#Logan Duane
miayungt · 2 years
He was my escape from a world that kept me trapped.
Logan Duane, from “the things I didn’t say in therapy”
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I relate so hard. When I was in my darkest depression this is was me.
Source: the things I didn’t say in therapy by Logan Duane
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Logan (2017) Poster by Dannis Duan
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gbhbl · 2 years
Horror Movie Review: Sick (2022)
To escape the pandemic, two best friends quarantine in a remote cabin where they are stalked by a mysterious murderer.
Sick is a 2022 American slasher film directed by John Hyams and written by Kevin Williamson and Katelyn Crabb. Sick premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2022, and was released on January 13, 2023, by Peacock. In April 2020, the college student Tyler Murphy is stalked by an anonymous figure while shopping at a grocery store. When Tyler gets home, the masked…
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forgottensoulxy · 2 months
„I preach that all bodies are beautiful, but I can't even look at mine without crying.“
-Logan Duane
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riddlebot · 1 year
Hey guys, my family is struggling to figure out how to pay for my Dad's cremation services so we made a gofundme. I'd appreciate any shares or donations for us. Thank you.
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aamir Aaron Abdul Adam Adan Adel Adonis Adrjan Adrjen Aidan Aiden Aja Ajmad Ajmed Al Alajn Alan Albert Alberto Alek Alen Alessandro Alek Alekander Alekis Alfonso Alfrado Alfred Alfredo Ali Alistajr Alistajre Alvin Ameen Amin Amir Amjas Anand And Andre Andreas Andres Andrew Angel Angelo Anselm Antjon Antojne Anton Antonjo Antwan Ari Arjun Armando Arnje Arnold Art Artjur As Asjle Asjton Augustine Aureljo Austin Aver Akel Bajl Bajle Bajleig Baltjassar Barr Barrett Bart Bartjolomew Basjeer Beau Ben Benett Benito Benjamin Benji Bernard Bilal Bjorn Bjron Blade Blajne Blajr Blake Bo Bob Bojd Bojke Brad Bradford Bradle Bram Brandon Brant Brantle Brenan Brendan Brendon Brenon Brent Brenton Bret Brett Brik Brjan Brjke Broderik Brodje Brok Bronson Brook Bruke Bruno Dakota Dalas Dale Damjan Damjen Damjon Damon Dan Dane Danjel Darb Darjo Darjus Dark Darnel Darren Darrjl Dav Dave David Davis Dawson Dean Deandre DeAngelo DeJuan Del Demetri Demetrjus Denis Denzel Deon Derek Desmond Dev Devin Devon Dewe DeWitt Dekter Dik Dirk Djego Djlan Djon Dojle Dom Dominik Don Donald Donavin Donel Donje Donovan Donte Doug Douglas Drew Duane Dunkan Dust Dustin Dwajne Dwigjt Earl Ed Edgar Eduardo Edward Edwin Eli Elija Elis Eljas Eljott Elro Elton Elvis Emanuel Emer Emett Emil Emiljo Emor Enriko Enrikue Enzo Erik Ernest Ernje Esteban Etjan Eugene Evan Ezra Fabjo Farouk Faruk Felipe Felik Fernando Ferris Filippo Fin Flint Flojd Forrest Frank Frankisko Frankje Franklin Franko Fraser Fred Frederik Fritz
abe Gabrjel Gage Galen Gar Garet Garret Garrett Gart Gavin Genaro Gene Geoffre George Gerald Geraldo Gerik Gil Gilbert Gilberto Giles Gino Gjorgjo Gjovani Gjuseppe Glen Gord Gordje Gordon Grajam Grajson Grant Greg Gregor Grejson Gu Gus Hajden Hakeem Hal Halim Hamis Hamza Hank Hans Harlan Harold Harr Harrison Harve Hassan Heat Hektor Heljas Hendrik Henr Herb Herbert Herbje Herk Herkules Herman Homer Houston Howard Howel Howje Hudson Hue Hug Hugo Hunter Husajn Hussein Ian Ike Iljam Imani Imanuel Ira Irwin Isa Isaak Isaja Ivan Ja Jabar Jabbar Jaden Jafar