
What is the all-is-lost lull just before the third plot point? The Coway feast ends with the realization that Vader is leading the Imperials straight to them.
What is the third plot point in your story? The Coway successfully beat back the Imperials, but Vader and Grammel get away to get the Kaiburr crystal first. Vader’s reasoning is if Luke is after it, Luke will come to Vader to get it.
How does this change or affect the hero’s proactive role? Luke is determined to get the Kaiburr crystal and get off planet before Vader takes him prisoner again.
How is your hero the primary catalyst for the successful resolution of the central problem or issue in this story? Vader offers to spare Mara if Luke joins him. Luke refuses. Halla gives the Kaiburr crystal to Luke and with the amplified Force, Luke pushes Vader back where the lizard came from and drops more ceiling between him and Mara. Padmé appears and gets to talk to Luke. They steal Vader’s shuttle and leave Vader’s Noghri honor guard to dig him out.
How does it meet the hero’s need and fulfill the quest? They get the Kaiburr crystal, so the treasure hunt is won. And Vader’s wailing on Mara makes both Vader and Luke realize he cares more than just friendship.
How does the hero demonstrate the conquering of inner demons? Mara defeats her lie by protecting the Yuzzem. Luke rescues Mara.
How are the stakes of the story paid off? They’re beat up to hell and back, but they survived and got off Mimban. And the Empire didn’t get the Kaiburr crystal or Luke. And Leia and Han both drop their suspicions about Mara.
What will be the reader’s emotional experience as the story concludes? Relief that they made it out of the adventure. And eager to see what happens next.
If you opened my link to the blank beat sheet, you may have noticed I skipped the beginning details when I just quoted the Mission on Mimban Beat Sheet. That's because my fifth step is to figure out my Comprehensive Concept. This is a tool I was introduced to by Todd A. Stone in Novelist's Boot Camp.
A comprehensive concept is a foundation builder. It is a short statement that combines the following four essential elements to form a strong base for your complex novel: (1) genre, (2) main character, (3) opposition, and (4) macro setting.
I have added a fifth element, the conflict, but I'm not sure where I pulled that from. Maybe Larry Brooks, or maybe Shawn Coyne's Story Grid. What I have found over the years is that sentences makes a great summary that FanFiction.Net and Ao3 both ask for to describe your fic.
So for this story, I came up with this list.
Genre: Action-adventure fanfic
Opposition: the Empire
Main Characters: Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade
Macro Setting: Star Wars, Mimban
Conflict: beat the Imperials to the mystical object
Now you meld these five items into a sentence that describes the story. I ended up with: In this action-adventure fanfic, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade’s exploration of Mimban is derailed by the unexpected Imperial presence on the planet and their way off-planet depends on finding the Kaiburr crystal before the Imperials do.
That's done and I'm prepared to start on the narrative. You may have noticed I skipped over filling in the theme(s). I have an idea, especially considering the human bigotry of this story, but I generally wait to see what develops and then find it to punch it up during the editing.
So thank you for taking this journey with me. I hope I've given you something you can apply to your own writing endeavors. There will be fic at some point.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Since when am I a Potential Threat?
by Sympathy_for_a_Villain
“You may be a kid, but I think you’re stronger than you realize,” Protesilaus said, his hand resting on Sympath’s head as they flinched from the pain of Asclepius healing their wounds. “And I think we can help you understand that.”
“Oh, please, Protesilaus, I can barely even protect myself. How can you expect me to be a threat to others?”
Sympath got really bored and lonely so they decided to write a fan fiction with one of their favorite types of AU’s.
