hanadollic · 2 years
A list of my Top 5 Favorite Hana Doll* Songs!
(Decided to do separate lists for each group)
Perfect Pride
This lists may change one day, but for sure the no. 1s are my all time favorites!
Most of my Anthos* faves are from 1st season. Don't get me wrong, I do love the other seasons too, but the 1st season songs hit different(?), like I can simply say that all 1st season songs are bop! Maybe because they had been around me longer than the other seasons and I got used to them haha(?)
(No, I don't hate other season's songs because of Setsuna (FYI he was added to the team after the 1st season ended). That sheep was sus at first but I don't hate him akskskkd)
The song that glued to Anthos, Birth! I literally sing this to every Hana Doll* friend that I have on their birthday on an app HAHA The beat is *chef's kiss*
I first knew Anthos when they released Unknown MV, but what got me hooked on them was not that song but Birth, and then Stay Away🫰 (Unknown is awesome too)
Next! Stay Away! This song, and Birth! Really love them including the remixes! This song is just too good to be missed. The chorus is addictive. I love this song the moment I listened to the intro lol
And maybe it's weird but I cry everytime I listen to Me Against Myself. As Ryoga oshi, Ryoga's voice in that song is...(I'm going to be corny here) quite emotional imo. And the lyric akakskkdkskd
As for Shine On, I can't explain how or why but I just love songs like this one (well so are people out there) It was like so smooth and calm, and everything hsjwjdkf I love this song especially the melody🫰
The last from my Anthos list is Umbilical Lover! Anthos*'s costumes here are LITERALLY AWESOME. AND BRUH THE CHORUS! GO LISTEN TO IT! I can still feel Lihito's vibrato from that song lmao
My all time Loulou*di fave (I don't think it will ever change lol) is Empty Dream! I remember when I first listened to its teaser (man, it was around 2 years ago??) I instantly thought "This is the kind of 2D idol song that I longed for!" and I was overjoyed lmao
I mean Birth made me think like this also, but in a different way(?) (I guess Birth gave me what I seek in an upbeat song, and Empty Dream for holy-ish(??) song? Bruh I don't know how to explain it sjjsjsjs)
I really love Empty Dream that I still regularly leaving comments on the MV from time to time, and I even have a plan (imagination lol) on how Loulou*di's stage and performance will be if they ever present this song on concerts and all (I'm too addicted please send help)
About Abortive Flower. Ah, yes, a one month old song. I've been listening to it everytime I get the chance since I got the album. Its teaser didn't give it justice(?) about its angsty-ness. The parts after 1st chorus are just so so depressing---I wonder what kind of direction Tosshi-san got when recording the "Kono yo ni ikiru kachi wa nakatta" part and also the last chorus? :") As for Yamashita-san, maybe it's because Toki was---oops. No, I won't spoil the drama part to you :) TakeP did a very great job on potraying Rui-san, he sounded so beautiful--- but empty imo, so Rui-like(?)
And then, Immortal Tale! That song gave me a "a song from a distant, sacred(?) land" feel. The vibe definitely fit the lyrics and all :) That upbeat tempo is something unusual from Loulou*di but they sang it so well, I have no complain🫶
I am a sucker for slow, dark songs, so Black Pulse is a hit for me. The harmony and adlibs and all are so awesome🥺 (I don't know what to comment anymore, that song is just beautiful)
And the last from my Loulou*di list! Is either Final Direction or Perfect Pride (man I couldn't choose ahsjskdk) I love both the same, I just couldn't pick one so I just put them both on the list. Final Direction imo sounds so dramatic (and I love it lol). Perfect Pride's bridge (actually not sure if that part called bridge) is addicting.
If I can say anything, Hana Doll*'s songs are as great as their stories and character designs🫶
I'll edit my opinion later to add things.
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kaoharu · 5 days
its loulouOVER
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redcoralsea · 1 year
I don’t know how to make title tho
But, I make drive folder with everything I make about Hana Doll!! Because this fandom need more content!
Inside the folder
- Loulou*di S2 Drama CD translation
- Powerpoint about Loulou*di (Profile), that suitable for new Loumiel or even Antholic
- Random design I make about Loulou*di and Anthos, more specific kinda like ID Card.
For another post about Hana Doll
- THINK OF ME : ARK CAST INTERVIEW (Gdocs ver also in Drive Folder) 
==== HE STAGE ====
Yuki Mahiro Cast - Kitade Ryusei -
Kagekawa Ryoga Cast - Mishima Ryo -
Chise - Tokui Taichi -
Toudo Lihito - Maruyama Nao -
Kisaragi Kaoru - Nakajima Yuto -
Kiyose Haruta - Minase Yuya -
Next what I want to make (I don’t know when)
- Anthos Profile Powerpoint
- Better resolution for fandom ID Card
- Loulou*di or Anthos Songs Powerpoint or Poster for new fans.
Small note : I make the PPT with Microsoft PPT, I’m adding some slide effect, so I hope you will see it using Microsoft PPT. The size is +100 mb, btw.
Another small note : My card design is not perfect, I’m not graphic design student but Interior design student. And use it for personal use :)
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midnightpillsnacking · 5 months
[Loulou*di S3V4 L 3-17] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:DEJA VU Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san, good morning.
