#Luckily the cookie for the cute pink house lasts till like a while SO I STILL HAVE
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year ago
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years ago
Dec 5 Gingerbread... first apartment
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Media Lewis 
Character Adam Douglas
Couple Adam X Reader
Rating Cute 
5th of December 2022
I laid on our bed already bored with my textbook, while y/n was sitting at her desk working away on her paper for class.
"I'm bored"
"You wanna go do something?"
"Like what?"
"you wanna go to the Christmas market?"
"Nah. too busy"
"go to the coffee shop? get a nice festive brew?"
"No, too expensive"
"A walk in the snow?"
"Too cold"
"Did you wanna... make some Christmas cookies?"
"Maybe, what kind?"
"Gingerbread house?"
"....Yeah okay"
"Woooo!" I smiled jumping off the bed and grabbing her hand pulling her out of her chair and out of our bedroom into the kitchen "Let's pop on some festive tunes and get baking"
"Alright, Peppermint gingerbread?" she asks getting her little cookbook and tieing her apon around her wait
"ummm you know me well my love" I smirked cuddling her closely as she baked the dough for the cookies
"Would you like to make the shapes?"
"Yes, I would! what are you going to make?"
"A little house, just some basic house shapes, two people, and a few 3d trees"
"Oohh getting fancy" I smiled making her the shapes "I think... I'm going to make a mansion with a garage, pool, bulter and small dog" making my own shapes
"Alright adam, if your sure" she giggled "Now I'll watch those cook, you go and get our decor" she smiled
"Okay, anything specific?" I asked her grabbing my coat and shoes
"I'd like Maltesers and caramel buttons for sure"
"No problem. won't be long" I smiled giving her a kiss before grabbing my wallet and heading out of our little house heading down the cold snow-covered streets the snow still battering me as I walked luckily it wasn't far to the local corner shop quickly ducking inside "Afternoon" I smiled
"Afternoon, cold out," He says at the counter
I wondered around collecting up everything into my basket, Laces, buttons, Maltesers, kinder, gummy bears, Smarties, candy canes, chocolate coins, gumdrops, and basically everything else they had in their sweet confectionary section and taking it all over to the till he looked at everything as he scanned it and then looked at me
"What did you do to her?"
"Nothing. we're making gingerbread houses"
"Ohh, I thought you'd just really pissed her off."
"Well. not yet" I laughed handing over some cash and taking my bag scurrying back out into the snow before arriving back home and quickly coming inside snaking the snow off me "I'm back my love!"
"did you get the sweeties?"
"I did, how's the bread?"
"all baked, and the icing is sitting in the mixer"
"excellent. then it's time to decorate!"
I worked for what felt like several hours while the snow fluttered outside the window my plans had uhhh... downsized a little given my... skills. not being helped but y/ns sweet perfect little house it was a cute little cottage with caramel button shingle roof, little iced trees, chocolate coin path, little gummy bear string lights, a little pink waffer door and all manner of other perfection.
"All done" she smiled putting her last bit of icing sugar snow dusting on her house "How about you"
"I uhhh I think so"
"what do you think?" she asks
"it's... beautiful. seriously it's perfect. this is what like M&S would use in an advert. it's beautiful my love"
"Thank you adam" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss "what have you made?"
"well... due to planning boards and budgets, and overall handy work we had to downsize. from a mansion with pool, dog, and butter to.... gingerbread... first apartment. his bed is in his living room. and the shower is so close to the toilet you could realistically pee while in the shower." I explained "But still little ginger dog. he may not have all his legs but he is still a ginger dog"
"It's adorable adam" she giggled giving me a cuddle
"Mine looks really shit compared to yours doesn't it?"
"No, it's just as perfect. let's be honest adam if this apartment was in central London it would be six figures a month"
"True, at least we can eat mine. and keep yours beautiful"
"Sounds like a good plan" she smiled taking my wall and heading to the sofa so I took a wall to and went to join her.
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years ago
Team Awesome Prank War
Varian never really paid attention to getting people back for how they treated him or acted around him. Sure, now the villagers never did that anymore. In fact, they hardly ever approached him, which was completely fine with him. Varian didn’t need much, and certainly not their approval. He had his friends and his father, and is content with them. 
But, when Eugene glued his shoes to the ground to get back at him for the yelling prank, something inside of him awakened. A need for victory arose in him and it fueled Varian to get him back.
So much for being content.