Words: 3794, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Other
Characters: Aryn Ivory | Sympath (Video Blogging RPF), Tyler | Wallibear (Video Blogging RPF), Levi | Leviathan (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur | Wilbur Soot (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream's Sister Drista (Video Blogging RPF), Grayson | Purpled (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza (Video Blogging RPF), Benjamin | Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu (Video Blogging RPF), Jack | JackManifoldTV (Video Blogging RPF), Alastair | The_Eret (Video Blogging RPF), Kristin | Misstrixtin (Video Blogging RPF), Marc | RanbooLive (Video Blogging RPF), Toby | Tubbo_ (Video Blogging RPF), George | GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) - Character, Sapnap | Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Corpse | CorpseHusband (Video Blogging RPF), Tommy | TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Luke | PunzOP (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Dream SMP Ensemble & TommyInnit, Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Sleepy Bois Inc. (Video Blogging RPF) & Original Character(s), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Grayson | Purpled & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Grayson | Purpled & Luke | Punz, Grayson | Purpled & Tyler | Wallibear, Grayson | Purpled & LeviathanJPTV (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Dream Smp, Sleepy Bois Inc as Found Family, Sleepy Bois Inc Angst, Sleepy Bois Inc Fluff, OC-centric, OC and Canon Found Family, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Families of Choice, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Miscommunication, Heroes/Villains/Vigilantes, Heroes to Villains, Villains to Heroes, another dreamsmp vigilante fic, but this time I added my OC, Major Character Injury, Major Original Character(s), this is about characters not cc’s, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, This is my first fic posted here, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Dream SMP Setting (Video Blogging RPF), Dream SMP Ensemble are Superheroes, Dream SMP Ensemble Angst, might make this a series, Alternate Universe - Foster Family, Foster Family Sleepy Bois Inc
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/38576244
0 notes
rootbeergoddess · 7 years
From Business to Love
Okay, I will admit this is not my best title.
@errrbodylovesfinn who is my bro and is just amazing, comissioned me to write a fan fic in which Finn and Rey start out as business rivals who end up falling in love. Now, it’s time to post it for @finnreyfridays!
Rey had to keep reminding herself to smile. Smile and look friendly. Don’t be intimidating. That was one of the most important things about business meetings. Always try to appear friendly but make sure they don’t walk all over you.
   Rey had a small issue when it came to conducting business. She was a fantastic businesswoman, there was no doubt about that. The issue was that she didn’t take crap from anyone. Again, that wasn’t a bad thing, but the issue arose with how she dealt with it. Rey was confrontational. She got into people’s faces. Maybe it was because, for years, people had talked down to her or walked all over her. These days, she refused to be a doormat. Granted, she could probably figure out a, better way to confront people but she hadn’t found it yet.
But dealing with Storm Enterprises was completely different. Her mentor, Luke, told her that she needed to seal this, deal. Finn, the young CEO of Storm Enterprises, was brilliant. Finn had taken a small, independent company and had turned it into a money-making machine. His investments always landed, and he was even a humanitarian. He was always in the paper for donating large sums of money, or there was some fundraiser for the Troop House, a foster home for orphaned children.
He seemed nice enough, but Rey still didn’t want to work with someone else. But Luke said she had to. Storm Enterprises had the tools she needed. If she wanted her prototype to get off the ground, then she needed Finn.
Rey stepped off the elevator. She reached into her purse and took out her pocket mirror. Looking at herself, she admitted she looked good. Pretty yet intimidating. That was exactly how she wanted to meet Finn.
“Hello,” Rey approached the secretary. “I’m here to meet with Finn.”
“Oh right! Just a second,” The secretary pressed a button. “Rey of Jakku Robotics is here to see you.”
“Send her in.”
A buzzing was heard as the door opened up. Rey walked forward. In her mind, she kept telling herself to portray fearlessness.  Once she entered, Rey took in Finn’s office. It wasn’t massive like many offices she had been in, but it was still big. Everything was sleek and modern. It was well lit, another thing that set it apart from other offices. On the walls were various pictures, most of them featuring Finn. There were some newspaper clippings, a picture of him with his vice president Poe and a very nice picture of him posing with a custom car of his.
“Can I get you anything to drink?”
Rey glanced over at the desk. There he was in all his glory. As much as she hated to admit it, Finn was handsome. In all the pictures she had seen, he was immaculately tailored with a brilliant smile. Today was no different; he was wearing a charcoal suit that fit him perfectly. For a brief moment, Rey wondered what he looked like underneath the suit.
“A glass of water with lemon please,” Rey sat down. “Thank you.”
“Rose,” Finn pushed a button on his intercom. “A glass of water with lemon for Miss Rey, please. It’s a pleasure to have you here Miss Rey.”
