hmratking · 6 years
Enter the Rat King, Part I
(continued from Letters ) 
Usually, knocking on the door was customary for the Flea so to not frighten Loli if he portaled into the apartment, but this was an emergency and there was no time to explain. The Flea’s portal appeared inside the living room, the loud crackling and bright light disrupting the silence of the room. He tipped his hat at Loli and rushed past her to grab the double stroller. “Get everything they need and take them to that decorated place I took you the other day. If you need anything, I will find you.” He grabbed the diaper bag and some of the toys. 
Loli had just given the twins their bath, and they were now warmly bundled in sleepy bodysuits as she lay them into their crib, smiling at their cherub faces drifting off into a peaceful slumber. That was until the loud and brightly blinding lights of the Flea's portal disrupted their nightly routine.
Loli grabbed up both babies, of which Nath’aniel stayed quiet but Vera'wyn started to cry inconsolably. "Jhon!"  Loli found herself stating rather loudly and she may have almost opted to scream, but his suit and face registered before the ability compelled her. "You can't just do th- What? What are you…wait…I just got them ready for bed. Shh, shh, stop crying princess. It's ok. It's just uncle Jhon." Loli tried to calm down Vera'wyn as she struggled to keep them both close to her in the haste she had grabbed them in.
The Flea passed by Loli and took one of her hairs. 
"Ow!" it had surprised her the pluck of one of her hairs, another startled looks at the Flea, she understood something was up but he was acting crazy,
“I really apologize but that’s so that I can find you. I really can’t explain too much right now. Get out with the children and I will find you. I will let Dahlia know as well. Go. Hurry.” There was a sort of desperation in his tone. He walked to the dining table where he placed his black case. From within, he took two large boxes and placed them on the table. “Hurry, Loli...”
"You are not making sense! " Lolianth had walked forward to set the twins into the stroller, Vera still visibly upset as she didn't want to be set down and started to cry even louder which caused Nath to start to pout uncontrollably. She quickly grabbed the diaper bag and reached into it placing pacifiers to the upset babies mouths whiles shushing as softly as she could.  "What's happening?? who's com-" her hands grabbing bottles and extra blankets as she started to push the carriage to the door...
Loli didn't have time to ask who was coming as Mora's door opened. Angry brows set like a crown on her unblemished face as she quickly sized up where everyone was and moved to her children with precision, pushing Loli out of the way and leaning over them to smell their heads and cuddle them, pausing the rush of the madness for a moment as she glared between the two.
"Explain. now."
The Flea paused and looked at Mora, no expression on his face. “They need to go. Right now, Dahlia.” He stared at her for a few seconds. “Right now.” He looked around her at Loli and gestured to get going. “If Loli would rather go to an inn for the night, I can arrange it, but now, she has to go.”
He saw Mora and he sighed. “Trust me... I would not let any harm come to them.” His eyes widened to emphasize his next words. “Or anyone.” He walked toward Mora and leaned in, daringly kissing the corner of her lips. “Loli, let’s go. Now.”
Mora barely had time to process or protest as Jhon kissed the corner of her lips. She was slightly taken back but knew he was right. If he said they should be moved and now, Mora trusted him. "Move them Loli, go up to the nicer part of Dal, get a room at the inn. Jhon, give her money now then. I do not want them on the streets. In case you cannot make it back to them in a timely manner; it's cold and snowing. " Mora touched her lips some but the focus quickly faded on him and moved to her children as she fussed over them. frowning and kissing them again as she moved away and watched Loli wait only a moment while Flea handed her some gold. 
"Do not let ANYTHING happen to them. I swear Loli..-" 
"Nothing will happen to them! Please! Let me go. I will find the nicest place I can, and I will wait there. I promise, on my life, that nothing will happen to them" Loli spoke with a still slightly confused fear. As soon as Mora nodded, Lolianth was leaving out the door. 
“Jhon! Keep them safe..." Mora walked to the window and watched with anxiety building with each step Lolianth took away from the home. 
The Flea escorted them to the other side of Dalaran, guiding her toward the inn. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he whispered, smiled at Loli, and cast his spell.
It wasn’t even ten minutes when another flash appeared inside Mora’s apartment, followed by one more appearing in the room Loli had acquired. The Flea looked so weak that he simply collapsed on the ground beside the children’s carriage.
Back in Mora’s place, footsteps followed the crackling sounds of the portal. They were slow, calculating. The footsteps stopped and the man stood at a distance.
Mora had gotten dressed, exposed shoulders and little black dress, she assumed Jhon would be back to take her to whatever had caused this panic, so when the portal flashed into being once again she stood up ready, heart beating. "Jh-" No, that was not Jhon. She could tell the moment the air died down.
He took a few deep breaths as he heard her voice, eyes closing as her tone sent shivers throughout his body, but his mind was already processing the first sounds that angelic voice of hers had made. He walked toward that siren sound and called out in a low rumble, “Expecting someone?” It was when he walked into the doorway and saw her dressed in her little black dress that his twisted mind was already going elsewhere. “Going out?” The Rat King’s voice reverberated from his chest. Green eyes stared at her amongst the shadows in the apartment. 
