uunromanticized · 10 months
hello. i love your headcanons. may i request Luka Couffaine x reader where they have golden retriever x black cat vibes?( i was just thinking how much Luka fits to be golden retriever as boyfriend. i started to see a lot of video like "Luka always listens to everyone. who would listen to him?" and i think that in this dynamic he would have person who would listen to him. like "ok ok ok" to his "la la la" you know?)(I'm sorry if you hate this "la la la ok ok ok" but i love it and couldn't help but put it here)
thank you so much!!! take care!!!( and sorry for long and maybe too long thing of request. you're free to do whatever you want with it)
hey there hun!!! thank you so so much that means the world to me!!! 💙💙 & yes of course!! don’t worry either i love the whole la la la ok ok ok thing it’s so cute n silly 🤭 i hope this is satisfactory!!
luka w/ a black cat lover
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- luka is not necessarily used to being the one listened to rather than the one listening
- he’s not opposed to it, it’s a nice change of pace but it takes him aback at first.. it almost makes him awkward?
- you’re both more responsive people when others talk so when you’re both alone at first you’re just the standing emoji:🧍🏻‍♀️
- eventually you get over the awkward phase after seeing how upset luka looks one day and letting him talk to you about it
- after offering to take care of it (in which he can’t tell if you’re joking or not??) you then offer genuine advice. it’s then that he realizes that while you’re relatively irritable and stoic you’re a really sweet person underneath
- that’s also the first time he’s attracted to you
- dates are very chill and lowkey unless they’re planned ahead of time (or unless luka feels like surprising you)
- he’s very easygoing while you’re more calculating
- you’re not scary but luka still gets scary dog privileges. or maybe feral cat privileges? you’re definitely not afraid to protect him or growl under your breath at whoever pisses you two off
- don’t think that just because you protect luka doesn’t mean he doesn’t protect you
- you’re a couple that enjoys cuddling i think. you’re the one who lays on top of him
- quick kisses, not at all big on pda
- you two don’t have to be doing the same thing together, but rather you just enjoy being in the presence of one another
- he does like it whenever you share earbuds and you fall asleep though
- you’re there to take care of things emotionally while luka takes care of things like chores or errands
- sometimes you bitch about someone and lukas just smiling and nodding. he definitely takes notes though. just wait til he sees that bitch for himself
- the only times he feels genuine panic for you is after an akuma attack
- all in all you kinda let eachother just do your own thing
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ladyfreya123 · 1 year
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Biker AU. Chapter 3. Part 6.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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blaqkpen · 1 year
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I'll be posting more!
I still have slots open for commissions!
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anaharae-s · 5 months
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Nome da história: Amor a primeira vista
Autora: Stellartic
Design por @anaharae-s
Artes geradas por IA
copyrighty: All fanarts used on the coversare with the permission of the artists. Neveruse covers without written permissionfrom the artist and ask for permission bymessage. The covers on my profile arenon-profit, all editing work is free and donefor fun.
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kandy-proyect · 1 year
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Part 3... here you can see that Candy doesn't want to color XD
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vipernoir · 9 months
Little Lukanette fic! Inspired by the ‘snow’ from @lukacouffaineappreciation 7daysofLuka for Christmas!!! 🎅 I had a lot of fun writing this :)
Marinette is feeling stress from her everyday life of being ladybug, and with the stress of the holidays coming up she seeks out some comfort from a certain blue haired boy
Bittersweet Luka x Mari ~ post breakup
Why had she agreed to do it? She had enough to deal with right now. As if being Ladybug and secretly saving the city every other night wasn’t enough, she’d promised to bake Christmas macarons for her schools bake sale. Then she had promised Alya she would take her little sisters so see Santa tomorrow so she could see the last movie showing with Nino. On top of all of that she’d now promised Rose she would design and make an elaborate, angelic dress for the upcoming winter dance. It was a lot.
She was an overly helpful person, she’d always been this way. Saying yes was just a second nature for her, and she wasn’t very good at disappointing people. Her plate was always full, then once she’d eaten away at some of the responsibilities and the plate seemed a little easier to eat, it just kept overflowing.