“I’m sure,” Rey leaned back. “So Finn, tell me about this proposal of yours. As you know, I have other offers to consider.”
That was a lie, but Finn didn’t need to know that. It was always a good idea to make sure potential business partner squirm just a bit. Being too eager was a downfall in the world of business. So Finn explained his ideas concerning Rey’s prototype. Originally, Rey wanted to be stubborn. As time went by, she found herself agreeing with a lot of what Finn said. Again, she didn’t appear overly eager but she nodded here and there. Half the time, she kept getting lost in Finn’s dark eyes. It was hard to focus on business when he was just so damn, handsome.
“Well,” Rey said after about an hour. “You’ve given me a lot to think about. I’ll get back to you tomorrow.”
“Maybe over lunch?” Finn suggested.
Rey looked at Finn. She wanted to dislike him, she really did. This man was trying to use her company for personal gain or at least trying to make himself look good. But those eyes were her downfall.
“I’ll have my people call your people.” She replied.
Rey had been told it was important not to mix business and pleasure. It was the oldest rule in the book. Dating someone in the same profession as you was a taboo. It was a shame Rey didn’t really listen to what people said because she was slowly falling for her rival. It was so cliche too. Two rival business partners start working on a project, and before they know it, they’re madly in love. It was like a Lifetime romantic comedy. As cheesy as it was, Rey was enjoying herself. The two of them hadn’t said anything about the spark between them, but she knew Finn felt it too.
It had started with a lunch date. Then, once they had started working, Finn would place his hand on Rey’s back. And Rey? She let his hand stay there. Soon, Rey would come up behind Finn and lean against his back, looking over his shoulder. Finn never told her to move. Before long, Finn was wrapped his arm around Rey’s waist while they oversaw production. Finn’s employees saw them openly but never said anything. Rey didn’t care. She wanted people to see. It was like she was bragging. Look at me, I’ve bagged a good one!
Their second ‘date’ was a fundraiser. Every year, the Skywalker Company would hold an auction. All the proceeds went to charity. Finn had asked Rey to be his date, and of course, she agreed. Usually, she just went as Luke’s protege. Part of her was slightly nervous at how Luke would view their relationship, but another part of her didn’t care. This was exciting for her.
The night of the auction came. Rey had chosen a blue, strapless, mermaid gown. She had to admit, she felt like a princess. When she arrived at the ballroom, Finn was waiting for her. As always, he looked dashing. Finn was a person who wasn’t afraid to wear colors. He had gone for a tailored, purple top and black pants. It was different, but he looked fantastic.
“You look stunning tonight.” Finn had told her.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
“Rey, you’re here!” Luke came over. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Luke, you know my date,” Rey said, a hint of pride in her voice. “Finn, this is my mentor, Luke Skywalker.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Skywalker,” Finn shook Luke’s hand. “I’ve heard nothing but good things about you.”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Luke grinned. “Rey has spoken highly of you.”
“Really? I find that hard to believe. Miss Rey isn’t one to pass out compliments,” Finn said. “I’m going to get us some punch. Excuse me.”
Rey watched Finn leave. Her eyes lingered on his rear for just a second.
“This has to be a first,” Luke said. “You have an actual date.”
“Don’t act so surprised,” Rey shrugged. “I found someone worth my time.”
“Worth your time? Rey, I may be old, but I am not stupid,” Luke chuckled. “You’re smitten.”
“I don’t get smitten,” Rey said. “I just found someone worthy of my time, that’s all.”
“I see the way you look at him,” Luke said. “You’re not just pleased with yourself, you’re happy that he’s yours.”
Rey wanted to say something. She wanted to have some witty retort to give Luke, but for the life of her, she couldn’t think of anything. Luke was right. She hated it when he was right. The worst part was that Luke knew he was right too. Rey had no arguments. Yes, she liked Finn more than she cared to admit. His company was enjoyable. There was no one else like him and no one else Rey could stomach. Finn came back with the punch and Rey started drinking it, hoping Luke would leave.
He didn’t of course.
“So Finn, tell me about yourself,” Luke said.
“There isn’t much to tell. I’m a simple man with simple tastes.”
“I have a hard time believing you’re simple. I can tell you’re a snazzy dresser.” Luke eyed Finn’s outfit.
