#Lotus Mahal
onedaytripin · 10 months
One Day Hampi Sightseeing Trip - Visit Famous UNESCO Site
If you are planning to visit Hampi, one of the best ways to explore its attractions is by booking a one day Hampi sightseeing trip by cab. A cab will give you the convenience and comfort of traveling at your own pace and preference. You can choose from a variety of cabs that suit your budget and group size. You can also customize your itinerary according to your interests and time…
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aveartz · 2 months
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Monuments of India 🇮🇳 ♥️
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tripcounselors · 1 year
Lotus Temple Tour, New Delhi
In the month of December, the Indian city of New Delhi saw the opening of The Lotus Temple, a Baha'i house of worship. It has become one of the city's most well-liked tourist attractions as a result of its likeness to a lotus flower. Like all other Baha'i Houses of Worship, the Lotus Temple accepts visitors of any religion or none at all and has no further entry requirements. Some of the emperors established these temples for various purposes, while the majority did so to glorify themselves or their respective faiths. The Lotus temple, on the other hand, fulfills a completely different purpose. It is designed in the shape of a flower, which the majority of Indians see as a sacred symbol owing to its look. It serves as a symbol for everything Baha'i believers put their faith in. The Lotus Temple, one of the seven holy structures connected to the Baha'i faith, is located in New Delhi. Similar to other Baha'i temples, it has a circular, nine-sided design. The building is composed of 27 freestanding marble petals that are arranged to form the temple's nine sides. All Bahai Houses of Worship share the absence of altars and pulpits within, as is the case with the Lotus Temple. No sculptures, pictures, or other visuals of any type are present within. One of the most stunning features of the structure is the nine pools of water that surround the temple's petals.
Please don't hesitate to get in contact with one of our experienced Trip Counselors if you have any questions about the educational and cost-effective Lotus Temple trips we provide.
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ceofjohnlennon · 1 year
"Eventually I learned to distinguish the differences in temperament. John's granny glasses and pale skin, milk-white like the tigers in the Delhi zoo, suggested the persona of a studious intellectual, high-strung and enigmatic, carefully sifting the text of the Maharishi's wisdom for the grains of something that he could recognize as the truth. Like a lot of other people west of Suez, in Europe and America, he'd been expecting a guru to turn up, and suddenly, 'There he was in the Hilton hotel.' Yes, he said, it was great to be rich, great to be famous, but 'we're not the eternal rich men,' and money isn't what makes or sings the songs. One evening when Harrison said that 'nobody can be one hundred percent without the inner life,' Lennon told the other students at the table that the band's records served as diaries of its developing consciousness. In the photographs seen on the covers of their recent albums, he hoped and assumed that people might notice 'something going on behind the eyes other than guitar boogie.' He wasn't sure that the Maharishi was wiser than Lewis Carroll, but he knew that if a person could find within himself an inner wonderland impervious to the pressures of space and time, 'then nothing's going to shake my world.' Ringo and Paul didn't talk as much about the meditation. Yes, they had results with it. No, it wasn't a put-on, but their attitude implied that it was George's thing, and if he wanted to go to India, okay, fine, everybody went to India. Ringo missed his children and his nine cats, and he figured that he could assume the lotus position just as successfully in Liverpool. Maureen hated the flies — to the point that if there was only one fly in the room she would know exactly where it was, how it got there, and why it must be destroyed. She and Ringo had consulted the Maharishi on the subject, but the Maharishi told them that for people traveling in the realm of pure consciousness, flies no longer matter very much. 'Yes,' Ringo said, 'but that doesn't zap the flies, does it?' McCartney objected to the Maharishi's excessive adulation of the band and all its works ('the bit about being the sons of God and the saviors of mankind'), nor did he much care for the abstractions that sustained the yogi's grandiose metaphysics. 'I get a bit lost in the upper reaches of it,' he said. He also wished that the Maharishi would avoid talking to the Beatles about subjects that he, McCartney, knew something about. He found the Maharishi's support of the draft laws disillusioning; his girlfriend, Jane Asher, often wondered aloud what it would be like to see the moonlight on the Taj Mahal. Talking to Paul was easier than talking to George or to Ringo — his accent not as strong, more willing to exchange meaningless pleasantries, still fond of smoking cigarettes, his sense of humor affable and tolerant. When he showed up one day at lunch to say that he'd had a dream about being trapped in a leaking submarine of indeterminate color, it was Anneliese Braun who provided the interpretation. She clapped her hands in the enthusiastic way of a child seeing its first snowfall. 'How very nice,'x she said, wondering if McCartney appreciated the great truth with which he had been blessed. Paul smiled and said he didn't think he quite got all of it. 'Why it's the perfect meditation dream,' Anneliese said. The voyage in the submarine represented the descent into pure consciousness in the vehicle of the mantra; the leaks represented anxiety, and the surfacing of the submarine in a London street signified a happy return to society and one’s fellow men (like Ulysses coming back to Penelope), which was the purpose of all good meditation. The other people at the table applauded, and Geoffrey drew a comparison to the paintings of Hieronymous Bosch."
The Beatles in India. ㅡ From the book "With The Beatles" by Lewis Lapham.
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mangoshorthand · 5 months
Arrow of Time: Chapter 5 [Five Hargreeves/ F Reader]
(Hard Feelings Part 5)
SUMMARY: When the mother of all teenage tantrums causes time itself to fracture, Five has to travel back to 1831 to repair the damage. But will he be able to cope with what he finds there?
Chapter 6 >> << Back to Chapter 4
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A new face and and old one.
Chapter 5: Sir Lewis Danforth
As always after the ladies withdraw, the men stay at the dining table to enjoy a drink. It’s a particularly unusual dining room, and the owner of the house at Lafayette Place does as much as possible to show it off to his guests, although they almost always leave it feeling slightly bemused.
The room is dominated by an immense crystal chandelier overhanging the dining table. It hangs by brass chains from a gold-leafed peacock in flight affixed to the ceiling. The body of the immense light-fixture takes the form of a lotus flower in full bloom off which sparkling cut-crystal festoons hang, catching the light attractively.
The rest of the room is equally striking in a way that, if not quite offensive to the eye, is at least highly bewildering: the jade-colored velvet curtains, (held back by gilded snakes wrapped around them), the painted walls adorned with marble pilasters and arched alcoves…it’s as if somebody who once heard the interior of the taj mahal inaccurately described decided to try recreating it in 1830’s Manhattan.
At the head of the long dining table, Sir Lewis Danforth sits splayed in the high-backed mahogany chair, a cigar in one hand and a glass of brandy in the other. Rather like his dining room, Sir Lewis has a look of opulent anatopism about him. Unknowingly, he is around thirty years ahead of his time in wearing a smoking jacket, but his descendants would be unlikely to choose a silk Sherwani to serve as one. His broad, slightly flabby face is currently ruddy with the drink, and he laughs along amiably enough with the other men.
Mr Wilson, a mousy lawyer at the other end of the table, (largely invited for the sake of his much more fashionable wife), ventures a compliment:
“I admired the food today. Most unusual. Quite the culinary experience.”
Sir Lewis smiled with satisfaction. It seemed Wilson had his uses after all. He was desperate to show off a particularly unusual acquisition and Wilson had given him the perfect opening to do so.
“I have not visited the Indian subcontinent myself,” continued Wilson, “but my good friend, Sir Henry Lytton has, and the food we sampled today seemed quite authentic to the flavors he described. Do you keep a Hindoostanne cook?”
“Lord no,” Sir Lewis chortled, “though not for lack of trying. Lady Anne won’t have anybody browner than a pail of milk on the household staff. She nurses unfortunate prejudices, I'm sorry to say.” he swilled down another swallow of liquor, cleared his throat and continued, “No, I had quite the remarkable little find. Ring the bell for me, won’t you, Smyth?”
The visitor at the other end of the table crossed to the bells to summon a servant. When the footman arrived, he was instructed to fetch the cook.
“Now just you wait here, gentleman, and tell me what you think of my special cook. Spent a year on the subcontinent at nineteen years old: India, Ceylon, Bengal and came back with capital knowledge of curries, spice blends, oriental herbs: all you could want.”
“Remarkable. His name, Sir Lewis?” asked Smyth, retaking his seat at the table.
