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sunnybeewriting · 2 years ago
peachy keen. Part Four
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Hi guys!! I’m sorry for the wait! The next few chapters will be MASSIVE if I don’t split them up! And the plot is about to pick up for sure. Thank you all so, so much for all your encouragement and likes and comments, they make me so, so happy. And trust me things will spice up I promise 😈😈! 🥹 I love you guys, you are all the best!! Peachy Keen, Part Four 🍑✨
WORDS: 5,921
The word coming from Quaritch's mouth is jumbled and slow as he struggles to pronounce it. His eyebrows are furrowed in concentration, his hand waving in front of him in the correct gesture as he tries to speak.
“No, no, not ni-hona, nìhona.” You speak slowly, making sure to pronounce the syllables correctly. Your mouth twitches as you struggle not to smile. Really, it’s just ridiculous how charming this guy can be when he’s frustrated.
Quaritch’s scowl deepens as you correct him, but he begrudgingly repeats your speech pattern.
You beam and clap your hands together twice in front of you, pride filling your chest. “Yes! It can be a little tricky to remember, but once you practice a little bit, you’ll be saying it in your sleep!”
Quaritch sits up straighter, and you definitely aren’t imagining the way his chest puffs out a little bit at your praise. His mouth quirks up slightly at the corners at your elated reaction.
“Honestly, I’m pretty surprised you got it so fast. I know it took me at least two weeks to learn what you learned in one week.” It isn't a lie. Quaritch had taken off with your lessons much faster than you could have ever expected, soaking up everything Na’vi related like an eager sponge. It was impressive, to say the least.
He snorts softly, crossing his massive arms over his chest. “What, you thought I wouldn’t be able to do it? This shit is easy as hell.”
This time you can’t help your giggle, and you aren’t imagining the way his golden eyes soften just a bit.
It’s a beautiful day as you sit across from one another in the courtyard, so close your knees almost brush together. The daylight is warm against your skin and dark hair, and it lights up Quaritch in front of you. It would be the perfect day if you could hear the sounds of insects and the breeze of trees around you, but the only thing you can hear is the constant cacophony of construction and hexbots at work in the distance. Even with that all that noise, there is almost nothing that could ruin your mood right now.
It's been two days since your conversation on the stairs, and you’d been so relieved when you’d met up the morning afterward and everything between you felt…surprisingly normal. You’d been worried that it would feel uncomfortable, or that something would have changed in how he interacted with you. To your relief, Quaritch had simply greeted you with his usual scowl before kicking your ass again.
You were just glad that your emotional moment with him hadn’t seemed to change anything.
You sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, simply soaking in his presence. Your lesson time for the morning ended about fifteen minutes ago, but you just don’t want to leave yet. It seems Quaritch feels the same way, as he makes no move to get up. In fact, this is probably the longest time you’ve spent with him in silence.
It was nice to just be with someone, with no expectations or small talk.
Eventually, Quaritch shifts to stand, long legs pulling out from his seat on the floor to push himself up. You look up from your place on the ground to watch him rise, not even bothering to look away as he catches your gaze.
When he offers you a hand up, you grasp it without hesitation. He pulls you to your feet much more gently than in the past, and your hands linger together for a brief moment before you simultaneously let go.
That’s the one thing you've noticed that seems to have changed since the stairs. He's more gentle with his words and with his hits, less mean almost. He grabs things for you, and when you walk together he hovers a hand above the small of your back. He's almost hesitant to meet your eyes sometimes. It's a stark contrast to how he acted to you in the beginning, but you couldn't say you minded at all. In fact, his behavior now never failed to make your face burn and butterflies explode in your stomach. 
 “Well, Peach, this has been fun, but I got a meeting with my team in thirty. Those assholes are probably already loosin’ their minds waitin’. Jackasses can’t do shit without me.” He sneers, rolling his eyes derisively. 
You snicker. Quaritch definitely has an ego, but from the way you’ve seen his team hang onto his every word and order, he probably isn’t too far off the mark with that statement.
Quaritch grins briefly at your laugh, sharp fangs peeking out slightly. Even though you have your own set of sharp teeth now, seeing his never fails to make your stomach jolt. 
“Sounds about right, sir. Same time tomorrow?”
Quaritch falters so briefly that you wonder if you're imagining it. He opens his mouth slightly, as if to speak, before something flashes over his face and he closes it. His eyes move between yours and his tail flicks unsteadily behind him.
“Yeah, sweetheart. And make sure your scrawny ass isn’t late this time, alright? I don’t have all day to wait on you. I am actually important around here, you know.”
Your lips twitch, but you manage not to smile. You contort your face into something semi-serious, but your eyes and voice are clearly amused.
“Yes, sir!”
Quaritch rolls his eyes, his own mouth twitching. His long arm reaches across the distance between your bodies and he presses his hand briefly against the bare skin of your upper arm. The training you’ve been doing together has put some faint callouses on his hands, and they rub tenderly against your skin as he strokes a quick path. He does it quickly, as though it’s an action he doesn’t even realize he’s doing.
You’ve been in close proximity for months, training and talking and almost kissing, but your heart still races in your chest every time you touch. It’s embarrassing, really, the effect he has on you.
You gaze at each other for another long moment before he releases you and turns around.
You blow out a quiet breath as you watch him walk away and out of the yard, appreciating the view as you always do. At least this time you don’t have anything sharp in your hands. Just thinking about it makes your hand sting, even though the cut has long since healed.
You wander back to the Avatar sleeping center, taking your time and enjoying the light of the day. You certainly don't have much of anything to do once you are linked back into your human body.
Soon enough, though, you make it to the center. After you link back, you simply lay in the pod for a moment, staring up at the warm yellow lighting. You just can’t seem to get your body to move. 
Eventually, you’re able to find the motivation to rise from your position and open the pod. You swing your legs over the side and sit there for another minute, blearily rubbing your fists against your eyes to clear them. Your mouth feels a little fuzzy and your head has begun to throb sharply at your temples, but all in all, you feel fairly energetic. It’s much better than you felt when you first began linking.
You stand on your feet, turning this way and that to stretch out your lethargic muscles. Your stomach begins to growl hungrily, so you drearily make your way to the doors of the center just as Miss Hall strides through.
Her red hair is in its usual severe bun, slicked back and not a hair out of place. Everything about her looks as it usually does, but it’s her quick pace and the pleased expression on her face that takes you off guard.
“Nice morning, isn’t it, Miss Hall? How’s it going with-” you pause when Miss Hall’s head jerks toward you and an uncharacteristically enthusiastic smile appears on her face. In the time you’ve known her, you’ve never seen such a happy look from her before. It’s enough to make you hesitate in the doorway, startled. When the smile doesn’t fade from her mouth, something clicks in your mind and realization floods your body.
Is it…?
Your heart leaps into your throat when she answers your unasked question by nodding her head.
Ohmygod it’s time!
You quickly cover the remaining distance from her in a few brief seconds so you can either clap her shoulder, pull her into a hug, or do a celebratory dance. You aren’t even sure. Just as you’re lifting your arms to apparently pull her into a hug, she coughs and shoves her arm in between your bodies for a handshake.
Oh, right. Woops.
You lower your arms and stay a few feet away, respecting her choice for less physical contact. That didn’t stop you from squeezing her hand and giving it ten pumps up and down though.
“They actually agreed to let us head out? All of us? How far do we-?”
“We are allowed a maximum distance of ten miles from the tree line of the Kill Zone-"
You squeal and clap your hands, interrupting her sentence, but you just can’t help it.
“But only ten miles, no more, do you understand?” She gives you a stern look as she speaks. 
You nod your head franticly. Ten miles past the Kill Zone was so much further than you ever expected the RDA to allow your little group of newbies to head out on their first trip into the wilderness of Pandora. But you certainly weren’t fucking complaining! It's a dream come true, being able to travel that far so soon, and you are not going to ruin it.
You had spent the past two months developing the muscular tone and reflexes of your Avatar so you would be ready for the large amount of physical activity wandering around Pandora would require. Learning to fight from Quaritch of all people had undoubtedly helped in that goal; your Avatar had much better strength and speed now. 
And you wonder if this is what Quaritch felt like all the time, fast and powerful, so much bigger and better than everyone around him. If so, it’s no wonder he’s kind of a bully; sometimes even you got a little cocky with your newfound physical prowess, and you aren’t even half the asshole Quaritch liked to be sometimes.  
“Okay, okay, when do we leave?”
Tomorrow, tomorrow, say tomorrow!
“We’ll head out tomorrow morning, all five members of the second division.”
I might literally shit my pants right now.
Your mind races, your heart furiously pumping to keep up with all the exhilaration now surging through your blood and into your brain. You’re going to have to shower, have to pack, have to prepare the equipment that’ll come along, have to tell the group-
You gasp, lurching up from the chair you hadn't even realized you had drifted into, too consumed with your wild thoughts.
“I’ll go tell the group!” you almost shout, already halfway out the door before Miss Hall can even respond.
They’re going to be so excited!
If you had been bored to tears these last few months, Emma, James, Margot, and even David were all absolutely crazed by monotony at this point. With no Quaritch to lighten up their day, they’ve fallen into the same old routine of grey walls and mindlessly studying things they already reviewed years ago.
You race down the hallways. You bump into a few people but don't slow down to apologize properly, instead shouting a haphazard, “Sorry!” back at them as you continue on your way.
You turn a corner a few hallways from the break room too fast, and you crash face-first into the side of someone’s hard leg.
You bounce right off them, face throbbing angrily. You would have landed on your ass if a giant hand hadn’t shot out and grabbed your shoulder before you could fully tilt backward.
“Jesus Peach, where the hell you runnin’ off to so fast?”
You gasp lightly, lifting your wide eyes up, up, up until you meet Quaritch questioning golden ones.
You beam up at him, too buzzed to feel embarrassed about running into him like an excited toddler. He raises his eyebrow as he takes in your thrilled face, clearly curious as to what was tickling you. You're about to deliver the news when your eyes trail down his chest and you freeze.
