#Lovely gryphonlover
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
I literally set myself a reminder to send a submission to your askbox and forgot anyway. 😅 I would've completely missed it if you hadn't reblogged the post again. Thank you.
Honestly, I would like anything with any version of Hyrule and/or Sky. But I'm going to just put a few ideas below for your perusal.
After the events of Elastic Heart, I imagine Sky probably needs to explain what happened to Sun if he's still recovering the next time they go to Skyloft.
Someone should take healthcare Sky to one of those bird garden things where you can feed rainbow lorikeets. I think he'd enjoy it.
I also think healthcare Hyrule deserves to have a fun camping trip with someone out in the woods complete with s'mores and stargazing and hugs.
Hero of Shadows Link also deserves hugs. If I read what you wrote correctly, he literally stabbed himself in the head with a sword to escape Ganon. A nap and some soup would fix him, right?
Anyway, don't forget to drink water and eat food. Have a lovely rest of your day and/or night. ❤
They weren’t entirely sure what the newest gate would bring, but everyone was huddled closely around Sky as they exited.
This new area was… familiar. The forest was filled with something that felt far more alive than anything he could describe, and there were bright colors everywhere. The others seemed a little confused, wondering where they could be. Sky, on the other hand noticed movement and froze, trying to hone in on it. Hyrule noticed he’d stopped and immediately went on the defensive, glaring around at the tree line.
“Look at these mushrooms!” Wind pointed out. “They’re huge!”
“I wonder if they’re edible?” Wild muttered, examining the large iridescently blue fungus.
Sky gasped. “I know where we are! This is Faron Woods!”
By the goddess, they were in his land!
Then that meant what he saw was—
“Hey, little guy,” Four greeted quietly, kneeling. “We’re not going to hurt you.”
“Machi?” Sky questioned, moving towards him. Twilight and Warriors immediately hovered close to him, nearly crowding him as he attempted to reach his friend.
“Easy, Sky,” Warriors warned. “We don’t know for sure—”
“Link!” The little Kikwi shouted as he emerged from the brush. “Oh, you’re back! We were all wondering if you were okay.”
Sky smiled, tilting his head to the side as he crouched. His body trembled a little at the position, and just as he tried to speak to reassure his little friend, his knees nearly gave out. He gasped a little, but Twilight and Warriors caught him by either arm, easing him to the ground.
Time was kneeling in front of him in an instant. “Are you alright?”
Sky felt himself leaning away from the man, somewhat exasperated and more than a little overwhelmed with everyone’s attention. “I-I’m okay, don’t worry. My legs just got a little tired.”
He knew he shouldn’t be so caught off guard by everyone’s reactions. He, well, had died a few days ago. Briefly. Before Hyrule had revived him with the Triforce.
Goddess, that entire situation had been a mess. But he…
He sighed. He was still trying to reconcile what had happened. It wasn’t a surprise that everyone else was too. He just wasn’t used to so much scrutiny - he hadn’t been this overcrowded since he’d nearly died after his initial adventure.
Huh. There seems to be a pattern there.
He ignored that thought.
Oh Hylia. Oh, Hylia. Zelda!
His heart fluttered, singing with worry and relief, and he shot to his feet, catching his brothers-in-arms off guard. Legend gave some kind of scolding remark, warning him not to exert himself too much, but he ignored all of them, rushing through the woods. He knew his way from here, and perhaps—
The foundations of their little settlement was within sight after a few minutes, and Sky was so close when his body finally gave out.
He hit the dirt hard, groaning a little, before he was instantly surrounded by the others.
“Sky, are you okay?” Wind asked worriedly.
“Sky, I said don’t push yourself, why are you running, you suck at running—” Legend snapped.
Twilight’s voice was next. “Here, take it easy, I’ll help you sit up, okay?”
Sky bit back his annoyance. He was tired and he wanted to see Zelda, but his brothers had a reason to worry. He had no right to snap at them for looking out for him, even if his nerves were fraying. He let Twilight help him sit up, he let Wild hold him steady, smelling the spices the teenager used to cook breakfast. He closed his eyes to block out some of the—everything going on around him as his mind filled with the noise everyone was making.
Four pat his back. “I see a settlement up ahead. Sky, is it one you know?”
Sky nodded, trying to catch his breath, eyes remaining closed.