“I’m just not afraid of color.”
Rey knew Luke was enjoying this way too much. She let him has his fun until she got bored and decided she wanted to look at the items up for auction. So once she finished her punch, she grabbed Finn without saying goodbye to her asshole mentor and led him off. Finn seemed fine with a chance of scenery. He placed his hand on Rey’s waist, pulling her close. Rey felt herself smile.
   “Rey, see anything you like?” Finn asked.    Rey looked at the items up for auction. There were the usual gowns, some nice jewelry, gift cards, the regular fare. Rey found herself getting bored until she saw something. It was a Barbie doll. A very pretty one too. It was a collector’s item apparently. Finn noticed Rey looking at the doll and smiled.
   “Do you like it? I’ll get it for you?” Finn asked.
   “No,” Rey said. “I don’t need it.”
   “But you want it. It’s for a good cause,” Finn wrote his name down and his bid. “Let me treat you. You know I collect Matchbox cars.”
   “Yes. When I was little, I grew up in an orphanage,” Finn said. “One of the nuns at the orphanage saw I liked cars and would always use some of her paycheck to get me a little Matchbox car. I still collect them to this day.”
   Rey had known Finn had no family of his own, but she didn’t know about the orphanage. He spoke about it so clearly as if it wasn’t a big deal. He really trusted her and part of that hurt. Rey hadn’t told him anything about herself. Finn had never pushed it. At that moment, she was feeling guilty. Finn took her hand, but Rey pulled him back.
   “I never had a doll when I was little,” Rey said. “That’s why it caught my eye. It would just be nice to have one.”
   It was stupid, or at least Rey thought it was, but Finn smiled.
   “Then all the more reason for me to win it.”
   At the end of the night, Rey was the proud owner of a Barbie doll.
   Rey didn’t want to admit it, but she was indeed smitten with Finn. Of course, Luke would gloat when Rey finally admitted he was right and she would have to live with that forever. Still, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Life with Finn was better than life without him.
   Rey wasn’t a person who opened up to many people. People thought she was a snob because she wasn’t bright and bubbly. It wasn’t that Rey was rude, she was just cautious about who she let in. People will promise you one thing, and then before you know it, they’ve stabbed you in the back. From an early age, Rey learned that it was, best to keep people at a distance. Being on your own meant you couldn’t get hurt. The downside of this idea was that you were lonely. Rey had accepted that she would be alone for the rest of life. Life, as usual, enjoyed throwing her a curveball.
   Finn wasn’t a person who pushed or invaded privacy. In fact, he respected Rey’s boundaries straight away. If she wouldn’t answer a question, Finn gave up right away. It was shocking at first. Most men would have pressured Rey into answering, but Finn dropped the subject of whatever it was once Rey showed she was not willing to indulge certain information. He was patient, opting to let Rey come to him when she was ready to open up.
   One day, as Rey was just waking up, she reached out to wrap an arm around Finn’s waist to find him missing. She opened up her eyes, a bit confused but her fears were put to rest when Finn came out of the bathroom, tablet in hand. She sat up, wrapping the sheets around her naked body as Finn sat next to her.
   “Morning,” He said, looking up from the tablet. “Sorry, I had to talk to Poe, and I didn’t want to wake you up.”
   “Is everything okay?”
   “I’m not sure,” Finn admitted. “See we’re supposed to be in talks with First Order Enterprises, but something isn’t adding up.”
   “What do you mean?”
   “Poe’s been looking at their numbers, and there is money missing,” Finn explained. “He’s done some research as well, and many ex-employees don’t have many nice things to say about FO.”
   Rey had never worked with First Order Enterprises, and there was a reason for that. Kylo Ren, the CEO of FO, was not a man Rey wanted to associate with. There something off about him. Rey thought it was just her but many of her associates told her the same thing. Despite being a wealthy man from a wealthy family, Ren acted as if he was oppressed. He also was often talking about how the world was changing and needed to be reborn. While he was good with business, he was terrible with people and the Vice President of the company, VP Hux, usually had to step in to avoid disaster.
“Do you want some help?” Rey asked.
