#Local Fence Companies Near Me
fencingbellevue · 1 year
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If you're in Bellevue and searching for Local Fence Companies Near Me, you've come to the right place! Bellevue Fencing Company strives to deliver customer-friendly services to meet all of your fencing requirements.
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sophiamcdougall · 1 year
I am never going to complain about Greek Duolingo again
I mean, I am. But still.
So, as some of you know, my family has been coming to this tiny Greek seaside village for several years. Just over a week ago I came out here with my mum, under the impression that early September, after the height of the summer heat, would be a good time to have a holiday. ANYWAY Storm Daniel had other ideas about that. Locally things are improving (I'm actually really pissed off about the disaster-porn tone of most English-language media coverage, but that's another post). The power is back on, there's running water most of the time, and though the latter is not drinkable, a truck from the government came and handled out free bottled water yesterday. But we are currently kind of stuck. Can't do tourist things. Can't go home. There aren't any local flights out until Saturday and the road to Thessaloniki is still closed.
So this evening, feeling kind of aimless and depressed, I go down to the nearest beach with a couple of binbags and start cleaning up in an effort to at least do something positive. I always try to do this at least once out here and obviously, after the storm, there's a lot more plastic and rubbish than usual.
At some point I find this large, round bit of metal - some kind of machinery part, I think -- that's too big for the bag, so I take it to the bins on its own, leaving the rubbish bag on the beach. And when I come back for it, something among the stones beside it moves.
Specifically, it pulls its head sharply inside its shell
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So, meanwhile I've been trying to learn some Greek with the help of Duolingo.
I currently have a 33-day streak and... I have questions. Shouldn't I be able to use the past or future tenses by now? Shouldn't I be able to say "x is like y"? I can't do those things. But one thing I absolutely can say all day long is έχω μια χελώνα : I have a turtle.
This is far from the limit of Duolingo Greek's turtle-related content. "An obsession with turtles" is my mother's characterisation. I can inform you that the turtle is not a bird, and, improbably, that the turtle is drinking milk. I can introduce you to a turtle in company with a horse and an elephant. As far as Duolingo is concerned, it really is turtles all the way down.
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Now this, you may be able to see, is not a turtle. It has claws rather than flippers. It is a tortoise. I know there are wild tortoises in Greece: my aunt once rescued a pair of them shagging in the middle of the road -- but that was up in the mountains. I've even seen one myself, but it was also on a road and very dead.
I am 95% certain they don't belong on beaches. There's nothing for it to eat, except, unfortunately, a lot of plastic. Even if it gets off the beach it will immediately find itself on a road where it could get hit by a car. I'm pretty sure it must have been washed down by the floodwater and has been just sitting there, dazed, ever since.
Now obviously the first thing I want to do on encountering this unusual animal is to go and tell my mummy, so I do. The tortoise immediately brightens her day. She agrees that the tortoise is not happy on the beach and needs to be taken somewhere safe. it gets surprisingly wriggly when picked up so we put it in a carrier bag with some grapes and cucumber and go looking for somewhere to rehome it.
We find a path leading up between the houses towards a likely-looking field, but before we get very far a dog in a yard goes berserk and a man's head pops over a fence and demands to know what we're doing. He does this in English, as evidently we're just that obviously tourists.
"I found a tortoise on the beach!" I explain. "We want to find somewhere to put it."
"A what," he asks.
"It's like a, you know," I begin and then to my astonishment I find myself saying... "μια χελώνα"
"Oh! A turtle!" he says.
"But from the land. δεν είναι χελώνα", [it is not a turtle,] I say, as I am worried he will tell me to put it back near the sea where I found it. As it turns out it actually IS a χελώνα, Greek does not distinguish between turtles and tortoises, but I don't know that; I can't even name the days of the week or identify any colours other than pink yet, give me a break.
The man's entire demeanour changes and thaws. He does not worry about my turtle-that-is-not-a-turtle conundrum. He knows where οι χελώνες come from and where η χελώνα μας belongs. He leads us through a gate into a courtyard area.
"[somethingsomething] μια χελώνα," he explains to the assembled onlookers, of whom there are, suddenly, a surprising number.
"ΜΙΑ ΧΕΛΩΝΑ!!!" crows the throng of delighted small children, who are, suddenly, everywhere.
"μια χελώνα!" I agree, accepting that at least for current purposes, that is what it is.
"Μπορούμε να δούμε τη χελώνα σας; [can we see your turtle?]" asks an adorable little girl, shyly, and I understand??
The children fucking love looking at the χελώνα and showing it to them is kind of magical?
I finally put the tortoise down on the grass of this wild area off to the side of the courtyard, and marvel aloud that it is weird that I barely know any Greek except how to say μια χελώνα.
"I think she will soon run off," a kind lady called Aspasia assures me, seeing I remain slightly anxious about its fate. "I don't know why I'm saying 'she'. I suppose because χελώνα is feminine in Greek."
"Yes! I know that!" I exclaim, thrilled.
"Well done!" she says. And also she asks if we are OK for drinking water after the storm and if we need any help with anything and is just generally incredibly lovely and now we know more of the neighbours!
So "μια χελώνα" has just become, by a long way, my most-used and most understood and all-around most conversationally successful phrase in Greek. So I guess I have to admit I was wrong to doubt Duolingo's wisdom: it is correct to be obsessed with turtles. And I concede that prior to learning how to count to ten or to distinguish right from left, the simple ability to yell the word TURTLE over and over again is, it turns out, a crucial element of the responsible traveller's social skills.
(I am pretty fluent in Italian and turtles haven't come up in conversation even once?)
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pedgito · 9 months
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summary | the rich father of your bestfriend, sarah — joel miller, was a mystery to you until one day he isn't and you quickly find that your interest in him isn't one-sided. [12k]
pairing | joel miller x fem!reader
content warning | 18+ content, as always: no use of y/n, au/no outbreak, bfd!joel, ceo!joel, mentions of reader growing up poor/absent parents (joel is ridiculously loaded, it's fic y'all let me live lol), sneaking around, age gap (not explicitly specified, but reader is in final year of college and joel is probs late 40s/50s), vacations, gift-giving, unprotected piv, come swallowing, daddy issues if you squint, one (1) pussy slap, oral (f receiving), semi-public fucking
author’s note | anyways, here’s this. big age gap, some power dynamic stuff but not really. if you don’t like, don’t read & all that jazz. love you babies. xo.
↝ other fics | requests? | ao3 | update blog | fic recs
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There was no hiding who Joel Miller was to the town of Austin—a pioneer in the community for rebuilding and building upon the surrounding shopping areas and neighborhoods to save the town from complete gentrification. He owned three companies at this point—one manned by his brother Tommy who dealt with larger businesses, handled the biggest amount of workload when it came to dealing with customers. The other was handled by his wife Maria, more often communicating with smaller businesses in the area. Mom and Pop shops, family owned and locally sourced shops. And Joel dealt with the community directly, building houses at an affordable rate that kept his business booming and well above the surrounding competition.
He was so sought after that the idea of him felt like an enigma.
But, to you—he was just Sarah’s dad. For years you never had the pleasure of meeting him, with his constantly busy schedule he was often away when you came to visit Sarah on their massive—almost too comically large piece of land on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. 
A large two-story farmhouse that seemed like something right out of a storybook—pristine and in perfect condition, surrounded by what felt like miles of grassy land and fencing. Horses, chickens, goats, growing piglets that were taken care of by Sarah and Joel themselves.
You’ve known Sarah since you were fourteen, aware of her upbringing and the type of family she came from, but it never deterred her from being the kindest friend you’ve had. And your shared, similar interest led to an easy friendship that lasted well into college. Sarah was also aware of your…less than ideal family situation, living under the roof of a single parent household, given you were an only child it wasn’t horrible—but your father was a drunk and didn’t manage his money well and that often meant going without. It didn’t matter what, but there was always something lacking that you wish you didn’t have to make up for with your already overwhelming amount of college work and lingering debt.
You didn’t have anywhere to go, unfortunately. 
But, Sarah was always there.
And it isn’t until your final year of college that you find yourself finally meeting the once mysterious Joel Miller, remembering that Sarah told you something about how he was trying to take a step back, allowing more responsibility on his trusting employees to head the company while he took a step back and managed everything as a whole from a distance—less involved, more time at home around Sarah, it was a win win situation.
With both of you working toward similar degrees, it was helpful and convenient to share notes and study as often as you could, especially as your final term papers were nearing and looming like a dark cloud.
It’s an unsuspecting Thursday night when you and Sarah are pausing the heavy studying to cook a quick dinner when Joel walks into the kitchen, approaching the island and nearly tilting your entire existence on this earth on an axis. Your breath catches briefly, eyes dragging over his figure. You’ve seen pictures—family vacations that Sarah has shown you when they were flying across the country over summer breaks and you were stuck at home. 
But, nothing compared to the real thing.
His hair is grown out, curling around his ears. A warm, soft brown that is styled and shaped so perfectly it seems unreal—but the loose curl that falls over his forehead gives it away. There’s a deep cut in his silk-pressed shirt that hangs loosely on his frame, some abstract pattern that shouldn’t work as well as it does on him, but his tan skin compliments the deep tones and varying designs. The faint dusting of chest hair is obscured by the chains that hang in the space the silk-button up creates where he lacks the ability to fasten them, or rather chooses not to.
And you try not to let your gaze linger on the cut of his jeans as they cling snug to his legs, cuffed at the ankles and showcasing a pair of—what you can only suspect are new loafers. A dark chocolate brown accented with a gold metal piece along the center to complement his jewelry around his neck and the few rings placed meticulously on his fingers.