Another chortle rumbled from Danforth as if traveling up his body from his toes, wobbling in his belly before bubbling out of his mouth.
“ Her name, Smyth.”
“A woman?”
“Precisely! And that’s the best part- she commands less of a wage than a man and she provides other… compensations , if you take my meaning.”
Other men around the table joined him in his lascivious chuckle.
“I’ve had her for nearly a year now and I’m perfectly satisfied with her. Hargreeves, she’s called: Mrs Hargreeves. No relation, I hope,” he looks laughingly at one of his guests and then tilts his head as if suddenly struck by his appearance:
“That’s a curious eye-piece you have there, Reginald. A single spectacle?”
“It's called a monocle,” said Hargreeves, shortly, adjusting it slightly, "my own design.”
“And an excellent piece it is too,” said Sir Lewis, “I say, you’ve visited the subcontinent: what do you think of my Mrs Hargreeves’ work?”
“Quite authentic,” he said, simply, “I should have guessed she wasn’t a native but she is, nevertheless, extremely capable.”
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To go upstairs to the dining room, it's necessary to wash and change into a clean apron and cap. Why you couldn’t simply take off the apron was still a mystery to you. So many social conventions seemed bizarre, but blending in and keeping in your employers’ good graces was a matter of necessity. Your wages provided you with what felt like your only chance of getting home. Posing as the wife of a missing and presumed dead husband had been your only claim to respectability in this world.Sir Lewis found you on the street one night and assumed you were a prostitute. By then, you had managed to scrape enough money together to buy a cheap dress but not enough to afford room and board any longer.
After you’d refused his offer of payment for your ‘company’, he’d taken pity on you and offered you a meal. From there, conversation had flowed; your tale of woe had appealed to romantic ideas he had held as a very young man and your way of conducting yourself gave a ring of truth to what you told him.
He also mentioned in passing his interest in the Indian subcontinent and you’d leapt upon the commonality: describing the dishes you enjoyed cooking at home and what you knew of the geographical and cultural influences on each region’s cuisine, embellishing your knowledge with well-placed inventions. He’d been easily impressed: it soon became clear that he actually knew very little about the area. 
Lady Danforth, however, had been less easy to impress. Although living in New York, she ran the household as if she still lived in England, underlining Sir Lewis’s aristocratic roots as much as possible as an attempted claim to prominence in this alien world. 
You knew your presence was a constant annoyance to her. Although the domestic arrangements were her domain, Sir Lewis had imposed you upon her, insisting that she hire you after he had sampled a simple curry you cooked at his request. You’d tried to ingratiate yourself with her but with no luck. You could hardly blame her: like most women of this era, she accepted her husband’s dalliances as a matter of course. She could have probably turned a blind eye were he pursuing a buxom young maidservant, but to have him hankering after a middle-aged cook only a year or two younger than herself was an insult she couldn’t be expected to ignore.
The injustice of this rankles: while you've successfully avoided Lewis's sexual overtures, the entire world (including himself) behaves as if you're actually sleeping together. 
The powerlessness is (and has long been) excruciating. For the first few days, you'd expected Five every moment, only leaving the vicinity of alley you arrived in briefly to find the site where the academy buildings would stand, several decades from now. You’d asked shopkeepers to convey a message to any frantic man who arrived but soon necessity had driven you to find this work. It wasn’t the nearest to where you arrived but trying to alert Five to your whereabouts cost money. Five knew what Viktor had done in Dallas when in a similar situation and trying to trace his family. Surely he’d check the newspapers?
That he’d do everything in his power to come was certain. That he hadn’t come yet was your major worry. You missed them both with intensity that had not waned over the months. Thanks to Sir Lewis’s favor, you were treated as an upper servant and this meant having your own small room in the basement servants’ quarters. Although you were suspicious of his reasons for this maneuver, (the hope of a private spot in which to visit you after dark), you hadn’t resisted it: the seclusion of your bedroom allowed you the space you needed to cry yourself to sleep  virtually every night. Aoife’s smile and the memory of Five’s caresses were a toxic sustenance in your lonely existence: they formed the anchor to your real life. Too bad if that anchor’s prongs dragged and dug in your gut as if searching for purchase in a too-soft seabed.
Standing outside the drawing room now, listening to their manly, drink-addled chuckles, you take a deep breath and knock.
You open the door, advance a little way into the room and bob a curtsey to the gentlemen still around the table.
“Come in, Mrs Hargreeves. Mr Wilson here was just complimenting our good table.”
“Thank you, sir.” you nod demurely first at Sir Lewis and then at Mr Wilson.
“Very impressive indeed.” said one of the guests in another, clipped British accent. “Under whom did you study?”
The face of the man makes your stomach drop. You’ve seen that face, though older, in portraits and photographs around the Academy. The monocle firmly in place, the mustache, the goatee. Hair fuller and darker than you’d ever seen it pictured. As if to confirm your impossible identification, Sir Lewis says,
“Oh Reginald, you’ve and your odd ‘monocle’ seem to have scared my Mrs Hargreeves. I hope you don’t do the same to your own Mrs Hargreeves?”
He puts a flabby arm around your waist and slaps your hip bracingly and he chortles, pulling you a little closer towards him. As you regain your balance, you answer the alien in a skinsuit who is your father-in-law, for now pushing aside the fact that he’s appearing here nearly one hundred years earlier than any of his children estimated.
“Um…nobody in particular. I traveled and picked up what I could from local women…sir.”
Reginald eyed you with what your paranoid mind was convinced was suspicion as Sir Lewis began to rub firm circles into your hip. You extricated yourself smartly but politely to stand beside the intricately-carved mantle. He chuckled low in his throat. This, in his eyes, was you ‘playing hard to get’.
“You have talent,” Sir Reginald stated, taking a sip of his drink.
“You most certainly do,” concurred another guest.
“But this is a most extraordinary story,” Hargreeves said, speaking over him, “under what circumstances does a nineteen-year-old born and bred American female have the opportunity to explore the Indian subcontinent?”
“Extraordinary circumstances, sir,” you smile, unable to keep the nervous laugh out of your voice. Sir Lewis joins you, chuckling indulgently.
How to tell him or Hargreeves that your knowledge actually comes from cookbooks, youtube and living in a multicultural future? When it becomes clear that this won’t satisfy him, you tell the already-concocted lie:
“My father worked for a spice trader. When my mother died, he sent for me and I spent a year with him until he could secure a position in New York.”
“Hm.” by his tone, you can’t tell whether the sound expresses approval or doubt.
You bob another curtsey and cast a look at Sir Lewis in a silent appeal to be excused.
He nodded, mustache twitching with his grin.
“Thank you, Mrs Hargreeves. You may go.”
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The other servants are starting to talk.
As if it wasn’t bad enough that you were strange, made the servants quarters smell of pervasive, unfamiliar spices and seemingly came out of nowhere, you’re also clearly having an immoral relationship with the master. That private bedroom, those evening visits to his study. (“We might not have much schooling”, said the ladies’ maid to the housemaid, “but we weren’t born yesterday”)
When the butler stumps his way ill-naturedly back into the kitchen, he looks to you with gruff annoyance.
“We ought to give you your own bell. Master wants you in his study again.”
You try to conceal a sigh, marking the page in your book.
“Thank you, Mr Hill.”
“Women of your age should know better than to read novels, Mrs Hargreeves. It’ll give you funny ideas.”
“We wouldn’t want that, would we?”
He doesn’t return your smile.
You know you shouldn’t, but you can’t help but like Sir Lewis Danforth. It’s like being pursued by a horny old bulldog with a penchant for belly rubs. He always accepts your rebuffs with a good grace, perhaps even happier than if you’d given in. Yes, he can get a little handsy, but the thrill of the chase is the only thrill he really wants, even if he can’t admit that to himself. If only all sex-pests were as harmless. You’d learned quickly that 21st century feminist ideals were virtually useless here. It wasn’t a pleasant discovery but it had been a realization that helped you play the part you needed to play. It was no worse than keeping a smile on your face while being talked over in a sales meeting. 
“You’re quite the saucy little vixen, aren’t you?”
“I’m sorry sir?”