A wild look of surprise, anger, chills, spread through her like a wildfire. She had stepped back and held the back of the chair she was just sitting at to settle herself. Mora did not smile, but those piercing eyes stared at her and she drank them in with the feeling of her legs weakening. So, she used the back the chair to keep herself proud and vainly standing.  "I-..was not expecting you.” She heard the whisper come out of her tight chest and she let those gold nails dig deep into the cushion of the seat. She had to, or she would move, and those legs of hers would betray her. "Where would I have to go?” she called back to shadow, settling back down into the chair and crossing her legs tightly as the dress would allow. 
He looked around for signs or clues or something that would justify the silent desire to be just as angry as she let on to be, but he turned his attention back to her. "No, you wouldn't be expecting me..." He saw her sit and he fought the urge to rush to her. Turning away, he walked toward the window, peeking out as he gazed at the city. "I'm surprised you're not in Silvermoon..." His green eyes turned to look at her, eyelids narrowing slightly as the look turned into a glare. 
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"Why is that? Why are you surprised?”She watched the way his beautiful face looked back at her, a blonde god, and she wanted his eyes on her, glaring or not, but it wasn't a bad feeling when he did. She puckered her lips softly at him, a smirk slipping before she turned her head.
"I asked for you…everyday nearly, and you never responded. When should I have expected you, nn?"  The Doll watched him pace, his slender form still seeking the darkness of the room, pulling at it, though she could see him clearly as he moved closer to the window and its light.  He had her sit at attention, a hand rubbing up and down her thigh, a nervousness coldly falling over her spine. 
“I highly doubt that. I asked the Flea every day if you asked for me and not once did he say you did.” He turned back to the window. “And I saw you were in Silvermoon. Doing things you should not be doing...” One is his hands curled up into a fist as he tried hard to maintain calm. “What were you doing, Mora?”
Mora's brows narrow as the King said that he had not heard she was asking for him. She expected cockiness, or to hear him say that she was not worth responding to; not that there was nothing. “What?...you are joking. He said you never asked anyth-" It was overshadowed by what he said next. 
She looked back at him, her head tilting in a way that displayed she was naughty. "Looking for family, Kingy,” she whispered enough for him to hear, but she did not want to argue with him about it. A gold-dipped hand pulled up and hung on the side of her neck as she watched him. 
"You were looking for MY family... People I strictly forbade ANYONE from interacting with!" His voice growled and it raised a bit in the end. "And you, out of everyone, should have never met them." He turned and looked at her. "NEVER!" He moved away from the window and walked in Mora's direction. "Do they know?"
Instantly, Mora stood and threw the chair back with the push of her arm as he walked in her direction. Her lips snarled as she hissed, "Out of everyone? OF EVERYONE? I AM THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN. MELAETH! That is THEIR family! You TOLD me they might be safe for them. I WENT TO SEE!” Instant rage poured from her as she felt that he was saying that she wasn't good enough. Never good enough, wasn't that the case? She felt it so.
"I told you they might be safe for them IF there was danger! They are not in danger, Mora!" He ran his hand through his blonde hair and continued walking toward her. "Do they know?" he asked again.
When he asked if they knew, Mora was deathly quiet. 
He finally approached her, staring down at her, inches away. "Do. They. Know?"
Mora’s breath was heavy as she stared up at him, her hands crept up but she pulled them back to herself. "Your sister does, but that is because she already did, Melaeth. Other than that, I do not know." Her lower lip trembled some "THIS is the danger, Rat King…You and I. I wanted to choose us. I wanted to know what might happen…if…" She couldn't bring herself to say the rest.
He rolled his eyes and growled softly at the thought of his sister knowing. He turned to look at her when she addressed his moniker "If? If what?"
"If I had to give them up. If I had to choose you." She clenched her hands over the front of her dress. Standing toe to toe with him but not eye to eye. "I don't want to though…" She took a breath. "I do not think you will choose me. So why should I leave them now? They cannot leave me,” but she couldn't keep looking up at him, not while saying that, so she looked away trying to keep herself from reaching out to him and begging for him to hold her, make it better, fix it. 
"If you…if you are leaving or I am…I don't want to be alone...but I can't do this anymore. I can't be your enemy. Melaeth...kill me...just not slowly..”
The King took a deep breath, inhaling her in, and he closed his eyes. He missed her and longed for her, but this was a priority...right? "This wasn't about you choosing, Mora," he spoke softly. He knew he was going to open a new can of worms, but he spoke anyway. It had to be said, "This was about you thinking that I didn't want you because I didn't want to say that we were married." He braced himself for her rage, but it didn't stop him.
"I...I never wanted you to leave. You did that alone." He hesitated a bit but he reached his hands out, cradling her face in his hands. He lifted her chin up, whether she looked at him or not. "I am not your enemy, Mora." Melaeth's angelic face glanced down at her, hoping that she did not move from his touch. Simply touching her face was soothing enough.
