iacvbvs · 11 months
Sobre os Lowtons
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Sobre a adoção de Lowtons:
A prática da adoção de Lowtons envolve colocar o filho (varão) do Maçom, ainda na infância, sob a proteção e orientação de uma Loja Maçônica com o compromisso de prepará-lo para a vida adulta com base nos princípios morais e éticos da Maçonaria.
Sobre a organização das Lojas Maçônicas e seu envolvimento com os Lowtons:
As Lojas Maçônicas estabelecem Oficinas para reunir os Lowtons e influenciá-los no desenvolvimento de virtudes, moral e bons costumes.
Um Conselho Preceptor, composto por pelo menos três Mestres Maçons nomeados pelo Venerável Mestre da Loja patrocinadora, supervisiona e coordena as atividades gerais da Oficina de Lowtons.
As próprias Lowtons Condutores dirigem a Oficina, e suas reuniões ocorrem em um local chamado Câmara.
Para que as reuniões na Oficina ocorram, é necessário a presença de pelo menos sete Lowtons Condutores, com a assistência de um Preceptor.
Sobre a adoção de filhos de Maçons
Filhos de Maçons, e em alguns países, até mesmo filhas de Maçons, podem ser adotados como Lowtons.
A Loja Maçônica que adota uma criança assume a responsabilidade de servir como tutor e guia em sua vida social. Isso é feito por meio de um ritual especial chamado "Adoção de Lowtons," embora seja erroneamente chamado de "batismo."
Sobre o diploma e a medalha após a adoção:
Após a cerimônia de adoção, o Lowton deve receber um diploma da Loja que declare sua adoção por ela. Esse diploma deve ser previamente registrado na Grande Loja.
Além do diploma, pode ser entregada uma pequena medalha decorada com emblemas maçônicos, o nome da Loja, o nome do Lowton e a data de sua adoção.
Sobre a origem da palavra "Lowton":
A palavra "Lowton" tem uma origem muito antiga e significa "jovem lobo." Era usada nos mistérios de Ísis para se referir ao filho de um iniciado, que era designado como "chacal" ou "lobo," devido ao uso de máscaras simbólicas desses animais.
Sobre os direitos e relações entre Lowtons e Maçons:
Os Lowtons têm direito à assistência e proteção maçônicas.
Quando atingem a idade de 18 anos, os Lowtons podem ser iniciados na Maçonaria, desde que o pai ou tutor consinta, cumprindo as condições estabelecidas pela legislação maçônica.
Entre eles, os Lowtons tratam-se como "Primos," e os Maçons tratam os Lowtons como "Sobrinhos."
Por outro lado, os Maçons recebem o tratamento de "Tios" por parte dos Lowtons.
Sobre o simbolismo do branco e as práticas nas reuniões de Lowtons:
Tanto na adoção quanto nas reuniões de uma Oficina de Lowtons, é necessário que os Lowtons vistam roupas brancas, simbolizando a pureza do infante, que a Loja adotiva deve preservar.
O Templo Maçônico preparado para a Sessão de Adoção de Lowtons deve ser predominantemente decorado em branco, com símbolos como abelhas, folhagens e grinaldas de flores, representando a infância.
O próprio Ritual de Adoção de Lowtons enfatiza a pureza, com elementos como água, sal, mel, vinho e fogo, simbolizando a manutenção da pureza, ideias sãs e justas, palavras meigas, força vivificante e purificação.
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artistopencalls · 2 years
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🧡❤️💚 @theturnpikegallery Calling all artists in Wigan! 🧡❤️💚 https://www.theturnpikegallery.org.uk/Events/Exhibitions.aspx ⬅️ Anyone aged 16 & over is invited to submit work for consideration for our upcoming Open exhibition. Application forms from our website. Deadline 3rd December. #contemporaryart #leigh #wigan #ashton #atherton #hindley #tyldesley #standish #lowton #golborne #orrell #astley #ince #shevington (at The Turnpike Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckxo9qXIzF6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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musicarenagh · 2 years
Lowtones Sets The Record Straight With Radio Just before the world came to a halt in February 2020, Oliver, Jack, Tim and George felt a musical connection between and this prompted them to join their forces and form the nascent band Lowtones in Norwich. Originally a four-piece, Jack and George are brothers and went to High School with Mav. George and Tim met playing football together. We have all played in groups together over the years, but mainly just for fun. Mav studied in Brighton and moved back to Norfolk at the beginning of 2020 got in touch with Jack and George about starting playing music together again. George knew Tim and got him involved. Simple as that. Listening to music from lowtones one would agree to the fact the band makes creating good song looks easy, as they effortlessly keep creating music, that is on par with their predecessors. Although the band blends different styles to make each song unique, the ethos of the band still remains the same and haven’t changed, or side tracked as they simply express the hardships of modern life and love The current single from Lowtones 'Radio' combines razor-sharp guitar riffs, driving bass-lines, lyrics dripping with intent, and drums that punch you in the gut. In a band were Oliver 'Mav' Mavilio is the main vocalist, Jack Abbott and Tim Cary plays the Guitar, while George Abbott blasts the drums, this is what everybody would expect from the quadruple. Follow Lowtones on Facebook Spotify Soundcloud Youtube Instagram
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qnewsau · 19 days
Time to tackle the problem of homophobia in the AFL
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/the-problem-of-homophobia-in-the-afl/
Time to tackle the problem of homophobia in the AFL
The AFLW season has started and when it comes to inclusion for our communities, is kicking goals over AFL. As co-founder of Hawks Pride and cohost of Chicks Talking Footy on JOY 94.9, Fiona Newton loves her footy. She has a lot to say about homophobia when it comes to our national sport. She shared her thoughts in last month’s Victorian QNews.
