#Look I just think they deserve to be colossal sea dragons
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months ago
Well, Since there's a new dragon breed...
Time to do what I've done like twice now, and make scrys for the batfam. And perhaps a prompt in the tags lol.
Order: Alfred, Thomas, Bruce
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Kate, Lucas Fox, Barbara
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Dick, Helena, Cass
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Jason, Harper Row, Stephanie
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Tim, Duke, Cullen Row
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Damian, Athanasia, Jarro
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Terry, Matt, Mia
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nanoland · 4 years ago
title: Compass Rose 
series: Lucifer (TV) 
pairings: Mazikeen/Eve
summary: In which Mazikeen exercises her renowned patience. 
warnings: Lucifer is kind of a dick in this. Not intentionally; he’s just young and colossally self-centered. 
 Also on Ao3! 
“You. Demon. What’s your name?” asks the Morningstar, looking bored and depressed, as usual.
She straightens up, brimming with nerves and excitement, feeling her acidic blood bubble happily because he’s so handsome! And he’s talking to her! Her siblings will shriek with jealousy when they hear of this. “Mazikeen, my liege.”
“Mazikeen,” he repeats, mispronouncing it. “Great. Maze, do something about
 all that, would you? It’s dreadfully grating.”
He gestures to the sea of damned, miserable human souls milling around the base of his throne, calling up to him for help or mercy.
“Yes, my liege,” she says, her bright mind already hard at work planning the next few millennia of punishment.
“Maze, is there a letter from Amenadiel?”
Mazikeen is now four hundred years old and in all that time, not a single letter has arrived in Hell, from Amenadiel or anyone else. Regardless, her handsome king asks every week.
It’s fine. She’s far too mature and cunning to feel even the slightest scrap of envy towards some pompous old angel she’s never even met, regardless of how obviously Lucifer loves him.
Regardless of how obvious it is that he loves no one in Hell half as much.
“No, my liege.”
“Hmm. Fine. Whatever. Fuck him, then. Brothers – who needs ‘em?”
She nods. She herself has many, many brothers, and sisters, and siblings who are neither or both, and she certainly doesn’t need them.
(Sometimes she longs for them, especially when she’s weary from the years and years dedicated to building and securing Lucifer’s kingdom, but she never needs. Needing is for the weak.)
It occurs to her that that king might be cheered by stories of Tradiusis, her most treasured and most useless brother, who is prone to chatting with the damned and asking them about all the silly human indulgences they enjoyed in life, like movies and theme parks and hot dogs. Fool that he is, the mere thought of him always brings a smile to her face.
But she decides against it, suspecting that if she were to begin telling Lucifer about her family, he’d get that same dull, faintly irritated expression she sees every time she reads him a report about the number of new arrivals and how various parts of Hell will need to be restructured to accommodate them all.
(She wonders what will happen when Hell is full – does he have a plan? Is she expected to have a plan?)
(How long, exactly, are they supposed to keep doing this?)
(Surely this can’t be all they were made for?)  
“Maze, get me a drink, would you?”
Mazikeen is Lucifer’s right hand, his bodyguard, the highest-ranked demon in Hell, named the Lady of Pain, the Whirlwind, and the Blood Dancer by her peers and underlings.
Pouring drinks is
 new to her.
But this is what he wants; this club, this loud music, these inebriated humans constantly demanding attention and entertainment, constantly needing to be managed. And he’s her king.
She pours him his drink and listens to him play the piano, until some wretch attempts to grope her and loses two fingers.
Running a nightclub is, it turns out, complicated.
There are all sorts of rules and regulations regarding what can and cannot be done inside it.
At one point, Lucifer decides it would be fun to have white tigers roaming the dance floor. After a few days spent looking into that option, she has to explain that they may to have settle for waitresses dressed as tigers. He pouts like it’s her fault and goes back to the piano.
She’s also not allowed to kill anyone, which is, honestly, ridiculous. Mazikeen is an ancient being, a warrior nigh unparalleled, with centuries of experience contending with the worst the human race has to offer, and every single night she endures treatment from at least one of Lucifer’s guests that, even to her vast, reasonable, and patient mind, clearly warrants swift annihilation.
If murder is, indeed, illegal, how do all the mortal women in this city who serve drinks cope?
“You block it out, I guess,” says Suzy, a waitress with thick red hair and tired eyes, after Mazikeen has had to save her yet again from a patron with wandering hands (and now broken hands). “You know, just
 don’t let it get to you. Grow a thick skin.”
Mazikeen considers the half of her body that has no skin whatsoever and snickers inappropriately. Then she gifts Suzy one of her knives.
Chloe gasps. “Maze! No! Absolutely not!”
“Why?” she asks, annoyed but also genuinely curious.
“I can’t just torture a suspect to get information, Maze. It’s wrong.”
Mazikeen considers saying: You already torture people. You lock them up in tiny boxes until their minds break and their lives are utterly ruined. How is that different? I don’t understand.
Mazikeen considers saying: You let Lucifer violate peoples’ innermost selves to obtain information. How is that better? I don’t understand.