Eugene knew Varian was just trying to get him to stop messing with his things when he scared him with his little yelling prank. Still, he couldn't help himself, he just had to get back at the kid. So, he glued his shoes to the ground, and loved it when Varian fell over when he tried to move. Though he had to admit to himself, that wasn't his best. Eh, it's not like he will need to get the kid back again anytime soon, so he will do better next time in the distant future.
Or so he thought till he got out of the shower and took a look in the mirror.
Eugene’s loud yell brought in Lance next door and the Captain himself who was passing by.
They both took a look at Eugene and couldn't keep their laughter contained, though Lance tried. Failed, but tried.
"Pfffttttt. Oh, hey Eugene! Um... Nice hair?"
"Pink's a good look on ya, Fitzherbert! Remember you're training the new trainees on criminal etiquette today. Haha,"
The Captain left chuckling all the way,  while Lance leaned against the doorway in tears from his now unrestrained laughter.
Eugene knew there could be only one person who could make his hair the ungodly pink color it was right now. He narrowed his eyes and said his name in a dark tone promising vengeance.
"Okay, Varian. It's on."
Varian woke up to find Rudiger wasn't in his bed anymore, but he wasn't too worried. He comes and goes through his window all the time. As long as he wasn't gone too long, he would just wait for him to come home.
But, then something fluorescent purple came through his window and Varian gasped in disbelief.
Eugene dared to dye Rudiger with the same potion he disguised as the shampoo. Lance helped him out by sneaking it in his friend’s room. Varian let the raccoon, who wasn't bothered too much by his new look, pounce on him as he laid tangled up his blankets. His body was not moving, but his mind was whirling with new ideas to get Eugene back. This was not a joke anymore, this was war!
Varian didn’t bother to try fixing his furry friend's purple fur. He designed the potion to fade away in a week and any tampering just made the colors get worse. He already has an idea in mind now and he will implement it.... as soon as Rudiger stopped purring and let him leave the comfort of his bed.
Eugene woke up to find his room full of apples and all kinds of animals eating them at their leisure. He let out a shriek and fell off the bed in surprise. Luckily, he landed on the ground, and not on one of the cute animals EATING HIS ROOM AWAY.
Someone took a literal pile of apples, leaves, and branches just to toss in his room?! And guess who has a farmer as a father? A certain alchemist! Hmmmmm.... this required more finesse than he had originally thought it would. Well, it would, once Eugene GOT THESE ANIMALS TO LEAVE HIM ALONE.
"Hey! I am not an apple! Stop eating my shirt! It's silk-NO! NOT THE LEATHER BOOTS!"
Varian silently ate his breakfast trying not let himself slip up, and admit what he did. His father was mystified on how someone literally stole the top half of his tree, branches, leaves and all!
It wasn't easy, the boy thought to himself as he recalled last night’s events. Using a temporary tree weakening potion, he was able to tear off most of the branches from one of the trees in their orchard without much trouble. An hour later, he snuck out of Old Corona to go to the castle. He used their wheelbarrow to carry the bag with a chunk of an apple tree in it. Lance ran into him on his nightly walk and helped him out cause he thought the whole prank war was funny. The animals that smelt the apple juice trail he left on the way there did the rest.
As soon as Varian finished his food, he left to go to his lab near home. He loved having the Demantius lab for his projects as well, but he didn't mind having a lab this close either, it made it easier to work near home. He only stayed in the other lab for important projects that took all his time and mainly used his lab in Old Corona for less explosive projects.
As he got into his lab, he grabbed one of his potions to plan to use for a prank when he noticed something was off about its color. Varian took a good look at his numerous shelves of tiny containers with all sorts of chemicals. Something was wrong here, he can’t put his finger on it- He let out a loud scream of horror.
Varian knew this would take him a long time to undo, he was already dreading the task. He would have to separate them all by color and then test them before relabeling them all. But, for now, he'll just have to make a fresh portion for his uses. He pulled down his goggles over his eyes and a smirk climbed over his face as he got to work.
Eugene smiled as he looked in the mirror. No wrinkles in sight. He's been using this serum he got from Xavier to keep his skin great. Even though the older man told him it wouldn't help him much since he had nothing to worry about at his age, he still wanted to dab a bit of it on his face every morning... and night.
He dipped his fingers inside the oval container and spread the clear liquid on his face. And he went to sleep like a baby.
He woke up and took one look in the mirror and fainted on the spot