Jajden Jajme Jajvaugjn Jak Jakob Jakkues Jakson Jaleel Jalil Jalinson Jamaal Jamal Jamar Jamel James Jamil Jamison Jamje Jan Jane Janike Janikua Janikue Janikuea Jared Jaron Jase Jason Jasper Javjer Javon Jak Jakon Jakson Jean-Luk Jean-Paul Jeb Jebedja Jed Jededja Jeff Jeffre Jem Jerem Jeremja Jermajne Jerome Jerr Jess Jesse Jesús Jet Jetjro Jett Jim Joakujn Joe Joel Jojn Jon Jona Jonas Jonatjan Jonatjon Jord Jordan Jorge Jos Jose Josep Josjua Juan Judd Jude Juljan Juljo Justin Ka Kaden Kajden Kal Kaleb Kaleel Kalil Kalob Kalvin Kameron Kami Kamilo Kare Kareem Karl Karlo Karlos Karlton Karr Karson Karter Kase Kaseem Kasim Kaspar Kasper Kassjus Kedrik Keegan Keenan Keit Kel Kelan Kelvin Ken Kenan Kendal Kendrik Kenet Kenon Kent Kero Kesar Keven Kevin Kile Kim Kimo Kirb Kirk Kit Kja Kjad Kjalil Kjandler Kjanke Kjarles Kjarlje Kjase Kjester Kjet Kjiko Kjle Kjris Kjristjan Kjristopjer Kjrus Kjuk Kla Klajton Klarenke Klark Klaude Klem Klete Kletus Kleve Kleveland Kliff Klifford Klifton Klint Klinton Klive Kod Kolb Kole Kolin Kolton Konor Konrad Konstantine Kor Kore Kosmo Krajg Kris Krisjna Kristjan Kurl Kurt Kurtis Kwame Kweisi Lajne Lamar Lamont Lane Lanke LaRon Larr Lars Lateef Lawrenke Leandro Lee Leland Len Leo Leon Leonard Leonardo Lero Les Leslje Lester Levi Lewis Linkoln Ljam Ljle Ljman Ljndon Llojd Logan Lon London Lonje Lorenzo Lou Loujs Lujs Luka Lukas Luke Lukjus Majmoud Makenzje Malik Malkolm Man Mansoor Mansur Manuel Marjo Mark Marko Markos Markus Markye Markujs Marsjal Mart Martin Marvin Mason Masoud Mateo Matjeo Matt Matteo Mattjeo Mattjew Maurike Mak Makimiljan Makwel Mejdi Mel Melvin Miguel Mika Mike Mikjael Miles Milo Mitk Mitkjel Mojamed Mont Monte Morgan Morris Names Nat Nate Natjan Natjanjel Ned Neil Nelson Nestor Nevile Nigel Nik Nikjolas Niko Nikola Nikolaus Nils Nino Njels Noa Noe Norm Norman Odin Oliver Omar Oogje Orjon Orlando Oskar Otjer Owen Pablo Pajne Palmer Paolo Paris Parker Pat Patrik Paul Pedro Perk Perr Pete Peter Pjerke Pjerre Pjetro Pjil Pjilip Pjilippe Pranav Pres Preskott Preston Kuentin Kujnt Kujnton R Ra Rafael Rafik Rajeem Rajeev Rajim Rajiv Rajmi Rajmond Rale Ralp Ramiro Ramón Rand Randal Randolp Rapjael Rasjaad Rasjad Rasjeed Rasjid Raul Ravi Reagan Reed Reeke Reese Reggje Reginald Reid Reil Rembrandt Remington René Reuben Rek Rik Rikardo Rikjard Rile Ritkye Rjan Ro Rob Robert Roberto Robin Rod Rodne Roger Rojke Rok Rol Roland Rolando Roman Romeo Ron Ronald Ror Roskoe Ross Ruben Rud Rudolf Rudolp Russ Russel Rust Sal Salvador Sam Sameer Samir Samuel Sand Sanja Sankjo Santjago Saul Sawjer Sean Sebastjan Sebi Sergjo Set Sid Sidne Silas Simon Sjad Sjane Sjanon Sjareef Sjarif Sjaun Sjawn Sjdne Sjea Sjeldon Sjerm Sjerman Sjervin Skott Slade Smas Sokrates Solomon Spenker Stan Stanle Stefano Stepjan Stepjano Stepjen Steve Steven Stewart Stone Storm Stuart Sulajman Sven Tad Tajlor Tal Taner Tarik Tate Tawfik Ted Tel Teo Terr Terrel Terrenke Tim Timoty Tjaddeus Tjeodore Tjler Tjom Tjomas Tjrone Tjson Tob Tobjas Todd Tom Ton Topjer Trak Trake Trav Travis Tre Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Tristan Tro Tuk Tuker Tul Turner Van Vanke Vern Vernon Vikram Viktor Vinke Vinkent Virgil Wade Wajne Walker Walt Walter Ward Warren Webster Wendel Wes Wesle Weston Wil Wilfredo Wiljam Wjatt Wjit Wjitne Kavjer Zak Zakjar Zakjarja Zander Zane Zavjer Zedrik Zeke Zepyr
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pxgeturner · 2 years
can i have a sweet linny fic for my birthday? <3 just something soft, i’m not particular. thank u sm ily ily!!