Ageha: Ah, good morning, Toki. Did you hear from the medical team?
Toki: Yes. The medical staff will be coming along just in case.But I think it’s a bit much, since we’re only gonna promote one song for the music program. … Rui-san, is there something on my face?
Rui: No, you look fine. Are you sure that you’ll be alright?
Toki: I’m in tip-top condition! I apologize for being an inconvenience while I was taking a break.
Ageha: Toki. When you return, give a performance befitting of Loulou*di. As long as you can do that, then there’s no inconvenience at all.
Toki: Ageha-san…! Yes, I will. I’ll give a perfect performance!
(Audience cheering.)
Host: Presenting the ones who gave us that outstanding performance, Loulou*di! Please give them all a warm welcome!
Ageha: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and to Loumiels.
Host: That was a flawless performance, backed with such incredible vocals and choreography. It was amazing!
Ageha: Thank you very much. It would be an honor for us to leave an impression on everyone’s hearts, even if it’s just for a short moment.
Host: The positions of the cameras to the compositions were all Loulou*di’s ideas, right?
Ageha: Yes. We worked closely with the staff to ensure that we would be able to effectively convey our appeal.
Host: After the replay, you’ll be announcing the track list, right? As well as your new music channel.
Ageha: We wish to bring our voices and performances to the many people who have been waiting for Loulou*di, and we also want to broaden the scope of our activities.
Toki: And as a new member, I would love to have more chances to show off my charm!
Host: So what you mean is that the new Loulou*di cherishes their fans and wants to continue to maintain the high quality for them?
Ageha: We are not ‘maintaining’ the quality. Our goal is somewhere higher, above the unshakeable heavens. Right now, we are still working towards it.
Host: This level is still a work-in-progress? If that’s the case, then your junior unit Anthos* has got their work cut out for them!
Ageha: !! Anthos*, you say?
Host: If they see their senior Loulou*di as a goal, then they would surely be able to reach their full potential, don’t you think? Not just with the Dream Jam Festa, but they would also be able to challenge themselves with various genres as they try to keep up. Ah, but with the new release rankings, Anthos* is more–
Ageha: The production of the performance earlier has been synced with many parts of the new music video that has just recently been released. We hope that with it, you would be able to experience Loulou*di’s worldview.
Host: Eh? A-ah, yes, you’re right! Could you share with us your intentions of doing so?
Ageha: Gladly. For example, right before the hook, that is, the lead-up to it, there is a part in question…
Toki: It’s been a while since I last worked with both of you, doing work for Loulou*di. It was super fun!
Rui: I see.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san, did you see? The costars and the staff and the audience were all taken in by our performance. Their mouths were wide open the whole time! (giggles) Gaping just like fish!
Ageha: (sighs)
Toki: Huh? Ageha-san, the green room isn't that way.
Ageha: Head back first.
Rui: Ageha, where are you going?
Ageha: That’s none of your concern.
Rui: …
Ageha: Take Toki and return to the green room. Now.
Rui: Understood.
Ageha: (winces in pain) Shit… what a disappointment… just this much and already…
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: Rui. You ended up coming with.
Rui: If anything, I didn’t feel like calling out to you.
Ageha: Damned mongrel that can’t even heed its owner’s orders. I told you… to take Toki back to the green room.
Rui: Toki-bou is in the green room. There’s no need to worry.
Ageha: ‘Worry’?
Rui: You don’t look well. You’re sweating a lot.
Ageha: Don’t touch me! Since the start, I believe I’ve been telling you… to stop concerning yourself over me…
Rui: I’m not concerned about you. I’m simply being realistic. (opens the interface on his ring)
Ageha: Hey, what do you think you’re doing?
Rui: I’m calling the medical staff over.
Ageha: What?
Rui: The staff that came with Toki-bou are in the green room. They will surely rush over if we contact them.
Ageha: Stop that! (groans in pain)
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: … Quit doing things that are unnecessary.
Rui: Calm down. I’ll make you feel better soon–
Ageha: I told you not to touch me!
Rui: Breathe slowly. It will be more painful if you struggle.
Ageha: Shut up… Just leave me alone…!
Rui: …
Ageha: Hey!
Rui: I can’t undo your buttons if you keep moving. 
Ageha: (struggles)
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: Do you have any idea… how humiliated I am to let you see me like this?!
Rui: Ageha. What do you wish for?
Ageha: What?
Rui: If you would let me, I will grant whatever wish you have. I’ve always watched you, so if it were up to me…
Ageha: Don’t fuck with me. That’s a horrible sick joke!
Rui: Ageha…
Ageha: I–urgh…
Rui: Earlier, you said that you were disappointed in yourself. You put your utmost faith in yourself and carry on despite being bogged by pain. Ageha, you cling so desperately onto life. And to be as such, you are more beautiful than anyone else in the world.
Ageha: Rui, let go of me…!
Rui: Save your pity. You’re putting more unnecessary strain on yourself.
Ageha: Stop talking nonsense! Like I’d ever want your help!
Rui: You won’t know when that will change. Trust me, and try to catch your breath. You’ll feel better soon.