There, against his green tank top and resting by his silver dog tags, is your pendant.
You stare at it, stunned. All thoughts of Pandora dissolve in your brain like mist. You barely refrain from gasping again.
While he had accepted your gift and hadn’t laughed straight in your face like you thought he might, you never actually believed he would wear something you had made, something so clearly sentimental.
Quaritch follows your startled eye line to his chest, blinking when he sees you gaping at the pendant. He raises his eyebrow questioningly again, scoffing while crossing his arms over his chest.
“What, Peach? You thought I wasn’t gonna wear it?” He sneers, looking almost defensive.
You stutter, mind struggling to catch up with everything that's happening. “W-Well, you just weren’t wearing it the past two days, sir. I just figured…”
He rolls his eyes derisively. “I needed to find a chain to put it on. Took me a few days.” He smirks at you. “Just couldn’t wait to see me wearin’ it, huh?”
You color a bit, lips thinning, but you refuse to rise to his teasing bait. You lean back and cross your own arms over your chest to match his stance. “No, sir, I’m just glad to see you liked it, that’s all.”
“Well, you made it, so. Anyway, what the hell has you running around here like your ass is on fire?" 
Your eyes soften as your limbs practically melt into the floor at his words. He was wearing it just because you made it?
You clear your throat, attempting to move onto Pandora and not focus on his surprisingly tender words. Even as you do, the sweet feeling of affection for Quaritch doesn’t leave, instead nesting deep and gently into your heart and bones. “Uh, Amanda said our group is now cleared by the higher-ups for fieldwork. My group and I leave tomorrow morning.”  
You snatch up Quaritch’s right hand resting by his side, the excitement of the news once again making its way through your veins and rejuvenating you. It takes both your hands to hold one of his, and even then they still look teeny tiny by his own massive one. You squeeze it as tightly as you can, which probably feels like nothing to him.
“Isn’t it amazing? We’ve been waiting months for this, not to mention the years we’ve been training and prepping, and I-” Your voice had been getting higher and higher as your excitement explodes like fireworks in your blood, and you drop his hand just as quickly as you had grabbed it to start clapping your hands together. You’re just about to start jumping up and down when Quaritch places an enormous hand on your shoulder to keep you still and interrupts you.
“You mean to tell me they already cleared your little group of pussycats for Pandora? Jesus, you think your team is really ready for that?” Despite his harsh words, the grip on your shoulder is gentle. He doesn’t look angry per se, more disbelieving and annoyed than anything.
Your childish excitement falters, your smile dropping a bit when you realize he has a point. You’ve struggled with remembering that Pandora isn’t a joke or something you can just waltz into half-cocked and hoping for the best. You were always too focused on the beautiful scientific possibilities, and you often forget just what Pandora really is; an unknown, hostile environment that will kill you if you let down your guard. Like Quaritch had said when you had first met him, Pandora would eat you alive if you weren’t careful.
You breathe in deeply, squaring your shoulders as your heart rate begins to calm. You’re still beyond thrilled about this, but Quaritch is right. This is not the time for you to slip off into your head like you usually do when you start overthinking things.
If you weren’t alert, focused, and mature about this, something awful could happen to you or to your friends, just because you were off galivanting around the forest. If someone you cared about got hurt because you were too distracted by pretty flowers, you would never forgive yourself. And with that thought in your head, you feel a spark of fear tighten your gut.
You swallow. “I - I know. But I really think that we’re ready for this, and it won’t be for more than a few hours-”
“I know you, Peach, and whether it’s for a minute or an hour, you like to get lost in that pretty lil’ head of yours and not pay attention.”
You wince, conceding. “I know, I know, but I will focus when I’m out there and I’ll do my job. This is what I came here for, what I’ve studied for. We’ll be in and out, just like that.”
You reach out hesitantly and slowly grab onto his hand once again. Your gentle touch seems to calm him a little bit, and his eyes lock onto yours. Your sure to any passerbys that your height difference must look extremely comical as you stand across from one another, but you don’t break eye contact to see if anyone’s looking.
“I’ll be okay, Quaritch. I promise I’ll pay attention and listen to every order. I’ll be back before you know it.”
The tension that had suddenly gripped him seems to flee him as quickly as it appeared. You’re about to relinquish your grip on his hand just as he tightens his gently. He squeezes your hand, clearly making sure to be careful with your fragile limb.
Something flashes across his face, gone before you can determine what it is. Determination, perhaps? Resolution? Whatever it is, you’re just glad he had pulled your head from your ass and given you the facts straight. If there was one thing you could rely on Quaritch to do, it was to give no bullshit.
“I’ll you in two days, Quaritch. I’ll be back before you know it!” You grin, trying to sound convincing. You’re not sure if it’s for him or for you.
You slowly let go of his hand again, giving it one last soft squeeze. You peer up at him as best you can at your height. Eventually, Quaritch nods once, a distant expression on his face. He takes a step back, putting some distance between you as he speaks.
“Guess I’ll see you soon, Peach.”
Your mouth twitches upward. “See you soon, sir.”
Quaritch nods one last time before he swiftly moves around you and continues on his path. You turn to watch him go, brows furrowed at his seemingly sullen mood.
It really won’t be that long, you reason. We’ll be able to continue our lessons soon, he won’t miss that much time.
You wander back toward the break room where you know your team will be, thoughts of Quaritch soon replaced by nervous excitement as you imagine your group's reaction to the news. As you step through the doors, you hear the tail end of an irritated discussion.
“ -alright, and I’m just saying that if they wanted to, they would totally have us moving in that direction - oh hey, girl!” Margot breaks off her sentence once she notices you standing in the doorway. Her face brightens up, grin spreading across her face. You don’t blame her; two months spent with just David and the lovebirds for company has made you a little crazy, too.
“I was just telling these three about how - ” Margot’s sentence cuts off as she takes a full look at your face. Her smile drops a bit, eyes flickering over your expression. You have no idea what you look like; probably nervous, delighted. It has to be a very strange look.
“What’s wrong, sugar? You look like you’re about to either pass out or dance, I can’t really tell. Why don’t you sit down-”
“We’ve been approved for Pandora.” Your words come out choked.
Everyone freezes, stunned. They gape at you from around the room. You’d all been expecting this, but it was one thing to wait for it and another thing entirely to have it happen. Just as you thought, your group is torn between the thrill of seeing Pandora in the flesh for the first time and the terror of being in a hostile environment.
The room sits in silence for a moment before Margot closes her mouth, swallows, and rasps, “When do we leave?”
“Tomorrow, Miss Hall said.” You struggle to speak. Your mouth is dry from both excitement and dread.
They sit there for another moment, wrapping their minds around the news. Margot is the first to stand. She smiles, clearly enthusiastic, but her mouth is tight.
“Well. I guess we need to get packed, huh?”
When you make it back to your quarters that night, you spend at least two hours packing every single thing you think you might need in Pandora. You run around your room like a whirlwind, packing things into a bag and then unpacking them over and over again as you work yourself into a frenzy. Eventually, you send it off to be put in the center for when you link up. All the really important equipment is already in the Avatar center, but you still want to be prepared.
Your thoughts anxiously jump all over the place. Waiting for stressful situations has never been your strong suit.
You doze in and out of sleep restlessly, spending more time kicking off your covers and tossing and turning than you actually do resting. Blessedly, you’re able to grab a few hours of sleep once your mind stops running wild, but you know you’ll still be tired when your alarm clock goes off.
Once you wake up and the reality of the situation pumps energy through your veins, you get dressed and ready as fast as you can. Your fingers quiver slightly as you struggle to put on your tennis shoes.
You head down to the mess hall, squinting your eyes against the bright lights of the hallways. You snag a bagel and eat it as best you can, ignoring the way your stomach turns. By the time you eat it and make your way to the linking center, you’re practically sweating. Nerves are quickly making a complete mess of you.
Just as you enter through the doors, Margot leaps from her seat and hurtles her way toward you. You barely have time to open your arms before she’s crashing into you so hard that you take a step back, but you don’t hesitate even a second before wrapping your arms around her in turn.
You only hug her for less than five seconds, but by the time she releases her grip, you feel so, so much better. It feels like a sharp, heavy stone had been lifted off your chest and you can finally breathe. You hadn’t noticed how twisted your mood had turned, torn between excitement and fear.  
“Hey, girl.” Margot speaks in a rare, quiet voice. She looks how you feel; tired, thrilled, stressed. Her hair is slightly mussed and her face is a little pale, but you can’t imagine you look any better.
“Hey, Margot.” You give her as best of an encouraging smile as you can, even though it feels more like a grimace. She returns the look, and together you walk toward the table where the rest of the group is waiting.
Poor Emma looks like she’s a second away from puking, and James sits by her, rubbing a hand soothingly against her back. David is in the corner of the room, muttering to himself almost frantically as he obsessively wipes his glasses clean against his shirt.
You grimace at their state, but you feel a little glad that you aren’t the only one apprehensive about this trip. It’d be more worrisome if they weren’t acting like this, really. The last thing anyone needs is someone acting cocky and causing trouble on your first outing.
You take a seat just as Miss Hall comes through the doors, professionally put together as always. She scans the room in one quick glance, and once she realizes the whole team is here, she says,
“Alright, team. Let’s get started.”
You make sure to focus on the quick reminders, what the primary mission of your group is, and the process of the investigation. Your mind begs you to think about the future and everything that could go wrong, but you stubbornly keep your attention on the present.  
Three hours and many conversations later, it’s time to link up. You squeeze Margot’s hand one last time and share one last look before you shuffle over to the linking pod. It takes too many minutes to clear your frantic mind. Eventually, bright white and vibrant colors flash across your eyes, and then you’re waking up in the body of your Avatar.
You and the team get dressed in tense silence. Your clothes are different from the regular attire you wear around Bridgehead. Now you’re wearing dark green shorts and a beige crop top that is covered by a tan, long-sleeved open shirt made of thin fabric. Your long dark hair is pulled back and covered by a bandana. You wear shoes for once, sturdy boots and socks that will help you walk on the slick forest floor.