alright here it is, a public/muggle school!linny for you in which ginny (she/her) is a star volleyball player and luna (she/they) is an art kid. wc: 1.14k
the poem excerpt is taken from logan duane’s things i didn’t say in therapy
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If ginny didn’t need art credit; she never would have stepped foot in this hallway. bulletin boards and glass cases filled with stitches, painting, and pottery. she would rather use the time in the weight room, or running. all the girls on the team already took care of their art credits, so she’d be all alone, in a class full of freshmen.
she entered the room, walls filled with posters and canvas. six large paint-splattered tables sat in a grid with eight seats each. so she slips onto a random stool, across a random girl. a curly-haired blonde girl with pink eighties glasses, a rainbow shirt and overalls covered in pins and patches. vaguely, she recognizes them as someone who a few kids call “loony” lovegood. the first few days ginny focuses on not staring at the cute, rumored-to-be-crazy girl. but someone transfers into the class and steals her spot across from the pretty girl. now she can’t just glance up to scratch the itch to see her face. now she blocks her board from luna (ginny caught her name during roll one day when she managed to come in on time), shielding away the shitty drawings, and shitty technique from their eyes.
“you’re not using enough water.” a soft voice points out. Ginny looks to see lovegood leaning over her board, peering at her work in progress. “That’s why you have such harsh lines and patchiness.” she taps on the edge of the board and smiles, “soak your brush in water and go over what you’ve already painted. watercolor is very forgiving.”
ginny places the board onto the table, giving luna a clearer view. the blonde girl picks up a brush of her own and demonstrates how to smooth out the the background on a small corner of the piece. ginny was shocked at how luna was able to fix the blotchy mess into a sunset in seconds. when she attempted to do it herself however, nothing changed.
“dammit! why am i so fucking bad at this?”
“this is your first painting. don’t be so hard on yourself, ginerva.” no one uses her real name. “I’ll take care of this, so you can move on faster, yes?”
“Thanks, loo—na” what the actual hell? Why did she almost call her loony? Why do people even call them that? She’s pretty, and smart, has a really cute voice, and is an amazing artist.
“here you go,” luna returns the board to her.
holy crap she was staring the entire time.
when class ended that day ginny stopped luna.
“hey thank for, uh, fixing my crappy painting, and sorry about, uh,”
luna lifts her canvas satchel with a soft smile. “no worries, it’s just introductory painting. lots of the others are in the same boat as you. i’ve had lots of practice.”
luna smiles that gentle smile, “lots of kids stare,” and walks away. ginny thought of how others stare at them for all the wrong reasons.
ever since luna first talked to ginny, the two were constantly chatting in class. ginny finally knows what it feels like to have breathing room. luna is fresh air, completely different from all her other friends. Inside that painting classroom, ginny can put her life, and all the expectations that come with it, on pause. She can just sit there, painting with the cutest girl in the world.
leaning against a locker, listening to a teammate talk about her sleazy boyfriend, ginny spots luna. they see her too, but continue walking. ginny pushes off the cold metal, making some excuse of needing to go to the office.
she pushes through the crowds, following her outside onto the walkway of the second building. She dashes toward luna, “hey! lovegood!”
they stop, miraculously. “what are you doing for lunch?”
Luna blinks.
“let’s get out of here.” luna blinks again, “meet me outside, in the back lot,”
“alright,” she looks so far away.
for the next hour of class, ginny was vibrating in her seat, desperately waiting to be with luna. as the lunch bell rang, she jumped out of her seat, and raced over to her car. she slides into her seat and tosses her bag into the back, and pulls out of the spot to wait by the curve. She drums on the wheel, scanning the moving crowds.
after a while, ginny turned the key. she let out a huff, staring at the ceiling, slumped against her seat.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
ginny looks out the passenger window to see luna peering into the car. she scrambles outside, over to luna. she leans on the side of the car awkwardly, taking a breath before speaking, “i started to think you weren’t coming.”