Ageha: …
Rui: Even as Ageha suffers, he’s still a noble, unyielding man in my eyes. However, he’s ardent, and the driving force that keeps him going is… It’s not me. It’s always Yuuki Mahiro, Chihiro, or… President Amagiri. No matter if there’s no other that’s the most like Ageha like myself, no matter how much I understand him, no matter if I give myself to Loulou*di as fodder to scale to the top, I can’t become the reason for Ageha’s will. It’s not me. Not now, not ever. Just what am I… thinking about now?
Ageha: Rui… hey, Rui!
Rui: … Ageha.
Ageha: What are you spacing out for? That’s enough. Let go of me.
Rui: But you’re still–
Ageha: Try adding displeasure and discomfort and see what you get!
Rui: Your resolve doesn’t waver even as you tremble.
Ageha: What did you say…?
Rui: No, it’s nothing.
Ageha: … Let’s get moving. We can’t leave Toki alone.
Ageha: Seems like the green room is plenty lively.
Rui: The medical staff… What are they doing?
Staff Member A: Ah, you two. Thank you for your hard work today.
Ageha: Is Toki asleep? It looks like he’s not conscious.
Staff Member A: It’s been some time since he’s been at work. All the medical staff are planning an examination for him.
Rui: Toki-bou said that he felt that his condition was perfect.
Staff Member A: There’s nothing to worry about. He’d probably return to the dorm in two to three days. You there, quickly take Sakurai Toki to the car.
(The staff members carry Toki out of the room.)
Staff Member A: With that, we’ll excuse ourselves. Once both of you are ready, please return to the dorm. We’ll prepare for a car to pick you up at the exit.
Rui: Understood.
Ageha: Doctor, I believe I’ve said this before. If you do something to Toki, to Loulou*di… you understand what will happen, right?
Staff Member A: …
Ageha: Please… take good care of Toki.
Rui: Ageha. Is there something on your mind?
Ageha: Rui. Not a word from you.
Rui: But–
Ageha: I said keep your trap shut. It’s annoying.
Rui: Alright. I won’t say anything until we reach the dorm. I don’t wish to agitate you.
Ageha: We’re not going back to the dorm yet.
Rui: Where are we headed to?
Ageha: To somewhere where I have something I must do. (enters something in the interface)
Rui: Amagiri Production?
Ageha: That’s right. We’re headed to where he is.
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hohotaro · 1 year
Hello! Happy 4th anniversary!
I would like to share the hanadoll fan international discord server!
Come join in if you'd like! Every Antholic and Loumiel are welcome!
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sinful-liesel · 4 years
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INCOMPLICA:IU~Univers~ Album Cover Art ❤
Hana-Doll*2nd season INCOMPLICA:IU~Univers~ on sale December 25, 2020!
Loulou*di’s fandom name has also been revealed 😘 
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Loumiel is a combination of Lou (from Loulou*di) + miel (honey) 🍯
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skyhopedango · 2 years
I love these guys XDD 💗
Only Loulou*di could post a Valentine’s message that makes me want to reply with “....are you OK? PLEASE BE OK” 😅
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eyefatigue · 7 years
Shoutout to my girl Cortella Lavellan who was the smooth and boring first play through of DA:I and has morphed into this....chaotic neutral instigator of a smuggling ring.
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kaoharu · 3 months
coughs up blood
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kaoharu · 12 days
this loumiel shit serious hello. oh my godddd
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kaoharu · 12 days
kyaaa what are loumiels talking abt on twt ( fear ( scared ( sweating bullets
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redcoralsea · 1 year
I translate the cast interview for THINK OF ME : ARK.  Their answer somehow showed their personality, I mean the seiyuu not the character. Also, this is not 100% accurate translations ;)
I like how Tosshi-san call Ageha with "sama" and other just call him by his name.
Source : Animate times
Cast : 
Toyonaga Toshiyuki as Karasuma Ageha
Takeuchi Shunsuke as Hinagi Rui
Yamashita Daiki as Sakurai Toki
Horie Shun as Yashiro Setsuna
1st question : "What are your impressions after reading the scenario for the first time and after finishing the recording?"
Toyonaga-san : My impression is that everything developing has progressed further. And also, Ageha-sama… I was like “You’re a kind person?!”(Laugh) I’m really looking forward to what is going to happen next.
Takeuchi-san : I have a strong impression of Ageha at the end of the story and how the scenario going made it even more difficult, and then what would happen to the three of them next. This time I was able to have a conversation with Yamashita-san (Toki VA), also I was able to feel more of a sense of the gaze of passion that expresses “Always chasing of Ageha existence”. That left an impression on me.
Yamashita-san : I felt something might be gonna start to change. I wondered if the change was going to be a good way or bad way… There was something itching feeling that I can’t figure out then it was just over.
It always happens, but ended in the way I worried the most. Also, this time I was able to see something precious like Rui's unexpected expression, which was a good thing.
Horie-san : This is my first time participating in Loulou*di CD, but it feels different and disturbing. I was able to enjoy the difference between the two units with their own dialogue. This time I did the recording with Takeuchi-san who plays Rui, but since both of us have a small part, we talked about things like “I’m sorry Mixer-san” (Laugh)
2nd question : "What is your favorite scene or line from your character?"
