#Lu Yi shing
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The Wayward Cloud (2005) // dir. Tsai Ming-liang
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Offering To The Nāgas Of Gangtok
༄༅། །སྒང་ཐོག་གི་ཀླུ་མཆོད་བཞུགས་སོ།
Offering to the Nāgas of Gangtok
by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
རྃ་ཡྃ་ཁྃ། ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿཧཱུྃ།
ram yam kham | om ah hung
raṃ yaṃ khaṃ | oṃ āḥ hūṃ
chötor gyi bak tsok drima tamché sel
All impurities in the offering tormas are eliminated,
rang rang gi tündzé zé mishepar gyur
And they become an inexhaustible supply of whatever each one desires.
ཀྱཻ། རྒྱ་མཚོ་ཆེན་པོའི་གཏིང་ཤེད་ན། །
kyé, gyatso chenpö ting shé na
Kyai. In the depths of the great ocean
ཕོ་བྲང་གཞལ་མེད་ཉམས་དགའ་བར། །
podrang shyalmé nyam gawar
In the immense and delightful palace
ཀླུ་ཡི་རྒྱལ་པོ་དུང་སྐྱོང་ནི། །
lu yi gyalpo dungkyong ni
Is Śaṅkhapāla, king of the nāgas,
སྐུ་མདོག་དཀར་ལ་འོད་ཟེར་འབར། །
kudok kar la özer bar
White in colour and blazing with light rays,
སྐུ་སྟོད་ལྷ་རྫས་རིན་ཆེན་བརྒྱན། །
kutö lhadzé rinchen gyen
His upper body adorned with divine fabric and jewels,
སྐུ་སྨད་སྦྲུལ་མཇུག་རྒྱ་མཚོར་རོལ། །
kumé drul juk gyatsor rol
His lower body has the tail of a serpent,
ཕྱག་གཉིས་ནོར་བུ་འོད་འབར་བསྣམས། །
chak nyi norbu öbar nam
And his two hands hold a gleaming jewel.
སྦྲུལ་མགོའི་གདེངས་ཀ་བདུན་གྱིས་མཛེས། །
drul gö dengka dün gyi dzé
He is adorned by the hoods of seven serpents.
གཡོན་དུ་གཙུག་ན་འོད་འབར་སྔོ། །
yön du tsuk na öbar ngo
To his left is Crest of Blazing Light, bluish green in colour,
ཆ་ལུགས་ཡབ་འདྲ་གཏེར་བུམ་བསྣམས། །
chaluk yab dra ter bum nam
With the same dress as her male counterpart and holding a treasure vase.
འཁོར་དུ་ཀླུ་གཉན་ས་བདག་བསྐོར། །
khor du lunyen sadak kor
They are surrounded by a retinue of nāga and nyen earth lords.
འདིར་གཤེགས་རྟེན་ལ་བཞུགས་སུ་གསོལ། །
dir shek ten la shyuk su sol
Come now, take your place in this support, we pray.
ཁྱེད་ལ་དགྱེས་པའི་མཆོད་པ་ནི། །
khyé la gyepé chöpa ni
We present these offerings to delight you:
ཀླུ་སྨན་ཀླུ་ནོར་ཉེར་གཅིག་དང་། །
lu men lu nor nyerchik dang
Nāga medicine, the twenty-one nāga riches,
སྤྱན་གཟིགས་དཀོར་ཆ་སྣ་ཚོགས་དང་། །
chenzik korcha natsok dang
Splendid gifts and various forms of donation,
དཀར་མངར་འོ་ཆབ་ཉེར་སྤྱོད་སོགས། །
kar ngar o chab nyerchö sok
The whites, the sweets, milk, water and other sensory delights,
དར་ཟབ་རིན་ཆེན་ལྗོན་ཤིང་བཟང་། །
darzab rinchen jönshing zang
Fine silk, jewels, excellent trees,
ཁྲུས་རྫིང་སྐྱེད་ཚལ་ལ་སོགས་པ། །
trü dzing kyetsal lasokpa
Bathing pools, pleasure gardens and the like—
འདོད་ཡོན་མཁོ་དགུའི་མཆོད་པ་དང་། །
döyön khogü chöpa dang
Offerings of every form of sensory stimulant.
