#Long Hair Yuppie Scum
dankusner · 5 months
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There are 525,600 minutes in a year. I learned that from watching Rent.
From watching Rent, I also learned that the best way to mark the passing of these 525,600 minutes would be to measure them out into something Jonathan Larson, the writer of the musical, called seasons of love.
What does that even mean, seasons of love?
In Rent, the characters live out their seasons of love in huge lofts.
Some of them have AIDS, which is coincidentally also the name of a dreaded global pandemic that is still raging and has killed millions of people worldwide.
In Rent, however, AIDS seems to be a disease that renders one cuter and cuter.
The characters are artists, creative types.
They have tatterdemalion clothes.
Some of them are homosexual, and the ones who aren't homosexual don't even seem to mind.
They screen their calls.
And when it is their parents, they roll their eyes.
They hate their parents.
They're never going back to Larchmont, no way.
They will stay here living in their 2,000 square feet of picturesque poverty being sexually free and creative.
Here's some ways to broadcast creativity in a movie.
Start plinking out a tune on a piano.
Scratch a few notes on some music paper.
Plink some more.
Suddenly crash both hand down on the keyboard, then bring them quickly up to your head and grab the hair on your temples screaming, it won't work!
Or sit at a typewriter, reading the page you've just written, realize that it's shit and tear it from the platen, and toss it behind you.
Cut to waste paper basket overflowing with crumpled paper.
Here's what they do in Rent to show that they are creative.
Nothing-- they do nothing.
They hang out.
And hanging out can be marvelous.
But hanging out does not make you an artist.
A secondhand wardrobe does not make you an artist.
Neither do a hair-trigger temper, melancholic nature, propensity for tears, hating your parents, nor even HIV-- I hate to say it-- none of these can make you an artist.
They can help.
But just as being gay does not make one witty-- you can suck a mile of cock.
It does not make you Oscar Wilde.
Believe me.
I know.
I have tried.
The only thing that makes you an artist is making art.
And that takes the opposite of hanging out.
So when they sing the anthem of the show-- that's a lie, really.
Every song in the show is an anthem delivered with adolescent earnestness.
It's like being trapped in the pages of a teenager's diary.
So when they sing the title anthem of the show, "We're not gonna pay this year's rent" followed by kind of barked cheer of "rent, rent, rent, rent, rent, rent, rent," my only question is, well, why aren't you going to pay this year's rent?
It seems that they're not going to pay this year's rent because rent is for losers and uncreative types.
Rent is for suits.
By contrast, they have the last bastion of artistic purity.
They have not sold out, and yet their brilliance goes unacknowledged, so fuck you, yuppie scum!
I know what it's like to feel angry and ignored.
I lived in Brooklyn a long time ago about a block away from a prison.
During the day, the neighborhood bustled with lawyers, judges, criminals, bail bondsman, private detectives.
I lived on a block in a little two-story building that had once been a coach house in the 19th century.
And the basement had a red dirt floor.
On the ground floor below me was an office that did what exactly, resumes?
I can't remember.
What I do remember is the man whose office it was.
Raul was knee-buckingly handsome.
If my life had been different like, I don't know, if I were like a hot girl with a driver's license, I could have put on a tube top and gone outside to wash my car in slow motion or something, but alas.
Once during the day-- it must have been the weekend because I was at home-- I could hear Raul having sex in the office downstairs.
I skittered around my apartment like a cockroach on a frying pan, trying not to make any noise while desperately looking for a knot hole in the crappy floorboards.
Eventually, I just laid down flat against the tile of the kitchen floor, listening.
Lying flat against the tile on my kitchen floor listening to someone else have sex is essentially in my 20s in a nutshell.
I was robbed in that neighborhood twice.
And there were days when it hardly seemed worth it to live in a horrible part of town just so that I could go daily to a stupid, soul-crushing, low-paying job.
Especially since as deeply as I yearned to be creative, for years and years I was too scared to even try, so I did nothing.
But here's something that I did do -- I paid my fucking rent.
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“Is this my life now,” I asked myself as I looked at what seemed like hundreds of red taillights on the highway in front of me.
Owning a horse barn isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Like anything else in life, it isn’t always puppies and kittens. Again I was completing another circuit, just another boring drive to get a new clients horse ready to be relocated. I’d leave at dawn’s crack to put another hundred or more miles on my car before the sun sets. I should have probably gotten used to driving from Smithville via Elgin to Wimberley with stops in Bee Caves and Thrall.
I kept thinking about how late I could be today due to all tech nerds impeding my ability to drive by moving here to the Austin metro area. My foreman, Gallegos who was already there in Wimberley would wag his finger at me for being late.
“DIE YUPPIE SCUM,” I screamed over Englebert Humperdinck as he was droning on and on about a man without love. Ugh.
Finally we started to move forward and I was hoping to be able to drive today. Gallegos was a great help to me over the years and he’d always tell me if either the horse or the client were going to be good for me and the barn. He was always very intuitive about these things. The transplant from “The Big Valley” knew something about horses first and foremost, but when he’d meet the owner or rider, he’d give them the squinty eye and say something about how he felt, then he’d give a thumbs up or down. Gallegos is the best barometer ever.
