#London Hyrox 2024
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sgiandubh · 10 months ago
The lonesome fitness girl - really?
This is a story about a nameless female fitness influencer somewhere in the world. She gives the impression of a lonely „ fighter“ in her business and in her life overall.
That is nonsense - she sells her "destiny" very skilfully. I am convinced she is not a lonely woman behind her influencer profile. But that is exactly the impression she wants to convey and she does so publicly with some success.  This is her unique selling point right now and whoever manages or advises her has recognised this very well. In other words, a narrative is created very carefully and very purposefully.  Sounds somehow familiar? 
There are thousands and thousands of fitness influencers, so it is important for everyone in this business to find the niche that generates followers, clicks and in the end it means an income. Simply performing an exercise is not enough. Every click or like on a post or a story generates a few dollars, euros or pounds in revenue.
And an increase in the number of followers by approx. 80,000-100,000 due to a connection to a famous person will raise the income as well. For the record: people like her are so called macro influencer and are a brand. That is a fact - you can find a lot more information about this in various publications by experts in business administration and marketing.
You have to attract attention, something that our nameless fitness girl has done in different ways over the years. Firstly with her partner at the time, later she created the image of a single fitness mum. And at the moment she is promoting the image of a woman who is finding her way back after an illness with a great deal of commitment and determination. 
But fitness girl was legitimately afraid of loosing her income if she was not able to work. And her body is her work. This led probably her and her team to the conclusion that she needed "visible support" at this point in order to continue operating her business model during the recovery.  And her job is being fitness model. No more and no less.
And right on time, a famous actor with a closeness to fitness programmes or probably rather his team came in. Now she seems to get into contact with his presumably more influential and well-connected fitness circles. And, purely by chance, she is building up an online fitness course. All on her own and while she looks after the rest of her business(es?) - and cares for her family. Hopefully she gets enough sleep? Probably not, which is hardly surprising considering her workload with all her duties and work obligations towards her partners. Fortunately, just like in fairy tales, there is a wonderful magic wand for this - Instagram filter.
The story really is getting better and better...
Add some well-planned (sometimes "almost") encounters at various competition venues between the two main characters.
The fitness girl, her business and her story truly seem impressive? Only if you believe in fairy tales.
Too many coincidences at once, it looks like a well established business deal, too scripted? No - just keep it simple to feed the narrative of the "lonely fitness girl"! Or is she "The girl who never sleeps"? Nobody knows for sure.
But she is most likely not the woman she pretends to be...
Dear Lonesome Fitness Girl Anon,
In an ocean of infantile, mendacious, shite-stirring Anons, your submission is absolutely STELLAR!
Whoever you are, I can tell by the ease of your logical deductions that you mean serious business and you are not easy to fool, either. Just what we happen to love, in this particular corner of this fandom.
I am totally thrilled to share with all of us this rare gem, Anon. Especially today.
You are more than welcome to hit this page anytime. It takes a pro to know a pro. Consider me a friend, Anon: you have instantly become one to me, and I bet not only to me.
Everyone, a round of applause for our unexpected guest!
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p-redux · 10 months ago
Good morning, peeps! Waking up to one of the Team sending me MORE confirmation that it was indeed Sam Heughan at Hyrox UK London watching Sarah Holden competing and cheering her on, yesterday, May 4, 2024. DMs posted with permission, as well as pics, and videos.
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And here's the Video the Team member is referring to of Sam walking toward the area where Sarah was going to do one of her competitions. 👇
Here's another video where you can briefly see Sam having made it to the area where Sarah was set to compete. He's wearing the same outfit and cap. Top, left corner. Blink, and you'll miss him. 👇
Here's the screencap of the video in case you missed Sam in the video. 👇
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And then, here's CLEAR audio of Sam's voice cheering Sarah on. He says, "Yeah, Sarah, nice!" it's at the end of the video. NO mistaking that voice. 👇
That, coupled with them being seen eating at Enoteca Rosso, also yesterday 👇 is more PROOF that #samarah is still going.
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For the Anon saying that's Nic Rasenti and his wife Nicole sitting with them, um, NOPE 👆 So, Sam is sitting across his friend's wife, biting his thumb sexily, while his friend, and some other dude, are on the sidelines? 🤣 Time to get your eyes checked, Anon. In the video I posted yesterday, you can see the tables are very close together, but they're not sitting with each other.
