#Lou Miller daughter
blackacre13 · 1 year
dr. bullock got called to the ER because of drunken someone who got into an accident, turns out it was cate, her ex lover
Hi anon!
Unfortunately, I don't write fics involving actresses themselves, only their characters so I am not able to fulfill this prompt. If you like the medical setting and want some Lou and Deb instead, I'd point you this way!
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“No. See, this is what you do,” Lou sighed. “You make me guess and then, I’m interested. And then you think because I’m interested, that I want to do it.” “Don’t you want to do things you’re interested in?” Debbie teased. “I’m interested in brain surgery.” Lou offered as an example. “Well, we know that’s not going to happen.” Debbie said matter-of-factly. Debbie regretted her words the instant they passed out of her mouth. Lou felt an ice-cold shiver run down her spine. “Really, Debs? You wanna go there?” [Scattered Debbie/Lou one-shots pre-canon, post-canon, and completely on its head alternate universe. Each work is based on the lyrics of one song and stands alone. Thirty songs so far in my head, but absolutely open to requests to use as prompts.]
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zialltops · 10 months
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honeysuckle’s & huckleberry’s
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Joel (41) / F!reader (25) | 4.7k | wip | explicit | 18+ minors dni | enemies to lovers | slow burn | au: no cordyceps outbreak
Ranch hand Joel doesn’t know how to handle the return of his bosses prodigy daughter, her snarky attitude or her sinfully tight jeans.
a/n: hi guys!! I’m fresh off finishing east side of sorrow and couldn’t wait to hop into this work. I can not thank everyone enough for the fun we had with esos, but i am beyond stoked to meet this joel because i am ferallllll for him all dirty on a ranch with a cowboy hat on a horse ughhhh, give it to me already. anyways, let me know if you like it 🤍 thank you to @sawymredfox for letting me idea dump on you and give me all kinda of ideas! i love you to pieces! this ones for you my dear!
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A03 Link | Spotify Link | Masterlink
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Pt. 1: Oklahoma Smokeshow
Half a mile from the turnpike, two miles from home, along the winding and twisting asphalt of Cold Creek road, Joel Miller rasps his gloved hand against the steering wheel of the Rising Sun Ranch’s newly bought—second (maybe fifth?) hand old pickup truck. A beat up nineties chevy with rust on the floorboard and a new-car tree hanging from the rearview mirror. Beside him, his brother Tommy bounces his knee while he takes a long drag off his second cigarette since this drive started. The smoke plumes through the window, then back inside when the chill outside pushes the hot smoke back into the cab, whirling around Joel's senses like it belongs there. The smell is insufferable and makes Joel’s skin crawl, takes him to a time before ropers scars and belt buckles.
“Know that shit’s gon’ kill you, right?” He doesn’t need to look over at his brother's form beside him to know the younger man is anxious, like he usually is on long car rides. “You used to do it too, big brother.” Joel scuffs at him, keeps his one gloved hand on the wheel as he keeps on driving. He’s not wrong, if he wants to talk about the Joel of ten years ago, a distant, ragged and angry version of himself. “Don’t remind me.” He keeps his eyes fixed on the snow coated road ahead of him. He’s cautious at this time of the year, the winter storms usually leave them stranded on the ranch for a few weeks, but he’s lucky enough to have caught the dark clouds before they started to let down too much. The salt on the roads seem to do the trick for the time being, so long as he stays away from the embankment and keeps his eyes on the dimming road ahead.
It was mid day, but the sun sets early in the winter, so it hangs low in the sky amongst the cold abyss, like it’s desperately reaching out for the horizon—like it wants to run from this place too. He looks ahead and silently wishes to himself that he could follow those last rays of sunshine into tomorrow, like maybe he would find something there.
He shakes the thought and sets his mind back on track, why they were out here. “When we get back to the ranch, you need to find a way to apologize to Miss Lou. She really was just tryin’ to be helpful, Tommy. She ain’t wrong for that.” Louise had always been more than welcoming and kind to them, she’s saved their asses more than once and she feeds them more than she needs to, but his brother can never seem to let a good thing be, always biting the hand that attempted to feed him.
“Don’t like it when people go through my shit, man, you know that.” He’s nearly done with his cigarette, thank fuck because Joel wants to grab it from his hand himself and chuck it out the window. “She wasn’t goin’ through your stuff, dipshit, she was doin’ your laundry! Doesn’t give you any right to snap at someone like that. Especially a nice lady who’s husband give’s us a dollar in our pocket and a roof over our heads. Do you have any Idea where we’d be without that?”
It cuts deep because Tommy flicks his butt out the window and sinks down in his seat, he knows Joel is right because they are incredibly lucky to be where they are now. They would probably never find somewhere as appealing as their little shared hunting cabin a half mile from the main house. “Hank ain’t happy,” he adds, like Tommy doesn’t already know that after the argument that led to them leaving. “We wouldn’t be out in a goddamned snow storm for fuckin’ flowers if Hank was happy.”
Joel finally glances over, but when he does, it’s at the bouquet of flowers sitting beside him on the bench seat. “Doesn’t matter, you still need to apologize—to both of them. We wouldn’t have shit if it weren’t for them—“ they wouldn’t, they were on their last leg, hitchhiking across half the country when they found an ad outside of the feed store in Jackson looking for a ranch hand in exchange for room and board. Joel gave them two for the price of one and the rest was history. Tommy makes an annoyed sound and interrupts. “Joel, what's that?” Directly in front of them, on the side of the road caught in an embankment is a little blue car sunk all the way down to the lug nuts. It doesn’t look like the person lost control, but they just drove into the embankment.
This road isn’t frequented and the cell service is spotty, but the taillights on the car tell him there's someone inside. “I’m stoppin’ to help,'' Joel informs him, but Tommy shifts and rolls his eyes—he’s never been the humanitarian type. “Why? I’m sure they can pay for a tow truck. Besides, if they are stupid enough to get stuck in an embankment, they can suffer.” Usually, Joel would agree, but the closer they get to Christmas, the more that iced over heart of his starts to thaw out.
Joel stops the truck on the road and leaves it running while he looks over at his brother. “Ain’t leavin’ nobody stuck out here in this storm, even if they’re stupid. They won't make it through the night.” He shuts the door behind him and stuffs his hands into his pockets. An agitated gust of air leaves his lungs in the form of cloudy condensation amongst the snowfall. He walks up to the car, leaning down so he can glance inside without getting too close. Through the fogged window, he can make out the figure of a woman leaned against the steering wheel, her face casted by her hair hanging all around while she slumps her head against the wheel. Stupid—stupid girl. What the hell is she doing way out here?
He rasps against the window and she jolts just as Tommy comes up behind him, finally having left the comfort of the truck cab. “S’a girl, should have guessed.” Tommy interjects with a crude tone, thankfully before she rolls the window down. She looks a little scared and a lot embarrassed, her eyes are red like she’s been crying her heart out. It doesn’t make Joel sad, it makes him uncomfortable. Emotions make his skin crawl, make him uneasy. He doesn’t handle people crying well, he doesn’t know how to react to it, what he should say or do.
“You need someone to pull you out?” He asks, trying his best to sound mellow tempered and helpful. He’s not, but he won't be able to sleep tonight if he has to drive by the coroner unsticking her frozen body from the seats in the morning. “I’m so sorry—I was checking my phone because my mom texted me and I didn’t see the corner—“ stuck in the snow because she was on her fucking phone? “You hit a snow embankment because you were textin’? You dim or somethin’, girl?” She gives him a hard glance, eyebrows pulled together tightly. “I’m not dim, but I can tell you’re dense.”
Tommy scuffs from beside him and crosses his arms over his chest. “I’ll grab the chain,” he tells his brother as he heads towards the truck. “I’m gonna pull you out, but after that you’re on your own, kid. This storm is just starin’, might be smart if you headed back to whatever city you blew in from.”
She’s the furthest thing from appreciative when Joel hooks a chain to the frame of her car and the hitch on the front of the old red chevy. When she gets out of the little blue car, Joel gets the full extent of how unprepared she is for a full on impending whiteout snowstorm. Her pants have rips and holes, like they are meant to be there, no way they are offering any kind of protection from the chill. Her boots have a three inch heel like she’s walking along some new york sidewalk with a tiny dog in her arms. She has a jacket, fur lining the hood and yet she’s still shaking like it all does nothing to protect her from the snow.