Toyonaga-san : I would like to leave it to the audience to judge. In the end, Loumiel’s reaction to the words directed at Loumiel was surprisingly realistic and that was impressive.
Takeuchi-san : I personally like the scene when Rui shows off the bear he repaired. Also, I like the daily life parts of works, those are so finely written that you can feel the depth of the characters' lives.
Yamashita-san : I think where Rui and I play the piano. The staff and Takeuchi-kun worked with me to give various patterns and we tried which one sound more natural. I also used a piano app to get the pitch of “Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do” just like the song. (Laugh) But in the end, we didn’t use any of them and we chose to use the flow of dialogue without a pitch. This scene left an impression on me because I enjoyed the time I spend with everyone on set to find something better to use. So this scene was really something to me. (Note - He says keyboard in this interview, but in Drama CD they use piano so I change it)
Horie-san : From all of the scenes that appear, I was stunned by the line “As expected, even here, no one accepts me, either…!” (Laugh) I’m aware of this. I was doing it but I don’t think it’s here either… But, I felt sorry for Setsuna-kun (Laugh)
3rd question : "(Only for Loulou*di) We would also like to ask about the songs “Hopeless Ark” and “Dying Matter” that will be recorded with the drama. Please tell us about the episodes during the recording and your impression of the songs."
Toyonaga-san : The level of difficulty is high the same as before, but the music is still very majestic, beautiful, fragile, and powerful, and I really felt the "character" of the music.
Takeuchi-san : Both of them are difficult songs… but I enjoy them so much that I finally get used to and feel comfortable with the way Rui puts his feelings into the song. Also, I feel like I’ve finally become able to record everything quickly and then go home (Laugh).
Yamashita-san : As before, we did the high-difficulty songs. I thought that Loulou*di's song difficulty level was only available for SR or higher levels and this is typical of Loulou*di (Laugh). There are parts where I would never be able to get the right tempo, so everyone I would like to try singing it and see which part it is! (Laugh).
4th question : "Please give the message to the fans who listen to this CD."
Toyonaga-san : What will happen to the 3 members of Loulou*di in the future? I think it’s finished in a very interesting part. Ageha-sama is still the same in some ways, but every time I play him, I wonder if that parts of him are what makes him so loveable. I hope you will continue to love him.
Takeuchi-san : I feel the story of Loulou*di will be about the progress of how the fans will accept the ever-changing Loulou*di. So I hope you will continue to keep an eye on their progress.
Yamashita-san : This time too, the songs and the story are that typical of Loulou*di. But it is not lifeless, it’s something that definitely moving and changing. I would be happy if you will continue to accompany me along with the characters and the work.  I also want everyone to stay remember these unforgettable memories about the battle cry… (Last sentence is confusing me)
Horie-san : Enjoy the chemistry changes between Loulou*di and Setsuna. The exchange is as close to separation as possible rather than a fusion. Nevertheless, once again the mystery of Setsuna has deepened this time... This guy is too suspicious!
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[Loulou*di S3V1 L 3-5] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:MONO Translation
Translation below the cut.
Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-5
Interviewer A: In regards to the impromptu live show recently, I actually got a chance to see it personally. It was truly amazing!
Ageha: Thank you very much. I’m glad we got to spend some of your precious time together.
Interviewer B: With this, Loulou*di’s had their full comeback, right?
Ageha: Yes. We were able to welcome another day together without a hitch. It’s just that, right now, I’m overwhelmed by feelings of pride and gratitude.
Interviewer C: On the topic of the addition of a new member to the current lineup, have there been any instances of opposition or–
Ageha: None at all.
Interviewer C: Eh? But…
Ageha: We deeply apologize for keeping you all waiting as well as for the concern caused. I cannot deny that there were obstacles. However, let me make myself clear: the original members are also the new Loulou*di.
Interviewer D: There are high expectations for the continuously improving Loulou*di. During the tour after this, will there be a chance to hear from Rui-san and Toki-san?
Ageha: Of course, there will be an opportunity for them to give their comments. However, we will still continue to put on live shows for a while, so in order to adjust to conditions, we will have to end here for today. 
(Screen switches off)
Girl A: What an amazing interview… as expected of Ageha-sama!
Girl B: Right? I’m so glad I got to see them have a full comeback! The recent live show somehow felt just like a dream.
Girl A: I feel you.
Girl B: But now that I think about it, I feel like maybe Ageha-sama’s not really back to form yet…
Girl A: Aren’t you just imagining it? You probably think so ‘cause it’s been a long time.
Girl B: But, during that interview, Ageha-sama spoke as if Kaito-san wasn’t even a member at all… It’s kinda sad.
Girl A: It’s because that guy betrayed Ageha-sama’s expectations and backed out by himself. Can’t help it if he feels like he didn’t suit Loulou*di.
Girl B: Yeah, sure, but…
Girl A: Could it be that… you don’t like Toki-san?
Girl B: N-no, I think it’s great that he joined.
Girl A: Then are you saying that Ageha-sama was wrong?