Lance ran in when he heard the loud noise from his room. They've learned too often that any sudden noise could be a danger.
He paused though once he realized, no, there was no danger. Which was a relief, but now he had to keep from laughing too hard.
Ah, what the hay!
Lance chuckled at his friends previously smooth and perfect skin was now wrinkled like that of an old man's now. His luscious dark hair was a pale grey and barely covered his head. This was his friend's worst nightmare had come true! So he left the antidote Varian gave him, just in case, on the table next to the aging serum. He knew Eugene would be miffed anyway, so why make him suffer any more than needed.
Yet, he did leave a note that says, "Haha! The kid got 'ya good. Hope you don't let him one up a pro like you!"
Lance was sure the yelling he heard later that day was Eugene scheming. He shamelessly added more fuel to the fire, cause hey, this was fun to watch. Lance knew if he wanted too, he could join in any time he wanted to. But, knowing those two, someone was bound to get hurt and he does not want it to be him!
But, he didn’t mind sitting back and watching the fireworks erupt from the sidelines.
The castle was getting too uptight lately, nothing like a prank war to loosen things up!
Varian giggled as he read the message Lance sent him by carrier bird. He didn't mind that he gave him the antidote so early, but he didn't realize how frightened Eugene would be and ended up actually fainting
The boy walked into the pumpkin pasture to help his dad when he noticed his dad wasn't by the pumpkin patch, but was looking up at their house instead.
"Hey, dad. Whatcha looking at?"
"Well, son. I found the stolen apple tree, Though now it's part of our roof now. That poor tree. Who would do such a thing?"
Varian looked up and cringed as he saw the remains of the tree he hacked away scattered across their roof. Surely, if they didn't clean it up soon, animals will probably descend upon the food remains, like the crows were doing right at this moment.
Quirin sighed and got ready to climb up the ladder he positioned, but Varian stopped him.
"Dad, I'll clean it up. If you don't get started on the pumpkins, we'll be late for the harvest."
Quirin smiled, ruffled his son's head in a silent yes and got to work on the pumpkins. Varian grimaced and got to work. He spent his afternoon fighting the crows away and cleaning up the apple tree carnage. Rudiger helped, eating any apple bits that remained.
Someone giggled from the bushes near their home before leaving quietly.
Eugene smirked as he considered himself to be the winner since he hasn't been pranked in a few days now.
He walked into his room and there was a  platter of cookies sitting on his desk. They were shaped like his face and iced to his handsome likeness as well! Though the noses were a little long and pointy, well it's the thought that matters! Eugene spied a little note nearby, with a heart drawn on it! Of course, Rapunzel! Bless her little golden head of hair. The young man took a big bite out of a large-nosed Eugene cookie with a large smile.
"Mmmmmm, delicious! Though I better save the rest for later. I don't want to lose my slim figure. Wellllllll, a few more won't hurt. "
Eugene finished a few cookies before he finally put (hid) the rest away for later. He left his room humming a cheery tune on his lips.
"Hey, Eugene!" Pete called waving his hand as Stan tried getting his partner to calm down as they went on with their patrol.
"Hiya fellas!" Eugene replied, but like he couldn't stop himself, he felt like talking some more than a casual 'hiya' like usual.
"You guys know what, when I first moved into the castle, I was kinda jealous of how close you guys were. Pete and Stan! Never seen without each other. I was jealous because my buddy Lance wasn't with me yet. Ya know, I got over my envy once my best buddy rejoined my life, and realized I shouldn’t have been envious anyway cause you both are great guys!"
The two guards looked at Eugene wondering why he was sprouting his feelings so openly. The ex-convict wondered the same thing before he saw Lance come out behind them. He had tears in his eyes as he smiled.
"Really, Eugene? You really mean it? You really missed me that much?"
"Of course, buddy! You are my best friend! Well, you and someone else are pretty much my best friends. You've always been with me! Even when I was a jerk! I love being your friend so much that I can't help checking in on 'ya at least once a day. I don't want to lose you again! I'm always afraid you're gonna have enough of my idiotic personality and leave! Leave without saying goodbye!"
Eugene was freaking out! He was saying his deepest secrets and concerns to the world! The man dodged Lance's hug and tried leaving before he met someone else.
Instead, he accidentally barged into the throne room where everyone in town were trying to seek the King's council. They all looked at Eugene who just barged in. He tried backing out, but the concerned faces of Pete and Stan, plus happy Lance, blocked his way. Rapunzel approached the group. She placed her hand on Eugene's shoulder.