In 2024, there have been multiple sanctions for homophobic slurs and language.
North Melbourne coach Alastair Clarkson, Port Adelaide player Jeremy Finlayson, and Gold Coast player Wil Powell.
St Kilda player Lance Collard used the word f***t up to 10 times in a VFL game against Williamstown.
This was on the same weekend that St Kilda hosted a Pride Game with the Sydney Swans.
It raises the question, is it an inclusive workplace for gay male players?
The AFL has 530,000 registered players in over 25,000 clubs across Australia. One in twenty-one Australians hold an AFL club membership.
Footy has a huge influence on Australian society, so if footy becomes a more inclusive space for gay men, so does our society.
When AFL CEO Andrew Dillon was asked whether the league had a homophobia problem, he replied, “No, I don’t think we do. But I think language of the type that has been used is not acceptable in any forum, let alone the footy field.”
Dillon warned players of more severe sanctions for homophobic slurs in future.
If there is no problem with homophobia in footy, why has no past or present gay male footy player felt comfortable to be open about their sexuality in the sport?
Why is it not okay to be gay at the AFL?
In a recent podcast, The Invisible Men (of the AFL), John Buck interviewed Dr David Lowton from La Trobe University, the author of a world-first comprehensive academic survey of 670 players.
They confirmed for the first time that gay men are playing AFL at the highest levels.
Several players ticked the box in the anonymous survey confirming that they were gay and some were bisexual.
We know that being ‘in the closet’, suppressing part of your identity, and fearing being shunned in the community and excluded from friendships causes a huge amount of angst.
We don’t see this same angst with gay female players in World Cup soccer or the AFLW. Gay female players are open about who they are dating, married to and having babies with.
We are used to seeing women hold their same-sex partner’s hands on the best and fairest nights.
Most clubs would say, with sincerity, that they would welcome a gay male player if they were to come out publicly and openly about their sexuality.
This seems to be delusional when players and coaches are still using homophobic language on the footy field which sends the opposite message – being gay is bad and we won’t accept you.
I dream of a day that we see a gay male player holding his partner’s hand at the Brownlow. But that will mean understanding that homophobic slurs keep our gay male players in the closet!
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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khanhannahlewis · 5 months
A happy moment in Hannah's life.
Arcadia, 3074.
Liny shines down over the hills surrounding the small Blood Spirit enclave.
The town has no official name, just an administrative designation, but the 572 locals call it Lowton. Hannah, recently promoted to the rank of Star Commander, had been deployed to the town alongside a Star of Elementals and her Star (consisting of 3 mechs and 2 point of Protomechs) to investigate reported Bandit Caste raids in the region.
Two weeks into the assignment, and the Binary had encountered nothing but wilderness and small outlying farming communes.
Lowton has 0 strategic value, simply being a way of staking a claim on territory between 2 larger settlements, and its garrison is a point of freeborn infantry.
Hannah, Star Commander Ashes, and Point Commander Affinity rest on a grassy hill overlooking the night darkened town. Liny sparkles down on the solar panels on roofs of the buildings below.
Ashes walks up the hill to where Hannah and Affinity sit, carrying a thermos of some warm, dark local milk tea and mugs.
“Hans… What are you doing?” the elemental sounds bored.
Hannah speaks through her full mouth. “Uo no wat um doin Ash.”
Ashes sighs. “Affinity, what is she chewing on now.”
The small Protomech pilot giggles. “It is a stick, Ash.”
Ashes sits down on the rough blanket the trio had borrowed from one of the civilians and passes out the mugs. She sighs. “At least it is not a myomer bundle this time.” She pours the contents of the thermos into the mugs, sending fragrant steam into the air. “Hans, you are going to have to spit that out to drink the tea.”
The chewed stick lands in the grass. “Aff, but what will I chew while it cools?”
Ashes’ eyes fall on Affinity. “You have a wonderful Protomech pilot sitting right next to you.”
“Aff, that is true.” A grin splits Hannah's face.
Affinity throws up her arms, her eyes and dark skin glimmering in the moonlight. “Fine.” She pulls off her sandals and positions the skirt of her dress to keep her legs free. “I know you like it when I run.”