Girl B: That’s not what I meant…
Girl A: Then I think it’s better if you stop saying things like that.
Girl B: … Yeah, you’re right. Sorry. Loulou*di’s finally back and I’m saying all these uncalled-for things…
Girl A: No, I’m sorry too. I might have come off too strongly.
Girl B: Not at all, don’t worry about it!
Girl A: Thanks. I get that it feels strange with a new member joining, but let’s make this conversation just between us. I won’t tell anyone, so relax. … Ah, look at the time! I’ve got to go.
Girl B: Okay, see you!
(Girl A leaves, starts talking on the phone)
Girl A: Hello? Yep, I’m just leaving the karaoke box. Yeah, we watched the interview together. Everyone’s meeting in 30 minutes, right? … Mm, yeah, that’s what it felt like. I think she better be more careful with what she says. I get that she’s still worked up about Kaito-san leaving, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to say stuff that might sound like you doubt Ageha-sama. If she talks like that at a venue where there’s other Loumiels, who knows what they might say? Let’s persuade her again the next time we all meet up. … Mm, see you later then. 
Girl A: (hangs up) Seriously, that girl is just way too honest. Like she can say what she thinks when it comes to stuff like that! Even way before they went on hiatus, she keeps saying that Ageha-sama and Rui-san aren’t charismatic at all…
Ageha: (grunting as he exercises)
Rui: So you’re still here.
Ageha: Is there something you need?
Rui: It’s about time for Toki-bou to return from the medical facility.
Ageha: I see. No matter what, he has to come back.
Rui: It seems like you’re being soft on Toki-bou.
Ageha: I can drag him over the coals and he will still happily follow me. Even if it’s to hell. How can I not use him?
Rui: I see. By the way, it seems that you’ve been into training up your body lately.
Ageha: Allow me to enlighten you, since you don’t know. Since I was young, it was drilled into me that a healthy body will lead to a healthy mind.
Rui: But, I don’t think you should push yourself too hard.
Ageha: (sighs)
Rui: … It looks quite difficult. You don’t seem to be struggling, meaning…
Ageha: Quit nitpicking and get used to it. That’s an order.
Rui: Could it be that you want to bulk up?
Ageha: No.
Rui: If you force yourself and end up ruining your body, you won’t be able to fulfill your wish.
Ageha: I won’t force myself.
Rui: Your weight has been decreasing.
Ageha: Don’t go around looking at the medical check results as you please.
Rui: Taking everything into both your mind and body may be your strength, but it backfires on you sometimes when you surpass Toki’s level.
Ageha: That’s none of your business.
Rui: Besides… (grabs Ageha)
Ageha: !! You bastard–what are you doing?! Let go of me!
Rui: A lean body and fine bones… No matter how much you hope, you won’t be able to outdo me. You should focus your attention on other areas.
Ageha: Enough with your shameless charade! I didn’t do this to challenge you!
Rui: Then why?
Ageha: It’s obvious. It’s to maintain a top condition at all times!
Rui: I don’t think putting your body through all this torture will lead to results.
Ageha: Shut up and get out of the way!
Rui: Not to mention, you won’t be able to resist the flower’s effects, no matter how much physical strength you have.
Ageha: Something like that can’t be corrected or criticized at this stage!
Rui: For all you know, everything you’re doing now may be all for naught.
Ageha: So what?!
Rui: (scoffs) Good grief.
Ageha: Shit, this is stupid!
Rui: It’s my loss, as expected.
Ageha: Rui, I have something to ask of you.
Rui: Hmm? What is it?
Ageha: Face this way and bend.
Rui: Like this?
Ageha: Yes. Maintain that position and grit your teeth.
(Ageha hits Rui)
Rui: (groans in pain)
Ageha: You’re a hundred years too early to consider yourself inferior to me.
Rui: That was… rather effective.
Ageha: It might just be thanks to my training. In return for letting me round it off by punching you in the gut, let me express my gratitude.
Rui: Then what do you intend to do to me when hitting me is not enough?
Ageha: After the live show, I’ll leave your face alone and kill you halfway.
(Ageha leaves)
Rui: … (laughs to himself) By that, you mean that no matter how many times I tick you off, you still can’t bear to kill me. I see.
Ageha: … Toki!
Toki: Ageha-san…
Ageha: You came back safely, Toki.
Toki: Came back…?
Ageha: To Loulou*di’s dorm. It’s the one and only place for you where I will be and where you can call your home. Isn’t that right?
Toki: This is… my… home?
Ageha: That’s right. You are a part of Loulou*di, both in name and reality. Every single person who watched our live show that day bore witness to that.
Toki: A part of Loulou*di…? I’m… Loulou*di’s Toki.
Ageha: Exactly.
Toki: I’m perfect. I’m perfect, right, Ageha-san?
Ageha: Yes, you’re perfect. Listen, and remember this: You’re Loulou*di’s Toki. That’s a fact no one can deny. And, from now on, if anyone dares to hurt you, no matter what, I will absolutely not let them off.
Toki: Ageha-san…
Rui: (walks in) Toki-bou.
Toki: Rui-san.
Rui: Welcome back. It seems you’ve returned safely.
Toki: I did. I’m back home.