Christmas was only seven days away and in typical Marinette fashion she hadn’t got a single present for anyone, well other then Adrien but she had his next 30 christmases sorted. They were just friends now, good friends too, Marinette never thought her feelings for Adrien could be platonic but here she was. Maybe she could regift some of the old Adrien gifts? After all she had still to buy a gift for her parents, a gift for Alya, as well as the secret Santa she was doing with her friends! Master Fu! Tikki!?
Marinette sank down on the stone cold bench by the river, shivering a bit as she did so. Paris seemed colder this winter than it had been any other. The cold air was thick, and glittery with frost, even with all the layers of clothing Marinette had on it was still freezing. Her thoughts outweighed the cold though, she was too busy worrying about everything to notice how red her nose and cheeks had become. Her eyes were too busy swirling with anxiety she hadn’t noticed the light frost falling on her eyelashes. Her mind wondered to him, and how much regret she had for the way things ended between them. She missed Luka, and with all her heart she still loved him, but she couldn’t bear the extra responsibility of loving him, it was too dangerous for them both. She was so deep in thought she hadn’t even noticed when someone sat down on the bench next to her.
“Hello Marinette.”
His voice took her by surprise, she jumped back startled, which caused him to cover his mouth, stifling a giggle.
“Luka! Sorry I didn’t even notice you. I was just ….”
“Overthinking?” Luka said smiling, shuffling a little closer to Marinette.
“Was it that obvious?” Marinette looked down, trying to hide her eyes, knowing full well Luka could read them like a book
“Your Marinette, you’re always worrying. You can talk to me about it you know.”
Marinette looked away, she always told Luka her problems, it seemed like a regular thing now to the point she was starting to feel guilty. Every time she went on crazy and rambling Luka just sat there, supportively listening and taking in her each and every word.
“Don’t feel bad about it, you’re my friend Marinette, one of my most dear friends. I’ll always listen to you.”
Marinette signed, knowing Luka genuinely wanted to hear her worries, “ I’m just getting so tired of it all Luka. Every second of my time is accounted for, and I can’t catch a break. There’s things that I have to do and things I’ve promised to do, and they’re all combining into one giant time consuming lump and I feel breathless. I think sitting on this bench is the first moment I’ve had to myself for weeks.”
“You’re a busy girl Marinette, you always seem to be rushing off to do something…important.” Marinette sunk down the bench, feeling guilty remembering all the times she’d made excuses during the dates she and Luka had been on, all of times she had to transform to ladybug and abandon her friends on liberty. After all she was the reason they’d broken up, and had make Luka so sad. “You have to take time for yourself, the holidays are stressful enough time for anyone. You’re an amazing girl Marinette, and you shouldn’t overwork yourself. You need to find the right balance, you can’t press every piano key down at once, it’s impossible, you’ve got to select what notes to play at the right time, and don’t play too fast or your fingers will ache.”
She giggled at his musical euphemism “Thank you Luka. You always cheer me up.”
“Anytime Marinette, I’ll always be here for you, even if it’s just as friends.”
Marinette paused, wondering if she should say what she wanted too, “I…I‘m still really sorry about that Luka, how things ended up. I didn’t want things to be that way, I don’t even think I wanted things to end at all. It was just all too much.”
She looked at his eyes, they were showing nothing but calmness and compassion for her. Luka was good at reading people but he was even better at hiding his own emotions. Marinette knew how much pain Luka hid, and she knew that pain was inflicted by herself. Luka put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, resting it on top of her pink, knitted scarf.
“I understand Marinette, and it’s okay.”
“No Luka it’s not okay! I didn’t want -!” Her voice trailed off and she could feel cold tears prickling in her eyes, the icy wind making it harder for the tears to stay dormant. Her hands instinctively covered her face, and she turned away in embarrassment.
“Marinette you don’t have to hide yourself, you’re beautiful even when you cry.” Luka whispered, slinking his fingers between hers and pulling them from her face before pulling her into a hug. “I’m here for you always, and I’ll put your feelings before my own because I know you need it. You’ve made it perfectly clear that I can’t know the truth, and as much as I want to know I respect that you can’t tell me. The little things that pile up on top though, they’re okay to tell me aren’t they?”
