#Loo's new sis
made a [not really related] sister for loo
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[Idk what to name her but shes based of one of those suger skulls]
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shiroi---kumo · 2 years
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Letters from the Prince || Accepting
@bishonenprince​​ asked:
Dear mom,
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Rakas Äiti,
Minä Rakastan Sinua. Snow Cloud is alright. I miss you every day and I wonder if I would have made you proud. I hope one day to become the King you always thought I could be. I hope one day I live up to your expectations. I - survived it all. I survived it but without you and father and Usva - it all feels empty. I want it to snow again. I want to snow again. One day I’ll get there and it’s been so long but still you’re engraved on my heart. 
You always will be. 
Mother it’s been hard without you. I miss your hugs and your songs. I miss reading stories with you and just being at your side. I won’t ask you if you’re proud of me but can you still love this mess that I’ve become? I’ve had to learn to do horrible things to survive and I am not proud of them - I wouldn’t expect you to be either.
I’m working to get better though. I’m working to get justice for Misterica and all the other worlds that have fallen to that monster’s grasp. I’m working on being a better person. I’m working on being a man who you and father could be proud of. I am working to be a vessel worthy of the Celestial Mother. 
I wonder sometimes if you really became a spirit of the moon, because some days when the moon is full her light feels as soft as your kisses on my forehead. Sometimes her light seems as warm as one of your hugs. That would only be fitting. That would only be prefect for you. I know you’re still with me even though your body is long since gone. 
Even though some days I feel so alone. I still miss you and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. Just like I’ll never stop loving you.
Rakastan Sinua,  Äiti
                             Sinun Lumipilvisi
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Unpredictable, Part 4-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: I thought this one was going to be a little shorter but I was wrong. Hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, sensuality, and Rufus appears in this part.
Word Count: 6.6k
Series Masterlist
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Being perpetually early was a good habit until it left me bored and looking up from my phone every few seconds. Of course, it was always a stranger, and we would exchange quick smiles when we made eye contact. However, my nervousness increased each time it wasn’t Jordan.
As I replied to a voice note from Sydney, I wondered why Jordan asked to train with me today. Last year, they basically forced me to train with them all the time after our first match.
“You can’t be one of Brink’s new favorites and be this bad at basic combat,” they’d insisted.
Every match was horrible, and I thought I was going to die each time. Though Jordan never hit me hard, they were still intense, and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest at the end. When I passed my Intro to Combat class, Jordan agreed that we didn’t have to train together as much but they still expected me to practice.
I gulped at the thought and sent off the comment.
At least I was in shape.
“Lookin’ good, Y/N,” a deep voice called.
When I glanced up, Chad Mitchell and Thad Browne, the Alpha Tau vice president and treasurer, were walking up the gym steps. A pair of skinny blondes in Lululemon leggings exiting the gym gasped at the two of them. Chad grinned widely, revealing his movie-star smile, and Thad winked at them as they passed. No one could blame any girl for staring at two tall broad-shouldered guys in Gymshark t-shirts, Gymshark shorts, white Nike ankle socks, and Nike sneakers.
Chad pushed his dark blonde hair away from his face while he towered over me.
I straightened up a little. “Oh, thanks, Chad.”
“I never thanked you for warning me about trying to do a backflip during the Get Lei’d party,” Chad said.
“It’s no problem; I’m glad I had a vision about it in time.”
“But it would’ve been awesome if you landed a backflip from the house roof!” Thad interrupted.
Chad glanced at him. “The broken nose and knee would not have been worth it.” He turned back to me, eyes roaming the black Alo Yoga set I wore before making it back to my eyes. “So, was rush a success for Si Chi?”
I swallowed and folded my arms over my chest. “I would say so; Bid Day will be interesting. How about Alpha Tau?”
“We always get the best,” Thad interjected, chuckling.
“Yeah, ours aren’t looking bad. You know, after Bid Day’s over, Alpha Tau and Si Chi should have a mixer; make sure all our recruits get to know each other,” Chad proposed.
He placed his hand on the wall beside me, right next to my head, and leaned closer. The scent of musk was nauseating, and I turned away from him to cover my nose with my jacket.  
“You should reach out to Alina about that; she’s in charge of social events,” I rushed.
Chad nodded but I wasn’t sure he listened. “Yeah, Thad, do that.”
“Cool,” Thad agreed.
“You seem a little jumpy, Y/N. Are you waiting for your boyfriend or something?” Chad asked.
 Last year, Thad and Chad ignored me, opting to hover around Alina and Sasha. I guess my warning impressed Chad at the end of the year Get Lei’d party. Plus, it wasn’t like either of them were bad prospects but each time Chad looked at me, it was like ants were crawling over my skin.
“Sort of.”
“Doesn’t sound like you’re too sure. Why don’t you warm up with Thad and me? I’m sure he won’t mind.”
That would be the worst idea since acid-washed jeans. However, Si Chi and Alpha Tau were close houses and one had to maintain the balance between them. Sydney and Lydia always made it look so easy.
“I can’t leave you alone for five minutes?” Jordan’s voice cut through the air as she strolled up the steps, irritation clear on her feminine features.
Suddenly, Chad was about a foot away from me, both hands in front of him for a second before he finally put them back at his sides. Thad looked as though he saw a ghost as he moved to stand next to Chad.
“My bad, Jordan, I didn’t know she was with you,” Chad rambled.
“Yeah, man, we had no idea,” Thad added.
Jordan glared at both as she moved to stand next to me. “You can go away now.”
I never saw them move so quickly and when they were gone, I stared at Jordan. “What was that?”
She shrugged. “They know their place. Were you waiting long?”
“No, they just happened to beat you here. Thanks, by the way.”
“Don’t worry about it. Do you have to see them a lot?”
“Kind of and this is the first time either has been that close to me.”
“I thought frat guys were every sorority girl’s type.”
I scrunched my nose. “Not the stereotypical ones.”
“Oh, I forgot, you’re the pickiest girl I know.”
I huffed and gently pushed her shoulder, but she didn’t miss a step as we walked towards the gym entrance. “Don’t judge me for having standards.”
“It’s not my fault that you’re easy to tease.”
Since Jordan rented out the training space, it was quiet outside of the few grunts and weights clanging in the neighboring weight room. The entire space was reinforced for any power mishaps and the focal point was the blue mat in the middle of the space with a large black ring lining its perimeter. I groaned as Jordan pushed on my back, forcing me closer to the mat and making my inner thighs burn in the splits.
“I thought yoga was supposed to make you flexible,” she quipped.
“I am, but I think you like seeing me in pain,” I replied.
“Never,” she teased. “So…did you get anything else on Emma?”
Her words made me stiffen and I sat up on my forearms and shook my head. “Something’s blocking me. Usually, even when I can’t see clear images, I get blurry images but it’s like something has shut off that part of my brain.”
It was the same issue last night when Jordan, Marie, Andre, Cate, and I went looking for Emma. All I could see was her with that guy I never met. Even though everyone said it was okay, their sulking shoulders and lack of eye contact spoke louder; especially Marie’s.
When I got back to the house last night, I gave myself a migraine trying to find Emma and it took me forever to stop hyperventilating. I could have killed Andre for coming up with the dumbest plan on planet earth.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jordan said, cutting through my thoughts.
She let me sit up and I turned to her.
“I just feel useless. Finding things out is the one thing I’m good at and I can’t even do that?”
“Hey, it’s not the one thing you’re good at. You’re good at dancing, studying, fashion, and helping other people.”
Jordan’s tone was earnest and matter-of-fact; no one could have argued with her and I suddenly felt all fuzzy.
I smiled. “I am the best-dressed on campus.”
“Relax, we’ll find Emma, just focus on what you can do. Like, trying not to get knocked out of bounds four times in a row.”
I scoffed at Jordan but she grinned at me. “Maybe you should take your own advice.”
“Oh, she has an attitude now?”
“Maybe you just bring it out of me.” I pushed myself up to stand. “Usual rules?”
“I won’t use any powers outside of shifting, you can use yours as much as you want, no cheap shots, and the one knocked out of bounds the most loses.”
“I can’t wait to try the new sushi place at the union; Shelby said it’s amazing.”
“You’ll be trying it on your own dime.”
Jordan always got cocky when sparring. Now that Luke was gone, Jordan was the best fighter on campus. Whenever we trained, I tried to use wiping that big smirk off their face as motivation and it never worked. The best I ever managed to do was not break anything.
Jordan’s smirk never left her face as we squared off from each other. I took the deepest breath I could and tried to quiet my mind. Seconds later, my mind filled with the image of Jordan going for a right hook. I blocked her and went for a jab of my own, skimming her left cheek.
“Not bad,” she huffed as she dodged it. “You need to hold your upper body better; anyone could knock you off balance right now.”
Based on a brief flash, I knew that she was either going to sweep me or push me to prove her point. So, when she went to push me, I slipped away from her, maintaining my guard. She blew a piece of hair out of her face.
“What was that about my balance?” I panted.
“Don’t get cocky, freshie, I won’t go so easy on you,” She taunted.
My heart might have skipped a beat as I took a risk based on a vision and rushed her. When I saw she was going to shift, I stopped just short of Jordan’s reach, slipped down, and swept her feet. Just when I was going to make contact, she backflipped, shifted in the middle of the back flip, and landed in a crouch.
His elated expression made the hairs on the back of my neck stand as he stalked towards me. Our sparring match continued with me utilizing my ability as well as I could to get in the best hits. My heart hammered in my chest as I kept up with their ever-changing forms and fighting styles. In between jabs, Jordan continued giving me tips.
“Use your full body weight with each punch.”
“Your right roundhouse has gotten stronger, that’s good.”
“You’re dropping your left elbow too much when you weave.”
I did my best to incorporate all their tips into the sparring match and even got a couple of hits on them. At one point, Jordan and I exchange a flurry of punches and blocks and for the first time, I almost laughed while fighting them.
It was…fun.
I was able to get some distance between us before attempting another roundhouse kick that was guaranteed to make contact with the side of his head. Just as I was about to kick out my left leg, Jordan shifted to their female form and tackled me. Her grip was harsh around my shoulders while mine struggled to hold onto hers because of the sweat. I paused and noticed she was practically drenched and panting over me. A few strands of black hair fell out of her ponytail and stuck to her forehead, and she was still so pretty.
She seemed to pause as well and raised her eyebrows at me. “Focus on the fight.”
Her words stirred something in me, and I focused on what could be my best move.
The image was only a few seconds long but it almost left me catatonic went it ended. If this didn’t work, I had no idea how I would live it down.
Quickly, I leaned up and closed the distance between us.  Jordan’s lips were so soft against mine and I yelped a little when her body pressed more into mine. Her soft breaths felt like whispers over my face as she kissed me back and I squirmed underneath her.
Focus, Y/N, focus! My mind screamed.
As casually as I could, I pushed my wrists against Jordan’s hands, and a second later, she loosened her grip. Her fingers trailed down my arms as my legs wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer to me. When I felt her smile against my lips, my stomach sunk.
The leverage I had around her waist was useful as my hands grabbed her shoulders and swung her down onto the mat. Jordan gasped as we pulled away and my hands captured her wrists. “What the---”
“I win!” I cheered.
“No, you just pinned me,” Jordan rasped.
I shook my head and gestured to her right hand, which was just over the out-of-bounds line. In the dozens of fights we had, this was the first time that I won. If I could fly, I would have probably been floating. When I looked back at Jordan’s face, I came back to earth.
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, releasing her wrists and pushing myself to stand. “And I’m sorry about kissing you without warning.”
When I extended my hand, she looked at it as though it was a cobra ready to strike. After a few seconds, Jordan took the risk and let me help her up. Then, she walked back over to her bag, grabbed her water bottle, and chugged.
“It’s okay, uh, just don’t make out with everyone you fight with; that’s how you catch mono,” Jordan rambled.
I wrinkled my nose. “Ew, I wouldn’t even think about it. With us, I knew it would be my best way to beat you.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself.”
Then, I took a second to look at Jordan. Something was off, she seemed tenser than she usually did after we sparred. Also, she stopped looking at me and started playing with the rings on her fingers. It had to be because of the stress of Emma missing and how there was more lurking on campus than anyone thought. That on top of Brink and Luke’s deaths would make anyone nervous.
Yes, that had to be it because those were the reasons my lips buzzed the entirety of the next training round.
The two extra rounds gave Jordan their bragging rights and no one could wipe the giant smile off her face as we wandered around campus. At the very least, the blazing sun provided some comfort from the cool breeze that blew past us. Since there were several classes in session, only a handful of people were hanging out, panic-studying, and Tik-Toking.
“You should have seen your face when you landed, it was gold!” she laughed.
“I’m glad it was entertaining,” I replied.
Jordan glanced at me, fished a protein bar out of her gym bag, and handed it to me. “Here.”
I shook my head. “I’m fine.”
Jordan paused in her walk to side eye me and I stopped as well. “Don’t give me that shit. I didn’t say anything earlier but, you look awful.”
“Thanks,” I muttered.
Jordan sighed. “That came out wrong; I mean, you look like you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”
The situation was almost laughably ironic since just a couple of days ago, I was sleeping like a baby. However, the Emma-shaped hole was enough to spike my anxiety and the final touches on Bid Day were not helpful either. If Alina tried to deny my top pick at this last meeting…
Oh no, I had totally forgotten to take my meds.
“It’s okay, you actually have perfect timing,” I replied, accepting the protein bar.
It wasn’t super chalky and even if it was, I didn’t care as I popped two of the pills from Shetty and chased it with water.
“You pop pills in public now, freshie?” Jordan joked.
I shook my head and nibbled on the protein bar. “They’re prescribed by Shetty. That explains why I was freaking out earlier.”
“With Dumb and Dumber?”
“Chad and Thad, and yes.” Jordan nodded. “So, they work?”
“Yeah. I probably would have been able to save you the trouble if I’d remembered.”
I put the pill bottle back in my bag as we continued walking. The medicine would take a while to kick in but it was better late than never.
“It wasn’t trouble,” Jordan said.