“Thank you for doing this, but I really could have called a tow truck or something. They probably would have been a lot nicer about it.” Her voice is dripping with disdain when he stands upright again. “You want nice, or you want to be dead? Because there ain’t no company sending a driver out here when were forecasted to get two feet overnight.”
She puts her hands on her hips in an attempted threatening manner, like that might scare Joel into an apology when she looks like an angry child who didn’t get their way. Joel hated people like this, too good for the world with their nose up in the air. He turns around to head back to the truck when he spots the piles of boxes in her back seat. Great—another fuckin’ know it all who think’s living out here is romantic and rustic. “You movin’ out here somewhere? You know there ain’t a mall for like, a hundred and fifty miles, right?”
She’s irritated now, with all the rude comments Joel is throwing her way—but he doesn’t care because the last thing this place needs is more city people thinking they can tame this untouched land. It shouldn’t bother him, because how long could she really last out here anyways? With those three inch heels and clothes fit for a concrete jungle, not muddy plains and cattle. She won't make it a month out here in the dead of winter.
“Just pull my car out, or leave me be, because the last thing I need right now is to get harassed by some old dumb fuck cowboy.” Dumb cowboy? Old? Like he’s the fucking moron out here in the middle of a blizzard in a car with bald ass tires and pants with holes in them. Maybe he should fucking leave, let her strand around trying to find a signal to call a tow company that wont come. “You know what?” Teach her a lesson, maybe then she’ll learn this place isn’t for people like her. With her done up hair and makeup—she’s pretty, unnaturally so—like she’s trying to damn hard to look that good—god damnit—“walk around in those stupid fucking shoes and see if you can find your own way out,” he leans down and undoes the hook under her car roughly. “Come on Tommy, were out of here.” She stomps her foot in the snow and starts to pace back to her car.
Joel makes his way back to the truck and unhooks the chain from the front. He’s had a long fucking day of taking care of his idiot bothers problems and he doesn’t have the patience to help some girl who doesn’t know what’s good for her.
“Hey, big brother.” It’s Tommy’s voice in his ears when he finally closes the door behind himself, huffing in discontent as he puts it in gear. “What.” He snaps, backing away from the stuck car and those sinfully tight jeans on that tight little—mother fucking son of a bitch, stop it!—he cant stand people like her, fucking with his head and getting under his skin. The type of girls who have looked him up and down and laughed in his face at the thought of someone like him being up to standard for someone like them. That snot nosed brat can sit in the snow, for all he cares.
“No need to get all hostile at me, man—I’m just checkin’ on ya. You’re all red and pissy, and nothin’ gets you all worked up like that.” He shrugs beside him with a cocky sort of snort. “I mean, unless—“ Joel jerks on the wheel and sneers over at his brother. “Drop it. Not another fucking word or I’ll leave you here too.”
Tommy’s jaw snaps shut and he looks out the passenger window, the radio playing quietly while the storm picks up, and the road carries on. Joel doesn’t think about what he’s done, only how his knee bounces and his hands flex the whole way back to the ranch. How his heart pounds and his blood rushes and it makes his head throb.
When they pull into the muddy drive, he shuts off the truck and turns towards his brother and the bouquet of flowers. “You really need to mean it when you talk to them, I’m serious. They are nice people who’ve looked out for us for two years. We owe them that, at least.” His little brother seems serious when he nods, so Joel passes him the flowers and heads inside. They have sacrificed so much to help Joel and Tommy. They’d been through dark winters with them, when they lost half the herd to the cold and Joel spent the night in the barn with what was left to make sure they all stayed upright and dry. They’ve all had empty bellies at night, didn’t have two nickels to rub together between the four of them and they’ve stood by each others sides through it. They’ve seen Tommy lose his shit a few times, too—so they know he’s capable of coming back from it. He just hopes this time wasn’t too far—Tommy had yelled at her for simply washing his clothes for him.
When the door to the big white farm house creaks open, Joel steps inside to the warm scent of roast in the oven and potatoes on the stove, Hank in his recliner with the newspaper in his hand and his reading glasses on while the game plays in the background. Hank was a large man, kind of chubby in the joyous kind of way, kind eyes and balding on the top. He laughs a lot, but he takes no shit while he’s at it.
“Kitchen,” Joel directs Tommy, who makes his way to the conjoining room where Louise was probably busy cooking dinner. Joel makes his way over to the couch across from Hank, who drops his paper and gives Joel a long look. “You talk to him?” He nods his head and glances down at his snowy boots. “He’s been real anxious all day. Storm comin’ in is messin’ with him and he knows it's no excuse to snap at anyone. He’s in there apologizin’.”
The older man nods at him and glances over his shoulder where Joel can barely see Tommy handing her the bouquet. “She was really shaken up over it, I hate seeing her so upset. She’s been excited all day and trying to make the house looks nice. I think it was just a misunderstanding, but don’t give him any excuse to yell at her like that.”
Joel twists his hands around and looks up at Hank who wears a solemn expression. “I know, I’m real sorry, Hank.”
The man across from him sigh, then offers a faint smile as he stands from his chair. “It’s alright. You boys are like family, families fight—it happens. Lets get some dinner, forget about all this mess, alright?” Joel is thankful for the reason to drop the conversation and stands with the older man as they head towards the kitchen. Louise and Tommy are talking quietly, smiling at each other until she reaches out and embraces him in a soft looking hug. It's an ease on Joel’s wound tight mind, thinking Tommy had finally thrown a wrench in the only good thing they’ve had in ten years.
Dinner is delicious, savory roast that he can dip soft bread in, let is soak up all the juice that he tries and fails to not get all over his beard. When his bowl is empty and his stomach feels distended, he leans back in his chair and sighs contently. “That was amazing, Miss Lou—I don’t know how you do it.” The smile she gives him isn’t like one of her usuals, it’s slightly saddened and disheartened when she looks across the table at him. For a moment, he worries that Tommy’s words are getting to her again. “Everythin’ okay?” He sits up a little in his chair.
“I'm a little worried. Our daughter was on her way home from college today, she’s finally graduated and she called me this morning to tell me she’d be home before supper, so I made her favorite.” She looks towards the window. “The storm is getting worse, I’m worried her little car wont make it,” Joel’s whole stomach lurches into his throat and he nearly throws up in his hands. “I told you we should have gotten her a truck, Hank, you know she’s not the best driver in snow.”
Fuck—fuck, fuck, fuck!—he’s such a fucking idiot. He knew she was coming home today, Lou has been talking about it for weeks, the impending return of the prodigy child, home with a degree to save the ranch—or whatever it is that she was doing. He’d heard them talk about her so many times, she was all brains and no know-how, Hank always talked about how clumsy and awkward she was, but how brilliant her mind was at the same time. He’d always questioned how uncoordinated she really was, based on the photos of her as a young woman roping in the rodeo. Fuck—he should have recognized her... “What’s her name again?” Tommy asks like he has no fucking clue Joel is losing his ever loving shit right now. They left her stranded on the side of the road in the middle of this damn snow storm. He hears Louise say her name but it doesn’t register because he feels like he’s on fire and drownings at the same time. “But everyone’s always called her Honey. Since she was a little little thing. She was always so ornery and stubborn until one day she got into a bee box and got covered in bee stings. Ever since that day she was so sweet, so we started calling her Honey.” Lou has this soft smile and all Joel can think about is how he’d told her to crawl back to whatever city she came from in her stupid fucking shoes. “She’s got a real mouth on her till something puts her straight.” Hank chuckles and Joel abruptly stands from his seat.
“I’m finished, I can go out and have a look incase she got stuck somewhere.” He slings on his jacket, but Tommy is still eating and doesn’t think much of it—dumb ass. “Are you sure? She’s probably fine, she knows better than to get caught out in these storms, she probably got a hotel in town.” Joel shakes his head at them and throws on his thick Carhartt jacket that Hank gave him his first winter here after watching him shiver in the fields. “I’m sure, it’s gettin’ bad, just gonna make sure she ain’t stuck somewhere.” Joel makes his way out the door quickly, grabbing the keys to the truck that they had given to him—“how are you supposed to manage a ranch if you don’t have a way to get around?”