ཁྱད་པར་སྔགས་དང་ཏིང་འཛིན་གྱིས། །
khyepar ngak dang tingdzin gyi
And especially, wish-granting jewels
སྤྲུལ་པའི་ནོར་བུ་བསམ་འཕེལ་སོགས། །
trulpé norbu sampel sok
Created through the power of mantra and meditation.
འདོད་རྒུ་འབྱུང་བའི་རྟེན་དུ་འབུལ། །
dögu jungwé ten du bul
All this we offer as a support for the arising of all that is desirable.
བདག་ཅག་འཁོར་དང་བཅས་པ་ཡི། །
dakchak khor dang chepa yi
We confess whatever we and those around us
བྱ་བ་སྤྱོད་པ་ཉེས་པ་ལས། །
jawa chöpa nyepa lé
Have done in error and as misdeeds
ཕོག་ཐུག་འགྲམ་འཁྲུགས་གྱུར་པ་བཤགས། །
pok tuk dram truk gyurpa shak
That might have caused offence or upset.
བདེ་གཤེགས་ཀླུ་དབང་རྒྱལ་པོ་ཡིས། །
deshek luwang gyalpo yi
May the king of mighty, bliss-gone nāgas
ཁྱེད་ལ་རྟག་ཏུ་སྲུངས་སྐྱོབས་མཛོད། །
khyé la taktu sung kyob dzö
Always offer shelter and protection,
ནད་དང་གནོད་པ་ཞི་གྱུར་ཅིག །
né dang nöpa shyi gyur chik
Pacify all sickness and causes of harm.
པདྨ་འབྱུང་གནས་བཀའ་བཞིན་དུ། །
pema jungné ka shyindu
In accordance with the words of Padmākara,
སྦས་གནས་སྣོད་བཅུད་སྲུངས་སྐྱོབས་དང་། །
bé né nöchü sung kyob dang
May you guard the environment and inhabitants of this hidden land,
ཞི་དང་བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས་ཤིང་། །
shyi dang tashi delek shing
Bring peace, good fortune, happiness and wellbeing
དཔལ་འབྱོར་ལོངས་སྤྱོད་རྒྱས་པར་མཛོད། །
paljor longchö gyepar dzö
And cause wealth and resources to increase.
བསྟན་དང་བསྟན་འཛིན་སྦྱིན་བདག་བཅས། །
ten dang tendzin jindak ché
May the teachings flourish and holders and patrons of the teachings
དགེ་ལེགས་དཔལ་ཡོན་འཕེལ་བར་ཤོག །
gelek palyön pelwar shok
Enjoy ever greater virtue, excellence and glory.
ཅེས་པའང་ཟླ་༢ཚེས་༢༢སྤ་སངས་ནམ་གྲུའི་འགྲུབ་སྦྱོར་ལ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་བློ་གྲོས་པས་བྲིས་པའོ།། །།
Chökyi Lodrö wrote this on the 22nd day of the second month during the conjunction of Venus and Revatī.
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LAY MÖN TEN DREL PAK SAM JÖN SHING GI TENG DU Upon the wish-fulfilling tree of good karma linked with prayers
GYA GAR SHAR GYI MA JA ZHÖN NU YANG PHEB JUNG the youthful peacock of East India alights.
MA JA'I DUK KOR DAM PAI CHHÖ CHHOK LA GYUR DANG Turn your parasol tail towards the sacred teachings
ZHÖN PA NGA TSHÖ T'HAR PA'I LAM NA ZHIK ZIN YÖNG so we young ones can reach the path of liberation.
SÖD NAM CHID KYI GYAL MO SHING TA LA P'HEB PA'I The chariot of the meritorious Queen of Spring has arrived.
LHO MÖN SHING LÖI TSHAL GYI KHU JUK GI SUNG NYEM The melodious voice of the cuckoo from the forest of Lhomön
YA GI DRI ZA'I BU MÖI LING BU LAY NYEN PA with a song sweeter than the flute, up there with Gandharva's daughter
YAR SUM NOM DA SO WA'I TEN DREL LA YAK JUNG an auspicious sign enlivening the three months of a good summer season.