“Yes,” Finn answered immediately. “I would love help from the most gorgeous woman I know.”
Finn was definitely a keeper.
   Finn and Poe had been right.
   FO had been embezzling money. Massive amounts of money had been taken out of the accounts and spread around to various people. Due to this, employees were being underpaid and losing benefits. Of course, with this information, Finn went straight to the police. Once he did, an investigation was launched, and things got even more interesting. When the police investigated further, they found that Kylo Ren had the support of some infamous people from drug dealers to crooked politicians. Once the news hit, things exploded into chaos.
   First, Hux threatened to sue Finn, but Rey had stepped in, warning Hux that if he wasn’t careful, he’d be exposed next. Hux was not as bright as he appeared to be and once he tried to send his dogs after Finn, Rey let the news know that Hux had been the center of five harassment claims. Many people working for the company gladly stepped forward to collaborate these stories, and Finn offered every one of them a place at his company. In a matter of weeks, First Order Enterprises had lost everything.
   Looking back at it, Rey was thankful she had always avoided Kylo when given the chance. Her gut had been right. There was something off about the man. He was cruel, greedy and selfish. Not like her Finn of course. Finn was the kindest soul in the world. All the ex-First Order employees could have suffered without their jobs, and Finn offered every single one of them a job, giving them full benefits. He didn’t have to do that. He could have let those people suffer. But Finn was too kind-hearted to do that.
   After a long day, Rey was watching the news. Kylo was in court again, looking disheveled and pathetic. Rey couldn’t help but smile as she took a sip of her wine. Served him right.
   “Whatcha watching?” Finn asked as he sat down next to Rey.
   “The news,” Rey replied, leaning against him.
   “I see,” Finn kissed her head. “Watching the fall of the mighty?”    “He was never mighty,” Rey replied. “I’m bored of this, let’s watch something else.”
   “Like what my love?” Finn asked, kissing her again.
   Finn found an episode of the Great British Bake-Off. Rey snuggled against Finn. After a bit, she said she was hungry, and Finn suggested they order some pho. Rey agreed, and Finn went to place the order. As he got up, Rey watched him. Yes, she had to officially admit that she loved Finn. He was perfect. There was no way she could fight her feelings anymore. Finn came back, looking at her.
   “What’s with the smile?” He asked.
   “I just realized that I love you,” Rey replied, her smile growing.
   “You just now realized that you love me? Ouch.”
   “No, I mean---I knew that I had feelings for you, but I kept arguing with myself,” Rey set her wine glass down and got up. “You know me. I struggle with opening up. I’m closed off emotionally. So I wanted to love you, but I was afraid to.”
   “Because I’m so terrifying?” Finn waggled his eyebrows.
   Rey laughed.
   “Yes, you’re utterly terrifying with your smarts, your kindness, your  good looks.” Rey joked.
   “And you know what makes me extremely terrifying? My dreaded kiss attack!”
   Rey’s laughter began again as Finn started kissing her all over. He growled like an animal and picked her up in his strong arms. Rey smiled as she was carried over to the couch, her hands on his neck. Once Finn laid her down, she pulled him down closer to her lips so she could kiss his lips.
   “I love you,” Rey said.
   “Really? You do? Well, I have good news for you then,” Finn grinned. “I love you too.”    “Honestly, are you ever serious?” Rey sighed.
   “Nope. I can be serious when I’m dead,” Finn replied, placing his head between her breasts. “And I’m pretty sure I’m not dead, so it’s not time to be serious.”
“Maybe I should take back my declaration of love,” Rey mused.
“Too late!” Finn said. “You said, and you can’t take it back.”
“Oh well, guess I’m stuck with you.” Rey smiled.
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tres-spades-hotel · 8 years
‘Get To Know Me’ Tag
Tagged by @surroundedbyrichanddangerousmen (Thanks!)
Nickname: Don’t have one.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: No idea
Last Thing I Googled: where to write a novel
Favourite Artist: The Chainsmokers
Song Stuck in My Head: ‘You Don’t Know Me’ by Jax Jones ft. Raye
Last Movie I Watched: Drop Dead Fred
What Are You Wearing Right Now: Grey top, brown baggy pants
What Do You Post: Fan fics about Eisuke Ichinomiya
Why Did You Choose Your URL: I actually don’t know, I needed something that wasn’t used so I thought ‘why not use the Tres Spades Hotel’
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: No
What Did Your Past Relationship Teach You: I have never been in a relationship before so I don’t honestly know.