It’s no secret his ring finger sits untouched, lacking the heavy weight of a significant other's mark. Sarah mentioned her mom dying young, much like your own—maybe that’s why you two bonded so easily. 
“Got enough for your old man?” Joel questions curiously, tapping away at his phone meticulously before pocketing it, eyebrows raised in question.
“You hate boxed mac and cheese,” Sarah argues flippantly, flicking the empty box at her father across the counter, “so no, I don’t.”
“No, babygirl—I just hate the powder kind.” He flicks it back just as easily and you note how easy their relationship feels, like this is how things should be. 
Sarah laughs, scrunching her nose up in amusement. “Charming, isn’t he?”
Oh—she’s talking to you? You look at her for half a second, confused, before you’re quickly nodding in agreement without fully listening to what she had asked.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to lie.” She assures, stirring the noodles in the pot over the stove.
Your gaze lingers selfishly, catching the faint twitch of a smile on Joel’s face as he catches you looking. It’s nothing more than a friendly smile, comforting rather than disarming. 
“You know—Sarah never brings her friends around.” Joel starts begrudgingly, eyeing Sarah down before switching to you, “Seein’ as I’ve been hearing all about you for years now and I’m just now meetin’ you in the flesh.”
“Dad, stop scaring her.” Sarah gripes, searching around haphazardly for a couple of bowls, “seriously—just ignore him. He doesn’t know how to act now that he’s home more.”
Joel rolls his eyes dismissively, extending his hand in a kind gesture. You grab it hesitantly and he senses it, pointer finger dragging along the underside of your palm as he holds it delicately and bows his head.
“She’s just mad she can’t get rid of me now,” Joel tells you softly, nodding toward Sarah over your shoulder, “how’s the studying goin’?”
He doesn’t let go of your hand immediately and you don’t try to escape either, allowing the brief moment of lingering contact before you slip it away, shoving your hands into your back pockets.
“Fine.” Sarah’s response is clipped.
It’s stressful, if you’re being honest. But, you could see that Sarah didn’t want to relay that to her father, side-eyeing you wearily. 
It’s the first of many interactions that led to the tiny crush you began to have for Joel Miller. Your once a week studies eventually turn into two or three times a week, desperate to spend as much time away from your own home situation as possible.
Eventually, it’s nearly an everyday thing. You and Sarah would finish your day of classes and drive the short distance to her house and spend most of the night studying. Gradually, you were introduced into their own routine. At first, Joel would offer to buy dinner and leave things be, allowing you the space you needed. But, it eventually delves into weekly dinners and sitting down as if you were a part of this pseudo-family situation you’ve interjected yourself into.
Sarah knew you didn’t like it at home, so it was never a problem. Joel caught on after a few weeks—noticing how you avoided any questions about yourself, your family, anything that would allow him any glimpse into who you were outside what Sarah had told him, which wasn’t much at all. He’s trying to make you feel welcomed and you can appreciate that.
You’ve offered to help pay for meals on multiple occasions, but it never works. Quickly thwarted off by Joel’s extended hand as he shoves your cash away, assuring you that it wasn’t your responsibility. This was his house, his gesture, and he didn’t want you to think you owed him anything.
Yet, something in you yearned to do so. 
You wanted him to know just how grateful you were.
His curiosity about you comes to a head on a night after a few beers with friends, poker table trashed and the kitchen a mess. You were bringing down the trash from Sarah’s room, the shared dinner you two had had as a treat for your first day without studying—it was relaxing, mostly because your day had been spent here rather than home.
Joel gathers a few bottles in his large palm, slipping the lips of the bottle through spread fingers. “You two enjoyin’ yourselves?” He asks, looking at you casually. It was a question you’ve heard often, a simple conversation starter. And talking to Joel was much easier now.
You nod, lips pulled into a tight smile. “Yes, Mr. Miller.”
“C’mon now,” Joel jests, dropping the bottles into the trash, “none of that—it’s Joel. Shit makes me feel old, darlin’.”
The nickname wasn’t new either. He often called Sarah by her name or babygirl. 
Darlin’ though, it was all you.
He takes the dirty plates from your hands and places them in the sink, palm extended against the ledge of the counter while he rests his other hand against his hip.
“How are you doin’?” He asks, voice softer but still gruff. “Not that you have to tell me, I just want to make sure you’re feelin’ comfortable here.”
“I’m okay,” You say through an unsure smile that Joel notes but doesn’t press on, “it’s just easier to study here—I’m sorry if I spend too much time around here. Feels like you should be charging me rent by now.”
“Not a chance in hell, darlin’.” Joel grins, shiny white teeth showing behind his smile. The small bit of his shirt that was tucked in came loose by the rub of his fingers at his hip and drawing your eyes to the skin briefly, “you’re always welcome here.”
And you hate the way you crave even an inkling of physical contact from him. A pat on the shoulder, a hug, a fucking kiss on the forehead. You weren’t his daughter, you didn’t want to be. But, there was something about Joel that you couldn’t pull away from, trying your best to keep it at bay.
“You know what,” Joel says suddenly, pulling your lingering gaze back on his face, feeling guilty as you chewed on your bottom lip, “why don’t you come on vacation with Sarah and I next month?’
“Mr—Joel, that’s—” You’re quickly silenced by his hand actually pressing against your shoulder now—and fuck, when had he gotten so close?
“Sarah was thinkin’ about asking you anyways. We’re gonna take a trip to the Keys,” He rubs gently at the junction in your shoulder, the thick expanse of his thumb pressed against bare skin, “—just consider it, alright? Lord knows you both need a break as much as I do.”
The thing about Joel is that he was such a good father, something you haven’t been privy to in the couple decades and some few years you’ve been alive. You want to feel jealous and angry, spiteful that this was something you couldn’t have naturally. But, it feels nothing like that.
The crush you had on Joel was dangerous. But, that was all it was. A craving to be around Joel, to seek his approval and gain his trust. And bask in the care he provides. A simple case of daddy issues that you couldn’t admit to yourself was actually happening.
You shouldn’t entertain the idea.
 You shouldn’t even consider it. 
“Oh—okay. Yeah, as long as Sarah is alright with that.” You nod, a genuine, soft smile stretching across your face. Joel squeezes your shoulder tighter and you swear you feel it moving in closer, like he wants to hold you closer, cradle you in his hands. But, then the touch is gone and his fingers are running through his hair, curls separating through his fingertips.
“Alright then.” Joel says triumphantly, “You gonna be okay gettin’ home tonight?”
Sarah was driving you home soon, like usual. You nod.
“Good,” Joel nods, “Goodnight, darlin’.”
“Goodnight, Joel.” You say sweetly, patting your hand against the countertop softly, unable to spare a look his way as you walk in the opposite direction.
But, he can’t help his own fleeting and inappropriate thoughts, eyes dragging along your figure as you walk away, hands gripping the countertop like a vice, internally kicking himself how indecent he was allowing himself to think about you. Still, it didn’t stop the thoughts from flooding in and if he found himself spread out on his sheets that night, cock held tight in his hands as he fucked himself into his fist—well, he could repent for it some other time.
You touch down in the early morning on a Sunday, still riddled with anxiety from the plane ride. Joel had tried his best to accommodate, even buying first class tickets despite his usual tendency to go business. He didn’t care much for amenities but he wanted to treat Sarah and you, making you feel guilty with how quickly your face lit up at the sight. Spacious seats stocked with gifts and snacks, a tiny television molded into the area, it felt like too much. 
It was. But, Joel assured you it wasn’t.
There was little planned for the week you had to spend there and you had tried to scrounge up a little cash within the month you had to save, picking up a few extra shifts at your job and stowing it away for this—hoping you could treat yourself to something, anything. Even if it was just a stupid tourist shirt that cost an egregious amount of money.
Joel quickly snuffs out that idea, putting his foot down as he assured you that this trip was a treat. Not just for himself, but for all of you. You never asked how much money the Miller’s had, but it was clearly more than you could ever fathom to be imaginable. He yanks the black Amex from his wallet and hands it off to every waiting server and store owner you three come across.
It’s abundantly clear that they don’t worry about money in the sense that you do—it wasn’t unwelcomed, but it was an adjustment that took a couple days to get over, feeling shame for enjoying it. He’d paid for the plane fare, booked the hotels and the activities you had planned, made sure meals were paid for and then some, even allowing you and Sarah some spending money to go shopping for clothes or whatever you needed. 
He didn’t ask, it didn’t matter. He just wanted you to feel welcomed. Like family…or something.
The trip is fairly harmless fun, a few swimming activities that tire you all out and lend to an early turn in on a couple nights, dinners that lended you to learn a lot more about Joel. Still, as much as Joel tried, you weren’t as open. Vague answers, sidewaying the conversation. He didn’t try to pry, though. And you were thankful for that.
But, with fairly harmless came a few instances that didn’t feel so.
The first comes in the deep end of the ocean, floating on a shared longboard in the midst of the calm waves, humid heat sticking to your skin. Fingers fiddling with the loosening tie around the back of your neck as Sarah wades off to the shore for a brief minute to reapply sunscreen. And maybe you shouldn’t have asked, but you see the lingering look Joel gives you, fingers curling subtly against the edge of the board.
“Can you help me?” You ask, slowly edging around the board until you’re beside him, turning before he has the opportunity to answer. “It’s hard to get it tight on my own.”
Joel clears his throat and offers a smile, “‘Course, chin down for me?” And you follow his lead, feeling his fingers brush against your neck and guide your head down, untying the loose not completely and feeling your swim top go slack, covered by the safety of the water and your back turned to him, but it doesn’t stop the touch of his fingertips against your skin as he ties the knot and tugs slightly, assuring that it was secure to his liking. You lift your head slowly when you feel his palm press flat against your back, fingers curling around the point where your shoulder meets your neck.