"Sweetie, is everything fine? You don't look so good."
Eugene wished he could just shut his mouth, but he couldn't stop talking his heart out.
"Rapunzel, I love you and you know that. But, when I first proposed to you, I wasn't doing it because I wanted to make us permanent. I did it because deep down, I'm always going to be afraid I'm going to lose you and the only kingdom that welcomed me in. I was sure you would eventually realize I didn't deserve you and leave! So, I kept trying to propose, each time thinking of our future, but also secretly securing my place in your heart and this family we made. If we ever broke up, I am sure our family will break as well. I love you and this family too much to let that happen!"
Rapunzel was looking emotionally happy and sad at the same time. Eugene didn't want to look at her and tried leaving through another door. But, he kept speaking as he looked at every family face he knew.
"Feldspar! I always loved your boots! Their leather always hugs my ankles just right and I don't trust anyone else to make my ankles look as amazing as they do in your footwear!"
"Old lady Crowley! I know I joke around a lot, but you remind me of the lady who raised me at the orphanage, which is why I ask you for advice once in a while!"
"Monty, Atilla! I love your guys' candy and baked goods! But, I always feel guilty about eating them because I'm worried my fine figure will be gone! They are just that good."
“Xavier, I appreciate the skin serums you made for me, but are you sure they work right? No matter how much I dab under my eyes, my eye bags continue to get worse! Let’s meet up for tea to discuss this before I’m old and grey!”
“Friedborg, you are amazing and don’t you ever let anyone say otherwise! You're secretly the key to why this castle is still standing. Without you in charge, I’m sure this kingdom would have fallen apart ages ago!”
"Max, Pascal. I love you guys, even if I may act like I don't care for you guys a lot. I enjoy my time with you guys and will always be by your side!"
Eugene kept trying to avoid people, this was getting out of hand, but it wasn't working since most of the town was here to ask or inform the king of something. Finally, he bumped into someone and felt the world spin less than before. Then he looked up and realized it was the King, with the Queen by his side.
"Eugene, are you okay?" The queen was deeply concerned. Fredrick was concerned as well, as he helped pull the young man up.
"Is something the matter, son?"
Eugene wished his big mouth would stay shut, but he couldn't stop himself.
"Everything is fine, except for the fact I can't keep myself from hiding my feelings forever. You guys helped bring my life from the dark. Sure, Rapunzel did most of it, but if you guys hadn't opened your home and kingdom to me, I wouldn't be the Eugene I am today. And though I know who my parents are now, you two will always hold a place in my heart. And I can't wait to be the best son in law once I and Blondie get married."
Eugene took a deep breath and turned around as the royal couple took in his words. The Captain opened his mouth to speak, but of course, Eugene interrupted him.
The captain was silent a little flabbergasted and a tad touched. Using this as a distraction, Eugene took the chance to escape. Finally, he was on the other side of the room at this point! He ran out into the courtyard, only to bump into Quirin and Varian unloading crates of apples and pumpkins for the castle. Eugene barely stops himself from running headfirst into the wooden cart.
"You okay there, Eugene?" Quirin asked. Eugene grabs him by his shirt.
"Sir! I love your apples. There are the apples of my eyes. Sometimes I wake up with apples everywhere! And animals. Lots of animals!"
Quirin just blinked in surprise as Eugene moved on to Varian.
"Kid, you're like the little brother I've never had. I love messing with you, even this prank war we've been having has been amazing. My hair is still this hideous pink hair, but I can't help smiling every time I see my own reflection. You looking up to me makes me feel important in your life. I still feel bad for not giving you enough attention in the past and where it leads you. I’m sorry for not being there for you! That’s why I’m here now! I want to make your life happier with me in it! Team awesome will always be important to me!"
Varian didn't know what to say. He was touched he felt these things about him and kind of felt guilty considering he drugged his newly proclaimed brother with truth serum laced cookies. Clearly, Eugene ate the cookies he left in his room, but he didn't expect him to be telling these kinds of truth. He must have had more than a few to be acting like this.
"Varian, what's this I hear about a prank war?" Rapunzel asks from the doorway from the throne room.
Varian nervously met the princess and his father’s eyes. They looked at the two boys in thinly veiled disapproval as the teen looked at the ground while the elder started telling Rudiger about how he isn't a pest and deserves all the kingdoms apples for being there for Varian. The raccoon agreed with him greatly, evidenced by his excited chittering.