Closer shot. 👇 Sarah wearing her hair in a ponytail like she did yesterday and wearing the big black sunglasses on her head that she wore in her IG stories.
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And Sarah unwittingly confirmed she was indeed at Enoteca Rosso by posting that that she'd had pasta for lunch yesterday. 👇
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And I already showed you that the red round placemats and pasta plate she posted exactly match the ones used at Enoteca Rosso, where LOTS of pasta is served. 👇
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I'm not a lawyer, but I'd say that's pretty compelling evidence for #samarah together in London this weekend. I rest my case, your honor. Case closed, Edith. 🤗
Anyhoo, I haven't even had a chance yet to see what else is out there today, or if Sam competed, etc. Going to check that out now. Stay tuned...
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bcacstuff · 7 months ago
Timeline 12 March 2024 - June 2024
For completeness and to consult when there’s discussion about his whereabouts. In addition to the previous timelines.
Timeline 12 covers 2 March 2024 - 29 June 2024
For previous dates see timeline 11
On 2 March he's at the Hyrox races in Glasgow, some fan pics were posted. He was registered and results showed up on the website, but it's unclear if he competed himself or someone else in his slot as he never posted any pics
In the weeks after he stays in Scotland a fan pic was taken on March 6th in Doune
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Same day he posted some stories from Loch Lubnaig, recording a promo for MoM and getting interviewed by Charlotte Reather at his home for The Field magazine.
On 17 March he posts a story showing the St. Patrick Parade in London. A day later Paul Telfer posts a pic saying he met Sam in London over the weekend. Another fan pic taken on 20 March shows he's still in London.
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On 21 March Starz finally get the word out OL S7b will be released in November, fans are not happy. Most likely they recorded the same day a promo showing S8 production started Monday 25 March,
while we already saw he was back home on Friday 22 March by a story, and a post on 24 March, the last one recorded over the weekend
More fan service posted on 1 April by Starz and confirmation of a 4 day break over Easter, back to work on Tuesday 2 April
On 13 April he's at Landcon 6 in Paris where he tells they've been filming S8 for 3 weeks now. Lots of videos and pics are shared as well as a live blog (also see my archive)
The next day he's registered for Hyrox Cologne but doesn't turn up, instead he's spotted by 2 fans in Paris. He flies back the evening of 14 April to Edinburgh
On 21 April he's spotted in Edinburgh by 2 fans, he apparently is there to treat his OL team on a lunch at Tony Singh's Supperclub in Edinburgh. In the evening he's spotted again
The next day on Monday evening 22 April he visits Midhope Castle with AN, where he's gifted some socks, but everyone is more curious what he's holding in his hands as it looks like a map or documents!
On 25 April he's in Edinburgh getting interviewed, two youtube videos are posted on 24 May
The weekend of 27 & 28 April is the MPC Gala weekend, lots of videos and pics are posted from the workout session on Saturday evening and the Peaker Games at Murray Filed on Sunday and the closing Gala. (see my archive for more footage)
On 30 April, his birthday he gets his birthday cake at the read through of Block 2 S8.
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On 4 May he posts a couple of selfies showing he's in London. The same day a fan spots him in Kensington having lunch with SHer. He went to see her race at the Hyrox event in the same area, he didn't compete himself despite being registered (again)
It's unclear if he has been on set the week after, there are some doubts. Though he seems to be (back) home on 14 May when he posts a story from a magazine which shows his kitchen counter on the background.
The next day 15 May, he's clearly back on set showing his trailer which seems to be decorated during his absence by a costume designer (he tags). It's food for jokes during the next days and week.
On 24 May he posted a video announcing from the decorated trailer he'll be at Top Shelf in SF on October 5&6.
On 29 May an article is published by JJ of him holding hands on Dean street in London with a 'mystery woman', which caused quite some stir, he even adjusts the settings on his IG for some days
On 30 May he drives Dries Vos around Glasgow on his motorbike as if nothing happened.