She sprints off into the night, and with a growl, Hannah leaps after her, leaving Ashes to sit and watch the two warriors run around while she happily sips her tea.
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first-talon · 1 year
You've mentioned the way Trystan conceptualises and considers (or doesn't) Jurian's past, but how does Jurian view - and what does he assume about - Trystan's? What are his assumptions? What does he know? What doesn't he know? What does he THINK he knows?
I’ve been chewing on this my entire morning plus my hour-long commute into work.
And also a lot longer because work got busy and I tucked this into the drafts.
I think both of them—Jurian and Trystan—operate from a place where they have a lack of knowledge about each other. The difference is that Jurian is willing and capable to make observations and conclusions about Trystan’s behavior and is able, from there, to offer him more grace.
Growing up, Trystan only ever saw Jurian as “the cousin who breezed in once or twice a year and put Bethany and the rest of us in a lot of danger”. Later he also picked up on rumors from others about how Jurian’s vagabond lifestyle included promiscuity and made assumptions, coupled with his jealousy about Jurian’s appearance… growing up, he made these preconceptions about his cousin. As adults, he’s taking these notions and asserting them as fact. His cousin is dangerous, is promiscuous, is a threat to keep around. He’s not willing to consider that there may have been a LOT more he wasn’t seeing whenever Jurian wasn’t in Lothering.
Jurian was the same way growing up. He saw Trystan with his family, his siblings, his dog, his home with a roof over his head, his lack of food insecurity—and he thought that Trystan had it easier. He was envious of Bethany having family that cared about her and that she didn’t have to run and hide. At the time, he couldn’t conceptualize the fact that Trystan was suffering under some intense emotional manipulation and parentification in regards to his siblings and family. Jurian just wasn’t around enough to know.
The difference, of course, lies in the fact that Jurian grew up, and when he did come to Kirkwall, his mind changed. He saw the way Leandra and Gamlen treated Trystan in Lowtone and after Carver’s death, and how he was aggressively concerned with the idea of keeping Bethany safe, and he realized that there was more to the story. Jurian offers a level of grace to the way Trystan treats him, but isn’t given the same in return. He knows his cousin doesn’t like him; it’s why he doesn’t stick around.
That grace, ultimately, runs out when Trystan lashes out at him after Leandra’s death.
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years
Autumn Vocabulary
Dgwaagi Kidwinan / Autumn Vocabulary specifically October in Mi'kmawi'simk, Michif, a bit of Wendat, & Anishinaabemowin !!
Kosmaan(ak) / ᑯᔅᒫᓇᒃ - Pumpkin(s) — Anishinaabemowin
Tasenwan / ᑕᓭᓋᓐ - Halloween — Anishinaabemowin
Autumn - Yänenda’ye — Wendat
Autumn - Takwaagan / Lowton — Michif
Autumn - Toqa'q — Mi'kmawi'simk
Autumn — Dagwaakan / ᑕᒀᑲᓐ — Anishinaabemowin
"He/She saw somebody standing by the road" - awiya ojii’-waabamaan jiigikana niibawinid / ᐊᐎᔭ ᐅᒌ’-ᐙᐸᒫᓐ ᒌᑭᑲᓇ ᓃᐸᐎᓂ - Anishinaabemowin
"I heard someone yelling at daybreak" - awiya ningii’-noondawaa biibaagid gii-biidaaban / ᐊᐎᔭ ᓂᓐᑮ’-ᓅᓐᑕᐙ ᐲᐹᑭd ᑮ-ᐲᑖᐸᓐ - Anishinaabemowin
He/she sees or hears a ghost - Emlsigtmat — Mi'kmawi'simk
"I see or hear a ghost" - Emlsigtmai — Mi'kmawi'simk
Trickster spirit - Mi'gmuessu — Mi'kmawi'simk
Night - Ahsonta’ - Wendat
Midnight - Ahsonthenhk - Wendat
Red - Mekwe'k — Mi'kmawi'simk
Orange - Nikjawiknejewamu'k — Mi'kmawi'simk
Brown - Tupkwanamu'k — Mi'kmawi'simk
Black - Maqtewe'k — Mi'kmawi'simk
Pumpkin - Ejgujg — Mi'kmawi'simk
Apple - Wenju'su'n — Mi'kmawi'simk
"I am afraid" - Jipasi — Mi'kmawi'simk
"I am fearful / scared" - We'kweta'si — Mi'kmawi'simk
“It's cold” — Tekke'k — Mi'kmawi'simk
"It's dark" - Poqnitpa'q — Mi'kmawi'simk
Midnight - Aqtatpa'q — Mi'kmawi'simk
“I'm starting to get cold, what about you?” — Poqji ku'ji ni'n, katu ki'l?” — Mi'kmawi'simk
“Don't go there.” — Mukk liew na'tel — Mi'kmawi'simk