“Thanks, Joel.” You turn your head over your shoulder to look back at him, earning a small nod as his touch lingers, only loosening when you rescue your grip on the longboard in front of you.
“Enjoyin’ yourself so far?” He asks, always able to ease into steady conversation without missing a beat. “Any complaints?”
“Definitely,” You smile wide, huffing soft laugh through your nose as you shake your head, “I guess I do have one complaint, actually.” You tell him honestly, a subtle nervousness to your voice. 
“Well, I’m all ears, darlin’.” He responds, leaning his elbow onto the board as it bobbed slightly.
“I just…you don’t have to pay for everything, Joel.” You find yourself rushing out the words, hoping that it wouldn’t cause an adverse reaction, but instead, Joel smiles wider.
“Look, I invited you on this trip,” Joel explains, “and that means you aren’t paying for a damn thing. Alright?”
You nod meekly, quieting down as Sarah waded back into the ocean toward you both.
With Joel, it was something you would have to learn to accept.
You try to ignore the lingering touch of his fingertips on your neck, but now it feels like a burn in your skin that would only get worse as time went on.
The second instance isn’t as much of a thing, rather than a moment.
Eyeing a sundress that resembled some of the similar outrageous patterning that Joel wore, shapes and blobs morphed around the material yet somehow managing to look chicer than anything you’ve ever come across, strappy and long and deep cut down the center. It wasn’t for modesty, you could assume that much. You run your fingers along the creases and stitching in the fabric, admiring it as you flipped the tag in your hand, immediately gawking at the price.
Joel had been lingering by, browsing the various knick knacks and souvenirs lining the shelves off the small store—all hand-made pieces that he could appreciate, but didn’t find any use for himself. And he’s watching you, has been for a while, noticing the way your eyes kept flicking back toward the dress despite your path around the store.
Joel casually follows the same path, taking a subtle peek at the tag. It was a few hundred dollars, but given the silkiness of the material and him being very familiar with the tone of pricing around the area, it wasn’t an outrageous ask. He slips the dress off the rack, careful as he removes it off the hanger and finds you separated from Sarah as you peruse down a wall of jewelry—some cheap and some not, looking around with no real want, just admiring.
He slips the dress into your hands, rough, overworked palms cupping your own as he makes you physically wrap your fingers around and claim the garment, chest to your back as he speaks, lips a hair's breadth away from your ear.
“It’s a pretty dress,” Joel says calmly, much calmer than your rapidly beating heart and the sudden uptick in your breathing, silk material spread out over your fingertips, “shame for it to go to waste, darlin’.”
“It’s expensive.” You argue, voice soft as he locks eyes with you in the mirror nestled in the nearest corner, “It’s nice to want things Joel, but I don’t need it.”
“I dunno,” He responds, unconvinced, “and—maybe I’m speaking out of turn but I think it’d look great on you.”
And you’ve never been more thankful of Sarah’s obliviousness to certain things, so wrapped up in her own shopping across the store that you two remained unsuspecting, eyes still locked on one another through the shared mirror.
He can see the way your body twitches at the comment, responds, but what he doesn’t understand is how it makes your cunt throb, solid body pressed against your back as he squeezes the backside of your hands with his palm. The willingness of contact was still fresh and new but it never made you feel unsafe—in fact, it had the opposite effect entirely.
Joel speaks again, directly to you in the mirror.
“I might just have to buy it for you, darlin’.” He says quietly, “You alright with that?”
You hesitate for a moment, but nod shakily. “Thank you, Joel.”
“Don’t need to keep thankin’ me.” Joel assures, “I know it’s implied.”
But, the instance that had you reeling for days after, still replaying it vividly in your mind, was a night near the end of your trip. Sarah had long gone to bed and you, riddled by insomnia, find yourself at the hallway vending machine, looking for a snack to cure your growing hunger.
Though, it seemed that Joel had the same idea—fork halfway into his mouth as he turned the corner, a sizable piece of chocolate cake inside of a small to-go tray, looking even guiltier as he caught sight of you, feeling like he really didn’t want to get caught like this. It makes you laugh into the palm of your hand. Joel is acting like the kid that got sneaking cookies in the middle of the night, still not hesitating to lick the fork clean as he tucked it away in the styrofoam box.
“Don’t tell Sarah,” He swears you to secrecy, “she’s already on my ass enough about my sugar intake.”
“You’ve got a sweet tooth,” You shrug, “nothing wrong with that.”
“What about you, huh?” Joel’s eyebrows raise in question, watching as you peruse the various snacks but not finding anything particularly appetizing. “Late night snack?” 
“Somethin’ like that.” You chew at your bottom lip, feeling that this was useless.
“Wanna share it?” Joel asks suddenly, pulling your attention to him immediately. “That way I feel a little less guilty about it.”
“Oh—and then bring me down with you?” You tease lightly, “Of course.”
It’s how you end up in Joel’s room that night, no other intentions than to share that stupid piece of cake, lacking a fork so you trade off for a few bites until it slowly delves into you both feeding each other as you talk, one of you hogging the fork more than the other. You curled up in one chair and Joel relaxed out in the other, styrofoam box held to his chest and forcing you to lean closer to assure you didn’t drop crumbs everywhere.
Maybe it should feel weird, but it doesn’t. 
“You know—if there’s anything you do need—” Joel begins after a while, meaningless conversation having died out.
“I know—Sarah tells me all the time. I just have to ask.” It feels pointless, rehashing things again. But, Joel feels the need to reassure and comfort. It didn’t help that he was finding himself, at his age, attracted to you in such a depraved way. “I will—if I do, I mean.”
It’s forbidden territory he couldn’t cross. But realistically, that only made him want you more. 
Joel feeds you a slow bite, lips catching over the fork but smearing a copious amount of chocolate frosting on your chin. Before you have the thought process to wipe it away Joel is already there, leaning forward in his chair as he uses his pointer finger to clean you up, eyes following his movements carefully after the first initiation of touch. 
Your breath catches in your throat, expecting him to use his own mouth to disallow wasting the frosting, but instead he raises it to your mouth in a split decision, his eyes dilating slightly under your shy gaze. Your lips press against the side of his finger in a gentle kiss that quickly spreads, taking the full length of his finger into your mouth as you lick away the excess frosting, feeling the pulse of desire in your belly as it grew, knowing that if Joel wanted to keep you there he could, locked under his gaze with his fingers stuffed into your mouth and you’d let him.
It was despicable. Inappropriate and wrong. But, you couldn’t help how badly your body wanted him, despite your brain telling all of this was a horrible decision.
You pull your mouth away with a soft pop, watching as Joel curl’s his hands into tight fists as he pulls them back to his side lazily, seeming more tense now.
“I should go.” You say softly, terrified to disturb this moment and the tension that blanketed it.
“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea, darlin’.” Joel says reluctantly.
Things only get worse from then on—and maybe worse is a strong word. But, it soon turns into a game that neither of you can stop, waiting until one of you finally makes the wrong move.
A few weeks later and your laptop takes the shit on a random Tuesday, head buried in your hands as Sarah tries to console you, but it isn’t much use. You knew it was a stretch to think the laptop could last you through the entire semester, and with just a few short months left, it couldn’t be worse timing. 
Joel walks in at your inconvenience, keys jingling in his hands as he slips off his leather peacoat, glancing at Sarah who didn’t give him much to go off of. He folds the jacket over the back of an empty dining chair and rests his hands against the top of it, eyes scanning over the both of you at the table, one looking a little more distraught than the other.
“Everything alright?” He asks curiously, earning a subtle head shake from Sarah. He clears his throat, “Or—uh, well, how is the studying going? Feel like that’s all you two do.”
You rub a frustrated hand over your face and sigh, “I’m gonna see if I can get a ride home or something,” You tell Sarah, sliding your phone off of the table, “I’ll deal with this later.”
Joel and Sarah share a quick look of communication, her hand waving toward you sharply, forcing Joel to speak up before you make another rash decision and spend money on a long ride home when had the perfect opportunity standing right in front of you. 
“I can give you a ride home.” Joel offers, much to your surprise. 
You’ve been alone with Joel a lot now, though inadvertently.
Sarah would sneak away in her room for longer stretches of time just to call her boyfriend—which wasn’t a bad thing, but it felt odd when Joel would come home and there was no one to greet him but you. Still, you stretched your lips into a smile and welcomed him sweetly. 
Even if this was his home.
Or times when you just happened to cross each other's path, even in such a large space. Sometimes the front porch when you were taking a break to stretch your legs, his watchful gaze dragging along your figure as he sipped on a hot cup of coffee in the evening, foot stabilized on the deck as he rocked in the wooden swing he sat on, crickets chirping loudly as the sun set.
Or just a simple trip to the bathroom, his bedroom across the hall and a couple doors down, often shut, but there were moments when you opened the doors, nearly face to face, and neither of you could look away. Joel would clear his throat, excuse himself, and kindly gesture for you to walk first. It happened often, too often—but neither of you addressed it. Instead, the tension grew. And grew. Until it felt like poking a sleeping bear. So it hibernated in both of you quietly.
Part of you expected things to change, that the small moment shared in his hotel room would make things hard to navigate, but if anything—it’s easier.
“Okay.” You agree easily, not having the proper energy to fight him over it.
The ride is quiet for the most part and Joel doesn’t need the step by step directions as he knows this town like the back of his hand, but he makes a wrong turn somewhere between his house and yours and you don’t feel like something is wrong, but it definitely feels off.
“Joel, you missed the last left.” You speak up as he continues down the road, glancing around leisurely as you soon delve onto a main street, lined with several shops. “Joel—”
“I’m gonna make a quick stop,” Joel attempts to ease your worries, fingers tapping against the gear shift positioned in the center console, “if you don’t mind.”
