renesassing · 4 months
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im not explaining this
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as someone who worked at a charity shop for two years
it do be like that
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Facts-I-Just-Made-Up 2.0: Now With Microtransactions!
Due to overwhelming financial distress, I will be introducing new features to the fact blog! Here’s how this benefits you: The consumer!
Fact Updates: With crunch times growing more severe as I write, I will be releasing new facts in a “beta” state with additional content and fixes to be unlocked later!
Paid Promotion: One ad will appear per fact. We only have one sponsor, so the same ad will appear every single time no matter how many times you’ve seen it! Blocking it will do nothing!
Unlockable Punchlines: For only $1.99 per fact, you can enjoy the punchline as well as the rest of the joke!
Subscription Services: Go ad free for a nominal flat rate that will increase randomly without your agreement or ability to cancel!
Paid DLC: Enjoy your favorite facts with sleek new skins that change the cosmetic appearance of the writing slightly for lots of money!
Check out the new look below:
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cuntstable · 3 months
overwatch is honestly worse than genshin. i can say this now having been subjected to both
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thats the thing they really dont make games like they used to. not because bad/unethical game design decisions are anything new but because modern gaming i feel is really formulaic. they find something that Works and you'll be seeing it for the next decade. like even big companies back in the 90s werent afraid to try new things or innovate, when now they're scared of entire genres. racing games are pretty much just forza, gran turismo, and whatever indie games you can find like aero GPX. and forget weirder stuff like racing lagoon (a genuinely good racer that mixes rpg elements and a heavy story very intuitively).
what im saying is a lot of classic (or hidden gem) games were products of their time, and i really do think we lost something. even with indie devs the same trends happen. i mean every other game for the past few years is a deck builder of some description regardless if it actually serves the other mechanics or not. maybe its just nostalgia for a time i didnt live through but i really wish the gaming industry was different.
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warframe on mobile is.. not great
BUT i can run through void exterminates as xaku and farm out lith/meso/neo relics whenever i’ve got 5 minutes which was all i really wanted
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yoiku · 5 months
So I played through episode 12 yesterday and episode 13 today between my cleaning sprees and i only cried a little maybe dozen times through it all, so all I can say is that the main story continues to deliver. Wasn't very keen on the storytelling style of ep13 at first, but definitely warmed up to it along the way. Getting scenes from the wiewpoint and in the thoughts of so many characters in just one episode turned out to be pretty refreshing. I did feel a bit overwhelmed as well but i'll put that on me chewing through it all in one day. Sometimes I feel a bit worried that where is the main story going to go after a huge chunk of it comes to a conclusion, but at the same time... If the side stories have proved anything, its that there are so many things about the entire world and lore to explore. And I have to admit I'm still getting more curious about it all. if you told me 5 years ago that the story and universe in a gacha game(derogative) is going to be something i'm obsessing over, I would've been so pissed at you even suggesting that. Anyway, its a nice feeling to be so interested in something. I've lost interest in so many things and i feel like over the years its getting harder and harder for me to really get into something.
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juniepops · 2 months
ultimately the ability to be an unrepentant hater over things is one of the great human rights and joies des vivres that i would never begrudge anyone for taking part in but it is really funny/kind of annoying when people punch down on specific gacha games that they clearly know nothing about exclusively for being gachas. especially when they have a barely concealed if not proudly open contempt for people who play them, like giving off the vibe they assume every gacha game is???? idk just an anime babe png roulette with zero substance? and anyone who plays them is like stupid or foolish or has no self control or whatever. like i know it's hard to believe but sometimes things are good in ways that pull people in and simultaneously bad in ways that are objectively predatory business practices and your criticism of them will be enriched by understanding this
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duckthuffler · 2 years
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fandom-trash-xl · 9 months
Me: I can't believe they put Frieza (character I like) in Fortnite (game I don't like). This is truly the monkey's paw of getting content. Also me: I must see him doing all the silly little dances NOW.
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homestuckconfession · 6 months
if im gonna be honest they should make ult dirk a gambling addict
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bumpscosity · 8 months
cookie run ovenbreak fell off btw but im so nostalgic abt it i can't fully let it go
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lhazaar · 9 months
i'm gonna need people to stop asking the tumblr aita blog about their genshin impact drama. the answer can never be anything other than "you all suck and are going to have diagnosable gambling problems in under three years, stop ruining friendships over a slot machine"
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goldiipond · 9 months
love how many ray images have been sent to me you guys shiould do this every day. you are an accomplice to the unsustainable growth of my ray autism folder btw
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dorenarox · 1 month
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Ooooh, Anet. I'm so happy! I get this Warclaw skin with the Addon for FREE?! Completely free? No additional charges, not even a deluxe addon, or any expensive and long achievements? I just get it? And it has FOUR dye spots???
Thank you, Arenanet! Thank you so much! You don't know, but I criticized that mount skins are (almost, because of that one Skyscale skin) completely store exclusive and now you have given me this one! And it doesn't even look bad! In fact i prefer it to any other Warclaw skin! I'm impressed!
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parchmentknight · 1 month
guys should i open commissions
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