Most of the supplies for Pandora exploration stays in a separate part of the Avatar center, and for the first time since arriving on on this planet, you actually get to use it. Holotablets preloaded with specific data, vests, comm links, backpacks filled with equipment. Everything that could possibly be needed for exploration and data collection is here.
It’s a scientist’s wet dream.
You pack quickly, fussing and triple checking everything before it’s time to leave the center.
Your group makes its way across Bridgehead toward the utility aircraft section of the city. Your tail waves nervously behind you as you walk, and it almost hits a tiny passing military man as you wander too close into his personal space. He shouts at you, glaring, and you only spare him an apologetic glance and a squeaky shout of “Sorry!” before you keep walking. You don’t have time to do anything else.  
The loud noise of people and machines does nothing to calm your nerves, and your sensitive ears frantically flick with the amount of deafening pandemonium that assaults your senses.
It doesn’t get any better as you walk. When you reach the launching pads, the shrieking of the SA-2 Samson aircraft makes you want to cover your ears and cower. You’re grimacing fiercely as you walk closer to the pad, and you can see the rest of your group doing the same. When you see it waiting, the nerves return full force. Your stomach turns and a cold sweat breaks out across your skin.
Don’t puke, don’t puke, Jesus Christ.
“Get on!” Miss Hall shouts as best she can over the howling. The other members go first, stepping up and into the large carrier. The whirring of the blades causes your hair to whip wildly over your face, blocking your view, and you try not trip on your feet as you pull yourself onto the craft after James. He turns around after he finds his footing again and gives you a hand up. Once you stand inside, you quickly take off your backpack and find a seat.
Miss Hall is the last one to climb in, hands full of the light, protective vests that are now required by the RDA. She hands them out to everyone and you grip yours tightly as you take it from her, knuckles white. You hold it your hands uncertaintly; you’d watched training videos on how to put the thing on and how to properly buckle it up, but now that you’re here your mind is going blank.
You shake your head in an effort to reorganize your thoughts, but the shrieking and the wind make it an almost impossible task. You sit up from your seat a bit to put the vest on over your shoulders.
Miss Hall finishes her conversation with the pilot and makes her way steadily over to your seats.
“Everyone ready?!” She shouts. Her eyes are a bright yellow, hair finally ruffled. She has a wide, encouraging smile on her face, and you distantly realize that this is the most genuine you’ve ever seen her.
She opens her grinning mouth to shout again before something seems to catch her attention. She looks out the open side of the carrier, eyebrows furrowing after a second. You follow her gaze, curious to see what made such an expression.
For a brief moment, you aren’t really sure if what you’re seeing is real.
Holy fucking shit! Is that Quaritch?!
Indeed, striding toward your aircraft, flanked by Z-Dog and Lopez, is Quaritch.
It feels as though someone has shocked you with a taser. You lurch up in your seat, gasping, eyes wide and mouth open as you stare at Quaritch’s intimidating form. Your heart thunders in your chest from both surprise and excitement.
Is he coming with us!?
The thought fills you with giddiness and you eagerly watch as he gets closer to the aircraft. As he nears you can see his hard and serious expression, as well as his new getup. He’s wearing dark green army vest covered in pockets, the thick straps resting against his broad shoulders. A black comm link that matches your own is around his throat. He holds a massive gun strapped across his chest next to his usual breathing mask. He walks like he owns Bridgehead, sneer firmly in place as he towers over even his team members. From this angle you can see his blue skin glowing in the daylight and his tail flicking irritably behind him.
You don’t realize you’re gawking at him until your mouth begins to dry. You snap it closed, suddenly breathless.
Soon enough, a large blue hand wraps around the opening to the carrier and Quaritch’s massive body lifts itself through. Your seat is right next to the large opening, so when Quaritch enters his shoulder brushes against the bare skin of your knees as he pulls himself up.
You're out of your seat before you realize it, hand reaching out to grab onto Quaritch’s massive bicep. He jerks a little bit when he realizes he’s being touched, glower firmly on his face when he turns to see who’s doing the touching. His expression settles when he realizes it’s you, face brightening as his sneer turns into a mocking smirk at your shocked face.
“What the hell are you doing here!?” You shout over the engine and wind, leaning close until your face is right next to his shoulder. You almost have to press your body to his so he can hear you. He leans down over you, putting his face close to yours as he shouts back. His golden eyes lock onto yours.
“What, Peach, you think I was going to let your scrawny ass get yourself killed out there!? God knows you wouldn’t last a second in Pandora without me watching your dumbass! What would everyone think if someone I was training died on their first time out?”
You beam at him, too happy to care about his slightly insulting words. “You have no idea how glad I am that you’re here!” You shout as loudly as you can.
He seems briefly surprised by your joy before his smirk turns cocky. “I bet you are, Peach!”
You scoff and daringly wack him lightly on the arm just as Z-Dog and Lopez pull themselves into the carrier. Z-Dog raises an eyebrow at Quaritch’s close position to you, her smirk growing mocking as she pops her bright pink bubblegum. Her expression schools itself into something more neutral when Quaritch turns to shout instructions at her, but you can still see the amusement in her eyes. Lopez remains silent beside her, hands holding his gun close to his chest. He nods when you make eye contact with him.
They turn to take a seat near your group, eyeing your team members distastefully. It seems like Quaritch wasn’t the only Recom member who dislikes scientists.
You grip Quaritch’s forearm and lead him toward the empty seat next to yours. You push your backpack off to the side to make room for your feet and take a seat. Quaritch places himself next to you, close enough that your thigh presses tightly against his. It makes your body buzz.
The whirring of the engine begins to scream even louder as it prepares to take off and you wince. Your hands bring themselves up until they’re pressed tightly against your ears. It only muffles the sound slightly.
Quaritch scowls when he sees you wince, golden eyes tightening around the corners and mouth thinning. He leans in close again to say something, and you tilt your head closer to hear. Your hair brushes against the bare skin of his arm.
“The loud noises will get better!” He shouts, nodding when you look at him. You nod back, immensely relieved to hear it.
He snorts when he sees your open vest. He rolls his eyes as he stands up from his seat to kneel in front of you, uncaring of the way the carrier shakes aggressively as it leaves the ground. His broad fingers swiftly begin to put the buckles and snaps in place, tugging here and there. As he gets lower, his hand brushes against the gentle flare of your hip, and you can’t help but shudder. Luckily, it's covered by the shuddering of the aircraft. You really didn’t need Quaritch to look any smugger than he already does. 
You watch him tug your vest into place until everything sits perfectly, pretty mouth twisting as he works. He nods once he’s done, moving to sit back in his seat like he hadn’t just taken you completely by surprise. That does seem to be his thing, though.
You can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that Quaritch was actually here and coming with you on your first trip. All your worries seem to fade away as you realize what this means. If there is anyone whose capabilities you trusted, it's Quaritch. You’ve seen this guy fight before, and even then he barely broke a sweat. You also trusted that he would put in an effort to keep you safe, even if just to ‘save his image’ as he said. You almost roll your eyes.
The important thing is that you feel safe with Quaritch. Maybe that's stupid, maybe you’d end up regretting it. But for now, it's the only way you can feel. And with that feeling, hope and elation fully blossoms as you think about what you are about to accomplish with Quaritch by your side.
And really, what’s the worst that could happen?
Tagging: I tried to get everyone!!
@kristennero @silverhowe @creativityleftthechat @nissilou
@x-maladaptive-daydreams-x @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
@rdeville @anxiousraindrop5299 @floufli @rax-raxus
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mschimdt · 2 years ago
lopez hcs (nsfw)
recom!lopez x recom!reader
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litteraly idk wtf this is but ion wanna let my account die, this is really short soooo uhh
sorry for not posting that much, i have finals on thursday and i caught a cold and stuff so i couldnt study or write, but yeaah enjoy this and the 100 followers special is in the making
lopez is serious, but he has a funny personality that he only lets out when hes comfortable, so you get to see that side of him alot
you guys started dating after you met as recoms, no one knows of your relationship but a few recoms because theyre gonna find out either way, so it was best to just tell them
when youre around people other than the recoms you both keep your relationship a secret, because if ardmore find out she'll set one of you up for death because she wants you to "focus"
lopez likes scenting you, he loves rubbing your scent all over himself, he makes sure to make you smell like him. he'll even smear his cum on you
when youre having sex he likes to whisper spanish words into your ears, followed by grunts and low whimpers, it usually gets you so worked up you end up cumming quickly
hes a thigh guy, he likes laying inbetween your thighs whenever he gets the chance to, watching TV or simply just sleeping
he likes you riding his face, you may think youd crush him but you must be joking when you think that youre gonna suffocate him
when he eats you out he encourages you to wrap your thighs around his head, doesnt mind if you squeeze too, he likes it
he enjoys lingerie, he likes seeing you dress in colorful lingerie (if you could get your hands on some in pandora)
doggy style typa guy, but he makes you arch your back and then pulls on your hair to bring you up to your chest
has a thing for hair pulling, and youre not complaining
isnt really the type of guy to give punishments, but sometimes he likes to smack your ass a few times or atleast till it turns red, not in a punishment way, just because he likes to see the outline of his hand on your delicate ass
likes to give you massages as aftercare, but it usually ends up in you guys fucking again because of the little noises you make when he massages you
really sweet guy, might look stubborn and strict but once you get to know him youll realize hes reallllllyyyy nice and sweet
even though youre both navi, he still has alot of strength and can carry you even if your navi
he'd often tease you and speak just spanish to you for a few hours, it makes you mad because you barely know 2 words in spanish
chocolate typa guy, he likes eating chocolate (i really dk why but he gives off a chocolate lover vibe)
marks you alot, it can range from harshly pinching you neck to full on bites
likes risky things, especially risky quickies, he could drag you into a closet and fuck you right then and there
he hates it when you touch his tail or ears, but not because it annoys him, because it makes him pur, you usually give him ear rubs and he completley submits and starts purring like a damn cat with a huge smile on his facr, this only happens if he doesnt kill you before you make contact with his ears
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darika-chan · 2 years ago
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Wallpapers with macho Lopez 🥵
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aanylah-c0m · 2 years ago
◇ - I don't kno what to put-
◇ - Enjoy <333
Due to the condition of needing his mask back when he was still human, he often used the mask to breathe In the air. But he only did It every once In a while, however, you wanted to see how long he could go without It.
