#Love Is For Bloomin' Pecknecks
echantedtoon · 10 months
Love Is For Bloomin' Pecknecks! Ch2 Apologies And Acting
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From that day forth the two would barely interact with each other. She felt bad at first but Mr. Grooves reassured her everything was fine.
"That old bird was due for a telling off, Darling. I'm just surprised no one's told him those things sooner. He'll be fine. If anything the Conductor's a rough old bird, so it'll take a little more than a small spat to scare him off."
To his credit the moon penguin was right. Because she ended up seeing more and more of these two having argument. Or more precisely Conductor yelling at Mr. Grooves as he stared back calmly but whenever he saw Cookie he would shut up, turn tail, and quickly stomp off yelling at nothing which Mr. Grooves didn't care about...At first. As the months went on a lot of things happened. Cookie ended up visiting the girls more with Muriel and one day met their new live in babysitter when cooking something for the girls to eat when they came back. A girl from the country with flaming red hair named Poppy. Poppy Rose Bloomington. Poor thing was wet and cold and starting a cold. Never fear! Cooking cat is here! She made sure she got a bath and washed her dress for her, making sure to hand over back her bracelet that fell out of the pocket, and made sure she had a hot meal before she was forced to leave to make sure Muriel was alright. Poppy was such a nice lady, poor and lost, but nice. She could sorta relate to that. Though there was something else happening too. Mr. Grooves had noticed the way the cat had acted so motherly around Muriel, and sweet to the moon penguins and stressed Express owls. Everyone seemed to love her. BAH! What do they know!? She was just a cat! A thieving. Bad....Nice...K-Kind. Pretty colored. Cute giggles. Feisty...She'd be a good grandmother to his little wee ones- That thought made him shake his head and pull at his yellow feathers! Stop that! She was a cat! A cat that was...r-really pretty and ...and not afraid to own up to her mistakes. He should know because it was the first time anyone had apologized to him genuinely. She felt so bad for yelling at him. He remembered well. He was on Lunch break when she came over. The first thing catching his attention was the sweet smell of birdseed cookies, and a second later a small plate of freshly baked cookies were set down in front of his sandwich by an orange paw and he looked up. Nearly choking on his sandwich when he saw HER there. Staring with a guilty kicked puppy expression hat in her hands staring at him.
"L-LASS!!," he choked out as he swallowed the food but she stopped him from talking further.
"Please don't say anything," she replied calmly with a guilty undertone to her voice, "I just came to apologize to ya."
And his mind blanked. "......Wot?"
"Ah've been thinking about it a lot lately and well-..I feel really bad for yellin' at you like that. I mean..You didn't even know me. For all you knew I was a thief. I can't blame ya for feeling that way when my kind haven't really done anything to squelch those fears of yours. So.." She gestured to the plate of cookies in front of him. "I hope you like cookies, and that you can forgive me. I-If not for my sake then for a better workplace?"
He stared at her. Then at the cookies. Opening his mouth and closing it a couple times before turning red again. She cooked...for HIM!? After a moment of awkward of silence he cleared his throat. "It's...Tis n-nah a problem!" He looked away quickly grip tightening on his food. Why was he feeling like this. "Tho...I-I guess I was in the wrong too. *ahem* Apologies a-accepted..An..Given back to ya?"
Cookie blinked back in surprise as well before smiling. "Well ah'll accept the apologies given back to me. I'm just glad we could come to an understandin'. And here others said you were unreasonable." ...Wait. He snapped back at her- "But that's fair from the truth ain't it?" She sat down next to him making him pause as she giggled. "Mr. Grooves told me about how much ya care 'bout your grandchildren and son."
"...Oi. He did did he?" He asked slowly raising a brow. The peckneck was talking about him huh? "What else has that flipper flapper said?"
"Oh nothing bad. Just that you had a family and you ran the train on top of being a movie director which I must say is quite a feat. I'm impressed by your skills and dedication." Her smile ever genuine. "I adore some of your films."
His feathers puffed up more as she smiled widely. "I-I-I w-w-wot-"
"The Cactus Casualties! I never expected that an actual cactus enchanted by a Sand Witch was the culprit. I could've sworn it was the saloon owner puttin' the cactus juice in the nutmix!"
"Ahehe. Well I-..Wait." His head snapped back to her faster than a bullet. "Ye actually knew that was nut mix and nah birdseed!?"
She nodded. "As someone who works with food you have to pay special attention to food details. It's a habit I formed so I noticed it straight away. It's the small details that count. Dontcha think?"
"Ah...." He smiled back at her. "Aye. Tis the details that make ye movie. ..Y'know. Ye was the first one to point that out?"
"Wait. Really? I thought it was obvious it was a plain old nut mix. Birdseed is totally different. Those owls were totally confusing the audience calling it birdseed all the time."
"That's wot I said but it was too late to change the script!! And refilming everrrrything would've been too much time! That's why I now write me own scripts! Hmph!"
Her eyes widened. "You write your own scripts too!? Wow! You're better at multitasking than I am with three pots on one stove."
He nodded. "...Oh. By the way, Lassie. That DJ Pe-...*ahem* Grooves wouldn't have happened ta mention anything else about me to ya, would he?"
"Hm? Oh no. Not really. Only that you had a family and liked birdseed cookies." He sighed reaching for a cookie and deciding to toss it into his mouth. "Oh. And that you were single."
Conductor choked on his cookie-
Things weren't tense anymore. Well..at least back to normal tense concerning the Conductor and Cookie now. The two waved when seeing each other and sometimes she'd come bring him lunch on his breaks where they'd talk about his movies and she'd give him tips on food presentations for his movies which he took serious. He was a perfectionist when it came to movie details after all, and it didn't hurt to have a pretty lady cooking for him. And OH PECK!! Her food was grand. He never liked sweet things like cake before but she revealed his hidden sweet tooth for her-..uh these things. The owls were still yelled at by him and he still yelled at most people but with less bite until one day. The theme for the Bird Movie Awards was announced. Romance. Why? Well with a few of the judges for the movies falling ill the date had to be pushed back to allow them to recover and that put the new rewards ceremony close to Cupid's Day, so Romance would be the new theme. And with her first season of her cooking show coming to an end so Mr. Grooves could focus on the movie- No wait. Play he was working on she was glad for the break and was happy for him. He had gotten the idea from a very popular children's book and he seemed super excited to try it out. As for Conductor he was working on his own movie which was coming along great. At his rate he should have it done long before Cupid Day was here. Or at least we would've if it wasn't for an accident. Cookie had taken Muriel with her to the little aliens ship and met up with Poppy again. The poor dear was so cooped up she invited her to come shopping with her and the girls in Express Town and she agreed. After grabbing some gold for money the five ladies made their way into Express Town. Exchanging the gold, buying some new clothes, things like that. And when everyone got hungry she offered to give everyone a free lunch at her cafe, only thing wrong was that she accidentally left her purse inside her set up at the studios again so they had to take a small detour to grab it....She was only gone for fifthteen minutes! No more and no less! And in those fifthteen minutes Conductor's entire movie was destroyed, a fight had broke out between the bird and Poppy, Poppy had somehow accidentally broken the Directors' shared VERY expensive camera, Poppy agreed to work for Mr. Grooves for free in exchange to pay him back, and now Conductor was forced to resort to another idea since his first movie was completely wrecked and it would take too long and costly to refilm everything in the original. .....All she did was get her purse and come back! How did these things keep happening to her!? Sigh. Oh well. At least it wasn't something caused by Muriel's stunts again. Cookie was given the chance to catch up on what happened taking them to lunch and keeping the three company until the next train back to the Moon City.  From then on for a while things were calm for now but she was wondering how Conductor was doing now that he was set back farther back than Mr. Grooves now. Last she heard he was looking for someone to play a southern bell damsel in distress but had no luck with any of the ladies who auditioned. Which lead to one fateful encounter when they decided to grab some food from the Jukebox Cafe and load and behold there was Conductor sitting in a quiet corner. His jacket was discarded next to him at the booth, looked to be on his hundredth cup of coffee, a stack of what must've been script in front of him lying on the table, and he mumbled to himself over nothing staring at the papers in front of him. So naturally Cookie walked on over to him with Muriel trailing right behind her.
"Mr. Conductor!" The owl gave a squawk as he jumped up towards her. In return she gave a big smile towards him. "Ah wasn't expecting to see you here today? What do I owe the pleasure?"
Conductor stared at her for a moment before opening his mouth, turning red, and clearing his throat. "L-Lassie! A-Aye was just...M-Mullin' over me movie scripct! Yeah!"
"Oh how nice. And how's that comin' along?"
He gave a long sigh before his hand reached up before rubbing his head. "Nah good. I got rrrroles to fill in but nah anyone I look at is good at the bloody roles! If only I had snagged that country red haired lass ta play the darned role! She would've had the accent for it at least!" Oh. He must've meant Poppy. The two of them had similar accents. "But nnnnooo!! She's working for DJ Sunglasses while m' stuck with empty slots like a broken poker game!"
"Oh I see. Poor man. Must be exhausting. Let me get you some food on the house."
"Wot? Nah! I can't ask ye to do that, Lass."
"You aren't. Ah'm offering and I insist. This is my cafe after all. It's the least I could do."
"Yer too kind, Lass."
Cooking looked over as Muriel also tugged insistently on her shirt. "Hey! I'm hungry too! How am I supposed to defend the world if I have an empty stomach?"
"Oh alright. My children have a healthy appetite. Waiter!" She waved to one of her employees who immediately paid attention. "Bring out two orders of burger and fries and another coffee for this gentlemen, and some katsu curry for myself."
The waiter disappeared and five minutes later the two girls were sitting in front of Conductor with their respective foods chatting away although he was still mostly thinking about his movie. He was more behind than that flashy peckneck by now and no one was fitting his darned roles! It shouldn't be this hard! Where was he supposed to find a southern bell that was kind and caring with a really sweet personality!?..Reality then hit him in the middle of taking a bite of his hamburger. When Muriel happily eating her own burger got ketchup and mustard all over her face. Cookie fussed and scolded her lightly in a motherly way before taking a couple napkins and hastily wiping at the fussing girl's face. Such a kind, sweet, and caring gesture. Then it hit him with the speed and force of his own train. 
"THAT'S IT!!" His voice boomed out happily in new found excitement and he smiled startling the two ladies into looking at him. "Ahehehehe!! That's it! That's wot I've been missing!"
...Cookie blinked. "Uh..W-What?"
He pointed right at her. "You, Lass! You're the perfect one to play the rrrole of Catrina in me big film!"