“I scream.” — Se'sgwei — Mi'kmawi'simk
Spirit - Mjijaqamij — Mi'kmawi'simk
Sin - Pata'taqan — Mi'kmawi'simk
Devil - Mntu — Mi'kmawi'simk
Hell - Mntua'gi — Mi'kmawi'simk
In Hell - Mntua'gig — Mi'kmawi'simk
Ghost - Sg'te'gmuj — Mi'kmawi'simk
"Do you know a story that talks about ghosts?" - Nenmn a'tugwaqan ta'n wesgumaji sg'te'gmujg? — Mi'kmawi'simk
Fortune teller - Nujiwsiget — Mi'kmawi'simk
"I am a fortune teller" - Nujiwsigei — Mi'kmawi'simk
Owl - Gu'gu'gwes — Mi'kmawi'simk
Spiderweb - Go'gwejijua'pi — Mi'kmawi'simk
Graveyard - Utqotaqane'gati — Mi'kmawi'simk
"Death touches everyone." - Npuaqan ms't wen sama'l'j. — Mi'kmawi'simk
"Listen." - Kwaayesh natoohta - Michif
Abduct - Kwaashihi - Michif
All night - Kapaytipish - Michif
Assassin - Nipahtakew - Michif
Demon - Aen Dimoon - Michif
Atrocity - Vilayn - Michif
Death - La Morr / Nipoohk - Michif
Deathlike - Nipoonakoshiw - Michif
Scary - Kooshtachinakwun - Michif
Horror - Nipayishaykshiwin - Michif
Terror - Shaykishihk - Michif
Wrath - Kishoowashowin
Killer - Nipahtakaysh - Michif
Abnormal - Nimokwaayesh Ishayow - Michif
Satan - Machimanito - Michif
Satanic - Machimanitowin - Michif
Magic - Mazhii - Michif
Witchcraft - Kamachitootuhk avik la michinn - Michif
Sorcery - Aen msvhitotakayhk - Michif
Vengeance - Ashootamaakaywin - Michif
Tragedy - Kakwaayakipayin - Michif
Tragic - Kitimaakun - Michif
Suffer - Kwatakihtow - Michif
Suffering - Aen kwatakihtaahk - Michif
"Someone is coming." - Na'tuen wejgu'et — Mi'kmawi'simk
“He/She gets revenge.” — Asita'teget — Mi'kmawi'simk
“I get revenge.” — Asita'tegei — Mi'kmawi'simk
"I am wounded." - Jiley — Mi'kmawi'simk
October - Oktobr - Michif
October — Wigewigu's — Mi'kmaw
Halloween - Li Hallowe'en - Michif
Happy Halloween! - Miyeuhtayn Li Hallowe'en - Michif
Halloween - Skɨtekmujuia'timk — Mi'kmawi'simk
Happy Halloween! — Wli’ Skɨtekmujuia'timk! — Mi'kmawi'simk
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youarenotthewalrus · 2 years
“What do I want? A new place, in a new house, amongst new faces, under new circumstances: I want this because it is of no use wanting anything better. How do people do to get a new place? They apply to friends, I suppose: I have no friends. There are many others who have no friends, who must look about for themselves and be their own helpers; and what is their resource?” I could not tell: nothing answered me; I then ordered my brain to find a response, and quickly. It worked and worked faster: I felt the pulses throb in my head and temples; but for nearly an hour it worked in chaos; and no result came of its efforts. Feverish with vain labour, I got up and took a turn in the room; undrew the curtain, noted a star or two, shivered with cold, and again crept to bed. A kind fairy, in my absence, had surely dropped the required suggestion on my pillow; for as I lay down, it came quietly and naturally to my mind.⁠—“Those who want situations advertise; you must advertise in the ⸺⁠shire Herald.” “How? I know nothing about advertising.” Replies rose smooth and prompt now:⁠— “You must enclose the advertisement and the money to pay for it under a cover directed to the editor of the Herald; you must put it, the first opportunity you have, into the post at Lowton; answers must be addressed to J. E., at the post-office there; you can go and inquire in about a week after you send your letter, if any are come, and act accordingly.”
I was talking earlier about conversations in Jane Eyre that sounded like RPG dialogue and now it's just doing Disco Elysium at me.
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
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@aethericals ⠀ :: ⠀ [ candy ] sender gifts receiver with their favorite candy // leander!
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⠀⠀ anyone  crossing  her  path  that  day  was  subject  to  an  ill  fate.  the  pounding  in  her  head  combined  with  her  aching  muscles  ──  though  she  knew  how  to  hold  her  liquor  well,  even  milou's  body  had  limits.  if  it  weren't  for  the  multitude  of  fights  she  had  found  herself  in  lately,  maybe  last  night  wouldn't  have  ended  in  the  way  it  did.