Marinette sniffled, throwing her arms around Luka returning the hug, “I’m always using you for advice and I can give you nothing in return.”
“But you do give me something Marinette, you give me your smile.” Marinette’s blueberry eyes met Luka’s, she had to admit his sweet words did bring a smile to her face, she didn’t consider it payment for all he did for her, but she still couldn’t stop her lips from spreading at his words. “It’s getting cold out, do you want me to walk you home?”
“What about you?”
“I’ll be fine, it’s not a far walk, but I think my dad said he can pick me up in his tour bus”
Marinette nodded and stood from the bench, and Luka followed suit. The glazed over path made Marinette stumble back, she was about to fall to the floor when a warm pair of arms grabbed her from behind, and set her back to her feet. “Thank you Luka, I didn’t realise how slippery it had gotten.”
“No problem Marinette, it’s just a shame it’s only icy and there’s been no snow.”
“Yeah I agree. Even though it’s the coldest winter we’ve had for years there’s still been no snow, Christmas doesn’t feel right without it.”
“Yeah, even when it does snow it doesn’t last long.”
“It’s honestly so pretty when it snows, I love how beautiful the city looks in snowfall I wish it would last forever.”
“That’s a nice wish Marinette, I don’t think it can snow forever but if I could wish for anything this Christmas I’d hope for some snow this winter for you, if it would make you happy.”
“That’s really sweet Luka.” She smiled at him.
“Actually I think I’m being a little selfish with it too…” Marinette cocked her head confused by what he meant. How could Luka ever be selfish? “I’m wishing for snow to see you smile, but mostly I think I’d like to see how radiant you look as the snowflakes float down behind you.”
Marinette just laughed, Luka always seeming so perfect. The two walked slowly through the slippy streets, looking at the twinkling decorations that lit up Paris. After a couple of more close falls from Marinette slipping, Luka took her hand firmly, arching his own arm as a support beam. Marinette blushed but said nothing, stealing glances at Luka when he wasn’t looking.
He looked so handsome in the crisp night, his soft, fluffy hair looked like a galaxy against the night. His eyes so brilliant blue, so full of the Christmas wonder. She hated being a superhero sometimes, she just wanted to be a normal girl who could have a normal boyfriend and do normal couple things.
“You’re overthinking again Mari.” Luka smirked, side eyeing her
“Sorry aha, I was kinda just trailing off from the world again.”
“Talk to me.”
“I just wish I was normal..”
“You’re not normal though, and that’s what’s so special about you. You have a tune that no one else can play. Everything about you is extraordinary. You’re like a beautiful, winter snowflake, each snowflake that falls is different yet every one is individually beautiful , and the more layers that form the more stunning you become.”
“You always know what to say Luka.” Marinettes cheeked turned crimson, now matching with her frozen cheeks and Rudolph nose. “Do…do you really think I’m as beautiful as a snowflake?”
Luka’s eyes darted up to the blackening sky and he smiled softly, turning his gaze to meet Marinette’s. “As beautiful as the ones falling from the sky.”
“What do-“ she started, before Luka span her round to see the first snow fall. Majestic white droplets dancing down to the ground, swirling around the landscape of the city, each droplet of snow that fell complimented the dazzling lights that decorated Paris.
“Looks like you got your wish.” Luka said smiling
“It’s so beautiful!” Marinette exclaimed running out towards the snow covered grass in the park, twirling about in the snow fall. Snow fell on her bluebell hair, and covered her shoulders.
“I got my wish too.” Marinette turned to look at him. He was stood watching her intently with such a loving gaze in his eyes, just pure adoration. Watching her excitement prancing about the snowy night, it was the highlight of his whole year.
“Merry Christmas Luka.” Marinette said pulling him into a snow covered hug.
Luka pulled her in deeper, planting a light kiss of her forehead. “Merry Christmas, Marinette.”