He starts up the old chevy and it fires to life despite the snow coming down in heaps now. He’s worried about the road back to her car, about the probably eight inches lining the long driveway, but he throws it in four wheel drive and tries his damndest to get through it because despite all the things stacking up against him, his biggest worry is the police finding her frozen to death in the morning and her parents faces when they find out it was Joel who abandoned her there to die. God—he’s such a prick.
The road is slippery and tricky, a winding snow covered path along the hillside leading towards Jackson. It takes him twenty minutes in this blizzard to get there, all he can think about the entire time is the half freezing girl hiding in her car and the warm food in his belly that was meant for her. He stops the truck when he gets to the car, the lights are off and it looks abandoned—his gut lurches again, what if he’s already too late? Two hours have passed since he left her stranded and the sun has set now, real cold is creeping in.
He jumps out of the truck and walks up to the window. He can't see inside because the glass is fogged, so she has to be alive in there. He knocks on the window and the door jerks against the cold. “Hey,” he pulls the door open more, she’s sitting in the driver seat, pale and shaking with a small blanket pulled around her to keep in some warmth. The look she gives him could kill a man if he didn’t feel like he was already going to die the second she tells her parents that he left her there.
“Y-Your conscious f-finally get to y-you, asshole?” She’s absolutely shaking, her fingers look purple. “I’m so sorry—C’mon, it’s warm in the truck.” He reaches for her hand, but she snaps it away from him like he might burn her. “I c-can get o-out on my own.” She can and does, wobbles on her too tall heels and starts to head towards the running truck. Joel grabs the door for her and she sneers at him—yeah, yeah—he deserves that. He closes the door behind her and runs over to the other side. When he jumps in, she’s got her hands pressed against the heater while she relishes in the welcomed heat.
He pulls away from her trapped car, he’ll come back for it when the snow has cleared up a little bit, but for now—it’s too dangerous to try and yank it out just for it to get stuck in the road because it has no traction. It's ten agonizing minutes of silence while Joel taps his fingers against the steering wheel, trying his damndest to keep a close eye on the woman beside him. She’s warming herself up and thawing out that burning rage Joel knows is inside of her. When they get closer to the driveway, she starts to fire off. “You takin’ me to some backwoods shack to tie me up and keep me?” He scoffs and looks out the windshield, trying to keep the truck steady in the snow.
“If I was going to tie up and keep some girl, I’d make sure she was less bitchy.” She growls at him, growls lowly and it actually does the job, makes his skin prick in goosebumps while he drives. “Wouldn’t be so bitchy if you didn’t leave me on the side of the road. You know I could have died, right?” He is painfully, agonizingly aware of that fact. “I came back, didn’t I?” The driveway is in view, a long fenced path up to the old farm house. “How’d you know I was comin’ here?” Her voice is a tad quieter now, less abrasive on his ears.
“Cus’ I’m comin’ here too.” He says quietly, halfway hoping it won't reach her ears, but her mom was right—she is quick, smart too. “You’re Joel, aren’t you?” She laughs menacingly, crossing her arms across her body and her left leg over her right with a scoff. “You know, my parents said it was Tommy I wouldn’t like. Said you were this big southern gentlemen.” She laughs a little harder, looking over at Joel. “They were half worried they’d have to chase me out of your bed, that you were right up my alley. My daddy said you were the type to charm any woman’s pants off. Guess they don’t know you like they thought they do, huh? Under all that chivalrous facade is just another self centered, selfish cowboy.”
Joel shuts off the truck and glances over at her. “Look, I’m real sorry. First impressions aren’t my strong suit, got a thing for people who don’t belong out here. Didn’t know you were their kid. Would’ve pulled your car out if I’d known.” She opens the door of the cab and steps out into the snow. “So you’re only a good person when someone’s lookin’, I’ll keep that in mind, dickhead.”
She slams the door and storms off towards the house while Joel slumps against the wheel with his head in his hands. Fuck…if it’s not Tommy risking their welcome, their jobs, then it was him, making an absolute ass of himself in-front of the bosses daughter. The bosses fiery, too good—too good looking—
“Son of a bitch!”
He gets into the house ten minutes after she does, his hands stuffed in his pockets and half expecting her parents to kick him out right then and there. He pretty much told her to fuck off and left her to freeze to death. There’s no doubt in his mind that they would have found her dead in the morning, the temperature was below freezing already.
To his surprise, it's quiet when he gets inside. Hank and Louise are in the dining room with their daughter, laughing and smiling and surprised to see her, to see her with Joel. “And he just found you there?” She looks so…so..chipper standing there beside her dad with her arm on his shoulder while he sits at the table. “Yep, got my car stuck because I was texting, I know—not bright.” She sounds so fucking fake and dramatic in her tone, Joel’s hands flex and unflex. “And I couldn’t get out and find a signal because of my stupid fucking shoes. I probably would have died there if not for…good ol’ Joel.” She cocks her head with this shit eating grin on her face that makes Joel's gut clench up and his heart pound.
This fucking bitch—is she blackmailing him right now? In those stupid fucking pants and that top he’s finally getting a glimpse at—and then…shit…
Look at you…just—his brain is going haywire right now. He hates your fucking guts right about now but his brain makes other notes about your guts and its desire to be in them—and that tight ass shirt with your tits just pourin’ out of it—Jesus CHRIST, Joel, get it together here.
He shakes his head, bites the inside of his cheek and meets your eyes, everyone else is looking at you, but you’re looking at him, fully aware of the way his eyes just ate your body up for dessert until he was stuffed. “Real winner you guys have here, mom and dad…real winner.”
If there’s one thing Joel is certain of, it’s that he is in big, big fucking trouble.
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tokuvivor · 3 months
I don’t talk a lot about baseball on here. But 85 years ago today, Lou Gehrig, one of the greatest to ever play the game, a little over two months removed from taking himself out of the Yankees’ lineup-and never returning to it-addressed the Yankee Stadium faithful about his condition-one that was slowly killing him and would eventually bear his name, ultimately announcing his retirement from the game he loved so much. He said that even though he got this supposedly bad break, he still found himself lucky at all he had been given in his 36 years. As follows:
"Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans.
"Look at these grand men. Which of you wouldn't consider it the highlight of his career just to associate with them for even one day? Sure, I'm lucky. Who wouldn't consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert? Also, the builder of baseball's greatest empire, Ed Barrow? To have spent six years with that wonderful little fellow, Miller Huggins? Then to have spent the next nine years with that outstanding leader, that smart student of psychology, the best manager in baseball today, Joe McCarthy? Sure, I'm lucky.
"When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift - that's something. When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those boys in white coats remember you with trophies - that's something. When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter - that's something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education and build your body - it's a blessing. When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed - that's the finest I know.
"So I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for.”
-Lou Gehrig, 1903-1941
Thank you, Lou Gehrig, and may you live on in history.
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best-of-basslines · 7 months
Song Masterpost
[I was planning on linking all the songs to versions on Youtube, but apparently it goes over the number of links allowed on a post. Instead, the songs will be linked on each poll.]
Talk Talk - "It's My Life"
Kajagoogoo - “Too Shy”
The Beach Boys - “Good Vibrations”
Rush - “New World Man”
Cream - “Spoonful”
The Police - “Message in a Bottle”
Jackson 5 - “I Want You Back”
Diana Ross - “I’m Coming Out”
Diana Ross and the Supremes - “What Becomes of the Brokenhearted”
The Supremes - “You Can’t Hurry Love”
The Jam - “Town Called Malice”
David Essex - “Rock On”
Radiohead - “15 Step” | “Paranoid Android”
Michael Jackson - “Thriller” | “Billie Jean”
Elton John - “Dirty Little Girl”
Angra - “Nothing to Say”
Serú Girán - “La Grase de las Capitales”
Os Mutantes - “Ando Meio Desligado”
Bill Withers - “Lovely Day”
Blur - “Girls and Boys”
Sly and the Family Stone - “Thank You (Falettinme be Mice Elf Again)”
Charles Wright and the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band - “Express Yourself”
Jr. Walker and the All Stars - “(I’m a) Road Runner”
Marvin Gaye - “I Heard it through the Grapevine” | “Midnight Lady”
Marvin Gaye and Tammi Tarrell - “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”
Red Hot Chili Peppers - “Higher Ground” | “Snow (Hey Oh)” | “Give It Away”
Primus - “My Name is Mud” | “Is it Luck?” | “Lacquer Head”
Beck - “Go It Alone”
The Fabs - “That’s the Bag I’m In”
The Shapes - “College Girls”
Herbie Hancock - “Chameleon”
Pink Floyd - “Money”
Rasputina - “Secret Message”
Madonna - “Material Girl”
Was (Not Was) - “Walk the Dinosaur”
Lemon Demon - “Jaws���
Creedence Clearwater Revival - “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?”
