#Lucifer AU
sinner-sunflower · 5 months
Reddit style Lucifer AU
I think it would be funny if Hell had their version of Reddit and Lucifer, the King, a struggling father who is trying to fixhis relationship with his daughter, who is fighting depression, and a being as old as time being courted by a psychopathic serial killer cannibal takes toit to ask people for advice in situations he’s not sure if he’s the asshole or not.
even funnier if he takes to human Reddit but everytime he puts in his age, it just automatically redacts but only in the eyes in the humans.
every commentor is like ? Whyd u redact ur age? And he’s like ?? I didnt? I said im a (REDACTED) years old?
and they be no???
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lilymagnemorningstar · 4 months
Lucifer x Lilith AU I really want to work on:
Human AU: Vet Lucifer owns a Duck sanctuary and runs a small charity for the protection of and care of ducks | Panicked Lilith brings in an injured duck she found during a storm one night, seeking help | Lucifer comes the rescue and sparks fly
I think this would be so cute and it if Lucifer had been human instead this is totally the kind of thing he would do X3
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murmeska · 3 months
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Chubby fem Lucifer for my Au based on my personal experience with gaining weight due to depression
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darkdra23 · 25 days
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This is my friend's Lucifer from the Detroit universe. This Lucifer is the mascot and calling card of the amusement park.
Belongs to @melodydarkchalk
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effulgent-girl · 2 years
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Jaime & Brienne Week 2022 - Day Seven, Oct. 9 - Fire
Lucifer Morningstar, bored from her sulking life in hell, comes to live in Los Angeles. Adopting the persona Brienne Tarth, she helps humanity with her telepathic abilities to bring people's deepest desires out of them. While meeting with Detective Jaime Lannister in her nightclub, a shootout involving her and the Detective leads to her becoming an LAPD consultant who tries to punish people for their crimes through law and justice.
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whatswrongwithblue · 4 months
Hi!!! Sooo, I was wondering if you write for Demon Slayer/KNY?? If not it's fine, but if you do... Can you do a assassin reader x Kokushibo?? No specific pronouns, cause IDRK mine anymore tbh... If you don't can you do the same but with Lucifer {Human AU}???
I'm not familiar with those other fandoms unfortunately and I've never been able to get myself in the heads pace for AU for any fandoms I've been a part of honestly. I always gravitate towards canon ships or original characters that I then insert into canon related events. Anything other than that has just never really been able to get my creative juices flowing, so I just don't feel up to that challenge. But I sincerely hope you find someone who can! There's so many Lucifer simps on this site with less specific muses than myself. Best of luck to you!
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calia-lynn · 2 years
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This is a redo of a drawing I did for @mightbeawriter 's story "Unwritten" ♥️. Inspired by chapter 23, when #Amenadiel babysits toddler Rory:
Markers, paint & coloring pencils.
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sinner-sunflower · 4 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 27/27
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26, UPDATE
I debated which POV should I use for this. It was either Vaggie or Charlie.
But then I didn't think I was ready yet to dive into Charlie's inner thoughts after the events of the last chapter.
Satan: When the death of the King was announced to us yesterday morning,
Vaggie darted through the palace halls, her steps nearly floating as her wings fluttered slightly, reducing her weight. She could have flown, which would have been faster, but there was a strict rule against flying inside the palace to protect the many precious things that belonged to-
Satan: there struck a deep and somber note in our lives
Anyway, Charlie had banned any kind of flying altogether after a priceless vase was accidentally shattered.
Satan: which resounded far and wide.
As she zoomed past, the servant imps bowed and greeted her politely. She usually returned their greetings, a blend of kindness and a dash of guilt compelling her to do so. Despite the fact that none of the exorcists had killed any Hellborn during their exterminations, it didn't ease her conscience.
She wasn't Adam.
Satan: It stilled the clatter and traffic of all hellish life
She wondered where he was now, after taking off with Lute and setting off the bomb that had essentially turned everything to shit, disappearing into the buildings of Pride.
Even she wasn't sure if Charlie could grant that kind of forgiveness.
Vaggie cursed at yet another empty room, soon finding herself at a dead end.
Her movements halted when she caught a glimpse of something flying past the window. She gripped her spear tighter.
Satan: and made countless millions of demon kind throughout the seven rings...
She must have looked pathetic because one of the butlers in the room (Azaeloth, Your Grace) took pity on her and pointed up.
Of course.
Satan: ...pause and look around them.
Vaggie thanked the imp before turning on her heels and heading toward the rooftop.
She probably opened the door a little harder than necessary, the heavy thud echoing in the quiet space, but Charlie didn’t so much as flinch. Instead, her expression remained unreadable against the backdrop of Hell's red sky.