Mazikeen considers saying: I don’t want to be good. I don’t care about being good. So why do I seem to put so much more thought into how to be good than you do? I don’t understand, I don’t, I don’t.
Instead, Mazikeen rolls her eyes and says nothing.
“Maze! No! What were you thinking?” cries Linda, rushing over to the cradle. “You can’t give that to a baby!”
She snatches away Mazikeen’s present; a blade, small and silver, just right for tiny hands, the same blade Mazikeen herself received from her favourite sister on her fourth birthday. It has tasted the blood of over a hundred enemies.
Charlie starts to cry and Linda puts the blade aside so she can pick him up and comfort him.
“Children need to be able to protect themselves,” Mazikeen insists.
“No, Maze. Children need to be protected.”
“No one protected me.”
Linda doesn’t say: Exactly. Why would I want my son to be anything like you?
Because Linda is kind.
But Mazikeen is perceptive and she sees it in her friend’s eyes all the same.
“So then, then it turns out that Jon Snow is actually Daenarys Targaryen’s cousin, right, which makes him – oh no! – a rival contender for the Iron Throne, and
“Ugh,” Mazikeen groans, cutting Ella off. “I thought this was a show about dragons! Why does it waste so much time on people either fucking or killing their relatives?”
She laughs at Mazikeen’s exaggerated annoyance. “It’s not just about dragons. There’s a lot of stuff about politics and war and, yeah, fucked-up family dynamics. Honestly, that’s one of the reasons it grips me so much. My own family’s always got a ton of drama going on, too. I mean – no incest. Not that I’m aware of. But you know all about my brothers.”
Mazikeen is about to ask what the dragons look like – whether the show’s version bears any resemblance to the beasts she’s ridden into battle – when Ella tilts her head sideways and squints at her. “Huh. Now that I think about it
 I’ve told you all about my brothers but I’ve never asked anything about your family. That was shitty of me! Can I ask now? Or is it, like, one of those things you don’t talk about? Like where you’re from and how you met Lucifer?”
Fiddling with a lock of her hair – it’s straight and black today – Mazikeen says, “I don’t mind talking about it. Just
 most people don’t care.”
Ella frowns, briefly (cutely, curse her). “Well, I wanna know! You got any brothers?”
“How many?”
“A lot. I’m not actually sure exactly how many there are now.”
“Oh, right. Gotcha. Are you close to any of them?”
“Not these days. But when we were young, we were pretty tight-knit. Didn’t really have anyone besides each other.”
Ella asks her more questions and though she has to keep her answers extremely vague, Mazikeen finds that she likes talking about her home and her childhood. Prolonged exposure to the human world has begun to make her feel insubstantial; a tool, a disguise, a thing without roots or history. Lucifer’s been no help with that, for he’s only ever known her as his servant (and, sometimes, when he’s in a good mood, his friend, by virtue of the fact that friendship with someone who works for you – who can do nothing but work for you – requires no tedious emotional labour whatsoever).
It’s nice to remember that she has, in fact, been other things. That she could, perhaps, be other things in the future.
“So,” Dan slurs, hunched over his beer. “You got whores
 horns? Thought demons had horns.”
She’s busy applying a fresh coat of candy-pink lipstick to match her powder-blue bob. “Some do. I don’t.”
“Well, that sucks. That’s not fair! You deserve horns. You’re cool, Maze.”
Because that provokes a twinge of genuine affection, she says, “Wanna see what I have got?”
“Hell, yeah!”
He grins drunkenly.
“You need to promise not to scream.”
“Oh – oh, man, is it scary? Is it gross?”
She shows him her true face.
After a moment of owlish blinking, he shrugs and returns to his beer. “Eh. S’not that gross. Lucifer’s grosser. Wanna play pool?”
Amenadiel presents her with a beautiful black sheath. “I crafted it from my own feathers. It will keep the blade contained until he’s old enough to wield it safely.”
She slides Charlie’s knife into it. “Someone will need to teach him.”
“Who taught you?”
“Me? No one. They just threw us at one another and clapped for whoever survived. But
 well. He’s not like me, is he?”
The angel places the sheathed blade down beside Charlie’s stuffed rabbit and plastic truck. “Maybe not now. With any luck, that will change.”
“Ma-aaze,” Lucifer groans, flopping back in his armchair with his long legs artfully folded and his hand over his eyes. “I’ve had such a tiresome morning. Pour me a drink, would you?”
“Pour it your damn self,” she suggests, standing on his penthouse’s balcony and admiring the view. His throne in Hell was about as tall as this building. From up here, all the little people down below look exactly the same.
He pouts and fetches a glass – and, to her surprise, one for her as well.
Mazikeen brings an abrupt, efficient end to the bar fight by slamming her palm into an assailant’s solar plexus.
He drops like a ton of bricks, joining the pile of groaning men, broken furniture, and smashed bottles. (Shit; it’s going to take ages to clean all this up. If Lucifer didn’t have infinite money, Lux would have gone bankrupt eight times by now.)