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pastelranicorn · 10 months
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I wish I added fairy lights for a cosy bedroom vibe :(
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ecadelez · 2 years
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Marinette y su torpeza legendaria 🤭
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emguttsfic · 2 years
Gran referencia esta canción.
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kissise · 2 years
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Got my Luka Couffaine Pop sooooo happy 😍❤️🥰
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uunromanticized · 1 year
Luka cuddling hcs? Thank u!
luka cuddling headcanons
- he 100% is usually the big spoon if you guys spoon
- he loves wrapping his arms around you and holding you to his chest
- sometimes whenever he’s having a bad day he likes to be the little spoon. he wants to be held in your arms while he talks about his shitty day. he puts himself last, though, so you’d probably have to initiate that yourself
- he actually doesn’t prefer spooning; he prefers face to face cuddling because it’s more intimate to him
- he loves just looking into your eyes and see all of the different emotions swirling in them. he has a lot swirling in his, too. mainly adoration and love.
- sometimes he starts humming because he knows it’s relaxing (sometimes he does it until you fall asleep if you had an especially shitty day)
- he absolutely thinks cuddles are the key to everything
- whenever you two cuddle be prepared to STAY THERE for a while because he will NOT get up
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jimmysherfy · 2 years
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Had a fun time on Sunday at @animeimpulse’s Miraculous meet up! 🧋 🐍🐍🐍 🐞🐞🐞 🐾🐾🐾 #miraculous #cosplay #viperion #miraculousladybug #animeimpulse #miraculousladybugandcatnoir #cosplayer #miraculouscosplay #miraculousladybugcosplay #viperioncosplay #amiraculousmeetup #superheroes #anime #miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir #miraculousladybugandchatnoir #disneyplus #miraculoustalesofladybugandchatnoir #lukacouffaine #lukacouffainecosplay #zagheroez (at Xing Fu Tang) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMBImPPe1g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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waqasvevo · 1 year
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jiveyuncle · 1 year
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From a darker timeline where there is no “miraculous ladybug” clean up power, and the heroes of Paris are just as wanted by law enforcement as Hawkmoth
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nerdypanda3126 · 2 years
The Making of a Luthier
This was written for the @lukacouffainezine. Leftover sales are open until Dec. 1, make sure to get your copy! The art for this piece was done by moge_ko_draws (originally posted on Instagram, posted to Tumblr with permission) (go check out her work, she’s a great artist!)  
Luka joins a club for making stringed instruments. Along the way he makes a new friend and learns about the people in his life and about himself.
Read on Ao3
Luka considered the flier in his hand as he walked down the hallway of his school until he came to the advertised door. Other than the bold heading of "Making Music Mean More," it was a nondescript piece of paper with a room number and a vague paragraph about joining a club—but Luka knew better than to judge anything by appearance alone. 
When he peeked in the doorway, though, it wasn't quite what he expected. Scraps of wood littered the small room and strange tools took command of most of the area. His eyes bounced from one work in progress to the next; even pulled apart he knew how to recognize a guitar. 
He knocked on the doorframe, but when no one answered, he took a tentative step in, then another, and before he knew it his hand was lying on an almost-finished piece. 
"You have a good eye," a voice said, jolting Luka out of his train of thought. 
A blonde girl his age was watching him, her soft blue eyes hiding a laugh behind plastic safety glasses as she paused in her work. Although he didn't quite understand what she was actually working on. Something with a machine that shaved bits of wood off the large piece she was pushing through. The heavy leather apron she wore was covered in sawdust, and when she flipped her braid over her shoulder he could see flecks of wood entangled in her hair, too. 
She flicked a switch and the machine powered down. "You here to join our little club?" A quick nod to the paper in his hands made him glance down at it, too.
"I… well… what is this place?" 
"Officially it's the school's wood shop." 
"And unofficially?" 
"It's where M. Carpentier lets me make stringed instruments in my spare time. But the headmaster found out and now I need to recruit enough people to make this an official club before she'll let me continue 'wasting school resources.'" She rolled her eyes and propped her glasses up on her head, pushing her bangs out of her face to level him with a look. "So, what do you say, are you in?" 