He felt Twilight’s arms move around him, readying to carry him, and he scrambled out of the hold. “I’m okay! I’m okay. I promise.”
Time watched him, eye discerning, arms crossed. Sky shriveled under the look a little, but he didn’t back down.
Hyrule, on the other hand, looped an arm around his. “He said he’s fine, let’s go! We have somewhere new to explore!”
Sky smiled at the adventurer, thanking him with a little nod as Hyrule dragged him along. The hold was clearly a protective one as well, but it was less… overbearing. Hyrule wasn’t a very contact oriented person anyway.
It was a testament to how paranoid they all were about Sky’s well-being, honestly. He tried not to feel guilty about it.
With Hyrule’s help, Sky made his way into the settlement without too much effort.
It didn’t take long for him to be noticed.
“Stand back! Who—LINK!”
Sky held an arm out, trying to stop the onslaught, but it was too late. “Groose, wait—”
He was immediately grabbed by the shoulders, manhandled out of Hyrule’s hold, and shaken vigorously while his friend excitedly greeted him. His addled mind half expected some kind of protest from the others, but even his friend recognized that he was ready to collapse as the world spun around him.
“Link, what’s wrong? You look almost as battered as you did after that one fight with the ugly monster—” Groose noted before cutting himself off and narrowing his eyes scrutinously. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” he mumbled, placing his hands over Groose’s to try and orient himself, but he had no time to do so before someone else had slammed into him, pulling him into a bone crushing hug.
A gentle scent of feathers, sweet soap, and steel filled his nostrils, with the slightest hint of—
“Zelda,” he whispered shakily, closing his eyes and melting into her arms.
The pair slid to the ground together gently, Zelda guiding the descent, until they were kneeling and pulled so close together he could hardly breathe.
Goddess he’d missed her.
He fluttered his eyelashes open, seeing the sunlight caught in her hair, seeing her looking down at him with eyes filled with worry and relief. She smiled when they made eye contact, and the two moved towards each other together to gently kiss. Sky felt tears sting in his eyes at the touch, the familiar sensation, the love poured through it.
He leaned against her, sighing in relief after they pulled away, letting her just hold him, wanting nothing more than to just hold her in return.
Except Zelda was just as paranoid as Groose. “Link, you’re trembling, what’s wrong?”
Sky sighed heavily. “I’m just happy to see you.”
She poked him on the chest. Hard. “What are you hiding, sleepyhead?”
He felt her jolt a little, startling him into action and sitting up. She had just noticed the others, watching them a little warily, her hold on Sky tightening.
“And who are you guys supposed to be?” Groose demanded, sword already drawn. “If we wanted a carnival we would’ve asked Beedle. And where the heck did you come from?”
“They’re my friends,” Sky supplied with mild amusement.
“Beedle’s here too?” Wild asked, incredulous. “How in the world does that man get everywhere?”
“I don’t think it’s the same one, buddy,” Twilight whispered.
“Not unless he knows poetry,” Sky noted with a tired laugh. Then he looked at his fellow Skyloftians. “Guys, these are my brothers-in-arms. They’re…”
Oh, no. Explaining it would immediately tip Zelda off. He fumbled, trying to find the right words. “They’re, ah, knights from other eras of this land’s history.”
Legend scoffed. “I’m not a knight.”
Twilight huffed in agreement.
Sky frowned at them. Work with me, will you?
“I got knighted?” Wind asked excitedly. “Haha, nice!”
Sky sighed heavily, burying his face in his hand.
“We all share the same destiny,” Time tried to explain instead. “We’re all h—”
“Heroic men!” Sky interrupted with a clap of his hands. “Wonderful, truly heroic men and I am honored to travel with them. We’re investigating those dark gates together. They appeared in their worlds too.”
Groose was immediately curious, asking a million questions of the group.
Zelda, on the other hand, only looked at Sky.
“Link,” she said quietly. “What are you hiding?”
Sky bit his lip. “I’m not—”
“What’s wrong?” She pressed, eyebrows pinching together in worry.
“Nothing,” Sky insisted gently, reassuringly, willing all his love into it as he hugged her again. He didn’t want to worry her, please not her. “I’m okay, I promise.”
He knew his best friend too well, though. She’d caught on that something was off, and she would not let it go. She watched him, her expression shifting from worry to something else. Before their adventure, it had been a discerning and somewhat exasperated tenacity that would push him to discuss whatever he was hiding.