Cookie's fur fluffed up in surprise as Conductor rubbed his hands together in glee. Napkins dropped so her paws could point at her. "W-Who me!? N-Now Mr. Conductor you must be mistaken! I-I haven't gotten an acting bone in mah body! I wouldn't be able to perform none!"
"Lassie please!," Conductor begged, "Ah now you'd be perfect for the rrrole! And I need ye help with this! I nah can do it on me own! And the deadline is leavin' me with nah choice! I'll make it up to ye in whatever ye want! Please help this old bird out once!"
Muriel's eyes widened at the thought of Cookie acting and snapped to her. And Cookie looked at the desperate bird in shock. Conductor was quite literally begging with his hands clasped together looking at her with a pleading frown on his face. She'd never seen the proud bird act like this before even when he was stressed so he must've been really desperate if he was resorting to begging out in the open where everyone could see him. And she couldn't blame him. Losing his first movie and scrambling to finish a second one must've put strain on him. She felt bad for him and she could help him now. Couldn't she?
Cookie continued to stare at him for a long moment before sighing. And smiling at him. "Well..If it really means that much to ya then I guess I could lend a hand."
"Hey! What about me?," Muriel exclaimed with a frown, "Don't I ever get to do anything?"
"Oooh! I think I got the rrright role for the wee one!"
"hmm. What kind of role are we talking about here?"
"A hero! One who'd be the key piece ta helpin' the lassie escape from ye train mugger!"
Muriel looked real interested now. "A hero huh? Alright! Ya got yourself a deal! I can't wait to see everyone's face when I nail that bad guy in their ugly mug!"
"Ahahahaha!! That's the spirit! Ooh! We're surrre to kick that peckneck out of the rrring now!"
Now all his roles were filled in! They could begin filming now! HA! Watch out DJ Peckneck! His winning streak was back on track now!....And then he was scolded by Cookie for using the p word in front of Muriel. 
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abloomntime · 2 years
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An au based around the accidental revival of The Florist through the power of the time pieces in Snatcher’s failed attempt to rewind Vanessa into nothing but dust. Shenanigans ensue between his failed attempts to reconnect with her and balance the sass coming from his kids- I mean those brats!
Book 1: A Bloom In Time-  A non-beating heart is a bad thing to most, but not a bad thing if you were already dead and didn't need anything like that of course. Snatcher is a complicated spook that already has everything he wants now and with two little kids constantly playing in his woods and asking him to join, he has more than enough of this mushy love anyways. But when a familiar face and secret pops up, it may prove that the beating of love may still come from beyond the grave.
(Book Status: Completed.)
Book 2: Blooming Friendships-  Wonder how two children gained access to the entire Subcon Forest? Or perhaps how a Witch met two kooky ghosts? Or maybe how lost children gained a family? Find out in this prequal of A Bloom In Time.
(Book Status: Completed.)
Book 3: Three Kiddos And A Ghost-  Or Snatcher decides to adopt and add to his menagerie of a family after realizing a certain blonde haired caped crusader isn't too much different from himself.
(Book Status: Completed.)
Book 4: Love Is For Bloomin’ Pecknecks!- (A side story of A Bloom In Time)  How could someone so sour fall for someone so sweet? Or is this all just a bittersweet punishment for an old Peckneck like himself? 
(Book Status: Completed.)
Book 5: That Bloomin' Curse-He finally had everything he wanted. A family, a loving spouse, and a whole kingdom to himself. However he seemed to forever be cursed by his ex. It doesn't help that Hazelle seemed to be captured by the crazy ice hag and Moonjumper seems to be going through emotions he never knew he had. Why does there seem to be a blooming curse in his life?!
(Book Status: Completed.)
A Hat In Time Events 
Snatcher Week- Speaks for itself but it contains some AU lore for A Bloom In Time following the prompts provided.
(Book Status: Completed.)
Kiddo Week-  Been wanting to do this for a while since it'll help me expand on the kiddos in the Bloomverse more. So it won't just be about Hattie or Bow but Mustache Girl and Timmy for a couple as well! Enjoy the lore!
(Book Status: Completed.)
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I'm moving. Don't worry I'm not abandoning this blog and will still post my A Hat In Time stuff here but most of my time and works will be on my other blog linked below. So if you want to see more from me look there.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Love Is For Bloomin' Pecknecks! Masterlist
SUMMERY: How could someone so sour fall for someone so sweet? Or is this all just a bittersweet punishment for an old Peckneck like himself?
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (End)
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Love Is the Bloomin' Pecknecks! Ch4 Cupid's Day Date
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to GearsForBreakfast for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story. The song Conductor sings is Conductor Sings: Old Town Road by Bit-B. Original Song by Lil Nas X. Link to song below although I changed some words to fit the world better.
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Ah. Cupid's Day. The day everyone expressed their love to one another whether it be platonic love among friends and family, or for lovers to have a nice relaxing day out on a date with their spouses. Or if you were Cookie then you were getting ready for a date. HER date. With CONDUCTOR. Oh gosh. Oh goodness gracious. Oh pec- Nono! She wouldn't resort to that word. She hadn't ever been on a d-date before! What was she going to do!? What was she supposed to wear! She only had a week to prepare and she was a nervous wreck! She had Muriel to think about as well which was the easier part actually thanks to Poppy who agreed to watch over her for the night so that was solved. The day came and Cookie got up bright and early to drop off Muriel at the little alien's ship for a sleepover and brought along some food for all the kids plus a small thank you gift for Ms. Poppy. Thanking her again for agreeing to watch Muriel on such short notice before leaving back to ready herself. By worrying and pacing, putting on a simple dress, worrying and pacing, cleaning, cooking a little-...Did she mention worrying and pacing? Because she was doing that. A lot. Even as the door knocked making her give off a startled meow and her fur bristled. Eyes darted to the clock on the wall. It was seven already!? Cookie scrambled towards the door smoothing her bristled fur out as more knocking came from the door.
"C-Coming! Oh goodness gracious!" She was quick to open the door smiling at the owl on the other side. "Mr. Conductor!"
The owl froze upon first seeing the nervous cat, face red as a cherry, before he gulped and forced a grin. "L-LASSIE!! I- Uh...Y-Ye looks great!"
It was Cookie's turn to blush at the compliment before bashfully giggling. "Oh this old thing. T-Thank you. So...Um..W-Were you going to tell me where we're goin'?"
That seemed to knock some sense into him as he shook his head and coughed. "Of course! Ahehe! A-Ah have a great place for ye!"
"W-Well then lead the way."
She happily accepted his arm offered to him and both red faced made their way out. The place he took her was right in Express Town and among the few shops here. The Sleeping Owl Saloon. She hadn't been there before and never gone in seeing it was a saloon but Conductor assured her it was more of a restaurant than an actual saloon.
"Tis nothing to worry 'bout, Lass. The strrrongest thing in there is fermented birdseed punch, which I nah plan on having anyways."
Well..Alright. Why not? It would be nice to not have to cook for a night and she never tried this place before so the food might be good. So she allowed him to bring her inside and...Inside looked exactly like a saloon from one of Conductor's movies. Tables and chairs everywhere inside this old wooden place. A bar counter alongside the far wall with a bartender owl wiping down a glass with many, many bottles of soda pop right behind him much to her relief.  To the far right wall there was a small stage with a microphone and jukebox for karaoke. There didn't seem to be a whole lot of other people here besides them. One or two other couples looking lovey dovey at one another obviously on dates for this holiday, the bartender, and a waiter that went back and forth between tables every so often. So the two of them sat down and just...sat there silently and a bit tense. Just sitting there and other than the waiter taking their orders didn't say anything at first. Just fiddle and look away red faced...before Cookie took a deep breath and spoke.
"So.." He flinched looking towards her nervous smile. "I was told ya went on that cruise that sank. I do hope you didn't run into any trouble. A sinking ship sounds scary."
...The casual convo starter had him relax before nodding. "Aye. Me son's idea. Go on a cruise he said. Ya work to harrrd he said. Go spend some time with ye grandkids and lemme handle yourrr train he said. Oi." His hand reached up to rub his face. "The wee ones hadn't even grown their water feathers yet."
"Oh my. I hope no one was hurt."
"Nah. Wounded pride but nothing that couldn't be salvaged."
"Oh that's wonderful. Y'know I was supposed to work on that ship on the next cruise."
"Ye were?," he asked surprise.
She nodded. "But sadly it sank. But it's alright. Ah've dealt with worse in Mafia Town."
"That reminds me. How did ye even come to work for that flash bound flipper anyways?"
"Oh it's a long story but I suppose it started when I first left home years ago."
More of the night passed by as they talked. Conductor was awfully patient listening to her tell him about her struggles and he was surprised to hear she wanted to hear more about his son and grandchildren. And his train of course which he was happy to brag about. Obviously she had good taste in family ...and trains of course. Some time during their train discussing their dinner came and it was then that one of the men from the other couples got up to the juke box and started rambling out some kind of tune dedicated to his misses after pressing a small button on the machine which caught the few peoples' attention including theirs.
"Oh karaoke!"
"Aye. Ye sing, Lass?"
"Who? Me? Oh no. My singing is cat scratch. Excuse the pun. I couldn't sing if mah life depended on it." She pointed at him. "But you have a very nice voice. I've seen ya sing those few desert stories in your movies an' I gotta say you're voice is very nice to listen to."
He continued to stare at her for a moment before his feathers puffed up again. "U-Uh...Y-ye likes..me v-voice?" 
She nodded. "You have the best voice I've ever heard singing."
he continued to stare at her before clearing his throat and smiling proudly. "Of c-course ye would think that! HA! Why I could out sing any birrrd in this town!"
"So that means you're gonna sing?!"
She gave him a hopeful look and he fell quiet. Him? Sing? Now? But he wasn't even recording anything...Well there really wasn't so many birds here so he doubted anyone would really make a big deal out of it, and they all looked too busy with their own selves to have even paid attention to the last guy that sang. Plus she was looking at him so excited. 
"Hmm. Alright!" He stood up. "Just watch me. HA! I'll knock the crowd dead!"
She smiled excitedly as he confidentially got up and stomped his way over towards the jukebox. It wasn't until he grabbed the mic and pressed a button on the jukebox did he pause looking at Cookie smiling in the crowd..but he quickly cleared his throat once the music started. Too late to turn back now. So he held the microphone to his mouth and began singing when the music began.