"Ummmmmm... we may have been having a war of pranks this week. And it may have gotten out of hand. Eugene is probably under the effects of my truth serum cookies. But, I have the antidote right here!"
The teen looks through his bag for the vial of golden liquid while the king redirects all the people back to their court with him. The Captain made sure the door to the courtyard is closed.
Promptly, Varian pulled out a tube of golden-colored liquid. He swiped an apple from their cart, using his father's dullest blades (under his watchful eyes) to cut the apple in half. He poured a few drops on to one half of the fruit. Once he was sure there was enough antidote in the apple half, Varian offered it out to Eugene.
"Eugene, I'm sorry for this whole mess with the truth potion, I didn’t think it was that strong. Here's the antidote."
Eugene took the apple half, once he bit into it, he already started feeling better as the cloud in his mind dissipated. He stopped cuddling a resisting Rudiger and got up, dusting his clothes
"Oh, that was a doozy. Eh, don't worry about Var. I had fun with the prank war. Next time, we just need to calm it down some. Besides, as the winner of the Team Awesome prank war, you get some .... hot cocoa! And I get some too! Come on, kid."
Rapunzel shakes her head as the two walked off to get some hot cocoa. If she had listened to the rumors around the castle, then she would have put a stop to this war much sooner. But, it seemed like she didn’t have to put an end to things ….. this time.
Quirin continued unloading the cart of produce with a relaxed smile on his face. He’s never seen Varian act like this before. And it was …. relieving. Varian’s never had friends to laugh or mess around with before. Now, seeing him act like a real kid with Eugene, he felt satisfied seeing his son happy again. 
Varian and Eugene were drinking hot cocoa in the Dementius laboratory under the castle. Rudiger has made them his special drink, in regular mugs at Eugene’s insistence. Now, the two were enjoying their drinks as they compared notes on their pranks on one another.
“So, how’d you get that shampoo potion into my room?” Eugene asked at one point.
“Lance helped me out. He offered when he saw he sneaking around your room,” the teen admitted.
“Hmmmmm….. Lance held Rudiger down for me to dye his fur.”
Varian sat up straighter and continued Eugene’s line of thought.
“He…. helped me get that apple tree in your room. And opened the windows.”
“He helped me put that aging potion in your room.”
“He helped me switch all the labels in your lab.”
“He put that platter of cookies in your room.”
The two looked at each other and they both realized …. Lance has been playing them! They wordlessly started putting away their finished rinks and started to leave the lab.
“I still got them truth cookies in my room,” Eugene offered.
“Good idea. Don’t want them to waste. We’ll force-feed him. Any other ideas?” Varian asked.
The two spent the day together scheming their ideas before implementing them the next day.
Never mess with Team Awesome when they in a mood to prank, whether it is each other or not! 
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icedteaandoldlace · 8 years ago
I was tagged by @firewolfi
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name: Allison
Nicknames: Allie, Al, Aloicious, Cat/Bunny Whisperer, George, Thin Mint
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'8"
Orientation: Asexual (heteroromantic).
Ethnicity: Southern American (not to be confused with South American).
Favorite Fruit: Probably watermelon, but I love all sorts of fruits.
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Book: Clockwork Princess (book 3 of The Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare.
Favorite Flower: Most flowers, tbh, but lately I’ve been really into hyacinths.
Favorite Scent: Black raspberry and vanilla, coffee grounds, rose petals, line dried laundry, bluebonnets, violets, jasmine, fresh hay, peaches, strawberry, honeysuckle, petrichor, icy mist, cinnamon, cloves, new leather, cut grass, lemon zest–I thought this one would be tough, but once you get me started, there are a lot of scents I love.
Favorite animals: Cats and horses.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Tea, but I love them all.
Cat or Dog Person: Cat person (dogs are good too, but I just click better with cats).
Favorite Fictional Character: I have about a million that I all love equally, but for the sake of answering and keeping it short, I’m just going to say Eric van der Woodsen and Lilith Sternin.
Dream Trip: Venice, Italy. I just wanna ride in a freaking gondola, dang it.
Blog Created: Sometime in early 2012.
Number of Followers: 820 (WHAAAAAAT?)
What I Post About: Fandom stuff, memes, and feminist/social justice type stuff.
Do I get asks on a regular basis: No.
Aesthetic: I’m on mobile, so I can’t attach a picture, so here: http://icedteaandoldlace.tumblr.com/tagged/aesthetic
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
LAST ___:
Drink: Tea