She turns to see Eve staring at her, beautiful mouth hanging open, and braces herself for the “Maze! No!”.
“That was so cool,” Eve breathes, and rushes over to leap into Mazikeen’s arms, only to draw back at the last second. “Oh no! You’re hurt!”
There is, indeed, a small cut on Mazikeen’s left hand.
“Don’t care, doesn’t matter,” says Mazikeen, reaching for her, wanting badly to be kissed.
But Eve drags her into a quiet back room where she applies disinfectant and bandaids with cartoon cats on them.
“I really wanna learn how you did that thing with your elbow,” she chatters, wiping away a few spots of blood with a white handkerchief. “The way his nose just went crunch! – man, it was fantastic.”
“I can teach you. If you like.”
Eve’s dark eyes are fond. “You’re always offering to do something for me – to teach me how to fight, or to carry something, or to protect me. It’s
 like, I love it. But you know you don’t have to, right?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“I wanna do stuff for you sometimes. Oh! That reminds me. Lucifer was going to take Chloe to a wrestling match but then they had another fight and he’s back to being sad, sooo I stole the tickets out of his jacket. Wanna go?”
“I love you,” says Mazikeen, even though she’s said it five times today. She likes the way it sounds in her mouth. She likes the way it makes Eve’s whole face sparkle.
“I love you too, babe.”
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highpriestofpalkism · 5 years ago
Darkness between Two Worlds -
Please, reblog if you like!
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"Darkness between Two Worlds: A king isn't enough, we need a god. Cover by: Paolo Bagnato, Made by: Arceus92 (me)"
Rick was looking particularly worried at the computer monitor. There were some rather notable anomalies regarding Titanus Gojira's journey into the North Atlantic Ocean, a few hundred kilometers from their outpost at Castle Bravo, in Bermuda, and he could not understand their nature. Godzilla had been reported in the same place for the past five minutes, and was frantically stirring in the water: his signal dot continued to shake, while the patches of colour around him, which indicated the radioactivity of the area, only became more vivid every second.
«What the fuck does that mean there is a higher level of radiation? And to say that until recently he was swimming calmly! He is moving as fast as he can! I think he is...»
«Rick! You have to calm down, I don't think it's something dangerous...maybe he's taking a tunnel to Hollow Earth...?», Chen replied, starting a list of possible rational solutions to that unusual problem.
«And since when does he become more radioactive if it moves? It only happens when he fires a nuclear beams or is under particular stress... »
«Consider that there is a very strong force five hurricane going near his location, he may have used it to clear the fog or dispel the clouds.»
«But why stand still on the spot wagging your tail? It looks like he's struggling with nothing!»
«It is impossible that he is fighting! There is no known titan nearby, and I don't think he would use atomic rays for simple preys...»
«Whatever. I'm not understanding anything!»
«What do you mean Godzilla is emitting more radiation?!»
Mark intruded into the discussion inside that small computer room: the events of 2019 had shaken him a lot, and, despite having managed to recognize the role of Godzilla within the ecosystem, he had become slightly paranoid after them, and when the titan began to make strange or unusual movements, he immediately panicked.
«Oh well, the hysterical has come...»
«I'm not hysterical! I just want to prevent that...thing from causing other problems!»
«You have to blame the yellow dragon and that ecoterrorist if the other half of the family almost died.»
Doctor Russel clenched his fists with bitterness.
«Come on, Rick, don't provoke him like this! We have far more important things to deal with.»
«Well, you're not wrong, but this one goes crazy as soon as Goji breathes!»
«"This one"?»
«Okay okay...»
«Let me see.» Mark moved the chair Rick was sitting on to see the monitor. There was the dot that indicated Godzilla, the radiation around it, and the huge storm marked in yellow that was raging around him.
«Well...apparently that Gonorrhea resurrected»
«You like Sam's expression, huh, Mark?»
«For what he did, a nickname like that deserves it, don't you think?»
«It doesn't seem appropriate to me, actually...», said Dr. Chen, once she got up and moved closer to the two, to better observe the movements of the titan who had already saved the world twice.
«We're just kidding, Ilene!», Mark replied, «Three storms of a death song, the One who is Many, Gonorrhea...all synonyms-»
«Look here!»
The doctor pointed to the screen to signal a sudden movement of Godzilla, who had started moving again with energy after that sudden arrest of a short while ago. Apparently, the furious hurricane seemed to follow him, as the levels of radioactivity rose dramatically. They were proceeding to the outpost. Everyone in the room sweated cold. «I-it can't be...», Mark stammered.
«Ah, shit, here we go again...» «Ghidorah can't be seriously alive!» «Evidently Godzilla forgot a few pieces of Ichi on the street...», Dr. Stanton tried to play down, failing miserably.
«It generates storms in which it hides, it has been fighting with Godzilla for at least ten minutes, it increases the radiation levels...it's obviously him!» «Here I have to correct you, Mark.», replied the doctor. She was rather skeptical about any return of Ghidorah, which seemed impossible given her obvious death in the Battle of Boston. She wanted to find an explanation for that absurd riddle. «This unidentified entity does not emit any type of radiation, unlike the One who is Many or the King himself. We don't even know if it exists or not, if it was a coincidence that the hurricane followed Godzilla...»