“Don’t play innocent with me, woman,” he said, waving an admonitory finger in your direction, eyes twinkling, “sit down, have a brandy.”
Before you arrived, you’d known little about this period of history, but it hadn’t taken you too long to realize that a sixty-five-year-old knight drinking in his study with his cook was not considered appropriate. These interviews probably aren’t wise but these times with Sir Lewis offer a rare opportunity to be yourself. This, you know, is why he thinks he has a chance of late-night rendezvous in your bedroom but it’s hard to let go of a small source of fun. He’s one of the few people who’s kind to you in this new life and, even more unusually, honest about his intentions.
Now, he wears a silk turban, a nightshirt and pajama pants: in this, like his improvised smoking jacket, he is an early-adopter. In all things, he takes his inspiration from India…or from the strange simulacra of vaguely eastern ideas he’s invented in his imagination. In your time, his cultural appropriation would be enough to get him canceled several times over: in his own time, he’s considered an eccentric sophisticate.
 “So,” he says, handing you a glass and raising his to you, “it wasn’t enough for you to bewitch me, you’ve bewitched Sir Reginald Hargreeves too. Isn’t one man enough for you?”
You roll your eyes, letting your guard down,
“My husband is more than enough.”
He harumphs good-naturedly.
“Admirable sentiment, I’m sure. It’s in woman’s nature to be constant and it’s quite to your credit that your feelings are so loyal. But, if your husband lives, (and, for your sake, I hope he does), I can assure you he won’t have such fine feelings. He’ll be taking every opportunity to enter into amorous congress with a game lass. It’s quite normal for a red-blooded fellow. I'm afraid we can’t help ourselves.”
“We’ll agree to disagree there,” you say, swilling the brandy around your glass.
“Hmph. Well, he stumbled upon a gem when he snagged you as his bride. Damn, him. To his good health and safe return.”
He raises his glass in grudging tribute to Five before continuing.
“As I was saying, Sir Reginald has become an unlikely ally to me, even as he tries to court you himself.”
“You’ll need more than Sir Reginald Hargreeves on your side, Lewis. And neither of you will be courting me.”
“That’s the spirit I like,” he rumbled, smiling at your informal use of his Christian name, “but I’ve broken many a wilder mare than you, believe me. But that’s by the by: humor me and take a look at this.”
You’re unsure you believe that he’s broken any ‘wild mares’ in his time, but you take the piece of paper he offers you without comment. He ensures he brushes your hand with his as he transfers it to you.
It was a richly printed invitation inviting him to a party at Reginald Hargreeves' house in only a few days. At the bottom, in a neat, compact hand was clearly a handwritten addition: 
Bring that intriguing cook of yours and tell her I'd like to claim her hand in the French waltz.
You look back up at him, a creeping sensation in your stomach. Because you can think of nothing else to say for the moment, you say:
“I don’t know the waltz.”
“I’ll teach you!” he said, clearly overjoyed at the idea of putting his hands on you.
You stare down at the invitation, taking a rather large swallow of brandy in order to give yourself time to think. You knew that trusting Reginald Hargreeves, especially when it came to maintaining timelines, was simply not an option. It was imperative that he learn nothing about who you are and why you’re here. You should refuse, you should stay as far away from him as possible…
If Five’s anywhere in this time, he will sure as hell be paying close attention to anything his father does. Your other efforts have done nothing so far…so why not try a different approach?
“What about Lady Danforth?”
“That’s the best part, my dear. Staying with her niece. She won’t be home until the following afternoon. What Annie doesn’t know won’t hurt her, by God.  And to stop tongues a-wagging, I’ll introduce you as my cousin.”
He smiles proudly at his own ingenuity.
“I don’t have anything to wear.”
“Don’t concern yourself, my dear. I know you ladies can be very particular in matters of dress but will you allow me to select something suitable?”
You hesitate slightly. Knowing Sir Lewis, you’ll probably be turning up to this thing in the 19th century equivalent of stockings, suspenders and titty tassels.
“As long as you promise to keep it decent,” you say, warningly.
“Upon my honor,” he said, raising his right palm as if swearing on a bible, “it’s what’s underneath that counts, eh?”
You sigh again and down the rest of your brandy in one: sealing your decision.
“Then sure. I’ll go.”
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After a lesson in the French waltz in which you had  to readjust Sir Lewis’s hands several times, you make your way stealthily back to the servants’ quarters. As always, he’d signed off your private audience with him with a hearty: ‘May I come to you tonight, my dear?’ which you, as always, denied him. Expecting nothing else, he’d waved you off genially.  
As you avoid the creaky floorboards outside Lady Danforth’s sitting room, you wish heartily that you could blink back to your room. Just as you think you’ve gotten away with it, her cold voice issues from within. 
“Mrs Hargreeves?”
You wince and turn around, reluctantly entering the sitting room and bobbing a curtsey to the mistress of the household.
“Yes, Lady Danforth?”
You try to look innocent as she surveys you suspiciously from under her frilled cap. She’s a beautiful woman: what people of this time would call ‘handsome’. About fifteen years younger than Sir Lewis and five years older than you. Her long nose and hard expression added to her formidable demeanor. Her hair is an attractive graying blonde and her eyes a shrewd hazel.
“What are you doing in this part of the house?”
“I was summoned to the master’s study,” you say. Then, to try and ingratiate yourself while forming an alibi, “he was requesting some dishes for your absence next week but I suggested to him that they should be subject to your approval, given that you know the household matters best.”
“You presumed to tell Sir Lewis what was and wasn’t his jurisdiction in his own house?”
“No ma’am.” you say, having accidentally dug yourself further into her bad graces. The old-timey language is easy, the body language is easy, but your understanding of this era’s social dynamics is still constantly wavering. It seems like you can barely breathe without mortally offending someone.
“You were rather a long time,” she says, delicately, “for one discussing meals.”
You waver slightly, needing to come up with a convincing lie on the spot,
“Sorry ma’am. Sir Lewis had questions about my time in Bombay.”
She stares at you in silence for a while, sitting perfectly upright on the sofa, hands and feet primly together. You wet your lips briefly. In the last year, you’ve had to lie constantly; the creativity gets easier but holding your nerve never does.
When she speaks again, she moves her hand to stroke a finger gently across the arm of the damask sofa.
“Do you have children, Mrs Hargreeves.”
“Yes Ma’am. One daughter.”
Lady Danforth nodded contemplatively, “I have a daughter too. Married just over a year ago to a Baronet in England.”
You nod, smiling unsurely, “All the servants speak fondly of Miss Catherine.”
“Hm,” she said, tilting her head in order to look down her nose at you, “my daughter had a housekeeper. A widow, Mrs Fredericks. Or not a widow, as it turned out. She was dismissed recently. It was discovered that she was, in fact, still Miss Fredericks, although she had a grown son. Not only this, she had been stealing from her employer.”
“Oh.” you say, dumbly.
“Can you produce a marriage certificate, Mrs Hargreeves?”
“No ma’am. My husband had it about him when he went missing.”
“I’m very sorry to hear that, Mrs Hargreeves. How inconvenient for a woman in your position.”
“Yes,” you all but whisper.
“But surely church records are available?”
She tilts her head in mock confusion and you gabble out the latest twist in a long and convoluted series of lies.
“The church we were married in burned down. The marriage records were lost with it.”
“Another inconvenience,” she says, raising her eyebrows, enjoying the seconds she leaves you hanging, “very well, you may go.”
You waver for a second, “ma’am?”
“You may go.” she repeats.
It’s almost second nature to curtsey now as you leave the room.
 You don’t fall asleep for a long time that night. Your family seems closer than ever tonight, just tantalizingly out of reach. Your complex, intelligent and determined little girl and your Russian nesting-doll of a husband. The adult with a septuagenarian within and, at the deepest level of his precious heart, a scared, neglected little boy.
Tag list: (please comment to be added or removed.) @dilfjohhny , @sunsunhe, @w4stedtr4sh, @nevbrooke-555, @theredvelvetbitch, @td-miley01, @five-hxrgreeves, @rorygi1more, @jamiebower88, @nevillescomslut
On to Chapter 6 >> Masterpost
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yaekiss · 1 year
💌𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎 𝑶𝒑𝒆𝒏!