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"It ties into that Melaeth. You broke my heart. Why? Why am I not good enough to be your wife? Is it so bad? Am I so bad? ...Or are you waiting for Lily?” She could not look at him as she said this, even as his hand caressed her chin to tilt her face up. "She isn't coming back, but I do…is this stupid?" 
He stared at her as she spoke, losing himself in her voice, her feel, her.  When she mentioned Lily's name, he cringed a little, his body trying to pull back but he forced his hands to remain on her face. "Marriage is not an option, Mora," he whispered. "It's...not safe for you, for them...And no, I don't expect her to return. She must be living such a normal life now..." He sighed. "But if you can't accept me..." There was a crack in his soft voice, "...then...you are free to leave."
She finally looked up to him hands gripping into his sides with a hard grasp as she wanted to pull him close before he had a chance to become distant…a ghost.  "I NEVER want to leave you, but I won’t let you hurt me anymore. You can pull this world apart, but not the core, never me. No one will ever love you like I do, Melaeth. No one. Before or after. You took me and changed everything, everything in my world, and now you have to have responsibility for that, or I will leave. My King. My only King." She couldn't help it, not when he was this close, and not when he looked at her with that face. He knew. She knew. But it hurt all the same. 
"I do not want to be your enemy.” Her hands moved up more as she stood on tiptoes and pulled at the lower back of his neck so that their lips might touch, perhaps.
There was no resistance when she tugged down at him, his lips meeting hers. His hands slipped from her face, wrapping around her torso, pulling her closer as the tenderness of their kiss quickly increased intensity. Soon, he was lost in her embrace.
"You stupid, stupid boy. I have always been in danger with you. I never wanted to be safe." She inhaled deeply pulling herself close to him, the dress keeping her bound from clawing her way into his arms. The lower part of her back pushed into the side of the table as she felt the King indulge her kiss. “That is why I chose you. To live and die…for you .” She slid herself up onto the table so that he could lean on it with his palms as her lips hungrily moved to his neck and kissed over the mark she made on it, biting and sucking over his skin as she missed the way he smelled, the way he tasted.  
"I will always be your wife whether you say it or write it or burn it into the flesh of anyone who dares cross you. I am your Rat Queen because I accept you." Her hands had raked down his chest as her words became more heated. It was what she believed regardless of his own beliefs. Her fingers hooked around his belt as she leaned in, kissing his chest. The things she had dreamed of doing to this man…they got the best of her, but she stopped.
"I have always been free to leave, does this not weigh on your mind?" She looked up with fel infected eyes, " But I can't...don't let me..don't make me. Tell me what you can say, Melaeth. You can say yes. That, for whatever happens, you accept me. Us. Or tell me you at least plan on saying it. Give me hope, Kingy…" She let go of his belt, leaning back and wiping her eyes. She hated that it so easily upset her. She hated that she could cry in front of him. "This will end horribly. won’t it? That is what people like us…like me deserve…isn't it?" 
He craved her lips and her touch and when she began to speak, it became an internal battle between the Rat King and Melaeth. "You have everything, Mora," he said between breaths. "I have given you everything. You are asking for something I cannot give you. And you're willing to throw it all away."
He tilted his head back and then to the side. "All I want is for you to come home..." He placed his hands on her thighs and caressed them, longing to wrap them around him. "It will only end horribly if you let it..." 
(co-written with @loveherdekay )
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hmratking · 5 years
The Flea and Loli, part I
Continued from Mora and the Rat King, Part II  While the Rat King and Mora have reunited, the Flea and Loli wait in an undisclosed room with the twin babies...
"Do not let ANYTHING happen to them. I swear Loli...-" Mora had already kissed her children goodbye and the Flea had announced that it was important for the children to go. Resigned to the fact that this was happening, Mora hoped for the best.
"Nothing WILL happen to them Please!...let me go.  I will find the nicest place I can, and I will wait there. I promise my life that nothing will happen to them." Loli spoke with a still slightly confused fear.  As soon as Mora nodded, Lolianth was leaving out the door.
"Jhon! Keep them safe..." Mora walked to the window and watched them leave,  anxiety building with each step Lolianth took away from the home.
The Flea escorted them to the other side of Dalaran, guiding her toward the inn. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he whispered, smiled at Loli, and cast his spell.
Loli was extra careful about the babies, she followed the Flea to the rather fancy inn, and she did as she was told to protect herself and the children. Once safely inside the room, she bid goodnight to Jhon, who seemed to be leaving too quickly to notice. Loli sighed and composed herself as the adrenaline had built her up and now she was alone with the twins.
It wasn’t even ten minutes when another flash appeared inside Mora’s apartment, delivering an important person, followed by one more appearing in the room Loli had acquired. The Flea looked so weak that he simply collapsed onto the floor.
