13dustoneverypage13 · 3 years
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A doodle of @taylorswift to celebrate Red (Taylor’s Version)
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lydiaswiftie · 4 years
Hi Taylor :) everything I need to communicate is in this video 💖 @taylorswift
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sophiaadorestay · 3 years
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three years since the most incredible night of my entire life. july 10 2018 was the day i REALLY fell in love with taylor and the day i realized i wanted her to be a big part of my life. i didn’t even know she was coming to dc on tour until two days before the show. i remember galloping ( YEP GALLOPING idk why) around my kitchen as i got the tickets for the show!! i went to michael’s the next day where i bought a black t-shirt and iron on letters to spell REP :)) i remember arriving to the stadium when camilla had just gone on and trying to find our seats in the crowded stadium. i remember screaming my head off when i realized the TAYLOR SWIFT was performing live in front of me. i was so happy dancing and singing with taylor because it really felt like we were just having a giant dance party! i remember screaming I LOVE YOU TAYLOR whenever it was a little quieter than normal and convincing myself taylor heard me! i was so happy when taylor told us she could see each and everyone of us during the delicate speech!! my friend and i would keep reaching out our hands to taylor and during dress she was right below us and i thought she reached her arm out back ( it was just part of her choreo but i still remember how excited i was) :)) i remember falling asleep at 12 am before we even made it out of the parking lot. thank you so much taylor for this incredible night and all the amazing experiences you have given me since <33
@taylorswift @taylornation
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A Lover merch type of day 💛✨💫 @taylorswift @taylornation
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28tayslater · 4 years
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You're my, my, my, my, lover 💘
@taylorswift @taylornation
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spartanswiftie · 5 years
It’s Nice To Have A Friend
Hey @taylorswift. The past several days have been exhausting as a Swiftie trying to get tickets to LoverFest. I posted the other day very disappointed because of the Verified Fan process. While I am still extremely disheartened about how that process transpired I am happy to say that I have secured tickets to LoverFest East and I couldn’t be happier!!! I wanted to tell you because the ONLY reason I got tickets is because of a couple of kind Swifties who helped me.
I logged in to Ticketmaster on Tuesday to try for the Capital One presale, armed with a twitter group chat alliance of friends who had all agreed whoever got in first would help shop for one another. We all got the dreaded 2000+ waitlist screen and thought NOT AGAIN. I was not optimistic. Another Swiftie DMed me on Twitter that she was able to get in and what did I need. After trying to secure a couple groups of 3 and being beat to them by fans she FINALLY got a group of 3 for me!!!! I was elated because my girls want to come see you in a full concert for the first time SO BADLY! (They were at GMA and that was their first time seeing you). This kind Swiftie is @steenyswiftie on Twitter. She’s amazing!
I was finally able to get in later on and picked up 2 PIT 2 tickets I thought for the opposite night but in my anxiety I screwed up and got them for the same night. At first I was heartbroken but realized I would need a babysitter to attend night 2. My friend/former sitter Taylor came with us to GMA and is a HUGE Swiftie and couldn’t afford LoverFest so I immediately knew what to do.
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Yesterday morning as I was scrolling twitter I came across someone selling a ticket to night 2 6Th row FLOOR that was PERFECT!!! So I was able to grab it and secure a seat for night 2!!! Then I was able to help another Swiftie out by selling her my second “oops” PIT ticket from night 1.
THIS IS WHAT THIS FANDOM IS ABOUT! Friends helping friends!!! I have been retweeting anyone selling tickets trying to help others and will continue to do so. I was so disappointed in the process after Monday but so encouraged by this fandom banding together to help each other today!💗
Catch THIS CREW at LoverFest East night 1!!! We can’t wait to see you Taylor!!!
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taylorfan90 · 4 years
Starting to get really nervous now I lost my Job on March 22nd and I know I’ll be okay till the end of April, but now they say we might not be able to go back to work till June, filed for unemployment and they will only be giving me 1/2 of what I normally make and who knows when that money will start coming in they are so backed up. It sucks I’ve tried getting a job but all the grocery stores are overwhelmed with applications. I’m going crazy at home, I’ve always enjoyed working I’m a busy body I can’t sit still and watch TV all day, my apartment is spotless.
LoverFest East Night 1 is my 30th Birthday(7/31) I have Pit2 tickets and at this point if it’s not delayed or canceled I’m not sure I’ll be able to go, I can’t afford a hotel and I’ll be driving up from SC, I don’t want this show to be canceled I’ve been looking forward to seeing Taylor again, let’s all hope the world is back to normal as soon as possible so we can move forward from this nightmare
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swtrthanfiction13 · 5 years
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I can’t believe I get to say this but, @taylorswift, I will see you next summer at Lover Fest East! I CANT WAIT. I didn’t think I would be able to get tickets but my husband is so incredibly supportive and is coming with me again to see you! Our wedding anniversary is in August so this is an early celebration for us. Our family had been through a lot this year, and it’s still not over yet. With medical problems with my mom and me going through testing to be a liver donor. I’ve had blood work, CT scans, MRIs, biopsies.... the works. Don’t have surgery dates set yet but it should happen in the next few months. And we just sold our first home. We moved back in with my parents so we can be together for the surgeries. So to be able to see you next summer is a dream. You have help me so much to stay calm during all of this stress. The album Lover is exactly what I needed to help me through this. There have been countless tears and I am sure there will be more. I just hope that one day I can hug you and thank you in person for always being a shining light in my life. We love you so so so much!!
Love, Rebecca and Tim
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threee-summers · 5 years
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! IM SO THANKFUL!! see you in July!! @taylorswift 💗🎄
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orianaswift · 5 years
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i hope i never lose you @taylorswift , i’d never walk cornelia street again💓✨💗
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proundauntnyc · 4 years
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Since we are not at #LoverFestEast tonight and I cannot embarrass my nieces and sister in person, I'm sending this virtual embarrassment for you guys. And I want to be defined by the things that I love too.....like you guys. 💜xo @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUstKlnr_t/?igshid=1d34zufn8aaqz
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imonsomenewshit · 5 years
Update on Lover Fest information from Ticketmaster
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Key Info:
1. Codes are coming tonight via Text
2. Pricing information will be RELEASED TONIGHT
3. Log into Ticketmaster 30 MINUTES before tickets go on sale
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lydiaswiftie · 4 years
So, my teacher LOVES Taylor Swift. She tried to buy tickets to Lover fest, but unfortunately couldn’t. Since I’m a senior this year, when I graduate I can be friends with the teachers. I have never related to a teacher so much, and she has done so much for me. Yesterday, I surprised her with my extra Taylor Swift ticket to Lover Fest East as an early bday gift! Here’s the video:
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sophiaadorestay · 4 years
ive been missing tour so much lately 🥺 i can’t wait for loverfest. I cant wait to see taylor live again and meet so many amazing people and dress up in a costume and scream the lyrics to some of my favorite songs. it’s gunna be the best night of my life💓 @taylorswift @taylornation
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And it was so nice,
So peaceful and quiet . . .
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28tayslater · 4 years
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Taylor and the Target dog>>>
@taylorswift @taylornation
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