#Lucy Pevensie icons
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tianmicons · 3 months ago
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prplocks · 8 months ago
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✧❁ icons 〴 georgie henley ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
reblog if you save ➳
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t-l-t-v · 9 days ago
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Lucy Pevensie aesthetic
Reupload from my main account @goga-je-pieroga
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saintlopezlov3r · 1 year ago
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Lucy Pevensie🔆
The Chronicles of Narnia
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coffeebookslovegt · 11 months ago
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En nombre del océano del oriente les presento a la reina Lucy, la valiente.
En nombre del gran bosque de occidente el rey Edmund, el justo.
En nombre del radiante sol del sur la reina Susan, la benévola.
Y en nombre del claro cielo del norte les presento al rey Peter, el magnífico.
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kingorqueenofnarnia · 9 months ago
The Age of Icons
The 3rd installment of The Age of Icons, a Narnia fic with canon divergence post-LWW, is up!
The Pevensies have returned to Naernia, but it is no longer their Naernia. The Trees are silent and unmoving, the Rivers do not sing, and the animals have forgotten what it means to have the ability to speak.
With their kingdom being lost to the tides of time, following a dwarf across an unfamiliar forest to meet a Prince of Telmar is the only option they have.
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kidlit-queen-competition · 2 years ago
Round 2 poll 1: Anne Shirley vs Lucy Pevensie
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Entrant propaganda:
Anne Shirley:
The poster child for female-presenting ADHD before the diagnosis even existed for stereotypical hyperactive boys, she's a mess who always seems to stumble into trouble and generally seems like just too MUCH for more than one character, yet her general enthusiasm, creativity, and determination just compells people to love her sometimes against their will. And if you tell her she's in this competition, she will NOT STOP until she comes out on top.
because she's the most delightful little girl in the world & anne of green gables has held on as a classic for over a century
wild and wacky Troublesome girl representation!! also her deep love for diana!
Smart, imaginative, loyal orphan from a classic book series
The original kid lit Queen!
Anne has a big imagination and a big heart! She is full of passion and always tries to do best by the people she loves. She turns Green Gables upside down when she arrives and opens up everyone's heart right up. This competition wouldn't be complete without her!!!
A classic weird girl icon. I love her so much.
As someone who was always taught to be the 'good little girl' - Anne whacking Gilbert on the head for pulling on her hair made her an absolute legend in my mind. She loves nature, has a temper, and finally gets to enjoy the simple joys of childhood with her new family the Cuthberts.
she is so dear to my heart. she never stops talking and is always finding beauty in the world around her. she grows up through the series and reading it at different ages through the years meant I sort of got to grow up with her, which was really special to me. she has this wonderful story about finding family where she doesn't expect it and winning people over through being herself and being kind to them. also, canadian content <3
Lucy Pevensie
Discoverer of the Wardrobe, Queen of Narnia, The Just, beloved friend of all creatures from fauns, dwarves, mice, and kings to holy mutiversal lions
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Something that got me thinking:
I'm in a Narnia fans Facebook group and recently someone posted about how the one thing that bothered him the most about VDT the 2010 movie was how of all the things they've changed, they kept the albatross at the Dark Island, because it makes no sense in the context of the movie.
I commented on maybe because they put it in, because of how iconic the whole scene was and of course here's the line, "Courage, dear heart". But the more I thought, the more I wasn't sure if I remember the albatross saying the line. I spent some time browsing for a clip of the scene untill a fellow member commented that the albatross has indeed not said the line to Lucy. I thanked that member and made a notion how VDT feels off because Aslan isn't a tangible presence in the story and found myself agreeing, that in the context of the movie, the albatross makes zero sense. I'll elaborate here:
Sure, there were changes, even major ones in both LWW and PC. But in both, Aslan was a presence to be reckoned with. Without him, efforts felt shortfallen and misguided. In LWW the children would not win against the witch. Say what you want about that river god and walking trees, the old Narnians were fighting a losing battle without Aslan. But not VDT. Just think about it: Untill the Pevensies get into Narnia, it's fine, but then it's like, they sail to the Lone Islands, get captured, managed to escape and learn about the Green mist™, who kidnaps locals because it's very naughty. Immediatley they get a supposed magic mcguffin sword, are told to get the whole set of 7 and place them on some magical table so the Green mist™ will be vanquished and released the poor sods it's hoarded over the time. Note how I never mentioned Aslan and it's the same hecking plot of the film. All mentions of Aslan in the film, however, like "he sent us" and "that's his sword" and "his table", etc. feel contrived and forced. Someone followed up my comment, saying how I put into words why VDT doesn't feel Narnian.
Because it's Aslan. Without Him, it's just another generic fantasy world.