⠀​​​​​​​⠀ barely  could  she  recall  the  memory  of  when  she  threw  the  first  punch  at  a  fellow  wet  wick  patron.  all  she  could  was  how  the  individual  was  invading  her  personal  space  a  bit  too  much  or  he  simply  couldn't  stop  talking  to  her  —  either  way,  he  was  an  annoyance  and  the  sentiment  was  the  same  to  her.  her  already  thin  patience  combined  with  a  few  glasses  of  strong  liquor  already  down  the  train,  it  was  suffice  to  say  that  the  patron  stood  little  to  no  chance  against  her.  at  least,  that  would  have  been  the  case  were  it  not  for  leander  practically  dragging  her  away  before  she  could  cause  serious  harm.
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⠀​​​​​​​⠀ unlike  the  night  before,  her  mood  was  already  set  low  and  she  ready  to  strike  the  second  someone  tried  to  catch  her  attention.  it  was  only  thanks  to  leander's  ability  to  make  his  presence  overwhelmingly  known  when  he  wanted  to,  did  milou  refrain  from  doing  so  and  rein  herself  in.  "  what  is  it  ?  "  her  words  left  her  sharper  than  intended,  emotions  (  or  lack  thereof  )  subconciously  taking  over  rationality  —  but  she  cared  little  about  that  right  now.  
⠀​​​​​​​⠀ her  demeanor  quickly  changed  however  when  presented  with  a  gift.  chocolate  covered  strawberries  —  such  a  rare  treat  indeed  in  the  streets  of  lowton,  yet  one  she  couldn't  resist  when  offered  the  opportunity.  "  oh  ...  "  her  shoulder  sank  slightly  as  she  accepted  his  offer  gingerly.  a  surge  of  warmth  rose  up  to  her  face,  feeling  a  bit  of  remorse  for  almost  attacking  him  —  especially  knowing  how  hard  it  was  to  procure  these  treats.  though  her  thoughts  were  quickly  dismissed  as  she  cleared  her  throat.  "  thank  you  ...  i  assume  there's  something  you  need  me  to  do  in  exchange  ?  "
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444names · 2 years
english forenames and surenames
Abbert Ablefield Absheatham Ainsons Akriddle Aldred Allivenporth Alvian Alyssamy Andreaver Andred Anning Ansons Appler Applewell Archfield Astlan Atwich Atwoodrick Babble Balcox Barby Barce Barettucks Barlton Barnels Barrill Barrills Bartt Barwate Baskins Batmore Baylockhous Beaman Beler Beltinerse Bengale Bennock Bigginstoval Binksleet Birdsley Biscock Bitton Blakeforder Blakervyn Blander Blatoms Blizbe Bloughampier Bobbs Bogge Bonnell Boose Borthers Bostead Botson Bracefield Brasey Brill Brisham Britcock Brittockwell Broadwate Broctor Bromes Brownsop Bumpton Buntt Burginald Burkham Burrowe Burter Bushne Butchen Butted Byrompster Calenison Camberry Camill Canford Canns Caper Carley Carrington Cartinge Caudit Cauthrocks Caver Cayworth Chaff Chames Chanker Chann Channa Chapp Cheelen Chers Chichestgate Chilbury Chiter Churling Claye Clifforth Clings Cockwood Colcoxson Collen Conshipper Conster Coundelton Counsey Cracre Cranton Creather Cripley Criplings Crispinnett Crittreatle Crofton Crough Crowner Crusser Cruton Culberry Curether Cutmullow Darbury Darndor Darristead Davis Dawery Deachus Deale Demency Dening Dickele Dicket Dickshe Dikenfills Ditmiresham Dixom Doolson Doughton Downsop Drivner Durrinkford Eagland Eckland Edger Edway Eggley Eldridley Ellin Elsifershaw Essamyn Estal Faire Farrimshaway Farrownaller Farwicket Fassmon Faulks Feathewnard Fishelias Fleston Floomis Frosley Fugater Fullia Garwell Gauntjoy Gawkin Gazardman Gentles Geraggs Gidle Glady Gloseller Godbent Gorrentryman Greece Greenison Gribner Grimms Grovedaller Grovey Gudgeon Guptile Guthern Haddon Haller Hamphen Hansham Hargravley Harpley Hashaw Hastleton Hawtherson Hazell Hemple Herry Hightmas Higleby Higles Holger Holsop Hoosie Hooteet Hoppa Hoppardew Hornton Horthance Houch Howlby Huffe Huffum Humbles Hurline Hutchallen Hutchine Iddington Ionas Jacquested Jarrillian Jarvell Jayner Jemmons Jerek Josea Keacey Keeces Kelph Ketchell Kibbs Kimberyl Kirth Knottonead Langey Langham Langsley Larraway Laurench Laurindson Lawrigman Leave Leesey Liner Littis Livett Lowton Lucks Manna Maper Marment Marritterill Mathbornhall Meacey Mearcland Mendale Middis Mitcomb Moble Mowrans Mussell Musser Mydden Mydder Myrissell Nevill Newater Nigell Norflee Norver Notton Nursey Oater Offen Oswall Owena Padge Pannettyman Parah Paraham Parrans Parring Parswell Paxsom Peacon Pearnagg Peekery Peelson Pembervin Penda Penix Penslow Pettaway Phoebee Pidge Pinkin Pitchkison Porce Poteel Pouncy Pountry Pridge