These days, it felt far more… intense. Piercing, knowing beyond all capacity, otherworldly. It was never threatening or scary, but it was definitely… unsettling.
But it was Zelda. She could never unsettle him. She couldn’t.
Sighing, Sky knew better than to continue the fight. “I… made a bad choice. It led to bad consequences. But I… please, Zelda, I… I don’t want to talk about it right now. I just… am tired. And… it’s a lot to talk about.”
The goddess receded from her eyes, and only his friend remained, worried and supportive. Zelda sighed a little, holding him close. “Well, let’s get you up to Skyloft. We can help you better there.”
Sky smiled, feeling her silky hair slide across his cheek as she moved to kiss him again. He wouldn’t argue over the fussing - he’d endure anything to spend time with his beloved.
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Since you're still doing requests, I would like to ask for more Hyrule and/or Four. Maybe Four could help him with his homework or something?
Here is more Hyrule and Four (and some Legend too). Hope you enjoy! And thanks for the patience XD
“...And then a monster rose up from the water, with lots of ten... tenti... ten... tenicles..? ...Legend?”
“Right, tentacles. Ten-ta-cles, that tried to grab the hero. But with one swing of his sword, the hero sliced... is that how you say it?”
“It’s an ‘eye’ sound actually, but you were close.”
“Oh. So... the hero sliced the ten-ta-cles away, and the monster couldn’t catch him, no matter how hard he tried. A long battle en... ensued, all while the waves roared, and rain poun-ded on the ship. But the hero rid the beast of all his tentacles, and it fell into the sea with a dying roar. The hero had slain the monster, and... finally earned the treasure hidden in the ship.”
Hyrule closed the book with a proud look on his face, having reached the end of the chapter, and Legend grinned over at him from his spot on the floor.
“Nice job Roolie, you barely stopped,” he complimented, and the tip of Hyrule’s ears turned pink.
“I’ve been practicing,” he said shyly, and set the book he’d been reading from on the table. “Thanks for helping, Legend.”
“No problem.”
Hyrule smiled again, and flopped back on his bed, a warm feeling in his middle. He was getting really good at reading— he’d practically caught up to Wild’s level, and kept making progress, especially with Legend’s help. Soon enough he’d be able to read books without needing anyone to help with the big words.
It felt... nice. To learn.
The bedroom door creaked, and Hyrule and Legend looked up, their littlest brother padding in with a blanket trailing behind him.
“Four? I thought you were supposed to be napping,” Legend scolded, and Four blinked, then walked by without sparing him a glance. “Ugh. Moooommm, Four escaped his nap again,” Legend called, getting to his feet and walking out into the hallway.
He continued to talk as he walked away, voice fading down the hallway, and Hyrule peered over at Four, the younger boy watching him in silence.
Hyrule swallowed at his intense gaze. He didn’t really have a lot of experience with little kids like Four, and was still getting used to the whole little brother thing.
Four was nice of course, but he was also kind of... strange. He didn’t talk much, but when he did he was weirdly well-spoken for a four-year-old, and Hyrule often found him sitting in odd places with an ear pressed to the wall. Between that and adjusting to just having younger siblings in general, Hyrule honestly didn’t know how to interact with him most of the time.
And now he was staring. At him.
Four, oblivious of Hyrule’s thoughts, stared at him another few moments, then went over to his bed and tried to climb up onto it. His legs were too short though, and he frowned, trying to claw his way up the blanket Malon had made for Hyrule.
“Hey, hey careful!” Hyrule said, and Four stopped and looked at him, tilting his head.
“Sorry,” Four said. He looked at the bed, then blinked at Hyrule hopefully. “Can you help?”
Hyrule blinked back, then after a moment’s hesitation, slowly leaned over and picked Four up. He gingerly set him on the bed, and Four smiled as he sat down, stretching out his legs and wiggling his toes.
“Thank you,” Four said, hugging his blanket to his chest.
Hyrule nodded, settling back down in his spot, and watched him in confusion as he sat there, looking idly at the patterns on Hyrule’s blanket.
“Um... Four, I thought you were supposed to be in your bed napping?” Hyrule said hesitantly. He wasn’t sure what to do here.
Four frowned, and turned his head away to look at the wall. He didn’t say anything for a minute, then suddenly flopped backwards, his head landing on Hyrule’s lap and making him jump.