With all the news we're getting about there's some serious goings on about the Netflix project, that's now what I'm afraid it'll happen and it will suck. So to anyone on the project with any shred of artistic integrity of any sort, learn from this, please.
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chronotopes · 3 months ago
ughhhhhh no ok i reread the paper and i really do ignore the hell out of the predecessors to postmodern fantasy. my conclusion is like "all these protags are girls. why could this be" and it's like well maybe you should mention that most of the protags of iconic midcentury and pre-war fantasy are girls too. dipshit. how are you going to write a 20 page paper on pullman pratchett and jones and not mention lucy pevensie once.
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restlesshush · 2 years ago
Tell us about your very important Narnia feelings. Also, thoughts on Susan Pevensie?
Hiii Pallas this is sooo sweet <3
Okay so given I was talking about the horse and his boy – I couldn’t remember her name (have since googled – it’s Aravis) but I remember thinking the girl in that was really cool. The main thing I remember about that book is the boy learning to ride his talking horse holding on only with his knees in order to avoid using reins or the horse’s mane, which really stuck with me. And yeah the book got written before the silver chair but published after because the silver chair references it as an old story from the world that Jill and Eustace are hearing. I can’t decide if I think that publishing order is a good call or not – whether it’s kind of gimmicky.
Also not to bring up hp because, well, but there is a post I’ve seen go round that assigned each pevensie child a house and gave Lucy hufflepuff and Peter gryffindor. This is patently incorrect – clearly eight year old Lucy the Valiant is a gryffindor. I feel like she’s only being assigned hufflepuff due to sexism / lack of knowledge of the source material.
And yeah I do think it’s pretty horrifying that the story ends with Susan having her entirely family (including parents iirc?) die in a train crash while she is left alone as narrative punishment for caring about boys and party invitations now. Also I watched the film a lot as a child and I now have “I mean logically it’s impossible” as Susan’s response to the professor re Lucy saying she’d found a world in the wardrobe going around in my head, and I think that was an iconic thing for a 12 year old to say. I think it’s a bit of a shame she got shafted with being “Queen Susan the gentle” – being a rigorous thinker is a pretty important quality in a ruler!!
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tianmicons · 10 months ago
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prplocks · 8 months ago
Sorry my phone glitched and I’m not sure if it sent, so sorry if this is a repeat 😢
Anna Popplewell and Georgie Henley wallpaper and icons? Could also be Susan Pevensie and Lucy Pevensie or Lady Lola (Reign) and Meg Tudor (The Spanish Princess)
will be posted today and tomorrow <3
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akajustmerry · 11 months ago
The Chronicles of Narnia (Walden Media Trilogy)
thomas hehe 🥰
My rating (1-10): 6.5/10 (woulda been more but votdt is so cooked)
My favourite character: edmund. he did nothing wrong! except for the colonising!
My least favourite character: i used to have mad beef with susan as a kid cos she reminded me of my older sister but we're good now
The character I think I'd be friends with: edmund "not like there isn't air inside" pevensie. he's just like me fr 😂
The character I think I won't hit off with: lets be real none of them really because they're all colonisers but especially caspian because that accent.............yeesh
My favourite episode/scene: Mr tumnus cringefail abducting lucy of COURSE. but i also love caspian fleeing in the opening sequence of the second film. both mostly because of man harry gregson williams' score. but i ALSO love when trumpkin takes the kids through the woods sequence in the second one. i love the sadness <3
Whose clothing style I like best: i mean the white witch costuming is iconic but if we're talking wearable fashion: caspian's
Times I watched it (and if I would again): for the first two, i've lost count over the years! i watch them maybe once a year as a comfort watch. the 3rd film only twice (both when it was in cinemas)
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liminal-zone · 1 year ago
2008. 2009. 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 
HIIII. I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU. It’s yuletide; it’s the best time of the year. I’ve been gone for a minute but I’m back, baybeee, back with the matrix fandom amongst others. So let’s fucking go! Thank you thank you and thank you.
Likes (generally): I love kisses and angst and smut and darkfic and tension and hurt/comfort and a good adventure and heroism and sacrifice. I love every flavor of sexuality. I love women in dominant roles (including but not limited to domme). I prefer fics in canon or canon divergence. I enjoy the following kinks: enemies to lovers, sex pollen/fuck or die, Stockholm syndrome, voyeurism, fingering, conditioning. Dubcon and non-con and dead dove is always welcome (pls tag it).
Dislikes (generally): Watersports, scat; omegaverse; mpreg/pregnancy/breeding; submissive female characters; domestic fluff; kid fic and curtains; mundane AUs; super sugar ending; hurt no/comfort or utter hopelessness or despair as the final beat of the story (beloved in the opening or middle of a story!)