Steve Miller Band - “The Joker”
Violent Femmes - “Blister in the Sun”
War - “Low Rider”
Poppy - “Motorbike”
Tokyo Jihen (Tokyo Incidents) - “Noudouteki”
Graham Central Station- “Hair”
Oingo Boingo - “Dead Man’s Party”
Vulf Peck - “Deantown”
Iroha (feat. Rin Kagamine) - “Meltdown”
Labi Siffre - “I Got The…”
Deep Purple - “Space Truckin’”
The Breeders - “Cannonball”
Earth Wind and Fire - “Let’s Groove”
Parliament - “Give Up the Funk”
Liquid Liquid - “Cavern”
Melle Mel - “White Lines (Don’t Do It)”
Tiger Army - “Cupid’s Victim”
Limp Bizkit - “Nookie”
White Zombie - “Black Sunshine”
Alice in Chains - “Rooster”
Pearl Jam - “Daughter”
Norah Jones - “Cold Cold Heart”
Joy Division - “Transmissions” | “Disorder”
Metallica - “Orion”
Anthrax - “Caught in a Mosh”
Muse - “Hysteria” | “Plug in Baby” | “Futurism”
Arctic Monkeys - “Fake Tales of San Francisco” | “A Certain Romance” | “Dancing Shoes”
Bauhaus - “Double Dare” | “Kick in the Eye”
Chic - “Good Times” | “Everybody Dance”
Royal Blood - “Better Strangers”
Fleetwood Mac - “The Chain”
Iron Maiden - “Aces High”
The Damned - “Neat Neat Neat”
The Smiths - “Barbarism Begins at Home”
New Order - “Age of Consent”
Talking Heads - “Psycho Killer”
Romeo Void - “Never Say Never”
Cocteau Twins - “The Hollow Men”
Rage Against the Machine - “Killing in the Name” | “Bulls on Parade”
Dance Gavin Dance - “Don’t Tell Dave”
Queen - “Another One Bites the Dust” | “Dragon Attack”
Gorillaz - “Feel Good Inc.”
Megadeth - “Peace Sells”
Korn - “Got the Life”
Pantera - “Cowboys from Hell”
Queen + David Bowie - “Under Pressure”
Stevie Wonder - “Superstition”
Shiina Ringi - “Koufukuron (Etsuraku-hen)”
The Temptations - “My Girl”
Paramore - “Ain’t it Fun”
Måneskin - “For Your Love”
The Seatbelts - “Tank!”
Cake - “The Distance”
Gloria Gaynor - “I Will Survive”
Miles Davis - “Bitches Brew”
The Fall - “I Feel Voxish”
Public Image Ltd - “Swan Lake (Death Disco)”
Thelma Houston - “Don’t Leave Me This Way”
Killdozer - “King of Sex”
The Beatles - “Hey Bulldog” | “I Want You (She’s so Heavy)” | “Lady Madonna” | “Dear Prudence” | “I Will”
Wings - “Silly Love Songs”
Lou Reed - “Walk on the Wild Side”
White Stripes - “Seven Nation Army”
Gang of Youths - “Achilles Come Down”
AJR - “Sober Up”
Duran Duran - “Rio”
The Who - “Baba O’Riley” | “Getting in Tune”
Yes - “Roundabout”
Led Zeppelin - “Ramble On” | “Dazed and Confused”
The Cure - “Lovesong” | “The Lovecats”
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baseballbybsmile · 1 year
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"Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans.
"Look at these grand men. Which of you wouldn't consider it the highlight of his career just to associate with them for even one day? Sure, I'm lucky. Who wouldn't consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert? Also, the builder of baseball's greatest empire, Ed Barrow? To have spent six years with that wonderful little fellow, Miller Huggins? Then to have spent the next nine years with that outstanding leader, that smart student of psychology, the best manager in baseball today, Joe McCarthy? Sure, I'm lucky.
"When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift - that's something. When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those boys in white coats remember you with trophies - that's something. When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter - that's something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education and build your body - it's a blessing. When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed - that's the finest I know.
"So I close in saying that I may have had a tough break, but I have an awful lot to live for. Thank you." ~ Lou Gehrig (July 4, 1939 - Yankee Stadium)
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Movies I could rewatch every week in no particular order
1. The Loft (2014)
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For five men (Karl Urban, James Marsden, Wentworth Miller, Eric Stonestreet, Matthias Schoenaerts), the opportunity to share a penthouse in the city -- in which to carry on extramarital affairs -- is a dream come true, until the dead body of an unknown woman turns up. Realizing that her killer must be one of their group, the men are gripped by paranoia as each one suspects another. Friendships are tested, loyalties are questioned, and marriages crumble while fear and suspicion run rampant.
2. Donnie Darko (2001)
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After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a man in a large rabbit suit who manipulates him to commit a series of crimes.
3. The Boy (2016)
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A young American named Greta (Lauren Cohan) takes a job as a nanny for an 8-year-old boy in a remote English village. To her surprise, Greta learns that the child of her new employers is a life-size doll. They care for the doll as if it was human, which helps the couple to cope with the death of their own son 20 years earlier. When Greta violates a list of strict rules, a series of disturbing and inexplicable events bring her worst fears to life, leading her to believe that the doll is alive.
4. The Lovely Bones (2009)
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After being brutally murdered, 14-year-old Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan) watches from heaven over her grief-stricken family (Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz) -- and her killer (Stanley Tucci). As she observes their daily lives, she must balance her thirst for revenge with her desire for her family to heal.
5. The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018)
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Mike and his wife Cindy take their son and daughter on a road trip that becomes their worst nightmare. The family members soon find themselves in a desperate fight for survival when they arrive at a secluded mobile home park that's mysteriously deserted -- until three masked psychopaths show up to satisfy their thirst for blood.
6. Me Before You (2016)
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Young and quirky Louisa "Lou" Clark (Emilia Clarke) moves from one job to the next to help her family make ends meet. Her cheerful attitude is put to the test when she becomes a caregiver for Will Traynor (Sam Claflin), a wealthy young banker left paralyzed from an accident two years earlier. Will's cynical outlook starts to change when Louisa shows him that life is worth living. As their bond deepens, their lives and hearts change in ways neither one could have imagined.
7. Monster House (2006)
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No adults believe three youths' (Mitchel Musso, Spencer Locke, Sam Lerner) assertion that a neighboring residence is a living creature that means them harm. With Halloween approaching, the trio must find a way to destroy the structure before innocent trick-or-treaters meet ghastly ends.
8. What Happened To Monday (2017)
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In a world where families are allowed only one child due to overpopulation, resourceful identical septuplets must avoid governmental execution and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own.
8. Father Of The Year (2018)
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When a drunken debate between two college graduates about whose father would win in a fight is taken seriously by their dads, jobs are lost, relationships ruined, and best friends come of age as they come to grips with the identity of their fathers.
9. The Last Song (2010)
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Unruly New York teen Ronnie Miller is angered to learn that she and younger brother Jonah are being sent to stay with their father for the summer. The talented young pianist is already grappling with her mother over her refusal to attend the prestigious Juilliard music school, and is in no mood to spend the holidays away from her friends in a small Southern beach town.
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noratilney · 8 months
Call the Midwife OC Masterlist (wip)
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Julia Lennon
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Full Name: Julia Frances Lennon
Nickname(s): Jule, Lennon
Face Claim: Lili Reinhart
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 3-?