Loli had settled the babies onto the bed when they propped up and awakened as they again broke into heavy pouts and reaching out for Loli after the portal had disturbed their peace for the second time.  Torn, Loli gasped as the noise startled her again and she moved to the babies to hold them close. "Mr. Flea!" she watched the undead collapse and she stared, wide-eyed. "Mr. Flea?!" she called as she attempted to calm the twins down enough so that she could put them down and rush to him, pulling his head unto her lap. "...Jhon?" she dared to say his name again.
The Flea remained out for a while longer and slowly, he began to open his eyes. He gazed up and smiled at Loli. “I’m... I’m alright, sweetheart.” He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to jolt his body and he looked up at her once more. “Are you alright?”
Loli's scared but pretty face hovered over Jhon's with a tunnel view through the darkness of her hair as it hung over them both. Her worry softened to concern as his eyes opened and she saw he was only just passed out, with no breath or way to tell. She was not sure what just happened to him. "I.. am fine, now. Are... you alright? I have no Idea what is going on. Why are we here? Why are you falling down now? Did you get hurt?”
The Flea smiled at Loli and his cold hand carefully caressed her cheek. "Shh. I'm fine now. A bit weak, but that's what one gets after casting several spells at once." He sat up and chuckled a bit. "I am not hurt." He looked around and smiled, "This is nice. And the children? Are they alright?" He continued to avoid the main question as to what was going on.
Lolianth's concerned eyes softer if just for a moment, dark brows pulling slightly as she seemed to study his face more now that the opportunity was present. He was quite handsome and Loli seemed to lose a few of her senses when she lingered a bit too long.  "Oh," she quickly moved and got up to check on the babies. They were indeed starting to roll and crawl from their spots with fussy cries to the edge of the bed. "Vera!" she scooped the baby girl up quickly and laid across carefully to pull the Prince back from the other side of the bed.
The Flea walked toward the bed, smiling. He carefully sat along the edge and gently patted Vera’s side. “Shhh, Princess.” He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes, his hand continuing his gentle patting.
Loli smiled at the prince as he was gathered up and brought to the center of the bed " Where do you think you are off to? was this not enough of an adventure for you? your mother would have me..." she licked her lips some and realized it was scary even as a joke.  She sat up and watched Vera being patted, her crying just turning to noise as the baby seemed to just like the sound of her own voice and the brakes in it caused by the flea's gentle pets.  It Loli giggle some. "she likes that I think"  But she looked back up at Jhon with a narrow of her eyes in confusion still. "why are we here and not at home, what is going on?"
The Flea smiled at Vera and when Loli asked her question, he sighed softly. "I had to get you all out of there. The Rat King went to visit Mora. I don't know what's going to happen, but it's safer for you three to be away from there for now." He lifted his golden eyes and looked at Loli. "My apologies, Loli. The last thing I need is for him to hurt you needlessly." He looked at the children, "Or them."
Loli frowned some, looking away and then standing as she needed to walk, pacing. "I... Wait. I thought he wasn't going to be going there? " she rubbed her face some, and then picked up the prince to hold him and rock him in her continued pacing "Are...is he dangerous to the babies? Would he really hurt them? Is that why? or...just me?"
The Flea noticed that Vera had fallen asleep and he looked at Loli. "I don't know, dear. No one knows what he's capable of because he hasn't hurt them or tried to hurt them. Not that I know of, anyway." He rose and walked toward Loli, silently requesting for the child in her arms. "Please, allow me.”
"How could she let him come there!" Loli spoke without reserve, but she was upset, recalling how he had hurt her when she met him. A horrible man. "That..." her hands held the prince tightly and she looked over at his sleepy sea green eyes, a precious sweetness birthed from those ugly monsters. "Shh ..shh. It's ok sweet prince. You are a gift..."  Loli walked closer to The Flea as he sought out to hold the prince and gently handed him over.  "You...are really good with them. Do you have --" That must have sounded so stupid and Loli closed her eyes some, realizing the undead could not have children.. not living ones. "Were...were you a parent before?"
The Flea took the child in his arms and carefully rocked him. "No, I never had children." He looked at Loli and smiled at her before turning back to the child. "I'm dead, Loli, but children, a smile, taking care of myself, an embrace; all these things make me feel alive. I don't take moments like these for granted." He watched the little boy yawn and snuggle in his arms.
Loli smiled some as he seemed to forgive her wording. She was not a poet by any means.  Not like he seemed to be, his way with words had the pretty dark haired elf looking over him and the baby.  "No offense, I...cannot see this happening often, and not with undead in general. At least...not many had come in to adopt when I was there. I was not there very long. Long enough to see two children find a home..." She paused and blushed some in her rambling. How boring her life would be compared to his. "They deserve so much more...all of them" She looked over the prince's little pink lips with tenderness. It was easy to see she cared deeply for the twins.