DIR DÜ LAY MÖN T'HUN PA'I DOR JE YI PUN DROK Vajra brothers and sisters gathered here, with complementary good karma and prayers,
NGA TSHÖ'I LA MA ZHUK PA'I CHHÖ RA LA P'HEB DANG please come to the sacred place of our guru.
MIN DROL DÜD TSI THUNG WA'I GA TÖN GYI NGANG NAY Through this festival of delight, drinking the nectar of initiations and teachings.
NYAM GA LU RU LEN PA'I KHYED CHHÖ SHIK YÖD DO there is a special joyful experience song.
DE CHHEN P'HO GYUR MED PA'I ZHUK DRAL GYI Ü NAY In the center of the seated line of unchangeable great exaltation,
LHA DANG LA MA'I ZHAL RAY MA GOM KYANG JAL we have seen the wisdom deity and our Guru's face, even without visualizing.
MA DANG KHAN DRÖ'I NYING T'HIK ÖDSAL GYI THEK PAY By the Clear Light Vehicle, heart drop of the wisdom mother and Dakinis,
JA LÜ CHHÖ KUR DRUB PA'I NGÖ DRUB CHIK ZHU-O* may we accomplish the siddhi of the Dharmakaya rainbow body.
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Absolutely beautiful song from Crispy脆樂團, and the arrangement is perfect, just the right amount of strings & percussion.
作詞Lyricist & 作曲Composer:盧羿安Skippy Lu
製作人Producer:陳建騏 George Chen
編曲Arranger:陳建騏 George Chen / Crispy脆樂團
弦樂編寫 Strings Scoring:陳建騏 George Chen
和聲編寫Chorus Arranger:丁不拉丁 Christine “DingBuLaDing” Ting / 黃建為 Bodhi
吉他Guitar:盧羿安 Skippy Lu
鼓 Drums:賴聖文 Peter Lai
第一小提琴First Violin:朱奕寧 Jupiter
第二小提琴 Second Violin:陳泱瑾 Nick
中提琴 Viola:甘威鵬 Weapon Gan
大提琴 Cello:葉裕新 Shin
弦樂指導Strings Leader:許義昕 Eddie Hsu
錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:陳以霖 Yi-Lin Chen@大小眼錄音室 Twin Eyes Studio / 李心鼎 Lee Shing-Ding@好多聲音 FORGOOD SOUND / 錢煒安 Zen Chien@112F Recording Studio
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer:Simon Li@nOiz Studio
Crispy will be keeping busy in early winter:
Crispy脆樂團 - Asia Tour 亞洲巡迴
〖特別場〗 2017/12/19 台北Taipei forgood 好多咖啡 (特別場詳細參與方式近期公佈!!)
12/3 上海Shanghai 育音堂
12/7 杭州Hangzhou 酒球會
12/8 北京Beijing 蝸牛的家
12/9 成都Chengdu 成都小酒館
1/25 東京Tokyo 青山 月見ル君想フ(ライブハウス)
1/27 大阪Osaka 中津Vi-code
2月 新加坡 Singapore、馬來西亞Malaysia coming soon
#Crispy脆樂團#盧羿安Skippy Lu#丁不拉丁 Christine “DingBuLaDing” Ting#陳建騏 George Chen#賴聖文 Peter Lai#朱奕寧 Jupiter#music video#forgood 好多咖啡#陳泱瑾 Nick#許義昕 Eddie Hsu#葉裕新 Shin#taiwan
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On Wednesday, July 11, at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce office at Confucius Plaza, the following attorneys and interpreters assisted 27 clients:
Cary Chan
Youngjin Choi
Jonathan Hernandez
Thomas Hou
Kevin Hsi
Wei Li
David Lu
Kwok Kei Ng
Joshua Versoza
John Wu
Zhixian Liu
Kenny Moy
Shing Yiing Ong
Teresa Wai Yee Yeung
Fiona Yuchen Zheng
We thank all the volunteer attorney, interpreters, and assistants Roger Chen and Taiyee Chien for offering advice, assistance, and care to each and every client. We also thank the Pro Bono and Community Service Committee Co-Chairs Asako Aiba, Judy Lee, Karen Yau, and Pauline Yeung-Ha for coordinating these monthly clinics.