The moment he pulls into the parking lot of the electronic store, you know. You can see it in his eyes as he squints, checking that the store is still open and pulls into a parking spot near the front of the store.
“Joel, no—” You grab his wrist suddenly, his free hand reaching for the door handle and he looks down, eyes connecting where your skin touched before slowly flicking up to you, “look—just, I don’t need you to buy me a new fuckin’ laptop. I can handle it.”
Joel’s shoulders shrug in his obnoxiously patterned shirt, like he’s working out a kink in his neck as he repositions himself in the seat but doesn’t pull away from you. In fact, his hand gradually pulls toward your knee, fingers squeezing around your kneecap comfortingly.
“Considering it a loan then?” Joel tries to bargain, “Let me help you out now so you won’t have to worry about it and you can pay me back as you get the money? I see how often Sarah uses her laptop, it doesn't make sense for you to go without when I can help.”
You chew on your bottom lip thoughtfully, staring intensely back at him. You could put your foot down and deny his offer, but the idea of suffering through the rest of the semster without your sole life line to surviving through college—well, that was actually torture.
“I’m paying back every single penny.” You tell him forthright, waiting until he nods in agreement.
“Sounds like a deal to me.” Joel responds.
Joel spares no expense, which doesn’t come as a surprise. He buys you the highest, top notch laptop they have to offer—and even as you stare daggers into the side of his face, there’s an inkling in your mind that tells you he isn’t going to allow you to hold up your end of the deal.
Joel liked to party too—not giant parties that felt overwhelming and unwelcoming. But, he did have a close group of older male friends that he liked to play poker with on the back deck of the Miller household.
Sarah learned to block it out early on, knowing that at some point things would get just a little too loud and not as easy to ignore. But, Joel never made you feel out of place within any of these instances. You were welcome here all the time and Joel was clear about that.
He’s showered you with gifts and accommodation and you hate the way it makes you feel special, wanted—beyond the night in his hotel room it was only innocent glances. It felt like you were misreading things, making something out of nothing.
Things aren’t great at home and you like it here—love it, even. And you feel your mind nagging away to make a stupid, spur of the moment decision. You could ignore it, but then your eyes catch Joel’s through the slight crack in the door, trapping you in his gaze like you’ve been caught doing something wrong.
He squints slightly, lips curling around his beet bottle as he takes a long swig, fist uncurling against his jeans as he rubs out his palm and smiles—he has you hooked in so fucking easy it feels pathetic.
This is wrong. You inhale a shaky breath and turn away, busying yourself with literally anything else—a scuff on the table, the chipped nail polish on your fingernails, something.
Eventually his friends filter out—and Sarah had invited you to stay over the night barring that it was the weekend and she enjoyed your presence just as much as you did hers—if only she could understand the now huge, harboring crush you had on her father. It was harmless, but it felt like a betrayal. 
And the feeling only increased as the night creeped along, your burdening insomnia keeping you awake, shifting and turning in the sheets beside her as you tried and failed miserably to fall asleep.
It was quiet out here, less commotion from the city. It was eerie, in a way. 
You slip out of the bed quietly, walking barefoot on the hardwood as you tiptoed until you were outside of her room, closing the door behind you. You weren’t hungry, so you didn’t bother with the kitchen, rather heading toward the front door that was already halfway open.
Part of you expected Joel to be sitting on the porch, no real rhyme or reason. But, even he is out of sight. The soft, well-kept grass welcomes the press of your feet as you wander outside slowly, the hug of the warm spring air on your skin even this late at night. You catch one of the Miller’s horses hanging out around the edge of their enclosure, wondering if they managed to nudge their way out of their stable. You approach slowly, still not as accustomed to them as you’d like to be. 
But, they were friendly. So, you raised a careful hand and rubbed gently at the horse’s mane, smiling at the soft huff it offered in return, leaning its snout over the fence more.
“Sunshine is always friendly,” Joel says from somewhere you don’t see, startling you out of your body as you jump, whipping your head around to look for him, eventually landing on his approaching form as he left the barn that held the stables, “—sneaky little gal, though.”
You laugh softly, finding it hard to believe that such a sweet horse was capable of escaping.
Joel whistles softly, beckoning her toward him. “Come on.” He nods, silently asking you to join him. You follow eagerly, watching as he unlocks the entrance to the fence for you to slip through, locking it behind you as you pass the threshold, catching up with Joel in a few steps.
“Don’t sleep well, do you?” He asks, heading turned over his shoulder briefly to look at you. You nod quietly, leisurely approaching Sunshine’s stable and watching as Joel locks her back up, rattling the gate for safety this time, ensuring it was secure. “Seems we have a few things in common.”
Joel stays quiet for a moment—in his own head, a deep moment of contemplation, carrying and safeguarding these thoughts he knows he shouldn’t have, wondering how your skin would feel against his palm, how the pulse of your heart would feel as he pressed his hand to the center of your chest and kissed you, full tongue and consumed your essence, this unignorable aura you had around you.
He feels sick, distraught. But, he can’t force himself to avoid you either.
“There’s somethin’ that usually helps me,” Joel tells you, hand pressed wordlessly against the center of your back as he guides you out of the barn and locks it up as well, “just goin’ somewhere quiet—lot of the time it’s just my thoughts keepin’ me awake.”
God, if only he knew.
He did, but that wasn’t the point.
Joel quiets for a moment, stuffing the ring of keys into his pocket as he glances over at the house briefly.
“You wanna go for a quick drive?” Joel asks suddenly, forcing it out before he can find a reason to stop himself.
“As long as it doesn’t end with you buying me another laptop, sure.” You chide deviously, watching the smirk grown on Joel’s face, knowing he still hasn’t taken a dollar from you.
And vehemently refuses every time you offer.
Joel drives you the path further into the land of property he owns, most of it still unexplored by you, eventually finding a clearing near the east edge, right on the edge of a body of water and a dock nestled near the shore. There’s a small boat tied to a post, big enough for a few people.
Under this light, as you exit the truck, Joel looks different.
He’s free of the weight of jewelry he wore, comfortable in his worn shirt and soft cotton shorts. For a while, Joel had been such an enigma that you weren’t sure what to make of him. Sure, he was just Sarah’s dad—but he was also Joel Miller, backbone of the town. His face was plastered everywhere. There wasn’t a single street you could traverse down that didn’t have him nestled away somewhere.
He spots a small mud puddle under your feet as he rounds the truck and quickly catches you before your feet get stuck, hands locked in yours as you jump over the small patch of wet dirt.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you look up at him, silently thanking him with your eyes.
“Can you swim?” He asks casually.
“Yeah…” You respond hesitantly, eyes locked onto the boat several feet away.
Joel releases your hands, but it doesn't matter. His touch still lingered painfully and you want nothing more than to pull him back in. But, now Joel is asking to go on a midnight boat ride with you and—really, how could you turn that down?
Joel rows you toward the center of the lake, your eyes locked onto the mesmerizing sight of the stars in the sky, so much clearer out here and away from the city.
“Pretty, ain’t it?” Joel asks, not bothering to look his way.
You smile slightly, leaning back onto the palms of your hands.
“Yeah, it really is.” You miss the way Joel’s gaze lingers, admiring you.
“Now—sometimes I just come out here and talk to nothin’,” Joel explains when the boat comes to a full stop and he rests the oars inside the boat, knees spread as he resting his elbows on them, “then other times I just sit and enjoy the quiet.”
Your choice—that’s what he’s implying. 
You clear your throat softly, finally changing a glance his way.
“I just—I don’t wanna say I’m jealous of what you have here,” You say quietly, “but, it really is a bitter reminder of without Sarah or you, I’d have next to nothing.”
Joel stays quiet, allowing you to marinate in thought and figure out how to convey how you were feeling.
“And—I don’t know. Selfishly, I like it.” Liked him. “But, I don’t want to rely on it and you make that a little impossible. I do have money, Joel. I can pay for things. I just don’t want you feeling like you have to do any of this out of necessity.”
“I’m not,” Joel admits, “Now—what makes you think that, darlin’?”
“I just—I don’t want anyone thinking I need to be fixed, I don’t.” You tell him, “I don’t need charity, either.”
Joel waves his fingers in a come closer motion, taking your slowly extending hands in his own, thumbs rubbing over soft skin tenderly, boring his eyes into your own.
“I’m gonna tell you this once and I need you to listen,” Joel says softly, but his voice feels so loud in the silence of the night, breeze hitting your skin and sending a sharp chill up your spine—but, you’re not how much of mother nature is responsible for that, “really listen, alright?”
You nod slowly, blinking a few times as you feel yourself shrink under his gaze.
“What I give you isn’t charity,” Joel tells you seriously, “and—maybe this is crossing a boundary I shouldn’t but, you’re somethin’ close to family. I take care of people I care about.”
Not family—he couldn’t conitate that with the feelings and thoughts he was having toward you.
“Close to family?” He was praying you wouldn’t harp on it, but you needed to confirm the underlying layer of tension that lingered between you two all the time. It was driving you insane, keeping you late into the night—he was the reason for your insomnia.
Joel smirks slightly, covering it with a quiet chuckle. His hand gradually cradles your face, rubbing along your cheek with a delicate touch, “I think you know, darlin’.”
God, he hoped you did. His thumb dragging along your plush bottom lip, eyes lingering for a brief moment before he pulls away, immediately missing his touch as he reigns himself to the idea that he may have crossed a line, quietly rowing the way back toward the dock.
Neither of you get much sleep that night anyways.
More time passes, lingering touches grow, and Joel is terrible at hiding his affinity for you now. Finding that those few words burned all regards he had toward keeping himself restrained around you. He had enough of a mind to keep it private—but there were comments, sweet little words that he’d whisper as you walked by or he caught you alone.