Hyrule looked down at him, and Four looked up, a sad expression forming on his face.
“...I got lonely,” he said quietly.
Hyrule could relate to that. He’d spent most of his life feeling lonely.
Four curled up more with his head still in Hyrule’s lap, and Hyrule gave it a hesitant pat, Four snuggling up to him. His little brother was a ball of heat, and Hyrule began to relax as Four’s eyes drooped, running another hand over his head.
“Well... you can stay here I guess,” Hyrule said quietly, and Four smiled as he closed his eyes. “So long as Mom says it’s okay. Then you won’t be lonely.”
“Thank you Roolie,” Four whispered, and Hyrule felt a weird lurch of warmth in his stomach at the words.
He grabbed the blanket and set it more over Four as his little brother began to drift off, and Hyrule leaned back, watching as Four quickly fell asleep.
He supposed he would sit here and read for a while longer.
Legend came stomping back into the room a few minutes later, and Hyrule frantically shushed him when he opened his mouth, gesturing to the sleeping kid on his lap.
“...oh. Well I guess napping there is as good as anywhere else,” Legend said with shrug. “Good job Hyrule.”
Hyrule nodded, and Legend left again to tell their mom he’d found where Four went off to. He paused before he left the room though, and looked back at Four and Hyrule, the latter smiling hesitantly at the kid in his lap.
Legend smiled himself, then quietly shut the door behind him.
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milkyplier · 7 months
How did Time and Malon meet in the rescue ranch AU?
They’ve always known each other, actually! From a very young age, Time was helping around the Ranch, and obviously since Talon owned the Ranch, Malon lived there. They were very close as kids, and as they grew older it turned into something else. In their early twenties, it became a mutual acknowledgment that they saw each other as more than friends, and so they started dating. Despite having known each other for almost their entire lives, they took their new relationship quite seriously and dated for a few years. In the beginning, they actually pretended to know nothing at all about each other so that they could go through the process of “getting to know” each other. It was very fun and romantic and strenuous at a few times, but ultimately they were married, and Twilight was born just a year later :)
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links-in-time · 5 months
I'm taking this as an opportunity to continue to spread my headcanon that Warriors knits as a hobby. I think Legend also embroiders (with a preference for cross stitch). This is their bonding activity.
I loved writing this little head cannon @gryphonlover and it stopped me writing any whump for once!
I hope you like it.
Hobby Boys
It had been a long day in Twilight's Hyrule. The chain had fought a monster hoard on the edge of Kakariko village. No major injuries to report, only a few cuts and bruises. Although Time had suggested they stay in Kakariko and set off the following day, Twilight wanted to get back to Ordon and check on his neighbours as soon as possible. Not to mention he had been neglecting Epona the last few days and decided a trip to the spring outside his home town would be a nice treat for her.
Wars agreed to the plan reluctantly. He had had enough of walking for days on end, so had most of the others, though they kept their opinions to themselves. They all knew what it was like to end up back in their own eras. The desire to get home to familiar territory and all the comforts that come with it. Wars understood Twi's enthusiasm to get moving, but he didn't have to be happy about it.
While they walked the sun began to dip towards the horizon. They hadn't been to Twilight's era for a while, but Wars was fairly certain they weren't exactly close to Twi's village.
"Twi, I'm not sure we're going to reach Ordon before nightfall," Wars observed, trotting forwards to catch up with their rancher.
"It's okay, we should be there before midnight at least," Twi replied brightly.
"Come on Twi, I know you want to see home as badly as the rest of us. But," Wars lowered his voice, "Wind and Legend are putting on brave faces but that fight definitely took it out of them back there. We should really stop and make camp. Ordon will still be there in the morning, I promise."
Wars urged his friend, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. Twilight let out a long sigh as he glanced over his shoulder at the rest of the Chain. Wind and Four were walking hand in hand, but the longer Twi looked the more he could see the exhaustion in the teen's eyes. His grip on Four's hand was weak and he dragged his feet along the path. Legend was much the same and Twi had to admit he was being rather selfish.
"Hey guys, I don't think we'll reach Ordon before nightfall. Let's make camp and set out again in the morning after a good rest," Twi announced.
Twi's decision was met with more than a handful of cheers and greatful sighs from the others. Perhaps he had misjudged the distance from Kakariko to Ordon on foot, especially travelling as a large group rather than on his own.