I didn’t know how to respond so all I could do was nod. In all honesty, I was still processing that kiss. Jordan must have reacted the way she did because she was so caught off guard. If Emma were here, she would help me process, that is if she was willing to speak to me.
“So, do you want me to buy you lunch today or tomorrow?” I asked.
Jordan shook her head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Hey, I’m a good sport and I always hold up my end,” I tried to joke.
“Yeah, so it makes sense that I would do the mature thing and treat you to that sushi place you were talking about. You beat me for the first time and that shows how much you improved; I remember when you used to drop your guard every time you got scared.”
“It’s not my fault that my first instinct is to run!”
“You won’t always have the chance to run when you’re a supe. Now, I feel better about you being out there on your own.”
Her words made me swell with pride and I thanked her.
“Plus, there’s no one out there as good as me.” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Of course, it all goes back to you.”
“I’m being honest. Seriously, wherever you get a contract, you’ll kick ass especially if you practice more.”
“Fine, Mx. Li.”
At that moment, I couldn’t wait to go back to the house and shower. Class wasn’t for another hour and a half which gave me enough time to try and process everything.
“Is that Marie?” Jordan asked.
I paused and looked in the direction she nodded to. Across the way, Marie slowly approached the bleach-blonde weasel that was Rufus, who was smugly perched on an overpriced bench. He was (fake) reading a book and looking semi-thoughtful.
The protein bar suddenly felt like a rock in my throat.
“What’s she doing with Rufus?” I muttered.
Jordan didn’t reply and we both watched as the two started speaking. Then, Rufus set his book aside and reached his hands out to Marie.
“Shit!” Jordan exclaimed.
“Marie!” I called at the same time.
It was too late, as soon as her hands grazed his, they disappeared. Panic started rising up from the back of my neck and everything was suddenly quiet.
When I blinked, Jordan’s hands cupped my face, and our faces were nearly touching.
“Focus, where did Rufus take Marie?”
After taking a couple of seconds to focus on it, I answered Jordan, and she nearly yanked my arm out of its socket as she raced towards the location. A minute later, we were pushing past people in the dorm until we reached Rufus’ room. My stomach lurched at the muffled sounds of “True”.
“So, what’s the plan?” I asked.
Jordan didn’t respond. Instead, she took one step before kicking Rufus’ door down. The sound of the door hitting the ground should have made me jump but I was too busy staring at Marie’s blood-splattered face as she stared down at Rufus’ keeled over body on the floor. When he rolled onto his back, I saw all the blood covering his groin and the agony on his face.
Somehow, it was both disgusting and exhilarating to watch, kind of like those ridiculous mukbang videos.
I didn’t realize I was staring until Jordan tugged me by the arm down the hallway, Marie in tow. When we got a few hundred feet away, Jordan released us and glared daggers at Marie.
“What the hell was that?” Jordan demanded.
“I don’t know…I just exploded his dick,” Marie uttered, astonished.
“That was…wow,” I breathed.
Marie smiled, accepted the towel Jordan handed her, and wiped her face. “Thanks, I didn’t know I could do that.”
“Why were you talking to Rufus anyway? He’s a creep,” Jordan scolded.
Marie narrowed her eyes at Jordan. “We didn’t have any leads on Emma, and I heard he was a psychic.”
I winced at the jab.
Jordan rolled her eyes. “Rufus is not a psychic; he’s a perverted loser who takes advantage of anything with tits.”
“Gee, thanks,” Marie hissed. “I can take care of myself.”
She shoved the towel in Jordan’s chest and started storming down the hall. Immediately, we started following her and my irritation grew with each step.
“Fine, then I won’t rescue you next time,” Jordan called.
That made her stop and whirl around. “What?”
“I saved you back there, well, Y/N and I both did since she knew where Rufus would take you,” Jordan insisted.
Marie took a step towards us. “I exploded his dick; I didn’t need your help.”
“But I provided a distraction; tag-team cocksplosion here,” Jordan said, gesturing between the two.
“I’m okay being cut from this team,” I commented.
“Oh no, you’re in it too,” Jordan said.
Marie shook her head. “Weirdo.”
Jordan shrugged. “More importantly, Tek Knight is on campus and he’s doing a story on Luke’s death.”
Marie’s eyes widened and I had to stop my mouth from falling open. Tek Knight was the slimiest, most prolific true crime “journalist” on Vought TV. He covered only the buzziest stories, and it made sense he would be on campus. I thought I heard some guys talking about it during a lecture yesterday, but I was so preoccupied that I didn’t focus.
“He’s guest lecturing Shetty’s class today and he’s going to want to talk to you,” Jordan stated.
“Shit,” Marie cursed.
I ran my hands through the ends of my braids. “And if he even gets a hint of what might be going on, we could all be screwed.”
“So, what do we do?” Marie asked.
“If you decide to keep up the lie, don’t let him see you waver, he loves going after that shit,” Jordan grumbled.
Marie rolled her eyes. “Are we on this again?”
“Yeah, you lied!” Jordan snapped.
Quickly, I stepped between them. “Okay, this won’t get us anywhere. Just breathe for a second.”
They both did, eyes still shooting lasers.
“We need to think about this. Since you two are in Shetty’s class, you two will have to figure something out.”
“Are you taking her side?” Jordan accused.
“Are you taking theirs?” Marie asked.
“I’m not taking anyone’s,” I insisted. “If you two keep fighting, no one wins. Just go your separate ways for now and regroup before class?”
It was not my best work but they both seemed to agree as Jordan went one way and Marie started to head down the other. I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and jogged to catch up to Marie.
She slowed down a little but didn’t face me. “I’m not sorry for trying to find Emma.”
“And that’s great but you should talk to the rest of us before getting mixed up with someone like him.” I shivered at the thought.
Then, she turned to me. “Like I said, we had no leads.”
“I know that, and I am working on it, trust me, I am but I can’t believe you went with Rufus the Rapist instead of giving me time.”
“We don’t have any, Y/N!” Marie snapped. “She could be hanging on by a thread somewhere or dead but we don’t know anything and now I have this Tek Knight shit to worry about.”
I flinched. “I told you, she’s alive and I know you’re scared but I’m scared too. Emma is my best friend and not being able to figure out where she is has been driving me crazy.” Tears began burning in my eyes.
Marie hesitated and looked down for a moment. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, it just sucks that the last time we talked, we fought. I didn’t even get to talk to her at the gala,” I admitted.
“Yeah,” Marie looked back up at me, “I saw you were talking to a lot of people.”
“I kind of had to.”
“With Jordan?”
I cocked my head at her and she stared at me. “Wait, what?”
She sort of pouted. “I saw you were spending a lot of time with them.”
“We were schmoozing for their ranking,” I explained.
I didn’t need a vision to tell me that she wanted to say more. What was going on with everyone today?
“Next time, I could help you do it, I mean, I don’t think you’ll need my help with Vought liking you,” I thought out loud.
“Don’t remind me.” Marie leaned against the wall. “I don’t know what to do! I’m so deep in this shit that there’s no crawling out.”
She slowly slid down until she sat on the ground, and I sat across from her.
“It might seem like that but, there is a way out, you probably just won’t like it.”
Marie’s eyes flickered up at me. “Are you siding with Jordan?”
“No! What is it with you two? It’s like a live X beef and I’m somehow in the middle!” I exclaimed. “No, I’m not on anyone’s side, I can see both your sides clearly: you want to get ahead and this a great chance to do it and Jordan feels like they saved you only to have you trample all over them.”
Marie frowned at my words. “They would have done the same thing!”
“I don’t know…” I don’t know anything anymore.
I pushed myself to stand. “It’s your choice, Marie.”
“What would you do?” she whispered.
“Honestly, I have no clue but I would probably talk to Cate about it.” I pulled her to her feet. “By the way, that cocksplosion was so awesome.”
Marie smiled. “Like I said, it just happened out of nowhere.”
“I knew he had some bad karma coming his way, but I didn’t think you’d deliver it.”
Then, she hugged me and I felt stunned. She smelled like cinnamon and something earthy that I couldn’t put my finger on. I had no idea that she had such a strong grip, it was kind of comforting. I slowly hugged her back and when she pulled away, she gasped.
“I got blood on you, I’m so sorry,” Marie apologized.
“It’s okay, no one should be able to tell unless they have a luminol ability,” I pointed out.
She nodded and as I made way out of the dorm, my curiosity got the better of me, and I focused on how the lecture would go. Unfortunately, all I saw was a brief scene of Jordan and Marie speaking in Marie’s dorm. They weren’t fighting so that must be positive.
Two hours later, I was sitting in one of the beach chairs out by the Si Chi pool, fuming. Sasha thought she was so slick, trying to persuade Sydney to let Justine in despite all the issues. She could have at least come up with a decent argument; the fact that she hadn’t even tried was almost the most insulting part.
I just happened to catch the two of them speaking on the staircase when I returned from my advanced modern dance class. Sydney politely nodded as Sasha spoke.
“…and she’s the best in her class!” Sasha finished.
“That’s great, but I don’t want anyone who uses someone else’s triggers for their own gain representing this house,” Sydney replied firmly.
“Sydney, how’s the selection process going?” I called.
They both turned to me and Sasha lost some color in her face.
“Good, we’ve narrowed it down and we’ll finalize it tonight,” Sydney said.
That should have been satisfying but it wasn’t. Who did Sasha think she was? She could be antagonistic but she never outright bullied anyone. Does she want Justine to be a protégé?
“Y/N,” someone whispered.
I jumped in my seat and glanced around the pruned backyard. No one else was out with the other girls either heading to another class or studying. It must have been my imagination.
That time it was louder, and I slowly stood. “This isn’t funny, whoever’s out there!”
This day really was turning into too much. First, I kissed Jordan----which I still hadn’t unpacked----, second, Rufus got castrated in the most violent way possible, and third, I was hearing voices or being stalked.
Slowly, I started creeping back towards the house. Maybe it was time for a nap since sleep deprivation could drive anyone crazy. Maybe that would help me find Emma.
“Y/N, it’s me!”
And now the voices sounded like her.
“Over here!”
Something told me that I wouldn’t end up like every non-final white girl in a horror movie. So, I started walking in the direction of the voice, which just happened to be in the thick wall of shrubs that lined the perimeter.
“Where is here?” I whispered.
Then, a hand reached out from some shrubs on the right side. Carefully, I approached it and knelt down, still keeping my distance. Then, a head of curly blonde hair poked its way out of the shrubs, pieces of greenery attached to its scalp.
“Emma!” I rasped.
“Hey, do you mind being surprised after you help me out of here?” she asked.
As soon as I got her out, I hugged her. I was right, she was alive this whole time. I almost cried tears of joy as I slowly pulled away from her.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so happy to see you!”
“I’m happy to see you two but we’re both in trouble if someone catches us like this,” Emma said.
As quickly as I could, I snuck her up into my room and she collapsed on the bed as soon as I closed the door. With the better look at her, I noticed she was in a random black movie theater t-shirt, shorts, and she only had one shoe. She wasn’t too dirty but I tried not to think about having to wash my comforter once she left.
“Emma, where have you been? What’s going on?”I asked.
“Well, Andre sent me on a mission to find Luke’s brother,” Emma started.
“I know that much; is that the guy you were with?”
Emma shot up to a sitting position. “You saw us?”
“Sort of. I had no idea where you were going, why?”
“No reason, I don’t know why I was surprised, you see everything.”
Even though I didn’t, I let Emma continue. As she spoke, my eyes got wider and wider. There was so much to unpack: there was a research lab under the school called The Woods where they tested supes, the researchers faked Sam’s, Luke’s brother, death but kept him in The Woods, and they are working on something big.
“What is it?” I asked.
Emma shrugged. “Sam has no idea but he knows that the doctors have been working on it for a while and they’re almost done.”
I nodded. “Okay, where is he now?”
“In an abandoned theater. It sounds creepy but the stale snacks and ambiance make it kind of cute,” she chirped.
I shook my head. “You like him.”
Emma gasped, “What? I do not!”
“He’s your type: cute and a little messed up.” “I don’t have a type and even if I did, you might’ve been close to it,” she muttered.
I smiled and hugged her again. “It’s so good to see you again. I don’t know what I would have done if…”
“Hey, like someone could kill me.” Emma tried to keep her tone lighter, but I could tell she was scared.
When I pulled away, I apologized for everything that happened before the gala. I wasn’t that good of a friend and Emma did everything she could for me, even when she didn’t have to.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have projected and called you perfect; I know that everything with your parents has been rough for you and you’re managing it as well as you can. Plus, I hid the whole how I get small thing from you,” Emma rambled.
“Why’d you hide it from me? You can tell me anything, that’s what best friends do,” I whispered.
Emma looked down at her hands. “Because I knew it would make us both feel like shit. You had other stuff going on and I didn’t want to be a burden. I’m the one who cheers you up and I was ashamed.”
“You’re allowed to feel bad sometimes, Emma, but it really hurt knowing you felt like you couldn’t reach out to me for help,” I managed, feeling myself starting to choke up.
“Don’t cry because if you cry, then I’ll cry.” She hugged me again and we both sniffled. “Okay, from now on, we tell each other everything.”
When Emma pulled away, she had the most mischievous grin on her face paired with a fake nonchalant look in her eye. I immediately eyed her as she crossed her legs and started glancing around the room.
“So, to go off that, what’s going on with you and Jordan?” she asked.
“Are you kidding me? You come back from disappearing and that’s the first thing you want to know?”
“I could have died, Y/N.”
“Do not try to guilt me!”
I took a deep breath and mulled it over for a moment. A couple of hours ago, I would have killed for this chance to talk to Emma and now that it was here, I was stopping myself. There shouldn’t be anything stopping me, especially since we just promised each other that we wouldn’t keep anymore secrets. With that thought, I told her everything, from the night at the club, to when we kind of rescued Marie.
When I looked at her, Emma was stunned.
“What?” was all she could muster.
I nodded. “Yeah, it’s a lot.”
“You went from almost kissing Jordan to full-on kissing Jordan. I could tell you liked them by the way you talked about them last year but this is progress,” Emma remarked.