Religious or Spiritual: Religious
Favourite Colour: Purple
Average Hours of Sleep: Anywhere between 8 to 13
Lucky Number: 27
Favourite Character: Eisuke Ichinomiya (If you couldn’t already tell) but I also love Luke Foster and Aigonorus from Star Crossed Myth
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: 1
Dream Job: Being a writer and writing fantasy novels but I have no idea how I’m going to get there or where to start... but I’ll figure it out!
Tagging: @ayaka-oh @speakfearlessly1989 @smutmylifeup @kissedbythebaddestbae @ichinomiya-thottie @eiko-ichinomiya0511
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klcthebookworm · 6 years
FanFic Friday: Mission on Mimban 7 of 12
Previous Installments
Introduction, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six,
What Happens in the Chapter
The reaction to the prison break starts off with Grammel and a hapless sergeant and what they find, everyone dead in the wrecked communications center. Our escapees upon reaching the reception area spend some time dithering on how to deal with the uniformed soldier at the desk and the two well-armed guards beside the exit. Hin and Kee take the decision out of Luke and Leia's hands by moving forward at full speed and full battle cry mode. That effectively gives them the drop on the Imperials, but Kee breaks the entire desk and console on the soldier stationed at it. Unfortunately, that desk had the door controls. Luke finds grenades on one of the stormtrooper's belts and uses one to blow out the door.
Grammel and his troops finally catch up with them after they blew apart the doors. Luke takes the time to set three more canisters and roll them into the inner hallway before running. "Grammel and the mass of troops behind him pulled up short as the canisters came rolling and bouncing innocently toward them. The corridor cleared with inhuman speed." Those three explosions collapse the entire entrance of the temple. They meet up with Halla, Threepio, and Artoo at the maintenance yard. Halla has picked out a bulky, open-air vehicle on bloated, multiple wheels, Artoo ignites the engine, and Halla drives it through the shed door and through the wire fence surrounding the yard. She drives at full speed through the bogs and jungle for a half an hour before Luke and Leia convince her to stop.
Hin, Kee, and Leia break out the rations and then they all talk about survival matters, Halla's impressive stealing, how far away the crystal is, Pomojema, native culture, and Governor Essada. Halla the bad-ass freaks the hell out when she learns that an Imperial governor is involved now, but Luke manages to convince her that they have to get the crystal first and destroy it if necessary to keep it from Imperial hands. The trip is estimated to take "a week to ten days." Luke finds the weapons Halla stashed and passes them out. Then he uses the blaster pistol he carried out of Imperial headquarters to recharge his lightsaber.
What I Liked
Hin and Kee are the breakout stars of this book. They are so committed to leaving and dismembering every Imperial that gets in their way. Another reason I'm glad this story was never filmed since it would have been hard to get all this dismemberment past the censors.
The explosive content of this book has gone up with this chapter.
The blast gave the feeling that lightning had struck just behind them. Green fire flared around the corner, faded instantly to acrid smoke. When they peered around the wall, they saw that both doors and a portion of the building's foundation had vanished.
"They've improved those things," Luke observed professionally.
Cue my giggles that Luke has had an adventure in which he played around with Imperial grenades. Then the three he set off to stop Grammel's pursuit have a cascading effect that is still exploding after they find the maintenance yard.
Halla was looking admiringly at Luke. "What did you do, boy?" A faint explosion sounded by way of footnote to her comment, from the general direction of the temple headquarters. "Sounds like the mine itself's going up."
"I just tried to delay our pursuit a little while," he explained modestly. Another explosion made them all wince reflexively. A pillar of yellow flame lit the night sky, piercing the mist. "I might've overdone it a little."
You don't say, Luke.
Artoo is the one to save them all, because I doubt anyone else in this group has hot-wiring as a skill set.