«I propose to send a drone there, or even to go there to see what it is. It's all too strange...»
«With a force five hurricane that seems to get stronger with every passing second? No, thanks!», Mark exclaimed, rather agitated by the situation.
«Well, we have to somehow find a solution! All this could become dangerous if we do not intervene!» «Er...Doctor Chen ...»
Rick made a long line of concern mixed with discomfort and doubt, putting a finger on the screen and turning to Ilene.
«...He are approaching...»
«The hurricane...is approaching...together with Godzilla...»
«Fantastic! Now let's die in here too!», Mark said desperately, putting a hand on his forehead, massaging it.
«The outpost is storm and hurricane-proof...we are in an area at risk, it is natural that this is the case, otherwise we would not have even built it!»
«Thanks for the story lesson, Dr. Chen, but as you said earlier, we have more important things to think about!»
Doctor Chen looked at Mark a little annoyed by his statements.
«Russel, maybe it's better if we go check it out...»
«We don't talk about i-»
The three jumped into air with fright, when the room was suddenly pervaded by a red light and assailed by a deafening din: it was the alarm. The hurricane was getting closer, and with him, a probably furious Godzilla.
«...Maybe it was better to be more careful with the monitor.» Rick complained sarcastically.
«Ah, everything goes perfectly as you said!»
«I never said that things are going perfectly, Russel...»
«Godzilla will kick our asses, he won't be as kind as he was two years ago!» «Oh, for God's sake, Mark, you're breaking-»
Dr. Stanton's voice was interrupted at the end by the sudden opening of the door of the room in which they were. It was Sam, pale, with immense fear in his face (as usual, I would say), as if a close relative had died, to bring bad news.
«Gentlemen...and madam, I believe you already know what I am going to tell you. G-Godzilla and a force five hurricane are approaching the base-»
A very high-pitched and bursting scream, which in a few decibels would have broken glass, seemed to pierce the air at full volume, penetrating the ears of the unfortunate listeners. A scream never heard before, which placed fear in the souls of all the present ones.
«W-what the fuck was that?!», Mark exclaimed with his mouth open. «Certainly not Godzilla.»
Dr. Chen imposed herself with her voice, almost reassuringly typical of her. She was the only one who seemed not to be worried about that screaming throat thrown by who knows what: it was curiosity that moved her soul.
«We must go and see. Put on a jacket and let's go upstairs. I am alredy convinced he is fighting.»
«Ehm ... do we have to go?»
«Come on, Sam! We certainly can't sit with our hands!»
«... Ilene is right.»
The mythographer turned her gaze to Mark, almost surprised by his statement; after all, they had been in conflict for a few minutes.
«Can't I stay here?»
«No, Rick, you can't stay here. You will come with us.»
«And-what about me, Dr. Russel?»
«You too, Sam. Put your coat on and let's go.»
Rick got up from his chair, sighing heavily, rather annoyed. He swore in his mind that if it was yet another planetary threat, he would have thrown himself into the ocean. They all did as ordered, some with his times, some with others, and went out, taking the elevator, with the huge head of FeM.U.T.O. which watched them silently from above, attached to the wall of the base, beheaded by Godzilla in the battle of San Francisco in 2014. They arrived upstairs, with the saline ocean water around and the rain that beat wildly and uncontrollably against their clothes and their faces, as well as against the entire structure, against which the waves caused by that immense storm also clashed. Everyone, apart from Sam, who remained in the rear just before them, looked out at the metallic railing facing the gigantic whirlwind, still far but more than visible. The sky was obscured by gray and black clouds, while the turret continued to play the alarm signal.
A beam of blue light came out of the waters, pushing them by force and piercing the sky.
«...Well, there was no doubt that Godzilla was there, I think?», said Mark, in a mixture of fear, sarcasm and surprise.
«That was obvious...but I don't think he became a psychopath, you know! He must be fighting something!»
«Yes, Rick, but what?», Ilene asked rhetorically.
«We'll see-»
Everyone covered their ears again. That majestic and unknown cry, recognized as a battle by now, was issued again: the King of the Monsters came out of the waters violently with something white between the claws. It seemed to have fingers, and as the whole body emerged, thanks to the just dragged back covered with blue scales, it was understood that this was actually a wing. The colossal figure of Godzilla, almost entirely out of the sea by that time, answered the cry of struggle, more than supremely:
Everyone looked with open mouth, more or less terrified, at the titan and that unknown being who moved and rebelled against his grasp, still more than half submerged in the waves.
«What ... what the fuck is that?!»
Rick screamed, to say the least in amazement.
«I-it doesn't look like any of the titans we've identified so far!», Sam allowed himself to scream in the, who had now positioned himself with them on the fence.
Doctor Russel thought, and in this he was not even wrong: «{I have a bad feeling about all this ...}»
I'm not a native English speaker, so forgive me if you find mistakes!