"Yeah!~ I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road!~ I'm gonna rrride 'til I can't no more.~ I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road!~ I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more.~ I got the horses in the back.~ Horse tack is attached.~ Hat is matte black.~ Got the black boots to match.~ Ridin' on a horse.~ HA! Ye can whip your Porsche.~ I been in the valley.~ You ain't been up that porch now.~ Can't nobody tell me nothin'.~ Ye can't tell me nothin'.~ Can't nobody tell me nothin'.~ Ye can't tell me nothin'.~ Ridin' on a tractor.~ Lean all in me bladder.~ Cheated on me baby.~ Ye can go and ask her.~ My life is a movie.~ Bull rrridin' and birdseed.~ Cowboy hat that's truly.~ Wrangler on me booty.~ Can't nobody tell me nothin'.~ Ye can't tell me nothin'.~ Can't nobody tell me nothin'.~ Ye can't tell me nothin'.~ Yeah!~ I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road!~ I'm gonna rrride 'til I can't no more.~ I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road!~ I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more.~ Hat down.~ Cross Town.~ Living like a rrrockstar.~ Spent a lot of money on me brand new guitar!~ Baby's got a habit.~ Diamond rrrings and spending me pons.~ Ridin' down town in me pecking wonder train car!~ Got no stress!~ I've been through all that!~ Like a marlboro man so I kick on back!~ Wish I could rrroll on back to that old town rroad!~ I wanna rrride til I can't no more!~ Yeah!~ I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road!~ I'm gonna rrride 'til I can't no more.~ I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road!~ I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more.~"
The country music faded out and the few people in their clapped especially Cookie who was smiling brightly at him happily. He had...made her smile. A fuzzy feeling grew within him and it made the feathers on his head fluff up more. Conductor had shakily rejoined her at the table where she complimented him genuinely about his singing much to his blushing face. Although they didn't stay much longer. It was getting late and she still had to pick up Muriel tomorrow morning. So after paying for their meal, Conductor was more than happy to walk her home where she smiled at him from the doorway. 
"Thank you for taking me out. I-I had a great time."
"Ahehe. W-W-Well I can't say I didn't have nah good time either," Conductor stuttered back rubbing his neck. "Altho perchance I-...HMMMMMMMM!?!?"
His. Face. EXPLODED. RED!! Yellow feathers puffed up all over him. And he froze as a small kiss was placed to his cheek by her also red faced. 
"Thank you for the wonderful n-night. I can't wait to see what we do on our s-second date."
With that she slowly closed the door leaving him standing there breathless for a long moment before he stuttered out.
"S-S-Second date!?....S-S-She wants ta go on a SECOND DATE!?......Ahe..AHEHEHEHEHE!! YA-HOO!!"
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Love Is For Bloomin' Pecknecks! Ch3 The Bird Movie Awards
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Well she had to admit this acting gig wasn't too bad. After agreeing she was subjected to a few things. Being measured for costumes, scripts, many owls in her face reminding her and Muriel of their places and lines and how ABSOLUTELY important it was to say and do things at the precise times. Which wasn't the hard parts. She was used to multitasking and being precise with movements and times from cooking complex and big dishes especially if she was in a hurry to do so. And remembering the lines wasn't a problem. It was no different than memorizing a complex recipe which came with ease to her. She just kept telling herself that this was a recipe for greatness which helped her focus. Didn't want a recipe for disaster. As days and even weeks and months rolled by she worked with Conductor on most of the scenes which mostly went ok but there was setbacks and mistakes. Mostly made by the owls or Muriel sometimes. Ripped costumes,  saying the wrong word, delayed responses, Conductor not satisfied with someone's tone or the train for the scenery was too fast paced. Things like that. It was just two weeks before the awards ceremony that they were filming the final and most important scene. The ending scene where the 'Road Runner' escaped with the damsel. All they had to do was jump into the caboose as the train moved along and dislodge the caboose from the rest of the train. After the scene was shot the train would be slowed down, the caboose attached, and then that would be it. The movie completed. And everything was going so well. Don't get her wrong she was absolutely PETRIFIED to jump from one moving car to another, and she gripped onto the Conductor as he made the jump with her. Safely in the car as the rest of the movie played out. Two Express owls filming from the roof as the last of the movie's ending played out perfectly!
The mayor shouted just as the door behind her opened and two owls in police uniforms stood there with glares. One shook a fist at the bandit as he stood and placed one arm around Cooke as the two watched from the doorway as they got farther away after Conductor undid the caboose from the rest of the train like planned.
"ROAD RUNNER!!", the owl actor shouted perfectly enraged and loud at them.
Conductor cackled and took off his hat to wave goodbye to them all. Cookie pressing a kiss to his cheek making him freeze and blossom into a bright red as the train car got farther and farther away on the track as they became a tiny speck on the desert surrounding them. Slowly the caboose steadily came to a stop as did the train farther up the track signaling the movie's end. Conductor still frozen red faced long enough to make Cookie blink at him...before the owl slowly turned to her as his feathers poofed up. 
"Ah-...Uh....D-Did ye j-jus smooch me, L-Lass?"
Cookie blinked before her own face turned an embarrassing shade of red. "W-W-Well ah me-mean-..W-Was I n-not supposed to?"
He opened his mouth, closed it, before shaking his head and clearing his throat. "Nah. Tis fine. *AHEM!* W-We should stand back while the birds b-back up me baby to retrieve me rear end."
"Oh. Um. Ok!"
-Two Weeks Later-
A train whistled loudly as the world past them whizzed by through the window. This was it. They were off towards Express City to the Cardinal Theater where the awards ceremony would be waiting. Muriel looked excitedly out the window as the desert turned into a giant city with skyscrapers and so, so, SO many owls walking around. Didn't bother Cookie however after growing up in a city and seeing the Moon City so many times. You could say she was used to city atmosphere. They were riding in first class with none other than Conductor who drove everyone there on his train before it slowly came to a stop and he started fiddling with the innercom controls with the help of a fretting owl. 
"Blasted. Consarnit- IS THIS THING ON ORRRR NOT!?....OH!! Don't give me that look ya peckneck! What are ye on?! Birdseed?! ....Oh. It's on ain't it? *ahem* Passengers. Just lettin' ya know that we'll be stopping in Express City in a wee bit. Make sure all ye hightail it off me baby when we stop! I won't tolerate stragglers left aboard! That me YOU ye fish smellin' penguin hooligans! Ok. I'm done makin' ye announcements but don't say I didn't warn ye if ya git in trouble!............PECKING!! HOW THE BLAZES DOES ONE TURN THIS BLASTED THING OFF-"
The frustrated owl turned his head to Cookie who pointed to the button he pressed. "You just turned it off there."
".....Oh. I knew that!" She chuckled as he straightened up clearing his throat with a smile. "N-Now when the train stops just stick with me and ye should have nah problem finding ye place. I've been here every year so I know the way 'round!"
She nodded. "Alright then."
Once they stopped Cookie made sure to loop her arm in Conductor's to make sure she didn't get lost in the crowd and hold onto to Muriel's hand tightly. She was used to the push and large crowd of Express Owls that they walked into once off the train and all the way towards this giant theater. The red carpet and bouncer at the door was a bit new but once seeing the Conductor, let them inside no problem. The entire inside was fancy as well with giant crystal chandeliers and red carpet everywhere. It was beautiful but also so dizzy. Luckily Conductor must've noticed their looks or been too restless to actually wait for it all to start because he took them straight to the screen room to sit them down. Rows and ROWS of chairs were seated in long rows inside of the room and there was two pairs of stairs on either side for the birds to walk up or down it as they all went and took their seats in the very front of the room. The best seats according to him. Not too long after the seats around them began to fill up and someone entered the stage in front of them. In the very front of the large room and lit up by lights was a white screen and red curtains surrounding it. A single owl lady wearing a sparkling white dress stood on the stage with a microphone in one hand watching everyone sit and checked a watch on her other wrist and a spot light on her.  As the last few birds were rolling in to take their seats, someone closed the doors and the owl on stage tapped on the microphone getting everyone's attention.
"Ladies and gentlemen. And birds of all ages. Welcome to the 500th Annual Bird Movie Awards Ceremony!", she said out cheerfully and the crowd cheered. Poppy winced since AGAIN she wasn't used to being around such a large group, and the owl lady smiled. " Im your humble hostess, Featherica Talonsberg and It is my pleasure to be hosting yet another year of celebrating creativity and movie magic to wow the crowds this year. As this is also our first ever year of asking our beloved filmmakers to follow the theme of love! Whether it be tragic heartache, romance, the love of a family, or something else, it's the creativity and story you'll be judged upon! The ultimate award being nominated this year's winner and awarded love movie of the year!" Another small cheer but it died down quicker as the owl lady held up her hand. "Please help me welcome this year's panel of judges!" The spot light moved from her and to the front row of the theater but Cookie couldn't see too well beyond the loud cheering. "Please welcome writing of Penguin's Next Talent, Penny Gwin." A pink suited penguin with a bow around her hat sat there. "Famous retired film Director Mr. P. Fin." Different from the penguins and owls a very old puffin sat there next to the pink penguin. "Make up designer Owlette Eggsberta." Another elderly looking owl with a permanent serious face and huge glasses. "And this year's special guest judge. Author of the hit new children's book Starella and long standing beloved writer, Pen Gwen!" A male penguin wearing the regular sunglasses and suit but no hat sat beside the very elderly owl and nodded to her as the spot light rotated back to the owl and  there was three owls and penguins each on either side of the stage filming the entire stage. "And to those of you at home who are watching live, welcome! We hope you're enjoying all that will be shown this day. A quick word of thanks from our sponsor-" She motioned to one side of the stage and an owl in a headset scurried out with a sign under his wing and held it up next to her. Why...IT WAS COOKIE!! Holding a soup label and a cafe's logo under her. "Cooking Cat's Jukebox Cafe! Where you can experience real Nyakuza Metro food without the danger of the cat city. Located right across Dead Bird Studios." She waved the other owl off and he quickly scuttled away from the stage as the camera focused back on her. "Now. With those introductions out of the way, it's my pleasure to introduce the first nominee. Directed and shipped in by last year's winner Mr. Conductor. Ladies and gentlemen. I give you 'Railroad Runners'."
They all clapped as the lights on the stage dimmed and the owl walked off stage to the left as the white screen lit up a static before the numbers appeared. . The cheering died down. The four judges brought out their clipboards and pens paying very close attention. And the numbers on the white screen counted down.