“I didn’t like them like that last year, I don’t now. Anyway, I only did it after I saw the vision and it was to win the fight, so does that really count?” I asked.
Emma raised her eyebrows. “Did you feel anything on the other side of that kiss?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, did you feel them kissing you back? Were they breathing all heavy? Were their hands moving all over your body?”
All those things happened but, Jordan must have been caught up in the moment.
“If Jordan was caught up, they would have snapped out of it but they didn’t until you pulled away,” Emma pointed out.
“I did it as a distraction tactic!”
“Doesn’t matter since they liked it,” Emma said with a shrug. “And you must have enjoyed it.”
“How would you know?”
“Because the tip of your nose is turning red.”
I yelped and covered my nose. “It’s because this conversation is embarrassing. Besides, I don’t have time for a relationship; I have to finish out rush week and then there’s initiation and not to mention classes---” Emma placed her hands on my shoulders and forced me to look at her. “Y/N, ‘having time’ has nothing to do with liking someone. You’ve had googly eyes for Jordan for a year now, it’s okay to admit it!”
“I have not! They bullied me for half of last year.”
“Really? Did they ever say anything super mean to you or try to hurt you?”
As I took a second to think about my dynamic with Jordan, I realized that they only delivered playful jabs that I returned when I got comfortable around them. So, I shook my head.
“And aren’t they always trying to keep you out of trouble?”
“Not always,” I muttered.
Emma groaned. “Why did I think it would be easy to get you to admit that you like someone? You’re so oblivious.”
“I am not!”
“Really? So, how would you describe your relationship with Marie?”
“Really? Because when you were doing her makeup that night, I thought you got lost in her eyes. Those big, beautiful, puppy dog eyes.”
I playfully pushed her but she maintained her pose and I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me. Even though her words were lighthearted, I had paused a few times that night to admire Marie but she was pretty, everyone admired pretty.
“I was trying to do a good job with her eyeshadow. Besides, I thought you were still insisting I like Jordan,” I responded.
Emma relaxed and stared at me like I grew a second head. “You are way deeper in denial than I thought you were.” “What are you talking about?”
“I know that sexuality is a spectrum and a journey and everything but, Y/N, you clearly like two people.”
Her words hung in the air as I returned her stare. Emma had lost it, officially.
There was no way I liked both Marie and Jordan. Marie relaxed me as soon as I saw her and friends are supposed to be relaxed with friends. I felt like I could tell her anything and any friend would feel bad about accidentally ditching their friend on a night out. Also, any friend would feel like crying if their friend told them that they accidentally killed their parents. Any friend would want to try to make them feel better since they couldn’t take away the pain.
And as far as Jordan went, I was well aware of how attractive they were in both forms and occasionally felt warm inside when they smiled at me, but those were just hormones. Plus, Jordan was a protective person so it made sense that they would jump in when necessary. The shivers I’d attempted to hide when they pulled me onto their lap were normal.
“No, that doesn’t make any sense,” I muttered.
“I can only help you so much. It’s clear to me and maybe even to Jordan and Marie.”
I shook my head. “We don’t have time for this. We should find Marie and let her know that you’re alive and everything you told me.” “Okay, and if she just happens to give you a thank-you kiss, I’ll try not to gloat.”
“Emma,” I warned.
“Okay, can I borrow some shoes before we leave?”
Emma practically bounced with each step on the way to her dorm. Even though I convinced her to wear one of my hoodies just in case, she seemed happy to be back on campus. Hopefully, we could get everyone together and get this all figured out. Once this was over, then I would be able to focus on Bid Day and maybe what Emma had been saying.
It was going to be so awkward talking to Marie after that conversation. I felt so many things that I didn’t know what to settle on: confusion, frustration, anxiety, and all the others I couldn’t name.
The meds must have kicked in as Emma began trying to unlock her door. I was settled and comfortable. Everything was going to be fine.
Finally, Emma threw open her door. “Holy shit, so much is happening!” she announced as she stormed into her room.
I trailed after her and felt my anxiety break free from its cage. Jordan had Marie pinned against the wall, kissing her like it was his last chance. Marie seemed equally as passionate as she tugged on his shirt. At Emma’s words, they jumped away from each other, both frazzled and disheveled, eyes wide.
Then a flood of more emotions I couldn’t name washed over me.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
One patient bunny 
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Remus Lupin x fem! reader (sirius black x sister! reader)
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Summary: Y/n and Remus have been in love with each other forever, but due to his condition he told her it could never be, so she told him she would wait. Now three years has past and Remus can only wonder if she's still waiting...or if he's too late
Warnings: swearing, best friends to lovers, kinda sunshine reader and opposites attract, mutual pinning, best friends little sister, mentions of food and eating, first (second) kisses, light angst, getting together, sirius being a protective older brother
A/n: 5k words, you can imagine yourself as Sirius' bio sister or adoptive but she is the middle child xx thank you for the request, enjoy!
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Navigation | Remus Lupin Masterlist
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Remus swirled his tea, smiling to himself as James prattled on about some new muggle thing ‘his lilypad’ had introduced him to. His eyes flicked to the side, smile widening when he saw Sirius not trying to hide his boredom in the slightest, simply braiding the front of his hair for the umpteenth time
“I mean it was bigger on the inside Moony! Just like the way our stuff is…” his attention was brought back to James, realising quickly was his friend was on about and nodding in agreement before he goes off on some conspiracy about how the show was written by a wizard and how he would crack the code
Remus zoned out again after that, eyes fixated on how his now cold tea sloshed around the mug once more. Lily was in the kitchen preparing dinner, he would help except he had already been ushered out by the redhead to entertain his friends while she waited on you coming with the cake
The duo had passed their finals you see, and were officially aurors. Something Remus was incredibly proud yet also slightly terrified of, considering these were the same two he’d watched preform questionable acts that made Remus himself question his own sanity
Either way he was excited for the cake, well cakes most likely, one vanilla and the other chocolate. He knew the chocolate was for his sake, he loved that, yet at the same time, sadly hated it as well. The added effort made him feel guilty, even after all these years, you still went that extra mile just for him
Everyone’s head shoots up and Remus finds himself being the first...and only to stand, cheeks heating as he can feel James’ smirk from behind while your brother remains ever oblivious
“Hey lil sis” Sirius grins at you “Like my hair” he bobs his head from side to side, the braid in the centre falling back and forth 
“Like it?” you grin back, letting out a laugh “You look like a depressed unicorn” you tease causing James and Remus to bark laughs
“Oh fuck off” Sirius laughs as well, starting to undo the braid
“Want me to help you with that?” James chips in, noticing the two bags your carrying and beginning to stand
Sirius seems like he’s ready to tell him no need and making some witty comment about you being a big girl just to tease before proceeding help you like he always did, but Remus speaks first
“I can help her, you two just relax” he says, walking up to you and taking one of the bags, soaking up the feeling of your softer fingers brushing against his own
“Thanks Rem” you smile up at him, hand finding his bicep and squeezing ever so gently
The act is small, friendly, yet his eyes flutter and as you turn away your scent engulfs the air and he feels light-headed. Following you into the kitchen like a lost puppy, whilst you’re none the wiser. 
“No funny business” Sirius calls out as you and he leave, earning a cackle from James, a giggle from you and one nervous chuckle from Remus
Entering the kitchen, you both find it empty, figuring Lily must have gone outside to hang washing or to the loo. In her absence you and he float around the kitchen with ease, falling into comfortable silence that was filled with little sparks whenever your hands or shoulders brushed
There were many reasons why you and he weren’t together, but as he grew older only two remained yet even those were lacking in times like these. 
The first, his lycanthropy. His self image had improved since Hogwarts, he’d never loved himself but he was as close as someone like him could get as the lingering fact that he would always be a monster remained. Not that you ever minded, you even helped like the others and your form beyond ironic, yet Remus couldn’t get over he could hurt you, potentially kill you if something ever went wrong. 
The second was clear from Sirius' last comment. You were his best friend's little sister, merlin, his ex-first crush's little sister, and said friend was very protective over you. More so as you and he had a similar personality, confident, flirty, laughed without a care and loved openly, with everything you had
You were a little kinder than Sirius was in his youth though. A prankster? Yes. Marauder? Honorary but yes, however you were never cruel, nor showed hate towards your younger brother for following your parents, and it was that fact which allowed Regulus to even make it out of there at all, something Sirius could never thank you nor apologise to him enough for
You were a ray of sunshine, and still were. Humming to yourself as you put the little candles on the cake. You were Remus’ sunshine too, always had been and always would be. He was known as a bit of a grump sometimes, shy and allergic to sunlight, the opposite of you, and yet in a perfect world you both were that, perfect, complemented each other wonderfully
But sadly Remus didn’t live in a perfect world
“Should I put an extra candle on Prongs’ cake just to piss off Siri?” you turn to him, a cheeky smirk playing on those pretty lips of yours… “Rem?”
“Hmm?” he snaps out of it, registering what you said and letting out a small laugh “If you don’t mind a cake to the face” 
That makes you giggle “You make a good point, wouldn’t want to ruin my clothes” you tell him before removing your long coat, revealing the cutest outfit but Remus’ eyes tracked to the necklace that was hidden just below the collar of your jumper, wondering if it was the one he gave you, the one you wore religiously throughout hogwarts
Just like everyone you never hide your affections towards him, that big heart of yours was placed safety in his hands by the time you were 15, and remain in them even after he rejected you. He still hated himself for it, the tear tracks he saw the following day on your smiling face was something he would never forgive himself for. 
He did like you back then, loved you even, but with his condition and your brother he simply couldn’t, of course he never told you as much the first time. It was the second he let it all out
It was the evening prior to your 18th birthday, you confessed you hadn’t had your first kiss yet and wanted to have it before turning 18. You asked him to do it, sweetly of course, with no pressure nor strings attached and he told you then, all of his fears and why he said no and would most likely always do
He said he’d still be your first kiss, he just wanted you to know and to that you kissed him, mere minutes before the clock struck 12, and then cuddled with him until you fell asleep, telling him you would be here when he was ready, because you loved him
You’d wait for him
That was 3 years ago now. One kiss, two confessions and yet zero advances from Remus nor yourself. He wondered if you were still waiting, you hadn’t dated anyone he knew of, hell Sirius was even hinting for you to find someone at this point, and yet you just shrugged it off and laughed, often turning the joke around on your brother. 
Remus found his heart ached if you were, feeling like he was dooming you, that you should be with someone that wasn’t a coward like him, wasn’t ill like him, wasn’t dangerous...yet he also terribly hoped you wouldn't, because it would simply destroy him
“You like it?” you ask, a bright smile on your face as you show off our outfit
His eyes drift over your appearance “It’s alright” he teases with a shrug
You gasp “No chocolate cake for you then Mr wolf” you point the serving utensil at him 
“And if i said you looked as beautiful as always miss bunny?” he corrects, overjoyed at the huge smile you wear
“Then your bunny would be inclined to give you one slice” you quip back but are clearly a little flustered, something Remus couldn’t help but pride himself in, bringing y/n black, the most confident girl he knew into a bashful bunny was his highest achievement, more so as it seemed he was the only one who could do such a thing
“What do I need to do to get two?” he counters before he feels his cheeks heat, finally registering that you called yourself his bunny
And I'm your wolf
You lift your head back from the cakes to him, a pondering look on your face “It have to be something real good” you shrug, earning a chuckle from him
Lily came back moments later, once again shooing Remus from the kitchen while you and her lit the candles. James and Sirius adored the surprise, and after having cake for lunch James and Lily went for an afternoon nap leaving Remus listening to you and Sirius bicker
“You are such a baby!” You snatch the control to the tv back 
“Am not!” Sirius tries to swipe it back but misses completely “Give. It. To. Me” he holds out his hand voice firm yet amused
“No” you giggle and put on the show you want
Remus chuckles at that, eyes focused on you and not the tv as he had the luxury of sitting in the armchair. Loving the smug and happy look on your face as you rolled your eyes and enjoyed your show
Sirius on the other hand slumps down on the couch next to you huffing as he crosses his arm “I’m older than you! I should get first dibs” he whinges
“Age is relative” you shrug
“It’s my day though! I passed a really hard test” he disputes trying to grab the controller again but misses and you lightly bonk him on the head with it “Ouch” he groans rubbing his head as if it actually hurt
“And you got cake” you hold your head high, loving the look on your brothers face without even needing to look at him, like you can just see the angsty pout
“Sis!” he whines like a little kid
“Siri!” you match his tone finally turning to him with the same energy yet yours is teasing
Remus’ laugh is louder this time attracting your brother's attention, who snaps his head towards him “Moony stop laughing and tell her!” he points at you, pleading to his friend
“Y/n” Remus looks at you, heart skipping as your eyes meet his, almost losing himself and would have if your brother wasn’t also watching
“Yes Rem?” you tilt your head, already smiling
“Good job” he can’t help the wink that follows, nor stop the smile as your eyes light up
Sirius however doesn’t notice the obvious tension and instead flips his friend off “Oh fuck you!” he excalims “You’re supposed to be on my side, bros before hoes and all that…wait…” as soon as it escapes his mouth he’s already bracing himself  
“Ugh excuse me?!” you gasp, not mad but pretending you are, picking up the pillow behind you and hitting him with it
“Bros before sisters…oi…I’m sorry!” Sirius corrects and apologies whilst taking the hits, laughing the entire time while Remus just watches the scene amused
“You better be” you say mildly threatening as you begin to tuck the pillow back behind your back
“She’s scar-hey!” Sirius starts whispering towards Remus but earns one final blow
You roll your eyes afterwards, throwing the control into your brother's lap “Here” you say and Sirius lets out a little yip in excitement “I need to go to the loo” you shrug, most likely knowing Sirius would steal it and change it anyway, and you weren’t feeling petty enough to bring the controller with you, so standing you head to the door but stop just before and turn back to ask “Rem? I’m not scary right?” you wonder, voice like you’re trying to score points against Sirius but Remus can see in your eyes you need some kind of assurance
“Course not” he says with the right about of playfulness and firmness, heart soaring when you give him the sweetest look and mouth ‘thank you’ before leaving
“Remus” his friend tries to get his attention,
Remus does hear him but chooses to still look out of the doorway you just left from
“Moony!” Sirius nudges him, foot moving over the armrest to do so
“Wha-hey” he pushes the foot away “Yeah pads?” his eyebrows furrow 
“You good?”