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Thank you to everyone who has sent in a love letter! Submissions for this event are now closed, do look forward to the reply from your sweetheart ! 💌
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Hello beloveds, thank you for 400 followers omg! As thanks, I've spruced up the hotel mailroom so that you can send your love letters to your favourite sweethearts ♡(>ᴗ•)
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While writing your note, do remember a couple things! Helps me to make sure your letter doesn't get lost during delivery:
My mail satchel only has enough space for 10 letters so make haste hehe!
Let me know it's for the event by tagging it with "#Mailroom Open!"
Please keep it to 1 character per ask >< (and if you'd like, include how you'd want your sweetheart to address you i.e. love, dear)
Indicate if you want a SFW or NSFW response please ! If you're aiming for a yandere reply, also indicate it in your note 🖤
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Extra fun additions! Optional entertainment for you to peruse:
A list of collated textposts/memes to include in your note as a silly lil goof (the reply from your sweetheart will reference the chosen meme!)
Include a gift for your recipient, could be their favourite food or a collar and a leash, who knows what they'll reply with?
If you send in your note off anon, there's a high chance your sweetheart will reference your blog title in their letter somewhere 👀
Go ham, include all 3 from the above list or none at all, it's really up to you!
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Here's an example if you need help !
Lastly, do take a look at my rules before sending in something, if you're unsure, feel free to ask! Letter replies will be collated below!
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Sweethearts' Replies (10/10)
⟡ Kaeya A. to @pulpbeing - Addressed to my one and only, ⟡ Zhongli to @mahal-kita - In correspondence to my heavenly pearl, ⟡ Tighnari to 🧸 anon - My dearest lotus, ⟡ Tartaglia to a hotel guest - To my highest divinity, my owner, ⟡ Aether to @uplatterme - Hello, my cherished starlight! ⟡ Cyno to @sangokokomis - Reply to my dearest bunny. ⟡ Alhaitham to a hotel guest - Reply for: My springtime sublimity, ⟡ Jing Yuan to a hotel guest - For my dreamlike haven, ⟡ Kaeya A. to @kaeyaksha - To the sun that lights my days, ⟡ Albedo to a hotel guest - Replying to: My beloved constant.
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mariexdiary · 9 months
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Δευτέρα 25/9/2023, 1:12
Αν αυτό το καλοκαίρι είχε τίτλο θα ήταν "Μα καλά, πώς τα κατάφερες;". Κάθε καλοκαίρι είναι μοναδικό. Το φετινό έχει κάτι παραπάνω. Δεν έχει καθόλου ερωτικό περιεχόμενο, αλλά έχει μία ιστορία βγαλμένη από κάποιο εφηβικό βιβλίο. Τώρα που το ξανασκέφτομαι θα μπορούσε να γινόταν ταινία ή μίνι σειρά. Και ξαναλέω δεν έχει καθόλου ερωτικό περιεχόμενο, βασικά έχει λίγο..
Ο Μάιος έκλεισε με μία ξέφρενη νύχτα σ' ένα στριπτιτζάδικο. Ήταν η πρώτη φορά που πήγα και θα ξαναπήγαινα άπειρες φορές. Η ατμόσφαιρα, η μουσική, οι όμορφες κοπέλες με τα καλλίγραμμα κορμιά τους.. Όλα αυτά σε έκαναν να νιώθεις κάπως, αλλά αυτό το κάπως ήταν ωραίο και καθόλου πρόστυχο μπορώ να πω.
Τον Ιούνιο έχω στα χέρια μου το πρώτο μου διαβατήριο και είμαι αρκετά ευτυχισμένη. Η Ευρώπη με έχει κουράσει, μου φαίνονται όλα ίδια και δεν αποκτώ καινούργιες εμπειρίες. Το τριήμερο του Αγίου Πνεύματος δεν με έβρισκες σε κάποιο νησί, με έβρισκες στο πατρικό μου στο Λουτράκι, όπου η θάλασσα και εγώ γινόμαστε ένα!
Τον Ιούνιο, γίνεται και το τελευταίο δημόσιο party πριν κλείσει η σεζόν. Εννοείται για ακόμη μία φορά ήμουν παραδομένη στη μουσική. Όμως.. Στήθηκα σε κάποιον και τρώω το ξύλο στα οπίσθια μου. Δεν γίνεται να μην το φάω, είναι η ενέργειά μου.
Ο Ιούλιος κύλησε ομαλά και αδιάφορα. Το μισό του μήνα τον πέρασα στο Λουτράκι κάνοντας μπάνια το πρωί και το απόγευμα και τον άλλον μισό στην Αθήνα δουλεύοντας και την άδεια του Αυγούστου. Το μόνο ενδιαφέρον που είχε ήταν ένα τηλεφωνικό σεξ.
Η πρώτη μέρα του Αυγούστου με βρίσκει στην παραλία Στέρνα που είναι κοντά στην Περαχώρα. Εκεί κάνω για πρώτη φορά μπάνιο τελείως γυμνή! Η αίσθηση συγκλονιστική! Ήθελα να κάτσω για ώρες αλλά δεν γινόταν γιατί δεν ήμουν μόνη.
Μετά από πολλά χρόνια την ημέρα των γενεθλίων μου (5/8) κάνω κάτι χωρίς να το θέλω. Ο πατέρας μου με τη γυναίκα του με πηγαίνουν σε ένα πανηγύρι με guest star την Γωγώ Τσαμπά. Πρώτη φορά σε πανηγύρι και πέρασα καταπληκτικά. Και όσο τραγουδούσε η Γωγώ Τσαμπά έλεγα από μέσα μου "Αυτή είναι η ελληνική, παραδοσιακή μουσική!"
Στις 7 Αυγούστου, ξυπνάω, πηγαίνω στο αεροδρόμιο Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος με προορισμό την Ινδία! Από Αθήνα, στο Abu Dhabi και από Abu Dhabi, στο Delhi. Στο Delhi λοιπόν επισκέφτηκα, το Μαυσωλείο Χουμαγιούν, το Lotus Temple και διάφορα άλλα. Οι επόμενες μέρες είναι τρομακτικά φρικτές, όχι όμως για εμένα.
Πήγαμε στο αεροδρόμιο του Delhi με προορισμό το Varanasi, την ινδική πόλη του θανάτου. Εκεί είναι το Θρησκευτικό και πνευματικό κέντρο των ινδουιστών. Είναι πολύ με τα μεγάλα πέτρινα σκαλοπάτια στις όχθες του Γάγγη όπου γίνονται αποτέφρωσης των νεκρών. Όποιος αποτεφρώνετε εκεί απελευθερώνεται από τον αέναο κύκλο των μετενσαρκώσεων. Οι άνθρωποι μπαίνουν στον ποταμό που κάνουν μπάνιο, κουβαλούν μαζί τους μικρά μπουκαλάκια και τα γεμίζουν με αυτό το νερό. Με το νερό το οποίο μέσα έχει σταχτί νεκρού. Επιπλέον, παρακολούθησα μία τελετή Αάτρι.
Οι επόμενες μέρες με βρίσκουν στο ερωτικό Katzuracho. Αν δεν ξέρεις τι είναι το Katzuracho, τότε δεν έχεις ιδέα και από Kama Sutra baby. (Είναι δυνατόν, το ταξίδι μου να μην έχει ένα ερωτικό ενδιαφέρον; Δεν γίνεται!) Εκεί συναντώ τα περίφημα ερωτικά ανάγλυφα που κοσμούν τους ναούς του Katzuracho και αποτελούν πόλο έλξης για τους επισκέπτες και όχι μόνο. Αισθησιακές μορφές, περίτεχνες ακροβασίες, ερωτικές περιπτύξεις με πολλαπλές ερωτικές στάσεις μαγνητίζουν το βλέμμα μου σε ένα μοναδικά γαλήνιο τοπίο. Εννοείται ότι έφερα Kama Sutra βιβλίο στην Ελλάδα. Τι να μη δοκιμάσω κάποια στάση;
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Το ταξίδι μου δεν τελειώνει ακόμη.. Πηγαίνω στην Agra και βλέπω με τα μάτια μου το εντυπωσιακό μαυσωλείο το Taj Mahal, χτισμένο από έναν σουλτάνο στη μνήμη της γυναίκας του. (Βλέπετε τι έκαναν οι άντρες για τις γυναίκες τους;) Δεν θα πω ψέματα, δεν εντυπωσιάστηκα και πολύ. Έβγαλα όμως πολύ ωραίες φωτογραφίες τον εαυτό μου. Μάλλον μπορεί να έφταιγε και η ζέστη.. Δεν με άφησε να το απολαύσω όπως έπρεπε. Αργότερα είχα επίσκεψη στο φρούριο της Agra. Εκεί πάνω έχεις πανοραμική θέα όλη την πόλη. Το υπέροχο κόκκινο φρούριο περιβάλλεται από δίπλα τείχη και αποτελείται από παλάτια, κήπους και εσωτερικές αυλές δημιουργώντας μία καστροπολιτεία.