(co-written with @loveherdekay )
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hmratking · 6 years
Loli in Winter Veil Land, Part I
continued from Silent Chaos
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Loli was just laying Vera down when she heard the door open again from Mora's room. Her eyes caught the Flea walking out, like before. Loli paused only for a moment before laying the baby down and walking to the couch to sit. She wore the nightgown he bought her and tried not to make too much noise as she kept to herself. 
He looked at Loli and smiled, tipping his head. "How are you doing?" he asked in a whisper. He stole a glance of her in her nightgown and he smiled. "Feeling better about being here?"
Loli looked up from the couch, braiding her hair to the sides of her head for the night. "I have been here. The children are fine; they are eating well" 
The Flea paused and sighed. “You know, you can talk to me if you need to. I won’t tell her. And you won’t get in trouble. I could even take you out for a while if you need a break. She needs time with her children too, I would assume.”
Loli watched him. She didn't believe him but she nodded slowly yes. "Just tired…" She managed to say though with no life, just as most of her words were. When he said he could take her away from there, for a break, she looked back up at him. "Did she say that? Did she say I could go?"
The Flea offered her a soft smile. "I could go speak to her. Would you like to accompany me? If she agrees, it will be my treat. You do deserve a break once in a while. You are alive, after all." He chuckled, waiting for her response.
Loli looked back to the door that led to Mora's room and then the babies as they slept just beyond her sight in their crib. “Right now? I…just got them down. Ok…alright. If she will let me go.” Loli sat back up and looked for something to put on. “She’s...not high is she?"
The Flea looked back at the closed door and he smirked.  "Knowing her? I'm not sure..." He winked at Loli and returned back to the room, knocking on the door. He turned the knob and walked in. 
"Dahlia?" He closed the door and approached the bed. 
The knock would echo upon deaf ears as the petite elf curled into her blankets fast asleep. Only her brows moved as she heard a name that belonged to her called for. 
Loli stood in the front room trying to peer around the Flea but staying silent.”
He walked around to where she was and knelt beside her bed. "Dahlia? You need to wake up, beautiful." He gently caressed her face and moved strands of pink hair away from her face. "Wake up."
"No.. go away.” Mora could hear him but it was a mixed reception inside her tired head until she stubbornly pulled her furs over her head. "What..Jhon!" she whined. "Just come to bed."
He smiled softly and tried again, “Mmm, tempting. Dahlia… sweetheart, please wake up. I need a favor from you.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead.
"What.. why " she sounded more in tune, though grouchy. "I hate everything…" His lips pressed to her forehead and she glared, “What…"
“You need to go sleep in the living room. I’m taking Loli with me. To... help me with your things. Time to be a mother, Dahlia. They’re asleep so you should be fine.” He hoped she would let the girl go.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Just go…" She pulled her longest fur cover and took it with her to the love seat. "Hurry up, I thought you were already coming back. Mind yourself..beasty,” she spoke softly to Loli as the elves passed one another and Mora curled up. 
Loli had slipped on the white and black dress, also gifted by the Flea, and the matching heels.  Her hair she left braided and when passing by hearing Mora's warning, she closed her eyes in a soft wince, "Of course Miss" was all she managed before getting closer to the door, stopping before the Flea. 
"You better bring her back Jhonathan" Mora growled softly, not wanting to wake the twins. 
Smiling brightly, the Flea bowed and said, “Of course, my Queen.” He rose and gestured for Loli to walked to the front door. He closed the door and stopped, whispering to Loli. 
“This is not an escape. You still belong to the Kingdom. You make one false move, and I will stop you. You do anything remotely stupid and I will destroy you.” His golden eyes flashed bright blue. “Understood, Loli?” He offered her a warm smile and turned around, raising his voice and gesturing to the city. 
Lolianth had walked more so behind the flea before she stopped while he whispered his own warning. Her slow and steady breath matched the cautious look she had given him and Mora,  but she nodded "I will not try to escape,” Loli reassured him, turning out toward the city when he gestured.
“Welcome to Dalaran, Loli.”
The air was already cooler, the side they stayed on was not so friendly at night, but being who they were, none seemed to have an inclination to approach them. A few Ratz were already stationed around the hotel, simply looking and keeping their respective distance. Loli was oblivious to them, looking to the sky which really seemed closer than in Silvermoon, but maybe that was in her head. 
Loli looked back to the Flea as she stepped out, taking a quick glance down the street before looking back to him, she stood and pushed the stray hair swaying about her in the wind behind her long ears. "What am I to help you with?” 
“Nothing at all, unless you want to help me get a tree and ornaments. Otherwise, I want you to enjoy yourself. Ask for anything you want and it will be yours. I’m at your service tonight.” The dapper undead offered her his arm.
Loli looked around some more as the Flea stepped out and closed the door behind him. "A tree? Oh, for Winterveil? You…guys celebrate?" 
The Flea chuckled and shrugged, “I mean, it’s a time for family and giving, isn’t it? What you don’t see, because if your situation, I know, is that we’re a family and on occasion, we give.”