Status: Midwife
Love Interest: Trixie Franklin
Connections: Jenny Lee (fellow midwife), Trixie Franklin (fellow midwife), Cynthia Miller (fellow midwife), Chummy Noakes (fellow midwife)
Biography Stub:
Evelyn Allen
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Full Name: Evelyn Marjorie Allen
Nickname(s): Eve
Face Claim: Shannon Purser
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 3-?
Status: Midwife
Love Interest: Cynthia Miller
Connections: Jenny Lee (fellow midwife), Trixie Franklin (fellow midwife), Cynthia Miller (fellow midwife), Chummy Noakes (fellow midwife)
Biography Stub:
Ella Garland
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Full Name: Helen Bertha Garland
Nickname(s): Ella
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 3-?
Status: Midwife
Love Interest: Sister Winifred
Connections: Jenny Lee (fellow midwife), Trixie Franklin (fellow midwife), Cynthia Miller (fellow midwife), Chummy Noakes (fellow midwife)
Biography Stub:
Shanti Deshpande
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Full Name: Shanti Deshpande
Face Claim: Suhana Khan
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 13-?
Status: Midwife
Love Interest: Alfred Huntingdon, Viscount Beaumont
Connections: Beryl Bowling (fellow midwife), Trixie Franklin (fellow midwife), Naomi Jacobs (fellow midwife), Pauline Taylor (fellow midwife)
Biography Stub:
Pauline Taylor
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Full Name: Pauline Christina Taylor
Face Claim: Erinn Westbrook
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 13-?
Status: Midwife
Love Interest:
Connections: Beryl Bowling (fellow midwife), Shanti Deshpande, Trixie Franklin (fellow midwife), Naomi Jacobs (fellow midwife)
Biography Stub:
Beryl Bowling
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Full Name: Beryl Mary Bowling (née Alexander)
Face Claim: Tessa Thompson
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 13-?
Status: Nurse, Midwife
Love Interest:
Connections: June Bowling (daughter), George Bowling (husband, deceased), Shanti Deshpande, Trixie Franklin (fellow midwife), Naomi Jacobs (fellow midwife), Pauline Taylor (fellow midwife)
Biography Stub:
Naomi Jacobs
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Full Name: Naomi Hannah Jacobs
Nickname(s): Nomi
Face Claim: Carey Mulligan
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 13-?
Status: Nurse, Midwife, Doctor-in-training
Love Interest: Timothy Turner
Connections: Beryl Bowling (fellow midwife), Shanti Deshpande, Trixie Franklin (fellow midwife), Pauline Taylor (fellow midwife)
Biography Stub:
Vicky Shore
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Full Name: Victoria Grace Shore
Nickname(s): Vicky
Face Claim: Tuppence Middleton
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 10-?
Status: Trainee midwife
Love Interest:
Connections: Georgette Baines (fellow trainee), Nancy Corrigan (fellow trainee), Janice Cowan (fellow trainee), Caroline Gilchrist (fellow trainee), Alison Hopkiss (fellow trainee)
Biography Stub:
Marian Beecham
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Full Name: Marian Jane Beecham (née Simmons)
Face Claim: Clare Calbraith
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 8/9-?
Love Interest: Valerie Dyer
Connections: Oliver Beecham (husband, deceased)
Biography Stub:
Caroline Gilchrist
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Full Name: Caroline Matilda Louise Gilchrist
Nickname(s): Caddie, Caddie-Lou
Face Claim: Cara Theobald
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 10-?
Status: Trainee midwife
Love Interest:
Connections: Sister Julienne (great-aunt), Georgette Baines (fellow trainee), Nancy Corrigan (fellow trainee), Janice Cowan (fellow trainee), Alison Hopkiss (fellow trainee), Vicky Shore (fellow trainee)
Biography Stub:
June Bowling
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Full Name: June Harriet Bowling
Nickname(s): Junie
Face Claim: Leah Jeffries
Fic Title: TBD
Series: 13-?
Love Interest: N/A
Connections: Beryl Bowling (mother), George Bowling (father, deceased)
Biography Stub:
Alfred Huntingdon, Viscount Beaumont
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Full Name: Alfred Edmund Geoffrey Huntingdon, Viscount Beaumont
Nickname(s): Alfie
Face Claim: Tom Blyth
Fic Title: TBD
Love Interest: Shanti Deshpande
Biography Stub:
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laresearchette · 11 months
Friday, November 10, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
2023 FIFA MEN'S U17 WORLD CUP (TSN/TSN4) 6:48am: Spain vs. Canada
GRAND SLAM OF CURLING (SN) 11:00am: National - Draw 14 (SN) 3:00pm: National - Draw 15 (SN) 7:00pm: National - Draw 16
NHL HOCKEY (SNWest/TSN4) 7:00pm: Flames vs. Leafs (SN1) 7:00pm: Wild vs. Sabres (SN) 10:00pm: Sharks vs. Knights
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN5) 7:30pm: Nets vs. Celtics (SN Now) 8:30pm: Clippers vs. Stars (TSN/TSN3/TSN5) 10:00pm: Lakers vs. Suns
AMPLIFY (APTN) 7:30pm: Anishinaabe electro-pop artist Wolf Saga draws inspiration for his music from a painting his grandmother bought, which connects him to his culture. This episode features Richard Gracious, Janis Monture, Elder Mary Lou Smoke and Betty Albert.
THE FATHER (CTV2) 8:00pm: A man refuses assistance from his daughter as he ages. As he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances, he begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and the fabric of his reality.
7TH GEN (APTN) 8:00pm: Matthew Monias - Mattmac: Many people know Matthew Monias by his stage name, Mattmac. Discover how this Oji-Cree blind recording artist from Garden Hill First Nation is taking the world by storm with his music and blazing a trail with his advocacy work.
PLANET WONDER (CBC) 8:30pm: How the language used about climate change affects the motivation to do something about it.
A DASH OF CHRISTMAS (CTV Life) 8:00pm: To apply for her dream job at a foodie startup, an executive must learn to bake. When she recruits a handsome baker to help her, she inadvertently ends up in a Christmas Bakeoff.
FRIDAY NIGHT THUNDER (APTN) 8:30pm: The inaugural NASCAR Pinty's race finally arrives at Ohsweken Speedway and Aaron Turkey proves to be a hometown hero in the historic event. Meanwhile, Joshua Hill hustles to get his car back on the track after getting into a wreck the night before.
THE FIFTH ESTATE (CBC) 9:00pm: The Girls Around Robert G. Miller: In partnership with Radio-Canada's investigative program, "Enquête," "The Fifth Estate" examines troubling claims that a Canadian billionaire had a long history of paying teenagers for sex.
TRANSPLANT (CTV) 9:00pm: Bash reconnects with the man who got him to Canada.
BEAT BOBBY FLAY: HOLIDAY THROWDOWN (Food Network Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Katie Lee Biegel cracks the wishbone with Turkey Day classics and makes this holiday reunion a surprise family affair. Chefs Darnell Ferguson, Bryan Voltaggio and Michael Voltaggio attempt to squash Bobby Flay with a new turkey tradition.
CATWOMAN: HUNTED (Cartoon Network Canada) 9:00pm: Catwoman attempts to steal a priceless jewel.
VIOLENT NIGHT (Crave) 9:00pm: An elite team of mercenaries breaks into a family compound on Christmas Eve, taking everyone hostage inside. However, they aren't prepared for a surprise combatant: Santa Claus is on the grounds, and he's about to show why this Nick is no saint.
W5 (CTV) 10:00pm: The Mystery Bomber: "W5" investigates the identity of a would-be bank robber who exploded in a dramatic heist.
CRIME BEAT (Global) 10:00pm: Nothing is What it Seems: Part 1: A man walking his dog comes upon a neighbor's garage engulfed in flames; when the smoke clears, a woman is found dead with drug paraphernalia nearby; nothing is what it seems, and police are left combing through a web of lies to find the killer.
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dollarbin · 9 months
Dollar Bin #30:
Roger Miller's Roger and Out
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Imagine making something vital out of just about nothing; imagine a seemingly tossed off moment that turns out to be genius.