“Yeah. Grand” he nods a little quickly but Sirius doesn’t seem to mind, just smiles and picks up the control to change the tv to the channel he wanted
“You know...” Sirius starts and Remus is already eyeing him, he knows that you know “There’s this auror I met during training” oh maybe he’s met someone… “I think they’d be good for you” …for me
“Pads” he shakes his head, about to come up with some excuse when Sirius cuts him off
“No here me out” he shifts on the couch, hands up as to stop Remus from talking “Before you go off about hurting them or having to tell them, they’ve got lycanthropy just like you-”
“Pads” he shakes his head harder, voice a little hasher, sure he appreciated the effort but he loved you, and if he was honest, one depressed werewolf was bad enough, two together was just sad
“Come on moony” Sirius bounces up and down on the couch “Give him a chance he’s your type” he pleads
“Pads I’m flattered, really. I’m just not interested” he says softer, leaning down to lean his on his knees
“Why?” Remus repeats, a little confused
“Yeah” Sirius nods, looking oddly serious…sirius, not now moony “Give me one good reason not to set you up. And. I’ll give you this. If it’s really fucking good I’ll never try it again for the rest of our lives and I’ll drop the whole love life thing forever. You can die an old maid in peace”
“Really?” Remus tilts his head, surprised though be it mildly offended at being an old maid…gardening granny hermit was more fitting 
“I give you my word” Sirius says completely earnest
Remus stares at him for a moment, unsure what to do “If I tell you you have to promise not to punch me” he finally says and Sirius gives him a quizzical look
And then he chuckles “You know I can’t promise that but I will try to refrain from violence as best I can” Sirius assures, hand to his heart yet still eyes him, clearly confused over that it could possibly be...or how bad it could be that would cause him to hit his best friend
Remus takes a deep breath, needing a second to gather his courage, he’d never pictured he actually tell Sirius but maybe it might feel nice to say it out loud. He also knew one of two things would happen, he’d get his arse kicked and told never to make a move or else he’d be dead, or he’d get his arse kicked and encouraged to make a move.
And yes, there was no world Remus didn't believe Sirius would kick his arse
“I’m in love with someone and that’s why you can’t set me up” he tells him, deciding not to say it’s you because baby steps were easier
“Who?!” Sirius’ eyes light up, his confused and serious demeanour replayed with unbridled joy
“Well…” Remus cringes, heart heavy that his friend is so happy yet will turn murderous any second
Sirius seems to notice his hesitance, smile faltering to almost sadness as he says “Not me again, right?” he asks a little wary, in his right of course but clearly feeling bad if it is
Remus lets out a small laugh, shaking his head “Not you…” he starts and Sirius relaxes “...but...you’re close”
Sirius’ head moves back almost like a fly is in his face out of thought before his mouth drops “Reg!?” he asks, exclaims, screams, with every emotion related to shock and near horror
“Wha-no…no sirius no” he has to repeat just to assure his friend, who nods, letting out the biggest sigh in relief
“Thank fuck cause Reg is way to too similar to you and it just be weird you too together, like honestly so weird if you loved my brother” he makes a disgusted face, one that makes Remus’ stomach drop a little but then Sirius asks “Wait! Is it James?” in an almost hushed whisper
“Really?” Remus deadpans, blinking at his friend but really he should have guessed it would go like this
“Well he's the only other person like…oh hey sis” Sirius throws his hands up before his eyes double back on you re-entering the room, smiling away and Remus has to refriend from throwing his head back and actually screaming ‘are you serious!’
“Hi” your voice dips, knowing you interrupted something “What are you two girls gossiping about?” you start smiling, looking interested and Remus’ wants to make up some absurd lie but Sirius could never hold his water
“Moony’s love life” he answers simply, near excitedly actually but only Remus’ registers the way your happy interest sinks to shock and even hurt for a brief moment
“Oh…well I’ll leave you to it then” you recover quickly though your voice wavers “Don’t want to interrupt the girls talk!” you joke backing out of the room earning a ‘ha ha’ from Sirius before he turns back to Remus again
“So! Who is it then?” Sirius asks while Remus returns his attention he can’t help but want to get this over with, heart heavy you might be thinking he moved on and never told you “They’re the only people like me” Sirius adds with a pout
“How are you an auror?” Remus asks almost genuinely, like how can someone not connect those dots
“Rude” Sirius bobs his head, scrunching up his face “Just tell me who is it? I feel like it’s obvious…don’t scoff” he points “...stop beating around the bush Remus who is it?”
“It’s…” he almost blurts it out but refrains, voice much gentler when he reveals “It’s your sister”
Sirius stares at him blankly “Y/n?” he wears a funny smile as he confirms
“Yes” Remus nods
“Y/n?” he somehow needs further confirmation but he’s no longer smiling
“Yes” Remus nods again but his voice is much less confident
“My baby sister, y/n? The one that was just here?” he motions to the door
“What other one do you have?” Remus says out loud but it’s really to himself, floating between astonishment and gearing himself for an arse whooping
Sirius still looks like he doesn’t know how to react though, and instead asks “How long?”
“Since…” Remus himself has to think, a part of him was always soft on you “End of fifth year?” he guesses
That unleashes the fury in his friends eyes, and Remus literally jumps back in his seat, feet on the cushions as Sirius half launches to the end of the couch “You’ve been dating her since fifth year!” he points, eyeing him like he better be joking
“No!” Remus shakes his head “We aren’t dating Sirius…we’ve never dat-dated” his words slow down in the end, chest aching at the thing he was responsible for not being true
Sirius settles back on the couch, sitting on his knees “Wait. So you’re in love with her but never made a move because…” his tone goes up at the end but seeing Remus expression as he slowly sit back down properly in the chair tells him everything “Me?” Sirius points to himself
“You were a major player yeah” he confesses 
Sirius looks sad at that, almost guilty “Oh…and she hasn’t dated anyone either because she’s also in love with you and you’ve got…some Romeo…Juliet forbidden pinning thing going on over here?”
“Kind of?” Remus shrugs, honestly he didn’t know how to define it but Sirius’ version was as good a way as any
“Mate this is gonna sound weird coming from me but why didn’t the two of you sneak around or confess or something?” he asks, and he’s right it is weird but still a valid question
“She did ask me out when we were younger but…” Remus closes his eyes about to say he rejected you but as he opens them Sirius is throwing a pillow at him “What the-! Sirius!” he groans as the pillow’s zip hits him square in the face
“You said no!” Sirius slaps the arm rest of couch, looking both shocked and annoyed to which Remus looks at him baffled jumping back onto the chair, squatting
“You were angry a minute ago at the idea of me dating her!” 
“And I still am but I'm more pissed that you rejected her!” he admits like it’s obvious
“You’re confusing as all hell ya know that?”
“Yes” again obvious “But you’re a complete knob moony! Utter idiot. She’s perfect. Why would you say no? Serious-me moony I can’t fathom why you could even-” he’s cut off
“For the same reasons you thought I didn’t want set up” Remus counters
Sirius’ face softens immediately, the realisation taking over “Moons”
“Don’t moons me" Remus drops back into the seat but Sirius is already standing and making his way over "I don’t want your pity”
“Well you’re getting it prick” Sirius argues as he trys to plop himself beside him on the chair
“Wank” Remus grumbles letting Sirius join him before trying to resist the embrace “Pads no”
“Pads yes” Sirius eventually wraps his arms around him “Take the hug you silly wolf”
It doesn’t take much for Remus to melt into it, the sides of their heads leaning on the other and the hug last a few minutes before Remus speak up “Thanks” he says, earning a chaste kiss to the temple from Sirius before he pulls back
“You should tell her” Sirius states while Remus just looks at him in shock “Tell her” 
“Pads, I’m a…”
Nope not this time
“Don’t give me that bullshit” he scolds “She knows what you are and she loves you. I might have been blind as a bat but I know my little sister and she would never judge you. She can look after herself and boy will she take pride in looking after you even when you don’t want it”
Remus knows he's right, of course he is, you're perfect in everyday and he's be a liar if he's never imagined you caring for him every full moon...merlin who was he kidding, every night he imagined you beside him, he even had a designated y/n pillow he hugged into
“I know. But...Sirius if I did and she said yes I'd feel like I’m depriving her of something” he sighs, thinking about all you would have to give up
“You already are” Sirius gives him a sad smile “Actually” his head tilts “You’re depriving yourself too” his nose crunches in a you know I’m right kinda way
“Of what?” he asks even if he knows the answer
“Love” he says simply “The kind those two idiots have upstairs, the kind our girls Marlene and Dorcas have…the kind even a playboy like me is looking for” he admits and Remus chuckles in a surprised yet happy shock “Moons?”
“Go get her”
And he does, or at least heads out to find you with the intention of doing so…baby steps remember?
He finds you sitting on one of the swings in the garden, gently swaying back and forth as you stare up at the canopy above. He takes a moment of shameless admiration, adoring the way the golden tones from the sinking sun hit your skin, bringing an almost ethereal glow to someone he already deemed an angel
Just as he was about to gain your attention one of your hands leave the rope, moving to fiddle with your necklace. Remus’ eyes hone in on the pendant, wearing a thankful smile as he realises it’s the one he gifted you. You still wore it, and if you still wore it then his chances were much better
“Hey” he says softly, drawing your attention
“Hi Rem” you greet, smiling a little funny while you slip the necklace back beneath your jumper
He walks up to the swing that was big enough for two, in fact, four could squeeze on it if they tried hard enough…yes, it was trailed and tested resulting in two broken arms yet no broken swing deeming it an absolute win by James and Marlene...and yes they were the two with the broken arms
“Scoot” he shoos you over, earning a cute huff from you but you do as he says “Why you out here?” he wonders sitting down, your thighs touching “Aren't you cold?” 
You shake your head “Not cold” you say just as a gust of wind comes and you hug yourself “Okay maybe a little bit” you admit with a small giggle
He chuckles, he was a tad cold himself, should have brought a jacket and definitely should have brought one for you...though it did give him the excuse to do this
“Here” his arm comes around your shoulders, encouraging you to lean into him but really it doesn’t take much, in fact he’s sure you were already doing so “Better?”
“Yeah” you hum
“So what are you doing out here?” he asks again, leaning forward to see you, heart fluttering as you meet his eyes looking through your eyelashes 
“Needed some air” you shrug gifting him a quick smile
He doesn’t buy it, you sound and look too sad, but he accepts it for now, not pushing as his gut tells him it has something to do with earlier “Would you like me to go? Or do you want company?” he checks, praying for the latter
“No please stay” your hand finds his as your head turns into his chest “You’re warm” you add, he can feel the smirk and finds himself smiling
“That all I am?” he inquires
“No but for now you are” you answer simply, both of you knowing those words most likely have deeper meaning
“If I'm warm then what does that make you bun?” he asks in a semi teasing tone yet your answer is anything but that
“I’m yours” you tell him, meeting his eyes and looking right into what feels like his soul, your voice unlike anything he’s heard 
“And I’m yours” he finds himself saying, a warm smile on his face as he sees your eyes widen and light up, it turns a little sceptical though, a funny kind as you eye him and so he repeats it “I’m all yours bunny”
“Really?” you bite your lip
“Really” he nods, hand moving to cup your cheek, thumb flicking gently over it
"For real?" you continue to check
"For real"
"Like..." you begin but he cuts you off with a chuckle
“But Siri said you were talking about your love life?” you wince a little and he can’t blame you, the thought of you moving on would kill him too
He shakes his head “I told him” he says, hand slipping from your cheek to take yours
“About…” your head tilts before you slowly point to yourself mouthing ‘me?’
He nods
“And you’re alive?” you laugh, joking but also a little serious
“Well he was a tad upset when he thought we were dating…then got way more upset and threw a pillow at me when he realised I…well…rejected you” he whispers the last part, looking down and feeling stupid for ever doing so now
Yet you giggle a little at it, shifting around on the swing to straddle it instead to look at him and he copies “Remus?” your other hand cups over your intertwined ones
“If I asked again would you say yes now?”
His heart bursts, suppressing his smile and urge to kiss you in order to counter you with “If I asked would you say yes?”
“Maybe” you shrug, smile turning cheeky before you slip your hands out of his and cup both of his cheeks “It’s always been a yes” you confirm
“I’m sorry I made you wait” he apologies, leaning into your touch and closing his eyes, only opening them again as he feels you gently pull him towards you
“Remus, you were always worth the wait. I’ve loved you since we were teens...” you lean in and kiss his nose “...I love you now...” you kiss both of his cheeks “and I will…mhm”
He cuts you off, unable to wait any longer as he attaches his lips to yours. It’s not harsh, or rushed, it’s soft, sweet, your lips moving in time with one another. It's the perfect…second kiss
“Impatient wolf” you say when you part
“Good thing I’ve got one patient bunny” his hand cups your cheek, thumb moving over your lips, pulling down the bottom just a bit before it returns to your cheek “I love you” 
Your eyebrows raise, features softening as you close your eyes, the biggest smile creeping across your face
“Still with me bunny?” he kisses your temple, hand moving back to your hair line, fingers sweeping softly across it
“Yeah” you open your eyes, your hand comes up to cup over his “Just happy”
“Me too” he says before leaning on once more but you stop him, finger to his lips breifly before you grin at him "What?" he asks, chuckling a little before letting out a hearty laugh at your answer
"You've earned all the slices of cake now"
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Thank you for reading ♡
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jopetkasi · 2 months
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phone rings at 5am...
new guy: chia diaw lo ba? (have you eaten?)
me: be pa. kana? (not yet why?)
new guy: lan be ki Pancake House lo? (let's go to Pancake House)
me: this early? to-loo? (where?)
new guy: chi-ge BF lo. si kwait ten, khui chi-tiam cha ki. (in BF the resto opens at 7am)
while in the car i asked him why all of a sudden he conversed in Chinese which we never did.
new guy: exactly, because we never converse in Chinese. you need to practice puro "hua-na" (pinoys) friends mo.
me: but i am only "cho-siya" (half chinese) and nothing wrong if my friends are pinoys. I'm pinoy.
new guy: but your mom is Taiwanese right? and ikaw din diba you were born there.
me: change topic please? not feeling the alice guo vibes this early.
kaya pala ako dinala sa pancake house kasi me eat all you can waffles, chicken and spaghetti. ako naman, sinulit ko. like i had two servings of the waffle plates and went for a third plate for the pasta. again, wala na ako pake if ma turn off sya kung malakas ako kumain.
new guy: kumain ka lang. yan ganyan. alam mo naman diba na pag plump ang cheeks ibig sabihin ma swerte yan.
me: .................
and when the tables beside us were occupied he started speaking from Hookien to Mandarin. and to be honest, I felt uncomfortable because it felt rude and parang you are making your presence "felt" but that was just me. i wanted to cut him off but arguing at 7 in the morning is like inviting malas for the rest of the day. I am sticking to my good feng shui.
after eating he brought me to pasig since I have work. he came back around 5 since I do not have a car and will need a ride home.
i finally had the courage to tell him that I felt he appeared arrogant this morning with all the Chinese impressions. i told him unless it is very important or if we are alone, then we can converse but if we are in public or with my friends we will talk in tagalog.
and he was quiet during the drive home.
later on, he did apologize.
the more we meet, the more we reveal our true colors. some are green some are red flags. and to think undefined pa status namin.