Her brows furrowed some as she stood still again. "Do you mean that you will go with me or that I can go on my own…?” She was pretty sure she knew the answer but she wanted to check. 
He did turn to look at her. “I’ll be with you the entire time. Do not worry.” He smiled and said, “Have you been in Dalaran before? This district isn’t that great, but there are others here that are beautifully decorated for the holiday. Shall we?”
"You know what I would like most.." she said softly of her wanting to go home "I am not sure what else to ask for. There is nothing..” Loli made a slight face of being unsure mixed with a wrinkle on her nose and cheek. Rubbing her arms some she looked away. "No, no, I've never been to Dalaran before. I have not had the opportunity to travel."  She moved out of his way so that he might lead them wherever he wanted since she had no place that came to mind to ask to see. With a defeat in her shoulders, she would nod "Alright. where ever you lead. Mister Flea" 
He saw her and smiled. Offering his hand, he said, "Come. No need to be down. You get to be out for a while.”
Loli found it hard to smile, even with all the festive scenery she could see thus far.  "Yes, for a while…" She spoke softly, not wanting to seem ungrateful for the generosity of her kidnappers.  Loli did offer out her hand, trying her best not to pull it away as he kissed it and placed it around his arm. It wasn't because he was undead, his charm was so hard not to give into, to feel safe in. This man was not her friend, she would remind herself silently. She was his capture, and Mora's, and the King’s by proxy, right? She was not so sure who was at the top now really. The top that made a difference in her life so far seemed to be Mora.
He escorted her to the brightly lit streets of Dalaran, where colorful lights and holiday wreaths were neatly hung. Children ran through the streets with treats in their hands and carolers stood outside shops singing holiday songs. 
It was harder yet, to try and remember this was not supposed to be fun when the sweet sounds of laughter and savory aroma's of spices hit the air around them. A few blocks over and the neighborhood's dynamic was switched up even more so, more ornate and lavish. Loli smiled taking in the way things were done here, in Dalaran, than how it was in Silvermoon.  "They sing so beautifully. The children love to sing, and their little voices are so perfect,” she said absently as she watched the carolers, stopping for a brief moment and losing her tired mind and thoughts with the melodious voices. 
He said nothing as he watched her smiling. It made him feel better about her being with them now that she was able to cast aside her troubles, even if it was for a moment. He had planned to lavish her with whatever she wanted. He wasn't going to be summoned anytime soon and he knew that, but he also sensed her hesitation with him and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable at all. 
"Look, they have warm drinks. Would you like one?" he offered. "Or pastries...Whatever you want, it's yours."
Loli looked over to the Flea, the mesmerizing moment broken as her smiled seemed to lose it's warmth though it stayed somewhat in place. "Oh, yes, something warm would be nice." She wanted to say no, but her stomach grumbled, "Um, sure,” she said, speaking somewhat unsure.  “You...do not eat, do you?" 
He gently led her toward the food and drinks. “I do not, but I will join you with a warm drink.” He smiled at her, “I like the warmth on my hands.” He ordered a drink and a pastry and handed them to Loli. He held the warm drink in his hands and let the steam hit his face. 
She stood quietly with him after walking to where they were selling the food and drinks, watching those around her every now and then as he purchased the goodies. Loli's reached out and took the hot tea into her cold hands, it burned but in a nice way, where it was welcome but close to uncomfortable. Kinda like how she felt being with The Flea. He kept offering her anything she wanted, anything. "I..I have a request…,” she said with a more clearer tone as the liquid warmed up her voice. "I have a brother in Silvermoon. I…don't want him involved in..this at all. I just," she took a soft shaky breath. "I just want him to know that I am ok, or something… I don't know what, to just…put him at ease. I know he must be worried." A tear fell, hitting the back of her hand, and Loli sat up straighter and looked up and away, no more would fall. "I won't fight or run. You could tell him that I chose to take up…this as a career. I just don't want him scared and looking for me." 
He looked at Loli and took a deep breath. “Let’s get something to write with and you can write him a letter. I will have to read it, of course, but I will deliver it personally.” He smiled at her and said, “I know you feel like a prisoner and rightfully so, but you are doing a great thing for these children. You are caring for them more than you know. She may not show it, but she is grateful for your presence.” He smiled and tapped her chin. “At least you’re not a Rat,” he muttered to her and he chuckled. 
Loli nodded, needing a moment to keep her composure. She was sure this was not going to happen often enough that it should be marred with her making a scene in public. "A-alright, paper, I.. " she sat straight and sniffed her emotions at bay "I saw a small shop with parchment and quills, or..maybe back at the apartment, Miss keeps a lot of scrolls..." She thought better of it when it left her mouth, feeling stupid for suggesting the use of anything of Mora's. 
"I don't mind that you have to read it, it will not be far from the truth that…that I am here to offer my services for the care of the twins." Loli's gaze over him was unsure as he said Mora appreciated what she did. She assumed the doll did, in her own way, but it did not show when Mora left at all hours of the night and threatened to kill Loli should anything happen to her children. This she kept to herself though. 