My 15 year old daughter did just that this weekend: she took the world's cheapest and least effective kite, one that could do nothing but circle about for a moment and then crash, fiddled with it after a moment of thought and observation and then sent that cheap bit of just about nothing into the air as a beautiful sign of support for the people suffering so dreadfully in Palestine. It was awesome.
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So let's start the new year by talking about another wonderful piece of just about nothing, Roger Miller's very first record from 1964; (my reissued copy is called Dang Me but the original title is Roger and Out).
You simply can't find another album that's this breezy and light. Let's count the ways:
Miller recorded the album in just two days;
the longest song runs for a grand total of 2 minutes and 17 seconds;
the record's most complex statement of ideas comes in Chug-a-lug; it describes what it's like chugging booze;
and that song was supposedly written in under four minutes;
the album features 11 other silly, tiny and tossed off songs;
the whole thing seems made for Dr. Demento even though that dude was still in grade school at the time;
And it's a total classic, a soaring kite that has no business lighting up the sky, and yet there it is, rising up, up and up after a rough year for just about everyone.
Let's start with Miller's voice. What an instrument! The record opens with a whoop-whoop-whoop that sounds like it's coming from the goldfish Roger's baby sister won at the county fair. But that little swimmer has somehow survived a trip down Miller's gullet; he swallowed it whole when he thought she wasn't looking. But she was looking! She saw Roger Miller gobble her fish up, a fish she'd already named Lester, and so she starts bawling. But fear not little sister, Lester is doing just fine; he swimming about in Miller's gut and now Lester wants to sing her a song.
That baby sister's tears sure dried up fast, didn't they? By the time Miller starts hemming, hawing and harrumphing about getting drunk as a kid she's laughing and clapping, hoping Roger will swallow the rest of her fish.
Every song on Dang Me features a similar act of vocal gymnastics. Miller scats his way through It Takes All Kinds to Make a World; frog swats at his chorus in Lou's Got the Flu and croons with easy joy in Feel of Me.
And then there's his incredibly tight band. There are zero solos and zero flash on the record; instead we've just got solid, chugging glow from start to finish. Personnel details are hard to come by; members of the A-Team - a catchall description for the few dozen people who appear on just about everything recorded in Nashville from Elvis to Ringo and back ago - support Miller but no one is given clear credit. There's a fair amount of piano and occasional backing vocals: all uncredited.
But listen to Squares Make the World Go Round; try to find a single unnecessary, non-shimmering note.
I love sloppy truth in my music. After all I'm settling in for a full year, at least, of Shakey Sundays. But there's something to be said for humble professionalism as well. The razor sharpness of the "heys!" in Squares are the perfect compliments to Miller's Daffy Ducky meets Merle Haggard vocals. Think Neil and Crazy Horse could pull vocals that crisp? Hell no; just listen to their version of Get a Job.
Somebody ought to get them a job, a job outside of the music industry.
And then there's the streak of sheer positivity that runs through all of Roger and Out. A year after Dylan bummed us all permanently out while cursing the Masters of War, Miller sings about WW3 in Private John Q like it's gonna be a hoot. And Got 2 Again is a master class in how to make musical joy. I have no idea to what extent Miller actually made up the first and second verse of this song, but don't you wish you were there with him in the studio, shouting out "thirteen!"?
I've always been fascinated by the idea of lyrics made up on the spot. It's tempting to imagine that Dylan had Miller's example in his head when he made up some of his least comprehensible and, arguably, best poetry in real time three years later in the Big Pink Basement.
I, too, dream about The Door...
But Dylan clearly can't compete with Miller in the childhood cheer category. His version of This Old Man will probably make your kids cry.
But Roger and Out does serve as a successful foundation for some great children's music, however. Just listen to Johnny and June settle in to make joyful mischief Miller style:
My kids loved that stuff. I still do.
Indeed, the tone of Miller's record serves as a foundation for so much that followed. Kristofferson's "if it sounds country man, that's what it is" explanation at the opening of Me and Bobby McGee, Neil Young's hillbilly speechifying on the Hawks section of Hawks and Doves, Yo La Tengo's shambolic funk while discussing nuclear war, Jerry Jeff Walkers entire vibe, everything Stephen Stills is not: it all has roots in Miller's yo-yo wielding, masterful joy in the studio.
Hard core Dollar Bin Dwellers will remember that I figured out who Roger Miller was just a month or two ago via Ringo Starr and childhood memories of Miller's songs and narration in Disney's Robin Hood. Well I'm all stocked up on his records now, and it turns out Miller is a classic Dollar Bin artist: his records fill the bin to the brim and they're all good. So go swallow them whole.
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars Theme Songs (Updated)
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Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: “A Grave Mistake”  from Ice Nine Kills
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: “I’m Alive” from Disturbed
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: “Not Over Till We Say So” from Blue Stahli
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: “Courage in Me” from Lou
Pupa Solar-Opposites/The Mighty Pupa: “Starships” from Nicki Minaj
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: “Unstoppable” from Sia
Monica Miller/Lightspeed: “Stronger” from Kelly Clarkson
Parker/Venus Tip: “Just like Fire” from P!nk
Ms. Frankie/Night Saw: “Wolves” from Selena Gomez ft. Marshmello
Principal Cooke/Trailblazer: “By the Way” from The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Cherie/Shining Light: “Titanium” from Sia ft. David Guetta
Montez/Detroit: “Bad Company” from Five Finger Death Punch
Pezlie/Jessie-us: “I know The Way” from Ariana Grande
Nova/Heartstar: “Rise” from Katy Perry
Ms. Perez/Core Burn: “Towards the Sun” from Rihanna from Home
Mia/Navigator: “Can’t be Tamed” from Miley Cyrus
Kevin/Balanight: “Derezzed” from Tron
Sherbert/Fizzlepop: “Lollipop” from M!KA
Jamie/Firewall: “Feeding the Fire” from Disturbed
Darcy/Sonar Woman: “Confident” from Demi Lovato
Kevin’s Wife/Tsunami: “Rain on Me” from Lady Gaga ft. Ariana Grande
Mark/Laserblast: “Sunflower” from Post Malone
Kevin’s Daughter/Ultraviolet: “Rainbow” from Sia
Kevin’s Son/Bubbley Blue: “Just a Kid” from Simple Plan
Randall/Blackhole: “Nightmare” from Avenged Sevenfold
Cheery Smithers/Bloody Sympathy: “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now” from Olivia Holt
Janice/Teleport Woman: “Fireflies” from Owl City
Sonya/Nighthowler: “Learning to Fly” from Christina Aguilera
Phoebe MacCarthy and Monica Miller belongs to @themagicwolf6677
Parker belongs to @prospitdaydreamer
Cheery Smithers belongs to me
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ml-quinn · 2 years
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✨🪐Fancy a Trip in The Box?🌍✨
A 100 Song Thirteenth Doctor Era Playlist
genre: various (predominantly pop & alternative)
runtime: 6 hours 9 minutes
recommended play order: shuffle/as-is
the woman who fell to earth (gender, sexuality, feminism)
the fam (current & former companions)
the timeless child (loss of identity, trauma, grief)
[Full Track List & Links Under the Cut]
Track List
Someone New - Hozier
Constellations - The Oh Hellos
High On Humans - Oh Wonder
Won't Stop Running - A Great Big World
Don't Save Me - HAIM
Space Oddity - David Bowie
Lost in Time and Space - Lord Huron
Zero Gravity - Kate Miller-Heidke
Starry Eyed - Ellie Goulding
Rise Up - Andra Day
if i go to the moon - Shae Dale
New Constellations - Ryn Weaver
Until the Night Turns - Lord Huron
Don't Kill My Vibe - Sigrid
What You Know - Ali Dineen
Rise - Walk Off the Earth, Gabriela Bee
The Call - Regina Spektor
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
Family - Mother Mother
Clearest Blue - CHVRCHES
100 Years - Florence + The Machine
A Better Son/Daughter - Rilo Kiley
Night 13 - Auri
Chasing The Sun - Sara Bareilles
Louder in Outer Space - Skating Polly ft. Louise Post & Nina Gordon
Yellow - Jodie Whittaker
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