Nothing scandalizing, but just enough that it had your heart fluttering in your chest.
 Until there is a small slip up, helping the Miller’s with dinner one night as Sarah escapes to the bathroom for a brief moment, your arms outstretched into the cabinet to grab for something just out of reach.
“Use the stool, darlin’,” Joel sees your struggle, “safer that way.”
You look around observantly before you find a folded up stool tucked into the only open corner in the kitchen, taking it back to your spot and unfolding it.
“Good girl.” Joel comments quietly, catching the startled look on your face as your head snaps back toward him. And he has the nerve to smile, noticing the hitch in your breath.
And it only grows in intensity until you can’t stand it anymore, cornering him in the kitchen on a night where Sarah is already upstairs gathering herself for bed, thinking you had come down for a couple bottles of water.
Joel is nursing a small glass of whiskey and he’s silent, but his gaze tracks your movement. You move toward him.
There is a belief in you, fully realized, that something is up here.
"Joel," You lick your lips hesitantly, squaring yourself up against the counter, standing straight, trying not to seem like you were teetering near a dangerous edge of delirium, wondering if you were imagining all of this, "can I ask you something?"
There's a severe lack of distance between you two, knees knocking against each other gently from where you both stand, eyes searching out cautiously even though you know there's nothing to worry about. You were alone, something that has happened far too many times over the past few months. Lingering moments of wandering gazes, eyes connecting from across the room even if Joel was surrounded by people, partying with friends while you're tucked away in the corner while Sarah talks to you about the boys at school that you can't be bothered to give the time of day.
Because of Joel. Because your mind is so tainted by the idea of him.
His palm is flattened out against the counter, adorned with a couple golden rings that clack against the marble, gold chains to match that sat perfectly against his chest, framing the small patch of hair that peeked out over his unbuttoned shirt, silk-pressed and adorned in a silly design that somehow always managed to work perfectly with whatever Joel paired it with.
"Course," He assures you, "You need somethin'? 'Cause you know if things aren't alright at home you're welcome to stay with us."
He’s not amiss to notice just how much time you spend here and no one bothers to come around and check on you. Given you were an adult, it was still glaringly obvious you escaped here for a reason.
Joel reaches out to touch your cheek, the warmth of his skin melding with your own as your breath catches in your throat.
Touch wasn't new, but it never got old. Like a brand against your skin that screamed out for more. You look down briefly, mouth opening slightly to say something, but quickly resigns back to its previous position, lips pursed under a soft scowl.
"I can take care of you," Joel reminds, like you could ever fucking forget it, written all over your features and the outfits you wore now, the dainty gold chain that he'd leant to you as a gift when you pointed out how much you liked it—he'd bought it for himself but there was no resistance in offering over it over to you, bright smile stretching across your face in the moment that Joel felt a sickening addiction to, "—if that's what you need, sweetheart."
You nod instinctively, though you’re not sure what you’re answering too.
“We’ve got a spare room,” Your bottom lip pulls between your teeth, the huskiness to his voice shouldn’t feel intimate speaking such meaningless words, “plenty of room for you, alright?”
“Mhm,” You answer weakly, feeling the distance start to close as Joel tries—really fucking tries to fight it, but he can’t help the way his eyes track the way your body responds to his teach, lip trembling when you release it from it’s hold between your teeth, “thank you, Joel.”
“For?” Your heart is racing, terrified of being caught but also enticed by how openly Joel is admiring you, eyes wide with adoration and curiousness, something undiscovered and new to him.
“Taking care of me.” You echo his words, but you’re both quickly retching away at the sound of a door creaking upstairs, separating in an instant.
This was all you had—fleeting moments that would never be.
The logistics are complicated to figure out at first, but finishing up the last few weeks of schooling away from the stress of being at home and somewhere where you could actually focus outside of school made the most sense. You pack a big enough bag to last you through the month, clothes and personal belongings you care about, and make the small guest room your new home.
At least, as much as you could.
Luckily, your final classes are a breeze—thankful that most of your discipline with studying had paid off, you and Sarah would graduate in another couple weeks and allow yourself a real break over the summer before deciding how you both wanted to continue. More schooling or not, you would handle that later—for now, you let your mind rest.
And Sarah, well, she escapes the first chance she gets—the first official day free of responsibilities she’s running off for a weekend vacation with her boyfriend, assuring she didn’t mind you tagging along if you wanted to come, but you could see it on her face—she wanted privacy.
So, you had no problem staying back.
A weekend alone—with Joel? Who could barely keep his eyes off of you know that you were around constantly, even in the early mornings when he’d walk through the kitchen shirtless and fumbling with the old coffee pot he refused to get rid of. It was a side to him you hadn’t seen much of and it was slowly etching itself into your memory.
Everything implodes the first night that Sarah is gone, unknowingly yet not unwelcome. But, it’s a turning point neither of you can come back from.
It’s undeniable the amount of boiling sexual tension that has stirred between you both between Joel’s heated gaze and scandalizing comments, stuff that he tries to hold in but fails when he sees how easily of an effect it has on you.
So, as luck would have it, your restless minds meet again.
Joel stops between his open bedroom door and the wall, watching as you approach quietly, smiling kindly as you reach for the door to the guest room, bidding him a soft goodnight.
He could spend his night writhing in bed, hand around his cock as he jerked himself to the thought of you a few feet over, nestled under your sheets—unbeknownst to him, relieving yourself in a similar way and yearning for the stretch of him rather than your measly fingers. It used to relieve the ache and help you sleep, but now it made things impossibly worse.
His fingers encircle your wrist quick, but carefully, silence your ultimate downfall as you stare over at him curiously, his eyes pleading something so desperate it roots itself into your own mind. Like an invisible string tethered to your bodies, it pulls you both together instinctively.
He doesn’t hesitate with touch now, slowly barricading his hands against the side of your neck, gradually working to cradle your head, tipping your head back as he leaned in, not willing himself to cross that line unless you allowed it. He knew the second you stepped over he was done for, similarly, you knew that to be true for yourself.
“Tell me to stop,” Joel begs, “—tell me and I’ll give this up.”
You double down, pressing your face against his own, nose pressing against each other, speaking against his lips in a venomous tone that seeps into his bloodstream.
“No,” You tell him, steadfast and unwavering, “I don’t think I will.”
Joel breathes in sharply before his reverence is breaking, pressing you up against the solidness of the guest room door and crashing his lips against your own, his grip bruising as he palms at your thighs, hooking a leg around his hip as he grinds into you, the feeling dulled out by layers of fabric but you can still feel him. He’s hard and straining against the soft fabric and making no attempt to hide how much you affected him.
“We’re makin’ a big mistake,” Joel says into your mouth, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth to prove his point, pulling a sharp moan from your chest at the slight sting, “you realize that?”
You find your courage and part from him briefly, open palm rubbing against the line of his cock, slowly trailing up and under his shirt, blunt nails clawing into the stomach, the muscle tensing under your skin, “I’m well aware—are you gonna stand here and have a moral dilemma about it or are you going to fuck me, Mr. Miller?”
It ignites a fury behind his eyes, ravenous and wild. He grips your face tightly, tilting your head up at a slightly uncomfortable angle, pussy clenching around absolutely nothing from the show of dominance, the grin spreading across your face all Joel needed to confirm his suspicions about you.
You enjoyed this—him, the little game you’ve allowed him to play over the past few weeks. And just as he’d said before, he wanted to take care of you—in as many ways possible.
“Say it again,” He warns, squeezing your cheeks together between his tight grip on your face, “—fuckin’ say it.”
“Mr. Miller,” You drone sweetly, best you can through his sturdy grip, “—hm, is that what you want to hear? Is that what gets off at night?”
Joel’s eyes squint slightly, attempting to read your expression. How would you know?
“Always want me to call you Joel because Mr. Miller is just too much, right?” You tease, “I guess you could lie to me, but the look on your face says otherwise.”
The back of your head drops softly against the door, nowhere to go as Joel has you crowded, hand tight on the doorknob and unmoving. You’re trapped and you can’t be bothered to care. 
His hand trails to your neck gradually and squeezes, eyes rolling into the back of your head briefly as his jaw clenches, teeth gritting together as he bares them and speaks, “Should’ve guessed you’d like it like this, huh?”
You feign cluelessness, eyes half-lidded and staring back defiantly, swallowing against the solid hand he held against your neck. 
“Tell me you want it,” Joel presses, feeling how mutely you attempt to press against hold and fail, “need to hear you say it first.”
“What? That I want you cock, Joel?” You say vivaciously, grinning at how his mouth twitches at your words, cooing out a soft, “Because I do.”
And that’s all the confession Joel needs before he’s breaking the barrier and shoving you inside the guest room, slamming the door closed behind him with a foot as he tracks and approaches you, hauling you from the back of your thighs as your ass hits the bed, scooting back slightly and spreading your legs to allow him to slot perfectly between them. 
The fabric of your shirt bunches in his hands as pushes it up and away, lips pressing hotly against your stomach, mouthing at the skin greedily, quickly forcing the shirt up your shoulders until you get the idea and rip the shirt over your head, bare breasts bouncing against the jostling of your body. Joel has half the mind to gawk before he’s latching his mouth around your nipple, biting gently at the flesh despite his choice to be more aggressive than you expected. It’s the right amount of too soft and too much, your fingers curling into his hair at the root and pulling, earning a soft groan in response.