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Οι μέρες μου στην Ινδία τελειώνουν σιγά σιγά, όχι όμως πριν πάω στην Jaipur. Εκεί λοιπόν πηγαίνω στην ερημωμένη πόλη, Fatehpur Sikri που σημαίνει η πόλη της νίκης. Το επόμενο πρωινό πήγαμε στο Φρούριο Amber. Για να δω αυτό το κάστρο, ανέβηκα πάνω σε έναν ελέφαντα. Ναι, ανέβηκα πάνω σε ελέφαντα και ακόμη δεν μπορώ να το πιστέψω. Το πώς κουνιόταν ο ελέφαντας δεν περιγράφεται. Πήγαινε από την άκρη του δρόμου και ένιωθα ότι θα γλιστρήσω και θα πέσω κάτω. Το γλυκό, το ελεφαντάκι, κάθε τρεις και λίγο φτερνιζόταν με αποτέλεσμα όλη αυτή τη γλίτσα να την τρώω στο πρόσωπό μου. Να πω την αλήθεια δεν ήθελα να ανέβω, γιατί δεν θέλω να κάνω κακό στα ζώα. Δεν μου αρέσουν τα βασανίζω.
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Το απόγευμα το πέρασα στην Birla Mandir Temple. Εκεί μέσα προσπάθησα κλαίγοντας να πάρω κάποιες απαντήσεις γιατί ζωή μου και όχι μόνο. Οι ερωτήσεις μου ήταν οι ε��ής:
Πώς ξεπλένεις αμαρτίες σου;
Πώς καθαρίζεις την ψυχή σου;
Πώς συγχωρείς τον εαυτό σου;
Πώς διώχνω σε τοξικότητα που σου έχουν δημιουργήσει οι άλλοι;
Δεν θα σας απαντήσω αν πήρα απάντηση σε αυτά τα ερωτήματα, θέλω να αφήσω κάτι και για μένα.
Όταν έμαθαν οι δικοί μου άνθρωποι ότι θα πάω στην Ινδία, νόμιζαν ότι τους κάνω πλάκα. Με έχουν για κορίτσι της πόλης και δε κάνουν λάθος. Ήθελα να δω κάτι διαφορετικό και τα κατάφερα. Όταν γύρισα στην Ελλάδα και μπήκα σπίτι μου εκτίμησα τα μικρά καθημερινά πράγματα που κάνω. Όπως το να πιω καθαρό νερό, να φάω ένα κομμάτι ψωμί με τυρί γιατί κάθε μέρα στην Ινδία έτρωγα noodles και ψάρι. Όλα τα άλλα ήταν αρκετά καυτερά και θα μπορούσα να τα φάω. Οι άνθρωποι εκεί δεν με φόβισαν καθόλου. Αυτές οι 20 μέρες στην Ινδία με έκαναν να καταλάβω το πόσο κομπλεξικός λαός είμαστε. Πόσο εγωκεντρικά και εγωιστικά γουρούνια είμαστε και βάζω και εμένα μέσα. 20 μέρες στην Ινδία, 20 μέρες γεμάτες μοναδικές εμπειρίες.
Primer music festival
Αν πιστεύετε ότι ο Αύγουστος μου έχει τελειώσει κάνετε μεγάλο λάθος, γιατί το τελευταίο Σαββατοκύριακο ήταν το Primer music festival. Και αν αγαπώ κάποια μικρά πράγματα σε αυτή τη ζωή είναι ο χορός και η μουσική! Ήμουν τόσο τυχερή που και τις δύο μέρες πήγα με πρόσκληση. Το Σάββατο λοιπόν είχα ραντεβού με τον Regard και τα μυστικά του. Ήμουν στην κυριολεξία μπροστά στη σκηνή! Ο Regard μου έκανε νεύματα και εγώ τον αποθέωνα!! Τρελάθηκα!!!!
Και ξέρετε πώς αφήνω τη δική μου ιστορία σε αυτό το φεστιβάλ; Χορεύοντας με τρέλα σαν να μην υπάρχει αύριο. Να σε παίρνει η κάμερα, να σε βγάζουν φωτογραφίες και να γίνεσαι βίντεο! Όλο αυτό μου το χάρισε η Korolova. Να πω την αλήθεια, τον Lost Frequencies, δεν τον είχα σε μεγάλη εκτίμηση. Δεν μου άρεσε το στυλ της μουσικής; Δεν μου άρεσε το beat; Αλλά όταν τον είδα από κοντά και να βαράει με τη μουσική του, μου άλλαξε όλη μου τη γνώμη για εκείνον. Τον Steve Angello δεν τον είδα. Είχα φύγει ήδη, γιατί η Κυριακή θα ήταν αρκετά δύσκολη για τα πόδια μου.
Lost Frequencies
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Η δεύτερη μέρα του festival είχε τον ξάδερφό μου Arcraze, τον γκόμενο μου James Hype και τον θείο μου David Guetta. Ο Arcraze ήταν το ορεκτικό της βραδιάς, σίγουρα με έκανε να χορέψω. Αλλά όχι τόσο, όσο ο James Hype! Σε εκείνον παραδόθηκα! Ήξερα όλα του τα τραγούδια και τα τραγουδούσα. Χοροπηδούσα λες και ήμουν κάνα 15χρονο. Ο David Guetta δεν με ενθουσίασε καθόλου. Ένιωσα σαν να μην έχει όρεξη για αυτό που κάνει και δεν κατακρίνω τα τραγούδια του, γιατί έχω μεγαλώσει με εκείνα. Πάντα ήμουν παιδί της house. Αυτό που μου έκανε όμως περισσότερη εντύπωση όλη τη βραδιά ήταν ότι στον James Hype υπήρχαν πανό, χαρτόνια με συνθήματα και μπλουζάκια να αερίζουν. Στον David Guetta, δεν υπήρχε τίποτα από τα παραπάνω.
James Hype
David Guetta
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Ο Σεπτέμβριος κύλησε ομαλά. Για πρώτη φορά, γίνεται το πρώτο πανηγύρι/γλέντι στο Λουτράκι και πήγα με την κολλητή της αδερφής μου. Εκεί guest star είναι η Χαρά Βέρα και ο Ματθαίος Γιαννούλης. Βγαίνω με τον ξάδερφό μου αρκετές φορές και μιλάμε για τη σεξουαλική μας ζωή και όχι μόνο.
Τίτλοι τέλους
Μετά από πολλά χρόνια κάνω 51 μπάνια. Φέτος είπα να μετρήσω τα μπάνια μου, ήξερα ότι θα σπάσω το ρεκόρ και τα κατάφερα. Φέτος το καλοκαίρι αγάπησα τον εαυτό μου και με έμαθα λίγο καλύτερα. Στο ταξίδι όπως και συναυλίες πήγα μόνη μου. Δεν είχα παρέα. Σίγουρα αυτό με έκανε να νιώσω κάπως αλλά στην πορεία δεν με ένοιαξε. Γιατί έμαθα τι πραγματικά αγαπά η Μαρία στη ζωή της. Τι θέλει και πως το θέλει..