I'm From Nowhere - Neko Case
Then She Appeared - XTC
Two Hearts - Bruce Springsteen
Floating in Space - The Apples in Stereo
Worlds Away - Strange Advance
Fugitive - Indigo Girls
Politics In Space - Kate Miller-Heidke
Darkness Keeps Chasing Me - Grace VanderWaal
Don't Be so Hard on Yourself - Jess Glynne
Anthem - Walk Off the Earth
Rocket Man - Elton John
Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) - Train
Spaceman - The Killers
Clearly - Grace VanderWaal
Ground Control - All Time Low ft. Tegan and Sara
Astronauts - Rachel Platten
Fix You - Coldplay
Praying - Kesha
Rise - Katy Perry
I Choose - India.Arie
Not Ready to Make Nice - The Chicks
Back In My Body - Maggie Rogers
Haunted (Acoustic) - Taylor Swift
Galileo - Indigo Girls
Easy On Me - Adele
She Used To Be Mine - Sara Bareilles
Don't Feel Like Crying - Sigrid
Running If You Call My Name - HAIM
I See You - Phoebe Bridgers
Leave a Trace - CHVRCHES
Let It Be - The Beatles
Lonely Road - WILLOW
Sadness - Noah Cyrus
I Am Her - Shea Diamond
Walking with a Ghost - Tegan and Sara
Secret For The Mad - dodie
Holes in the Story - Alex the Astronaut
Bury It - CHVRCHES ft. Hayley Williams
I Don't Know My Name - Grace VanderWaal
Stranger To Yourself - Loving
Insecurities - Jess Glynne
The Future's Right In Front of Me- A Great Big World
Time Machine - Ingrid Michaelson
Uncharted - Sara Bareilles
All These Things That I've Done - The Killers
Change Is Everything - Son Lux
She - Alice Phobe Lou
Apple Tree - AURORA
Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran
She's A Rainbow - The Rolling Stones
Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
Man of a Thousand Faces - Regina Spektor
With A Little Help From My Friends - The Beatles
Like a Girl - Lizzo
Sum Of Our Parts - Mary Lambert
Who You Are - Jessie J
The Final Countdown - Gabriela Bee
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
All of the Stars - Ed Sheeran
Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons
Come Over (Again) - Crawlers
Geronimo - Sheppard
space girl - Frances Forever
The Man - Taylor Swift
The Last Day on Earth - Kate Miller-Heidke
Riversong - Ali Dineen
Help! - The Beatles
Time Machine - WILLOW
There Is an Answer - A Great Big World
You Don't Know Me - Ben Folds ft. Regina Spektor
Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful - Florence + The Machine
Rainbow - Kesha
Listen Now
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Heyy, could you do Lou being extra clingy and cuddly and wants Debs attention all to herself. Being the Lou-bear she is, even competes with her daughter for her wife's attention.
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“I can feel you lurking, Miller,” Debbie smirked, eyes not leaving their daughter as she laced her fingers over Dani’s, helping her tighten her grip around the bat.
Lou was more than lurking. The blonde was practically moments from falling through the metal fence off to the side of the dirt diamond, fingers digging through the squares of chains, boots grinding into the grass.
“Mama’s being silly isn’t she?” The brunette snickered as Danielle giggled into her side.
“Are you two almost done?” The blonde whined, snapping her gum. “Debs, I miss you.”
“Rude!” Dani yelled, sticking her tongue out as she wiggled around with the bat, her helmet falling over her eyes.
Debbie fixed her helmet, laughing at her wife.
“Seriously,” Debbie snorted. “I mean at least pretend you miss your daughter.”
“You know what I mean,” Lou rolled her eyes, kicking at the fence. “But it’s Sunday. It’s brunch day.”
“She’s jealous,” Debbie whispered in Danielle’s ear as her daughter giggled. “Mama just wants pancakes.”
“I heard that.”
“I’m helping our daughter with her form,” Debbie called. “She has a game on Wednesday. We can get brunch afterwards. But Dani picks where.”
“A McNugget isn’t Vesselka,” Lou pouted.
“She’s cranky,” Dani whispered back, warning a proud smirk from her mother.
“A McNugget,” Debbie mocked in a terrible Australian accent. “Danielle, the horror. Why don’t you go get her a Gatorade or something, baby? We’re almost done.”
“You don’t even like baseball, honey.”
“But uncle Danny does,” Danielle grinned. “And I’m his name steak.”
“Name sake, love,” Debbie whispered, beaming at her daughter. “And I don’t come and scratch at the walls of the practice room when she has guitar lessons.”
“Because you’re drinking coffee next store,” Dani pointed out with a toothy grin.
“That’s my girl,” the blonde smirked. “But pleaseeee, come on. I’m starving.”
“She’s starving, mom,” Dani giggled. “She hasn’t eaten since last night.”
“Actually,” Lou started, Debbie throwing her a death glare.
“Don’t,” Debbie warned.
“I don’t get it,” Dani mumbled.
“Just focus on the ball, kid.”
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byneddiedingo · 8 months
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Parker Posey in Personal Velocity: Three Portraits (Rebecca Miller, 2002)
Cast: Kyra Sedgwick, Parker Posey, Fairuza Balk, John Ventimiglia (voice), Ron Leibman, Wallace Shawn, Susan Blommaert, David Warshofsky, Leo Fitzpatrick, Tim Guinee, Patti D'Arbaville, Ben Shenkman, Joel de la Fuente, Marceline Hugot, Brian Tarantina, Seth Gilliam, Lou Taylor Pucci. Screenplay: Rebecca Miller, based on her stories. Cinematography: Ellen Kuras. Production design: Judy Becker. Film editing: Sabine Hoffman. Music: Michael Rohatyn.
Having a literary celebrity like Arthur Miller for a father seems to have had a profound effect on writer-director Rebecca Miller: It surely informed the central installment of the collection of three short films she called Personal Velocity. Greta (Parker Posey) is an editor for a New York publishing house whose father (Ron Leibman) is a famous lawyer but also a bully and a philanderer. He lords it over his daughter and her husband (Tim Guinee), a fact checker at the New Yorker and an unambitious man who has been taking his time to write a dissertation for his Ph.D. When Greta achieves a measure of success in her career, she finds that it's time to discover who she is other than a daughter and a wife. Posey's fine performance gives this episode the energy and focus it needs. Similarly good performances come from Kyra Sedgwick and Fairuza Balk in the other two segments, both of which also deal with a woman at a turning point in her life. Sedgwick plays Delia, married to an abusive man (David Warshofsky), who escapes with her children to a shelter for battered women and begins a new life as a waitress. Delia has a history of using sex as a means to get even with the world, and when she finds herself giving a hand job to an unpleasant auto mechanic, she realizes she has to come to terms with her life. Balk is Paula, who is living with a man in New York City, but when she discovers she's pregnant and narrowly escapes being killed in a freak accident (we hear news reports of the accident in the other two segments), she hits the road, picking up a young hitchhiker (Lou Taylor Pucci) along the way. As with most road movies, it's a journey of self-discovery. But these stories feel more cooked-up than Greta's; they lack its verbal wit and the feeling that they come out of an internalized experience. 
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pulptv · 10 months
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⠀⠀𝗣𝗨𝗟𝗣𝘛𝘝₁₉₉₉ ) :⠀ INCOMING HITS for andrew fontaine's long term girlfriend / practically wife, you can find them under the cut or on our wanted connections page !
*  \̲\̲  ★ ;   latest   news   in   the   underground   !   from   ANDREW FONTAINE  (  pedro pascal  )   there’s   a   hit   on   their LONG TERM GIRLFRIEND/PRACTICALLY WIFE.   their   photo   resembles  cate blanchett /keri russell /   utp   and   are  FORTY EIGHT PLUS.   should   you   show   with   results,  CRIS  requests   that   you DO NOT / CAN   contact   them   at   sntsagcstines.   (  if there's a visual definition of, ‘no one hurts his queen’, it would be these two. they are morticia and gomez, bonnie and clyde. marriage couldn't even begin to convey what these two have. they have been together since they were both early 20s, but i'm down for changing the timeline around!! they have a daughter together, either a kid, or a pre teen, and andrew genuinely treats them like queens. (lou miller and joel miller, anyone??) i'm down for anything and everything with these two, honestly!! )
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readromanceink · 10 months
12 Naughty Days of Christmas - 2023
From Blushing Books and your favorite authors, this scintillating compilation is here to add some heat to your holidays. Our enticing lineup includes sexy bosses, daring rescues, irresistible alpha males, and sultry seducers, all ready to ignite your imagination and set your heart racing.