On 1 June (OL Day) a teaser for S7b is released and a final date is announced (22 November)
On 2 June he posts a video and pics from a Kayak trip he apparently had the day before with some of crew members
On 5 June he posted a video joking about Taylor Swift who's going to give some concerts during the next weekend in Edinburgh which most of the cast will attend per his saying
On 7 June he apparently attended a concert of James at the OvoHydro in Glasgow. Most likely with a crew member as that person posted about it as well
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On 8 June the main cast of OL and Maril and publisher Louisa attended the Eras Tour Concert from Taylor Swift in Edinburgh. Many posted their videos and pictures (more in archive)
The weekend of 15 June he stayed at the Avochie Estate where he spent an afternoon fly-fishing on the River Deveron
On 21 June he posted a story showing the new Mudlarking book from his kitchen counter
On 23 June he did a self-guided mountainbike ride at Comrie Croft, some fans posted a picture at the Tea Garden at Comrie
On 29 June he attended (again) the Giorgio Armani Tennisclassics. He was spotted seating in the audience next to a woman who turned out to be Alice P. showing some PDA
Other timelines:
Pre Hawaii timeline
Timeline 1 August 2020 Timeline 2 September 2021 Timeline 3 February 2022 Timeline 4 August 2022 Timeline 5 October 2022 Timeline 6 January 2023 Timeline 7 April 2023 Timeline 8 June 2023 Timeline 9 August 2023 Timeline 10 October 2023 Timeline 11 December 2023
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 10 months ago
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SH will travel to London in early May for Hyrox-London taking advantage of the Early May bank holiday of spring 🌼 on Monday 6th May.
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Different days, hours and races. Sarah competes on Saturday, and SH on Sunday.
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Monday 6th is a day off in the UK 🇬🇧 for the general population, schools and most businesses are closed. I hope this time he participates in Hyrox-London (there is a waiting list) we look forward to his photos.
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Posted 1st May 2024
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sgiandubh · 10 months ago
Anon rebelde
Ya era hora de que una persona que demuestra con palabras que sabe de lo que habla, ponga en perspectiva todo lo que realmente rodea a la señorita fitness y a Sam. Una relación de quid pro cuo, ella gana seguidores y notoriedad en un circulo demasiado apretado de influencers y Sam tema para que el fandom escriba el fic sin tener que molestarse en hacer caminatas con youtubers rusos detrás. La ley del mínimo esfuerzo, por lo menos algo han aprendido después de tantos años de hacer ridiculeces. Espero que el anon vuelva con más información, es muy interesante leer a gente que sabe de lo que habla y en ello te incluyo a ti :)
Dear Anon Rebelde,
Para ser honesta, estaba esperando que intervinieras. Siempre tan bienvenida, siempre tan precisa. De todos modos, ahí va la traducción:
'It was high time that a person, whose words prove she knows what she is talking about, would put into perspective everything related to Miss Fitness and Sam. A mutually beneficial relationship, she is winning followers and notoriety in that very tight circle of influencers and Sam would have the fandom writing the fanfic, without having to bother being seen walking around and being followed by Russian youtubers. Principle of minimal effort, really, at least they seem to finally have learnt something, after all those years of ridiculous shenanigans. I hope Anon will come back with more information, it's very interesting to read things written by people who know what they are talking about, you included.'
Aaaaaawww, sweetheart, that was an awfully nice thing to say. But tonight is not about me, it's about Lonely Fitness Girl Anon, who seems to have started quite the conversation, in here.
I agree with you: we need more reasonable people to step in. That would definitely put Mordor between a rock and a hard place. It will be less and less easy to call shippers mental and stupid, I think, as long as we manage to keep things very clean, very square and very clear, exactly like Anon showed us. They can, in return, further ridicule themselves with their little sectarian fanfic, just like today's frantic, yet unsubstantiated, Fitness at Dawn umpteenth sequel. And it might, just might, force Them to see at least things are not that easy, nor quietly predictable, on the fandom front.
Whatever you publish and the moment you are choosing to do so are not details and definitely not for fun, as long as there are consequences to whatever you put on your page. I wish more people would understand that and perhaps then all the vicious circle boredom -> thoughtless posting/writing the script -> doubling down on the Narrative would be at least less predictable, too.