Δεν περιμένω κάτι wow να γίνει το φθινόπωρο πέρα από τα party και τη δουλειά που θα έχω για τα Χριστούγεννα, αλλά.. Ποιος ξέρει! Το τραγούδι που άκουσα τις περισσότερες φορές στο καλοκαίρι χωρίς να το θέλω: Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος – Πρέπει Δεν Πρέπει
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Best Golden Triangle Tours - Delhi - Agra - Jaipur
Best Golden Triangle Tour Package with Tiger Safari- Ranthambhore
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Golden Triangle with Ranthambhore, India
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Best Golden Triangle Tour Package,: Take a sightseeing tour of Delhi, Agra & Jaipur, together called the Golden Triangle, and get an incredible wildlife experience at Ranthambore National Park, with our 07 Nights/08 Days Best Golden Triangle Tour Package with Ranthambore National Park.
Your tour begins in Delhi where you will be received by our representative. Proceed with a Delhi City Tour, which covers Humayun’s Tomb, India Gate, Raj Ghat & Shanti Vana. Reach Jaipur by car & visit its famous tourist places like Amer Fort, Jantar Mantar & Maharaja’s City Palace.
Reach Ranthambore from Jaipur via a car drive. Enjoy morning & afternoon wildlife safaris in a 06 seater shared open jeep with an expert guide & driver. Spot the Royal Bengal Tiger & other wild animals in their natural habitat.
From there, head to Agra, where you will visit the magnificent Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal & shop in its bustling markets, famous for their marbles, spices, handicrafts & glassware, among other things.
During this tour of Best Golden Triangle Tour Package, you will enjoy a stay at the best hotels in Delhi, Jaipur & Agra, and have the memorable experience of staying in a wildlife resort at Ranthambore, in the middle of nature. Get the smoothest transfers & meals & transport, and have a great time!
Itinerary  : Best Golden Triangle Tour Package
Day 01
Arrival Delhi
Other Benefits (On Arrival)
Stay Included
On your arrival at Delhi International Airport you will be welcomed by our representative, you can find him easily as he will be there at the arrival lounge holding a Placard of your name. After meet & greet transfer to your pre booked hotel. Overnight stay in Delhi.
Day 02
Delhi City Tour : Best Golden Triangle Tour Package
Delhi City Tour
Morning at leisure, After breakfast around 09:00 AM start your city tour of Delhi with an exclusive car & expert English speaking guide, you also can opt for your preferred language guide by prior information or at the time of booking the tour. On first half day Visit Raj Ghat and Shanti Vana, drive past Red Fort and Chandni Chowk. Afternoon the second half of the day visit Qutub Minar built by Qutub-ud-Din Aibek in 1199, Humayun’s Tomb, India Gate (War Memorial Arch ), Lakshminarayan Temple – a modern Hindu Temple. Also drive past President’s House, Parliament House, and Government Secretariat Buildings & Connaught Place. Evening visit shopping centres in Delhi. Overnight stay in Delhi. Best Golden Triangle Tour Package
Meals: Breakfast
Activities: Delhi City Tour
Note: On Monday a few monuments are only closed viz Red Fort, Akshardham Temple and Lotus Temple etc. So you would be able to see many places even though on Mondays.
Day 03
Delhi – Jaipur (By Car)
Visit to Local Market of Jaipur
Morning at leisure after breakfast Drive to Agra. On arrival at Jaipur check-in to the hotel. Afternoon explore local market of Jaipur, enjoy shopping at Jaipur Market, Jaipur is better known for its royalty and the wonderful monuments but there are list of endless things that make it a must visit shopping destination. Evening Return to your hotel for a comfortable overnight stay.
Activities: Visit to Local Market of Jaipur
Meals: Breakfast
Day 04
Jaipur City Tour
Elephant ride at Amer Fort
Morning an early breakfast visit Amber Fort. Start early at 8 am from Amer Fort as the elephant rides ends at 11 am. By doing so, you not miss out on elephant ride. Amber Fort was the ancient capital of the State. Visit the Sheesh Mahal or the Hall of Victory glittering with mirrors. Ascend the Fort on Elephant back. Afternoon tour of Jaipur. Jaipur – the capital of Rajasthan was given a colour coat of pink a century ago in honour of a visiting Prince and ever since, it has retained this colour. Built by Maharaja Jai Singh, the notable astronomer, this city is 260 years old. Visit Maharaja’s City Palace, Jantar Mantar features the world’s largest stone sundial & Ram Niwas Gardens. Drive past Hawa Mahal & through the pink rose residential & business areas. Overnight stay at the hotel in Jaipur.
Activities: Jaipur City Tour, Elephant ride at Amer Fort.
Meals: Breakfast
Day 05
Jaipur – Ranthambore (By Car)
Jeep Safari
Morning at leisure, after breakfast straight drive to Ranthambore National Park. Arrive Ranthambore & Check-in to the Wildlife resort. After lunch get ready to board afternoon jeep safari vehicle, Safari will be with 06 seater shared open jeep with expert naturalist & Driver who are well aware of all proximities of the national park to provide you best wildlife safari experience. 03 hrs to witness wildlife. After finishing safari return to resort, enjoy your evening at the resort with Rajasthani folk music & dance arranged by resort management on every alternate evening. Dinner & Overnight stay at the wildlife resort.
Activities: Afternoon jeep safari.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Day 06
Ranthambore National Park
Jeep Safari
Morning self-service at you room for tea / coffee & get ready to board morning jeep safari vehicle, After finishing AM safari return to resort, breakfast & free time for leisure, relax or to enjoy resort activities like swimming pool, indoor outdoor games etc. Ranthambore is one of the finest tiger reserves of India and considered the best place to spot a tiger in his own natural habitat. The park is also popular with the wildlife photographers. After Lunch Afternoon jeep safari for the national park, Enjoy your evening at the resort with Rajasthani folk music & dance arranged by resort management on every alternate evening. Dinner & Overnight stay at the wildlife resort.
Activities: Morning & Afternoon jeep safari.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Day 07
Ranthambore – Agra (By Car)
Visit to Local Market of Agra & Fatehpur Sikri
Morning at leisure after breakfast Drive to Agra. En-route stop to visit Fatehpur Sikri. Visit the Palace with the majestic Buland Darwaza built in 1576. Visit the pious place – the tomb of Salim Chishti, which is known for fulfilling wishes of its devotees. This city has palaces built in red sand stone and is a site that shows perfect amalgamation of Indo Islamic architecture and culture. On arrival at Agra check-in to the hotel. Evening visit to Local market of Agra, Agra is one of the best places in India for shopping particularly, handicrafts and souvenirs of Agra are very popular, clothing, jewelry, fabrics, shoes, marble, spices, handicrafts, glassware, and leather products are the available things to buy in Agra. Return to your hotel for a comfortable overnight stay.
Activities: Visit to Local Market of Agra & Fatehpur Sikri
Meals: Breakfast
Day 08
Agra – Delhi – Departure (By Car)
Visit to Taj Mahal & Agra Fort
Morning at Sunrise visit the extravagant monument Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal, entitled as one of Seven Wonders of the World, is a must visit to witness the masterpieces of Indian architecture. The Taj Mahal is one of the most impressive buildings in the world and it is rightfully famous. There is a reason that everyone has heard of it and everyone should visit it. After breakfast visit the Magnificent Agra Fort. Later Drive back to Delhi, on arrival in Delhi in time transfer to Airport to board the flight for home country.
Meals: Breakfast
Activities: Visit to Taj Mahal & Agra Fort.
Note: Taj Mahal remain close for visitors on every Friday.
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shivashivansh · 1 year
India's famous tourist places
Taj Mahal, Agra
Qutub Minar, Delhi
Red Fort, Delhi
India Gate, Delhi
Lotus Temple, Delhi
Golden Temple, Amritsar
Hampi, Karnataka
Ajanta & Ellora Caves, Maharashtra
Meenakshi Temple, Madurai
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Jaipur, Rajasthan (Pink City)
Udaipur, Rajasthan (City of Lakes)
Jammu & Kashmir
Mumbai (City of Dreams)
Kolkata (City of Joy)
Mysore Palace, Karnataka
Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu
Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, Andhra Pradesh
Ellora Caves, Aurangabad
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aqsa1435 · 10 months
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#Hawamahal #Jaipur
Hawa Mahal, one of the best places to visit in Jaipur, features a splendid fusion of Islamic, Mughal, and Rajput architectural styles. Its domed canopies, floral patterns, lotus motifs, and fluted pillars, all reflect the rich Rajput style. Complementing these elements is the filigree work in stone and lavish arches, both of which draw influence from the Islamic style of architecture.Designed in red and pink sandstone, this one-of-its-kind palace boasts of a pyramidal shape. It has five stories and rises up to a height of 50 feet. The 953 windows featured on the front part of the palace lend it a honeycombed hive look.