He blinked back at her, then looked down at the unfinished instrument under his fingers. It must've been hers. The labor it must've taken to create, the time she'd put into it already, and all alone in this workshop… she must really love it. He'd never thought about making instruments before, but now that he was… 
He needed music in his life. But he never wanted to perform—commanding attention on stage turned his stomach and he liked being home too much for a life of touring. Maybe this was something he could do behind the scenes that would still help others discover their own voices and talents. Maybe this could be something he could do for him. Making music mean more. 
When he looked back up, the girl was watching him with a pleased smile on her face like she already knew his answer but was still waiting to hear him say it. 
"Yeah," he finally obliged her. "I'm in. I'm Luka, by the way." 
Her smile grew. "Allegra. You know, like the musical term? But with an 'a' instead of an 'o.'" She flicked her glasses back down and offered him a spare pair. "Come on, I'll start you off over here on the belt sander. Less chance you'll cut anything off." 
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It took three months of time stolen in between school and helping out on the Liberty, but finally he was familiar with every machine in the shop and he was ready to try his hand at making his first guitar. 
Before he could start, though, he still needed to choose a type of wood to use. It was surprisingly a more difficult decision than he thought it'd be. Was he looking for a warm sound or a deep resonance? Something light and springy or something more durable? The wood shop had plenty of scraps, but when he ran his hand over them none of them seemed… right. He couldn't explain it. But someday he hoped this instrument would be someone's voice. It felt important that he got it right.
Later that week, while he was still weighing Allegra's advice about prices versus sounds, his sister brought someone new on deck and shyly introduced her as "Rose." He couldn't help but smile as Rose flounced around the houseboat like she'd always belonged there, dragging Juleka along by the hand, her bright pink a sharp contrast to Juleka's preferred black, her effervescence practically contagious. 
Watching them, it was as plain as day in the way their melodies played against each other: his sister had a crush. Not mutual, but… Rose was fond of Juleka at least. It was more than that, though. They fit together.
Contrast. His eyes widened. That's what he needed. Warmth and mellowness contrasted against something bright and springy. Rosewood and maple. The rosewood he'd have to source, but there was plenty of maple around the shop. 
He gave Juleka a jumbled explanation and fumbled with his bike lock in his rush to get to the workshop. 
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"So after we've soaked it, it goes on the jig," Allegra explained, pulling a dripping strip of wood out of the hot water bath it had stayed in for the past hour. "It needs to be wet, otherwise the second you try to put tension on it, it'll just snap." 
With an air of expertise, she guided his hands to settle the pliant wood into the shaping jig—one of her own design, she'd told him proudly on his first day. It seemed like a delicate process as Allegra did everything swiftly but in a precise order. Once all the clamps were on, she let out a breath she'd apparently been holding. 
"What now?" he asked, still dazed from watching a material he thought would be more stubborn than that bend to her will so easily. 
"Now we leave it alone. It'll air dry and harden all on its own." 
She smacked his hand away when he went to touch the curve she'd helped him make. Once it dried it would be the swell of the body of the guitar, perfectly curved to fit onto the player's thigh. 
Something that should've been too stubborn to bend. His mom's hard-won unyielding independence popped into his thoughts. At some point in her life, Anarka had been in love. Maybe she'd even thought about spending her life with someone. He didn't know anything about his father, but he knew his mother's heart had been broken beyond repair. 
She'd been hardened into her final shape, too.  
And now here he was, exploring a quiet career making instruments. If he hadn't had the upbringing he did… if his mother hadn't been so hurt when whoever his father was walked away from her and her unborn children… if she hadn't had to go it all alone… things could've been different. He could've been different. Maybe Anarka wouldn't have been as focused on raising him to be independent. Maybe she wouldn't have encouraged him to find his own happiness outside of what anyone else thought of him. What anyone expected of him. 
"Hello? Earth to Luka?" Allegra waved a hand in front of his face. He shook his head clear and managed to smile. Her eyebrows furrowed as she frowned back at him. "You can't zone out like that in front of a machine, you know." 