Sigh. After all that traffic, I pulled into the driveway of the familiar barn. I spotted Gallegos’ truck parked next to fence. I parked next to him. As I was gathering my things, I noticed that he was making his way towards me. A huge faded white cowboy hat that had seen better days perched precariously on his head. Always dressed in a white shirt cuffed at the elbows, blue jeans and cowboy boots, this grizzled man was a great judge of character and not an ounce of fat on him. A tad thick but just pure muscle.
“Estoy hasta el moño,” Gallegos said as he stopped to open the gate. “You got a live one here,” he continued as he locked the gate behind him. He took a few more steps towards me before he stopped and readjusted his hat.
“The steed is a good horse for us, but the owner has a lot to learn about transportation. She wants to sedate him before he gets into the trailer. Not every horse has to be comatose to travel,” he said shaking his head.
I’ve been doing this for longer than I care to admit and hearing this razed my hackles.
“Who does she think she is,” I asked Gallegos. “I’m thinking she is the one who should be sedated.”
We stood there getting deeper into conversation as people and horses were walking around just beyond the fence. Indistinguishable chatter was heard coming from the direction of the barn.
“We will get this sorted out and if not we’ll have to get Frau Blücher to pay this crazy woman a visit,” Gallegos said with a grin.
“You’re naughty, Gallegos,” I shot back and stifled my laughter.
“Also I need to let you know that I’m going to have to go home tonight because my Tita isn’t doing well and she’s the last one for me.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. This is last one and I’m sure you have things in place,” I said feeling empathy for him and his family.
“Not sure how long I’ll be gone. She’s been dying for the past twenty years but I got my nephew, Derrick, to help you out while I’m gone,” he turned away from me and put two fingers in his mouth and whistled and bellowed, “Niño! Ven aqui!” Seconds later my eyes feasted on his nephew. Dayum y’all.
All of a sudden I had a dry mouth when I saw this tall drink of water. A lumbering man built like a brick silo came out and started towards us. Dark eyes, darker hair and his white shirt and blue jeans appeared to be airbrushed on his frame. He stepped out off the runway during Paris Fashion Week.
He just walked up the gate and looked at Gallegos and then me. I had no idea what they said to each other until I heard Melouk’s voice in my head, “The jam in my jelly roll.”
“Que Dios te lo pague con un buen novio,” I heard Gallegos say and that snapped me back to reality. He smiled at me and said, “My nephew, Derrick, here will be taking care of you and the barn while I’m away. I’m sure I told him about all the things that he should know about but you’ll tell him if something changes, right,” he said as he quietly touched my arm. We made eye contact.
Look here, I’m Gerta Haselberg Jorde Santino. I’m no second rate Diva who can’t sustain. I’m a well educated woman from old money and has ancestry touching on The Rothschilds. I’m a married woman and I truly love my husband to the nth degree but I’m looking at Rodin’s “The Thinker” leaning on the fence just over there.
“Howdy, Miss Santino. A pleasure to meet you and I’ll be there tomorrow morning,” his baritone voice said. “I need to get back to work now.” Derrick’s hand waved in our general direction and I watched those two ripe melons stroll away from us. Painted on.
“GERTA!! Darling, you’re here. Gallegos I wondered where you scurried off to and I find you keeping her from me,” the shrewish shrill voice of Bonnie Oliphant boomed across the paddock. If you know how tempered glass crackles into millions of pieces but doesn’t actually shatter, yeah, pretty much that’s Bonnie’s voice.
Derrick was gone. Gallegos rolled his eyes at me and walked away as Bonnie walked right past him without taking her gaze off me. She has smile that looks like she took two straight pins and put them on either side of her mouth. Ugh.
We did this “Bro Hug” thing that was so disingenuous you could have seen it from the training flight window of The Vomit Comet.
“Katy Lynn Hargreaves is out of her dayum mind if she thinks she’s going to sedate Linus just to bring him across town,” she said flatly. “I’m not having it. Now, all I need you to is back me up on this,” she finished and with a flourish, she waved me in the general direction of Katy Lynn. Ugh.
After several five minute conversations with Bonnie, Katy Lynn, Gallegos and me, Linus is going to be absolutely sober before, during and after being transported to my barn. The next thing I knew heading back to Smithville. I slowed down to a stop and noticed that I needed to clean my boots off again. This what I get for mucking around a barn.
“I’m Gerta and I have a thing for horses. It’s been 17 plus years now since I first smelled wet baby poo like mud and fresh manure.” The idiotic thoughts I can come up with in moments of panic and it made think of what I didn’t say to Katy Lynn about Linus.
Melouk sent me a meme once and it’s about horses. I wanted to scream the words in Katy Lynn’s face, “If I ever owned a race horse, I’d name it, ‘My Face.’ Then when fans cheer for it they’ll scream, ‘Come on My Face!!’ but in your case, impotence reigns supreme.” That’s rude, crude, lewd and socially unacceptable. I digress.