Phone Call: My sister.

Text message: My other sister, in the squad’s group message.

Song you listened to: The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance

Time you cried: I came pretty close last night, watching a video about a couple adopting disabled cats.
Dated someone twice: Never even dated someone once.
Been cheated on: Nope.
Kissed someone and then regretted it: Negative.

Lost someone special: Yes.

Been depressed: Who hasn’t?

Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve gotten tipsy, but never enough to throw up.


Made new friends: Yeah. Not, like, anyone I hang out or go places with, but yeah.

Fallen out of love: No.
Laughed until you cried: Oh god yes.
Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah, but not in like a dramatic way.

Met someone who changed you: I don’t think so…

Found out who your true friends are: Nah, I’ve known that for a few years now.
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No.

How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: All but three. One I added accidentally but kept anyway, one’s a Dr. Doofenshmirtz roleplayer who I don’t even know why they added me, and the other’s the star of a direct-to-video movie I grew up watching, who somehow met my dad.
Do you have any pets: 10 cats.

Do you want to change your name: No, I like my name just fine.

What did you do for your last birthday: I had dinner with my family at a Japanese restaurant, and my mom made a coconut and Mandarin orange cake and took me shopping.

What time did you wake up: Today? 12-something or 1, idk.

What were you doing at midnight last night: I think I was having dinner. Or maybe taking a bath. Last night was a work night, and it went pretty late.
Name something you cannot wait for: All I’m really waiting for at the moment is my new debit card. My old one got skimmed, and being without one makes me nervous. But luckily my phone bill’s been paid and my car has enough gas to last till the new card comes in.

When was the last time you saw your mother: A couple hours ago.