So surprisingly you managed to swipe It when he wasn't nearby, Miles was frantically searching everywhere for his mask about 1 hour later after you had taken It. 
You were In the office when he approached you, with him being out of patience he wanted to ask you If you had seen It,
"____ do you know where my mask Is?"
"No.." you quickly hid it behind your back and smiled at him
He looked concerned and In disbelief for a moment before fixing his expression to stern,
"What's behind your back" 
"Nothing Miles"
"Give me back my mask I need It"
You started backing up but slowly so he wouldn't chase after you,
You stopped for a moment studying his movements and seeing If he would approach you, he took one step closer to you motioning his hand out towards you. 
You waited a moment before taking off and running with the mask, Miles went after you he wasn't too closer or too far away from you. He was yelling out for you and you could tell by the anger In his voice that as soon as he caught you he was going to kill you.
You went through what seemed like a maze of hallways before finding a room and running Into there, you hurridly collapsed down Into a corner and unlike most of the rooms, this one didn't have a window.
Hiding with the mask in your lap you were panting while your ears twitched waiting to pick up the sound of Miles running nearby but It had seemed that you may have lost him. You get your breathing back to normal and listen once more.
You suddenly hear heavy speed walking go past the room, you pray he doesn't check the room which he doesn't. 
It had been a few minutes since miles had passed by you, so you decided to change hiding spots you quietly step out of the room but just to your luck miles was in the opposite hallway as you. When you both make eye contact you instantly start running again.
You turn down a couple of hallways before running into miles room, you'd give him his mask back, 
But he had to beg for It..
Once you got inside miles stood in front of the door with an angry expression on his face,
"Give it to me now!"
He was struggling to breathe and was gasping for air since he had run after you twice,
You kept backing up (away) from him while holding the mask wide to your side and outward in the air.
His breaths were short and he soon held onto the door frame while his other hand coated his throat, he was practically gasping for air.
"Come and get It!" you say with a playful smile on your face
"____ I can die without that thing.."
"Come here and I'll give It to you"
He carefully made his way towards you, he was wobbling from side to side before sitting on his knees in front of you, his head was down and he looked up at you.
He tried reaching for the mask but you only raised It above him, 
"What's the magic word?"
"____ stop fucking around!"
"No mask then-"
"I'm not a begging man"
"For this mask, you'll have to be one~"
"You'll have to do better than that"
He sighed and started again,
"Can I please have my mask back?"
"Can you please have your mask back~?"
"What else do you want?" his voice was shaky and he was frustrated 
You then leaned In lifting his face to yours with a grin on your face,
"You know what~"
He steadily gripped onto your waist and looked up at you, He had a pleading look on his face and was whimpering 
"Can I please have my mask, back princess..."
He looked like he would've started whining in pain if you had said no,
"Good boy"
You adjusted the mask on his face and he quickly breathed In the air, He panted heavily after taking a few shaky breaths. 
"Fuck..." he sighed,
He pulled the mask down and placed It on the table beside him, he stood up and you were about to leave when he picked you up and shoved you onto a table holding you In by your throat, the action was so fast you could barely comprehend anything.
"You need to learn to stop fucking with me"
"It was a joke!-"
He hissed to silence you, and you stayed quiet, his eyes were burning into yours while he held you In place. 
He let go of you, his eyes still locked on you, he apologized but not really.. and started telling you about how it was important to have his mask whenever he really needed It.
"Understood." his voice was assertive and It was obvious he wasn't asking you, 
It was an order, and to assure that you knew what he was talking about, you stayed quiet and looked down.
"Understood." He was louder and said It slowly this time & he shook you
"Yes sir.."
He let go of you and walked out of the room, you slowly got off the table and changed. Getting Into bed. You didn't cry, you were just disappointed and ashamed of yourself..
It was late when Miles came back, you felt a lingering angry presence from him because of earlier, he passed through the bedroom and you dreaded hearing him say anything to you.
Although he didn't say a word you still sheepishly soaked yourself Into the bed more, thinking If you were out of sight out of mind. He entered the bathroom and you heard the shower turn on,
Maybe If you had left and come back the next morning he wouldn't be so mad? Was It just reasonable to leave though? 
Whatever made us feel safer
You got up and threw on some clothes to manage going out. You quickly made a quiet exit outside of your room.
Moments later Miles came outside the bathroom and threw on some boxers and a t-shirt, he walked over to the bed and climbed In wanting to see his lover after being so harsh that afternoon and wanting to apologize. 
He settled Into bed and reached over only to find an empty spot beside him, he looked around and called out for her but no response was met with him. He was confused as If he saw her In bed moments ago
He got up and threw on his casual cargo camo pants and left the bedroom heading Into the main room and doing one last call out for her,
He then left their room and wandered around searching for her, 
She made It out, but did she want to go back?
What If she never went back? She couldn't escape him after all, she'd just see him around, why was she so scared? 
People who love one another aren't afraid of each other...
She thought maybe If she did a few rounds around the office It would make her tired enough to not think about It so she did, after walking In circles about 3 - 4 times she yawned feeling sleepy and almost forgot why she was awake still.
She had her arms crossed and her fand was holding her face, her eyes becoming heavy the more she walked around, she soon saw someone at the end of the hall she looked up lazily but looked back down Into her sleepy state.
The person approached her and held onto her,
He shook me slightly as I rubbed my tired eyes,
"____ what are you doing out here?" he was generally concerned
He sighed and picked me up carrying me In his arms, I made myself a pocket under his neck to rest on as he carried me back to our room.
Did I make him even madder?
Once we arrived back In the room and In the bed he positioned me beside him and held me close to him. The slow fall and rise of his chest matching with his slow steady heartbeat made you drowsier and you had no issues falling asleep. 
The next morning when I woke up I was facing him and he wasn't awake yet, I lightly pressed my hand against his chest and nodded my head forward onto him. After a while of being In that position, you were able to slip from his grip and went to wash up.
While drying your face off Miles came Into the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe still tired as If he forced himself to get up. You turned to look at him and he sighed before walking over and bringing you close to his chest.
"Stop leavin' me would ya?" he managed drowsily
He lazily pulled you along and tucked you back Into bed with him, he adjusted you onto his lap which you rested your head on his shoulder. 
"____, about yesterday-" 
Everything you had happily managed to forget came flooding into your mind again, why did he bring It up, why couldn't you just let It go...
-"I'm sorry" 
Your ears perked up, almost surprised that he said sorry, you lifted your head off of him and were now face to face with him.
"You mean It..?"
"Yes..can you forgive me.." he sounded sincere and his ears were back which was rare to see, his ears were usually back or flattened with anger
"Yes I can,"  you say while swaying your tail
"I need you to get that my mask Is heavily crucial to have"
"Do you understand?"
"Yes what?" he adds, with a poorly fought-back smirk on his face which pulls a shy smile on yours
"Yes sir"
"Good girl" 
"Does that feel good, hm?" He said massaging your waist where he had firmly griped It at
"Mhm," you say quietly
I suck at submissive and dom...
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Bye Angels! 🕊🤍
Friends; @dyingofcookies @multiversebaddie
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milequaritchsslut · 2 years ago
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Just orgasmed on screen. Ugh I’m so in love with Lopez ☹️
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nin3kyuu · 6 months ago
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Tattooed queens💅👑
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avatarart · 11 months ago
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Posting with permission from the artist, malinka624!
Please check out their Twitter and go show your love for the original post!
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backmuscles21 · 11 months ago
You're Supposed To Be Ours
Recoms x Reader
Summary: You are an RDA chemist, you have caught the eyes of all the recoms. They can be a little possessive. So, when they see you talking with someone else, they need to teach you your place and where you belong. Warnings: smut, belly bulge, size kink, begging, spanking, orgasm denial/delay, punishment, possessive behaviour, sub/dom undertones
You came to Pandora as a chemist, they needed you to run tests on water, plants, rocks, and other elements. Basically, what they wanted you to do was make a periodic table for the things on Pandora.
Easier said than done.
However, you did love your job and you loved the planet. One thing you loved the most about your job was the new relationship you started. You have an avatar body for when you go on missions to collect samples to test and figure out their composition. Since you have a trillion-dollar avatar body and were only a scientist, you needed protection. And what better protection than the new Na’vi recom soldiers? Plus, they were tall, strong, and muscular.
So that is how you met your new lovers. You learned that they were a little hard-headed, very strong, very loyal, and pretty jealous. Not necessarily jealous of each other, they saw themselves as a family, but with literally anyone else. When you told them you liked boy boys and girls you couldn’t talk to a single soul without them feeling a tinge of jealousy. Some were good at hiding it others had it written all over their face, it didn’t really bother you too much, you had them.
You would go to work and then go back to them, sometimes in your human body or in your avatar. Not too many people knew you were with all the recoms, the only people that really knew were some of the people in your department. They had seen you with them when they dropped you off or came by to pick you up after you finished work or when they would visit you while you were working. It was always someone different, but it was always one of your tall blue lovers.
Some of your co-workers liked to pick on you a little for being with them and fucking the aliens. You didn’t care, you loved them deeply, and you wouldn’t ever trade them for the world.
But one day, when one of them came to visit you while you were working, they saw you talking with some of your co-workers. You were laughing and smiling and you just tucked your hair behind your ears, you did that when you were flustered.
It was Prager who came to visit you, he was feeling tired and in a cuddly mood and he always sought you out when he got that way. He was angry that you’d be talking with this guy that you worked with. You should be laughing with anyone but them, you were theirs. So, Prager went back to the recom common room to tell everyone what he saw.
He stormed back to the common room, punched in the door code and stomped in.