Her chin tapped and she flinched just slightly, tensing up out of reaction but trying to curb the startle of it as she quickly realized his gesture was soft and not to hurt her.  "I still, do not understand the...uh hierarchy of all that." She touched the same spot on her chin that he had. "How am I captive and not a rat? Or…is it that they have earned that title?" She was honest in her confusion. There wasn't much she could learn while being 'broken'. 
The Flea smiled and led Loli to a nearby available seat at a table. He looked around and snapped his fingers. Two random people approached the table and the Flea looked at Loli. Without addressing her, he took a few coins and gave them to one of the strangers. "Paper and writing tool. Be quick." The one stranger who got the coins ran off in the direction of the location with the stationery. The other stranger bowed and moved away from the table.
"You see that? Those, my dear, are Ratz. They work for the Kingdom. They willingly gave themselves to serve the King. They asked for the King's mark. You, my dear, are no Rat. You do not work directly for him and you do not bear his mark." The Flea smiled at her gently and turned only when the stranger returned with parchments and a writing tool. The Flea placed more gold in the stranger's hand and the stranger bowed, turning and walking away.
The Flea smiled at Loli. "Go on, write your letter. I can tell you more if you like.”
(co-written with @loveherdekay )
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hmratking · 6 years
Loli in Winter Veil Land, Part II
continued from Loli in Winter Veil Land, Part I
Lolianth was led to the seat, her tea still in hand as she watched with a recoil as the Ratz approached, she was quiet and unsure what was happening until the Flea started to speak. piecing it slightly together it became more clear as he addressed her once again. 
"They did not look like the…people…I saw in that Kingdom place…" Her cold fingers laced around her cup with a timid soft shake. That place was one right out of her nightmares. Her eyes searched the crowd…where they all Ratz? A panic in her chest softly bubbled but died out with her keeping her concern locked deep inside.  "The King? He is that blonde man…man who came with Miss to collect me…that is your King?" 
"What is his mark?" She almost didn't want to ask, but it was nearly impossible not to. She was but a heartbeat away from that world. The Rat had come back with the paper, and Loli recoiled again, worried that just touching them might taint her and send her back. 
The Flea nodded as he looked around, smiling and greeting those who passed by. "Yes, my dear, that is our King." He turned to look at Loli and silently beckoned for her pen. He took a napkin and drew an R with a crown over it. "This sign. If you ever see it, Ratz are nearby." He handed her the pen back and in his hand, he incinerated the napkin.
Looking back to the Flea she nodded as he offered to tell her more. "I do not foresee my departure so easily from all…of this. Perhaps your words will keep me alive." She reached out for the paper and pen, sliding them before her as she looked from its blank face to the Fleas. 
He turned away as she wrote and he sighed. "No, dear, I don't see you departing so easily at all. But it doesn't mean you can't survive this and make something out of yourself." He looked at her and softly said, "Make yourself indispensable. The more they need you, the more alive you will be. They will not get rid of you. They will give you what you want, but you have to prove yourself." It seemed as if he were telling some grand secret. "The Rat King is the monarch. Then it's the Inner Circle. Then the Dread Lords. Then the Ratz. Everyone else is an ally." 
She had started the letter, at least she tried to. Her ever-growing eyes kept looking from the parchment to the Flea, grand secret indeed if it was advice to truly keep her safe.or acclimate? No, she knew there would come a time where she might have a chance to leave, even if it meant a risk. That was a blip of hope she again remained vigilantly quiet on. When she was shown the symbol, it felt like she had seen it. Her hand absently pulling to her chest where Mora's mark was the most recent Loli would have noticed. Swallowing as The Flea disposed of the napkin, Loli looked back at her words :
Dearest Sodal'ious, I have found myself a new employer. I have left Silvermoon to help a woman in need of care for her children. I have relocated to Dalaran. Please do not worry. I will send money, and I will not be home for Winterveil. I am well taken care of.  -
Loli paused her writing once more as The Flea started to name off those in the Kingdom and their hierarchy.  She mouthed it slightly and silently as she wanted to remember "The king, the ... inner circle. Dreadlords?  and Ratz.."  her brows narrow some as she tried to make sense of this.
“How...am I not one of the Ratz then? Are they all taken? Or do they come willingly? You said they are ready to serve the King? What does that entail? Does it earn them freedom?" Words tumbled with questioning tones at the end of them, and perhaps she was asking too many things, but her pen tapped on the paper lightly with her thoughts.
The Flea smiled at her curiosity and he said “My dear, you have more freedom than any of us right now. You are no Rat because you are not marked. The King prefers his Ratz to come willingly. That means that they are his to command and control. And no, the only freedom available once you’re a rat is death.”
"How..is Miss connected to all this? You said she is the queen? To him? If that is the case, why is she not there?- " 
He smirked at her question about Mora, but it was a smile that soon vanished. “The Queen had... some issues with the King.” And then the talkative undead man stopped. He remained silent, his eyes usually turning in the direction of the district the apartment was at, and then back to Loli.