(Audience cheering)
Ageha: (panting and starts to stumble)
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: Don’t take it the wrong way. I’m not the one you need to bother yourself with.
Toki: (laughing)
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san, I did good, right?
Rui: Yes, of course.
Ageha: These never-ending cheers are proof of that.
Rui: In any case, it doesn’t seem like this enthusiasm is going to die down anytime soon. What do you say?
Ageha: We’ll reciprocate, of course. It’s the last day of the live shows, after all.
Rui: But, what about Toki-bou?
Toki: Excuse me, I’ve got something to ask of both of you.
Ageha: What is it?
Toki: It’s okay if it’s just for a little while, but could you… could you hold hands with me?
Ageha: I was wondering what you were asking for so formally. (takes his hand)
Rui: If you’re alright with this, then anytime. (takes Toki’s other hand)
Ageha: Ladies and gentlemen, please prepare yourselves, for the night is not yet ever. Bear witness to the curtain of the creeping night being shredded apart by these hands, and the screeching nightingales being torn from limb to limb.
(Audience cheers louder)
Ageha: We will never fear sin and death. We will watch the pitiful last breaths of the wretched in its full glory. There is a duty for you to fulfill, until the very end. This is a breathtakingly beautiful story of destruction.
(End of Hana-Doll Think of Me:MONO (Season 3, Volume 1 of Loulou*di))
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redcoralsea · 1 year
Random points from ARK Drama CD
Some points I get when I listen to Think of ME : ARK Drama CD. Not important, I just want to share my excitement!!
Contain spoilers if you haven't listened to it
As always the beginning is kinda light conversation and feels adorable. Ageha plays with his violin and then Rui with the Piano then they play together. BEAUTIFUL?!?!? AND IT'S CUTE HOW RUI TEACHES TOKI PIANO. I WANT TO TAKE YOUR CLASS RUI?! It's cute to see how excited Toki is when he is able to play the piano after Rui teaches him.
They meet Setsuna. I haven't listened to Anthos Drama CD, to be honest, so I don't know what Setsuna sounds like but Setsuna's tone sounds flat like Rui. More emotionless than Rui. He even just says "Hot" with no reaction when Ageha throws hot tea at him, it was tea, right? I don't remember.
Also, it feels weird when another person calls Ageha with just Ageha beside Rui and Amagiri-san...But for his image, his voice sounds cute to me. AND WHEN HE SAID BYE-BYE TO RUI. CUTE! And now I understand what Horie-san mean in their interview.
Rui also calls the medical doctor and asks about how Setsuna is in their dorm area. And he is not calm at all :) I don't where they meet, but when Rui and Setsuna have a conversation and Ageha comes out he says "You still here?" So I think he is in their dorm area.
Rui treats Toki with sweets and he can't choose which one is the best, and just buying all the sweets Toki wants is adorable.
Also how when Ageha said "Don't look at me with that expression" and Rui says something similiar. I was curious. WHATS EXPRESSION AGEHA-SAN? I WANT TO SEE RUI EXPRESSION TOO? Yeah, you can hear it but not see it.
I think Ageha's condition is more stable than his condition in the previous drama cd. And Rui the that the one that unstable... Rui even begs to Ageha to stop his speech that I don’t what he is talking about, and now I’m curious. He is even not paying attention, like dazed (?), when Toki and Ageha talk about eating the sweets in living room.
Is Ageha said “continue or die”? 
Well, it was my first time hearing Rui shout and feels uneasy like that. (To be honest it also my first time hear takeuchi-san shout) Then Ageha is the one that calmer than Rui. I am always curious about Ageha's reaction if Rui is not in good condition or unstable or something like that.
When Ageha shout when he is angry always scares me 🙂 I can't catch what he said when he is mad at the medical team, more like I don't understand what he said :" Something like their condition, responsibility toward Loulou*di, and he want those medical team tell Amagiri-san about something.
They also talk about music events or something like that, if I'm not mistaken. They didn’t want to have same project at the same time with Anthos (?). Also, Toki is not paying attention to Anthos members, except Haruta I think. He didn't even remember when Ageha mentioned Yuki Mahiro, even when they had met before. Of course, he gets irritated when knows Mahiro is Amagiri-san's son and says he cheating or something like that.
Loumiel calls Ageha with -sama is another level of respect. Personally, I call Ageha with -san not -sama. Even Tosshi-san call Ageha with -sama :"" 
As always the ending is making me 🫢🙂😶🙃🙁😯😣🫠
I'm also curious about the last part about Loumiel saying Ageha is no Ageha anymore like she knows back then. 
I use also so much. Well, I will be waiting for the next comeback, patiently. :)
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[Loulou*di S3V1 L 3-3] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:MONO Translation
Translation below the cut.
Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-3
(Crowd cheering, Loulou*di catching their breath)
Fan A: Ageha-sama!
Fan B: Welcome back, Ageha-sama!
Fan C: I’ve always believed in Loulou*di!
Ageha: (to himself) Ah… I can hear them; the cheers of the fans who admire Loulou*di–Loumiels… I see. I’ve finally beaten death as imposed by a nightmare and arrived here…! I’ve finally returned to the stage filled with light!