The chain found a small grove of trees to use as shelter as they set up their camp. Wild set about cooking a quick supper for everyone while the others laid out their bed rolls and organised a watch rota. Wind wolfed down the stew Wild cooked up then instantly crashed on his bed roll. Time decided to scratch the teen off the watch rota and let him have a full night's sleep.
Wars was on first watch but not everyone had gone to sleep. Legend sat on a tree stump facing away from the circle of their camp. He seemed to be working away at something in his lap. With a frown Wars got to his feet to see what the Vet was up to.
"You okay Lege?" Wars asked softly, reaching out to lay a hand on the young adventurer's shoulder.
Before Wars could reach him Lege shot to his feet and spun around, hiding whatever he was holding behind his back.
"I'm fine! Hylia! Why do you have to be so nosey Cap?!" Legend exclaimed defensively, his ears turning pinker than the streak in his hair.
"Sorry," Wars replied, taking a step back. Though he thought Legend's reaction was particularly hostile, even for him. "I thought you might be hurt, I was just checking on you. You seemed quite exhausted by our last fight."
"Well I'm not hurt and yeah I'm a bit tired, but I just wanted some alone time. Is that too much to ask?" Legend retorted, there was still venom in his voice but Wars couldn't figure out where it was coming from.
"No it's not. Forgive me for worrying about you!" Wars scoffed, turning on the spot and heading back towards the fire.
He plonked himself down on the ground and pulled his bag towards himself. Legend sat down on his tree stump once again but kept his eyes on Wars for a moment. When he saw the Captain pull out a ball of wool and what looked like a half finished scarf Legend's squinting eyes went wide.
"You knit!" He burst out.
Sky snorted a breath in his sleep and Legend was afraid he might have woken him. He and Wars both checked the others were still asleep before either of them spoke.
"Yes, why do you sound so surprised? Everyone has a hobby don't they? Most of the others play instruments, but I never learnt. So I knit instead, it helps me relax and, it reminds me of my soldiers."
Wars eyes dropped towards the fire as he explained. Legend thought his friend looked sad for a moment. Curious, he moved a little closer to the fire, stepping into its circle of light and warmth.
"Your soldiers?" Legend asked.
"Yeah, one of the guys in my first squad taught me to knit. He said it helped him relax after training. But it also kept his fingers busy when his mind would race through the more terrible aspects of soldiering. When he itched to hit something or throttle the next person to speak, he had his hands full with something that helped him relax instead. I picked up the same habit and now I do a little bit almost every night. When I finish this scarf I think I'll give it to Wind, it's in his colours after all."
Wars held up the woolen scarf for Legend to see. Though the night was dim and the orange glow of the fire obscured the colours a little, Legend could see the scarf had been knitted in pale blue and white bands. Wars had even managed to use a stitch that replicated the shapes of cresting waves which Legend thought was impressive.
"Wow, that's actually pretty neat," he admitted.
"Why haven't you shown any of us this before?" Legend probed, plopping himself down to sit cross legged in front of the fire.
"Would you have been so nice about it if the others were conscious?" Wars asked, raising an eyebrow.
"True. Sorry, I probably shouldn't admit to that," Legend replied, hanging his head a little.
"It's alright, the other soldiers used to tease me too. Even the ones I used to knit stuff for. But they never meant anything by it. I'm sure you wouldn't either," Wars shrugged, as he picked up his needles and tried to remember where he was in his pattern.
"I suppose it would make me a bit of a hypocrit anyway," Legend mumbled.
"Why?" Wars said slowly, eyeing the bundle Legend had scrunched up in his lap. "What are you trying to hide Lege? It can't be any worse than a Captain knitting scarves!" He scoffed.
Legend hesitated a moment, but Wars was right, perhaps there was no harm in sharing. If the others were awake he and Wars were usually the ones to tease each other for things. If the Captain had trusted him with his secret, perhaps he should return the favour. Legend sighed and opened out the piece of fabric in his lap.
It was a beautiful piece of purple velvet with what appeared to be gold thread woven into it. As Legend held it up for Wars to see he could clearly make out the embroidered patterns of leaves and flowers in the shining golden thread. Tiny little crosses made up the shapes and came together to make quite a beautiful image.
"Rav's favourite colours, hopefully I can finish it before the next time I get to see him," Legend explained.