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kyojinofbraveos · 8 years ago
When I asked "Then I'll ask you snk related stuff, but also GoT :) How long and how well would everyone survive the game of thrones?" I meant, how long do the snk characters survive in GoT :')
Sorry adsfgh :D This sound even better! I am gonna answer this but my imagination runs wild and I can’t stop it so please forgive me my friend, this is gonna take so long. Don’t worry, I am gonna mention the chance of their surviving as well! 
I have been waiting for an ask like this my whole life

My crazy head canon time because my imagination runs wild once again and I can’t stop it!
Long time ago I mentioned that the head of Ackerman family that gave up his life to save the clan reminds me nobody but Ned Stark, so I associate these two honorable people here once again.
And of course as you noticed, I associate Ackermans with Stark Family. These two families are bot loyal, but that doesn’t mean they can be controlled, even by to people dearest to them. Like Starks rebelled at ASOIAF series, Ackermans also rebelled against First King and his ideology even though they were close to royal family. They are noble, strong and they endure winter safe and sound.
I associate Tully Family with East Sea Clan. In ASOIAF series, Tullies and Stars have built a close alliance, like East Sea Clan and Ackermans. Choosing Tullies as East Sea Clan definetely has no connection between their family symbol, trout and @falcon94ssy ‘s last crazy theory. 
Jaeger Family would be close to Greyjoys, they have many parallels and they do not sow in the end. Who else say that reference? Since Grisha grew up at Winterfell, hehehe, Eren and Zeke are quite familiar to North. Our Grisha first married to Dina, who is a relative of the King but then after some unfortunate events, who knows maybe she turned into a Whitewalker o.O, Dina died and he married Carla. Don’t you worry, mama Carla is handling his adoptive elder son and his baby boy Eren quite well. But well
 Their surviving chance is not that high
 *whispers* Dina is gonna kill Carla when she turns to a Whitewalker and Carla is gonna burn herself to make an escape to her sons*
Fritz family is like Targaryens, these both families have the blood of Kings running through them and because of that they have, let’s say, magical powers. Targaryens does not burn in fire, they can ride dragons etc because they are blood of Valyria. Fritz can control and manipulate Eldians and Pure Titans because they are blood of Ymir Fritz. They have a high chance to survive in GoT if they won’t lose to the madness inside them. Other wise, it would be a feast for crows.
 I am gonna quote my one of old post there about Walls:
In Game of Thrones, there is a bigass icy wall but that wall has not just been built by ice and stone, there is also magic in it. As a fan of both series, I was able to make this connection and thought that our wall in SnK has also been built with not just stone and stuff, but also with magic, a.k.a Colossal Titans.
We can associate The Whitewalkers with Pure Titans. In GoT it has been revealed that Whitewalkers are originated from people. If a people dies in North and nobody burn his/her body, they turn to a Whitewalker. In SnK, to turn an Eldian to a Human you have to inject spinal fluid of a Titan, aka Titan serum.
Also I can cause why not, I associate Night’s Watch with Survey Corps. In the end,they are both trying to keep evil monsters at the other side of the wall.
Now let’s come a little closer to our characters as individuals!
Eren would be the way he is. He would try his best, never give up, always fights but in the end Mikasa or sometimes Armin or someone else would help him in the end. He would sworn to kill all Whitewalkers and would want to join Night’s Watch. He also would be a warg like Bran maybe. @kuchen-ackerman ‘s post about Eren and Bran HERE.
Armin would read his books and make researches in the citadel, I can see him being a maester like Aemon or who knows, Qyburn when he grows up. *cough*Gesumin*cough. Maybe a mix of them both?
Mikasa might look like an East Sea blood from outside but damn, these girl is an Ackerman from head to toe. Her day would go as keeping Eren and Armin safe, sword training, horse riding and keeping Eren and Armin safe more in Winterfell. 
Yeah, trio lives at Winterfell but they travel a lot since Eren is a half Greyjoy and Mikasa is a half Tully.
Eren and Armin would want to join the honorable Night’s Watch but Mikasa would try to stop them because she knew how dangerous it is.
Plus, we know what happened to Armin’s family! They are a close family to the Warden of the North, Ackerman Family and that is why Armin can use Winterfell’s old library whenever he wants and his Grandpa is also the maester of Winterfell!
I can see Historia sitting on the Iron Throne. She would look so good there the Iron Throne would be jealous. 
I think Erwin would be like a Lannister, but not like Tywin, Jaime or Cersei but  like Tyrion. He would advise Historia and definetely protect his Queen from all the dirt going on in the Red Keep. Water would flood never better, if you know what I mean.
I can see Hange as a Grand Maester next to Historia. I want her to be more active though, please forget about that old man called Pycelle and imagine what kind of new things le goddess Hange would bring to Westeros. Or who knows, maybe she would definetely be like Aemon and be a a maester at Night’s Watch? Yeah, I like it more that way.
I already told Levi would be from Ackerman Family because I associate Ackermans with Starks. Maybe who knows like Jon Snow he also would be a bastard? But since this is my au, I am writing that Kuchel Ackerman is safe and sound with her son cause I can cause why not? He wouldn’t like all the dƟrt and drama that is going on at King’s Landing and ask Erwin and Hange to join him in Winterfell. Who knows, maybe he would go wherever they are just to protect them?