“What happened? Did she say she had to work? Cause I told you so,” Lopez said with a smirk.
Prager didn’t answer, instead, he gathered everyone in the common area.
“What’s going on? Care to explain?” Miles asked.
“I went to see her and I saw her but she was talking and laughing with another guy. They were supposed to be working and she even tucked her hair behind her ears. She was flirting with him; I couldn’t believe it. So, I came back here to tell you guys,” Prager explained.
“What was she doing?” Mansk asked, always trying to work out situations, giving you the benefit of the doubt.
“She was by her microscope, she was writing on some papers, but then she stopped and she gave him her undivided attention,” Prager explained
“Well, let’s go see this then,” Lyle said wanting to confirm it.
Miles put his arm out to stop Lyle, “no. We wait till she finishes work, she has to anyway. Then we will confront her. You know she can’t lie worth a damn and will crumble under us. She can also explain her side of the story and we will go from there.”
“Are we gonna punish her?” Walker asked with a slight smirk.
“Depends. She might have an explanation and then we will just tone down our usual punishment. If she doesn’t deny it and says what she did, we will use a lesser punishment. If she tries to hide it and denies it, we will go no bars held. She knows her safe word,” Miles explained to everyone.
“When is she done?” Zdog asked.
“A few hours. I’ll pick her up. I intimidate her the most,” Miles said as he smirked at his fellow soldiers.
“So, what do we do till then?” Ja asked.
“We could try to get her out early. Maybe do a random walk-by and see if it’s continuing?” Fike suggested.
“That’s the first smart thing you’ve ever said,” Lopez smirked.
“Go fuck yourself,” Fike said to Lopez with a scoff and smile while rolling his eyes.
So, a few hours passed and Miles left a couple of minutes before you were supposed to finish for the day. He walked in front of the glass doors of the chemistry lab, there were multiple scientists working away. Then his eyes landed on you, looking into different Petri dishes and writing stuff down. He fell in love with you all over again, he couldn't believe how gorgeous you were. Both your human body and your avatar body were absolutely stunning, he understood why people wanted you, not that they’d ever get you.
He opened the door and walked in, he saw you look up and smile brightly. He walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders and watched you finish your notes.
“I’m almost done give me five minutes.”
“Take your time cupcake,” Miles said patting your shoulders.
He noticed your co-workers staring at you and him and then whispering to each other, he knew they liked to gossip. He wasn’t bothered by them and he knew you weren’t either but he still didn’t like it. He gave them a slight scowl and turned back towards you.
Finally, you and him left the lab and went to the recom-only areas. Once you entered the room and saw all of your lovers right there you were surprised.
“Woah, what’s going on? Did I miss something? Is there a special occasion?” You said slightly nervous.
Miles came up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders and squeezed a little bit. “We needed to talk to you about something and we need you to be honest.”
“What’s up?” You said it slowly, you were kind of scared.
“Were you flirting with one of your co-workers today?” Miles asked.
“Flirting? You think I would purposely flirt with someone I work with? That’s like giving that person a death wish. I wasn’t trying to flirt with anyone, if that happened, I’m sorry that it did, it was not my intention.”
“But you were flustered. I saw you tuck your hair behind your ears,” Prager said.
“I was using my microscope a lot today and I forgot my hair tie. You know how I hate my hair in my face. I just happened to tuck my hair behind my ears a lot today.”
“But you were laughing and talking with him then you looked down and tucked your hair behind your ears. You were flustered, he made you flustered.”
“I swear I never intended for that to happen. I have to talk with my coworkers, I need them to tolerate me. I work with them and there’s no replacing them or me so we have to get along. I promise I was not intentionally flirting with anyone I work with.”
“But you were being friendly,” Lyle said.
“Yeah, but I need to be. I need them to like me. I’m friendly to anyone I talk to. I don’t talk to a lot of people other than you guys but I’m not an asshole.”
“I think you need to learn your place,” Miles said leaning over to whisper in your ear.
Your eyes went wide, they planned on punishing you for this.
“Do I need my avatar for this?”
“No, we will be tame enough for a human.”
You breathed out loudly through your nose trying to calm yourself. You didn’t hate when this happened, it was hot. However, it was just a lot and it was tiring and it was just so much for your little body.
Miles started to move his hands down to your hips, then he moved them from your hips to slide up your sides and take your shirt off. You lifted your arms to help him take your shirt off, he threw your top onto the floor and touched your smooth skin again. His hands went to your back and unclasped your bra, he took it off you as well and let it fall to the floor. Miles smiled as he watched everyone state at you, he placed his large hands on your tits and pulled you into his body. He started to play with your nipples and it made you cry out.
You could see the smirks on everyone’s faces as they watched you whine while being toyed with. Miles' hands then found the hem of your pants, he unbuttoned them and let them fall to the floor.
“These are cute,” Miles said as he revealed your panties to the recoms. He grabbed the band of your panties on your hip and let it slap against your skin.
“Now, be a good girl and go apologize to Prager first. He wanted you so badly and he had to see you openly flirting,” Miles said as he slapped your ass as you walked over to Prager.
You sat on Prager’s lap and kissed him; Prager’s hands roamed your body before staying on your hips. He squeezed the flesh of your hips and occasionally your butt, you found yourself naturally rolling your hips into him. You could feel him getting harder and harder, you then got off him to kneel in front of him. You started to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants; you pulled out his hard cock. Your hands were so tiny compared to his Na’vi-sized dick; you stroked him a few times before you took him into your mouth.
It was hard to take him into your mouth but you pushed through, his hand grasped at your hair as you sucked him off. He was moaning out lowly as you did the best you could to get as deep as possible, what you couldn’t reach you stroked. Prager was trying to not jerk his hips and start fucking your face but he couldn’t help it, you were just so good. You focused on his head, pushing your tongue onto it and swirling it around. You tried to keep your teeth from hitting his shaft but it was so hard when he was stretching your mouth to its limits. You knew he was close just from the way his thighs twitched and his cock twitched in your mouth.
You pushed him to the back of your throat as he came, it went right down and as you pulled off him, you looked up at him. He was smiling, he looked so blissed out.
“Do you forgive me?”
“Of course, baby,” Prager said stroking your head.
“Don’t be so nice to her. We’re not done here,” Miles said as he walked over to you and picked you up.
Miles placed you down on your stomach on one of the recom-sized tables, your legs dangled helplessly as he held you there with a hand on your back. Lyle walked up next to Miles and kissed your back a few times, his hand then replaced Miles as he stood behind you. He ground his semi-erect cock into your butt before his other hand stroked down your back, landing on your left butt cheek.
“You gonna count ‘em?”
You nodded, “yeah,” you breathed out feeling yourself get more turned on.
His large hand landed a good smack on your butt cheek, it had a good echoing sound.
“One,” you staggered out.
His hand gripped your butt cheek after the smack, his hand rubbed the area as it left your skin coming down again.
You could hear him snickering as he played with your butt cheek a bit before landing a few concurrent slaps to your left cheek.
You couldn’t lie, it was starting to hurt. You knew that this is what was supposed to happen, it was supposed to cause a bit of pain. You liked it but their recom size and strength was a bit much, it just felt raw more than painful, but you could still handle it.
“Six,” you whined out as Lyle slapped your butt again.
He was definitely an ass man but also a boob man, this man was just horny and would take what he could get. He loved all bodies, all sizes, and all parts, but he had a favourite, big juicy asses. He loved a nice jiggly butt, nothing was better, he liked getting to slap, squeeze, pinch, fondle, lick, kiss, suck, bite, whatever he could do, he wanted it. That’s why he was perfect for this job, he could get off on watching your butt jiggle as he slapped your butt.
Lyle hit the same left cheek, you started to lurch forward as he made contact. It was getting to be quite painful but you were almost done, he almost always went to 10. If he tried more, you might stop him, if he would actually stop.
You squeezed your eyes when Lyle made impact, you were moaning out at every hit. You could also feel how hard Lyle was, he had to be leaking.
The finish line was so close, one more and you’d be done. You felt the hand on your back move to your hip, that was new. Both his hands then held your hips and he lifted your hips up a bit and that’s when you felt his cock head rubbing through your folds. You didn’t even hear him unzip his pants, He then pushed in as he slapped your left cheek one last time.
“Ten,” you cried out as he pushed a few inches into you.
Your hands tried to grip at the table, your fingertips pressing into the table while your knuckles bent. Your back was trying to arch with no success, Lyle held you in place as he slowly pushed in more and more.
“Feel how hard you made me by just having your ass on display. I guarantee now pussy ass science puke could fuck you like this. Could get as hard as this. Could get as deep as this. Could make you scream out like this.”
He was praising himself as he started to thrust in and out of you, he was praising how good their recom bodies could fuck you. Hoping that you’d never even think about your coworkers ever again, hoping that you’d never even look at another person.
“Lyle, fuck, Lyle,” you reached your hand back for him, “please.”
“Please what, buttercup?”
“You got it babe.”
Lyle sped up and went deeper, you moaned out and he smirked. Your forehead hit the table as you cried out, he couldn’t help but get harder at the sight of you soaking up what he was giving you.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking deep.”
“You like it baby? I can do more. I can already feel myself inside you.”
Lyle smirked as he kissed your back, you could feel his hand on your stomach just below your navel. Your arm slowly moved down there to feel where his hand was, you could feel his cock poking through your skin. You’d seen it and felt it before but it got you every time, it was so hot to know how they were bulging out of you. it just made you feel so small, it was so hot to feel it, even more so when you’d press on it and you’d hear whoever was in you moan.
Like now, pressed down on your lower stomach had Lyle moaning and grunting, he kept thrusting faster and faster before cumming deep in you. While it felt good and it was hot, you didn’t cum and that was probably their plan for tonight, not stimulate you enough to cum or deny you of it all together.
Lyle pulled out and moved away from you, he then lifted you up and placed you in the lap of Lopez. He already had his cock out, he held onto your hips before helping you to sink down on his thick cock. You gripped onto his shoulders for dear life as you felt the stretch, nothing helped with the stretch. Even after Lyle just fucked the shit out of you, you still weren’t meant for their large bodies.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing the shit out of me, baby girl,” Lopez said resting his forehead in yours.