"It's beautiful Lege," Wars breathed, as he studied the intricate stitches. "How long have you been working on it?"
"Few weeks. Usually takes me about a month to do a piece this big, but I'm working all the hours I can spare on it. Which is usually just when I'm on watch and I won't get distracted by you lot."
"Hmm," Wars nodded, drawing how eyes away from the embroidery and up to Legend's blushing face. "It's really good Lege, I would never have teased you for this. I'm impressed. And it's sweet you're making it for Ravio. I'm sure he'll love it."
"You mean it?" Legend asked, suspicious of how nice Wars was being towards him.
"Cross my heart," Wars replied, making a cross over his chest with his knitting needles. "Honestly Lege it's beautiful. Wish I could embroider. I've been meaning to fix my scarf for ages."
"What do you mean fix it?" Legend asked, he hadn't noticed any damage to Wars' prized blue scarf.
"Yeah, with all the travelling we do through woods and swamps the design on the end has got pretty roughed up. It's supposed to be the royal crest, but quite a lot of the stitches have come loose or disappeared completely. This scarf means a lot to me and I'm ashamed I haven't kept it in very good condition."
Wars pulled the loop of his scarf up to his chin and rubbed his skin against the soft fabric. He'd done his best to keep it clean and stitch up any tears in the fabric, but he didn't have the skill to restore the crest.
"I could fix it for you if you want?" Legend suggested with a shrug.
"You mean it?!" Wars replied brightly, the firelight dancing in his eager eyes.
"Sure. How about you knit me a scarf to give to Ravio as well in payment?"
"Alright that's a deal," Wars nodded, a bright smile spread across his face.
Legend still felt a little embarrassed about his hobby being discovered. But Wars had been so impressed by his hidden talents, Legend was starting to feel better about it. The fact that he could put it to good use helping preserve something important to one of his brothers, even one of the more annoying ones, warmed his heart.
The pair sat together by the fire for a good few hours, working on their projects and talking quietly together. Sharing stores of things they had created and the friends they had given them to. Unsurprisingly most of Legend's pieces had been given to Ravio, but he also admitted he had left secret little embroideries on some of the Chain's stuff. Little cross stitched flowers or fairies on their packs or blankets. None of them had noticed but Legend didn't do it for praise or approval. He did it because they were his brothers and each piece of work was like giving each of them a little bit of himself to carry with them.
As their journey wore on Legend and Wars often found themselves passing time together. During watch or whenever they got separated from the group, they would comfort each other by asking about their latest projects. One morning Wars had woken to find his scarf neatly folded by his bedroll, the immaculate crest staring up at him.
"How did you manage it?" Wars whispered to Legend, that afternoon while they were walking through some woods in Time's era.
"Little bit of time and a little bit of my magic touch," Legend replied with a wink.
"Thank you Link," Wars uttered, flashing Legend a warm smile.
"You're welcome Captain," Legend nodded, before skipping off to walk beside Hyrule.
Wars smiled at the back of Legend's head, thinking about how many rows of stitches he had left to do in Ravio's new scarf.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Okay, I know you head canon Wars' favorite food to be oranges, but do you have ones picked out for the rest of the chain? If so, what are they?
@gryphonlover has recently opened my eyes to the idea that Twilight would go crazy over potatoes and honestly? I’m obsessed with the idea and I feel like an idiot for never thinking about it before. Give that boy some potatoes, it’ll fix him
I’m not sure if Wild would have a favorite food. He probably has some he likes more than others, but if you asked him to pick a favorite he’d rattle off like 7 different things and then just keep adding things to the list alskdkdkd
Any form of berry is Hyrule’s go to favorite snacking food. My personal reasoning for this is because he just has the vibe of a guy who picks shit off plants/bushes/trees as he passes them deep deep in the woods or something and then eats them and hopes for the best. He’s 87% sure they’re not poisonous. But also? Blueberries are just epic, and Hyrule would love them
Four I think would love granola. He’s very normal about his granola, he’s very normal about his dried fruits and seeds and nuts he puts in there too. I think he’d eat that shit with his bare hands, taking out like a pinch at a time from a little bag on his hip while just exploring and getting up to little guy activities
Sky definitely loves pumpkin anything. Bread, pie, soup, whatever. I do think his favorite would be the soup though alskkdks, especially on colder days
Pumpkins are to Sky what Apples are to Legend. He’s the apple pie master at this point, he could bake them with his eyes closed (he’s also definitely hurled an apple at the back of Warriors’s head)
Time I think would love oranges (for absolutely no reason at all). And also milk, though I do headcanon he’s lactose intolerant because I personally think it’s hilarious, but also that’s not gonna stop him. The IDEA of milk is comforting to him, the reality of it not so much 😭
Wind has the energy of a kid who’s parents bought smoked salmon at the grocery store ONE time, put it on some bread with cream cheese and cucumbers, and then he was just hooked for life. It’s annoying to come by, and sometimes expensive, but its a nice little treat for him on rare occasions
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fever-project · 4 months
Ooohhh if we are talking about Hyrule and his cooking abilities, might I interest you in another take? I read one fic ( A Link's Guide to Fairy Etiquette by MonarchoftheCornFields https://archiveofourown.org/works/32365876 ) that gave a unique explanation for Hyrule’s cooking. In the fic Hyrule is Fae and and non-Fae should never accept or eat food from the Fae so in the fic, Hyrule purposely makes his food so foul that no one would eat it to protect them from the effects of eating Fae food. It’s a pretty great read, I highly recommend it, especially if you are a fan of fairy Hyrule and/or traditional Fae rules.
