#Logan + Hesh being stargazers is such a lovely/important hc to me RARRARAR
tokillamockingbird427 · 5 months
yo this makes me think of Logan idk it just feels like such shattering wistful sadness
just babbling to myself Hesh lying there on the shore (at night instead of day?) after Logan was dragged away, looking up at the stars him and Lo would see every night alone in the woods together as kids out hunting or camping or their Hell week
Any song that mentions California is automatically a Logan or Hesh song.
ALSO! May I point out the title has "Stars" and also Hesh has those nautical star tats on the back of his right bicep! Fate.
I fucking love the "Same Sky" motif thing and you've just reminded me of it. Them looking at the same stars together, and then them being separated... but still under the same sky.
I also have the idea to use that motif in my Post Sand Viper Pre Odin WIP I have! Plan is to end the whole fic with it; All the Ghosts separated but comforted knowing they're still under the same sky as their fellows. (Which is very important to them because they need to know they're not alone.)
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