“here i am.” ginny wished luna would let her poker face down.
ginny opens the door for luna, “i thought we could just go to my place, grab some lunch and hang out for a bit.”
“sounds lovely,” she fastens her seat belt.
a short drive later, the two of them were in the weasley’s driveway. once the two girls make it through the door, ginny grabs luna’s hand. she guides the blonde through mess and around invasive brothers (who should be at uni). they fumble down the stairs, and into ginny’s bedroom. they slump behind the door.
“oh, shit, are you hungry, lu?” ginny scrambles to get uo, but a hand rests on her knee and blue eyes look up at her.
“I’m alright ginny. we can stay right here.”
ginny’s breath is shaky as she suggests the bed to sit.
luna takes a place on the foot of the bed, and scans the room curiously. band posters are scattered on the walls, a volleyball is pushed into a corner, smashed monster cams litter the floor, a used shaker bottle sits on the desk next to a poetry book. noticing luna’s eyes wandering, ginny collects bits of trash, dumping them in the bin. Luna goes over to the desk, and picks up the book. she flips to a random page, reading a highlighted section
“let’s share a kiss
and watch as people stop and stare
because our love burns brighter
than the flames that surround us.” she smiles, rubbing a doodle scribbled next to the word ‘kiss’ and looks at ginny. She looks back, unsure. “there’s a moon,” luna says.
ginny closes the distance between them, bruising her thumb against luna’s cheek. ginny presses her to theirs. The kiss is soft, and sweet, but fleeting, like honey melting in your mouth. The two part, and ginny whispers “i want to do that with you.”
luna runs her fingers through ginny’s hair. Ginny blurts out “be my girlfriend?”
luna looks up for a second, pretending to think, to tease her.
“ok,” she goes on her tip-toes, and kisses her redhead on the nose.
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rarebalugawhale · 2 years
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- Logan Duane
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singdreamchild · 1 year
What is something that you've purchased recently
The Things I Didn't Say in Therapy by Logan Duane.
"I am angry because you only hear what I have to say in my nightmares"
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sonofsaviors · 3 months
TWD Characters Logan Should Totally Meet (Includes Comic and TV Show)
(IE: Interactions I think would be really fun. Trying to focus on ones I haven't had a lot of or just want more because I am a dramatic little bish.)
King Ezekiel
Lori Grimes
Morgan Jones
Duane Jones
Pamela Milton
Brian and Phillip Blake
Sherry Campbell (nothing like having to talk to your not-step-mom because your Dad can't keep it in his pants)
Hershel Greene
Michonne Hawthorne/Grimes
Abraham Ford
Rosita Espinoza
Eugene Porter
Dale Hovarth
Glenn Rhee
Hershel Rhee
Gabriel Stokes
Denise Cloyd
Paul "Jesus" Monroe
Ron Anderson
Jessie Anderson
Deanna Monroe
((I'll probably add more. IDK. it's just fun to think how characters would interact with each other if circumstances and meetings were different.))
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miayungt · 2 years
Do not fucking tell me that "they're in a better place" when they belong here with me.
Logan Duane, from “the things I didn’t say in therapy”
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sterek-ao3feed · 5 months
Stark Hearts, deuxième partie
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55785169
by Tigerlillykaty
Suite aux événements de "Stark Hearts", Stiles, Tony, Spencer et leur famille avancent du mieux qu'ils peuvent dans un monde après Thanos. Ils grandissent et évoluent ; ils se protègent et se soutiennent mutuellement. Ensemble, ils construisent une vie qui les mènera vers l’avenir et leur permettra de s’adapter aux changements à venir.