He slowly sunk you down further and further until he stopped and started to lift your body up and down on his cock. Your head rested on his shoulder as you cried out, your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled your bodies close together.
“Please, please, please, let me cum,” you whined out. You figured begging might help.
“I’m glad you figured it out. Sooner than I thought. Either way, you won’t be cumming for some time,” Miles said from right behind you. You felt him kiss your shoulder after he told you, his plan.
You whined out from Miles' words and from feeling Lopez go in deeper. You knew you had to cum, but you also knew you couldn’t otherwise your punishment would get worse. Your mouth bit into Lopez’s bare shoulder as you focused on not cumming. The grip Lopez had on your body got tighter as you tried your best to follow Miles’ orders.
“Fuck baby girl, you’re gripping me so fucking hard.”
“Well, I’m trying not to cum. You’re just hitting it perfectly.”
He made a particular few thrusts up into you at really stroked your walls beautifully. You moaned out, holding onto him harder as you held back the best you could.
“Miles please let me cum, I can’t hold it back, please.”
“You’re not cumming.”
You knew asking Lopez was futile, he wasn’t going to let you cum anymore than Miles would. You knew that you would just have to hold off, but that was going to be even harder shortly. After Lopez finally came, you felt yourself finally be able to let your body relax, but that didn’t last long.
“You good with going upside down?” Walker asked smirking in your ear. She bit the lobe of your ear lightly as she wrapped her arms around your waist. She lifted you up off Lopez and took you to where she was sitting. She rested your back on her thighs and took your hips lifting them up to her mouth. Your legs straddled her head as she smiled at you between them.
“Wait I can’t, she gonna make me cum. All she does is know how to stimulate. She doesn’t stop till I cum.”
“That’s your problem, honey,” Walker smiled as she attached her mouth to your clit.
Your head pushed back against her knees as you moaned out loudly. Your hands gripped the armrests and your eyebrows furrowed; your mouth was agape as Walker pulled moan after moan from your mouth. It was such a compliment to her to see you stuck in a state like this. However, it didn’t take long before she had you cumming, it was going to happen, and you were already holding back. You were so sensitive, it didn’t matter, any stimulation was going to get you to cum.
Walker slurped at your pussy as she took everything you gave her.
“I hope you enjoyed that. Because you’re in for it now.”
You stared up at Miles, you could see how much his hard cock was pushing his pants out from your position. You could feel yourself getting more turned on. Miles picked you up and laid you back on the table from earlier. He more or less dropped you and held you on your back. He snarled as he watched you squirm under his large hand, his jaw moved from side to side.
He was planning how he wanted to abuse your poor pussy.
One thing you learned about him was he enjoyed eye contact. If he was eating you out, he’d stare at you and you better be staring back. Same with when you gave him head, on top of that, while fucking he also wanted to see your eyes. You couldn’t close them from pain or pleasure, you had to keep them on his. He made you stare at him as he unbuttoned his pants, he kept eye contact with you as he roughly pushed into you. He pushed all of his length into you in one go, it made you moan out loudly. You have been prepared well enough but it still stung and especially just from how he just pushed it all inside. He was bottomed out and he was one of the longer and thicker ones. He started to thrust into you right away, he took no prisoners either.
He was merciless, he lifted a leg to rest it on the table to get better leverage to fuck you deeper. Your small hands clawed at his back; you were in pain but it felt so good. Miles was deep inside, he was fast and normally at this point, you’d just lay your hand on your lower stomach to feel the bulge of his cock outlined in your skin. You couldn’t your body was so wound up, he was stimulating you so much, you just gripped onto his skin.
Your abs were so tightly restricted, you were just constantly being overstimulated. Your eyes fought to stay open to stare into his as he fucked you, all you wanted to do was close your eyes and throw your head back. You fought with yourself to keep from letting your body feel the pleasure, you had to keep your eyes open. Not to mention, even if you begged, he probably wouldn’t have let you cum.
“Miles, Miles, please, I can’t. I have to cum.”
“You will wait till I do then I will let you.”
You sighed out in protest, you could barely hold it, you wanted to cum now. You knew he wouldn’t be too much longer but still, you had to cum now. You felt him twitch, he was close he had to be, it was light there was light at the end of the tunnel. He came deep inside you; you cried out as it just filled you up.
“Miles, please, can I cum?”
His sharp deep thrusts didn’t stop, “have at it, cupcake.”
It only took a second after he finished his sentence for you to cry out while cumming. Your body moved on its own, your eyes squeezed shut and the top of your head hit the table. It was probably one of the most intense orgasms the recoms have ever given your human body. Miles kissed your sternum a few times before pulling out, Ja was quick to pick your tired and spent body up and place you in his arms. He sat down with your body resting on his, he was grounding you by rubbing at your back and running a hand through your hair.
“Don’t you want to get off too?”
“No, baby. You’ve done too much. Your body is tired and probably sore. We can wait,” Ja said to you.
“But I’ve taken you all before?”
“Yeah, that was when you were taking two or three of us at once and we didn’t make you hold your orgasms. You rest, we have all the time in the world,” Zdog said butting in to kiss your tired and sweaty face.
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xstarcutx · 1 month ago
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more chibis!
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nin3kyuu · 5 months ago
This is so good, I missed your writing so much, you have no idea how much I appreciate it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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Oel Ngati Kameie
Part two for a surprize before the end!
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Warnings: fingering, biting, water sex, p in the v , unprotected sex, slight cockwarming.
Summary: Lopez decided to take you on a short rendezvous away from the team. After your meal things turned a little more exciting.😏
Present: this is a present for @nin3kyuu on her very special 23rd birthday! You are the most wonderful, most creative person ever and i hope you have the best birthday ever! <3
I haven't written smut in a while like this so I hope you guys like it.
song to match the story
smut below the cut!
It was nice to see Lopez in this light, this side of him was relaxed, content with where he was at in his life.  Nothing could ruin this moment between the two of you, absolutely nothing in the world. For just one day the two of you could have that generic homie life that the two of you had only dreamed of having.
The rations were eaten fairly quick, he didn't exactly bring enough for a full feast that was for sure. However it was the thought that counted at the end of the day. Now the two of you sat beside the waterfall simply enjoying the quiet and serene effect the area had on you both. It wasn't long before you felt Lopez lips on your shoulder, trailing soft kisses slowly up to the juncture of your neck. Really he thought he was being slick with his movements but you knew what he was up to, you always knew what he was up to. To you he was for the most part an open book, the one he could be most vulnerable with and at the end of the day he would do anything for you.
Your body instinctively leaned into his touch, wanting each and every press of his fingers on your skin as he would give you. One hand snaked around to your middle,  fingertips sliding slowly towards the waistband of your pants. Fingers slipped past the fabric as he continued to his assault on your neck with his lips, faint little mewls where being pulled from you. Each sound being pulled from you was like music to his ears, encouraging him to delve deeper. Pull each and every wine and moan from you that he possibly could. You where away from the others, not confined to his room. The need to suppress either of your noises was gone and now he fully planned to draw as much out of you as he could.
Fingers now slipped past the waistband of your underwear in order for him to run his thick index finger along your slit and hum with satisfaction. A soft bite to the skin of your neck ensued the moment a second finger slid across your slit, moving gently to rub soft circles over your clit as the moan he pulled from you was something earth shattering.  God he loved every single noise falling from your pretty little mouth and yet there was something different this time around . He was gentler, more attentive to pleasure over pain. Like this moment between you two was something he wanted to savor for the rest of his life.
“ Join me in the water? “ fingers dipped into your entrance at his question, a gasping moan fell from your lips as he made it harder for you to form a coherent thought. His fingers continued a slow and languid thrust as your body practically went lip against him. Harsh pants and whimpers were building slowly into low moans and hushed pleas for more. Only his hand slipped out from the waistband of your pants before he moved away from you entirely. Standing in order for him to strip and toss his boots somewhere close to the makeshift picnic he has made for the two of you. The grin plastered across his face was unmistakable, he knew exactly what he did to you. How worked up he had gotten you before pulling away like that. Giving you a taste of what he wanted to do with you before abruptly stopping and forcing you to follow him for more.
You watched as he stepped forward into the pool of water below the falls as it rose with each step he took. Soft ripples splashed along his skin as he had gone in far enough for it to hug just under his navel. Hands lightly skimming the surface of the water as he beckons for you to follow once more. Whatever trance you may have been in before has snapped. Your body shot up as you tried to strip as quickly as possible without stumbling over yourself or seeming so rushed. However the adrenaline and excitement coursing through your veins made that extremely difficult.
The water itself wasn’t too cold, the cool chill of it seemed to help your nerves. Neither you nor Lopez had ever been able to enjoy moments like this alone before and really you never wanted it to end. You wanted this night to last for an eternity if it was at all possible, if you could get one wish that would be it. To spend the rest of your life with Lopez not having a single worry in the world about what might happen next to either of you as the both of you would be safe.
A hand came to rest suddenly around your wrist, pulling you towards his chest, a finger slid under your chin in order to tilt your head back gently and make you look up at his face. Head leaning down as he pulled you into a heated kiss, he was nervous. There was something he wanted to ask you and was trying to work his way up in order to do so. Whatever it was you wouldn't push him, wouldn't press for information as this moment between the two of you was far too good to put a pin in and deflate it.
“ There's something I want to try… Do you trust me princesa? “ Slowly he managed to move the both of you. Pressing your back softly against the mossy rocks that encompassed the small area of seclusion. Lopez waited for your reply as his head dipped into the juncture of your neck and shoulder. His lips pressing light and feathery kisses along your skin as you hummed softly.
“ I… I trust you. I trust you with my life, what is it? “
Curiosity was the word that surrounded you. Curious to know exactly what was going on in that mind of his. What he had to ask your permission for. His knee came up between your legs, seating you there carefully in order for him to pull his hands away from you temporarily in order for him to reach behind his head and pull his braid forward rasing the end of it in order to expose the neural queue. Tendrils moving slightly in search of something to hold onto.