Rui: Ageha. Ageha!
Ageha: !! Rui.
Rui: Toki is acting strange.
Toki: Ah… (shakily giggling to himself)
Ageha: That expression…!
Rui: We should step back and let him rest.
Ageha: (addresses the crowd) Ladies and gentlemen, please kindly forgive me[1], the one who will lower the curtain of darkness. And please listen closely to the song of the nightingale that will appear in your dreams tonight. You should already know, but be it darkness or dreams, there’s nothing that can tear us both apart.
(The lights go out)
Rui: Toki-bou. Toki-bou! Pull yourself together, Toki-bou.
Toki: (groans) …Huh? Rui-san?
Rui: You finally regained consciousness. How are you feeling?
Toki: Why am I–What happened to the performance?
Ageha: The performance has been long over.
Toki: Huh? But, the encore–
Rui: The transport team will arrive shortly. You’ll head to the medical facility to rest.
Toki: Hmm? But I’m fine. After all, it’s the first time I got to be on Loulou*di’s solo show and I gave a perfect performance. My body felt so light that it’s like it’s not even mine, moving even better than I expected. It’s the first time I ever felt that way–it’s the best I’ve ever felt. If only I could stay on that stage forever. But… since when did we get back from the stage?
Ageha: … Toki.
(Doors open, staff comes in with equipment)
Rui: Over here, please. We’ll leave it to you.
Medical Staff A: Understood. Hey, over here.
Medical Staff B: Got it.
(The staff walks over, starts strapping something onto Toki)
Toki: Huh? What?
Rui: A mattress[2]? Why would you need something like that?
Medical Staff A: Prepare the ampoule.
Rui: That ampoule…
Medical Staff A: Orders from above. We’ve got clearance to inject the water if it comes down to it.
Rui: Regardless of the circumstances, don’t you think the intervals between doses are too short? During the administration of the medicine a few days ago–
Medical Staff A: The dosages are being monitored to ensure they don’t lose their efficacy. There’s no need for you to worry.
Rui: But–
Medical Staff A: Only things that will pose a hindrance to Loulou*di’s activities must be avoided. Those were the orders from the president himself.
Ageha: … I see. Then we’ll let you handle it.
Rui: Ageha!
Toki: (gasps)
Medical Staff A: The dose has been administered successfully. Everything after is up to you.
Ageha: Understood. However, if anything happens to Toki, I will never forgive you.
Medical Staff A: …
Ageha: Go ahead and try. My intentions are clear.
Medical Staff A: …Please excuse me.
(The staff leave)
Rui: Ageha, there’s no doubt about it. Toki-bou was showing signs of assimilating the preserve.
Ageha: So it seems. Unconsciously performing on stage, and that trance-like expression. However, if we just let it be and allow the effects of the medicine to wear off, it will only cause confusion to the mind. It’s exactly like what happened to Amemiya.
Rui: But between then and now, the frequency of administration is too high.
Ageha: The progression of preserve assimilation is also too fast. After that many incidents under those circumstances, I would have failed to advance long ago.
Rui: I don’t feel the need for that comparison. At any rate, the progression of your fortitude only appears to travel downhill.
Ageha: Are you saying that you see my futile resistance as unmatched?
Rui: No. You’re unmatched in every way.
Ageha: …Dammit, you’re pissing me off.
Rui: Toki-bou’s flower bloomed faster than any others’ we’ve ever seen. To suppress the possibility of betrayal from his growth and loyalty, do you think they could have purposefully accelerated the water administration cycle?
Ageha: Don’t joke around like that.
Rui: It’s simply a guess. But regardless, the answer should be in the medicine.
(Door knocks, a staff member enters)
Staff C: Please excuse me. The reporters are waiting outside.
Ageha: Ah… I’ll speak to them. Rui, you stay here.
Rui: I’ll come with you. I can’t have you work–
Ageha: If both of us were to go, then it would look like we ourselves are suspicious of Toki’s absence.
Rui: …
Ageha: If I were to go as our representative, then we could get those irritating reporters off our backs. Just listen to me and wait here.
Rui: Alright.
(Ageha leaves)
Ageha: (sighs) I’ve had enough of that demon… Whether what I’m up against is God or fate, I won’t let it get in my way again. Ever.
(Sound of equipment)
Medical Staff C: Oh, this antibody…. The numbers aren’t stabilizing. Let’s see, the Doll in Observation Room 1 is…
Medical Staff D: (on the phone) President, you don’t mean…! You’re kidding, right? Administering water to Loulou*di at this pace… You do understand what will happen regardless of what results we obtain, don’t you? …That’s–well, but… Understood. As long as it’s what the president wants, we won’t object. Then, please excuse me. (hangs up)
Medical Staff C: Um, that call earlier…
Medical Staff D: I must have been pretty loud if you could hear that, Musumi.
Medical Staff C (Musumi): Sorry.
Medical Staff D (Musumi's Colleague): No, I apologize as well for raising my voice.
Musumi: Not at all. Well… is there a problem with the administration of the water?
Musumi's Colleague: Ah, you haven’t been assigned to it since you came here.
Musumi: That’s right. I went through all the materials thoroughly during my training, but there was nothing much written in detail about the water.