OOOO that’s so cool and makes so much sense with Fairy!Hyrule. @crazylittlejester and @gryphonlover, I feel like this ask would be interesting to you guys, since I got this after rebloging Gryphon‘s ask to Jes. I recommend reading it, I loved it. Here’s a clickable link here.
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starsaroundsaturn · 9 months
because others (@catkin-morgs-kookaburralover @eleilinnrallin gave me the idea)
@syls-chaos you are so kind and cheerful and your writing makes me laugh and cry. I loved getting to hike together and you showing me mountains for the first time. I love you so much and you continue to be one of the most marvelous humans alive. if we ever do get to be roommates, we probably will take over the universe.
@thistelltaleheart you have my entire heart. let's get married. you are truly one of the most wholesome people I know. You are so passionate and driven, and your kindness and compassion towards others are always an inspiration. You make me smile with every tag, phone call, and joke about the Magnus Archives. Happy new year.
@tashah-geist 10/10 human. you continue to be a pessimist, you funky cat-lady. you always show up when I need you most. you never judge me when things go wrong. you know all my secrets and you keep them like it's your full time job. this is, if I am not mistaken, our 10th year of best-friendship. here's to another 10 years. <3
@catkin-morgs-kookaburralover my dear friend, you never cease to amaze me with your courage. you never bend in your convictions, you constantly keep fighting, and you find it in yourself to still put so much love out into the world even while dealing with so much pain. I love you, dear heart.
@get-loved-nerd best roomba ever.
@eleilinnrallin don't die. your sense of humor, your soft voice, and your kind heart make you stand out in a crowd. you give amazing hugs. I don't know what else to say. thank you for existing <3
@gryphonlover from your memes to your smile to your voice on the phone, you are incredibly kind. you constantly send me things that make me smile and laugh, and you are so faithful to your friends. life has been beating you up with a baseball bat lately, so if you ever want me to grab the baseball bat and beat up life for you, tell me so.
to all of my followers and mutuals: thank you for existing. you make the world brighter by doing that. have a good new year, and don't forget to dance and splash in puddles and eat cake once in a while. the universe looks back at you with stars in its eyes.
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lele5429 · 6 months
I saw the woodblock prints you made of Ravio, and they're gorgeous. They're really, really detailed and I love the use of lines throughout the entire thing.
Thank you so much @gryphonlover ! I had an idea for this, went to buy the materials one day, and just drew the scene and carved it in one go! It’s resource and labour intensive but I never regretted a bit.
It’s my first time doing printmaking at home (all other times I did it in a studio), and I love how it turned out. I’m very, very happy to know you enjoyed the texture too!
It’s a pivotal scene from Retired Assets, a Legend & Ravio story I’m working on. I hope the style and its emotions will make sense once the story is out!
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Prompt: dripping
Sky dragged Wild out of the water, shivering wildly as freezing water poured off of them both.
The champion’s head lolled, eyes open but filmy with the thick fog of a memory overtaking his mind, and Sky collapsed to his knees beside him, his hair dripping reddish-tinged drops onto Wild’s face.