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babbymochiiii · 6 months
Thanks for the Doyoung scenario I requested!! It's so cute~~
How about Hendery scenario based on that song: https://youtu.be/nZ5SfoLB5yA?si=vcrtVeWXFfXZperG (It's popular these days...)
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Pairing: incubus Hendery x afab reader
Synopsis: you swear you've seen him everywhere you go! Walking down the street, on the bus, wherever you are at he is there...but meeting him for the first time, officially, you find out he’s only just getting a hang of his new job.
Link: Don’t Go Insane by DPR Ian
Warnings: suggestive-ish
Word count: 929 words
Requested by @sadfragilegirl
Author’s note: thank you for requesting again hon! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing! I’ve been dying to write something for Hendery but couldn’t think of what and you came in clutch !! 😩🙏🏼
Divider credit @animatedglittergraphics-n-more 💕
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You swear you’re not going insane… 
I mean, you think you’re seeing his face everywhere you go but…how can that possibly be happening when you’ve been seeing him in your dreams.  
You were walking down the street when you could’ve sworn you saw him. He even smiled at you! But when you turned around to see if it was him, he wasn’t there anymore.  
Not wanting to think about it anymore, you quickly made your way home.  
You felt your breastbone move up and down hastily as you got behind your closed apartment door. Locking it as if he followed you back home.  
It’s just your figment of imagination… 
You said to yourself as you placed a hand on your chest to calm down your ragged breathing.  
You walk towards your living room. Placing your bag onto the coffee table before you threw yourself onto the couch, covering your eyes as you tried to think of anything expect of him.  
After a while you feel yourself falling asleep. You know you shouldn’t fall asleep especially with not eating or cleaning yourself up, but you were extremely tired, and you couldn’t hold back the pull that sleep was giving you.  
Without any fight, you fall asleep.  
As darkness wrapped around you, you felt completely at ease until warm hands started to glide gently around your body. It was almost as if they weren’t there.  
You felt yourself jolt awake and look above you where you can see the owner of the hands.  
“YOU!” You screamed out as you pushed yourself to the other end of the couch.  
The look of being caught off guard was on the mysterious man’s face as he looked at you. A small blush heated his face, but he recovered quickly in the blink of an eye, as if he wasn’t fazed at all.  
“Hello.” He said with a soft expression that you knew it was all an act.  
“Who are you? Actually—“you said as you have him a suspicious glance as you narrowed your eyes. “—what are you?”  
A smirk broke out on his face. “Well first off my name is Hendery.” He said as he gave you a mocked bow. “And I’m an incubus.”  
“That makes sense.”  
“I’m here to eat away at your— what?” The demon named Hendery said as he gave you a confused look with a tilt of his head.  
“Well…it just makes sense. Like you’re only supposed to be around me in my dreams, but I see you everywhere. Which is honestly unheard of for an incubus.”  
A fierce blush takes over his face as he looks at you then to his shoes. “To be honest I’m new to all this. And though I’m not supposed to be letting you see me while you’re awake…I just wanted to see you.”  
“You’re a new incubus?” You teased as you gave him a wide smile.  
“I-I am.” He said flustered that you teased him. 
“Awe! That’s so cute!” You gushed at him as you went over to where he was and pinched his cheeks.  
A gasp resounds out of him as he slaps your hand away from his cheek. “Woman!” 
“Hey! Don’t be rude.” You pouted as you gave him an accusing look.  
“I am a demon! I’m not cute, nor do you need to pinch my cheek!” he huffs as he crosses his hands over his chest.  
An amused chuckle escapes you before you can conceal it. 
"Why are you laughing?" Hendery whined as he gave you a look that you swore seemed he was going to cry.  
"I'm not just..." you trailed off as you felt another laugh bubbling up and trying to escape your throat. "it's just it's hard to believe that you're an incubus when you act the way you do." you said as you felt a giggle escape.  
"I think it gives me personality." He said with a shrug.  
"Right...personality." you mumbled as you gave him a teasing smile.  
"Well, this personality got to fuck you so." He said as a smirk as he watched the way your face flushed at what he said.  
"I— you know what, get out."  
"Get out?" Hendery laughed as he placed a hand on his hand as if mocking offense. "Baby, you're stuck with me." He says as he gives you a devilish smirk.  
"Stuck with you? How?"  
"That's just how us incubus work princess." Hendery teased as he gave you a mocked look of sympathy.  
"Do I gotta get a witch in here to get you out of my life? Like I didn't ask for an incubus to come into my life." you said as you took hold of your phone and started to look into how you can get this man — well demon out of your life permanently.  
"Hate to break it to you princess but you're the one that summoned me here."  
"I— I did what?" you asked. There was no way this was true. How is it possible that you're the one that summoned him. This must be some sort of demon trick. "You're lying to me."  
"Demon don't lie. We speak the truth sweetheart." He said with an unreadable expression.  
"But you spin the truth..."  
"Always." He said with a smirk on his face.  
"So, I'm stuck with you then?"  
"That you are princess." He said as he gave you a smirk. 
Seeing the way the demon named Hendery looked at you right now, how are you not going to feel insane knowing that you have a demon companion? 
Only time will tell. 
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l3x01d · 6 months
98' Furby Battery Contact Replacement/Repair Guide
What you'll need:
soldering iron, flux, 60/40 leaded solder, related safety equipment
size 1 bit Phillips-head screwdriver
needlenose pliers
new battery contacts (the little metal parts inside the battery compartment that touch the batteries) for AAs (the ones i ended up using i got on ebay and were called "Battery Spring Plate AA Battery Contact Nickel Plate 28mmx12mm for DIY 20 Pcs")
q-tips and very very thin/small disposable make up brushes (i found some marketed as stirrers for drinks or resin)
very thin/sharp pry tool or xacto (depends on how corroded the contacts are! you might not need this)
**If you're using this guide for other electronics: Pay attention to what each contact looks like and where it's placed. Take many pictures both close up and far away to help you later! The point is to try and recreate the contacts as exactly as possible. The most important part is that the batteries "contact" (touch) the metal. If there's multiple parts to the compartment (like on this furby) there should be metal connecting all the parts. This will become easier to understand as you read this guide.
This is xXToh-Loo the VoideaterXx! They've been hanging out on my work table while I worked up to changing their heavily corroded battery contacts.
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I'm not gonna go over skinning them since there's so many guides/videos already online. I didnt think of doing this guide until after i finished so the pictures are of new/clean contacts. Sorry for any confusion this causes! step 1. open the battery compartment
step 2. clean whatever you can. i have no pictures of this but i used a combination of scraping the corrosion off with my xacto and cleaning it up with isopropyl soaked q-tips. ive heard white vinegar works really well but ive never used it. if you use white vinegar be careful not to get it inside the rest of the furby! also wipe it down after with water. (making sure its VERY dry before putting batteries inside. use distilled if at all possible. your water may have sediments or metals that could interfere with the batteries)
step 3. bend up the metal that connects the top right side of the contacts. wiggle them until they detach from the compartment. used an exacto or something similar to help with this if they're really stuck. be patient! this might take a while. ****If they really won't budge dont give up! You might need to scrape along the inside edge of the metal [or where you think the metal should be if theyre really rusted/corroded] with your exacto until you dig out a lot of the rust/corrosion. Then try and stab it repeatedly almost like slicing a bagel along the whole side inbetween the metal and plastic. Be careful not to hurt the plastic. Wiggle the exacto side to side all along the edge to break it free.*** Remove and dispose of the old contacts.
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step 4. using the xacto and pliers do a similar thing to the other side. there are no metal flaps on this side so it requires more patience but keep going! i promise you'll get it out just be careful. once you get it detached from the back grip the spring with your pliers and pull it out that way.
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Step 5. Do the same for the inner right side of the battery compartments. These are unique in that they have a long metal part coming off of the contacts. Remember this for later. You may have to open the casing to remove this part? I cant exactly remember. Just be careful and slow. I go over taking the casing off later on.
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Ignore the rest of the contacts for now! Clean everything again to the best of your ability. It's time to take off the casing. There's six screws, two halves of the casing, and one back sensor button. Be careful taking the halves apart! There are speaker wires and I will detail how to do so.
Step 6. Take all six screws and the sensor button out. Keep them together!! They're small and rolly.
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Step 7. Take off the casing. Start with the "pet" sensor facing you. Take off the Left casing completely. Crack the Right side a bit until you see the speaker. Grip both wires firmly. Tug it a little to get it out. It shouldn't take much pressure at all. Let the speaker hang and take off the Right casing.
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If you tilt your furby up you'll see this spring. be carful with it! mine fell out so you might want to consider taking it out and putting it with your screws.
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Pretty much the whole rest of this guide involves soldering. It's annoying but not something that will risk any electronics being destroyed so it's actually a pretty good beginner project.
Step 8. Turn on your soldering iron. Get your safety gear on.
Step 9. Desolder the wires on the side of the contacts and remove the contacts. You might have to really work at these ones! These were the worst ones in mine in terms of corrosion. Make sure there's no corrosion left on the wires. Be careful not to damage the wires with the iron.
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Step 10. Clean the compartment again and make sure to get any corrosion on the internals (if there is any! mine didnt have any)
Step 11. Cut the tab off of one of the sets of contacts you have. Keep it and put it aside. Put this in the top Left slot in the compartment. Make sure to put the spring in the - slot and the dome in the + slot.
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Step 12. Cut one of the contacts in half along the tab. Keep the tab on the spring side. Put it in the top Right slot in the - side. Bend the tab to secure it.
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Step 13. Put the dome from the contacts you cut in half in the Left + slot. Put the tab BEHIND it and bend it to secure them. The domes on the contacts I got don't go out very far so I have to get creative.
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Step 14. Cut two more contact sets in half. Cut a strip alll the way down the middle including the tab. Keep these strips for the next step.
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Step 15. Solder one strip to the spring side a tabs width inside of the square. The strip should line up with the indent when placed into the compartment.
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Step 16. Solder the second strip to the middle of the dome square. Solder another dome ontop of that to ensure the battery makes contact.
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Step 17. Place these new contacts into the bottom right of the compartment.
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Step 18. Cut another contact in half. Cut another strip off the bottom of a full contact set and THEN cut that contact in half. Solder the strips into the middle of the full spring and dome squares. Place them into the bottom Left of the compartment making sure the strips are through the hole that goes to the internals of the furby.
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Step 19. Bend and trim both strips on the inside of the furby. Solder the wires to the bent strips. (Step 9 has a good pic of what its supposed to look like) Shove the second cut dome square behind the soldered in one in the compartment to ensure battery contact.
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Make sure the metal contacts touches all the batteries and both long metal ends in the bottom right touches both top right bent tabs when the compartment is closed. It should now work perfectly! Put some batteries in and have fun. : ]
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The newest helluva boss episode has got a lot of people theorizing what happened between blitz and his twin sister, Barbie wire that has caused barbie to want nothing to do with her brother when she is one of the few people besides loona that he cares about.
Some say he burned down the circus from a solo act gone wrong that killed his parents, made fizzorali lose his limbs and made barbie get addicted to drugs to cope with the loss of her career and family and why blitz is hated.
But I have a different theory of what happened which led to Barbie’s addiction and how blitz came to have many toxic relationships.
To me, it all started with Fizzorali; and the twist, he never lost his limbs to an accident, but gave them up willingly. As we know fizz is a popular clown who was once blitz’s best friend until things went wrong, and I think it happened when he meets mammon the demon king of greed. As his popularity grew it seems mammon found out about fizz and wanted to make him a deal to make him a star, and with blitz and Barbie’s dad cash he would be more than willing to have the circus be run with his star clown with the king of greed banking them.
But as fizz’s popularity grew, so did his own greed and he begins to become snarky with blitz and condescends him for not being good enough, something that burns him inside as that’s what his dad always did. In season 1 episode 2 when octavia was a little girl we saw the robot fizz and blitz was working there still, and what noticed is that he didn’t have his white scars so the accident didn’t happen yet at that point. And since loo loo land existed back then is can imply that cash and fizz signed a contract with mammon to turn the family circus into loo loo land with fizz being the star, while blitz becomes resentful of fizz for not only always stealing the spotlight but also becoming a jerk who thinks he’s better than everyone else and is no longer the sweet kid he was, with fizz starting to taunt him with, “Does anyone love you, Blitzo?”
Which then leads to the second tragedy that eventually leads to the family circus, and the family, ending.
In the past we saw a poster with blitz and barbie as acrobats with their own show called “the amazing imp twins”, showing that barbie wanted blitz to be a star and, besides their mother, was the one who supported him and like blitz was disgusted by what fizz has become since she would have known since childhood as well.