Derrick is standing in front of me with his hands in pockets of those airbrushed blue jeans. He was looking down at first then he looked right through me.
“Miss Santino, I went to take a look at the irrigation system like Gallegos said to do and I did. I’m going to have to lay down some new pipe,” he said in quiet tone of voice and scuffed one boot on the floor.
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90smovies · 5 years
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pulpygurly06 · 6 years
In Pulp Fiction and Four Rooms, you can see in the cast of characters
rolling at the end of both movies:
Long hair yuppy scum  =   Lawrence Bender
We all know he's the producer of both movies, but when and where does he appear in both movies?
He make an appearance in one sence lying on the floor in pulp fiction and in Four Doors I can't find him.
I haven't checked if he was in Reservoir Dogs.
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reptilisss · 6 years
1 through 59 ;^)
omg :(
1). what was the last song you had on repeat? my heart goes bang by dead or alive omg
2). who was the last person you danced with? oh idk i think a canvasser named luke at drag brunch?
3). any weird fears? oh those grates in the street? u know? the real deep ones that like u walk over? dont’ like em!
4). what is your favorite fruit? peaches!
5). where did you spend your last friday night? oh on friday i hung out w my friend sam for a bit and then picked up miles and he watched me eat a whole fucking sandwich.
6). do you believe love can last forever? i am coming around to the idea!
7). do you have siblings? no i think i’m enough to deal with by myself lol
8). what would you do if you found out your best friend was seeing your ex? mm gross
9). do you like to cuddle? yeah but i am always the big spoon. no one believes me but i am the big spoon.
10). are you easily scared by horror movies? no! they used to a lot! but idk i got to college and started doing taxidermy and then gore didn’t really bother me.
11). have you ever been kissed in the rain? yeah! junior year of college i was sitting outside w this girl i really liked and uh it was raining and she kissed me and yep that’s it
12). how do you feel about your hair? i don’t really like it. i want long hair but it freaks me out any time it gets too long. the last time i really liked it was when i had it shaved and dyed
13). have you ever had an emo phase? ya ofc i did i’m trans we all had one.
14). are you looking forward to something as of right now? lil day trip with miles :)
15). last person you talked to in person? @bitchfacemcsassypants this jerk
16). do you think someone’s thinking about you? i think maybe
17). do you believe in love at first sight? no i think love takes longer than that, but maybe the initial attraction can be felt quickly
18). do you prefer to call or text? depends on the person! texting is easier to do at work
19). have you kissed someone in the last 2 weeks? ya i kiss miles as frequently as humanly possible.
20). what’s one stereotype of where you come from that actually fits? i wanna be yuppie scum and i call the closest airport “national” not “reag*n”
21). favourite dance song? toxic by britney spears
22). what’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought in the past year? i paid to get my tits cut off lol
23). which eye colour do you find prettiest? i’m a huge fan of brown eyes. they get a bad rap as boring but i think they’re really the best. very emotive. soft. warm.
24). what’s your guilty pleasure when it comes to music? i love britney spears ok
25). do you enjoy parties? no! i like people i’m just really not good in crowds
26). describe your crush: he is my boyfriend. he’s wonderful and he has a great butt.
27). how many languages can you speak? only english! a little spanish but not enough to converse
28). what’s on your bed right now? me, my waterbottle, my phone, two (2) socks
29). most pleasing accent to listen to? southern us accent i think.
30). ‎how old are you? i just turned 24
31). have you ever been rock climbing? no but an ex of mine was super into it and tried to make me. the harnesses freak me out too much i think
32). how’s the relationship with your parents? HA. bad!
33). what’s one thing you cannot stop buying? probably underwear it’s so fun to buy
34). what do you like most about your physical appearance? oh boy. maybe my eyes. but i also love my thighs (most of the time!)
35). do you sing in the shower? oh yes i do bitch yes i do
36). when was the last time you hugged someone? earlier tonight tino and i did a little side hug.
37). cats or dogs? love em all
38). favorite cake flavour? yellow cake i’m such a basic person
39). if you had the ability to change one aspect of yourself, what would it be? money
40). are you good at any sports? no but like i also never really tried in gym class, you know? maybe i’d be good if i tried.
41). how old is your oldest living relative? oh hm. i think my grandfather is like 95 or something like that.
42). favorite color? love me a good dove grey
43). what’s the best thing about the beach? i like laying on the beach and like closing my eyes and feeling the sun warming my stomach. like a little cat bitch.
44). what’s your favourite book trope? oh like honestly just enemies to lovers i know it’s lame and cliche but i love it
45). what’s the longest journey you’ve been on? probably something corny like “my transition”
46). who is your favorite person to watch on YouTube? Chris Flemming y’all!
47). what color are your eyes? they’re blue :)
48). are you currently wanting any piercings? i think i’d really like to get my navel redone, but i’m not sure i have the right anatomy for it! also i just put stuff on my tummy a lot i’m not sure it’d work out.
49). night owl or early bird? night owl
50). favorite word? right now it’s homoerotic
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