A train whistle broke the silence of the morning sun that shined through the windows and onto the smiles of happy folks. Lady owls in beautiful dresses and bonnets, men in dashing suits. Yes. Only the best for the wealthy here as they made their way to the city for their business or otherwise. The train was the best there was for these folks. Velvet and cashmir seats. Lovely carpets and shiny wooden floors. Servants at their every beck and call. Delicious food. It was everything they could ask for even cool air from the hot sun outside. But even the sun's hot rays couldn't dry up the tears coming out from the lovely lady's eyes. The pretty kitty sniffed and delicately dabbed her eyes with the pink hankerchief in her paws before blowing her nose into it. Her pretty orange fur shown as bright as a tigerlily and her bright yellow eyes gleamed like the shinest gold as she just stared blankly at her lap. The pretty white laced dress and bonnet on her looking plain but still pretty and allowed her natural beauty in her fur show.
"Honestly, Catrina. What good would crying do now?," asked a scottish accented voice. Across from the lovely cat sat a girl with long blonde hair wearing a snazzy suit and tie. The only strange thing about her was the fake Mustache she insisted on wearing everywhere. Currently she was sitting with her arms crossed and brow raised. "You must've known it would've happened either way now. It was only a matter of time."
"Yes but-....*sniff* I-I thought I had more time," she answered back with a country accent back.
To which her companion's hard expression softened and she sighed. "It can't be helped, Caterina. Arrangements for your marriage has already been decided and I can't change that."
Oh yes. Life of a rich man's daughter. Her father owned a very plentiful oil field in the desert making him very wealthy and being his daughter made her unfortunately very, very eligable for marriage to a lot of men. Even if her heart already belonged to another, she loved him so much. Not that her parents cared. They accepted a proposal from a rich man from the city and within a day everything was arranged. She was to be married within a week's time of her arrival there to 'get to know your future inlaws' her mother had explained to her. But to her it just meant a prison with strangers until her marriage to a complete stranger. Then she'll never get to see himself. Her eyes gazed out the window and watched as the world went by. Hot sand. Cacti. Sand dunes. The bright blazing trails. Everything she knew would be gone as soon as she met the city at the end of he day and more so when she was married. And never see HIM again. Never again would she be able to sneak out with him, or meet his warmth, or get to be in his presence again.
"He d-didn't even say good bye to me. *hic*"
The mayor had been asked by her father to accompany her on her long journey there to make sure she got there safely. Or more likely she thought, to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't run off like she really wanted too. To try and find HIM. The one person who she was truely in love with and so they could run away together...Too bad that idea was shut down.
"I just-....W-Wished I could see him one last time. A-At least to say good bye."
She looked up from the window when the mayor put a hand to her shoulder in comfort, a pitiful look on her face. "I know, Catrina. I wish things could be different too. But sadly there's no one who could change this."
Or at least that's what they thought-
The unmistakable sounds of gunshots rang through the air followed by maniac laughter among them. The aristocrats around them panicked, squawking out and standing suddenly panicking at the sounds of it all. The mayor jumping at the sudden noises with a look of shock before she suddenly glared in the direction of the sounds before holding up a hand in front of the shocked cat in a protective stance. Catrina's fur stood right on end staring blankly at the sounds that were swiftly approaching the back of the cart. They were in the very last train car. So WHO could be out there with guns and laughing like a lunatic?!....Only one person she knew-
The door was kicked open with a powerful kick revealing the person behind it. The train car fell silent as speers on cow boots jingled with every step the figure took making a metal jingle to him. Two shiny weapons were in his hands, which explained the gun shot noises. The poncho and cowboy hat on his head matched perfectly with the brown bandanna tied around his mouth as his yellow feathers twitched menacingly every few seconds. The bandit had arrived. Everyone's eyes widened. The owls in fear. Catrina's in surprise.
"I-IT'S THE ROAD RUNNER OF EXPRESS CITY!!,'' one lady cried out in fear before fainting into her husband's arms.
"AHEHEHEHEHE!!!," the man cackled and brandished his weapons, "AYE YA LASS!! TIS RIGHT 'BOUT THAT!!"
"P-Please!," a man begged quickly grabbing his watch and holding it out to him. "You c-c-can have anything you want! B-B-But please don't hurt us!!"
"OHOHO!!! Ya think I'm here forrrrrr that rubbage?" He asked turning his head slightly towards Catrina and smiled under the mask. "No! I want this whole train car ta meself!!" He pointed. "An' if you pecknecks know what's good for ye, ya'll skidaddled to the next one NOW!!"
In an instant all the owls fled. Feathers flew. Fancy bonnets and things were dropped to the ground. The door to the next train car up was thrown open as they all crowded out in a rowdy crowd of sqawks and screams to get away from the fiend. The mayor grabbed Catrina's paw and pulled her up to try and hurry her out to safety too but soon the face of the bandit snapped to them with the movement.
"Except you two! You lassies stay rrrrright where ye are!"
Both of them froze as the bandit stomped towards the door with people still flocking out of it, keeping his eyes on him (or no eyes technically) as he did. The remaining owls panicked and pushed one another out of the car before he approuched. The bandit grabbed the door and slammmed it shut behind them and turned the lock on the door with a clicked. Looking at it with a hum before turning around to the two ladies in the seat a little aways from him. With a click, the weapons were put away back into his holsters, and he walked towards them. The mayor growled and put herself between them with her arms out before Catrina in a protective stance.
"STAY BACK YOU BAD GUY!!", she growled out in warning but jumped when Catrina grabbed her shoulder.
"Ms. Mayor wait!", she pleaded looking at the bandit approuching. His footsteps and jingling holsters echoing throughout the practically empty car other than the sounds of the train tracks. Catrina's eyes widened at the bird who just looked at her for a moment before reaching up to yank his bandanna down revealing his face. And her eyes widened even more as her heart skipped a beat. "IT'S YOU!!"
The beak of jagged teeth smiled at Catrina softly before reaching up to take off his hat as he looked at her. "Aye. Tis me lass. I'm sorry I'm late to be here."
She gave a small frown. "Why didn't you come see me before I left?"
This time he gave an apologetic frown. "Lassie, I assure ye I tried me hardest. But those no good peckneck Sheriff was on me tail! I couldn't get here earlier if ah tried."
She puffed her cheeks out in a pout and crossed her arms. "I'm still cross with ya. You didn't even come to see me before I was put on the train."
He looked more nervous. "I know. I know. B-B-But Im here now. Better late than never."
"EXCUSE ME!?" The mayor shoved more between them and gave a glare to this bandit. "You're the RailRoad Runner! The one that's always doing crimes and tricked Catrina into falling for you so you'd take her father's wealth! What do you think you're doing here?!"
The yellow bird gasped looking at her. "That's rubbage! Aye would never try anything like that with the woman who holds me heart!"
Catrina's eyes widened as she looked at him and he smiled genuinely at her. "Oh mah darlin'!"
The mayor yelped when she was pushed aside in favor of Catrina pushing past her and hugging this dust covered bandit, to which he gladly returned the hug and his face bloomed out a bright red as did the tips of his feathers. A hand gently tipped her head up towards him as he chuckled. "Ahehehe! Aye knew you'd be the lass fer me when ah saw those pretty gold eyes at the opening of yer papa's company last year.~"
"And I knew you were just the bird for me when you didn't care I was a girl and complimented mah cooking skills.~"
"Aye. You do make a beautiful birdseed pancake stack.~"
"Excuse me!" They bothe looked over at the mayor who crossed her arms and gave the two of them a glare. "This is a touching story and all, but if you don't know she's engaged already! That's what we're on the train for! So she can go get married!"
"Aye I know. That's why I came." He smiled down at Catrina red faced and feathers wriggling excitedly. "Kitty. Ah-....I want ye to run away with me."
Catrina gasped and the mayor's jaw dropped. "WHAT?!"
"AYE!! I love 'er too much to see her be unhappy in the arms of some wild hooligan fancy coat wearing peckneck! Ah want her happiness!"
"And I want that too!" She held onto him tighter and looked at the mayor. "Didn't ya'll say you'd wish things were different? Well this is my chance! We can be happy together!"
The mayor didn't look so sure. "Catrina....*sigh* Even if you two did run away, how long would it be until they caught you and brought you back? You'd be a fugitive of the law! A bad guy! Your father's reputation would be ruined and w-what about the deal with your fiancé?"
"No one would have to know I left. Let them think I was kidnapped to spare my father." Her grip around him increased, "But I would rather spend jail with him than a high society life with a stranger for the rest of my life. Ms. Mayor. Please, if you have a heart, then let this be our way to a new life together. Of happiness and love. Let us chose who we want to be in love with and not force us apart for sake of money or riches."
The mayor hesitated. Looking between her and the bandit who had caught her heart before sighing and crossing her arms. "Are you sure you can be happy with a life on the run with a bandit who did crimes?"
"Absolutely!," she didn't hesitate to say so.
The mayor eyed her beloved. "And how can I know you would be kind and good to her?"
"I came her and risked me life being caught to ask her to run away with me. I'd give up my entire life of crrrrime for me lass.~"
.......With another sigh she asked. "Alright. And what if you're caught? They'll just make her come back and get married again."
"Not if she marries me first!"
Both ladies looked at him as Catrina blinked sparkly eyed. "R-Runner. W-What are you saying?"
He smiled taking her hand in his. "Ah'm sayin'. I want ye ta marry me, Lass."
Her eyes widened even more to the point she looked like she might cry. "YES!!" She threw her arms around him. "YES I WILL!!"
"And how are you two supposed to do that exactly?"
The bandit looked at her with a sly smile. "Why did ye think aye asked ye to stay behind? You'rrrre an official with thee power to wed us. Do it an we would never have to worry 'bout that fear eva again."
The mayor looked at him obviously taken aback. "Now why would I agree to something as brash at this?"
"So no one would be able to take her frrrreedom away from 'er if we do get caught." His feathers along his head twitched to the left and he looked towards the door. "....We nay got much time beforrrre security arrive and stop us."
.....The mayor sighed. "Alright. I'll do it. But I don't supposed you've got a plan."
His jagged maw stretched up in a very wide smirk as he did. "Jus' do exactly as I saw."
The pike connecting the last train car to the rest of the other was being pulled away from the bandit as the Mayor was speaking the normal needed things one would say to a couple being wed, standing on the doorsteps leading to the second to last car train as the bandit worked, the door jammed and locked behind her. Both stopped and looked up when rapid banging noises came from it. No doubt the train's security coming to stop the bandit after the crowd of scared owls went flocking in. It sounded like the door would break down any moment, so the bandit in creased the strength of his pulling and the mayor hurried up with her speech sweating like one of those drive through weddings in Las Owls.
"Catrina, do you say I do?!" She spat out pushing her long blonde hair away from her face.
"YES!!," the cat called back from the dislodged train car.
"And I don't suppose you do too?!"