Proft Pruder Queenix Quern Ragle Rainworth Ralpot Ransbee Ransford Rapharp Rathead Ratlin Rawles Rawley Redversley Rhoadham Richell Richering Riddells Ridings Ridoutchum Rimer Riverton Roberton Robot Rogertson Romrier Roney Rootson Rosebee Rouse Roway Rowerth Ruggley Sarton Sates Satter Sayershbro Scrofts Scurriscott Seels Shack Sherlance Shilus Shorn Sikespertson Silcotesides Silveson Skater Skins Smedle Smedlett Snelle Snelsiferson Sophresby Sorrel Spill Stackwell Stairman Stampson Stansford Starbee Steet Stephell Stigan Stindley Sting Stitts Stockman Stower Strapp Swoff Tacker Talkey Tapps Tarroucheld Teddin Tempson Tence Tenny Thackwell Tharlandley Theople Thisk Thorn Thress Throoks Timmon Tolston Toones Tooney Towless Treadman Treaves Trippancy Truebley Trushe Tuckshern Tutts Twombs Undextoby Uvedallmager Vickles Vincoten Vinner Virge Wagston Walmstrillis Walpas Warence Watrilyard Waynor Weatman Welche Wenton Westey Westis Whead Wheelings Whightman Whiptrougham Whisk Whitehouser Whittrelk Wilbourse Wilcornes Wilkill Willmorth Woolen Wools Worles Wrayson Yarbevill Yarnallopton Yater Yeomax Yosterson Youngert Younstablen
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marcelosantosmattos · 5 months
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Levítico 21:12 "Não deixará o santuário do seu Deus nem o profanará, porque foi consagrado pelo óleo da unção do seu Deus. Eu sou o SENHOR."
Há muitos anos mesmo que não tenho relações sexuais; e já até esqueci a sensação do contato com uma parceira sexual. BATERIA DE GRANDE ESCOÇÊS DE SANTO ANDRÉ DA ESCÓCIA: GRAU 29 – Nove pancadas por duas, três, três e uma (!! !!! !!! !), Lucas 11:9, 10: 9 E eu vos digo a vós: Pedi, e dar-se-vos-á; buscai, e achareis; batei, e abrir-se-vos-á; 10 Porque qualquer que pede, recebe; e quem busca, acha; e a quem bate, abrir-se-lhe-á, Bastante sexo em excesso para Marcelo Santos Mattos: Marcelo Santos Mattos sou eu; com a ajuda dessa loja sem que que outros fiquem com elas depois de mim, nem mesmo tendo a hipótese ou que seja cogitado minha desonra nem na internet e nem comentários e quem cogitar isso seja amaldicoado, nem me usarem para levarem mulheres ou moças para a Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus de missões usando a mídia, pois não permito me usarem para isso e nem faço trabalho voluntário para a igreja. Que não aconteça isso principalmente por parte da Assembleia de Deus de missões que me enche a paciência à 23 anos desde a época da mocidade(quando eu cantava no coral de adolescentes) com as loucuras e crendices dos fiéis, pois roubaram 23 anos da minha vida achando que filho de médico da Polícia Cientifica, e de Juíza do TRT(Do Judiciário Federal) não poderia ser batizado; quero sair com mulheres e moças de programa com a vagina grande e não larga guardada para mim virar freguês. Depois de eu ter almejado o que eu quero ou queria, ou seja: Depois disso tudo: Façam eu me casar urgente; antes do Natal de 2024 com uma moça fiel de bom caráter não aderindo ao movimento feminista, não sendo de baixo níve, não quero me envolver com pessoas de baixo nível(educada; pessoas educadas)virgem ou não virgem não usada nem sendo feita de resto dos outros; sem desrespeito ou desonra para nós dois. Que isso aconteça a todo custo sendo eu e ela sejamos protegidos de qualquer infortúnio ou provocação na internet ou pelas Ruas para sempre, sendo felizes para que eu me case urgente sem perder tempo no Judiciário com contrato de fidelidade mútua. Na certidão de casamento constará que não poderá haver divórcio; e um não poderá processar o outro em hipótese alguma nunca mais. Tudo isso com muito romance e sexo; desencadeando em nós dois o hormônio da ocitocina; tendo direito de nos emocionarmos amorosamente intensamente e infinitamente sem limites e sem controle do tempo do nosso idílio e que seja conspirado para que me aconteça sem erros, com cálculos precisos. E que eles façam com que eu não volte nunca mais para a denominação Assembleia de Deus de Missões. Minha religião: Sou Cristão Protestante Maçom Grau 33, do Rito Escoçês Antigo e aceito para a República Federativa do Brasil Fundado em 12 de Março de 1829, registrado na Loja Maçônica Gonçalves Ledo, na Rua Apicaia, 333, no Bairro do Jardin Guaraituba de Cep: 83.209-290, na cidade de Paranaguá no estado do Paraná, e no Grande Oriente do Rio de Janeiro(GORJ); e mantenham o meu registro que estava lá dentro da Loja como Maçom Grau 33 e Lowton-Registrado de forma documentada como filho de Maçom ou de Maçons. Não tenho filhos e nunca me casei em igrejas evangélicas protestantes.