It’s Yuletide, baybeee, so if you want to write any of these prompts fully gen: I’m so happy to read it!!
THE PROMPTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Matrix (Movies)
If you could please write me a character study of Trinity; dig deep into the character and show me something vulnerable and new and wonderful about her. 
My favorite things about Trinity: she is powerful, vulnerable, steadfast, competent, anxious, loyal, brave, and a twinge of cunt. She’s my favorite character ever; a touchstone, a rock, an icon. Tell me a story about Trinity. 
If the muse strikes, feel free to ship her with Neo, Ghost, Switch, Bane, or Groff!Smith. 
Very emotional that The Matrix is a YT fandom for perhaps one reprise since ffn.net fics were thrown out re: eligibility. I’m a historied Matrix fandom old; this is bittersweet to be eligible again perhaps one last time. Hi, I love you, Matrix fandom <3
The Wheel of Time (TV)
If you could please write me a character study of Lanfear; dig deep into the character and show me something vulnerable and new and wonderful about her. 
My favorite things about Lanfear: she is powerful, vulnerable, terrifying, terrible, cruel, full of desire, and that she’s a complete cunt. She makes my heart flutter. Tell me a story about Lanfear. 
If the muse strikes, feel free to ship her with Lews, Rand, Moiraine, Moggy, or Ishamael. I don’t mind book spoilers!
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Galadriel | Artanis 
If you could please write me a character study of Galadriel; dig deep into the character and show me something vulnerable and new and wonderful about her. 
My favorite things about Galadriel: she is powerful, vulnerable, terrifying, terrible, kind, and sometimes a bit cunt. She’s the dom femme of my life currently. Tell me a story about Galadriel. 
If the muse strikes, feel free to ship her with Sauron, Gandalf, or Celeborn. 
IDK how TROP was eligible this year, but LFG.
Chronicles of Narnia (Movies)
Edmund Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
Bless my problematic heart but I really want an Edmund/Lucy fic, like. In that way. Any canon era (I am partial to HHB). 
If that’s too rich for your blood, forgive me, and write me a non ship duet about them. I WILL LOVE ANY FIC WITH THEM CODEPENDENT. 
My favorite things about them together is that they are complementary; he is tainted and a spymaster and Jadis marked him, she is blessed and valiant and Aslan marked her. Tell me a story about Edmund and Lucy Pevensie. 
If the muse strikes, and you need alt ships: throw in Caspian for either, and I have a soft spot for Lucy/Tumnus or Lucy/any woman. Edmund/Jadis is my true love.
A bit emotional that Narnia films are a YT fandom for perhaps one reprise since ffn.net fics were thrown out re: eligibility. LFG.
Willow (TV 2022) 
Elora Danan
Jade Claymore 
Kit Tanthalos
I am desperate to see Jade evolving into Elora’s General Kael; a glorious mirror of her father as a warrior, a leader, and an absolute terror. 
Background (or foreground) Jade/Kit is wonderful, and mixing Elora in there is great if you enjoy that too! My favorite thing about Jade Claymore is that she’s surprise the new General Kael and I’m so obsessed with that concept. 
Dune (2021)
Duncan Idaho 
Paul Atreides
Bless my problematic heart but I really want an Duncan/Paul fic, like. In that way. 
My preference is for the film character dynamic transposed into a book spoiler (so if you know it - that’s my dream; I’d love to see that), and I would also love something messy in current film canon.  
If that’s too rich for your blood, forgive me, and write me a non ship duet about them. I WILL LOVE ANY FIC WITH THEM CODEPENDENT. My favorite things about them together is that Duncan is so loyal (and for what?) and Paul is so needy for that loyalty (and soon, for what?). 
If the muse strikes, and you need alt ships: I also adore me some Duncan/Leto and Paul/Chani. 
Xoxoxo love you forever!
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somewhereincairparavel · 9 months ago
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Ahh I downloaded this pic for my Tumblr icon, so Lucy pevensie is my new mom guys!!
@all-too-unwell-13 @ebony-reine-vibes @apollosfavkiddo
last fictional character in ur camera roll just adopted u
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(Yes I did do this only because I want him to adopt me. Fuck off)
tags: @cryptidwithaninternetconnection @reggie-the-inferi @gingerbreadeel24 @pickupstyx
and whoever the fuck sees this
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kingorqueenofnarnia · 9 months ago
The Age of Icons
The second chapter of the third installment is out!
The Pevensies have returned to Naernia, but it is no longer their Naernia. The Trees are silent and unmoving, the Rivers do not sing, and the animals have forgotten what it means to have the ability to speak.
With their kingdom being lost to the tides of time, following a dwarf across an unfamiliar forest to meet a Prince of Telmar is the only option they have.
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