He paused, his fingers hovering over the still-damp wood, before he opened his mouth to ask a question, then closed it again, choosing his words more carefully than normal. 
"Do you ever feel like you're losing parts of yourself when you make these?" he finally asked. 
Allegra considered him, and he almost started to apologize for not making sense when she looked over at the guitar she'd just finished—the one he'd found his first day in the shop. 
"I think of it more like finding lost parts of myself," she answered him wistfully. "And letting them go." 
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"This is Ivan," Rose announced proudly. Luka smiled at the gargantuan teen, trying to decide whether to trust his instinct or his intuition. When Ivan waved shyly, Luka's intuition won out and he decided then and there Ivan was a friend. 
"He plays drums and writes songs!" Rose was gushing, and Luka just barely caught the worried glance Juleka shot between the two of them. Unneeded, Luka knew, but he couldn't tell her that. Not yet, anyways. 
"Welcome to the band," Luka said, extending his hand. It disappeared in Ivan's grip. 
It took some cajoling on Rose's part, but Ivan eventually—bashfully—produced a wrinkled piece of paper with a poem written on it. Luka smoothed the crinkles out with the pads of his fingers. 
"She screamed and ran away when I tried to sing it," Ivan said, balling his fists in what Luka interpreted as a show of embarrassment rather than anger. "So maybe it's not very good." 
Luka's eyes flicked down the paper, then back up at Ivan. He would never bring it up, but he was pretty sure Juleka had told him about Ivan's akumatization. And what caused it. Ivan was in love. Luka smiled as he handed the paper back. 
"Did you ever try again?" 
By the shy smile that Ivan directed off to the side, Luka figured he had, and had been successful. It was a rare person that was as sensitive as Ivan but as willing to expose himself to rejection more than once. 
Later in the shop, Luka picked up the rosewood intended for the fretboard. Solid, sturdy, able to withstand the cut of steel strings over time, but still softer than it looked. Not unlike his new friend. 
"Are you using that or what?" Allegra asked from across the room. When he blinked back to where he was, she was watching him curiously.
"Yeah. I was just thinking." 
She rolled her eyes at him. "I swear if you start talking in musical metaphors again I'll ban you forever." 
"You can't ban me," he said, chuckling as he moved over to his workstation, rosewood still in hand. "I'm the only one who knows how to sweet talk the bandsaw." 
She muttered something under her breath about how he was lucky he was cute and he shook his head, smiling, as he started measuring. 
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"What's up with you today?" Allegra asked, her tone bristling. "You're all… spaced out or something." 
He shook his head clear of the melody that was looping through his head before he managed to smile. "Nothing. A new song stuck in my head, that's all." 
She pursed her lips. "By 'song' you mean you met someone new, right?" When he only nodded, her eyebrows furrowed. "A girl?" 
He hummed in response. "One of Juleka's friends. Marinette." 
Clear as a musical note, sincere as a melody. Brave enough to find Ladybug on her own initiative and tell her to help his mom. And something more. He couldn't put his finger on it, but when he'd played those chords for her there was something else hiding beneath the surface. A mystery, or a secret. Something important to her—integral, even. 
When Allegra didn't answer him, he realized he'd continued humming, not quite as 'to himself' as he'd thought. 
"Marinette, huh?" she asked, her tone light but too careful. 
Her eyes darted away from his, and she busied herself by whittling a scrap piece of wood she couldn't possibly be thinking of using as color rose to her cheeks. He looked away, guilty of seeing too much again. 
He focused instead on setting another piece of mother of pearl in place for the inlay around the soundhole, admiring the unique sheen as the colors shifted in the light. He liked the way there was something more to look for in each piece. If he squinted, he could imagine he could see the whole rainbow the stones offered, but it was still barely beyond his grasp. 
"Yeah," he answered softly, smiling to himself as he ran his fingers over his work. "Ma-Ma-Marinette." 
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"Run the booth?" Luka asked incredulously as Allegra pushed a paper into his hands and started pulling guitars off the wall to show at the fair. 
