#Loreena McKennit
artofmaquenda · 1 year
I asked my dad to go to Loreena Mckennit concert next year. It made him very emotional and for me this is also a special father, daughter thing, something very special that we shared a love for together. He always had hers and Enya's CDs on with incense burning.
He is 70+ already so I don't know how much time is left to make good memories together. Sounds dramatic, but time is fleeting and I rather remember all the good things we had. :') now I have to period cry haha.
Music connects...
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klimt7 · 7 months
The old ways
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one of my favourite songs ever
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luna-rigain · 2 years
I don’t know what made Loreena McKennit go “yeah, let’s go crazy on the electric guitar in bonny swans”, but by god was she right for it
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my-life-fm · 2 months
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dbluegreen · 9 months
Loreena Mckennitt - Dickens Dublin
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yaboybats · 1 year
Between The Shadows Loreena McKennitt on violin
I completely forgot how to spell her first name so please excuse the metadata lol
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windwenn · 19 days
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“I did not believe because I could not see
Though you came to me in the night
When the dawn seemed forever lost
You showed me your love in the light of the stars”
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ineffectualdemon · 2 months
Hey, what did your unhealthy, 13 year old, allegedly-girl, friend groups listen to during sleepovers while talking about being the Chosen Ones and dying young, while being uncertainly queer?
Or did you all have stable home lives?
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emiliosandozsequence · 5 months
trying to make playlists for the fantasy books i'm reading now is so hard.....i haven't listened to my fantasy music since i was 14
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voluptuarian · 6 months
not appreciating Enya is a red flag for me actually
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ayaitch · 9 months
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So, while messing around at the Relic Ruins, Runner's Wild, Aloy hinted via dialogue that there might be something else in the area, which I'd never heard her suggest before, or I peaced out before the line cycled in. Either way, I found a water tower to climb and glided over to a ruined house where I fell through the roof, got some sweet loot, then fell through the floor. It was fun.
Before that, I was on the water tower just looking around, and saw a couple of trees on the hilltop above it, and since I'm semi-obsessed at all times with the William Butler Yeats poem, The Two Trees,I instantly became obsessed with these two trees on a hilltop. So I did what any sane person would do and took about a dozen or two pictures of them in varying lighting, styles, locations, etc. Here are a few that (at the time) I liked enough to extract from the PS5.
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journalofanobody · 2 years
Loreena McKennit - Dante's Prayer(original-HD + lyrics)
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broomsick · 2 years
It’ll finally snow in my area, soon! Know what that means? Time for me to put up my decorations and to listen to my annual Yuletide playlist! I hope you all enjoy it!
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insilentruin · 1 year
Dark Night of the Soul || @geraniumshurricane
| 🗡 | The night was deep and still. Knives drifted in and out of sleep, feeling exhausted beyond any fatigue he'd ever felt in his younger days. His hair was nearly eclipsed black, a single touch of blond remained, silvery in the moonslight through the window.
He had not slept properly but once since the day he and Vash fled from their final battleground. Too afraid his brother would not survive, too afraid he'd lose the only thing holding him to this world now. Without Vash, he would not see the next sunsrise. Losing the fight against his too mortal-like body, he'd slipped into a shadowy dream.
The human he'd put his trust in to help Vash looked stricken as Knives stood before him. He'd only been gone for a moment--how could anything have happened--
"I-I'm sorry, but he's--There was nothing more I could do--"
Knives opened his mouth--about to demand he explain what he was talking about--but no sound came out. He was numb, trying to move but his limb refused. The entropy of the knowledge that his brother was gone refused to break, gravity pulling him down, he was drowning, could not draw breath, too tense to feel anything but his muscles shaking--
With jerk that brought him from the dregs of nightmare, Knives was on his feet before he'd opened his eyes. The inexorable bond he shared with his brother would have told him if he was gone--wouldn't it? Was that what the dream has been painting?
Before he was even able to think more than Vash's name he was stumbling through the doorway of the room he knew Vash would be lying in. There was sweat on his face, and panic in his normally cool eyes. Please--please--Vash--
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voidartisan · 2 years
So I've had this song stuck in my head for the last few days. Bonny Portmore. My mom listened to it when I was little and I still listen to it sometimes. The only words I can find to describe the feeling it inspires in me are profound melancholy. I can't explain why.
Anyway, today I looked up the song's origins. It's Irish. Probably about 250 years old. Unsurprising. If the sources I found were accurate, though, Bonny Portmore is essentially a lament for the old growth forests of Ireland.
And it's just---
This song. This mourning tune. Hundreds of years after it was first sung, it still stirs up this deep, inexplicable sadness in my very soul.
And it's for the trees.
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