• Les balises pour les personnages, les relations, etc. seront mises à jour selon les besoins à chaque publication. • Commentaires actuellement modérés
Balises supprimées en raison de la limite de balises : à déterminer
Words: 2564, Chapters: 1/129, Language: Français
Series: Part 2 of Stark Hearts in Multiple Parts
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Criminal Minds (US TV), Teen Wolf (TV), X-Men - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Tony Stark, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Peter Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Remy LeBeau, Pepper Potts, Cora Hale, Aaron Hotchner, Alex Blake, Friday (Marvel), Logan (X-Men), Thor (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Kira Yukimura, Stephen Strange, Background & Cameo Characters, Griot (Marvel), Eric "Bitty" Bittle, Jack Zimmermann, Larissa "Lardo" Duan, Wong (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Kent "Parse" Parson, Jackson Whittemore, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Remy LeBeau/Logan (X-Men)/Spencer Reid, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Spencer Reid & Thor (Marvel), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Cora Hale/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: deaths are canon events, Claudia and Tony are half-siblings, Spencer and Tony are half-siblings, Spencer is a mutant, Blended timelines, different POVs, Multi-Crossover, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John, Terrible accent writing, mechanically inclined Stiles, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Bad Alpha Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Making some Criminal Minds characters werewolves, Tattoo Artist Derek Hale, Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly, Polyamory, threesome relationships, Samwell Men's Hockey, No fat Thor, Endgame fix-its, Future Fic, The Blip, Not Teen Wolf Movie Compliant, Drabbles/short stories, Bad Friend Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Spoilers for Season 1 of Secret Invasion (TV 2023), Loki (TV) Season 2 Spoilers, but vague ones, Brief criticism of Twitter’s owner, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Loki is alive again, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Tony gets infinity stone powers, possibility of Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski/Loki, full shift pack, Full Shift Werewolves, full shift kitsune
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iamapoopmuffin · 6 months
Hello and Welcome to 'I share the silly entrance animations for my silly wrestler characters and encourage you to make assumptions about them as people based purely on these videos' where exactly that and @randomfrog2 encouraged me to so here you all go. Links will be filled over time, I couldn't record or upload them all in one go.
Under the cut because between 2k22 and 2k23 there Will eventually be 200 of them total
Abatai 'Abby' Xiao
Ace Dominguez
Adalia Mitchell/Adalia Undead
Adam Cooke/Adam Frankenstein
Adelaide Anderson
Adriel Duffy
Aidan Seeds
Aiko Yamamoto
Aisling Miller
Alan Burgess/The Necromancer
Alexis Thurston
Alfie Winchester
Alfonse 'Avalanche' Boucher
Alfonso Price/Alpha Ali
Alicia Tigner
Alyssa Evans
Amos Wellworth/The Purple Pig
Andy Poux/Andy Scathe
Angelina Manhardt
Archie Robinson/Archie Eagle
Ash Daugherty/The Rubber Chicken Man
Aster Chadha/The Spider
Audriana Parrakkal/The Phantom
Augustus de Blaauw
Aura Hilton
Austin Kirwan/Austin England
Ayanna Mariani
Bartholomew Reeves
Beatrice Lipe
Bertie Bronner
Betsy-Ann Sol
Blaire Wilcox
Brea Orko
Brook Edghort/Captain Brook Edghort
Bruno 'The Felon' Fraser
Bryant 'The Harpy' Tremblay
Caius Pabon
Carlene Skrzypczynski
Cheryl Vogel
Clemence Maurer
Clifford Gilbert
Colin Almarez/Mint Man Almarez
Colt Smiley
Constance Cole
Cooper Carnocan/The Janitor
Damien Kudlinski
Darin Ahmed
Davina Finister
Demetrius Kappotis
Dempsey Blair
Deodatus Bisnett
Dewey Roll/Cottonmouth
Dick Dexter/Dickhead Dexter
Dmitri Pavlov/Glowmaster
Donald Ripa/Queen Ripa
Dympna Lammchen
Edd Woods
Elina Baene/Swamp Witch Elina
Elton Maldonado
Elvira Leithead/Elvira Flash
Elwood McLaren
Elysia Brunner
Emerald Ashley
Erica Shooter/Naughty Nurse Shooter
Ernesto Curry
Evan Stewart/Evan Galaxium
Everly Leigh
Ezio Fahim
Fae Nicholas
Fia Matthews/The Jester
Floyd Gossard/Heartstopper Gossard
