#Lord Tobold Huckleberry
cloudberry-sims · 7 months
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And if the baby was her biggest concern , she didn't need to fear - he would take good care of her.
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Tobold was unsure what made him decided to remove the tiny girl from the almshouse.
Perhaps there was a tiny shriveled up piece of compassion in his deformed heart , or a faded memory of what it's felt like to be abandoned and forgotten by the world and it's saints.
Maybe he was just lonely... But perhaps with Ameline in his life, he wouldn't have to be.
(Basically Tobold adopts Ameline , he is now her father in the in-game family tree. Valeraine is still her mother , same with Ofelia , Primula and Gale being her sisters, but Bildad is not her father anymore. I have a soft spot for vampire parents okay idk why)
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cloudberry-sims · 7 months
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The royal steward sat in his study , counting the coin , calculating and scribbling down notes and reports to be delivered to the Arch-Steward and the monarch back in Watcherholm.
The first summer had proven to quite successful for the small settlement , earning enough to start a few construction projects that would be needed to turn Hopebury into a hamlet.
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cloudberry-sims · 7 months
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Tobold could understand her reluctance and fear of moving , but his mind was on something bigger and grander- to fulfill the monarch's orders.
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So , he would make her "change" her mind.
That everything was going to be alright , there was nothing to fear about moving to a new location, that her wards would be safe.
A month later , the former almshouse became the Huntress Tavern.
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cloudberry-sims · 7 months
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He requested to see Miss Amalda to discuses the future of her almshouse. He told her that he was willing to buy the building from her to build the alehouse and employ her as the brewer, in return he would build a new almhouse for her and her wards.
A fair deal or so Tobold thought.
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Amalda told him no. She didn't think it was wise to move her wards outside of the walls, further away from the barracks. Hopebury might be safe right now , but the future is uncertain and who knows who might move in and she wanted to protect her girls.
Especially the baby currently in her care.
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cloudberry-sims · 8 months
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And autumn was on it's way , as Knox spotted the mysterious steward outside his door one night.
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He greeted his lord with coin in hand. The farm was in it's infancy and didn't earn a lot of gold , but Knox knew soon it would change. 488 simvarian florence was just the beginning.
(Hopebury coffers currently contains: 4 717 simvarian florence!)
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cloudberry-sims · 7 months
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The coffers had 5739 simvarian florence in them , it was enough to start building a hedge tavern , or more commonly known as a alehouse and villedge green.
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He already knew where to build the villedge green , next to the Bramblethorn farm. But the tavern was more difficult. For it to prosper it has to be close, preferably in the center of Hopebury. Then it hit him.
The Berkwort's Almshouse.
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cloudberry-sims · 9 months
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Time passes by and the air grows colder with autumn winds, as the royal steward came knocking on yeoman painters door - here to collect the summer tax.
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Crispus and Wardah had done a excellent job , as they had earned 3248 simvarian florence, the highest number anyone has earn during this summer. Tobold was beyoned impresses and wish to request a portrait of him next season, which Crispus gladly said yes to.
Out of the 3248 , the Oldenkranz family will be keeping 1624- plenty and more for Celendine's future dowry.
(Hopebury coffers currently contains: 4 473 simvarian florence! Once we hit 5000 we can get a village green & well and Hedge tavern , and when we hit 8000 we are officially a hamlet!)
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cloudberry-sims · 7 months
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And where was Mordred during the birth of his second daughter? Downstairs with Lord Tobold , as it was the last day of summer.
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The royal steward congratulated Mordred to his marriage to Dina and the birth of his second child.
Mordred was quite diligent in his work and earned up to 2044 simvarian florence, leaving him 1022. As Mordred is gentry he as plenty of coin, but the crown only required half of what a man earned in a season.
(Hopebury coffers currently contains: 5 739 simvarian florence!)
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cloudberry-sims · 1 year
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Summer came and went in the Vanderling household , and before Iohn knew it , the royal steward Tobold Huckleberry came to his doorstep.
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Tobold sat and counted the florence the brothers had managed to collect for taxday, completley ignoring the jug of spirit that Iohn had offered.
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When he was done he announced that the brothers had earned 466 simvarian florence and that the crown would take half , leaving the brothers 233 to be used as they pleased.
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cloudberry-sims · 1 year
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The season was changing , and the Florbottoms where expecting a visit from the royal steward.
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The conversation was friendly , Lord Tobold praising the good work Bildad had done with earning 1,982 simvarian florence- all thanks to Ofelia and her flowers.
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Do to her diligent work the Florbottoms have 991 florence in their household , a good start to the girls dowry's!
And with that , we say goodbye to the Florbottoms for now.
(Hopebury coffers currently contains: 1224 simvarian florence!)
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cloudberry-sims · 10 months
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And finally , it's the end of the summer season and Tobold is saving me from this constant in-fighting like a vampire in sparkling armor.
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The Strongwoods (after selling everything metal/gem related items they had) earned 1178 simvarian florence. Meaning they will have 589 in savings.
Now , it's time to move to the next social class- the Yeoman's!
(Hopebury coffers currently contains: 2849 simvarian florence!)
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cloudberry-sims · 1 year
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And with that , he departed into the night. And we shall say goodbye to the brothers for this season.
(I don't understand the taxs for this challenge so the settlers will only pay half of their earned money to the crown)
(Hopebury coffers currently contains: 233 simvarian florence!)
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cloudberry-sims · 11 months
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It's now the end of the summer round at the Rosenward household, and the steward , Lord Huckleberry , has arrived . Quentrell gave him the money outside of the hut , not wanting to wake up his family.
Quentrell had earned 2072 simvarian florence , meaning they now have 1036 for this season.
Not bad at all!
(Hopebury coffers currently contains: 2260 simvarian florence!)
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cloudberry-sims · 1 year
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The royal steward, lord Tobold Huckleberry
Tobold Huckleberry was sent by the monarch to govern the growth of Hopebury. A private man with few interest outside of gold , he spends his days avoiding the sun...
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