Without hesitation you did the same, he wanted this with you it had just taken him a while to work up to it. Lopez couldn’t see himself with anyone other than you. Couldn’t bear the thought of someone being this intimate with you. The thought of someone else having you for the rest of their life was something he couldn’t bear. You where his just as much as he was yours. “ I want you, I want to give all of me to you for the rest of my life. You’ve shown me there’s more to my life than all of this. I have you and after this mission I promise you if you want to leave all of this I’ll follow. We’ll figure it out. I don’t know how but we-. “
A smile graces your lips as he rambles on. In order to quiet him you press your lips to his, this time taking charge of the moment for just a few seconds. The tendrils of your neural queues connected with one another, taking hold and intertwining in order to lock you two together once and for all. A shiver ran down his spine as his hand smacked against the wall behind you. Overwhelmed by the feeling of finally feeling all of you, your breath, your heartbeat, your feelings. How damn much he had riled you up before all of this. His head had burried itself in the side of your neck trying to compose himself as a breathless and shuddering, “ Fuck.. “ left his lips.
“ mi amor,por favor… I need you. “ It was now in desperation that he was practically rutting himself against your thigh, craving a release he could only gain from you. Desperate to feel the pleasure that he could give you as well. Why hadn’t he done this sooner? All this wasted time he could have used intertwined with you like this. A shuddering breath fell from your lips as your arms fell over his shoulders, one hand burying your fingers into the short curls of his hair.
“ Take me.. I am yours. “ your words came soft, barely above a whisper and yet still enough to register in his lust filled mind. Carefully he lined himself up with your entrance, sliding the tip of his dick between your folds slowly. Even with the two of you connected, intertwined like this. Feeling what the other was feeling on a heightened level. He still enjoyed teasing you, enjoyed pulling your tiny moans and pleas of him to fill you up and claim you.
Legs wrapped around his hips as he finally, finally thrusted his thick member into your core without warning. Hips snapping harshly into your body desperate to feel you tighten around him. A sharp gasping moan fell from you as you tried to find the brain power in order to form some sort of coherent string of words, “ P.. please, harder. Ah fuck, so good. “  Water sloshed around the two of you, splashing with each sharp thrust of his hips into your body. The fingers of his one hand desperately clutching the wall as the other helped guide you back down onto his cock.
Lopez wanted more of you, all of you. The sensations were far too overwhelming and he wasn’t positive he would be able to last. Head buried into your shoulder you could hear every groan, every growl that rumbled through his chest. He wanted you to reach your peak before he did. Wanted to feel your walls flutter and tighten around his dick to the point he was to see your eyes roll back in your head, body shuddering within his arms. “tan bueno bebé, eres tan bueno para mí. “
The bond between the two of you made everything so different. You thought you had been drunk on him before but this? This was unbelievable, this was earth shattering.  Your entire body was on fire but only in the best ways possible. Thank god for this second chance the two of you had been given. Lopez couldn’t hold on for much longer and really neither could you.
Fingers came to press into your clit, his fingers trying to push you further to that crest of pleasure the both of you were trying to achieve no matter the passage of time. The coil in your belly wound so tightly begging to snap. “ Cum for my light, por favor necesito sentirte. Tan apretada, tan hermosa mi amor.  “ short, rough snaps of his hips were being pounded into your body. By now your moans could be heard echoing off of the rocky walls of the falls as he drew everything from you that he could. The pressure was far too much and that coil snapped. Your orgasm flooding through your body as you shook against him, desperately holding onto him as he continued to ride you through it all. Thrusts never relenting as he too was trying to chase his own release.
A deep and rumbling growl rippled up from his chest and erupted from his lips, nipping over the skin on your shoulder once more. Hips sharply thrusting forward into your body as he painted your walls with his thick seed. Slowly he had come to a stand still, holding your shuddering and shaking body close against his own. Insisting on staying sheathed in your body as you lay limp against him, panting softly as he pulled you up just enough to get a look at your face. Softly pulling your hair behind your ear as he came to kiss your lips.
“oel ngati kameie.”
He had been learning, learning for you as he remembered just how much time and work you had put into learning of the planet. Learning of the culture, the language. How you fell in love with all of it and he wanted to be a part of that.
“oel ngati kameie Lopez.”
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goodbyetothenight · 2 years ago
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mschimdt · 2 years ago
what some avatar characters would do if you were on your period
i need help sprrading my work and i would appreciate if you reblogged my post
i dont know if naavis have periods but for the sake of this post lets just say they do
600 words
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jake sully
you were laying in both you and jakes bed, we'll atleast thats what you considered it because you had no idea what the naavi call it, you were having severe cramps, worst than you had ever experienced, jake was on his ikran, bob, looking for food
he came back about 2 hours later and you were still suffering from period pains, just much worse, now your lower back hurt aswell as your abdomen
jake had a concerned look on his face when he saw you in a fetal position shivering, "hey y/n you okay?" he said while rubbing your shoulder in attempt to comfort you, since you were both living as naavis, it meant you had no technonoly to solve this pain or any medicine
the only thing jake could do was lay by your side while rubbing your lower abdomen in attempt to sooth your pain, it worked for the least and you fell asleep in eachothers arms
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colonel miles quaritch
you were laying in your shared bedroom back in bridge head, quaritch was on a mission and should be back in a few hours, you just started your period and you werent having any of it, so you skipped a day of work inorder not to approach annoying colleagus that were just going to make you worse, you were in pain anyways, its a valid excuse to stay in your room for thr day
you were looking forward to seeing quaritch, hes the only person that doesnt annoy you, its gotten to the point where even lyle makes u mad when he spits out a single word (not saying hes not annoying)
the door to your shared bedroom clicked amd quaritch walked inside, your face lit up in joy and you spoke " someones back early " quaritch smiled whike locking the door
suddenly your happy expression turned into one of pain, quaritch gave you a concerned look "you okay, sweetheart?"
"y-yea just a cramp" you said while it looked like you were fighting for your life, quaritch walked over and said "you're on your period?" with a little smirk
"oh i know something that'll help with your cramps" you knew exactly what he was talking about, theres a study that shows that sex while on your period relieves cramps and pain, you hesitated at first but you decided to agree
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recom Lopez
you and lopez were out eating in the cafeteria, he knew you were on your period and he didnt want to bother yoy because he didnt want to be the reason your mood switches
you were both having a conversation about how you think lyle and quaritch have something between them, it was late so no one could hear you
this topic was pretty funny to you and lopez, but theres no doubt that its true
suddenly you stoo talking and you gain a angry look on your face
ofcourse lopez decided you guys have been down here for enough "we've been here long enough, we should probably get ourselves some sleep, we really need it" "yea lets go" you replied
you made your way up the stairs and threw yourself onto the bed, you started crying, you didnt know why
lopez heard your sniffles and layed down next to you, carrying you into his lap "whats wrong baby?" then he started blabbing cute spanish names, you didnt reply you just cried, he held you in his arms for what seemed like hours till the sobs finally stopped and you were sound asleep on his chest
ill make a part two soon, itll include
lyle,mansk, ja ,prager
but for now youre stuck with this
would anyone like to see human jake sully x human reader?? idk i just find human jake attractive ash ngl
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malinka624 · 6 months ago
Deja blu💙
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Drew this before I came up with Leo and Kai
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nin3kyuu · 5 months ago
Thank you Queen, this is one of the best presents ilyyyy 🫶🫶🫶
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Doctor In The Barracks
As always all my writing, posts and Pages are 18+ any minors, and ageless accounts will be blocked!
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To the s m u t
Throat contrusting.
Walls clamping and spasming.
Her vision began going hazy a few minutes ago as shakey breathes pushed and pulled through her nose.
The nails that bit into her scalp tugging and pulling onto the roots of her hair.
She nearly gagged as the dick that was so lodged down her throat was thrusted in and out of her swollen flush lips that gathered droll and pre at the edges and dripped down her chin. 
A whine left her as she felt a leaking tip being shoved into her swollen and pulsating cunt. 
“Look at how Utterly pathetic you are,” A southern drawl growled from above her, 
Two others snickered from behind her. 
One cutting off with a groan, tail curling up his back.
“Un coño tan apretado.”  A shuttering whine while firm claws digged into her thighs spreading her thighs more open for amber eyes to stare at her greedy cunt clenching and fluttering around his dick. 
Her knees dragging against the plush carpet that was forming a puddle just below her. 
“Colonel, Keep talking like that, The bitch loves it.” Lopez had groaned, watching how Dr.Nine's pussy desperately tried to reel him back deep inside as he slowly dragged out each duvet and engorged vein of his dick out barely stopping at the tip. 
A whine left her as Quaritch had wrapped her hair sturdy around his palm and fingers pulling her head up from being shoved so harshly against his pelvic bone.
Her lips glided with ease from all the drool that built on, as his thick girth dragged against her throats constricting muscles and from her pooling tongue. 
Her lips popping off his dick, with a satisfying noise it made his dick twitched as his emerald eyes started down at her, lips twitching flashing sharp carnassials, this tip of his tongue running across one side of his teeth as his darken eyes too in her tear stained and drooling face.
“Is that right?” Quaritch hummed as he jerked her hair to pull back her pretty little face making her look at him.
Relishing how her face scrunched up and a whine leaving her as Lopez chose that moment to jerk his hips into her ass, slamming his full length dick deep inside of her.
 A grunt leaves him as he dragged out quickly to slam it deep within, claws starting to drag against her skin.
“Fucking hell!” Lopez mutterings fell muddled over the sounds of his dick squelching in and out of her needy dripping cunt.
“N here I thought you had some Self Respect, Doctor.” Quaritch hummed, a chuckle leaving him as he looked into Dr. Nine hazy aureate eyes that gleamed with tears as they streaked down her face.
Quaritch moved his other hand down to her face, softly rubbing away the tears with his thumb, stroking her cheeks softly as another chuckle left him. 