The Pro Bono Clinics are held every second Wednesday of the month, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, and the next clinic will be held on August 8. For more information on the clinics or to volunteer, please contact the committee Co-Chair Asako Aiba at [email protected].
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The��Thomas and Uber Cup 2018 also known as the 2018 BWF Thomas & Uber Cup will be the 30th edition of the Thomas Cup and the 27th edition of the Uber Cup, This event is a Team event contested by the men and women’s national teams of the member associations Badminton World Federation (BWF). The tournament will be hosted by Bangkok, Thailand at IMPACT Arena
This will be the first time that Thailand will be hosting this prestigious tournament from 20 to 27th may 2018, where Denmark and china will be defending Men’s championship and Women’s championship crown respectively.
Thomas and Uber cup finals 2018 draws:
Thomas and Uber cup 2018 Schedule:
Thomas and Uber cup 2018 team level details:
Thomas cup:
Algeria: Abderrahim Bouksani, Balahoune Majed Yacine, Belarbi Mohamed Abderrahime, Hamek Adel, Khaldi Samy, Larbaoui Sifeddine, Mammeri Koceila, Meddah Adel, Medel Youcef Sabri, Ouchefoun Mohamed Abdelaziz
Australia: Chau Matthew, Gobinathan Ashwant, Joe Anthony, Leung Simon Wing Hang, Schueler Jacob, Serasinghe Sawan, Tam Raymond, Teoh Kai Chen, Vuong Eric, Yan Peter
Canada: Dostie-Guindon Paul-Antoine, Ho-Shue Jason Anthony, Lai Jonathan Bing Tsan, Li Antonio, Lindeman Ty Alexander, Yakura Nyl, Yang Brian, Yao Duncan
China: Chen Long, Li Junhui, Lin Dan, Liu Cheng, Liu Yuchen, Qiao Bin, Shi Yuqi, Wang Yilyu, Zhang Nan, Zheng Siwei
Chinese Taipei: Chen Hung Ling, Chou Tien Chen, Hsu Jen Hao, Lee Jhe-Huei, Lee Yang, Lu Ching Yao, Wang Chi-Lin, Wang Tzu Wei, Yang Chih Chieh, Yang Po Han
Denmark: Antonsen Anders, Astrup Kim, Axelsen Viktor, Boe Mathias, Christiansen Mathias, Conrad-Petersen Mads, Jorgensen Jan O, Kolding Mads Pieler, Rasmussen Anders Skaarup, Vittinghus Hans-Kristian Solberg
France: Corvee Jordan, Corvee Lucas, Gicquel Thom, Kersaudy Bastian, Labar Ronan, Leverdez Brice, Maio Julien, Merkle Arnaud, Popov Toma Junior, Rossi Leo
Germany: Jansen Jones Ralfy, Kaesbauer Peter, Lamsfuss Mark, Roovers Alexander, Roth Fabian, Schaefer Kai, Schaenzler Lars, Seidel Marvin Emil, Zurwonne Josche, Zwiebler Marc
Hong Kong: Ho Wai Lun, Hu Yun, Lee Cheuk Yiu, Lee Chun Hei Reginald, Mak Hee Chun, Ng Ka Long Angus, Or Chin Chung, Tang Chun Man, Wong Wing Ki Vincent, Yeung Shing Choi
Indonesia: Ahsan Mohammad, Alfian Fajar, Ardianto Muhammad Rian, Christie Jonatan, Gideon Marcus Fernaldi, Ginting Anthony Sinisuka, Kholik Firman Abdul, Mustofa Ihsan Maulana, Setiawan Hendra, Sukamuljo Kevin Sanjaya
India: Attri Manu, George Arun, M.R. Arjun, Prannoy H. S., Reddy B. Sumeeth, Sai Praneeth B., Sen Lakshya, Shlok Ramchandran, Shukla Sanyam, Verma Sameer