"Sure, why not? You know everything about this place, right?" 
He stopped her as she reached for the violin she'd made the past year. Seeing it in her hands, finished, he couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to share her passion with others.  
"It should be you," he said. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." 
She paused, staring at his hand on hers. "Won't Marinette be there?" 
He let her implication roll off him. She'd seen him go through trying to date Marinette, breaking up with her, and then worrying about how she was avoiding him. But they were friends again, and Allegra knew that. He’d rather have Marinette in his life as a friend than nothing at all. And the same was true for Allegra. They’d spent two years in the shop together. She’d taught him everything he knew. 
The guitar he’d just finished was as much hers as it was his. She was in every piece of it. 
Instead of telling her any of that, he just shook his head. “I don’t think so.” 
She broke his grip gently and packed the violin and its bow away with everything else. He felt the tension in the air but didn’t know what to do about it. 
Finally, she sighed. “I won’t be here next year,” she said quietly. “We’re moving to London, and I’ll be at another school. So it’s up to you to keep this thing going.” She turned and pressed the violin case into his hands, giving him a brave smile. “So, what do you say? Are you in?” 
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Marinette was talking to André the ice cream man when he spotted her. Smiling, he walked up as quietly as he could behind her, intending to surprise her. 
“Hello, Marinette,” he said, and his smile grew when she jumped. It was nice being friends with her, teasing her. No pressure on anyone. 
“Luka!” she yelped, then looked back at André helplessly. “Actually, Luka and I are just… uh—” 
“Buddies,” he supplied, sensing her distress. “We’re buddies.” 
“You don’t necessarily have to be in love to enjoy your own scoop of magic,” André said, apparently continuing his conversation with Marinette. He handed the ice cream to Luka, but Luka handed it over to Marinette instead. He’d never cared much for André’s ice cream, funnily enough, but Marinette seemed to like it. As they bid goodbye to André he did steal a bite from the scoop on top, though. 
"I'm surprised to see you here!” Marinette said. “I thought you already knew what career you're going to have."
"I do," he answered easily, "I'm in charge of my school's booth where I tell people about being a maker of stringed instruments." 
He’d led her there as if on instinct. His guitar was on display. Front and center. His hand gravitated to it the same way it always did and he picked it up, mostly to have something to do with his hands. 
"What about you, Marinette? Why are you here? Aren't you on your way to becoming a talented fashion designer?" 
"I don't know anymore. There's so many careers that interest me in the world of fashion, creation, decoration…" She sighed. "You're lucky you know exactly what you want to do." 
"I just listen to my inner voice." He played a few notes on his guitar, listening to the sound it made more than the notes themselves. "This is the first instrument I ever made." Marinette was watching him with wide eyes and he didn't even hesitate. The guitar was in her hands. 
"It took me two years," he admitted. 
Two years in the shop with Allegra. Two years of finding pieces of himself and putting those pieces and thoughts into the wood. Everyone he loved was there, some way or another. 
The inlay he’d created shone in the sun as Marinette admired the guitar, casting a rainbow between the strings for the briefest moment. 
The flier had simply read “Making Music Mean More.” He hadn’t known then that by walking into that room he’d find what he was meant to do—and what he was made of.
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maysoulrose · 11 months
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My sister and I just finished watching season 5 and holy crepes. This BOI. Was a frickin' frEAK.
I just thought this little moment was so terrifying/funny/super cool story telling. I had to do some sort of fanart of it haha - - - #mlb#mlbfanart#mlbseason5#mlbseason5spoilers#mlbspoilers#miraculousladybug#miraculousladybugcomics#miraculousladybugcomic#mlbfandom#miraculousladybugfanart#hawkmoth#gabrielagreste#mlbseason5fanart#ladybug#ladybugfanart#chatnoir#shadowmoth#hawkmothfanart#ladybugfanart#comic#comics#ladybugmemes#ladybug#ladybugfandom#seasonfinale#gabrielagrestefanart#cartoon#marinettedupaincheng#alyacesaire#lukacouffaine#lilarossi#bugnoir
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