“You didn't think i wouldnt find out about you being a common Barracks bunny to my men and Just let you go scot free did ya?” 
A gasp came from her more than any other reply, As it Seems Ja had found a way to wedge himself between not only her legs but Lopezs as well. 
Lopez spreading her thighs merely moments ago was nothing but a cruel set up, and the other man's advantage point.
Ja’s warm and soaking wet tongue finding her throbbing and swollen clit, fully pressing the flat surface of his tongue against it licking upward to the top of her pussy, his tongues tip swirling against the sensitive ball of nerves making her jerk forwards, her arms nearly giving out Of Lopez strong grip on her thighs had not moved to her hips to slam her back into him and stretch her so full of his dick.
Soft tapping on her cheek made her eyes clench for a second before fluttering away the tears from her water ducts all from over sensitivity from the two men who were using her for their pleasure, and yet, She had came and Came again before either one of them could bust and leave her a sticky heap. 
Though if her hazy mind would be able to think straight, She Could assume that being in the presence of their Colonel, had reason to how much more attentive they were to her needs and pleasure as well as why Both men seemed to have the stamina of raging bulls. 
Poor displays In fucking a woman, were surely not something The Colonel would accept. 
“I believe I asked you a question, Doctor.” Quaritch had mocked her, and by the grin on his face, he wasn't even trying to hide the disrespect. 
A swirling tongue hot and messy on her clit, rolling and pressing just right sending tingles and shocks up and down her spine and curling tail.
A fat and deliciously Long throbbing Dick being slammed deeply into her clenching and sopping wet pussy, slamming right into a spot that made her Head light and dizzy while forcing her toes and fingers to curl against the carpet. 
Then Came the Colonel's hand deep into her hair, tangled in it and nails scraping against her scalp so softly, it was driving her mad. 
His other hand softly struck her cheeks. 
Daring to ground her in some sense like he wasn't making her heave and choke around  his own thick and long length. 
Like he wasn't calling her nothing but a whore seconds ago, as he shoved her head fully down against his pelvic bone so desperately fucking her mouth as if it was her clenching desperate pussy. 
She should've been in her office working on reports and logs. 
Analyzing samples collected from the field researchers and data logging them for their uses for upcoming experiments. 
Yet She had chosen in an unsavory state of mind to Go to her two most favorite sneaky links shared Unit wing to get some nice relaxation and Tail curling thrills. 
   Which had caused them all to get a little too loud at such a late hour and All get caught By the strict Man that was Colonel Quaritch. 
    Maybe it was the noises, perchance the smells of desperation and Sex in the air.
Or the fact when he caught them Both Jay and Lopez were buried deep into her cunt and the three of them were a tangled mess of a position that Twister would only dream of getting adults into these days. 
Both Ja and Lopez had tensed so much, Dr.Nine had even felt the second their Sex high was dying as she didnt feel so bizarrely stretched out. 
Her Own body tensed because all it would have taken was the Colonel One report.
One word about what he caught, and her ass would be on thin ice with her employers.
Her contract did not permit her such free time to find herself fucking RDA experimental products of their projects. 
Yet the Colonel had leaned against the door frame of the room he had opened, He was going to chew out his men, But when his Emerald eyes took on the sights of what soul that would find themselves bunnying around the unit?
What fool in his position would drop such an opportunity?
“Well boys, don't stop now.” He had spoken as he walked inside the room, forcing the automatic door system to shut to his will. 
“Do you enjoy just being passed around like a piece of Ass?” His southern drawl teasing her as his fingers made way to her chin focusing her attention back to the situation that was inside of the room and not in the now past.
A moan leaving her flushed lips as she stared up at him, ears twitching, perking up and folding back, her tail so curled she swore a curly fry would be envious. 
Alive again at an age no older than Twenty Five and Still Quaritch somehow have the perks of an older man. 
Afterall his ears perked when he heard the faltering of a thrusting rhythm and the harsh hissing that came from Lopez, and the sliding of Ja from the carpet quick to get out of any splash zone of bis Comrades pitiful display of nutting soon.
“To a few jumpy dumbasses?” 
Quaritch ears tipped back in annoyance taking over Dr. Nine's body, Damn idiot didn't even make her finish again before he was pulling out to further destroy the carpet below. 
A small noise leaving her throat being ripped away from her pleasure.
“You Think you can do better?” She hissed in some challenge up at him. Which would have been i.pressive if it wasnt absolutely amusing seeing her all watery eyed, tear stained, fucked out drooping eyes and trembling all over in exhaustion of being on her hands and knees and denied a satisfying release. 
Quaritch chuckled and he moved, making her hands fall from his legs as he rose from the chair he had sat in to at the start enjoying the show before involving himself to be a part of the show. 
To our surprise he wasn't leaving, moving down to wrap his arms around her and heave her up to her shaky legs only for a moment before his arms were wrapped around her thighs and effortlessly hitching her up around his waist, making eye to eye. 
A grin wide on his face as he cocked his head, His dick sliding in between her swollen puffy pussy lips and the tip teasingly jerking and throbbing against her sensitive clit making her buck in a jump into him making him chuckle huskily as he stared at her. 
“Oh darlin. I don't have to think.” Quaritch started to reply one of his arms unwrapping from under ass to squeeze her left cheek before sliding to her hips and squeezing softly before moving up to caress her grabbing her arm to lift and move it to his shoulders, A hint she didn't think twice as bother her arms had found their new home wrapped around his thick muscular neck. 
His fingers drifted back down her side squeezing tenderly at her hip and his thumb rubbing circles into it. 
A look of pure confidence one with only experience could form on his face as his cocky smirk turned into a genuine confident grin as he lifted her higher with his one arm, lining his tip to her swollen and spasming entrance.
“I know I am.” 
Was all he needed to say as he lowered her down onto his dick, splitting her over sensitive, used and abused walls right apart around him. Forcing them to reslicken with her dripping juices each time he lifted her and lowered her, his tip digging deeper and deeper at the new angle until it was gliding and pounding not only against her g spot but at her cervix. 
Bullying it as he took what was his, He was much more vocal than his men. Grunting and growling, Allowing Dr.Nine to see every single Face reaction he had, only showing her how expressive he was and to watch a delicious display of the rare flehmen response that the Na'vi seem to do in regards to Sex. 
His lips curling back to expose his teeth, a symphony of growls vibrating from his throat and he panted through his mouth as he bounced her up and down his dick at a more faster rate than he previously was going making her thighs squeeze and tremble around his hips and walls tighten and clench as she felt her stomach tightening with a searing warmth that was building. 
Thoughts of him biting her had no place for rent in her worries, not when his lips found her own than the skin of her neck.
He was surprisingly more passionate than needy like his soldiers. His hand that was on her hip had found purchase to place a gentle thumb onto the seemingly abandoned bundle of nerves that was hidden away by her cunts lips. 
She moaned against his lips as he deepened their kiss, not at all minding the taste of his own dick on her tongue as he curled his around hers and started tongue fucking hers with his own. 
His thumb drew soft little circles around her twitching clit, in time perfectly for when he dropped her down onto his dick in its entirety. Moving his thumb so carefully from its flat fat padding to the tip of his thumbprint, making her moan and squeal as the tightening feeling grew and the need to clench around him was unbearable. 
Her breath caught and held as her lungs started to burn.
Her jerking thighs and clawed hands digging at his bare back and shoulder blades.
Yet he did not change any pace of him bouncing her up and down him, did not stop how he hit her g spot and cervix not even a second. 
His thumb added onto some more pressure enough to make dots and sparkles flash across her eyes as she squealed into their intense lip locked kiss. 
Her body jerking and twitching as a rush shot through her making her tail curl amd slap against her back as she spasmed into his arms which all Quaritch was tighten his grip and continue to bounce her through her intense climax, juices and ecstasy  pouring and running down his leg as he continued this onslaught against her. 
Making her clench again and sputter out more and more gushing squirts.
Pulling from their kiss to allow her to snap in a harsh breath of air before moving to connect their lips once more.
She could feel the smirk that formed against her lips when a vibrating sensation began to escape her own throat, as her nails dug into his shoulder blades using them as handles.
How embarrassing she had thought for a moment only to keen and purr as he made her squirt for the fourth time in a row making her clench and spasm around him as he began to hold her to him and thrust harshly into her, Pulling back his head disconnecting  his lips from hers as they curled exposing his sharp carnassials once again. His eyes scrunching as well as his nose as a hiss left him and a breathy
“That's a good girl.” Growled out deep from his throat making a husky rasp leave him and caused her stomach to tighten and cunt to squeeze around him desperate to milk him.
Quaritch slammed her down, burying his dick down to the hilt as it throbbed, he stuttered put another hiss and she could feel his tail slapping amd curling slightly around her leg, as he filled her dripping pussy instead of panicking to pull out Like the younger minded soldiers. 
His eyes cracking half way open to look at her, admiring her fucked out expression amd panting heaving body.
Her golden eyes met his emerald eyes and felt her tail twitch at how he looked at her.
Now there was no need for him to separate himself from her. 
She could see that. 
Why would he when He is mentally at the age to fill and breed without any hesitation or consequences. 
Simply there to make sure both have their fun, and fun was exactly what she had with him.
He stayed inside of her, as he ran his hands over her body working out any tension and knots he found under her skin, until he was soft and limp and naturally glided out of her. 
He didn't make no face when he felt her gush out and down his leg when finally being not so stuffed.
He simply shifted his arms around her to support her and headed to the door carrying her on out.
Didn't even turn back to look at the exhausted half asleep men on the floor.
“Clean this shit up.” Was All the ever cold Colonel ordered as he forced the Automatic door open, a hand covering Dr.Nines head as he ducked down and through protecting her for his chin should they clash. 
And Carried her to his own clean unit where his shower and perfectly two people sized and Bed smelled of fresh linen sheets.
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aanylah-c0m · 2 years ago
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@consciousnessbaddie @dyingofcookies
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milequaritchsslut · 2 years ago
Lopez kinda…
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