But hey, fingers crossed for Anon not to have been scared by the commotion. I'd really love to see her coming back for more, whenever she'd feel like.
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sgiandubh · 10 months ago
Can you tell where Sarah is ?
Dear Where Is She Anon,
I can't, anymore than yourself. If you would only take five minutes and look at my archives or some other inquisitive Tumblr blogs, Anon.
I have already told all of you she was registered to participate in the London Hyrox PRO competition, starting tonight at 19:10, local time: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/749296138285432832/fitness-at-dawn-the-london-edition?source=share
If you mean this recently posted story, there is no positive way to tell and I refuse to indulge such an infantile request:
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There are literally hundreds of palm trees scattered all over London. See this post, for more details: https://www.palmtalk.org/forum/topic/74719-update-on-some-london-palms/
I should also hope you would think of a more polite way to ask around, Anon. You probably are the same person I have invited to do so a couple of weeks ago. You could even use words like 'please', 'thank you', etc. Even for the DGAF and 'just a hobby' crowd (🙄), there are some basic rules, I think. And in return I DGAF about English not being your first language: not mine either, and it is just plain RUDE.
This is the last time I answer ''can you' questions showing no social graces whatsoever. I owe you nothing, Anons. Please remember that and thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.
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@bigredolivier is a friend of SH from Gymnasium - London. The gymnasium was the partner gym that SH and NR competed for at Hyrox Scotland 2023. There is no sign of SH in sight 🤔
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The Gymnasium Brixton is where NR works. SH did not participate in the EDA team and it seems that this year he was not part of this team either.
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HYROX Glasgow 2 + 3 March 2024 at Scottish Event Campus SEC Centre - Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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Hyrox Glasgow 2023
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 10 months ago
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When SH trying to decide to participate in Hyrox Men 🤔 Does it feel heavy or Does it feel light?
If it feels “heavy,” for him don’t do it. (unless it’s something that is required of you and you are prepared). The fact that started an online fitness gym is not a “crucial” factor in making him the fittest man in the CrossFit world, since there is no reason to be surprised by his achievements, but, except for his fans, of course.
He signed up for three consecutive HYROX competitions, but he wasn't consistent in his training routine, which made it difficult for him to participate in the full session HYROX race.Despite this, he still enjoyed signing up and found some moves easier. He became a fan of the Hyrox Pro Women girls and appreciated the experience. It was as if he had escaped from something. SH's Great Escape.
People who are related to sports know You can’t do HYROX with no training. It is still a fitness race which requires training and preparation in strength as well as endurance. HYROX includes a mix of eight 1km runs alternating with eight different workouts. The individual stations are: (1) SkiErg, (2) Sled Push, (3) Sled Pull, (4) Burpee Broad Jumps, (5) Rowing, (6) Farmers Carry, (7) Sandbag Lunges, and (8) Wall Balls. The running course lead around the workout stations.
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Each HYROX finisher receives a finisher patch at the finish line. No flags or patches are sent after the event. That means only Hyrox participants who finished and completed the race are entitled to receive proof of their participation on the same day.
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Anyone can participate in HYROX. HYROX Glasgow 2024 was held at the SECC Scottish Exhibition Center in Glasgow last March, and SH was present around the SECC. However, SH can provide proof that he was the one who completed the race in Glasgow and received the finisher's patch at the end.
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It seems SH has not reached a reasonable level of fitness. He couldn't train specifically for Hyrox for 4 weeks, say 3 times a week, and be ready to compete to complete it successfully. Most will prefer to train specifically for 8 weeks, to be better prepared, and up to 5 times a week to perform better that day.
If SH wasn't able to reach the fitness level required for Hyrox due to commitments, although he seems to have a lot of free time. Why, did he still sign up for Hyrox Men Glasgow, Hyrox Men Cologne, and Hyrox Men London consecutively, and He give up on participating? It seems that he didn't focus on improving his performance, as athletes usually do. Comparing oneself to others can be demotivating, and this could be one reason why SH lost motivation to participate in the race.