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fadingbearprincess · 5 months
Lowtone Society "Dulce Conexión" Frankie Leroux Senior Recital
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soikeoclubnet · 3 years
Soi kèo Manchester City vs Burnley, 21h00 ngày 16/10/2021
Soi kèo Manchester City vs Burnley, 21h00 ngày 16/10/2021
Soi kèo Club phân tích, nhận định kết quả trận đấu giữa Manchester City vs Burnley ở vòng 8 Ngoại hạng Anh. Liệu Man Xanh mạnh như rồng sẽ có chiến thắng dễ dàng trước đối thủ Burnley?
Soi kèo Manchester City vs Burnley
Lối chơi của Manchester City đang ngày càng hoàn thiện hơn dưới bàn tay của HLV Pep Guardiola. Ở vòng trước, Manchester City trải qua hơn 90 phút căng thẳng khi đối đầu Liverpool tại vòng 7 Ngoại hạng Anh.
Tuy nhiên, đó là trận đấu mà Manchester City chơi hay hơn hẳn Liverpool. Họ áp đảo về mặt thế trận và có thể coi đã không gặp may khi không thể tận dụng các cơ hội. Vấn đề dứt điểm và khâu ghi bàn luôn là nhược điểm cố hữu của Manchester City, kể từ khi huấn luyện viên Pep Guardiola về dẫn dắt đội bóng này.
Nhìn chung kể từ đầu mùa, lối chơi của Manchester City đang ngày một hoàn thiện hơn so với các năm trước và vấn đề lớn nhất với họ có lẽ chỉ là khâu dứt điểm hay sự tự tin của các chân sút trên hàng công. Chỉ cần Foden, Sterling, Jesus cụ thể hóa các cơ hội được đồng đội tạo ra, Manchester City chắc chắn sẽ có thêm khả năng cao vô địch các đấu trường mà họ tham dự.
Trước Liverpool, Chelsea hay PSG, Manchester City luôn cho thấy sự vượt trội về mặt thế trận, khả năng cầm và kiểm soát bóng. Các cầu thủ Manchester City ngày một hiểu ý huấn luyện viên Pep Guardiola hơn, sau nhiều mùa giải gắn bó cùng chiến lược gia người Tây Ban Nha.
Trên bảng xếp hạng Ngoại hạng Anh lúc này, Manchester City đang tạm xếp ở vị trí thứ 3. Họ có cùng 14 điểm như 3 đội b��ng khác nhưng xếp trên nhờ hiệu số bàn thắng bại.
Chính vì thế, Manchester City chắc chắn sẽ không gặp nhiều khó khăn trước Burnley, đội chơi cực kém kể từ đầu mùa.
Soi kèo Manchester City vs Burnley
Sau nhiều mùa trụ hạng thành công, Burnley đang chịu áp lực lớn khi có khởi đầu mùa giải 2021/2022 Ngoại hạng Anh vô cùng tệ.
Sau 7 vòng đấu đã qua tại Ngoại hạng Anh, Burnley chưa thắng bất kỳ một trận nào. Họ thua 3, hòa 4 và đang đứng ở vị trí thứ 18 trên bảng xếp hạng. Burnley chơi tệ trên hàng công khi chỉ ghi được 5 bàn thắng.
Hàng thủ của họ cũng để thủng lưới hơn gấp đôi số bàn thắng mà các tiền đạo khi được, với 11 bàn thua. Việc phải làm khách trên sân của Manchester City, đội đang có phong độ cao là thử thách cực đại với Burnley.
Soi kèo châu Á Man City vs Burnley: Chọn Manchester City 2: 1/4
Việc Manchester City được chấp tới 2: 1/4 cho thấy độ đánh giá cực cao của nhà cái với đội bóng của HLV Pep Guardiola. Manchester City không chỉ cho thấy phong độ ấn tượng hơn mà họ còn được chơi trên sân nhà.
Thống kê đối đầu cho thấy Burnley luôn là đối thủ ưa thích của Manchester City. 10 trận đối đầu gần nhất giữa hai đội, Manchester City ghi vào lưới Burnley tới 35 bàn thắng (tỷ lệ trung bình 3,5 bàn mỗi trận).
Soi kèo tài xỉu Manchester City vs Burnley: Chọn tài 3: 1/4
Burnley là đối thủ ưa thích của Manchester City, chính vì vậy nhiều khả năng đây sẽ là một trận đấu có nhiều bàn thắng, khi hàng công của đội chủ sân Etihad đang muốn giải tỏa cơn khát hơn bao giờ hết.