Japan: Endo Hiroyuki, Inoue Takuto, Kamura Takeshi, Kaneko Yuki, Momota Kento, Nishimoto Kenta, Sakai Kazumasa, Sonoda Keigo, Tsuneyama Kanta, Watanabe Yuta
Korea: Choi Solgyu, Chung Eui Seok, Ha Young Woong, Heo Kwang Hee, Jeon Hyeok Jin, Kang Min Hyuk, Kim Dukyoung, Kim Won Ho, Seo Seung Jae, Son Wan Ho
Malaysia: Arif Mohamad Arif Ab Latif, Chia Aaron, Goh V Shem, Lee Chong Wei, Lee Zii Jia, Leong Jun Hao, Soh Wooi Yik, Tan Wee Kiong, Teo Ee Yi, Zulkarnain Iskandar
Russia: Alimov Rodion, Dremin Evgenij, Grachev Denis, Gulomzoda Shokhzod, Ivanov Vladimir, Karpov Georgii, Lemeshko Nikita, Malkov Vladimir, Sirant Sergey, Sozonov Ivan
Thailand: Avihingsanon Suppanyu, Isriyanet Tinn, Kedren Kittinupong, Namdash Kittisak, Phetpradab Khosit, Phuangphuapet Nipitphon, Puavaranukroh Dechapol, Thongnuam Pannawit, Viriyangkura Tanupat, Wangcharoen Kantaphon
Uber Cups:
Australia: Chen Hsuan-Yu Wendy, Fung Zecily, Khoo Lee Yen, Lim Lauren, Ma Louisa, Mapasa Setyana, Slee Ann-Louise, Somerville Gronya, Tam Jennifer, Veeran Renuga
Canada: Beaulieu Anne-Julie, Choi Catherine, Honderich Rachel, Li Michelle, Pakenham Stephanie, Tam Brittney, Tong Michelle, Tsai Kristen, Wu Josephine
China: Chen Qingchen, Chen Yufei, Gao Fangjie, He Bingjiao, Huang Dongping, Huang Yaqiong, Jia Yifan, Li Xuerui, Tang Jinhua, Yu Zheng
Chinese Taipei: Chen Hsiao Huan, Chiang Mei Hui, Hsu Ya Ching, Hu Ling Fang, Kuo Yu Wen, Lin Wan Ching, Lin Ying Chun, Pai Yu Po, Tai Tzu Ying, Wu Ti Jung
Denmark: Blichfeldt Mia, Bøje Alexandra, Christophersen Line, Finne-Ipsen Julie, Fruergaard Maiken, Kjaersfeldt Line Højmark, Rohde Natalia Koch, Søby Rikke, Thygesen Sara
France: Batomene Marie, Delrue Delphine, Desmons Ainoa, Heriau Vimala, Hoyaux Yaelle, Lambert Margot, Lefel Emilie, Normand Katia, Palermo Lea, Tran Anne
Germany: Deprez Fabienne, Efler Linda, Goliszewski Johanna, Heim Luise, Herttrich Isabel, Kaepplein Lara, Konon Olga, Li Yvonne, Nelte Carla, Wilson Miranda
Hong Kong: Cheung Ngan Yi, Cheung Ying Mei, Ng Tsz Yau, Ng Wing Yung, Poon Lok Yan, Wu Yi Ting, Yeung Nga Ting, Yeung Sum Yee, Yip Pui Yin, Yuen Sin Ying
Indonesia: Ayustine Dinar Dyah, Fitriani Fitriani, Haris Della Destiara, Hartawan Ruselli, Istarani Ni Ketut Mahadewi, Maheswari Nitya Krishinda, Polii Greysia, Pradipta Rizki Amelia, Rahayu Apriyani, Tunjung Gregoria Mariska
India: Bhale Vaishnavi, Ghorpade Sanyogita, Jakka Vaishnavi Reddy, Jakkampudi Meghana, Kudaravalli Sri Krishna Priya, Nehwal Saina, Prabhudesai Anura, S Ram Poorvisha, Sawant Prajakta
Japan: Fukushima Yuki, Hirota Sayaka, Matsutomo Misaki, Okuhara Nozomi, Sato Sayaka, Takahashi Ayaka, Takahashi Sayaka, Tanaka Shiho, Yamaguchi Akane, Yonemoto Koharu
Korea: An Se Young, Baek Ha Na, Kim Hye Rin, Kim So Yeong, Kong Hee Yong, Lee Jang Mi, Lee Se Yeon, Lee Yu Rim, Shin Seung Chan, Sung Ji Hyun
Malaysia: Cheah Soniia, Chow Mei Kuan, Goh Jin Wei, Goh Yea Ching, Hoo Vivian, Kisona Selvaduray, Lee Meng Yean, Lee Ying Ying, Soong Fie Cho, Tee Jing Yi
Mauritius: Allet Aurelie Marie Elisa, Dookhee Kobita, Foo Kune Kate, Leug For Sang Jemimah, Mungrah Ganesha