With another pull, the clamp connecting the two train cars finally came apart and the bandit fell back into the disconnected car as is pulled away from the rest of the train.
the mayor shouted just as the door behind her opened and two owls in police uniforms stood there with glares. One shook a fist at the bandit as he stood and placed one arm around Catrina as the two watched from the doorway as they got farther away.
The bandit cackled and took off his hat to wave goodbye to them all. Catrina pressing a kiss to his cheek making him freeze and blossom into a bright red as the train car got farther and farther away on the track as they became a tiny speck on the desert surrounding them.
The crowd of penguins and owls erupted in cheers, whistles, and claps as they applauded the end of the movie as the credits rolled. It said things as they all rolled past like Conductor as Road Runner. Cooking cat as Catrina. Muriel as The Mayor. Express Owls as Extras. Directed by Conductor. Script Writer Conductor. So on and so forth.
 "Alright everybody! Let's give a big round of applause for Mr. Conductor's fabulous movie and all the people who helped him work on it!" Another small round of applause came from the crowd and died down as she continued talking. "Thank you for that marvelous showing! I'm sure we can agree that the original ideas you always bring us was outdone this year! Alright everyone. While the judges make their final notes on the movie, it's my pleasure to introduce to you this year's other nomination. You know him for his groovy and out of this world performances, please welcome DJ Grooves's Starella: Live On Stage. Based on the widely popular childrens' book, Starella written by our very own guest judge, Pen Gwen."
The audience quieted down again and the judges readied a new piece of paper to judge the next show as the screen counted down again and Mr. Grooves's play was played. Muriel paid very close attention to her favorite story book coming to life and Cookie chuckled at the sight of her. While the play wasn't as flashy as his usual works, it was cute and easy to follow, and followed the storybook to a T. 
The crowd's cheering died down as the lights lit up the stage again and the same lady owl came back on as the screen went back to it's regular white. "Wow! Wasn't that lovely? Who'd have thought we'd get a forbidden love story and a play straight out of a fairytale all in one night? Let's have a round of applause for Mr. DJ Grooves and his wonderful staff for bringing us that lovely treat, eh?" A small round of clapping ensued. "Thank you to all the contestants today for such a lovely performance by both teams, but as we know there can only be one winner of the Annual Bird Movie Awards this year. While the judges go over their notes and decide who shall be this year's pick, please exit back into the main lobby to your right as they do where we'll be doing some live interviews with the cast and people behind this year's movies and see what they have to say. Please throw away any wrappings and leftover garbage into the trash bins on your way out."
Everyone began piling out and with Muriel being hungry they joined in although the Conductor was quickly spotted out to be interviewed by a camera crew. He paused looking back at Cookie who nodded.
"Go right ahead. We'll jus' be gettin' food."
So they left him to be interviewed. They were away for a little while. Got in line to grab some food when they were spotted by Poppy and her small crew of lady friends. So together the group of six girls waited in line and got their food and talked complimenting each other on their roles in the movies and eating away. A couple fans recognized her from her cooking show and she was happy to sign some autographs for fans. They also ran into Mr. Grooves for a little bit. They were just talking when the announcement happened.
"ATTENTION EVERYONE!!" A loud voice boomed out and everyone looked over to the same owl lady that was previously talking to Conductor a little while ago. She stood in the middle of the room with both cameras on her, the judges behind her, and an owl holding a shiny gold trophy gleaming in their arms. "The judges have decided after much careful planning and the winner is about to be announced!" The room clambered with happy excitement as well as the small group and Mr. Grooves immediately laser focused on her as she looked to one of the judges. This was it. Oh boy this was it. Her heart beat picked up as did her breathing, her forehead sweating a bit as the owl lady was handed a piece of paper by one of the judges. She brought it to her face to read it. "And the winner of the 500th Annual Bird Movie Awards Ceremony is-........" She smiled and suddenly pointed somewhere away from her. "CONDUCTOR!!" The cackling bird walked up to the owl lady as the took the trophy from the other owl and handed it to Conductor who happily took it with a wide smile and shook her hand when she offered her wing. The crowd around them cheering as they did. "Congratulations, Mr. Conductor on your fabulous win!! Is there anything you'd like to say to the folks watching this success?" She offered the mic to him.
"Ahehehe!! Aye couldn't have done it without me lassie!! Not that I didn't think I wouldn't win, cuz who didn't?", he said smugly to the camera and she nodded before turning back to the cameras.
"Well this has been a rather exciting and eventful evening with lots of wonderful acting and talent. While the winner celebrates his victory, we'll go for a small commercial break. Stay tuned because it's not over yet. Later we'll have live interviews with the staff and actors behind the scenes of the movies tonight along with the judges and Mr. Grooves about how he's taking the loss of this year. Stay tuned for all the exciting bonus behind the scenes content as well. Expect a word from our sponsor and even a secret interview with our special guest judge about their books and upcoming series. See you all back after the break." She made a cutting motion with her hand and the cameras were lowered from her.
Oh no. Poor Mr. Grooves. He looked so heart broken after it was announced that he lost but one more surprise awaited him. Mr. Grooves was offered a deal with the book writing for a whole movie series based off his books! She was so happy for him. The rest of the night was a bit exhausting. She signed more autographs, ate, gave a small interview, and then met with Mr. Grooves to catch up and all that. She remembered the girls caught up with her to say good bye before disappearing as well. Cookie met back up with Conductor once Muriel started yawning and rubbing her eyes to take them back to the train. Wasn't hard to find him gloating in the corner holding a shiny golden trophy in his arms but he did stop to lead them back to the train trophy in one arm while Cookie held the other. Muriel immediately collapsed tiredly into one of the seats as the old bird took a moment to talk to Cookie before starting the train back up to take them back to Express Town.
He smiled red faced free hand fiddling with his collar. "I-I can't thank ye enough, Lassie. Ahehe. Ye did a fine job."
"Oh you flatterer. I'm sure you would've won anyways even if I didn't help you. Your movie was delightful!"
He hummed nodding for a moment before looking to the side....he quietly mumbled something to himself Cookie couldn't hear before he looked back at her with a nervous grin face a deeper shade of red. "A-Ah still want ta make it up as promised."
"Oh. You don't really have to do that. I was happy to help."
"N-Nah! Ye wouldn't even accept bein' prrrop-perly paid! Ti-Ti-Tis the l-least I could do for ya, Lass! I um...." She rose a brow tilting her head at him. "*a-ahem* W-W-Wot I mean to say is uh...Hmmmm." His feathers suddenly puffed up making her blink before he just shouted it out. "WOULD YE LIKE T-TA JOIN MESELF FOR SOME DINNER NEXT WEDNESDAY MAH TREAT!?"
Cookie stared at him in shock from the sudden loud yell, and Muriel stirred in her sleep from where she was laying but didn't wake up. Guess growing up in a loud town like Mafia Town made her used to sleeping through loud noises. Conductor stood there lightly shaking, red faced, gripping tightly to the trophy, feathers puffed up, and felt a bead of sweat running down his face the longer she stared at him silently....before she smiled.
"Sure. I'd love to!"
She leaned closer eyes sparkling and Conductor felt himself become redder. "I-I-I said ah'd LOVE ta have dinner with you! That is...I-If ya don't mind-"
"I NAH MIND!!," he shouted flustered gulping, "A-AYE CAN PICK YE UP AT SEVEN IF YE LIKES!?"
"Seven sounds great. Of c-c-course I'll have ta find a sitter for Muriel, b-but I can totally make this work!"
"YES! GOOD!! AYE!!" He turned on his heel feathers so poofy now that it looked like he had bad static shock. "I-I BETTERRRR GET ME B-BABY GOIN'!! W-WE'LL BE BACK AT S-SUNRISE!!"
"H-huh? OH! Yes. R-Right..G-Good idea!"
It wasn't until much later did she realize that the date set for their dinner was Cupid's Day....And she agreed to a DATE! A DATE!! WITH CONDUCTOR!! Hoo boy. She better find a babysitter and FAST!!
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Love Is For Bloomin' Pecknecks! Ch1 First Crush
How could someone so sour fall for someone so sweet? Or is this all just a bittersweet punishment for an old Peckneck like himself?
(Contains Cooking Cat x Conductor)
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(A side story that takes place at the same time as A Bloom In Time and is a part of the Bloomverse A Hat In Time series. I headcannon Mustache Girl's real name as Muriel for this story. No Characters are mine and all belongs to GearsForBreakfast. Coverart done by Monster-Mon on Tumblr.)
She was always a different cat from the rest of the litter.
Welcome to Nyakuza Metro where the blinding lights would bedazzle you and blind you from thievery that would take place there. Giving the city a bad rep. Giving CATS a bad rep. Fur as black as night. Claws all sharp. Faces constantly hidden behind masks. Every single cat the same except for one place. Welcome to Alpine Skyline Mountains. Where the cats were tan, wore more masks,....and were still thieves honing the mastery of cloaking magic to disappear without a trace after they nabbed your things. Thieves. Thieves. THIEVES!!! All thieves. The planet of Subcon knew of Nyakuzians and their kind. Thus after countless years of thievery and bad reputations a stigma was born. All cats were untrustworthy no matter which corner of the planet they came from. So cats were not to be trusted. And you either followed the crowd or were labeled an outsider. But what happened when one was born an outsider? Well...I guess you would get her. From the moment she was born she knew she was different. For one her fur was not a correct color at all. No. A natural born Nyakuzian who wasn't born with ink black fur. Not one spot of dark midnight on her whole body. She didn't even have the tan-brown fur of their Alpine cousins! Her fur color was all...Wrong. Orange. Bright orange with darker orange spots all over herself. A giant thumb sticking out among the crowds but oho it got better. She never wanted to take part in anything her kind had to offer. Thieving was just..Just..Wrong. And it rubbed her in all the wrong ways. She had gotten a few things of her own swiped by other cats who didn't like her being so different and picked her out of the crowd because of her unusual look and personality. It felt so bad when her things and money were taken. Why would anyone chose to actively do that? But there was one thing about the city that called to her. The cooking. The tantalizing aromas wafting through the air, the way the food melted in your mouth. She was a natural the first time she tried and passed Nyakuza City School Of Cooking like a breeze! Even made up a catching name for herself. Now she could do something that made her happy right!?...Right? Wrong. No one cared if she made new dishes, they never ate them. No cafe would hire her because of her unusualness so she was without a job. What was the use of a cooking degree if no one would eat your cooking or hire her to cook? Eventually she did get a job in one of the many, many, many fast food trucks around the metro and every single one sold the very same dishes. And the rules absolutely forbid anything new. No one would eat it anyways. Too different...Like her. She could lose her only job so she went with it. At least she'd still be working with food like she always wanted right? It would be good to fit in where she could right? That's how it was for a very long time. Get up, go to work, make the same food like everyone else, and then go home to repeat the same process the same day. This was her life...Until one day she saw it. One late night commercial on TV that filled her with newfound hope.