His curls fall freely over his eyes from where he’s looking up at you, lips lingering against your breast tantalizingly, “Let me taste you.” He tells you, his fingers dancing along the hem of your bottoms, his body descending as you find yourself nodding absently, helping him in the impatient push and pull until he has you naked and bare before him, his cock straining prominently against the thin material of his pants, rubbing himself through the fabric as he uses his free hand to spread you wide, marveling at the sight of your slick over the lips of your cunt.
Joel settles against the sheets, broad shoulders supporting your thighs as he adjusts them over him and hovers closely of your cunt, waiting for your eyes to connect in a brief moment of confirmation
You wanted this. And so did he.
He remains wide-eyed as his lips connecting with your cunt, straight for your aching clit as he sucks, flicking his tongue over the sensitive spot with a precision that has you falling slack against the sheets, mouth open in a blissful agony as Joel works away at your pussy like he’s had a million years to study it, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as you continue to pull and twist at his hair, selfishly grinding yourself against his face. 
He never breaks his gaze on your face, even when you find yourself with your head thrown back, staring up at the ceiling mindlessly, admiring the hurried rise and fall of your chest as you moan out something intelligible, slowly beginning to make sense in his hazy mind, “Oh—right—right there, Joel. Fuck, please—” You beg sweetly, feeling weightless as he lowers his mouth to your neglected hole and licks inside, his nose pressing perfectly against your clit.
“C’mon, baby,” He murmurs against your pussy, “keep talkin’, let me hear you.”
You sigh in exasperation, feeling the burgeoning ache of your impending climax, “Faster—” Joel is an astute listener, never missing a beat as he picks up his pace and adds more pressure, “–shit, I’m gonna—”
Joel silences you with his eagerness to make you come, words falling flat as he assales your clit with a determination to have you coming against his mouth, feeling the muscles spasm as you crying out his name in desperation, orgasming over his greedy tongue as he laps you up synonymously, forcing your body into overstimulation until you have to physically force him away.
Joel doesn’t have half the mind to speak, eyes darkened to near black as he rises to remove his shirt, pants and underwear following quickly after, undressing under your hazy gaze as you try to calm your rapidly beating heart before he’s fisting himself tightly, tip of his cock rubbing against the line of your pussy and catching your entrance, using the last bit of restraint he had left.
He should be courteous and ask about protection—but there’s a heat behind your eyes when you see his thoughts wandering, quickly snuffing out any worries. You reach gently for the hand not fisting his cock, cradling your knee gently, “We’re safe.” You assure him, the first moment of deep, unsettling reality as he realizes the weight of his choices before him—he’s already committed a few atrocities he knows he can’t come back from, so, what was a few more?
And he couldn’t say no to you, not with you staring up at him so wantonly, eyes pleading something desperate and meek, curious if this was all just a heat of the moment thing. Partly, it was—but this was months upon months of built up tension finally spilling into reality.
Joel isn’t sweet either, as he presses inside you. It shouldn’t surprise you, his impatient nature as he pulls you in close, hands gripping under your thighs and manhandling you until your folded nearly in half, hips pistoning sharp and rough, his gaze locked on the sight of himself disappearing inside of you, the sheen of your slick over his cock as you suck him in greedily.
“Come on, baby,” He grunts roughly, “keep showin’ me how good I make you feel. Show me how grateful you are.”
As if it wasn’t already obvious, obscene noises, feeling the quiet air as you sob out, feeling the angle change as he shifts his knee by your ass, angling your hips up slightly.
“Thank—thank you,” You say softly, broken as he snaps his hips roughly, hitting something sensitive inside of you, the coiling heat in your stomach rebuilding quickly, “thankyouthankyouthankyou,” You ramble mindlessly.
Mesmerized, you watch his curls bounce freely over his forehead, overgrown hair sticking to his skin from the soft sheen of sweat, the muscles in his broad shoulders straining as he holds your legs prisoner in his grips, hips aching dully from the unusual angle but you ignore it. He’s locked onto your pussy for a long stretch of time, entranced until he hears your soft moans, realizing you’ve been admiring him this whole time, eyes locking on you in a moment of vulnerability as he speaks directly to you, hips slowing to a manageable, but still slightly overwhelming pace.
“Always—know how to appreciate things, isn’t that right?” Joel asks, the redundancy not lost on you, “Take everything I give you and never ask. Never greedy—just lettin’ me spoil you.”
“Joel—” You whine, his hand slowly trailing the path to your joined bodies, thumb circling slowly over your clit briefly, “—harder, fuck me—harder.”
“But, look at you now—so fuckin’ greedy for my cock,” He’s speaking through a slight groan, releasing the straining hold on your thighs as he falls, spreading his legs out and using his arms for support as he holds himself over you, hands fisting into the sheets beside your head, “gonna make me cum, baby.”
You find yourself desperate for touch now, wrapping your arms around his neck until he’s nearly chest to chest, forehead resting against your own as you whimper into his open mouth, “I want it.”
Joel makes a small noise of question, “Want what, baby?”
“Your cum,” You reply softly, watching the way his pupils dilate at your words, “—please?”
Joel groans involuntarily, feeling the dignified squeeze of your walls around his cock.
“Where?” He asks slightly breathless, panting into your mouth.
You reach blindly for his hand, using his pointer and middle finger to breach your lips, pressing flat against your tongue, “Right here.” You mumble around the thick digits.
It’s the first thing you’ve ever explicitly asked for and who was Joel to deny that.
Joel pulls out quickly, rising on his knees as you push up to rest on your palms, his head hung back as he fucks himself into his hand harshly, a few short pumps and he’s pressing the aching tip of his cock over your tongue, spilling into your mouth with a deep growl, forced through clenched teeth, working himself through the aftershock as he squeezes out the last bit of cum he has to offer into your waiting mouth, forcing your mouth closed with his opposite hand and watching as you tilted your neck up and swallowed, tongue peeking out playfully as you show him your empty mouth.
You have half the mind to think he’s finished, but instead he’s swatting your thigh as he maneuvers your hips until you realize he’s silently asking you to turn over, quickly situating your ass in the air with his strong, domineering grip—burying his face into your cunt without a moment of hesitation, a gasp ripping from your throat. Your hips pull away instinctively out of shock, earning a sharp slap by Joel’s hand against your oversensitive cunt.
“Stay still.” Joel demands.
You answer softly, a pathetic acknowledgement and nod, obeying his order.
“Good girl,” He coos, muffled against your cunt, “Come for me, baby—you’re right there, I can feel it.”
There’s little resistance as his tongue swipes over your clit, sending you into a shorter but immensely more consuming second orgasm, feeling yourself lose consciousness for a brief moment as you sob into the sheets.
“Fuck.” Joel sighs as he rests back on his calves, cock softening between his thighs as you roll onto your back gingerly, thighs shaking from strain, feeling Joel’s comforting touch on the aching muscles as you close your eyes, letting the reality of the situation set in. 
You laugh giddily, “Yeah, fuck.”
Neither of you address the glaring issue of what just took place and somehow, that feels like the biggest atrocity to be committed. 
Secrets weren’t something you used to harbor, but it seemed like that was all you had now.
Sneaking off with Joel, lying to Sarah—it was the last thing you wanted to do. But, you and Joel had each other in an equally debilitating grip that neither of you could loosen up on.
And with secrets came gifts, more and more outrageous as time went on—big ticket items that had you fearing that, at some point, Joel would drop something like a new car on you—and that, for what it was worth, would help you. But, it was nothing you wanted. 
Sex started to feel transactional after a few more weeks, graduation creeping on you.
Joel never lacked in care and attentiveness, but there was this nagging feeling in the back of your mind, like you were this unattainable prize he was paying for and you were eating right out of the palm of his hand.
But, then graduation day approaches and Joel is acting odd.
So odd that it unsettles you. He’s there, along with his brother and his small family, cheering as loud for you as he does for Sarah, the obvious absence from your own family never lost on you or him. Then, night approaches.
He’d decided that throwing a party for the both of you in celebration was a good idea, just a small party with very few friends and he swore—swore that there was nothing else up his sleeve until he’s pulling you and Sarah off together, away from the party and there is a pair of matching, new cars parked in the driveway.
Sarah, given she already has everything she wants, is still thankful. It’s the one thing she had been trying to save up for herself, without the help of her dad. So, while she could be upset, she isn’t. She knows Joel’s intentions are good and that he’s just trying to be a good father—which is all he’s ever been for her.
But, for you, it stings. 
You linger, settled a few feet away against his beater of a truck, staring at the car like it was an eyesore.
She doesn’t like it. She hates it, Joel thinks. 
You thanked him regardless, but refused the keys. Joel had stuffed them into his pocket and allowed you the space you wanted, eyes pleading quietly. Sarah had hugged you gently, kind words left in your ear before she departed back inside.
“You’re like family,” She says with genuine love, “and he has more money than he knows what to do with—so honestly, just take it. You deserve it more than anyone.”
And that hurts worse, knowing that you’ve been lying to her for months. 
You weren’t family. Not to Joel. You were something much more convoluted and dangerous.
A drug. A trap. Something he couldn’t rid himself of, not that he desired to. But, he knew—once you were embedded into his life, it would be nearly impossible to get you out.
Joel finds you a while later, away from the party and beyond eyesight from the house, curled up against the front end of the truck and picking away at some of the ripped denim of your jeans, counting the frayed pieces. He takes a similar position, sitting next to you silently.
“You don’t have to take it,” He tells you, “but, it is paid for—”
“Joel, please—”
“What?” Joel asks suddenly, his own annoyance getting the better of him, “What am I doing wrong?”
“Joel—we have sex, you buy me something ridiculous. Or, you buy me something ridiculous without my knowledge and then we end up having sex, how does that look to you?”
“Now, I’m not doing that because of sex—”
“But, you see how it looks? How it makes me feel?” You argue with him, “Joel, I can’t help how I feel about you, like—it feels physically impossible, but the constant gifts makes this seem transactional. I don’t want that. I’m already a secret, I don’t need to be bought either.”