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Golden Triangle tour 4 Days
The Golden Triangle tour 4 days is one of the most popular tourist circuits in India, encompassing the cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. In just four days, you can experience the rich cultural heritage, architectural marvels, and vibrant history of these three iconic destinations. Let's embark on a virtual journey through the All Golden Triangle tours.
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Certainly! Here are some additional details about the 4 Days Golden Triangle tour:
Delhi, the capital city of India, is a vibrant metropolis with a rich history spanning over several centuries. The city is divided into two parts: Old Delhi and New Delhi. Old Delhi is known for its narrow lanes, bustling markets, and historical landmarks, while New Delhi showcases modern architecture and wide boulevards.
Some other notable attractions in Delhi include:
Lotus Temple: Famous for its unique lotus-shaped architecture, this Bahá'í House of Worship is a serene place for meditation and introspection.
Raj Ghat: Visit the memorial dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, at this tranquil spot where he was cremated.
National Museum: Explore the vast collection of art, artifacts, and archaeological treasures that depict India's history and cultural heritage.
Agra, located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, is home to the world-famous Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. This magnificent marble mausoleum was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal's architectural brilliance, intricate carvings, and symmetrical gardens make it an unforgettable sight.
In addition to the Taj Mahal, Agra offers other attractions, such as:
Fatehpur Sikri: Just a short distance from Agra, this UNESCO World Heritage site is a well-preserved ghost city built by Emperor Akbar. Explore the grand palaces, courtyards, and mosques within its walls.
Mehtab Bagh: Situated across the Yamuna River from the Taj Mahal, this garden provides a picturesque view of the monument, especially during sunset.
Wildlife SOS: If you're interested in conservation efforts, you can visit Wildlife SOS, an organization that rescues and rehabilitates elephants and bears.
Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is known for its vibrant culture, majestic forts, and palaces. The city's nickname, the "Pink City," comes from the distinctive pink hue of its historic buildings.
Apart from the attractions mentioned earlier, Jaipur offers the following highlights:
Nahargarh Fort: Set on a hilltop, this fort offers panoramic views of the city and is a popular spot to watch the sunset.
Jaipur City Palace: Explore the stunning architecture, courtyards, and museums within this grand palace complex, which is still inhabited by the royal family.
Jaigarh Fort: Known for its massive cannon, "Jaivana," this fort offers insights into the military history of Rajasthan.
Chokhi Dhani: Experience a taste of Rajasthani culture and hospitality at this ethnic village resort, where you can enjoy traditional music, dance, and cuisine.
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A 5-day Delhi Agra Jaipur tour package is a popular tourist circuit in India that covers the cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. This tour is called the Golden Triangle because the three cities form a triangle shape on the map. On the first day, you will arrive in Delhi and spend the rest of the day at leisure. The second day includes a tour of Old and New Delhi, while the third day is reserved for Agra, where you can visit the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. On the fourth day, you will visit the Pink City of Jaipur and explore the Amber Fort, City Palace, Hawa Mahal, and Jantar Mantar. The final day will take you back to Delhi, where you can visit the Lotus Temple or Akshardham Temple before departing for your onward journey. This itinerary can be customized as per your interests and preferences, and there are many other attractions to see in each city. Enjoy your Golden Triangle tour!
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Day 1: Arrival in Delhi On the first day, arrive in Delhi and check in to your hotel. Spend the rest of the day at leisure to explore the city on your own or take some rest after the journey.
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Day 2: Delhi Sightseeing Begin the day with a tour of Old Delhi. Visit Jama Masjid, one of the largest mosques in India, and then take a rickshaw ride through the bustling streets of Chandni Chowk. Later, visit Raj Ghat, a memorial dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi. In the afternoon, visit New Delhi and explore the famous landmarks like India Gate, Parliament House, President's House, and Qutub Minar.
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Day 3: Agra Sightseeing After breakfast, travel to Agra and check in to your hotel. Visit the iconic Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and spend time admiring the stunning architecture and learning about its history. Later, visit the Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a stunning example of Mughal architecture.
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Day 4: Jaipur Sightseeing Travel to Jaipur, the Pink City, and check in to your hotel. Visit the Amber Fort, a stunning example of Rajput architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Later, explore the City Palace, the Hawa Mahal, and the Jantar Mantar, all of which showcase the rich cultural heritage of Jaipur.
Day 5: Jaipur to Delhi Departure After breakfast, check out from the hotel and travel back to Delhi. If time permits, you can visit the Lotus Temple or Akshardham Temple before being transferred to the airport or railway station for your onward journey.
This itinerary can be customized according to your interests and preferences. There are many other attractions to see in each city, so you can add or subtract activities as per your convenience. I hope this helps and you have a great tour of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur!
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templemitra · 1 year
Rajasthan Holiday Tour
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Rajasthan is one of the best place to enjoy the vacation. In the "Land of Maharajas," do you want to have a regal vacation? You will get a glimpse of the vibrant world of the royal state in Rajasthan Holiday Tour. In this holiday tour of Rajasthan, you will know the top tourist spots, the ideal times to visit, and the greatest places to go shopping. While some of the most popular cities in "Maharajaland" include Jaipur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer, and Pushkar, these locations are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the adventures Rajasthan has in store for you. Rajasthan has much more than simply palaces and forts. Rajasthan Holiday Tour package will inform you of the undiscovered attractions so you may travel off the beaten path and have an unforgettable experience. With Templemitra You will discover all the top restaurants so you can indulge in delicious and tasty Rajasthani food. On your holiday, savour the warm hospitality of Rajasthan at the state's luxurious resorts and hotels. When you don't know where to start, organising a vacation to the largest state in India by area might be overwhelming. Rajasthan Holiday Tour are made after thorough study and passion to provide our customers with essential insights they won't find elsewhere.
This wonderful area of India is home to turbans, sarees, camels, chai, tuk-tuks, forts, palaces, lakes, shopping, curries, and much more. And that's just the tip of the iceberg; it also has wildernesses, deserts, mountains, urban centers, and seashores. Its constituent parts each have their own culture, food, and look. These elements make it so captivating and intriguing. Templemitra includes tours to Jantar Mantar, Hawa Mahal, Bagore ki Haveli Museum, Lake Pichola, Nahargarh Fort, Birla Temple, and Dilwara Jain Temple. Apart from that, the main attractions in Amer Fort and City Palace are the primary attractions without a doubt, and for good reason, the Anokhi block printing museum. Pushkar is an excellent opportunity to experience some of Spiritual India's culture in Rajasthan. Pushkar Lake, which is formed around a lotus bloom that fell from Lord Brahma's hands, is supposed to have been created by a lotus blossom that fell from Lord Brahma's hands. Udaipur The "City of Lakes," also known as "Venice of the East," is often regarded as India's most romantic destination. It was also the most popular tourist destination in Rajasthan. The Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur is one of the most beautiful forts in the world. Templemitra recommends the Rajasthan Holiday tour as a "must-see" excursion. It's a fantastic mix of culture, colour, history, and geography that will transport you to another realm!
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Golden Triangle Tour with Varanasi is the most visited places in India, It is a mixture for 03 Major clutures of 3 states of India. Varanasi is counted in the most religious city for Hindu, During this trip you will visits:
Delhi: India Gate, Lotus Temple, Raj Ghat, Shanti Vana, the cremation sites of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru and Red Fort, Jama Masjid, Spice market & Chandni Chowk, Humayun's Tomb, the Qutub Minar.
Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, MehtabBagh, Backside of Taj on Sunset point,
Jaipur: Amer Fort, Jal Mahal, Albert Hall, Hawa Mahal, Birla Mandir, Galtaji Monkey Temple, Jantar -Mantar, City Palace,
Varanasi : Where confluence of three rivers Ganga, Jamuna & Saraswati makes it the most auspicious place for worship as per Hindu religious text. Bharat Mata Temple, Durga temple, TulsiManasmandir, Banaras Hindu University which has an art gallery, KashiVishwanath Temple and an excursion to Sarnath – where Budhha delivered his first sermon,
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toursrajasthan · 11 hours
From Mughal Marvels to Majestic Tigers: Planning Your Perfect Golden Triangle & Ranthambore Escape
Are you ready for an unforgettable journey through India's Golden Triangle with a thrilling Ranthambore tour? Imagine experiencing the majestic beauty of Mughal marvels, the vibrant culture of Rajasthan, and the wildlife thrill of a Tiger Safari in Ranthambore. In this blog, see how at Tours Rajasthan, we're excited to help you plan your perfect escape to this incredible region.
Discover the Golden Triangle
The Golden Triangle, comprising Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, is a first-class introduction to the treasures of India's rich history and cultural heritage. Our interesting tour packages of 4D/3N or 6D/7N.
Delhi: Immerse yourself in the captivating contrasts of India's capital, where ancient history converges with modern vibrancy. Explore the historic Red Fort, Qutub Minar, and the serene Lotus Temple.
Agra: Witness the eternal symbol of love, the resplendent Taj Mahal, and the majestic Agra Fort. These UNESCO World Heritage sites narrate tales of India's wealthy past.
Jaipur: Step into the 'Pink City' and be enchanted by the HawaMahal, City Palace, and the magnificent Amber Fort. Immerse yourself in the colors and traditions of Rajasthan.
Wildlife Adventure in Ranthambore
After exploring the Golden Triangle, we'll embark on a riveting wildlife odyssey at Ranthambore National Park, one of India's most renowned wildlife reserves, which is home to the majestic Bengal tiger. Our expert guides will take you on a thrilling Tiger Safari, where you'll have the chance to spot these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. The park is also home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, making it a nature lover's paradise. Amidst Nature Indulge in the comfort of luxurious accommodations nestled on the fringes of the park. 
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Tours Rajasthan: Crafting Your Dream Escape
we understand that every traveler has unique preferences. We offer a variety of customizable options to tailor this itinerary to your interests and budget. Whether you're a history buff, a wildlife enthusiast, or simply seeking an unforgettable adventure, we've got you covered.
Luxury Accommodation: We carefully select luxurious hotels that blend modern amenities with traditional charm, ensuring your comfort throughout your journey.
Expert Guides: Our knowledgeable and passionate guides will bring the history and culture of each destination to life while ensuring your safety and comfort during your wildlife safari. Seamless
Transportation: Relax and enjoy the scenery as we take care of all your transportation needs, from comfortable private cars to jeep safaris within Ranthambore National Park.
Book Your Tour Today!
Tours Rajasthan, we're committed to providing you with an unforgettable experience in India's Golden Triangle and Ranthambore. Book your tour today and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime With our tour packages of 4D/3N or 6D/7N.
Visit Our Website: www.toursrajasthan.in/  or call us at +91 98292 83333 to plan your perfect escape.
We look forward to helping you plan your perfect Golden Triangle and Ranthambore escape!
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wowtourguide1 · 1 day
Golden Triangle Tour With Orchha and Khajuraho
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The Golden Triangle Tour is a classic introduction to India, covering three of its most vibrant cities: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. This popular route is a favorite among tourists for its rich historical tapestry, architectural marvels, and cultural experiences. But why stop there? Adding the enchanting towns of Golden Triangle Tour With Orchha and Khajuraho to your itinerary can transform your trip into an unforgettable journey through India's historical and cultural heart.
What is the Golden Triangle Tour?
The Golden Triangle Tour is named for the triangular shape formed by the locations of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur on the map. These cities collectively offer a glimpse into India's glorious past and vibrant present.
Delhi: The Heart of India
Delhi, the capital city, is a bustling metropolis that effortlessly blends the old with the new. From the imposing Red Fort and the majestic Qutub Minar to the serene Lotus Temple and the vibrant markets of Chandni Chowk, Delhi offers a rich tapestry of experiences. Modern attractions like India Gate and Connaught Place add to the city's allure, making it a must-visit destination.
Agra: The City of the Taj Mahal
Agra, home to the world-renowned Taj Mahal, is a city steeped in history and romance. The Taj Mahal, a symbol of eternal love, is an architectural marvel that draws millions of visitors every year. Agra Fort, another UNESCO World Heritage site, and the deserted city of Fatehpur Sikri offer glimpses into the Mughal era's grandeur and opulence.
Jaipur: The Pink City
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is known as the Pink City due to the distinctive color of its buildings. This city is a treasure trove of architectural gems like the Amer Fort, City Palace, and Hawa Mahal. Jaipur's bustling bazaars, filled with vibrant textiles, jewelry, and handicrafts, provide a perfect end to the Golden Triangle.
Adding Orchha and Khajuraho to the Itinerary
While the Golden Triangle itself is an incredible journey, adding Orchha and Khajuraho elevates the experience. These towns are less frequented by tourists, offering a more tranquil and intimate exploration of India's rich heritage.
Orchha: A Hidden Gem
Orchha, nestled on the banks of the Betwa River, is a small town with a big history. Once the capital of the Bundela Rajput kings, Orchha is known for its well-preserved palaces, temples, and cenotaphs.
Historical Background
Orchha was founded in the 16th century by Rudra Pratap Singh, and its architecture reflects a blend of Mughal and Rajput influences.
Major Attractions
Orchha Fort
A sprawling complex with palaces like Jahangir Mahal and Raj Mahal, offering panoramic views of the town.
Chaturbhuj Temple
An impressive temple known for its unique blend of religious and military architecture.
Betwa River
Perfect for a serene boat ride, offering beautiful views of the surrounding monuments.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site
Khajuraho is famous for its stunning temples adorned with intricate erotic sculptures, which are among the finest temple art in the world.
Historical Background
Built between the 10th and 12th centuries by the Chandela dynasty, these temples celebrate various aspects of life, love, and spirituality.
Famous Temples
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple
The largest and most ornate temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva.
Lakshmana Temple: Known for its exquisite carvings depicting various deities and mythical creatures.
Erotic Sculptures and Their Significance
The erotic sculptures of Khajuraho are a subject of fascination and intrigue. They represent the Tantric traditions, emphasizing the integration of physical and spiritual love.
Best Time to Visit
The best time to visit the Golden Triangle, along with Orchha and Khajuraho, is during the cooler months from October to March. During this period, the weather is pleasant, making it ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
Travel Tips
Packing Essentials
Comfortable walking shoes
Lightweight clothing and layers
Sunscreen and a hat
Reusable water bottle
Health and Safety
Stay hydrated
Use mosquito repellent
Be cautious with street food
Keep your belongings secure
Getting Around
Traveling between these cities is convenient with multiple transportation options:
By Air
Major airports in Delhi, Jaipur, and Khajuraho.
By Train
Extensive rail network connecting all major cities.
By Road
Private taxis and buses are readily available.
Accommodation Options
Luxury Hotels
The Oberoi, Taj Mahal Hotel
The Oberoi Amarvilas, ITC Mughal
Rambagh Palace, The Leela Palace
Budget-Friendly Stays
Bloomrooms, Zostel
Hotel Taj Resorts, Moustache Hostel
Hotel Pearl Palace, Moustache Hostel
Unique Accommodations
Heritage havelis and boutique hotels in Jaipur
Riverside lodges in Orchha
Local Cuisine
Each city offers a distinct culinary experience:
Try butter chicken, chaat, and paranthas.
Indulge in petha, Mughlai cuisine, and bedai.
Savor dal baati churma, ghewar, and laal maas.
Orchha and Khajuraho
Enjoy traditional Bundeli dishes and local sweets.
Cultural Etiquette
Do’s and Don’ts
Do greet with a "Namaste."
Don’t wear revealing clothing when visiting religious sites.
Do respect local customs and traditions.
Respecting Local Traditions
Remove shoes before entering temples.
Ask for permission before photographing locals.
The Golden Triangle Tour With Orchha and Khajuraho, combined with the enchanting towns of Orchha and Khajuraho, offers a comprehensive and captivating journey through India's diverse history and culture. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the serene temples of Khajuraho, this tour promises a memorable experience for every traveler.
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