Mafia Town!!
A town of humans that lived halfway across the world. AND THAT WERE ALL COOKS!! A cooking town!! It was perfect! With her skills she could easily get a job there as a chief just like she always wanted! Or so she thought. She spent weeks saving every pon and penny she could get her paws on. Careful to not let others know how much she had or to let thieves get close to her. Then after so much time of saving she finally had enough to leave the metro forever. She grabbed her things and quite her job immediately fleeing the city entirely. Moving all the way across the planet until reaching Mafia Town and it-.....It wasn't as good as she thought. IT! WAS! WORSE! Everything was so chaotic. So unfinished. So...Wrong. She was barely able to find a complete house to call her own before being able to settle in. Ok. Now it was time to talk to the boss. She went right up to the head honcho. The Mafia Boss! Wearing her professional chef attire to make her intentions clear to the red jacketed man. She said she wanted a job in his kitchen and that she was a great cook and promised to work hard. She was hired immediately! Just like that! He said she'd make an excellent addition to his kitchen! She was so excited that she barely slept that night and started her job first thing in the morning! .....WHAT THE PECK WAS THIS!? THE KITCHEN WAS FILTHY!! ABSOLUTELY FILTHY!! So filthy a grey haze covered the entire room. Dirty dishes everywhere. Red liquid oozed out of the fridges. Sticky messes all over the floors and counters. And many spots on the ceiling and walls black from multiple kitchen fires. A foul smell in the air a mix between rotten and burnt roods. It was...It was...HORRIBLE!! How was she supposed to cook in these conditions!?...Oh. She wasn't cooking? They only hired her because she was a cat and thus could help with their..rat...problems.....She was heartbroken upon hearing those words. Devastated even. They only hired her on the basis she was a cat and she didn't even LIKE rats. All the way here spending her entire savings...for nothing!! ...Wait. Maybe not nothing. An idea struck her. She followed the rules last time. But maybe if she cooked and she proved herself a worthy cook she'd finally be able to make a name for herself! But how? I know! The Mafia were terrible cooks but if she helped them then she'd be doing a good deed as well as doing her passion! It was perfect. So that's what she did. Finding a place in the rafters and stealing ingredients to cook before sneakily replacing them with the Mafia's dishes before the waiter mafia took them to the awaiting guests of the casino. No one ever suspected it and the rats left her alone since she left them well enough alone as well. It was a good operation! She was cooking SO SO many different foods making her heart feel full. Got used to life in the crazy town as well learning quickly about the young blonde girl who ran around to avenge her old home. She sometimes even got glimpses of her but they had never ever interacted directly. And then the little alien came along with the end of her career. She was just in the rafters one day when small footsteps approached her.
"What are you doing?"
"AH!! Oh Goodness!" She had cried out and swung around only to find a small girl somewhere between the ages of seven to nine and wearing a purple tophat staring back at her curiously. What the- "Oh my. You gave me such a fright. What are you doing all the way up 'ere? Did you lose your parents?"
And the little girl shook her head. "Nope. What are you doing?"
"Oh...W-Well don't tell noone but I'm fixin' these here dishes."
"The Mafia are terrible at cooking. But fear not. Cooking Cat is here! I prepare the actual dinner up here and swap the food before anybody eats the Mafia's cookin'. I'm fairly certain someone would die if they ate the Mafia prepared food."
And then she left right after like nothing happened taking a random bucket of lobsters with her. Strange. Hope that little girl made it home to her parents ok. It was only after her work that day did she find out who that little girl actually was. THE ALIEN!! The alien everyone had been talking about!! Funny. She didn't look anything like aliens were supposed to look like. No antennas or green skin or stubby legs or anything. Then she got to wondering...What were aliens like? Which lead to the questions about their kitchens and well...Curiosity killed the cat as they say. Her curiosity was too much to handle. She just had to see it for herself, but how? She knew it was wrong but she ended up 'borrowing' a moon transporter from a moon penguin guests who happened to try the famous 'mafia' cooking leaving a note she'd return it right away. This thing could teleport them to the moon city and back and on any transport ships they rode on too, so logically that also meant it could work to transport her to the alien ship too right? Well it worked, when she aimed it at the alien ship floating in the sky and pressed the button on the wristwatch like device. The feeling of being suddenly transported was weird for sure and she ended up crashlanding in the CUTEST alien spaceship she'd ever seen. She spent time looking around the place and the vacuum cleaner before finding the kitchen. It was....surprisingly rather simple. Plain oven, sink, fridge- Everything. It wasn't any different from a small apartment's kitchen. None the less her curiosity still got the better of her and she ended up staying for so long the little alien came back. Cookie had froze seeing the small alien in the doorway probably coming to investigate the sounds of her rummaging around in her kitchen but she didn't look angry. More confused.
"What a lovely spaceship you've got here! Sorry for the break and enterin'. I just wanted to see what an alien ship was like. Y'know I expected aliens to be more green and probably with a thirst for flesh. But I guess you aliens come in all shapes and sizes huh?"
After that the two spoke for a little bit before she felt like she was overstaying her welcome and left but what she ended up coming back to wasn't a pretty sight. Her boss was...now a talking jar with a hat? And the moon penguin guest was not happy to see her either. She was made to give back the angry guest's watch which was fair she had stolen it which she'd own up to but she left a note and she was fully intending on returning it. She was called a thief (again stung but she deserved that one) and was fired for 'conspiring with an alien' which was the worst part because she was NOT conspiring. She just wanted to see an alien kitchen. But her sayings fell on deaf ears and she was promptly kicked out. Sadly she did leave all the way back to her home where she sadly found herself back at square one. No job. No cooking. Nothing. All her hard work had once again been undone again because those thieves wouldn't even hear her out. She could own up to taking the watch but what would she even conspire with an alien about? Recipes? New cooking tips? These Mafia guys were too stubborn and not bright enough. She saw the alien a few more times before she disappeared. Next thing she knew the world shifted and she was in a nightmare of lava and traps thanks to those magic alien hourglasses and the blonde child was the one responsible trying to judge all the 'bad guys'. Which was absurd since she wasn't a bad guy. She stole one thing once but she owned up to that and apologized and vowed to never do something like that again. When the two girls were fighting she yelled at the blonde girl to get lost along with many other folks and the world was back to it's regular old self in no time. She found herself back in her old home in Mafia Town and the little alien gone. Life had gone back to it's sad normal self. She had to get out of here. She had enough to get out of town, didn't have a whole lot of belongings so she could just pack up easily and leave. But where would she go? One place caught her attention. Express Town. You could get there by a train that was just outside Mafia Town. They were always needing new hires she heard. Full of Express Owls but compared to the Mafia and the Nyakuzians she would rather take her chance with a bunch of birds. What she wasn't expecting was picking up another passenger to add to her life. And it all started one rainy night when it was near time to depart-
A drip. A drop. A sprinkle. The water gently pouring down from the dark sky had started a little more than an hour ago, thunder and lightning waking him up every while due to his anxiety acting up to loud booming noises reminding her of some of the cannons and explosions that these mafia guys did on a daily basis. Unfortunately she DIDN'T like the rain too much. Especially being a cat and all that. Water was just not her thing. She still forced herself to take baths and use water for lots of her recipes, and she drank it of course. Gotta keep your self hydrated and healthy after all. But it didn't mean she had to enjoy it of course. Speaking of Mafia. Mafia Town was pretty much a deserted ghost town at the moment, only a few Mafia guys working this time of day as it got dark and the storm still wore on. Her feet patting against the wet pavement while her umbrella and raincoat kept the rain off her. Note to self. Get a pair of rainboots when she finally got out of here. Which would be soon. Three days in fact. After getting fired from her job for 'conspiracy with the kid in the hat alien girl' and missing her opportunity for working on that cruise ship, a miracle happened in the form of a famous director Penguin showing up on her doorstep with the proposition of working for his studios and having her own Cooking Show!! It was a DREAM COME TRUE!! And it was all thanks to that lil alien gal who just happened to mention her to him. ...Maybe it was fate anyways. She didn't feel like a cruise ship on water would've been a good place for her considering her aversion to water, and it ended up sinking anyways. So this was a great chance! A dream she had ever since she was a kitten! She had practically all her belongings all ready to go for the moving team in two days on that weekend to take the train out of town and to Express City where the famous Dead Bird Studios were. Where many a movies and shows were filmed. Soon she'd be out of this terrible place and soon start her own life away from this awful awful town. But for now she just wanted to get back to the comfort of her still soon-not-to-be home and cook up this delicious food she bought from the Mafia Town marketplace. The plastic bag in her hand was starting to get heavy the more she carried it walking along as the sound of raindrops hitting the earth and thunder shook the sky along with the occasional lightning. ...Gosh this just made her glad she didn't have to live here or have her job here anymore further. The Mafia headquarters where she USED to work was all the way on the other side of town and it was always such a long distance away from her home which was on the edge of town and near the train station. Made things easier to do when she moved at least.
She was almost home too. Just had to cross this bridge and walk along this road towards the back of Mafia Town and her home would be the first one you'd come across. She was hungry and could already taste the mouth watering cheesy fish steaks she could whip up. However it was when she was coming to the end of the bridge did she hear something. Being a cat meant she had extraordinary hearing so being able to hear things before she saw them wasn't usually a big deal, but what WAS was the kind of noise it actually was. Sniffles. crying. Small chokes, sobs, and hiccups. And in a young girl's sounding voice too. That's what made her pause. What was...that? Standing there in the rain the cat blinked for a moment shocked at what she was hearing before turning her head about and looking around. No one was on the bridge with her, and surely a grown Mafia Man wouldn't have sounded as young or as high pitched as these sobs were. ..And this was the first time she ever heard such a thing like this when crossing this bridge multiple times. So where as it coming from?...She paused. An ear flicking towards the end of the bridge where she was heading and she slowly turned to it. The sounds were coming from there amongst the rain and thunder and lightning. She stood there silently for the longest time before she slowly started her way forward. Her feet making small PLAP sounds with each step as she approached. The noises getting louder and louder before she reached the end of the bridge and looked over. And blinked again when noticing a small orange-yellow light coming from under the bridge. Was it some kind of troll? She wouldn't doubt it since meeting an alien and a ghost a couple times on her ship. Eventually the curiosity of the sounds got the better of her and she carefully descended down the small hill to look beneath the bridge. And what she saw made her yellow eyes widen. It was a little girl! But not just any little girl. OH NO!! One she definitely recognized all too well in fact.