What is something you wish you could change about your life: I would really like to be able to keep myself focused on literally anything, and to have more energy and less anxiety.

What are you listening to right now: The Kids Aren’t Alright by Fall Out Boy.

Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes.

Something that is getting on your nerves: My trash email app that NEVER gives me notifications and takes 9,000,000 years to refresh. Also, the fact that the stupid app store won’t let me download FREE apps until I’ve updated my billing information, which I can’t do until I get my new debit card.

Most visited website: Tumblr.

Elementary: Homeschooled.

High school: Homeschooled.

College: One semester of community college completed.

Hair color: Kind of a golden brown.

Long or short hair: Short. Usually in a stacked bob, but right now I have a pixie cut.

Do you have a crush on someone: I have a couple of cute coworkers, but I’m not like smitten or anything.

What do you like about yourself: I like a lot of things about myself. But my favorite thing about myself at the moment is the way I’m changing. I’ve been growing more confident and more responsible, and adulthood is suddenly a little less intimidating.
Piercings: Just your standard one in each earlobe situation. I’ve been considering getting them double pierced, though.

Blood type: I have no idea.

Relationship status: Single

Pronouns: Traditional feminine pronouns.
Favorite TV show: Criminal Minds, Boy Meets World, Gossip Girl, Frasier, Gilligan’s Island, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Madam Secretary, and lately I’ve been watching a lot of Home Improvement and Last Man Standing.

Tattoos: NOPE. They’re neat and all, but they’re not for me.

Right or left hand: Right.
FIRST ____:

Surgery: I had two teeth surgically removed, if that counts.

Piercing: The right ear, if I recall correctly. But that was 14 years ago, and both ears were pierced within moments of each other, so…

Best friend: My cousin, Lexy.
Sport: I’m pretty much limited to kickball.
Vacation: Eureka Springs and Silver Dollar City.

Pair of trainers: I’ve been through too many in my life to have any idea.

Eating: Nothing, but I had some chocolate chip cookies a little while ago.

Drinking: Water.

About to: Put on chapstick and work on one of my stories.

Listening to: The Call by Backstreet Boys

Waiting for: Still just the debit card.

Want: Some tapioca or rice pudding would be nice.
Get married: Someday, hopefully.
Career: Novelist.
Hugs or kisses: Hugs. I think. I’m not really sure.

Lips or eyes: Eyes.

Shorter or taller: I really don’t care.

Older or younger: I’m more likely to be interested in a guy who’s older than me than a guy who’s younger, but I would prefer someone as close to my own age as possible.
Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms.

Sensitive or loud: Sensitive, I think. But I do enjoy loud, chatty people, as long as they’re not rude or overbearing.

Hook up or relationship: Relationship.

Troublemaker or hesitant: If by hesitant you mean someone who thinks before they act, then that.
Kissed a stranger: No way.

Drank hard liquor: I’ve sipped a few different hard drinks. Hated every one of them.

Lost glasses/contact lenses: No.
 Forgotten to put on, yes, but lost, no.
Turned someone down: Only in the rejecting attempts at flirtation sense. I’ve never been asked out, so I’ve never really had anything to turn down.
Sex on first date: Never been on a date. And sex really isn’t my thing.
Broken someone’s heart: With all these people I’ve never dated and never been asked out by, I don’t see how I could.

Had your own heart broken: Once.

Been arrested: No.

Cried when someone died: Yes.

Fallen for a friend: More like fell for, then befriended, then fell even harder for.

Yourself: In most aspects, yes. But not always.

Miracles: Yes.

Love at first sight: In most cases, no, but in the “is it possible/has it ever happened” sense, yes.

Santa Claus: No.
Kiss on the first date: I mean, it’s not something I would ever do, but I don’t have any kind of moral opposition to it.
Angels: Yeah, I think so.
OTHER ____:

Current best friend’s name: Sarah

Eye color: Blue

Movie: Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events
And idk who to tag, but if anyone wants to fill this out, you can say I tagged you and I'll read it. 😉
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