“W-Wild, you with me?” he rasped, pressing an ear to his chest, and relieved to hear a mostly-steady thud. Then he gathered Wild into his arms, sharing his meager warmth and praying to Hylia above that the thin, shallow breaths that Wild was breathing against his neck would persist.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
Thinking about what would happen if the Chain traveled around with Sky's loftwing instead of Epona. As a bird owner, what are your thoughts?
LOL oh boy 😂
Birb cuddles for starters. Loftwing would demand snuggles with Sky. Also birds love to make noise, so random screeching and singing. He’d babble when the boys talk, he’d do silly head bobs and make them laugh. Birds also love chaos and destruction, so he’d likely throw supplies everywhere sometimes. He tried to chew through Legend’s hat after stealing it. Sky had to coax him to let it go by giving him something else to shred instead.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
I was thinking about how Sky is often portrayed as having chronic fatigue, depression, or something similar and it occurred to me that he is basically this post except he really did beat Demise in the end.
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PFF LOL that tracks 🤣
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 days
Three sentence prompt: books
”Uh, Wind?”
The respiratory therapy student peeked out over the pile of books that surrounded him, a fortress of academic torture, and looked glumly at Warriors. “Unless food is involved, the answer is no.”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 days
I just saw the puppy pics and he's so cute. 😭 Obviously he's pretty small so it might be hard to tell but do you know if he's a mixed breed or something?
Thank you, yes, he’s adorable 😭❤️
Supposedly he is a German Shepherd and Rottweiler mix. ❤️ He seems awfully tiny for that to be the case, but he is only five or six weeks old. So I guess we’ll see. In the meantime, I’m gonna be doing a lot of training and socializing lol 😅
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skyward-floored · 9 months
I know I've asked about First before, but how does he relate to Sky, exactly?
Well, in lu we don’t totally know yet, though I do have some guesses. More on that in a minute though.
First is Sky’s predecessor, according to the manga (which is questionably canon, but isn’t everything in zelda?) at the back of the Hyrule Historia. He’s a good man, but is wrongfully imprisoned for several years before being freed, and is then chosen by Hylia to use the Master Sword to help defeat the demon armies currently trying to take over the land. Hylia rides a crimson loftwing, and it ends up choosing Link as it’s rider as well later on.
Link fights the demons, and ends up in a battle with a leader (its probably Demise, but it’s a bit unclear), and First is grievously injured. First ends up using the Master Sword to send his people up into the sky (this eventually becomes Skyloft) but is unable to join them because of how badly he’s injured, and finally succumbs to his wounds.
I’m mostly cutting out the bits with Hylia, but she does come here and says her whole plan of being a mortal so they can meet again in another life... which I have some lore issues with but you know. Questionably-canon manga. The story then goes to many years later with little sksw Link, who meets the same crimson loftwing First once rode, evident by the marks on its beak, and becomes its new rider.
So. The biggest connection between them, aside from the reincarnation thing (which I’m ignoring because Jojo said for lu, it’s not exactly reincarnation between the Links), seems to be the crimson loftwing. Who, in the manga anyways, is the exact same bird, ridden by both First and Sky.
Lu doesn’t seem to be going that exact direction though. Here’s my thoughts.
Remember the crimson loftwing? In the manga, it’s the same one between First and Sky, but in lu that isn’t the case. We see Sky cuddling with a baby Crimson in these doodles, so my guess is that the Crimson Sky has is actually a descendant of First’s.
My biggest proof for this? Well look at them next to each other.
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Notice something similar between them? Aside from the color and all that?
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The same beak markings, only fainter on Sky’s bird (which adds again to my theory of the birds being descended from each other theory).
It might just be a neat reference, but we all know how much thought Jojo puts into everything in this comic. And First, though he hasn’t been entirely confirmed to be in lu, has been hinted at more then once. (I actually have a post around somewhere that points out all the hints to him and how it’s likely he will be in lu).
But yeah, I think I got a little off track from your original question, sorry XD Hopefully this explained things!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 22 days
The sentence prompt: torch
“Give me the torch, I can’t see anything!” Legend hissed as he swatted at the spider webs he’d just walked through.
“WE NEED IT!” Wild called back as he jutted the flaming torch towards the beasts chasing them.
“That isn’t even a real weapon!” Four snapped, though he had little room to argue as none of them had been armed when they’d been pursued.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
Today I learned that baby puffins are called pufflings. Cutest thing ever.
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