Kenny would be the Lord Commander of Kingsguard, though it is actually unusual for Ackermans to join it. He joined the Kingsguard to serve Uri but after his death he just stayed in. He sometimes goes to Sept and stand in front of Uri’s grave. 
Sasha would be from the Tarly Family, in the series Tarly are known for their hunting skills in the end. It is like Martin created Tarly for Sasha! 
I can see Connie Springer as Connie Tyrell. Wow, that sounded quite good! I think the rose motifs would fit him quite well, I would love to see Connie as Knight of Flowers. He would try his best at King’s Landing but I don’t think he would manage to nail it since Connie is a pure cinnamon roll and King’s Landing is a intrigue swamp.
Jean would be a Baratheon. He would be an artist like Renly, but that wouldn’t stop him from being extremely honest like Stannis and having some of Robert’s recklessness. But since he is a smart and caring person, I think he would also grow. He would have one of highest chances to survive.
Man, I use ‘would’ so much.
I don’t know why, but I feel like Ymir would be no one, a faceless man. A girl has no name, in the end. She was worshipped, betrayed and lost her way in life and her first task was killing the new Queen of Andals but she refused it and now she is on the run from faceless men.
Bertolt is so sweet for both Got and Snk, he is the character I struggled most as I wrote these head canons because Bert just does not belong to those cruel worlds, he deserves better. Anyway, I think he would be from the Vale and maybe an Arryn because I once read this au smartpass where Bert dreams of flying above the Walls and leaving but some people notices him and tells him he doesn’t have right to enjoy freedom and shoot him down. It was an emotional one for me. So, I am making him Lord of Vale, Bertolt Arryn. Unfortunately I don’t think someone as sweet as Bert would have that much chance to survive if he leaves the Vale.
Annie would be from the Reeds, but like her lord father she doesn’t like to join to other lords and they would mostly stay at Greywater Watch. The other lords would not be that found of them, too. Most of the Westeros would mock them as crannog men but Annie wouldn’t give a shit.
Reiner would a Martell. I know, the look is not connected at all but the character definetely does. Martells are quite smart, passionate and a little crazy. These fits Reiner so well too as best as I say. Also, Berik is a Martell as well because I want it to be that way!
Zeke is a full time Greyjoy. From head to toes. Since we don’t have the Warrior backstory and he doesn’t have that much screen time, damn you Isayama really, I can’t read his character that well but as far as my meta senses works, it fits Zeke to be a kraken, an Ironborn. 
So that is it, these are all I can think of right now! I know that was not the answer you wanted and I am sorry, I couldn’t stop my imagination! It took the control of my fingers, I am sorry!
Feel free to add anything you want!
Thank you for reading!
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acradaunt · 7 years ago
Saw one of those ask things around for Etrian Odyssey, and I felt like doing it, so. I think someone's supposed to ask you particular numbers first. That's dumb. I'm just gonna answer those that interest me. Which is pretty much all of them.
1. What is your Guild Name? -It's never been the same. Usually it's a compound word and/or related to the game's region. Skyquake was EOII, Riptide for the watery EOIII, Zephyr for the airship-oriented EOIV. It's Starlight in EOV, which was a really fitting coincidence.
2. Favorite class? -Chasers/Linkers/Chainers. Which, at the end of the day, are all the same thing. They're all sorts of nifty, but I think I like them the most when subpar attackers get a little something extra out of it, like a Medic with a Polar Rod or a Botanist with a Bow. The downside is you really gotta build around them, but I kinda like doing that, personally. Weirdly, I never liked Buccaneers. I also really like Runemasters. The Runes putting two contrasting functions into a single spell is an amazing idea. It saves so many Skill Points and makes them really versatile. Them also 'fixing' magic to not be painfully straightforward is worth big points, too. Shamans having 'take less damage from Fire/Ice/Volt, but also do Fire/Ice/Volt damage' was a huge black mark against them, and ultimately why I stuck with a Poison Botanist. Contrasting is cool, contradictory is not. Apart from the 10F boss, I can't think of an instance where that wouldn't be actively detrimental to you. No, I'm actually not sure if that Fire/Ice/Volt is bonus damage on top of normal damage or an affinity change. That would change everything, but I never assed myself to find out. I may be petty.
3. Favorite NPC? -Jenetta. Full stop. No contest. I guess Edie would be a diiiistant second place.
4. Favorite monster? -At this moment, gotta give it to the Sword Saurians (shame they weren't an actual race). I'm a huuuuge sucker for any enemy that makes you go 'hey, that's exactly one of our moves'. Them being an enemy chaser, well, it was pretty obvious I'd like 'em. Most commonly, this concept has shown up throughout the series on turtle/coral/crab monsters being wannabe Protectors / Hoplites / Fortresses.