Dự đoán tỷ số Manchester City vs Burnley: 4-0
Thống kê Phong độ 2 đội:
Burnley không thắng trong cả 10 trận Premier League gần đây (3 hòa, 7 thua).
10 trận đối đầu gần nhất giữa hai đội, Manchester City ghi vào lưới Burnley tới 35 bàn thắng
Manchester City đang là đội bóng có hàng thủ vững chắc nhất Premier League khi chỉ để thủng lưới 3 bàn sau 7 trận.
Thống kê phong độ Manchester City vs Burnley
Đội hình xuất phát dự kiến hai đội
Man City (4-3-3): Ederson, Walker, Dias, Laporte, Cancelo, De Bruyne, Rodri, Bernardo, Gabriel Jesus, Grealish, Foden
Burnley (4-4-2): Pop, Taylor, Tarkowski, Collins, Lowton, McNeil, Brownhill, Westwood, Lennon, Wood, Vydra
Nguồn: https://soikeoclub.net/soi-keo-manchester-city-vs-burnley-21h00-ngay-16-10-2021/
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inache-magazine · 1 year
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nagidos · 2 years
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khanhannahlewis · 4 months
Arcadia, 3074.
Hannah’s Stooping Hawk stalks forward through the dense woods surrounding Lowton, advancing behind Orris’ Goshawk and Integrity’s Incubus. 5 Protomechs cover either flank, completing Hannah’s Star. The Elemental star rides behind the mechs in 4 Svantovit APCs, with Star Captain Ashes’ command point riding on Hannah’s Omnimech.
A convoy of workers returning from one of Lowton’s outlying farming convoys is 3 hours late, and Ashes had ordered the Binary out, suspecting bandits or worse. A gentle rain falls, coating the river valley in a thin mist.
“Orris to Command, I am reading fusion reactor signatures ahead.”
Ashes, riding on Hannah's mech, responds. “Copy. 
Orris again. “Picking up 7 sigs, 3 times 250, 1 times 320, 1 times 315, 1 times 160, 1 times 140. ECM signature.”
No bandits in the Homeworlds bring that much firepower, nor do any bring ECM.
Hannah clicks her radio. “Society.”
Ashes responds. “Aff, zellbrigen withdrawn. They must be gathering test subjects for whatever dezgra experiments they have planned. Show no hegira.”
A dozen radios click in confirmation, and the Star accelerates.
The first contacts appear, charging forward from the woods. On Hannah's part it is a Stinger and a Locust. Ashes’ point leaps clear to engage the Locust, so Hannah turns on the Stinger.
The 10-class autocannon in the chest of her mech roars to life, sending shells into the old SLDF mech. It gets off just a single volley of its laser, before Hannah's lasers turn its chest into a cratered ruin, reactor visible through the armor. The pilot punches out, flying away as Ashes detaches from the now cockpitless locust to deal with the escaping pilot. 
A Cephalus dies to Orris and a Nova opens up into the Protomechs swarming it. Integrity fires against a Jenner, and Hannah moves to engage a Crab.
The crab puts up more of a fight, withstanding blow after blow, and trading back furrows of melted armor across the Stooping Hawk. It charges forward, swinging claws at Hannah, and she jumps back, firing her autocannon into it. Its armor breaches under the hail of shells and something in its torso catches on fire, sending orange glows across the breached mech. Hannah senses what is coming, and leaps back as the Crab becomes a fireball, igniting trees.
Integrity finishes her Jenner, then falls as an ATM missile slams into her cockpit, sending. A Viper steps over the fallen mech.
Heavy lasers rake across Hannah's mech as she jumps sideways, dodging most of a spray of Inferno missiles, though one hits her leg, sending off heat warnings in the cockpit. A group of Protomechs launch LRMs at the Viper. Only a handful impact on its armor, the rest being intercepted by the Viper’s AMS. Hannah and Orris circle the Viper, firing at the Society mech. Orris takes a devastating hit to his arm, destroying his main gun and he jumps back.
“Finish it, Hannah!”
Hannah holds off firing as a group of elementals tear at some joints. Two die but the Viper is noticeably limping, and one of its arms hangs at an odd angle when they jump clear.
Hannah sees a weakness in its torso armor, and takes it. Leaping forward she opens fire, first with an alpha strike, tearing and melting armor off the Viper, then continuous fire from the autocannon. Zellbrigen withheld, Hannah uses her fists. The armor of the Viper peels away, exposing the thrumming heart of the mech. Hannah can see the pilot struggling at the cockpit hatch release, so she gently sets her hand over the cockpit, holding it closed. An autocannon shot shreds the Viper's internals, then flashes empty. Hannah sighs, and reaches inside the gaping wound in the armor. Past struts and CASE chambers. Hannah grabs one of the maintenance struts. And rips the still pulsing stellar heart out of the Society Mech. She casts the dying reactor aside, and lets the Omnimech fall.
The radio clicks, Ashes relaying orders. “Garth, pull that pilot out. Find out where the laborers were taken then kill them. Everyone else, sound off we need a casualty report.”
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