Joel shakes his head in silent disbelief, “You really think that’s how I view you? That’s it?”
“You haven’t tried very hard to make me think otherwise, Joel.” You tell him honestly, “I don’t need you showering me with cars and clothes and shit that I don’t need—and if that’s what you feel like you need to do, I don’t want to do…whatever this is anymore.”
Fucking him, sneaking around in secret. You weren’t dating, but it sure fucking felt like it. One intimate moment from a love confession that would seal the deal on your perception of him.
Joel kicks at the gravel as he rises to his feet, pulling you up by your forearm, an immediate look of both confusion and frustration crossing your features as he turns you and presses your chest against the front of his truck, shadowed by the cover of night. His belt clanks together loudly as he undoes his jeans behind you, tucking them far down enough he can pull his cock from the confines of his underwear, lifting up the hem of your dress and yanking your own underwear down your legs and off, and you should stop him—but you don’t want to.
This was the problem. You couldn’t get enough of Joel. 
He slips inside of you with ease, pulling a sharp gasp from your chest that he stifles with his hand, clasped over your mouth, fucking into you with a reverance that was new.
“Joel—we’refuck—we can’t here,” You try to say, yanking his hand away from your mouth, “we’ll get caught.”
Joel grips the base of your neck roughly, fingers curling around the sides as he tilts your head back and looks into your eyes, other hand coming around the bottom of your chin until you’re forced to look up and back at him, not a single speck of warm brown in sight. He looked angry.
But, it didn’t feel like it was directed toward you. Regardless, he fucked you like he was.
“I’ll return the fuckin’ car,” He starts to ramble, “I’ll return everything if that makes you think differently. God—” He snaps his hips harshly, earning a broken sob from you as you reach behind you blindly for something to anchor yourself on, fingers twisting into the fabric of his shirt, “—never want you to think this is transactional, baby. It never—never was.”
Never would be, you want him to say.
“Whaddya want me to say?” Joel asks before you can speak, “That I care about you—baby, I fuckin’ do. I thought that was obvious. Know—know I shouldn’t, that it’s wrong, but I knew—”
You gasp raggedly, his hand leaving your chin to find your clit, just the right amount of pressure to have your hands clawing at his skin, head resting back against his shoulder as he fucked into you.
“And I’ll keep this a secret if—if it means I can have you but this isn’t transactional,” He continues to speak, despite your inability, tipping over the edge of your orgasm as his hips stutter slightly, “it never will be.”
That—that was what you needed to hear. Pulling him taut against you as he buried his mouth into the junction of your neck and nipped, biting at the skin roughly but not enough to break skin.
“Come inside me,” You gasp, chest rising and falling quickly, “please—Joel, please?”
“You like when I fuck you like this, don’t you?” Joel teases, “Never ask for anything but my cum—greedy girl,” You moan at his words, spurring him even further, “tell me baby, tell me how much you want it.”
“So bad,” You whine, “Joel, please give it to me—fuck—all of it, please?”
Joel snaps his hips a few more times before his hand is releasing your neck, crossing over your chest and squeezing tightly at your breast as he pulses inside of you, pumping his hips and filling you full of his spend.
Joel kisses at the exposed skin of your shoulder, pulling out with a soft grunt, the slow jingle of metal sounding behind you as you reached for the underwear he offered you, slipping it back up your legs and into place, despite how Joel’s cum dripped out of you, something he makes point of as his fingers drag along the material, causing you gasp softy at his touch, swatting his hand away. He chuckles lowly at the annoyed glare you shoot his way.
Joel shifts your hips until you turn in his grip, back pressing against cool metal. He crowds you in again, leaving you feeling breathless as he grips your face, but his touch is surprisingly tender.
“What do we say?” He says softly, lips pressing against your own.
“Thank you,” You retort sarcastically, capturing his lips in a quick, bruising kiss as you card your fingers into his hair at the base of his neck, pulling gently, “this doesn’t change anything—I don’t want the car.”
“You don’t have to take it,” Joel settles, “but it’ll be here if you need it.”
You pull away further, looking at him endearingly, watching as his eyes flick briefly toward the house.
“What do we do–about this?” You ask quietly, afraid someone might be listening in despite being alone, “About…whatever this is.”
“Hey,” Joel assures gently, “don’t worry about that—not tonight.”
“Joel—” You plead, eyes searching desperately into his own.
“I care about you, that’s all you need to worry about.” Joel speaks truthfully, his thumb rubbing along the line of your jaw as you swallow, muscles tense under his touch.
And you’re wondering if he’s just saying what you want to her—that maybe this was still a game to him and he was letting you feed into it, nodding to his confession. Joel is all in, offering you his metaphorical hand.
You sigh shakily, “Okay—I trust you.” So please, don’t let me down.
And you know things will eventually implode, but you intend to hold on the brief moment of hope you have now, safe under his gaze as he leads you back to the house, everyone blissfully unaware of the moments you’ve shared, leaving you resigned to appreciate the greedy looks his shares with you across the room.
It was a dangerous game, but you were willing to take the risks.
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title: in a feud with her neighbor
bonus scenes now available
pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x female reader
rating: explicit (18+ MDNI)
word count: 5621
Five times you think Joel Miller is the worst neighbor ever, and the one time he isn’t.
author’s note: this is so self-indulgent. i hope you guys enjoy it! if you like this work, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment because they make my day 💕
special thanks to the angels who helped with ideas: @dreamingofdaddydin @jksprincess10 @mydailyhyperfixations @funnygirlthatgab
additional warnings/tags: explicit sexual content (18+ minors do not interact), explicit language, no use of y/n, story contains visual graphics, everyone pretend the 12 ft skeleton was available in 2003 and you could stream TV shows, no sarah, no outbreak, neighbor feuds, enemies to lovers, oral (explicit f receiving, non-explicit m receiving), semi-public sex, making out in a pool, reader is a menace and arguably the bad neighbor here, unprotected p in v, use of sex toys, praise kink, pet names, dirty talk. let me know if any are missing!
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Joel Miller is the worst neighbor ever. 
Your issues with him started on your first Halloween in the neighborhood. You had moved into your new home a few months prior, thrilled that you finally managed to escape the horrors of apartment living. You were now the proud owner of a little single story two bedroom craftsman style home, complete with fenced in backyard and a pool. 
You loved your little house and the neighborhood was ideal, quiet but tight knit. The neighbor to your left, an elderly woman named Betty, had invited you over for tea and cookies and given you the lowdown on the neighborhood gossip.
The neighbor to your right, Joel Miller, she said, was a wonderful man. Polite, kind, and not too hard on the eyes either. You hadn’t met him yet, but with a glowing review like that, you couldn’t wait until you did.
She had also mentioned that the neighborhood goes all out for Halloween. They even hosted a contest for the best decorated house. Your mind already raced with the possibilities.
You loved Halloween. In Texas, the stifling heat finally eased around that time, dropping to a slightly more tolerable range in the 80s with cooler nights. You loved seeing all the displays in the stores and how abandoned storefronts would be overtaken by whole companies dedicated to Halloween. You watched all the horror movies you could and on the weekends you’d seek out local fall festivals because you’re a sucker for candy apples and funnel cake.
No one ever decorated at the apartment complex you previously lived in, so you were extra excited to decorate your house and yard. You bought fake tombstones and plastic skeletons for the yard, spider webs and little ghosts to hang in the trees. You carved two pumpkins to set on either side of the steps leading up to your front door and made little ghost statues out of tomato cages, foam balls, and white fabric. You even strung purple lights through your hedges. 
You were totally going to win the decorating contest. You were confident that you would.
Until you woke up Halloween morning and Joel Miller had somehow decorated his entire home in the time that you had been sleeping, blissfully unaware.
The man had somehow managed to set up an entire army of skeletons, including a handmade wooden jail stuffed with ones trying to escape. There were some posed on the house itself, climbing up the sides and the roof. He had some coming out of the ground, red spotlights fixed on them for an eerie glow. But perhaps most impressive of all was the twelve foot skeleton with glowing red eyes that was posed near the makeshift jail, holding the door open like it was releasing the trapped undead soldiers.
Joel Miller had the motherfucking twelve foot skeleton. You wanted one of those so bad but it was always sold out. You checked every nearby Home Depot for months trying to find one and here Joel Miller has one, taunting you.
He won the decorating contest, sweeping the victory from right under your feet.
It may seem silly, but that was the moment you decided Joel Miller was the worst neighbor ever.
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When you were buying your first home, you had been meticulous in calculating your finances in order to comfortably afford the purchase. You did not, however, account for having to repair your air conditioning system within less than a year of moving in. This made a significant dent in your savings, which led you to cut your expenses elsewhere.
One such expense was your internet. Why? Because it turns out Joel Miller, asshole neighbor, doesn’t password protect his router and you can just use his.
It’s not like he would notice.
Joel stares at his internet bill in confusion. This is the third month in a row that he’s been charged for going over his data allowance. That doesn’t even make sense. He’s the only person in his house and he only uses the internet on his phone to check the news and sometimes play Candy Crush. It’s why he got the lowest data plan in the first place.
He tries to think of what he could be doing differently, but comes up short. Hell, he’s not even home most of the day. He works long hours at different contracting jobs, so his free time is spent watching TV (cable, not connected to the internet), and sleeping.
But then it hits him. The overage charges never happened until you moved in. 
Joel powers up his ancient laptop and has to Google search what a router is. Turns out, he doesn’t have a password set on his. Which means, if his hunch is correct, you’ve just had free access to his internet this whole time.
He learns how to set a password and, more importantly, he learns how to change the name of his router. 