It was that trouble making no good Mustache Girl as she liked to call herself and sprayed graffiti everywhere. Mostly art of making fun of the Mafia which she didn't mind too much as she wasn't the fondest person either, but what she had DONE to the world in that weird pocket dimension of lava and chaos still sent shivers through her fur. In fact she shivered just from the memory of it. Having been so angry enough she actually joined the crowd in wanting her to "Get Lost!" and return to her normal life of cooking. And she thought she had. In fact...She hasn't seen hide or tail of Mustache Girl since the whole time and space incident nearly a year ago now. In fact she hadn't even given it much of a second though too focused on her own string of bad luck in losing her job, missing her opportunity of her second job, and afraid she might've had to move back to Nyakuza City and settle for just being a plain chef in one of those cheap food vending vans. At least with that plan she would've still got to cook for a living. And focusing on her good luck with the new job and stresses of moving. Her life had been so busy she barely even remembered the girl before her...Well to be far she hadn't known much of her since moving to Mafia Town either and getting a job working at Mafia Headquarters. She'd sometimes she Mustache Girl causing trouble for the Mafia or running past her escaping or sometimes overhearing the Mafia grumble and complain about her a LOT while she was working. But the time incident might've been the first time she ever spoke to her despite chanting "Get lost!" in a crowd and only two times had she really come face to face with her. Then in the crowd and no just standing one or two yards away from the girl. She was huddled knees up to her chest and arms hugging her legs as she buried her face into her legs making those crying sounds she had heard earlier, her blonde hair tied in two ponytails on each side of her head. She learnt what was making that light at least. A small pathetic fire built just a couple feet away from the girl, why you couldn't have even roasted a marshmallow on it if you tried....She blinked and shook her head. About to turn now. Didn't matter. Best not get involved with someone who nearly destroyed the whole world for some hero complex. If she wasn't careful she might've come after her next for used to work for the Mafia. ...And yet. She couldn't get herself to turn around fully. Staring at the crying girl still as she sniffled....And yet. She WAS still just a child after all. What was she doing here all by herself without anyone to look after her? Well, she guessed Mustache Girl must've felt eyes on her because after a moment the sniffling stopped. And in an instant her head was snapped up and towards the direction of the cat. Yellow eyes met other yellow eyes as the two stared at one another for a long moment. Her eyes widening seeing her face. Pink and puffy from crying so much as a few tears still fell down her face. They continued to stare at one another before with a tilt of her head she decided to speak.
"Oh, uh. Sorry if Ah disturbed you any," the cat apologized shrugging her shoulders. "I was curious 'bout the noise is all."
the girl then gained a scowl before wiping at her face. Ok. Guess she wasn't the talkative kind. "W-Who are you?"
"Mah name's Cookie! What's yours?"
"Why should I tell you that? *sniff* You could be a bad guy!"
"Hm. That's a fair enough answer."..Taking a pause Cookie rose a brow and took another look around the cold and rainy place. Under a bridge was no place for a child. "But what's a lil girl like you doing under this drafty old bridge? It's all chilly." And that was putting it lightly.
She frowned more and turned her face away. "It's n-none of YOUR business! Why don't you mind your own business?"
Both were interrupted by a growling noise. Cookie blinked at the noise of a grumbling stomach and the girl shifted embarrassed more away from her. Slowly she held out her paw towards her. "Good gracious. Was that you're stomach a grumblin' away like that? It sounds like you haven't had a good meal in a while." Looked like it too by the looks of her. Mustache Girl's attention was gained back towards Cookie when the cat held up the bag and shook it making the contents rattle inside. "Say. I've got a great idea! I was just headin' home myself and cook up a delicious meal. Why don'tcha come along and I'll make ya something great ta eat?"
The girl stared at the bag for a big smacking her lips...before frowning again and giving her a suspicious look. "Ha! I wasn't born yesterday y'know. How do I know this isn't some kind of trick? Huh? Why would I go with you?" Her stomach growling a second time answered her making Cookie chuckled a bit.
True. Maybe it was a dangerous or even stupid idea, but...She couldn't just leave a little girl like this all cold and hungry and she'd obviously been crying. And despite what had happened...Giving her a hot meal to cheer her up wouldn't hurt a bit would it? "Come on. I'll whip you up a nice hot meal and you can get out of the rain for a bit. Alright?"
She continued to stare at the cat for a long moment before sighing and standing up. "Fine. But don't try anything! I can spot a bad guy a mile away!"
For better or for worst, Cookie lead her the rest of the way back to her home. But not before making sure to safely put out that fire under the bridge and Giving the little girl her umbrella to help keep the rain off her. Sure she hated the rain hitting her raincoat, but she wasn't about to let this poor hungry girl get all soaked and wet. Well...maybe not poor as she did try to destroy the world once, but right now...Cookie had a feeling she was back to being nothing more than another little girl just as much as that little alien and her friend was. And she couldn't just let a little girl be left all by her lonesome here of all places hungry and in the rain. Mustache Girl side eyeing her suspiciously all the way but she couldn't blame her. This was a sudden choice after all. She blamed it on the motherly cat instinct in her for this 'kitten'. It wasn't long before they arrived back at her home soon to be not home and she followed Cookie inside. Blinking and looking around at all the boxes and packed up things around her.
"I do apologize for the mess," Cookie explained closing the door and going to take her raincoat off, "But Ah'm in the middle of moving you see. So things are gonna be a bit unorganized. Why don't you go sit down and warm up while I get to cooking." Cookie paused as she walked past her, and now noticed how dirty and scraped up the child was now that she had a chance to look her over. "....But first I think you'd better do what everyone does before dinner and go wash up."
"Wash up?"
"Yes. Fully. As in a bath."
"You can't tell me what to do!," she pouted crossing her arms, "And you can't make me take a bath!"
"Hmm. Maybe not but I can control whether or not I give you food if you don't."
She continued pouting for a moment before her stomach grumbled again and she groaned. "UGH! FINE!! But this better not be some trick to fool me into lowering my guard! I should warn you I'm highly strong!"
"Dear the only 'highly strong' thing about you is your oder."
Not paying attention to her protest, Cookie turned around and started walking away. "Follow me. I'll show you where the bathroom is, and I think I have an outfit that'll fit ya. No way you're wearing those dirty clothes."
Cookie had showed her where the bathroom was and had gifted her an old set of pjs for her to use. They were about the same height so even if they don't fit exactly, they should work in a pinch. As the girl went to bath she went back to the kitchen and set to work. Washing her paws, descaling and deboning the fish, chopping it into pieces, throwing a pan on the stove and turning it on, and starting to throw the fish fillets onto the pan. The fish sizzling inside with the oil and spices and herbs she threw in along the way. Her hard work shown in the delicious smells wafting through the air. Having so much experience cooking meant she could do it pretty fast and get dishes done in record time. Infact during that time, Mustache Girl came walking back in hair down all wet from the bath she took following the smell of food. Cookie caught her out of the corner of her eye and smiled her way.
"Ah! You got here just in time! The fillets are almost done, so you can just sit at the table while you wait. Ok Sugah?" She did as she was told slowly walking over to the chairs and table and climbing into one as the cat continued to cook away at the stove made specifically to her hieght. Sizzling sounds coming from the pan. About twenty minutes later Cookie had put two things on plates and decorated with some veggies on the side before grabbing them and with a smile turned and walked on over to the table. "Here we go. Hope you don't mind fish." She placed the plate right in front of her and noticed the blonde mustache he had previously was gone. Must've been a fake one to make her look tougher she guessed.
She looked to it hungrily and smacked her lips seeing it but still weary. "....What is it?"
"Cheesy fish fillet and some mixed veggies. A recipe I picked up in Nyakuza. Might not be everyone's taste but it's one of my favorite dishes." She stared at it for a little while before reaching out to prod it with the fork provided for her. Before finally taking a piece of it and sticking it into her mouth.....Her golden eyes widened to the size of plates. And she greedily began to dig in. Cookie blinked for a moment watching her scarf it down like her last meal before chuckling. Guess living on the streets meant she hadn't eaten a proper meal in a while. "Guess you were hungry. Slow down. You'll choke on your food. If you're really that hungry I'll give you seconds." And she did. After finishing her own plate she offered her own to the girl who eagerly took that one as well but ate it at a slower place. "You certainly do have a healthy appetite. Your mother must have a handful feeding you."
The girl paused for a moment mid bite....before slowly lowering her fork and giving her plate a frown. ".........I don't ...have parents."
Cookie blinked. Smile completely wiped from her face as she did. No ...parents? "Ya don't have any folks?" She shook her head no again to her question. That...would explain a LOT actually. "Then where's your other family? Surely there must've been somebody."
"Yeah.....Used to be. My grandpa before the Mafia came." She glared at her plate and ended her sentence by stabbing her fork down into the fish.
"Well where is he now?" She again paused.....before shaking her head. And Cookie had a good idea of what that could mean. Before the Mafia came huh? If that's the case she must've been on her own since a very young age, and she was still pretty young. GOODNESS GRACIOUS!! How long has this been going on!? "Goodness gracious." She looked to Cookie when the older cat put a paw on her shoulder with a look of pity...And guilt from even thinking bad about her. Doesn't excuse her misdeeds, but she didn't have anyone to guide her in life so no wonder she went a bit wild. "Sugar, I'm so sorry. I had no idea."
...After a moment she frowned again. "It's fine. I'm used to it by now. I thought I could get my town back from the Mafia if I tried hard enough, but it didn't work and now everyone hates me."
"Oh sweetie that's not true. I don't hate you. You're just a little girl." She patted her head much to the girl's surprise. Maybe she DID not like her too much before. But she couldn't say that now. "People make mistakes growing up. That's how we learn."
"......Hey. Why are you being so nice to me anyways? Don't you hate me too for the whole...eh...World domination thing happening?"
Well yes maybe she was still salty about that but this was hardly the time to argue. So instead Cookie smiled. "Because you're just a little girl in a bad town. I don't expect you to be perfect, no one is. In fact this town's the reason I'm moving away."
This seemed to catch her attention as she blinked. "You can do that?"
She chuckled. "Of course. If I'm unhappy where I am I can move somewhere that makes me feel better. I did it before." She looked around at some more boxes. "In two days I'll be out of here on a train."
"Oh wow. I....Hadn't thought of that...Maybe somewhere else can use a hero too?"