Barbie would be considered the circus’s second star with blitz’s acrobatic abilities getting more recognition, but that wouldn’t enough for their father as fizzorali tells him that he’s cutting him out of the deal and buying out the circus entirely and kicking him and the others out.
Desperate and angry, he would become dependent on barbie, and as he trains her hard every time he eventually comes across a drug that is said to enhance your energy and help perform better; H-8.
Eventually barbie starts to become dependent on the drugs and it starts effecting her performance, and she eventually starts taking more drugs to cope with the stress. It becomes so bad that blitz would try to do solo acts whenever barbie was out of commission, which always ended in a disaster. And at that point he had no idea that cash got his sister addicted to drugs.
Then it all came to a head when one night during a performance, barbie started slipping up in her acrobatic routine and that was when blitz finds out about not only the drug abuse, but also H-8 that their father constantly forced her to take. To say blitz was furious is an understatement as he and Cash get into a altercation and learns that fizz took away the family circus and Cash was making his sister the new cash cow.
As barbie started going haywire from the drugs the people thought it was part of the show and started laughing, making blitz lose it like he did on the sitcom as he remembered how he adopted loona and how scared and alone she was as he blamed himself for not knowing what his sister suffered.
Which leads to blitz giving his dad and fizz the ultimate F you and quitting the circus and disowning his father: he burns it down and finds a gun, pointing it at a flabbergasted cash trying to reason with his enraged son, only for blitz to say in a cold tone, “the O is silent!” And pulls the trigger, making his father his first kill.
Afterwards he takes barbie to rehab in hopes in getting her clean, but she becomes enraged thinking he’s abandoning her and tells him he’s just like their dad and fizzorali and that she put in the hard work for her routines and, ultimately, ruined her career. He was hurt but assumed it’s the drugs making her say those things, but the nurse knew in this situation blitz had to be away from her so she can recover even though what happened to her wasn’t his fault as their father had scarred both his children who have cut ties with the circus.
This also leads to blitz having trust issues as fizzorali betrayed him in the worst way, and his father for what he did to his sister and why he keeps people at arms length as he fears the same thing will happen again, but also believes he will hurt them the same way his father did or fail them like he did barbie.
Which is what’s happening with him and stolas.
What do you guys think?
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askharvestheart · 1 year
Sketches of the Peach Family
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I am updating some looks. Adding more detail, changing some things. Doing some new ideas. Two redesigns and two new family members!
Sweetie Heart: An albino pony who has to work at night due to their sensitivity to sunlight. Their eyes glow bright red in the dark causing rumors that a wandering spirit roams the southern orchard at night. While not the strongest stallion, he diligently does their job and wishes one day to become a professional chef. Sweetie attempts to avoid all conflict and is very socially awkward due to only going out at night causing him to never talk to many other ponies besides his own family.
Grandpa Pitt: The owner of the orchards. While a strict and prude business man who will always look for new ways to make a profit, he is a kind and caring grandfather who wishes only the best for his family.
Sulsys (Soul-Sis) Lunin (Loo-Nin): Sister to Henry H Heart and aunt to Harvest and Peach Sunrise, Sulsys is a mysterious woman who shows up from time to time bringing odd trinkets and presents with her. Supposedly a well traveled woman of culture, she claims to know over 15 different languages and have met aliens from other planets. She makes a career by performing seances, taro card readings, and hoof readings along with providing medicinal and magical healing.
Peachy Keen: A young cousin to Harvest and Peach Sunrise, Peachy is a simple pony. They enjoy tinkering with machines and is attempting to make automated systems for their farm to help with the harvest. While generally keeping the tractors and other farm equipment up and running, Peachy’s is always traveling to the city to look at the new electronics and technology to keep up to date. Peachy always tries to hide their face because they are ashamed of how they look.
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kaicrose · 5 months
How Black athletes are negatively Represented and mistreated by the media.
Black athletes both men and women, have been negatively represented and mistreated by the media for as long as people of color have been able to play sports without segregation. From Football, soccer, tennis and baseball just to name a few  black athletes have been victims from the media. My first example of this is when Jackie Robison became the first African American to play in the MLB in the modern era. This was in 1947 which was before the Civil rights movement. Robison had faced many death threats to his family and to himself and was even threatened by opposing teams just based on skin color. According to Andscape.com “Baseball writers were far more comfortable dressing up in blackface and speaking in black dialect during their skits at their annual banquet than in writing about racism. They used racial pejoratives and stereotypes in print and in conversation. Shirley Povich, who was one of the relatively few mainstream sportswriters who advocated for blacks in baseball, was asked why so few white sportswriters called for the end of the color line. “I’m afraid the sportswriters were like the club owners,” he said. “They thought separate was better.” Obviously in today's world we have moved past segregation in sports and as a country but I think this is a great example to start with to show that this has been around for a while. 
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In 2018 Lebron James had a 17 minute interview alongside Kevin Durant with ESPN. According to an article from NPR.com “James discussed family, personal growth and the challenges that come with being black and a public figure in America — including his reaction to the racial slur that was graffitied on his Los Angeles home last May. He also discussed politics and President Trump”. So clearly lebron is speaking out about things that have happened to him recently that were hateful and he was also talking about how president trump had said some questionable and shocking things he had said. In the interview Lebron stated "The No. 1 job in America, the appointed person is someone who doesn't understand the people," the athlete said at one point during the interview, adding that some of the president's comments are "laughable and scary." As we see here Lebron James who is one of the biggest Black athletes on the planet and maybe of all time is practicing his 1st amendment right. Laura Ingrahm from fox news had some rude things to say about lebron like that he was barely “intelligible”, and “ungrammatical.” She then finishes the segment by saying "It's always unwise to seek political advice from someone who gets paid $100 million a year to bounce a ball," she said. "Keep the political comments to yourselves. ... Shut up and dribble." This obviously challenged Lebrons intelligence as a black man and the comment of shut up and drip in my opinion had some racist undertones. Laura Ingrahm had actually gotten called out for her comments on defending Drew Brees a couple years ago as Drew brees made his politcal commets public. Laura had nothing to say about Brees. Drew Brees is also a white man.   
Here is the link to her speaking-https://youtu.be/AlHuaOIvRLY?si=QDFA1kN4EUTbCBtW 
Respone about Drew Brees - https://youtu.be/ege-lfF-TIA?si=hUmO7Zg8mLLArvIL
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Serena Williams is one of greatest Tennis players ever to play the sport. If you have watched any sports news channel the last 15 years odds are you have seen a headline of Serna dealing with racism abuse online. She has also dealt with issues involving the French Open on what she could and can’t wear. In 2012 a man named David Leonard who was the chair of the department of critical culture, gender, and race studies at Washington State University decided to record tweets and comments after she had won her 5th Wimbledon title. Some of the awful things that he found during this process where things such as “Serena Williams look like a man with tits, it's only when she wears weave she looks female tbh, what a HENCH BOLD GORILLA!,” “I don't see how in the hell men find Serena Williams attractive?! She looks like a male gorilla in a dress, just saying!”. Not only is she being called a gorilla which is already messed up and racist on its own there are comments on the way she looks saying she looks like a  “Male” . David Lenord also states “The racism that underlies the characterizations of her as hypersexual, aggressive, and animalistic also means that when she dares to express frustration, she's stamped with the infamous "angry black woman" stereotype.” If we are being honest we do not see this type of hate towards white women in the sport and this is a prime example of mistreatment from the media and sexism is also demonstrated. 
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In 2020 the UEFA Euros took place. It was England Vs. Italy. This is one of the largest soccer tournaments on the planet. The Game ended up going to penalties as the result of the game ended up in a draw. 3 out of the 5 people who took the penalties were black. All 3 of them unfortunately missed their penalties. There was already a stereotype online that black soccer players are not good at penalties. The problem with online racism and hate towards black soccer players in media is so bad when was watching it live I already knew that the young men Marcus Rashford, 23, Jadon Sancho, 21, and Bukayo Saka, 19, where going to be victims of mistreatment and to be negatively represented by the media. The abuse online was getting so bad that the government was getting involved. Fans that were caught making abusive comments towards the players were facing bans from stadiums and games for the rest of their lives. Marcus Rashford had released a statement saying "I can take critique of my performance all day long... but I will never apologize for who I am and where I came from,". Comments that were made about the players stemmed from fans calling them monkeys and other racial slurs like the N word. Along with these comments there was plenty of talk about how black people are not good at penalties and this is an example of black athletes being negatively represented.  
Here is a video of the Penalty shootout- https://youtu.be/QwvV06FvXbg?si=soHNWeBsENqieMwc 
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Black athletes are subjected to negative representation by the media and are often mistreated as well. I hope this Blog has informed you of moments where black athletes have been treated negatively. Things have gotten a lot better since when Jackie Robinson was around and I hope to continue to see improvements in the treatment and representation of black athletes. 
Works Cited
Desmond-Harris, Jenée. “Serena Williams Is Constantly the Target of Disgusting Racist and Sexist Attacks.” Vox, 11 Mar. 2015, www.vox.com/2015/3/11/8189679/serena-williams-indian-wells-racism. 
England’s Black Players Face Racial Abuse after Euro 2020 Defeat | Reuters, www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-pm-johnson-condemns-racist-abuse-england-soccer-team-2021-07-12/. Accessed 1 May 2024. 
Lamb, Chris. “The White Media Missed the Significance of Jackie Robinson.” Andscape, Andscape, 22 Feb. 2021, andscape.com/features/the-white-media-missed-the-significance-of-jackie-robinson/. 
“Shut up and Dribble- (Full Video).” YouTube, 23 Feb. 2018, youtu.be/AlHuaOIvRLY?si=QDFA1kN4EUTbCBtW. Sullivan, Emily. “Laura Ingraham Told Lebron James to Shut up and Dribble; He Went to the Hoop.” NPR, NPR, 19 Feb. 2018, www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/19/587097707/laura-ingraham-told-lebron-james-to-shutup-and-dribble-he-went-to-the-hoop.
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Hii I hope ye app simran tak pocha do because her anon is off I can't send her this I think u are close to her so
I am sorry if I make her uncomfortable but I just wanted to tell her I am new to desiblr so I don't know the rules etc.
Simran I was just scrolling through Tumblr and I found ur blog I feel blessed to came across ur blog I mean i am a aspiring writer I may write my book in future and tbh I am not really into English language but u are one the few blogs here whose content I really loved every piece of literature u wrote is literally piecing through my heart
I am sorry I am not a creep I just loved you and your posts I am shy to come without anon
But u are my inspiration and I will surely be ur anon well-wisher believe me u should write a book and I will the first buyer of it 💜
Lots of love
awww so sweet 😭💗💗💗
@alhad-si-simran loo jii apkee pyaare pyaare mutualss kitna pyaar karte h aapse😢par sbse zyda mai karti hu
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casitafallz · 2 years
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Decay AU | A slight lease of life.
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Mirabel’s eyes watched curiously as Isabela wandered. It wasn’t vacant wandering but had a slight pattern of weaving through the courtyard banisters with her lulo juice, stop and face the door out then do the whole loop again.
Unusual behavior; sort of like how a puppy waits for it’s owner. It wasn’t hard to figure out; she was waiting for someone to take her out of Casita. Mirabel cocked her head though quickly reconsidered her thought; this was exactly like how a puppy would act.
It was funny but… also kind of sad.
Isabela looked bored and as a social butterfly herself, Mirabel understood the urge to want to leave. To be around people, at least she did. Isabela was more or less an introvert at this point… it was sad to think of all the friends her sister had lost.
It gave her a pang in her chest.
Her eyes followed as Isabela walked away with her empty glass, back to the kitchen before she padded softly down the steps, edging towards the doorway.
Was she nervous?
She could feel the upkeep pace of her heart in her chest but she didn’t want to listen to it. She had to start somewhere with her sister… even if Isabela was ignoring her and… also keeping her distance. Mirabel wasn’t stupid and despite Abuela’s assurance; nothing between her and Isabela was right. The family was broken… they needed to heal… that had to start with her? Right?
“You can stop staring at me.” Isabela’s voice called, echoing in the empty space.
Mirabel jumped a little but forced herself to step inwards; a part of her suddenly very aware that…this was the first time in two months that they were alone together.
“Sorry.” Mirabel apologized, her eyes seeking to see Isabela beside the cold room’s doorway, putting away a fresh jug of juice. “I just… wanted to see you.”
Isabela’s hand paused at the handle as she went to close it. “You…see me at breakfast, lunch, and dinner?”
Mirabel shrugged, anxiously wiping her sweaty hands onto her skirt. “I know… that’s not what I meant.”
Isabela didn’t reply, just picked up her glass and leaned back onto the side, and idly sipped it.
“So…” Mirabel tried again, “Did… Tio and Tia talk about decorations for Antonio’s ceremony next week?”
Isabela shrugged, “Not properly. I…plan to do some mock ups for them first before Abuela approves or disproves them most likely.”
There was a sour undertone that made Mirabel wince a little. Yes, Abuela. The restraint of her sister’s gift was… hard. Not just for Isabela but she knew Abuela wanted Isa to keep things basic. Basic was safe in her eyes and…Mirabel wanted to agree with that but… where was the fun in that? Mirabel had heard from Luisa and her mother with worrying concerns about the new plants Isa was now capable of creating.
She had never seen any of it.
Mirabel wanted to.
It had to be amazing.
She wanted to peek into this new room Isabela had but hadn’t dared venture to it and… she wouldn’t get an easy peek in passing either (plus she knew Abuela’s rules forbade her to enter still stood). The movement of Isabela’s door moving up steps worried Mirabel but…it hadn’t escaped her notice that no one had brought it up either.
It was like no one had noticed
Mirabel wanted to mention it… but she knew better than to poke that bear. Once was enough to leave Isabela’s planning to herself.
“Well… I hope Abuela likes them. It’d…be nice to see more of your plants around.” Mirabel encouraged though she gave her a soft look before she made to turn and retreat before Isabela’s voice echoed and made her pause.