Satan: The late King, who assumed the heavy burden of the crown when he was cast out of the Heavens,
The rooftop balcony overlooking all of Hell is one of the places Charlie often frequents when it all gets a bit too much. It ranks third only to the Hotel and a secret room whose location even Vaggie doesn't know.
Vaggie takes in the sight of Charlie, and it's the same thing she has been seeing for the last two years.
Satan: lived through every minute of this struggle
The former exorcist stays by the door. Despite her earlier rush, she just waits. Waits. And waits.
She waits until Charlie releases a sigh and makes a motion with her hand, granting permission to come closer.
Not once does Charlie turn to look at her. The weight of the world seems to press down on her shoulders, gaze fixed on the landscape below.
Satan: with a heart that have faltered but a spirit never broken.
They were still together, and Vaggie liked to think that their love was as strong as ever.
But ever since—
Ever since then, an invisible wall had manifested itself between them. And she understood, really she did. It didn't make it hurt any less.
Vaggie missed the old Charlie.
Satan: In the end, death came as a friend.
Vaggie: Hey.
Vaggie greets Charlie, moving to stand beside her to overlook Pride. The Ring doesn’t look as good as it did back then, but everything was fixed relatively quickly, thanks to their experience with turf wars and the destruction that came with them.
Charlie still doesn’t look at her, but there’s a twitch in her clasped hands.
Satan: And after a gruesome battle of bloodshed,
Vaggie bites the inside of her cheek at the stillness of the moment.
Vaggie: How long have you been here? You'll catch something in this cold.
Cold. Hell is cold.
And it's not right.
Oh if the humans who keep saying 'when Hell freezes over' could see it now.
Satan: and after a sacrifice for those who look up to him,
Charlie: I'm fine, Vaggie. Is something wrong?
Yes! Vaggie wants to yell at her. Yes, of course there's something wrong! Their home is wrong. Their whole life is wrong!
But she can't. God knows they've had that conversation too many times before. It always ended ugly.
Satan: he fell asleep,
So she stills herself and chooses her words carefully.
Vaggie: No-uh, not at the moment. But I got word from Angel that it looks like they caught a few intruders south of the Pentagram. They wouldn't tell me anything yet but..
Charlie finally turns her head to her, a raised eyebrow prompting Vaggie to continue.
Vaggie: I caught a glimpse of a feather and I have a pretty good guess it's the same reason why they are being as discreet as possible.
Satan: as every soul, human or demon, who strives to be free and nothing else in the world, may hope to do.
After Him-
It was a massacre, and she participated in the exterminations. She knows what killings look like, but what she witnessed then still makes her stomach twist with discomfort to this day.
Only a few managed to escape to Heaven, while some opted to hide deep underground in Pride, afraid and perhaps forgotten.
Those brave enough to venture outside went straight to the palace or hotel, hoping to find a way back to Heaven.
Satan: Now, we must leave the treasures of the past and turn to the future.
But there is no more Heaven.
Satan: Resilience have been the reigns of the late Majesty.
At least, that's what they think. No rescue missions, no communication, no nothing.
Heaven has been silent, and the only indication they have of its still-beating existence is the glowing white sphere up in the far sky.
That's why angels still take the risk to go to them.
Satan: All of the greatest periods in our history unfolded upon his hands .
But none of them ever make it.
Satan: This new age comes at a time when demonkind stands uncertainly poised..
Charlie: I see.
At the corner of her eye, Vaggie sees the flying figure circle around the city again like a dog guarding their home.
Like a predator looking for its prey.
She reaches out to take Charlie's hand, squeezing it for comfort. For her or for Charlie she's not sure.
Vaggie: Let's go inside. I don't like being outside with that... thing.
Satan: …on the age of catastrophe.
Charlie eyes the flying entity with an expression of cold, hard anger mixed with devastation. The look is gone as soon as it came.
Vaggie would have that look too if it had the face of her dead father.
Satan: I, whose existence was passed in the noble, unchallenged, and tranquil glories of the Luciferian era
She gave Charlie another squeeze but the other doesn't reciprocate.
Vaggie feels like Charlie's slipping from her hold. Her hand tightens just a bit more around her lover's, afraid that if she loosens then Charlie would be gone.
And she can't let that happen.
Satan: may well feel the thrill in invoking once more,
Charlie, who no longer shies away from judgemental eyes.
Satan: the prayer,
Charlie, who stands straight and tall, like a beacon of demon hope.
Satan: and the anthem;
Who looks too small in her royal mantle.
Satan: Long live Charlotte Morningstar,
Who looks imposing as the original Devil with the crown sitting on her head.
Satan: Her Majesty,
Her former self tucked far away inside.
There's a screech of a car down below and a cacophony of distressed voices.
Charlie: They're here.