5. Favorite FOE? -This probably needs more thought than I'm going to give it, but fresh off of EOV's caves, any of those three get points for puzzle design. The sound thing is a big step up from EOIV's moths only moving when there's combat. Once Atlus figured out what to do with them, the Pumpkin trio became great too. They were practically a third superboss in EOIV if you didn't handle them properly.
6. Favorite Boss? -EOV has had exceptionally good bosses so far, so this answer could certainly change, but I still gotta give it up to the Warped Saviour from EOIV. Unlike every other boss or FOE, which is one big, nasty healthbar, it changes between forms that favour multi-target attacks and single attacks. It's a fight that keeps you on your toes and adapting, but pretty much every class can find a way to contribute. Unlike almost every other superboss. Ur-Child at least gets props for one-shotting himself on Painless Counters, though. That's just hilarious.
7. Favorite Stratum? -Aethsetically, EOII's Auburn Thicket, hands down. Literally just autumn isn't much of anything, but I'm apparently a colossal sucker for that. It then probably loses all those points by being the biggest difficulty spike in the series. EOIII's Undersea Grotto and EOV's Jagged Reach get big points too. None of them have too much in the way of puzzles, though. They're also all second stratums. Weird. Hall of Darkness's final floor also deserves a huge shout-out for really seeing EOIV take the gloves off. That's probably the most synergy you'll ever see a collective group of monsters have. Having a mini-section for nearly every previous gimmick in the game is worth points, too.
8. Favorite game? -EOIII probably did the most to solidify the series, and EOIV is easily the one I'd recommend to new players, and I'm still going through EOV, but I think it's the winner here. Normally, I'm not one to go 'yay difficulty', but EOV really did nail the difficulty just right.
9. Favorite song? -EOIII's Porcelain Forest, without a doubt. EOIII's volcano deserves mention too, especially since nobody else seems to like it. I'll admit it sounds very Streets of Rage-y next to everything else.
10. Least favorite class? -The easy answer would be the classes that fundamentally don't work, like Beast and Yggdroid. But that's too easy. Probably Troubadour. They do one or two buffs, then are completely useless for the rest of a fight. At least later buff-boys like Sovereign and Dancer do it right.
12. Least favorite monster? -Any answer that isn't a Petaloid is wrong. Muskoids primarily, though. Party-wide petrification is borderline cheating. Yes, they need to be hit first for the range-increase, but make it an ambush and throw in a Hollow Magus, and, well, you can be wiped before having a single action. Stun Eryngii doing loads of damage on death is also really annoying. I'm sure EOV's final stratum will have new horrors to add to the list. ...After writing 13, I changed my answer. EOV's 1st floor doggos and EOIII's Great Lynxes being able to instantly kill anybody, even if they're blocking, have probably done plenty to turn people away from the series. They're stupidly unfair at that point, and why I'd sooner recommend EOIV over the others to a new player. At least with Baboons, it's at least sort of your fault for not being attentive enough.
13. Least favorite FOE? -Not a fan of a petrification goats, especially since you need to kill loads of them for Formaldehyde. On further thought, my answer's gotta be the Baboons from the very start of EOIV. I know more than one person who got to mining, got ambushed by not noticing that FOEs move when you mine, wiping, then promptly throwing their 3DS off a building.
14. Least favorite Boss? -In contrast to Warped Saviour, shitlord dragon is a bunch of crap. Lots of classes are nigh useless against him, and it's very much one of those 'know exactly how he works or you're screwed' fights. Weirdly, he's like a carbon-copy clone of the last sea boss from EOIII, and that wasn't half as annoying, despite having to put up with idiot NPC AIs for it.
15. Least favorite Stratum? -EOII's fifth stratum is an eyesore, even if the music's pretty good. Not a fan of the enemies, either.
16. Least favorite game? -The most honest answer would be EO2. Looking back, it's a really poorly balanced game. Like, REALLY poorly. I'm super-biased against the Untold series, because I don't feel it needs to exist, and Story mode feels six kinds of wrong for this series. Especially because I loathe every party choice in EO2U (well, Sovereign is okay, but otherwise). Ohwait, forgot EMD exists. Let's go with that.
17. Least favorite song? -Any of the more ambient ones, like the caves in EOIV and EOV, or the second stratum in EOIV. ...EOIV had really weak dungeon themes all around, thinking back. EOIII's second battle theme is pitiful compared its glorious first battle theme.
18. What is your favorite floor mechanic? (ie: warping, dead zones, etc.) -Looking back, these really didn't go anywhere until EOIV. EOIII had the gates in the shrine and EOII had sliding ice puzzles and damage tiles. Whoo. Then IV had things like FOEs breaking walls, being literal walls, changing the fire cave to an ice cave, and more. EOV's just taking things a step further, with knocking pillars down, day/night FINALLY meaning something, and an actually good teleporting puzzle. A couple rooms (especially 3F's redux) where I had to sit down and actually think. Only one puzzle in EOIII made me stop and think (the NW tentacle on B25F). I mean, there's a puzzle in EOV where you've got to use a falling pillar as a (painful) speed boost. That's freaking awesome. Exploring in and of itself is a lot more fun in EOIV and especially EOV than it was in earlier titles. I imagine EOU and EO2U did things to un-borify some stratums. Again, wouldn't know.