Russia: Bolotova Ekaterina, Chervyakova Anastasia, Davletova Alina, Evgenova Ksenia, Komendrovskaja Elena, Kosetskaya Evgeniya, Morozova Olga, Perminova Natalia, Pustinskaia Anastasiia, Vislova Nina
Thailand: Chaladchalam Chayanit, Chochuwong Pornpawee, Intanon Ratchanok, Jindapol Nitchaon, Kititharakul Jongkolphan, Muenwong Phataimas, Ongbamrungphan Busanan, Prajongjai Rawinda, Supajirakul Puttita, Taerattanachai Sapsiree
Live streaming of Thomas and Uber cup 2018:
In India:
Star Sports 2 and Star Sports HD 2 is official Broadcaster of the Thomas and Uber Cup 2018 in India. While Hotstar.com will provide the Live Streaming online through the Internet
Outside India:
If you are outside India then watch BWF youtube channel for the Thomas and Uber Cup 2018 Live Telecast, Streaming.
Follow SportsFlu for all updates on Thomas and Uber cup 2018!
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Systematic Functional Annotation of Somatic Mutations in Cancer
Publication date: 12 March 2018 Source:Cancer Cell, Volume 33, Issue 3 Author(s): Patrick Kwok-Shing Ng, Jun Li, Kang Jin Jeong, Shan Shao, Hu Chen, Yiu Huen Tsang, Sohini Sengupta, Zixing Wang, Venkata Hemanjani Bhavana, Richard Tran, Stephanie Soewito, Darlan Conterno Minussi, Daniela Moreno, Kathleen Kong, Turgut Dogruluk, Hengyu Lu, Jianjiong Gao, Collin Tokheim, Daniel Cui Zhou, Amber M. Johnson, Jia Zeng, Carman Ka Man Ip, Zhenlin Ju, Matthew Wester, Shuangxing Yu, Yongsheng Li, Christopher P. Vellano, Nikolaus Schultz, Rachel Karchin, Li Ding, Yiling Lu, Lydia Wai Ting Cheung, Ken Chen, Kenna R. Shaw, Funda Meric-Bernstam, Kenneth L. Scott, Song Yi, Nidhi Sahni, Han Liang, Gordon B. Mills The functional impact of the vast majority of cancer somatic mutations remains unknown, representing a critical knowledge gap for implementing precision oncology. Here, we report the development of a moderate-throughput functional genomic platform consisting of efficient mutant generation, sensitive viability assays using two growth factor-dependent cell models, and functional proteomic profiling of signaling effects for select aberrations. We apply the platform to annotate >1,000 genomic aberrations, including gene amplifications, point mutations, indels, and gene fusions, potentially doubling the number of driver mutations characterized in clinically actionable genes. Further, the platform is sufficiently sensitive to identify weak drivers. Our data are accessible through a user-friendly, public data portal. Our study will facilitate biomarker discovery, prediction algorithm improvement, and drug development.
Graphical abstract
Ng et al. develop a moderate-throughput functional genomic platform and use it to annotate >1,000 cancer variants of unknown significance. The approach is sufficiently sensitive to identify weak drivers, potentially doubling the number of driver mutations characterized in clinically actionable genes. http://ift.tt/2p9ZVfS
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