“Mirabel…” there was an echo of hesitation. A hesitation she hadn’t heard since Isa had apologized last month after the whole shouting thing.
Isabela set her glass down, “Can… can I borrow a needle and thread?”
“Needle and thread?” Mirabel hadn’t expected that question. “I thought you had a set.”
Isabela blinked. “A three centimeter barbed metal…huge room. You can do the math there.”
“Ah.” Let’s hope she didn’t find it two am when going to the loo barefoot. “What...what sort of thread?”
“Any. I just need something that works.”
“What…do you want it for? You need to patch up a hole in your dress?” She could do that for her…maybe. Save her the effort and… it would be a good start.
Isabela hesitated, “It’s… a personal project.”
And one she wasn’t going to share, it seemed but Mirabel supposed it didn’t matter. Let her have her secrets…
“I can drop some off later at your door.” Mirabel decided. “Do you want a thimble as well?”
“So you don’t wind up stabbing yourself repeatedly with the sharp end.” Mama had made her learn with a thimble given her own habits in her early days of otherwise giving herself acupuncture in her left hand. Isabela hardly sewed so…she had a feeling Mama was going to feed her if she slipped up.
Isabela shook her head after a moment. “No, I’ll be fine.”
Mirabel seriously doubted that.
Dolores smiled softly, her head tilting towards the direction of Casita with fondness she hadn’t felt in a while amongst the stress and noise.
Isabela and Mirabel interact… without argument. Without any fear of augments either on either side. A simple…small exchange. Not too pressing on Mirabel’s anxiety, given she had now walked away and in her room sewing and Dolores hoped that… it would open a door.
“Good news?” Her head turned to Mariano as he helped Mateo and his father load down logs from their more recent cut-down. His sleeves were pushed up and his collar more open and…Dolores couldn’t deny it made him look…good. Very good.
“Yeah.” Dolores smiled, “Isa’s talking to Mirabel.”
Mariano’s eyebrows raised but he too wore the same smile as he read her expression. Relieved just as much as she was at the possibilities of improvement. “That’s good to hear.”
Heavy steps behind her pulled Dolores’s attention to see Luisa standing with a huge pallet of bricks above her head, a heavy frown on her face that indicated that she had heard what she had said.
“Dolores…who’s in Casita with Isabela and Mirabel? Abuela made it clear that she’s not allowed to be left alone with her or seek Mirabel out.”
Dolores’s smile wiped away quickly at that. The clear implication of the suspension right there that she would have thought that Luisa would drop. Dolores…had forgotten about that bit in Isa’s punishments in all honesty and hoped Isabela’s good behavior would be enough to show she wasn’t going to hurt her sister again.
“You don’t need to be worried, Luisa.” Dolores hoped to assure, but the thundering fast heartbeat from Luisa’s chest only spoke of a shot of anxiety. “It’s fine. I’m about to head up there now.” She’d have to cut her trip short… Abuela wouldn’t be pleased but she’d make it up elsewhere. She’d rather get in trouble about that than her slip up at Casita.
“No. I’m going to check on Mirabel.” Luisa set the pallet down and walked back up the street in strides Dolores knew she couldn’t meet. Luisa would outwalk her easily drunk.
Dolores’s shoulder’s sunk.
“Why don’t you go and warn Tia about this?” Mariano suggested, slinking beside her with a light touch to her arm, “then head off to Isabela or your Abuela and let them know… to avoid any conflict.”
 “Ah fuck.”
Isabela sighed heavily around her fingers, sucking softly the coppery taste which was the ever reminder of her inability to sew. One of the few things she could envy about Mirabel was her ability to sew and not only that, have the patience to do so even with sticking herself a ton.
Suffice to say, Isabela was not having a good time.
Maybe she should have taken that thimble?
How did people learn how to do this and come out of it unscathed? How did Mirabel, who inherited their father’s accident-prone nature master this without giving herself stitches?
She eyes the metal barb with disdain before opting to put it all aside for now and ask for the thimble later. That seemed prudent.
Beside her, Bubo was sitting happily in its plant pot she opted to confine it too, still stupid as ever but this was a piece of veg so she never had high hopes of intelligence given it was making soil angels, cooing, and trying to shove dirt into its incision from its belly-flop onto her gardening tools. She had covered that ‘injury’ with a leaf but it seemed Bubo found a way to get rid of it and sat otherwise naked.
She had wanted to change that; a little hat or a ruana would have been better… but her lack of sewing skills seemed to make that a near impossibility.
Her finger still stung before she rose to her feet so she idly sucked to keep the blood away, letting her mind mull on options as she padded out of her room for a snack to make herself feel a little bit better about her inabilities.
They still had pan tres leches in the cool room from yesterday. A worthy snack for failures such as herself and Isabela was pleased to find that Camilo hadn’t snuck in either during the night. So she happily pulled it out and cut herself a nice, small slice before looking around for more fruit to put on top. A few washed strawberries and Isabela began to cut the tops off before—
“Fuck!” Isabela dropped her knife, jumping away with hisses of pain before she felt the thumping heat down the back of her thumb, rushing to the sink as blood quickly pooled and dripped down her skin. Casita immediately turned the tap open, washing the red away quickly.
Isabela turned angry to see Luisa striding into the kitchen looking very tense as she looked around and found her there alone.
“What the hell, Luisa!” Isabela snapped, “I almost cut my thumb off!”
“Where’s Mirabel?” Luisa asked, reaching to one of the cupboards swiftly. “Dolores said you spoke to her?”
“I don’t know!” Isabela sucked in a breath, wincing at the cold water that ticked painfully. “Fuck, this is deep. Why did you come in like that!” She reached blinding for one of their mother’s rags before a disposable wad of tissue was pressed into her hands by her younger Hermana. Isabela took it, pressing it into her hand, the water and blood absorbing into it.
“You’re not allowed to be alone with her. Abuela’s rules.”
“That’s not my fault you lot left me here.” Isabela bit back, “Mirabel can come and go as she pleases. I can’t.”
Luisa’s jaw remained tight. Arms folding across her chest. “And whose fault is that?”
“Oh, swinging low I see.” Isabela deflected, “So very unlike you, Luisa.”
“I’m just trying to protect our younger sister, Isa.” From you, rang in a bitter subtext.
Isabela said nothing but she felt the ache at that but lifted the tissues with a wince but the rapid beading of blood meant she either had to go to Mama or Lopez. This wasn’t something a Band-Aid was going to fix. She could already start to feel a light shake in her hands.
“I need you to take me to Mama,” Isabela asked, giving her younger sister a look. “She’s in the plaza, right?”
“No, Luisa. If your next sentence isn’t a ‘yes, I’ll escort you to get medical attention at the very least’ then I fully expect you to explain to our mother why you’re letting me bleed out in the kitchen.” Isabela interrupted. “You did this. You help fix it.”
“What is going on this time?”
Abuela’s voice echoed in the open space, a little less demanding than expected though Luisa jumped the most, Isabela flinched a little but both of them spun around to see her standing in the doorway.
“Luisa startled me when I was making myself a snack.” Isabela spoke before Luisa could. “I need Mama.”
Abuela’s head turned before she entered in and, passing a glance at what she had been putting together and pulled up the side of the red tissue to peek then pressed it down more tightly and forced her hand up in the air above her shoulder.
“Keep the wound elevated. That’ll reduce swelling and pain.” Abuela instructed, grabbing the rag and tied that around the tissue as well, making Isabela wince as it put more pressure against the cut. “What are you two arguing about? Aside from the injury.” As soon as it was done and checked, Abuela hurriedly washed her hands.
“Isabela and Mirabel were left alone together.”
That paused Abuela’s hand-washing. “I thought Camilo was in Casita.”
“No. Tia Pepa asked him to take Antonio to school and I saw him pranking a few people in town with his friends.” Luisa replied.
Abuela reached for a clean rag to dry her hands. “Why didn’t you let Dolores know, Isabela?”
“I was busy in my room and I had no idea Mirabel was there until she began stalking me around Casita.”
To her relief, the girl of the topic seemed to appear, popping her head into the kitchen and pushing up her glasses that slid down her nose.
“What’s going on? I heard my name?”
Abuela let out a softer sigh. “Mirabel, did we leave you alone in the house?” the shift was subtle though it took everything to not scowl at how Abuela’s suspicious undertone vanished as she addressed Mirabel directly. “I do have…certain rules in place for a reason.”
“What’s this about?”
“Did you speak to Isabela alone today?”
Mirabel glanced around though the nervous look was easy to see. “I…might of.”
Abuela tittered with a soft shake of her head. “Mirabel… Isabela isn’t allowed to be alone with you right now, let alone seek you out…. For your sake.”
Mirabel swallowed thickly but Isabela didn’t meet her eye as she looked her way, angling her elbow over the sink as the escaped red seeped further down her skin.
“She didn’t seek me out, Abuela… I followed her. I just… wanted to talk to her and she wanted a sewing kit.” Mirabel shrugged, trying to sound a little upbeat but it fell flat quickly. “Please don’t blame this on Isa… I went to her.”
“Why did you not let me or anyone else know? You should have left.”
Mirabel looked down, “Abuela… I have the right to stay home during the day as anyone else. I don’t know when everyone else comes and leaves when I go back to my room to sew and… well normally Isa has someone escort her out but... no one’s been about to do that so she can’t leave. Can’t you…get rid of her escort punishment and let her leave without another person? Surely that’s the solution here.”
Isabela look sharply at her younger sister in surprise, Luisa also had that expression on her face though, while a little light headed, Isabela felt a little shocked to hear such a suggestion would leave her lips… well, not really—she vaguely recalled Mirabel had been against some of her punishments.
If… if she got the escort dropped, she’d have full freedom to go to the pond and start her project… and drop a note to Mateo about it and let him know about a third party friend—she just had to convince Lopez to be a little more open minded but that was later-her’s problem.
Abuela’s lips pursed and remained quiet for a long, tense moment of papule silence.
 “If I drop the escort, I expect all the other rules to be upheld.” Abuela turned to face her with a stern look. “I also expect your chores to not change on that basis either, Isabela.”
“Si, Abuela.”
After a moment, Abuela nodded, “I will inform the others.” And with that, a high head and a tightening of her black shawl, Abuela swept out of the kitchen.
“Isabela?” Mama’s voice echoed before Isabela felt the buñuelo pressed to her lips. Isabela took it off her and happily took a bite, feeling the haze in her mind vanish and the stinging in her hand vanished, letting her hand drop from the air before pulling away the mess and washing her arm and hands of blood with a swift, thankful nod to her mother who looked somewhat confused at the scene. 
But she felt a shred of relief… she had some freedom back.
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yukikorogashi · 9 months
This was the first time Charlie had gotten to celebrate the holiday proper with friends. The bard practically vibrated with excitement as she approached with a box held in her hands. The round container wrapped with a dainty blue bow, "it's for you!"
Charlie couldn't write a heart felt note, so she wanted to be there. Her freckles were lost atop the anxious blush that colored her cheeks. She hoped that Itsuki would like the gift, it took her quite some time to prepare it as she followed the same steps she had taken for the well-loved hat atop her head.
Inside the box was leather hat with a wide brim, it is a bit big for Itsuki's head but the stitching was impeccably done. The leather was soft and a pale, almost white tan in color, "it's good for when it rains or...when it snows!"
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OH, ITSUKI COULD ABSOLUTELY RELATE TO THAT, having only gotten the chance to learn and partake in this holiday only a year or so ago herself. And so, it was honestly so nice to connect about it with someone, who was just as new to it as she was. To hear the own sis' thoughts on this magical holiday.
And it was UTTERLY INFECTIOUS to see how EXCITED the sis was about it all! Seeing her so quickly get into the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT of it all would make the young village leader all the more excited about what will take place this year!
And speaking of the CHARLIE SIS, there was just so much about the BARD (Heck, she was the first ever bard to pass on by her village. With Itsuki having never before heard of them (A class, as they were regarded as), until this one blew into town-- errm, village) that she wanted to learn about. The very GIFT OF SONG that this sis especially possessed, would quickly have these two bond, before they knew it!
Her curious appearance had unsurprisingly caused a series of raised brows and wide eyes, that Itsuki couldn't help but wonder if she might have been a DISTANT RELATIVE to the KAPPAS themselves... But believe it or not, the sis would settle in surprisingly quickly and well. With there always being a SONG IN A HEART, she would not just win Itsuki over, but so many other village folk overtime. In a way, her presence felt like a BLESSING of sorts. As if she were some little DEITY whom had decided to descend these earthly planes, to pay them a visit.
Itsuki SWORE she could feel the other's HYPHY VIBRATIONS from where she stood. And it would take everything in her then to not giggle and reach out to hold the other by her hands. And besides, those hands were already holding onto something... something that was apparently for her!
As she thanked her and accepted the gift into her hands, Itsuki swore that she could also sense how nervous the other seemed. Over how she would react to it, the moment she saw what was inside. It honestly made Itsuki a tiny bit nervous and awkward herself then, only because of all the ENERGY that the other was exuding right then and there. Knowing the sis after all these weeks, she already knew that she was going to love her gift, no matter what. But right then and there, they might both need a moment to simmer down!
Her nervousness would even be expressed at how much more carefully she was when unraveling that bow, and opening the container (... Also, how did she get or even make such a PERFECTLY ROUND BOX??? Itsuki was totally gonna keep this container too!). An unnecessary tension, that these two sillies didn't need to put on themselves, not at all! But thankfully, that would all finally come to an end, when she saw what was inside, and pulled it right out. The grin that had already been gracing Itsuki's face this entire time only growing TENFOLD, as she admired the head wear with STARS in her eyes then.
"D-Did ya make this, sis?" Oh, that was a silly question, as she can see how it looked so much like the one the musical sis always ever wore on her head. Still, she couldn't help but admire her skills when it came to crafting such a sturdy and just all around awesome looking hat like this! "Ah love it! Thank you, thank yooou!!!" She wouldn't waste any time then, as she began to put it on. And while the brim was a smidge big (Honestly, she liked it that way!), it settled near PERFECTLY atop the crown of her head. She didn't even need to adjust her pigtails all that much (There were times when she had to awkwardly SQUEEZE them in there, or just take them down completely), no! They settled just right between each of them and the sides of her head. "How do ah look~?"