19. What floor mechanic annoys you the most? -Warping suuuucked in EO2. 29F, at least. Especially, especially, especially since you had no adequate way to mark them all. Not even by using random icons. You'd need duplicate icons well before you finished marking all those infernal teleporters. The 'invisible' areas in EOIII's last two stratums feels like a missed opportunity to me. I feel like those areas should be semi-randomly generated, rather than just 'oh, I can't see my little dot on the map'. No, they're not super-closely related, but it brings that to my mind.
20. Do you like the Grimoire system? If not what would you change? -I conceptually like what it stands for. Get a couple random skills from other classes. But that was the thing. It was either too random or too complex, if not both. It felt atrocious from EOU's demo alone. I can't imagine dealing with that all game. I don't like the idea of you getting monster skills. At all. Apparently, EO2U fixed some things. Wouldn't know.
25. Do you defeat any FOEs when you’re a higher level than them, the same level or a lower level? -My plan for FOEs is pretty much always ignore them until you've seen the stratum's boss. Or maybe just forever in EOII, where FOEs didn't give you anything of value, ever. Starting with EOII really discouraged me from fighting them, so that's probably influenced me.
26. Do you like the cooking mechanics in EOU2? EO4? EO5? -Short answer is no. Just looking at the food buffs made them seem pretty underwhelming, and finding/using the rare stuff was a pain, because Wiglaf and Kirjonen were constantly asking for them. In EO5, I just never seem to need food. A Botanist provides enough healing on her own, and when I pull out, it's more because I don't want to lose 40 minutes of mapping or save after a rough FOE fight than because I'm direly low on TP. Also, I never seem to have the ingredients to make anything, anyway. Maybe it's because nobody knows fishing, and all the good dishes require fish? Ramus hasn't shown me a dish since the start of the third stratum, so maybe he doesn't blab about them if you don't have the ingredients on hand. Memory is hazy, but I think EO2U's way of doing cooking was okay. You'd permanently have one food effect active until you ate something else, right? It doesn't make sense that that's what food would do, but from a mechanical standpoint, it's a neat extra modifier to play with.
30. What is one thing you wish Etrian Odyssey could improve on? -I certainly like the direction the series went. It could've been stuck in a mire of 'let's emulate early-early-ass dungeon crawlers' forever, and never really moved forward. But uuuuh, single thing I'd like to see the most? Gimme a reason to use multiple parties. It's a great problem to have, but seeing all these cool classes, yet never really having a chance to use them or good opportunities to swap guys around kinda hurts. EOIII and EOV's Learning/Memory Conch and EOIV's jump to lvl-25/35/45 books do help, but the former doesn't really keep them competitive and EOIV's are limited to two uses. And even that, that's more talking about individual characters. Yeah, I used EOIV's books to swap a second Fortress out for a Nightseeker and then again for an Imperial, but I wanna see a reason to use completely different parties. Simultaneous dungeon-exploring or characters being unavailable for multiple days after being bodied, whatever. I wanna reason to have 15+ characters viable and in play.
31. Do you think about Etrian Odyssey with other crossovers? (ie: Collab events) If so, what collab event would you like to see? -Screw mere collabs, I can seriously see a lot of potential for a Monster Hunter X Etrian Odyssey game. Basically, it'd be an EO game with some design changes, wearing a MH skin. Weapons would be instead of classes (Lance = Protector, Switch Axe = Imperial, Hunting Horn = Troubadour, etc.), and instead of beating up semi-generic squirrels and durians and doggos, it'd be iconic Monster Hunter monsters. And it'd be more like 'all FOEs, all the time'. Both series kinda sorta have this thing on 'get better drops by killing it in a certain way' that started this thought process. Rather than exploring through stratums, you'd have a dozen or so mid-sized maps, each with their own gimmicks and FOEs. Your goal, as always, is to killdoze one particular monster. It'd be a task of picking when and where to fight, as other FOEs would be eager to step and make things miserable for everyone. Running and re-initiating fights would be a thing, and monsters would maintain their health. Putting traps and using the field against the FOE would be a big thing. Things like Narmer (and every 1st stratum boss, really; why are the first guys always the most interesting?) the Boiling Lizard, and Primordiphant certainly influenced this thought.
32. Sea exploration or Sky exploration? -At the end of the day, Sky exploration is kinda... empty. It looks cool, and mini-dungeons isn't a bad idea, but it's more window-dressing than a real system. Sea exploration has a billion things wrong with it; it's too demanding that all your moves are perfect, putting a money cost on it is stupid, and so on and so forth. I don't like the Untold subseries, but I'd really like to see EO3U do it right. Some of those places are just begging for EO4 style mini-dungeons, like the Lighthouse, the Golem's Ruins, or the Pirate Island. Honestly, if they just straight-up transplant a couple stratums out of Yggdrasil and onto the other islands, that'd be cool with me. Reaching Deep City so early made it feel... not so very deep, really.
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