He looked down at her paper. "Keep writing.”
"Sorry" she looked worried again like she might cause him to dislike her and she had no intentions of biting the hand extended to her. Even if it was the hand of someone she viewed as her kidnapper. "I am.. just trying to make sense of all this. I do not want to be a rat" she said almost too quickly after Jhon mentioned death being the only way to freedom once you were. "That is, I am going to do my best to stay here with Miss. And she will not be going back to that Kingdom place, right?" Her eyes were full of concern again and windows to the fear that he would say yes.  
She wanted to ask more, but she noticed him look at her paused writing and as he encouraged her to keep writing, she abided. 
- "I miss you so much already. My pay from the orphanage is still waiting to be picked up. If you could be so kind as to get it for me, then you may keep it. Put it into your shop and consider it my Winter Veil gift to you. 
Love always always, Lolipopbright"-
She couldn't help but fear this might not all be able to be sent to him, but she tried to keep it as vague as she knew how. "Here. I, I think that will do. He is used to me sending letters. He stays in Orgrimmar most of the days, but travels home…around this time.”
He reached for the parchment and read it over. “Very well. I will make sure he gets this. Now, I would hate to take you back. What else can this humble servant do for you, my dear?” He bowed his head a bit toward her.
"Oh, yes…well if..if you could just make sure that he gets that letter. A-and the money from the orphanage. I don't want them to keep it from him. I know that might be a lot to ask, so I just ask for the letter.  Thank you.. Mister Flea." She nodded some and stood, the lukewarm tea left half full on the table.  Not wanting to push her luck. "I will need to get back; It's my place. Miss will be extra unpleasant if she doesn't get her rest. " In truth, writing that letter was crushing her soul. She didn't want to see these happy people around her. This wasn't her home, and with the Flea answering questions she really didn't want to hear answered honestly, she was heartbroken.  
"May I go back?" Loli tried to smile some, but her eyes were wet and she only lowered her head so that the blanket of black hair might give her some privacy. 
The Flea turned to her and gave her all his attention. He noticed her weeping and he frowned. Drawing his handkerchief from his jacket, he offered it to her. “If that is your desire, we shall go.” He waited for her to rise, but he gave her all his attention.
A flower vendor was walking down the street and the Flea stopped her. He bought a white flower and turned to look at Loli. He kissed the flower and reached out to hand it to her. “You will be fine, my dear.”
She reluctantly took the cloth from him and looked up as she dabbed her eyes. "Thank you. Sorry, it’s stupid, it just seems to happen,” she whispered as to not choke up more.  
Loli walked a distance with him quietly and holding on to the handkerchief. When the Flea paused, so did she, looking over his side some as he purchased the flower, for Miss, she thought. As he kissed it and reached it out to her, she looked from it to him once more with an unsure furrow of her dark brows. Loli reached out and took the flower from his hand, replacing it with the handkerchief.  "Th..thank you,” she found herself uttering again. She gently pulled her hand back to admire the white petals and nodded, "I will do as you say, Mister Flea." 
The Flea smiled and offered her his arm as he stored the handkerchief. He patted her hand and smiled. “We’ll take the long way back so that you can enjoy the lights and festivities.” 
Loli, holding the flower, graciously took the arm offered. "Yes, Mr. Flea." She nodded, not minding the time still taken before getting back to the apartment. Her free hand twirling the flower as she strolled arm linked with his. 
As they returned, he picked out a tree, took Loli’s advice on ornaments and decor. He had it all scheduled to be delivered to the apartment. He laughed at several gaudy decorations and appreciated others. He even told her a brief story of stepping on an ornament when he was a child.
Loli seemed to be happier around the decor. The lots of trees had her smiling again as she walked close to each bundled one and inhaled deeply. "I love the smell of them" she had said helping chose decorations, sweet soft ones she knew the babies would be able to play with ...more so after she was horrified by Jhon’s retelling of his childhood incident. 
"These will do nicely…soft ones of burlap and lace. Even if they chew on them, it will not hurt them" she smiled as she picked a few more ornaments.
When they arrived at the apartment, he stopped at the front door and looked at her. He placed a chilled finger under her chin and tilted her head up, smiling at her. “Chin up, Loli. You’ll be fine.” He reached to kiss the top of her head and then moved back to open the door.
Helping carry what she could, she followed along, taking in as much as she could before they came into the district where Mora's apartment was. Stepping up and stopping just before the door, Loli looked up at the Flea as he tilted her chin up. She smiled some before it gradually faded. When he leaned in to kiss the top of her head, she instinctively pulled back with wide eyes. “Sorry…sorry. I…thank you for taking me out. Mr. Flea" She seemed to come back to her displaced, apathetic self. "I will be fine." 
Walking through the door, Loli would find Mora curled up on the floor in a mount of blankets with the twins sleeping on her. She sighed.
(co-written with @loveherdekay )
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