Are you ready to escape from the chaos of work, family gatherings, and everyday stress? These stories are your ticket to a sensual getaway, far better than any bubble bath. Whether you crave sweet and tender moments or steamy encounters that'll leave you breathless, "12 Naughty Days" has it all.
Misty Malone – Meet My Horse, Rudolph
Maryse Dawson – Stella and the Cowboy
Emmy Lou Hayes – The Christmas Collar
Isabella Kole – Rissa’s Christmas Dream
Kathy Leigh – Christmas Love at Lamercie Manor
Yasmine Hyde – Winning Christmas
Sheri Lynn – A Christmas Coral
Kitty Wilder – A Daddy for Christmas
JK Deal – Jackson’s Christmas Carole
Courage Knight – Spanked by Santa at Alpha Alpha Chi
Megan Mccoy – Christmas At Rose's Ranch
Mandy Johnson – New Year's Promises
Marcia, jobless and lonely this Christmas, receives a horse riding gift certificate but doubts her interest. During an unplanned ranch visit, she meets Clay, and their mutual holiday blues lead to an unexpected romance.
In 1890, rancher's daughter Stella hires the stern Clayton Miller, unaware he'll uncover her illegal moonshine operation. As tensions rise, Clayton's discipline challenges Stella's rebellious spirit in a captivating Christmas tale.
Angel relocates to North Pole after her divorce, encountering Sam, the mysterious reindeer rancher. Their instant connection deepens when they play Santa and Elf for the town's children, revealing Sam's hidden identity.
Rissa's successful life is missing love until she meets Nate. Despite a secret that complicates their relationship, one Christmas Eve promises to change everything in this heartwarming story.
Susannah's Christmas at Lamercie Manor becomes complicated when she encounters the man who spurned her. Can the magic of the season bring them together despite their past?
Verra fights to protect her family's farm from a hustler's claim, leading to an unexpected bet with Dex, a skilled card player. Their high-stakes wager may kindle a passionate Christmas romance.
Coral's lonely holiday in Alabama takes a turn when she meets James, recently divorced and missing his son. As they navigate mishaps and arguments, they help each other heal.
Dakota returns home for Christmas and faces an awkward situation with her sister dating her old high school teacher, Emmett. Sparks fly between Dakota and Emmett, forcing her to make a choice.
'Jackson’s Christmas Carole' explores the love between headstrong doctor Chris and rugged ranch foreman Jackson in the untamed Wild West.
Join a unique college fundraiser, "Spanking Santa" at Alpha Alpha Chi, where you can add excitement to your holiday season with playful photo ops or cheeky surprises.
Kayla's tasked with turning a temporary cowboy into a permanent fixture at Rose's Ranch during the Christmas season. When she meets Luke, sparks fly, and he reconsiders his rodeo life.
Meg's husband suggests a New Year's Promise to help her self-improvement journey. Punishments for missteps, administered discreetly, lead to a humorous and endearing tale of personal growth.
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hitchell-mope · 11 months
Hypothetical titles for season twenty of 88
A Fifth Avenue funeral. Season premiere. Part one. The Five Families gather together to say goodbye to two of their own when a minor disaster strikes.
Where’s the corpse? Season premiere. art two. Deucalion and Jacob try to come to terms with their new roles as Kimberly and Thornton look for Lionel’s coffin. Final appearances of Jeff Bridges as Minos Wilkins and Lou Diamond Phillips as Lionel Spratt.
Puttanesca. The team takes a case involving an Italian restaurant that shares property with an Italian brothel.
There are no red lights in a car chase. Drummond gets stalked by an unknown assailant. Unfortunately for him. He’s in the car with David who’s still on probation and doesn’t have a valid drivers license.
Somebody to lean on. It’s Jacob and Deucalion’s first council meeting as the head of their families. Findlay locum’s for an otherwise indisposed Jones and meets Clyde’s abusive mother Noreen (Debra Messing) in the process.
Expert witness. Mary and Joseph Carpenter’s suit against Godfrey begins in earnest. Matters aren’t helped when Jacob’s old law school rival States Attorney Kenny Palmerston (Neve Campbell) makes it even more personal than it already was when she brings in one of Godfrey’s other children to testify against him. Also guest starring Levi Miller as Gabriel Christensen.
The sit in. Findlay and Delaney antagonise a store owner at Mulligan Mall when they decide to keep a group of teenagers from getting kicked out for sitting on a bench.
Motherly wiles. Macy unsuccessfully tries to pull a parent trap on Adam and Lilith.
Dichotomy. Jonah learns the meaning of damned if you do and damned if you don’t when he gets interviewed for a teen magazine.
Vigilante. Findlay and Jacob help a young man with aspirations of being a superhero navigate a lawsuit. Guest starring Caleb McLaughlin as Virgil Jenson
Ill met by moonlight. A message has been sent throughout the world. Only four words. But it is feared by all those who recognise history. It. Will. Happen. Again. Guest starring Maxwell Jenkins and Toby Stephens as Robin Goodfellow.
Violent delights. Midseason finale. Part one. The heirs to two rival car manufacturing companies go missing on Christmas Eve. And the investigation brings Lucia face to face with her former stepson after nearly sixty years. Guest starring Charlie Heaton as Roland Morris, Natalia Dyer as Julia Cowan and Bryan Cranston as Chester Morris.
Violent ends. Midseason premiere. Part two. A week and a half after they go missing. The team finally track down Roland and Julia with tragic results. Meanwhile Lucia passed ches things up with Chester. Guest starring Mariska Hargitay as Coraline “Courtland” Cowan, Jensen Ackles as Mick Morris and Laura Benanti as Maura Morris.
Family unity. The Wilkins’s grieving process is interrupted when Deucalion’s biological mother and his ex stepmother both turn up on the same day. Guest starring Olga Merediz as Fernanda “Fern” Marquez and Sigourney Weaver as Natalia Clifton.
Hypochondria. A visit to Dr Corsica after Theo swallows some postage stamps turns into Die Hard for Oswald when a psychopath holds the hospital hostage.
Like mother like daughter. Palmerston’s daughter represents Roxas Winchesters wife in a lawsuit against Drummond for getting him arrested for Lysander’s paralysis. And she definitely learned at her mother’s knee. Guest starring Kieran Shipka as Hallie Palmerston and Zendaya as Kylie Winchester.
Urquhart. Fern and Natalia have two unwelcome surprises for Deucalion. One. They’re together. Two. Fern is running for mayor of New York City.
Status and tactics. Findlay is called to the stand in the Carpenters lawsuit against Godfrey and wastes no time in giving her honest opinion on the situation
Pheasant crumble. Arlene tries, and fails, to keep Findlay away from Van Buren University when the finance manager comes to review the school’s expenditures.
A spoonful of sugar. Sidney comes to the rescue when Theo refuses to go back to Dr Corsica’s clinic for a tetanus booster after the hostage situation two months ago.
Husband or idol decision. Findlay achieves a personal dream of hers when she’s put on the judges panel for the Mr Fanservice completion. Which soon turns into a personal nightmare when the two finalist’s turn out to be Sidney and Emerson Davenport (recurring guest star Chris Pratt).
Cartography of scars. Jacob enlists Maybelle Archer’s help to unravel Hallie Palmerston’s case against the Wilkins family.
Dots. Season finale. Part one. Lucia recruits Sidney, Jacob, Gideon and Solaris’s help in tracking down both Jesse’s birth certificate and the woman who encouraged Mary to sue Godfrey in the first place. Meanwhile. Findlay has to talk Barnaby and Jonah out of an embarrassing situation of their own devising.
Jesus wept. Season finale. Part two. Jesse finally has enough of his mother’s insanity and demands that she drop the suit under threat of disownment. Final appearance of Winslow Fegley as Barnaby Sullivan and Walker Scobell as Jonah Sullivan.
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