Musumi's Colleague: How much do you know about the water?
Musumi: It works like a photosensitive personal assistant that helps the Dolls continue to thrive even with growth abnormalities, and by extension the withering. In short, if Dolls are flowers, then the absence of the water would be significant. Am I wrong?
Musumi's Colleague: You’re right. But it’s not as good as it sounds. Instead of achieving a state of pleasurable high, other emotions are heavily suppressed.
Musumi: The materials did say that the sense of euphoria is heightened.
Musumi's Colleague: (scoffs) You said it well.
Musumi: Emotions change and vary during the peak period, and I heard that the answers collected from the research show that the physical state has an influence on the results. If the priority is to alleviate as much suffering as possible while stabilizing the condition, then I think it’s fine.
Musumi's Colleague: But the efficacy of the medicine isn’t permanent. If we don’t keep a close eye on the administration schedule, then it’s a one-way express to drug reliance. 
Musumi's Colleague: …Mind if I ask you something?
Musumi: What is it?
Musumi's Colleague: Why did you come to work here?
Musumi: I wanted to have a hand in the forefront of medical research. Well, even though this isn’t what the public recognizes as ‘medical’.
Musumi's Colleague: I don’t blame them. The one calling the shots is a production company and the results are in the form of idols. Both are inextricably linked. A weekly publication mentioned it sometime back too, that research that involves putting something nobody can fully grasp into a human and making them sing and dance like dolls doesn’t fall in the same category as finding out cures for diseases.
Musumi: Then we can put a more positive spin on it.
Musumi's Colleague: Positive?
Musumi: It’s not something easy for a layman to understand, is it? If there’s such a strong opposition, it’s proof that there’s potential for it in the future. That’s what I think. …
Musumi's Colleague: That sure is optimistic.
(An alert notification starts sounding off)
Musumi: The Doll scheduled for emergency admission has arrived.
Musumi's Colleague: I see. I’ll go take a look. Discharge the Doll in the Observation Room.
Musumi: Understood.
Kaoru: … This is…?
Musumi: Good morning. Um… your name is…?
Kaoru: Kisaragi Kaoru.
Musumi: Yes, yes. Kaoru-kun.
Kaoru: Excuse me, but could you be a doctor I haven’t met before?
Musumi: That’s right, I was recently assigned here.
Kaoru: I thought so.
Musumi: ?
Kaoru: Doctors here rarely call me by name.
Musumi: I-I see. I’ll keep that in mind. (clears his throat) Right, during the examination, did you experience any dreams?
Kaoru: Yes, I did.
Musumi: What kind of dreams?
Kaoru: I wonder…
Musumi: Do you not remember?
Kaoru: More importantly, Doctor, have you ever wondered, between what you see in dreams and what you see in reality, which one is the real one? Or rather, perhaps the view you thought was a dream is reality, and what you are experiencing right now in the present is all a dream. Have you ever thought about that?
Musumi: That’s…
(An alert notification starts sounding off. Musumi picks up the phone in the room.)
Musumi: This is Observation Room One. I heard the alarm, what’s happening?
Musumi's Colleague: The Doll that just came in for emergency admission has disappeared in the presence of staff.
Musumi: Eh?
Musumi's Colleague: Instructions now are that nobody is allowed to leave the premises. Hurry and start searching the medical facility.
Musumi: U-Understood. (hangs up)
Kaoru: Emergency admission?
Musumi: A-Ah, that’s right. Your hearing is not done yet.
Kaoru: It’s okay. I’m going to head back to the dormitory.
Musumi: Huh, b-but…
Kaoru: I felt like I did dream, but I forgot everything. So I can’t tell you anything more. I’m sorry. Besides, someone went missing, right? 
Musumi: Ah, yes, but…
Kaoru: Please quickly find them. I’ll be okay. I’ll change my clothes and go back like usual.
Musumi: … Then, it’ll be of great help if you do that. Thank you.
(Musumi leaves)
Kaoru: Like usual… How is it like ‘usually’?
Translator’s Notes:
Ageha uses ‘boku (僕)’ instead of his usual ‘ore (俺)’ to refer to himself when addressing his audience, or in the presence of others aside from Loulou*di.
I believe the word here used is ‘teishou (低床)’, which usually refers to the low floor of a platform or vehicle. In this context I translated it as ‘mattress’.
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hanadollic · 2 years
Aye so
This thought came to me today.
Rui-san told us(?) that he is lacking something, he does not have a certain feeling on a certain thing (iirc), outside on Ageha-sama. He gets to feel something when he looks at him (is it love?) and his struggles (well I do too, sorry Ageha-sama)
Maybe that's why he is the only one who looks unaffected by the flowers in Loulou*di?
As in, even the joy and support given by Loumiel to Loulou*di don't really affect him as much as they affect Ageha-sama and Toki-kun since he is unfazed by most of things...maybe?
(I don't know...did I convey this right? Jajdjfk will edit later)
(Being stuck with no progress is bad too, but he regularly gets his moe(??) point from Ageha-sama so I think he will be fine?)
(or did he get 'everything' in him modified even before he joins Loulou*di?)
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