If Sam is SO competitive with a strong need for validation, and recognition, leading them to prioritise their interests over others, why not compete intensely in HYROX MEN. If he signed up for Hyrox it is to compete. Or this gives him something to focus on like being a HYROX PRO WOMEN’s cheerleader. 📣
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He's far from the elite, but if he's just looking to have a good time and prove himself as an enthusiastic cheerleader in different ways, he'll never improve his fitness. It seems his motorbike mishap he suffered in 2021 when he tore his MCL and fractured his knee, requiring surgery, is still taking its toll on his body.
SH has never participated in the HYROX men's singles category, nor has he ever run in the HYROX Rotterdam or Paris events. Some of his fans seem to imagine him running in places where he has never been. However, in February 2023, he did participate in the HYROX Doubles category with his partner Nicolas (Nick). They competed as a team, sharing each training station according to their choice.
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In Glasgow 2023 SH appears to have had difficulties, in two stations 1) Burpee Broad Jumps, (in the lowest position, the athlete's chest should touch the ground. The athlete then stands up and jumps forward, jumping and landing with both feet simultaneously - Sam did not do well at this station, as shown in this video). It appeared that his knee was stiff when he was in a plank position and then he attempted to stand up and jump with both feet forward.
2) Sandbag Lunges. (The athlete must lift the sandbag without assistance and place it over their shoulders. The athlete during each lunge, the rear knee must touch the ground. A repetition ends with knees and hips fully extended). There are no photos of Sam doing this station. As Nick said, he did the hardest job while SH posed. One thing is for sure with Nick - in every joke, there's a bit of truth.
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It is unjustifiable to not honour a commitment. When Sam bought his ticket and confirmed his participation in HYROX, he personalised it with his name. There is no evidence that he was injured, and he decided not to attend the event in London. Or It is unclear whether he wanted to transfer his ticket to a friend or sell it. Who knows? 🤷‍♀️
SH has managed to join the Hyrox Pro Women cheer team. He feels more comfortable being a spectator and cheerleader than being a competitor in the Hyrox Men category. It must be exciting for him to know what his future holds. Being a cheerleader requires a diverse set of skills in order to be successful. We will get to see SH's specialised techniques in action, and perhaps he will take private lessons that could change his life. While he may not be as physically active as the Hyrox Men competitors, he is still entertaining. Despite this, he may not impress as much as the other competitors do.
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There is always someone who believes that SH by registering and then not participating in Hyrox is aiming to confuse their fans. 😂 (pure idiocy) This only confuses those who do not understand the true meaning of competition and what it entails. His faults have become more evident, making it difficult to decide to compete in Hyrox. Despite this, in recent months he has gained a new fangirl who does not participate with him in the Hyrox mixed doubles. Can you guess why?
SH's idea of ​​competitiveness involves providing cloakroom service by holding crossbody bags while the girls compete. He must have been very proud to show off that style at the Hyrox Olympia in London 🙄
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#HyroxGlasgow #HyroxCologne #HyroxLondon #HyroxUK #Hyrox2024 #Hyrox
Posted 9th May 2024
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 10 months ago
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The records ✨
The saga of a Brazilian fan in London when she saw SH in a restaurant. She filmed him outside the “Enoteca Rosso” on the corner of Melbury Road and Kensington High St in London, just a 10-minute walk from the Hyrox London (Olympia event).
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A Brazilian Sassenach, trying to benefit, not be afraid of ridiculous herself, easily feels self-conscious to ask for a foto 🤦‍♀️ The fan doesn't mention when it is, but the video was posted on TikTok on 4th May - @swiannymenezes share this video on https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMGnjFTx/
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Translation: I'm going to post the video without sound because I was just saying “What a shame" to be filming him hidden. 😂
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It looks like this video was made during the first day of Sarah's race (Saturday) sitting at a table for four.
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If anyone think a lunch at ROSSO is a “date” where she counts the carbohydrates in her diet with a planned meal? It doesn't sound “romantic” at all. The answer may be complex and varied, but why didn't they sit at a table for two like the couple behind them?
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They both live off applause, and we didn't get to see Sam applauding during her race, so if he wants it, he should make sure to show it to her.
Why do comments about a particularly volatile date always appear when she's not around her son? If you think that a supposed date will be exclusively with the mother, then he should not go out with her 🙅‍♂️
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It seems that only foreign tourists recognise him. In the UK they don’t give him any relevance.😂
Posted 5th May 2024
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