I do appreciate our travel time actually given in this section. Star Wars likes to gloss over details like how long does this take in order to present the exciting things. I'm not a fan because it leads to misunderstandings like "hyperspace mean instantaneous travel" and "Luke spent a week training on Dagobah." The week to two weeks time frame gives the characters lots of time to interact and gives Essada time to respond.
What I Found Problematic
Argh, the head-hopping! Why the hell is there this much head-hopping in TWO pages? We start with Grammel and that lasts four paragraphs. Then we see what the sergeant does, two paragraphs. After that we are in Luke's POV, and I'm "argh just pick one to go with!"
I think driving through jungle and bogs, even taking evasive turns and swerves, leaves a clear trail that can be followed until new growth covers it up. Sure the ever present fog helps hide them, but the mud mauler has to be leaving a trail. We'll have to see in a later chapter just how hard it is for the Imperials to follow them.
Halla's impressive streak continues in this chapter, which highlights all the problems Foster has had writing Leia. What is up with that?
What Changes in My Fic
This chapter is continuation of the escape and a reaction to it, so I don't see much of it changing. I'm a fan of Hin and Kee dismembering stormtroopers and Halla being a bad-ass.
But we know lightsabers don't need recharging, so I don't have to bother with that.
Plot events time. Helping Writers Become Authors further explains this breakdown.
Hook 1% mark = Crashing onto Mimban
Set-up 1% - 12%
Inciting Event 12% mark = Finding the Imperial mining outpost
Build-up 12% - 25%
1st Plot Point 25% mark = Luke and Leia agree to find the Kaiburr crystal with Halla
Reaction to 1st Plot Point 25% - 37%
1st Pinch Point 37% mark = Meeting with Grammel
Realization 37% - 50%
Midpoint or 2nd Plot Point 50% mark = Prison break
Action 50% - 62%
2nd Pinch Point 62% mark
Renewed Push 62% - 75%
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truelovevoltage · 8 years
Injured At Work - Luke Foster
“Anonymous said: Can you do Luke from kbtbb reaction when mc got injured while working? Like for example mc tries to break up a fight but she got hurt or something like that”
Requested: Yes
For: Anon
Smut: No
The moment you step foot at work they reminded you to be careful. The guest that were going to check in today has a record of causing troubles towards the staff  and guests of the hotel they’re currently staying at. But you questioned why the boss would let them stay in his hotel in the first place. 
Eisuke believes that those troubles makers will be tamed during their stay at Tres Spades and that’s why he took in the challenge of letting that group stay at his hotel. 
Up till now the hotel was quiet. There was no disturbance whatsoever. On the spur of moment you heard grass shattering. A commotion in the lobby has started caused by the troubled group that everyone has been talking about and a business and staff were also involved. “Man watch where you’re going next time!” 
“Oh so you think you’re so tough huh!” Replied the the man. 
“Hey, you pushed me first causing me to accidentally bump into the post where the vase was sitting on!” Yelled the man with tattoos.
Your co-worker is trying their best to calm the two but there was no change. You detested the case that no one is trying to help therefore you made your way towards the three.
“Sir, please we should just talk about this in a calm matter. There’s no need for you to raise your voice. If you can kindly just follow me towards where my manager is he will try to resolve this situ-” The man with the tattoos didn’t even bother letting you finished and shoved you off to the side. This caused you to lose your balance and fall. The impact between the floor and your handle was band and you feel like you’ve sprained your wrist. “Hey you bastard! That’s not how you treat a lady!” Yelled Baba. 
The rest of the bidders came running down. Soryu took care of the man with tattoo and Eisuke apologize to the businessman and walked him to his penthouse to discuss the matter. Furthermore Luke ordered you to follow him to his clinic. 
At the time given, Luke examined you if were hurt and just as you expected your wrists was sprained. “What the hell were you thinking trying to get in between two to men. And may I remind you that the man who pushed you was twice your size not only in height but in shape as well.” 
Hanging your head down in shame you apologized to him. You just wanted to help out and stop the commotion. You weren’t expecting the other guest to shove you. Luke lifted your chin up, “Sexy Bones next time be careful okay? I’m upset with you but all that matter is that you’re okay.” He puled you into an embrace and reminded you that you are not allowed to do anything physical with your wrists until it is fully healed. 
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