She chuckled. "Maybe."......She slowly looked back to her. "Hey, Sweetie. If it's not too personal can I ask you something?" She blinked at Cookie but nodded. "Do you have anyone special here or a home?" .....She shook her head no again. "Then why stay here? You can come with me on the train."
"What?," the little girl asked wide eyed.
"Why not? I don't have anyone to ride it with, and I don't think staying here would be good for either of us. You don't have to say yes, and I'll respect you if you say no of course. Just thought I'd extend a friendly offer to a little girl who needs a hand."
They...continued to stare at one another in the silence other than the rain beating down on the roof...before eventually the girl looked down to her plate with a hum. "Eh. I'll think about it. No promises though."
Cookie chuckled before patting her head again and turning to the doorway. "Well you think about it then while I wash those old clothes of yours. You're free to spend the night on the couch, wouldn't want you caught up in the rain. I can't guarantee it's as comfy as a bed but it's probably a lot better than a rock." She stopped in the doorway all of a sudden before turning. "Oh. By the way. I don't think I caught your name. I don't really think it's 'Mustache Girl', so can you tell me what it really is?"
The girl stared at her STUNNED. As if no one had even given her the time of day to even think to ask that of her. After another silent moment she turned her face back to the food. And mumbled out one word no human could hear under her breath but thanks to her good hearing she heard her speak it. "Muriel."
...Cookie smiled. "Well, Muriel. I believe it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Surprisingly the little girl hadn't ran away the next morning and Cookie smiled seeing her trudge into the kitchen groggy for breakfast she was happy to cook for her. My my. And without the obviously FAKE mustache glued to her face. As promised she had washed and repaired the little girl's clothes from before and while Muriel was suspicious still, she seemed to mellow out around the calm kitty. Especially since she was keeping her belly full and head out of the rain. When two days had gone by and she was ready to leave she found Muriel right behind her. And more so the little girl who was no older than the alien held her paw the whole time and head down to keep from being noticed. The poor dear. Well long story short they both made it onto the train and out of Mafia Town thank GOODNESS. Although the train ride all the way there to a western like town in the middle of the desert with a giant movie studios around it. There were a couple businesses surrounding the studios along with housing and lots of birds living there. By some miracle of luck Cookie had enough money to afford a small house where they stayed and found some odd and end jobs to keep them afloat during the duration of the time before the small alien came back and she was excited to see the small youngster again. Enough to buy a teleport watch this time and go see her. And thus the next stage of her life began. She would visit the little aliens often. Finding them more and more adorable and became a somewhat mother figure to them, making and leaving them food, maybe tidying up a bit for them, and sometimes she'd even bring Muriel. Bow was the first one to fully forgive her bless her heart but Hattie needed more time. Now they got to the stage where they were more frenemies but it was better than full on hating each other and (after hearing the whole story) she had a very long talk with Muriel and had her apologize to them both and promise she'd never take another time piece again. Small but it was a start. She also met the girls' 'Not' BFF. A ghost. An honest to Subcon sixteen foot purple noodle like ghost. Sometimes he was there reading a book and waiting for the two to show up from wherever they went and she would say hi but that was it. But the strangest thing was that he always stole the bacon she brought whenever she tried to cook a dish with it on the ship. Annoyed her to bits but she didn't feel like dealing with a ghost on top of her other problems. Which was finding a job. She did manage to find ONE which was around the time the two girls came back. A cook on a cruise ship who desperately needed one. One call with the number presented in the ad and she had gotten the job! Ecstatic she packed and prepared for Muriel to be watched in that time but tragedy struck before she could even leave for her new job. It was all over the news and everything. The ship went down on it's last cruise. Which left her without a job. Again. Now what were they gonna do? Days went by and she'd still visit the little aliens and cook for them, sometimes she'd even see them around the town and Studios. She must've let it slip that she was having hardships because she'll never forget how that little alien helped her out. One day she was just minding her own business when there was a knock at the door and of course she opened it. Standing on the other side was none other than a moon penguin but not any penguin she'd ever seen before. He looked flashy with big sunglasses and shiny clothes and afro haircut.
"Good Evenin', Darling!," he spoke in a loud and boisterous but happy tone, "I am looking for a fabulous Ms. Cookie. Might the lady of the house be in?"
"Oh. That would be me."
"Excellent! Mind if I come in?"
"Oh. Sure. Have a seat over there."
Muriel and herself was confused as to why a moon penguin was here of all places. The bird made himself at home and introduced himself has Mr. DJ Grooves. ONE OF THE DIRECTORS AT DEAD BIRD STUDIOS!! And he heard from a little alien that cooking was one pecking good cook. He needed a side gig as he called it to help wrack in views and sales. Something simple yet practical. Friendly for all ages. And a cooking show like the little alien suggested was EXACTLY what he needed! It..It must've been some trick right?..Wrong! Mr. Grooves was as serious as a Mafia was stubborn and he happily accepted. The inside of the studios was amazing! She'd never seen so many penguins and props all in one place and the kitchen area set up for her had EVERYTHING she needed! Her heart was back to being happy! Although she was a little nervous to be explaining her recipes and talking to the camera her persistence came through. the show...WAS. A. HIT! Not at first. After five episodes, one per week, she had a few penguins and owls complimenting her for her excellent recipe on birdseed pancakes and her creative use on using no eggs. Which eventually grew into a whole fanbase world wide. Mr. Grooves couldn't be happier either. He never treated her any different than a penguin because she was a cat and seemed ok around Muriel, he was the kindest boss she could ever ask for. Everything was going great. She even got to set up her own small Nyakuzian themed restaurant right across from the studios. It was going so well. Until she met ...HIM that is. Going in only to film one show a week and with the other director being so busy she hadn't ever ran into him before now. She knew there were two directors in the studios and hadn't thought much of it. She just walked into the studios one day to film excited to show the world her famous salted caramel sushi dish when she got into the studios she was in for quite a sight.
She had walked into both directors arguing. Mr. Grooves looking calm and who must've been Mr. Conductor. She had known of him, seen pictures of him, and had seen many of his movies which honestly were pretty good to watch. And now she was watching these two arguing with the Conductor yelling at high volumes at Mr. Grooves who held up a single flipper.
"Calm down, Darling. She's a lovely lady and what do you mean 'your' studio? It happens to belong to the both of us, Conductor."
"That's a hateful stereotype. And as the one who hired her, I don't need to tell you anything. You're not her boss. Besides what's it to you? I don't demand to know whenever you get a new hire, Conductor."
"COOKIE!! DARLING!!" Conductor was interrupted by Mr. Grooves throwing out a flipper to wave at her and turn to her, the Conductor's head turning to follow his gaze- And he froze as Cookie approached. "There's my star right on scheduale as usual! I'm hungry for some views so I hope you brought some fabulous food!"
" But of course. I always come prepared!" She blinked looking towards Conductor and blinked at him..before frowning a bit at what he said. "Oh..And you must be Conductor. I heard a lotta 'bout you." Best to be polite in this situation.
Despite her smile the owl-..bird-..man scoffed and crossed his arms. "I can't believe ye let 'er in without even a backrrround check! How do ya know she's nah thief!? You must be the world's biggest PECK NECK or those glasses fog ye vision if ye make such a nah good descision!"
Now that made her frown. More than that. Scowl. What had she done to this man to make him say such a thing to her!? They didn't even know each other and already he was making assumptions about her again. It was like this all her life. Again and again and again now. Something snapped and she decided to give this owl a piece of her mind.
"Excuse me? Thief!? Who ever said I was a thief!? That's a lot ta accuse someone o' when you don't even know them, SIR!!" Conductor opened his mouth but it was closed when the cat his height stepped forward and poked him in the chest her voice raising up. "No decent owl accuses someone who they just met a thief! If ya think this is appropriate behavior of an owl you're age then you're sadly mistaken! How DARE you make such accusations!!" He opened his mouth again. "QUIET!! I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO USE SUCH VILE LANGUAGE TO DESCRIBE ME!!"
"Maybe some folks let ya get away with that but I don't care!!" She took more steps towards him backing him up until his back bumped against the front desk. "Ya don't even know all the hard work and set backs ah had ta endure 'cuz of small minded people like yourself think ah'm nothin' but a thief when they don't even know me! I would NEVER steal something after all the opportunities that was stolen from me! So maybe you should think about that 'fore ya insult someone again! What if someone called you a bad director or your movies were absolute garbage!? And don'tcha DARE insult Mr. Grooves! He's done nothin' to ya! If you can't respect him as your rival then the least you could do is respect him as another person in your profession. As far as I've seen he's been nothin' but polite and kind to everyone and considering he's not in mah face yellin' like a baby bird for his mama!" Her face was inches away from his now as she scowled and he gulped. Face turning red and feathers puffing up slightly from their closeness. "Now if ya'll excuse me-" She turned on her heel away from her to start stepping towards the Penguins' side of the studios. "-Ah have a show to run and some sushi rolls to caramel dip! Have a nice day, Mr. Conductor."
More silence settled around the entire place as Conductor dropped his jaw and the only sound that came out of him was something that sounded like 'A-Ah...ah..ah ah ah.....' in a stuttery way. Mr. Grooves's eyes were wide watching the cat disappear...before laughing a deep but loud laugh that filled the room with an almost joyful mood. That seemed to snap the Conductor from his trance and glared in the laughing penguin's direction.
After a moment, Mr. Grooves stopped and turned his gaze up to Poppy with a smile. "Darling! I never could've said that any better than how she did!"
"Wh-Wh-Who w-was even that!?"
"THAT was Ms. Cookie but don't let that little spat fool you. She's as sweet as candied birdseed." He reached over to pat his shoulder before Mr. Grooves also turned to follow after Cookie. "I'd love to stay and chat more, Conductor Dear, but I'm afraid she's not the only one with a scheduale to keep. I'll catch you later."
"Hmph!" He huffed crossing his arms still red faced as he disappeared. "Cat person p-peckneck....*sigh*...W-What a woman."
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echantedtoon · 11 months
A Hat In Time
Most of these are already found on my side blog @abloomntime and revolve around my au outside of week events.
What is the Bloomverse Au?
An au based around the accidental revival of The Florist through the power of the time pieces in Snatcher’s failed attempt to rewind Vanessa into nothing but dust. Shenanigans ensue between his failed attempts to reconnect with her and balance the sass coming from his kids. Books will be labeled in order from first to last.
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A Bloom In Time
Blooming Friendships
Three Kiddos And A Ghost
Love Is For Bloomin' Pecknecks!
That Bloomin' Curse
Snatcher Week
Kiddo Week
0 notes