Honestly, it just went so dang well with the rest of her outfit! She was most likely gonna wear it all the time now! Boy, she could NOT WAIT to show it off too to her other bro and sis!
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@bubblybabins ❤️
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musicarenagh · 9 months
Kaiyah Mercedes' New Single "How To Get Over You" Is a Must-Listen Kaiyah Mercedes' single "How To Get Over You" crystallizes the smoke-wreathed aftermath of affection unrequited, with a sound as heartrending as it is still. Her voice coasts through the tune like silk over polished glass – pure and leisurely, yet fixed in its squeeze of heartache. https://open.spotify.com/track/3alykegCfX0hrATBYUxh2G?si=e15a297da98941ee The path saunters gradually but decidedly into your awareness, reminiscent of those quiet moments when the monotonous noise of daily life withdraws to disclose the pulsating undercurrents of loss. Kaiyah brightens these emotional crevices with verse adeptness; each statement seems dipped in both affectionate recollection and cool acceptance of a passion unilateral. [caption id="attachment_53232" align="alignnone" width="638"] Kaiyah Mercedes' New Single "How To Get Over You" Is a Must-Listen[/caption] Instrumentally subtle, "How To Get Over You" lays bare an emotive introspection that permits Mercedes’ formidable vocal endowment to own every inch of the sonic place. The relaxing rhythm underscores her search into post-breakup ennui – how routines become ghostly echoes haunting one's trek onward. Mia Van De Loo’s debut EP “Open Book” is perfect. There are tones here akin to Adele's bluesy complaints or Norah Jones' soft-spoken reflections on affection, tapping into universal experiences without succumbing to cliché. A listener might find parts that resonate in person—a line echoing old conversations or notes bending like remembered touches—forging a connection between artist and audience beyond simple empathy. Follow Kaiyah Mercedes on Website, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
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firespirited · 11 months
Had some sleep and awake again so I thought I'd maybe drop some news.
First up all pro Palestine marches have been banned in town. Not even sure the local jewish folks agree with our non jewish secretary of state deciding that condemning Israel = saying it shouldn't exist let alone antisemitism but some Chetchen young man with clear PTSD went mad at seeing Gaza being well, Chechnya-ed into oblivion with international approval and killed a teacher so we're in right wing "terrorists under your bed" mode. I won't watch the news, there will be sound clips of horrific islamophobia like it's religion's fault and antisemitic dog whistles because this is french right wingers, they like Israel for strategic war reasons and also because they kinda hope all the jews will move there instead of their rightful ancestral lands which are Right Here in Europe. We did reparations so wrong. There have been jewish settlements, businesses, families, synagogues right here across Europe. A respected honored return and dedicated land for jewish refugees should have been right here, probably on German soil (I'd also say enclaves or debt from France... And Hungary and Lithuania but they're still in denial)
The profile as a terrorist is based on a single Allahu-ackbar. They had arrested him earlier that week, interrogated him and released him. The world saw him as a terrorist, he was watching another country like his get crushed, he lashed out with violence. Dude should have had a counsellor check in instead because of generational trauma. And now his stupid crime is propaganda for the machine. I hate this.
J, like me, also had cramps last night and then spent the morning feeling nauseated in the loo and I knew exactly what items to hand her (water bottle, anti spasmodic, caffeine, bucket, towel for sweat, baby wipes in case of need for quick cleanup and vicks vaporub under the nose) she thought I was reading her mind, I've just been there.
Went to the dentist, a double booking with Mum to set up the 'family' account with a new dentist (9 have retired in the past year and there are only 4 close by so it's been two years to get a slot - once you're a registered client the wait times drop to 2 months) it was up a steep flight of stairs so a year ago I couldn't have made it. Hidden in a residential building between two shops and called 'le France' no I have no idea what that's about either I'm guessing it's le france because it used to be le bâtiment or le café france and got shortened or something.
I had a clear plan of action the night before (ask about neck, ask about tongue) but was hazy by the time we got there from car dizzyness and lack of sleep. Then the receptionist asks us to fill in forms while she's also asking questions on the form. It was hard to focus on either. And she goes "don't you recognise me?" and I say "oh I'm sorry we're terrible with faces! where do we know you from?" - guess! Anyway mum and i managed to throw out pretty much everywhere we've lived in France since 93 and any groups we've been part of together.
Five minutes later she explains she knows us from an address we never lived at LOL and knew my sister at 14yo. That actually narrows down the options because we know a ton of Valeries. I have never met this woman. This is horse lady Valerie. She took tourists on horse back rides through the lovely scenery to pay for her horse sanctuary and gave kids lessons.
Sis has loved horses forever despite only meeting them in fields. So one year we got her riding lessons, she paid for half with stable work. She had a wonderful time, V has very strange social skills and isn't good with kids (specifically not picking favourites) but sis bonded with a stubborn reliable mare who didn't like people but who did like my sister for her respect for boundaries and always asking the horse first (Show the brush, ask, then brush. Show the saddle, ask, then saddle... ). Yeah the horse loved her and she loved her back, and they got to do horse riding and it was as amazing as the books and period films showed it to be.
So Horse Valerie is a dental assistant now and has a weekend job doing kids yoga. She told us quite a bit about herself (we asked all the right questions: how many horses did she keep? She carefully rehomed the others, How was she adjusting? She does sophrologie (?) now... but didn't ask a thing about sis or us. So she's still her odd self. 😆 I had a flash thought and asked about the horse that spends time in a field in town as the conditions had distressed sis: she felt they were insufficient for a horse to stay all day let alone night when sis and I visited. She said it's a hardy horse from the region from a family who've owned horses for generations. (sis thinks this is a non answer)
By the time I got into the dentist my mind was blank, I managed to list what I'd tried for my tongue and eventually asked if he felt I should get my wisdom teeth out. Forgot to mention the neck!!!
I'm trying base mouthwashes and extra brushing for a month or two we'll see if that helps. As for my wisdom teeth, it'll help the lower teeth not be so cramped and at risk of cavities because I can't floss half of them and he knew the right one comes out partially on the regular.
But otherwise I've been really lucky because I mouthwashed daily for over a decade when bristles would make my teeth bleed while only really brushing my teeth once or twice a week in the bath (because of POTS - brushing sat down is a mess when you can't get up fast and need both hands to get up), I only have been brushing daily for 18 months and use kid fruity toothpaste because mint makes it hard to eat for the next few hours. If my health goes backwards I really want to work out a sat down system with an electric toothbrush and a towel bib or something.
Ok so we get home J's feeling much better as she's fully emptied her system but has a fever. A friend called from the hospital to say covid cases are through the roof, time to mask up and avoid groups if possible: stomachs sink, we're all hoping J has a minor stomach flu, she'll be getting tested for Covid before the booster tomorrow.
I can't find the infection stats online in last years' places. Absolutely none of us want to go to hospital this winter unless pandemic protocols are in place. Me and the dentist were the only ones wearing masks, mine came off for the appointment, his came off to do computer work but he was right in front of a window. No-one in town, none of the five people in the waiting room or Valerie. Makes you feel like you're being paranoid. I'd be having a panic attack rn if I hadn't worn a mask today though.
Got two parcels done 🎉🎈, i still get a little bitter throwing money at laposte because I don't trust them and the box they made me tick saying "i'd pay return fees if things don't work out" doesn't help. But on the bright side I got to choose some cool stuff to send a friend and also said goodbye to more handpicked baldies: 3 Licca modern l07, 5 Licca classic modern k29, Karen chan ribon (I will find you again someday) and Kurhn.
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Yes I had concepts for most of them. Split hair, gradients, thermal hair, a proper Cinnamoroll themed gal, a twin stars dupe. Blank nicely spherical heads with a flattish top (+small, soft vinyl) let you play with dividing it up in a way that's less easy with Barbie. From about 1cm back the hair falls backwards and won't be seen from the front.
Ok speaking of hair, Hair Wear Summer's green underhair streak is doll grade kanekalon and matte. No wonder there were so many rerooted versions of her on flickr, that will have frazzled right up if a boil wash was too close to the boiling point. She's pre-gluehead era thank goodness. If my neck wasn't busted I'd have replaced those 40ish plugs with a nice shiny green saran or a ginger blend so the next owner doesn't ruin it. Good to be reminded Mattel was also making baffling decisions for higher end playline in 2007.
Today I took Lily for a short walk and the new neighbours' dog came running to the gate (which is up a steep slope about 4 yards in) and barked, I was going to walk on by but decided to walk up to the gate because Lily is super chill, I told the dog "no barking. we're neighbours and we're cool" handed him a piece of cracker, he let me stroke his nose but later still wanted to bark at Lily. This is going to take stronger treats! In the meantime, orange cat came running and tried to squeeze through the fence to play with the fluffy dog.
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We left right as he finally wiggled that derrière out of the fence. Sorry lil orange mischief, some other time!
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hits1000 · 1 year
All Winners of the Eurovision Song Contest (1956-2023)
All Winners of the Eurovision Song Contest (1956-2023) Here is a recap of all winners of the Eurovision Song Contest, from the start in 1956 to the latest contest in 2023. In 1969, four countries shared the 1st place by getting the same amount of points. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. 🇨🇭 Lys Assia - Refrain (1956) 🇳🇱 Corry Brokken - Net Als Toen (1957) 🇫🇷 André Claveau - Dors, Mon Amour (1958) 🇳🇱 Teddy Scholten - Een Beetje (1959) 🇫🇷 Jacqueline Boyer - Tom Pillibi (1960) 🇱🇺 Jean-Claude Pascal - Nous, Les Amoureux (1961) 🇫🇷 Isabelle Aubret - Un Premier Amour (1962) 🇩🇰 Grethe & Jørgen Ingmann - Dansevise (1963) 🇮🇹 Gigliola Cinquetti - Non Ho L'Età (1964) 🇱🇺 France Gall - Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son (1965) 🇦🇹 Udo Jürgens - Merci, Chérie (1966) 🇬🇧 Sandie Shaw - Puppet On A String (1967) 🇪🇸 Massiel - La, La, La (1968) 🇫🇷 Frida Boccara - Un Jour, Un Enfant (1969) 🇳🇱 Lenny Kuhn - De Troubadour (1969) 🇬🇧 Lulu - Boom Bang-A-Bang (1969) 🇪🇸 Salomé - Vivo Cantando (1969) 🇮🇪 Dana - All Kinds Of Everything (1970) 🇲🇨 Séverine - Un Banc, Un Arbre, Une Rue (1971) 🇱🇺 Vicky Leandros - Après Toi (1972) 🇱🇺 Anne-Marie David - Tu Te Reconnaîtras (1973) 🇸🇪 ABBA - Waterloo (1974) 🇳🇱 Teach-In - Ding-A-Dong (1975) 🇬🇧 Brotherhood of Man - Save Your Kisses For Me (1976) 🇫🇷 Marie Myriam - L'Oiseau Et L'Enfant (1977) 🇮🇱 Izhar Cohen & the Alpha-Beta - A-Ba-Ni-Bi (1978) 🇮🇱 Gali Atari & Milk & Honey - Hallelujah (1979) 🇮🇪 Johnny Logan - What's Another Year (1980) 🇬🇧 Bucks Fizz - Making Your Mind Up (1981) 🇩🇪 Nicole - Ein Bißchen Frieden (1982) 🇱🇺 Corinne Hermès - Si La Vie Est Cadeau (1983) 🇸🇪 Herreys - Diggi-Loo, Diggi-Ley (1984) 🇳🇴 Bobbysocks - La Det Swinge (1985) 🇧🇪 Sandra Kim - J'Aime La Vie (1986) 🇮🇪 Johnny Logan - Hold Me Now (1987) 🇨🇭 Céline Dion - Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi (1988) 🇭🇷 Riva - Rock Me (1989)* 🇮🇹 Toto Cutugno - Insieme: 1992 (1990) 🇸🇪 Carola - Fångad Av En Stormvind (1991) 🇮🇪 Linda Martin - Why Me? (1992) 🇮🇪 Niamh Kavanagh - In Your Eyes (1993) 🇮🇪 Paul Harrington & Charlie McGettigan (1994) 🇳🇴 Secret Garden - Nocturne (1995) 🇮🇪 Eimear Quinn - The Voice (1996) 🇬🇧 Katrina and the Waves - Love Shine A Light (1997) 🇮🇱 Dana International - Diva (1998) 🇸🇪 Charlotte Nilsson - Take Me To Your Heaven (1999) 🇩🇰 Olsen Brothers - Fly On The Wings Of Love (2000) 🇪🇪 Tanel Padar & Dave Benton & 2XL - Everybody (2001) 🇱🇻 Marie N - I Wanna (2002) 🇹🇷 Sertab Erener - Every Way That I Can (2003) 🇺🇦 Ruslana - Wild Dances (2004) 🇬🇷 Helena Paparizou - My Number One (2005) 🇫🇮 Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (2006) 🇷🇸 Marija Šerifović - Molitva (2007) 🇷🇺 Dima Bilan - Believe (2008) 🇳🇴 Alexander Rybak - Fairytale (2009) 🇩🇪 Lena - Satellite (2010) 🇦🇿 Ell & Nikki - Running Scared (2011) 🇸🇪 Loreen - Euphoria (2012) 🇩🇰 Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops (2013) 🇦🇹 Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix (2014) 🇸🇪 Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes (2015) 🇺🇦 Jamala - 1944 (2016) 🇵🇹 Salvador Sobral - Amor Pelos Dois (2017) 🇮🇱 Netta - Toy (2018) 🇳🇱 Duncan Laurence - Arcade (2019) 🇮🇹 Måneskin - Zitti E Buoni (2021) 🇺🇦 Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (2022) 🇸🇪 Loreen - Tattoo (2023) #allwinnerseurovision #allwinnersesc #allwinners #allesc #alleurovision #winnersesc #esc1956-2023 #winners1956-2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KPUrKWenhs
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