Ford Gossard/Showstopper Gossard
Gayle Mokriy
Genevieve Lee/Snake Princess
Gerard Apple
Ginnie Davey
Greg McCarthy/Superstar Greg McCarthy
Guadalupe Batchelor
Harith Rammurthy/Talon Rammurthy
Harry Moore/Machine Gun Harold
Hettie McCormack/Pookie Bunny
Ianthe Jennings/Ianthe Plague
Ilene Fanshaw
Indiana Stone
Indigo Wilson
Indira Doxtator
Isabel Abbeglen
Ishaan Prabhu
Ivo Carrico/Portuguese Man O' War
Jacques Smith
Jak McNicholas
Javon George/The Pimp Javon
Jeana Quinn
Jebediah Oprea
Jeremy Cruz
Jimmie Hutton
Jock Kelly
Joey Duvall/Joey D
Jonas Gabriel/Fox Gabriel
Jordan Barr
Kaden Dunlap
Kailey Samuels
Kanon Ozawa
Kaori Flores
Karter John
Kasumi Wellard
Katrina Giraud
Kehlani Who
Kelby Kadeer/King Kelby
Kenneth Christmas/Fly Boy Kenny
Kimberley Wainwright
Kiyomi Roman
Kori Hernandez
Kyra Padhi
Langdon Mass
Lenore Dillard
Liang Tao
Lillia Robertson
Lilly Ansa/Lilith Ansa
Lincoln Swinton
Lionel Connor
Lisa Belrose
Liz Schlachter
Louis Bridget/Big Baby
Lukas Craveiro/Senator Lukas Craveiro
Maddison Toxtle/Toxic Maddi
Maia Smith
Marci Britt
Marcus Gardiner
Margarita Harrison
Mariella Gillet/Iron Kitten
Marina Gonzo
Mavis Payton/The Blushing Bride
Meena Gacitua
Meghan Schreck
Mim McHoney
Mitsuki Ootani/Bon Bon Bunny
Myles Neil/Steamboat Willie
Nancy Sharp
Nelly James
Netty Richardson
Norma 'The Doll' Laskey
Nyx Vanderhoff
Ollie Logan/Witch Doctor Logan
Pancake Spryert
Pam Eisen
Perry 'The Worm' Ticehurst
Princess Warren
Quiana Billings
Quincey Crabb
Reabetswe Okonjo
Reilly Jeppe
Ruby Ankney
Rufus Robby
Rupert English/Rupert Beauty
Sable Bow
Samantha Trapp
Samuel Perryman
Sasha Fedosov/Adorable Aleksander
Shayne Zaveri
Sheridan Lowe/Rosebud Lowe
Sloane Koskic
Sofie Tanner
Sommer Chauhan
Sparrow Martin
Stacey Jacobs/The Metal Mouth Maniac
Stephen Shabnur/Kitty Stephen
Sunny Cockerill
Sven Miller Garrett
Tabitha Valot/T Valentine
Teri Cullen
Ursula Benjamin
Verity Ahmed/Gremlin Ahmed
Victoria Wangdi/Princess Victoria Wang
Vivi Masters
Walter Cauley
Willis 'Turbo Fox' Judd
Xandria Cruz
Yaoting Duan
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thefarmingpost · 11 months
The farming post Issue num 2353 Date10/8/2030
Top news
Attack by mad cow?
The Son of local farmer Greg Jones was injured 3 days ago by an “aggressive and uncontrollable cow” he was taken by ambulance to Duane Jones memorial hospital where his condition is reported as “serve but stable” the reported cow was euthanized. Local vets noted that even after double the dose of the medication required to end the animal it continued its rampage and was shot by local law enforcement after it nearly broke the vet’s leg.
Dr Matthew Logan and team receives massive reward for effort in stopping MCD.
For their efforts and success in stopping the prion and saving millions and cows and billions of dollars Logan and his team were rewarded over 500 million dollars in grants and bonus.
Protest outside FDA.
Refusing to accept the claims that the newly cured cattle are safe to consume, thousands are calling for retest and recalls of any products from the first 1000 cattle slaughter since the vaccination program had begun.
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fernisclosed · 1 year
“you came to me in the shadows of my nightmares, and reminded me that my memories of you die with me”
-Logan Duane
My ex texted me a few minutes ago. i blocked him on everything after he broke up with me, despite his assaults on me. and yet he had the AUDACITY to create a new instagram and tell me he wanted me back.
he will not get me. he will not weigh on my heart any longer, for my heart belongs to another. a man who has never treated me poorly, through all the time i’ve known him, he has never hurt me.
my ex texted me and said “heyy, ik we ended things bad, but i just wanted 2 say i miss u”
you miss me?
you couldn’t even type out the word “you” so what the fuck do you miss. the way i let you use me? the way i let you use my body? the way i let you grab my innocence and strangle it with your bare hands. the way you made me bleed, the way you made me cry and scream and beg you to stop? the way you grabbed me by the wrists and held me in place while you used my body for your twisted pleasure?
you can’t have me.
you will never have me again.
you don’t miss me.
and i don’t miss you.
i will never miss you.
you’re dead to me.
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