Satan: The Queen of Hell.
Charlie: Let's go.
Lucifer is truly dead here guys. Or is he? 👀
The Crown reference.
The Satan parts is the speech said at Charlie's coronation. Just like in The Crown, she became queen as soon as the former King died.
Fates of Alastor, the Sins, and the others will be addressed in Story 3 of this series!
Yes you read that right. There will be one more story for this. And it will still be Lucifer centric, but the POVs will bounce from character to character.
A trilogy! Wow, I can't believe this.
Thank you all for reading! To those who have supported this story from the very beginning, you were all my motivation and inspiration. I love hearing your theories, your critiques, and your fanarts.
And if you have any questions, my asks and DMs are open! I'd be happy to answer anything to the best of my abilities without spoiler <3
This work is my pride and joy and you guys loving it made me even more proud of myself.
So thank you.
This story is dedicated to the me that couldn't find the fanfic I'm looking for and said fuck it I'll do it myself. And of course, to our dear Lucifer Morningstar.
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scribblechat · 2 years
bonus: doodles from what is loosely a lucifer au featuring some debatably less poorly drawn mlb
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maziferramblings · 2 years
Lucifer (TV) 1.13 AU
When Lucifer was just about to follow Chloe to her confrontation with Malcolm, Maze caught up with Lucifer and wanted to come along to watch his back. He refused, insisted on going alone, and ordered her not to follow. She obeyed, but warned him not to underestimate the human.
Of course, like the idiot devil he is, he ignored her warnings and got himself shot. Needless to say, Maze is not happy about it.
In the aftermath of this mess, they have a confrontation. Maze coldly informs Lucifer that he has forced her to break her vow to protect him, and she will not allow him to do this to her again, and for that reason she is moving out, quitting work at LUX, and the only contact Lucifer will have with her from now on is an e-mail address for emergency use only. She will continue to watch his back and protect him, but from now on it will be on her terms, and her terms only.
Unfortunately for Lucifer, "on Maze's terms" means with brutal efficiency and absolutely no regard for the police cases he and the detective are trying to solve. The first time Maze intervenes, Lucifer and Chloe are about to be killed by their murder suspect and half a dozen of his henchmen. Within a few moments, all of the bad guys are taken out with extreme precision by a sniper who escapes unseen, leaving behind only his rifle. On their next case, they go to confront their suspect only to find that he has apparently committed suicide by hanging himself, after writing a suicide note where he confesses the crime. Lucifer immediately recognizes the somewhat unusual knot the man used to make a noose as Maze's handiwork.
As more and more of their cases conclude with their suspects being murdered, suffering mysterious accidents, or committing suicide, Chloe gets suspicious and Lucifer is forced to contact Maze and try to get her to stop plastering their path with corpses. Her idea of complying with his wishes is to make sure they don't find the corpses, which means that their police cases officially remain unsolved.
Lucifer once again contacts Maze, this time ordering her explicitly to leave their suspects alive and present for the law enforcement to deal with. He is deeply apprehensive of just how Maze will react to that order.
His apprehensions are more than justified. The next time he and Chloe find themselves confronted by their suspected murderer and his two accomplices, the lights go out, the sounds of three necks being broken can be heard, and when the lights go back on, the men are lying on the ground. They are still alive, but paralyzed from the neck down due to the vertebra which were broken with absolute precision.
Of course, Chloe now realizes exactly what - or rather: who - has happened. And she is also certain now that those other mysterious deaths and disappearances had the same cause. Now Lucifer has to deal with his pet human being extremely pissed off, and determined to hold Maze accountable for her actions, and his demon almost certainly just waiting for a chance to make the detective's life hell.
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mythbringer-mayhem · 7 months
Misunderstanding - RadioApple comic
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(This is pretty messy, but eh, that's how I do comics ig)
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sunlit-mess · 3 months
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AU by @notherpuppet
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Guardian Angel AU 👼🏼🪽⚔️🩸
It’s radioapple and Chaggie because I’m entirely self serving in my fanart/fanfics lollll
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samzikei · 5 months
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Hmmm... Something about the new shopkeep next door seems sus.
print available on etsy
on twitter
speedpaint video
extra 1 | extra 2 | Comic Part 1 | Comic Part 2 | Comic Part 3 | Comic Part 4 | Comic Part 5 | Comic Part 6 | Comic Part 7 | Comic Part 8 | MUSIC PLAYLIST | Comic Part 9 | Comic Part 10 | Comic Part 11 | Comic Part 12 | Comic Part 13
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elsa-fogen · 5 months
Alastor's personal space
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AU Masterpost
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weirdystar · 6 months
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I just imagine Lucifer turning on Alastor's broadcast for Charlie because she gets so excited hearing it.
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