He needs to send a message, after all.
You’re about to start another episode of Grey’s Anatomy, courtesy of your friend generously sharing her Netflix password, when you receive an error message. 
No internet connectivity. Try again?
The little WiFi connection icon is missing from your toolbar. You investigate further, opening the list of options and scanning them for Joel’s, conveniently titled Miller.
But instead you find a new name.
GetYourOwnWiFi. And it’s password protected.
“Son of a bitch,” you hiss.
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Joel Miller’s tree is always dropping debris in your yard. The limbs have grown over your shared fence line and on windy days you have to deal with extra pool clean up on top of the usual mess it makes of your yard, twigs and leaves ruining your perfectly manicured backyard oasis. 
You’ve asked him to trim the branches. Left him notes on his door and in his mailbox, but he still hasn’t done it.
Today you’re sending a new kind of message.
He’s going to wish he’d listened when you asked nicely. 
“What the fuck,” Joel growls when he gets home just after sunset. There’s piles of leaves and twigs littering his front porch, almost to the point that he can’t see the concrete slab beneath. 
There’s no way this just happened through the force of nature. It’s been a perfectly clear day in Austin and besides, there’s no trees at the front of his house for this kind of mess to fall from.
Which can only mean…
His eyes spot the bright pink Post-It note stuck to his door and he curses under his breath as he stomps up the porch steps and rips it down.
Here. Clean your own mess up for once. 
Joel crumbles the note in his fist, taking deep breaths as he heads for the garage to grab a broom and a trash bag.
He’ll get you back.
He always does. 
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You love animals, especially cats. Unfortunately, being allergic, you don’t have the option to have one of your own all the time. 
When you spot the first neighborhood stray, your heart lights up with excitement. It’s a little black and white cat with bright green eyes that walks right up to you while you’re getting your mail, winding its lithe body between your legs and purring against you. You stoop to pet it, mentally reminding yourself to wash your hands before you touch your face, otherwise your eyes would be itchy for hours.
“Hello, little baby,” you murmur, rubbing a hand down the length of its back. “How are you?” The cat gives a strong meow in response. “Oh, are you hungry? Let’s go see if I have anything I can give you as a treat.”
Back inside your house, you locate a can of tuna and dump it into a small plastic bowl. The cat sits patiently on the porch, tail flicking in anticipation. It hops down and shoves its little face into the bowl as soon as it’s within reach. 
“So cute,” you say, giving it one last pat on its back before returning inside.
There’s a cat sitting on Joel’s porch, watching him as he parks his truck. It’s the second time this week there’s been a cat lurking around his property. The first one he found out in the backyard, tearing up his flower beds.
The neighborhood had never had an issue with cats before, so he has a sneaking suspicion that you’re, once again, the root cause of his suffering. 
His suspicions are confirmed when he sees you on the porch one day, laying out a row of plastic bowls filled with what he assumes is cat food. At first he’s annoyed that he’s right, it is you feeding the cats, which is why they’ve been terrorizing his yard, but then you turn around and he’s struck by how utterly gorgeous you are. 
This is the first time Joel’s ever actually seen you. He’s usually out of the house before dawn and back after sunset, which must not coincide with your schedule since you’ve never run into each other. He remembers Betty, the older woman who lives to your left, telling him about meeting you.
“Gorgeous girl, that one. You two would probably hit it off,” she said as he hung a picture frame for her.
“Don’t go playin’ matchmaker, Betty,” he replied. 
But damn, seeing you now in a pair of little shorts that hug your hips and ass just right and a tight white t-shirt that shows off the tiniest bit of skin above the waist of your shorts is making him think he should have taken Betty up on her word.
Joel’s so distracted that he almost misses the way the cat on his porch hits one of his planters with his paw, knocking the ceramic over and spilling dirt all over the ground.
There’s a note on your door the next morning, a torn piece of paper with a familiar scrawl of messy handwriting that could only belong to one person.
Stop feeding the cats or you owe me new plants.
The note actually makes you giggle. Betty sees you on your porch and beckons you over to hers.
“What’s got you gigglin’ like a schoolgirl?” The older woman asks.
“What? Nothing,” you reply too quickly.
“Wouldn’t happen to be a note from a certain tall, strong, and handsome young neighbor of yours?”
“No, definitely not.” 
She smirks at you. “You better quit terrorizin’ that poor man, honey.”
“Now, Betty, where would the fun be in that?” You say brightly as you head back to your house, the sound of her laughter following you through the door. 
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There’s a package on Joel’s porch when he gets home from work. He doesn’t remember ordering anything, but he wouldn’t put it past himself.
He brings it inside without thinking twice or checking the label, chucking it on the counter with the rest of his mail as he searches for a box cutter in his junk drawer.
Joel cuts through the packing tape, lifting the flaps and rifling through the packing paper to pull out the contents.
It’s another box, light pink with the image of a hot pink u-shaped device on the top. The text across the top reads REMOTE VIBRATOR in black script.
He nearly drops the box in surprise, fumbling it in his hands. He’s certain he didn’t order this. 
Joel pulls the shipping box back towards him, keeping an eye on the vibrator like it might grow legs and run away. He flips the lid over to inspect the shipping label, his eyebrows rising as he reads your name and home address instead of his.
He looks at the toy again, mind whirling with images of you on your back, remote in hand as you bring yourself pleasure. He coughs, clearing his head and adjusts himself in his jeans.
He searches the junk drawer for a sheet of paper and a pen.
You’re staring at the delivery confirmation email from Lovelies, panic creeping down your spine. It says that your new toy has been delivered but there’s no package in your mailbox or on your porch. You’ve checked everywhere.
Which means it was either delivered to one of your neighbors or someone stole it.
If you’re being honest, you’d rather someone stole it than to have to go knock on Betty or, god forbid, Joel’s door to ask if they accidentally received your sex toy delivery. Your cheeks heat at even the thought of Joel knowing what you ordered. You head back inside empty handed.
Later, when you open your door to feed the cats, you’re surprised to find a box on your welcome mat. You set the bowls of food down and carry it inside, your excitement mounting. 
But when you open the box, you’re mortified to find a torn piece of paper on top of the packing material, Joel Miller’s familiar handwriting on the sheet.
Interesting choice
“Fucking asshole,” you mumble, crumbling the note and tossing it to the side. You pull your new toy from its box and turn it on. “Huh. Fully charged.”
Your jerk of a neighbor won’t ruin your night if this little gadget has anything to say about it.
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It’s Joel’s one day to sleep in and you’ve been blasting your music all fucking morning. He’s already got his head shoved under his pillow but the sound still filters through, ruining his chances of any extra hours of sleep to make up for his lack of it during the week.
He rolls out of bed with a heavy sigh, scrubbing a hand across his beard. He heads downstairs to make coffee, the heavy beat of your music chasing him through the house. He can feel the beginnings of a headache pulsing behind his eyes.
Joel tries to tune it out. Really. He does. As much as the two of you butt heads, he doesn’t mean anything by it, not really. He doesn’t want to be an asshole, nor is he trying to be one. 
But if you don’t turn your music down soon he’s going to lose his fucking mind.
He gives you another hour. He’s feeling generous. But when the music just keeps playing, he finally snaps. 
Joel shoves his feet into the work boots beside the door, paying little mind to the fact that he’s not wearing socks. In fact, he’s still in his sleep pants and ratty old t-shirt but he’s too far gone to care.
Once he’s in front of your door, he bangs on the wood with his fists. He waits for a response and when he doesn’t get one, probably since you can’t fucking hear him, he bangs again. There’s movement from the corner of his eye and he turns his head to find Betty watching him, lips tilted in a smirk.
“You okay with this?” Joel asks, gesturing vaguely to your house to indicate the noise level inside. 
“Don’t be such a party pooper,” she replies before shuffling inside. He turns back to the door to pummel it with his fists again but he’s surprised to find it open.
“Howdy, neighbor,” you say, eyebrow raised and arms crossed beneath your breasts.
Which were currently covered by the tiniest bikini top he’s ever seen. His eyes trail lower, over the expanse of your stomach to the matching bikini bottoms that peek out past the folded waist of your denim shorts.
“Uh,” he says, followed by a strained cough. “Hi.”
Joel Miller is standing on your porch dressed in a threadbare t-shirt and gray pajama bottoms that sit low on his hips, a strip of soft tan belly peeking out from above the waistband when he stretches an arm up to run his fingers through his dark, messy curls.
Christ, you think. The man is prettier than Betty gave him credit for.
“Can I help you?” You ask. His eyes snap from where they’d been lingering on your chest and you straighten your back just the slightest bit at the knowledge he’d been checking you out. 
Joel clears his throat. “Your music is way too loud.”
You roll your eyes. “Does it hurt?”
“Does…what hurt?”
“Always having a stick up your ass.” 
Betty barks a laugh from her porch and Joel’s head turns so fast you have whiplash just watching him. He throws his hands up.
“Who’s side are you on, Betty?!” He shouts. 
You’re bent over, laughing so hard your stomach hurts and tears form at the corners of your eyes. When you finally catch your breath and return your attention to Joel, he’s got his hands on his hips and an impressive furrow between his brows.
“Listen, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I’m about to go out by the pool and have a drink. Wanna join?” You ask. 
“I don’t have my suit with me.”
“Well good thing you’re just right next door, huh? Go get it. I’ll leave the door unlocked,” you tell him before shutting the door in his face.
Joel returns to your house thirty minutes later, showered and wearing his swim trunks and a new t-shirt. He wipes his sweaty hands against his chest, not entirely sure why he’s nervous. He’s just having a drink with his annoying neighbor to hash out all the issues. No big deal.
Your music is still playing when he enters your house, giving the door a courtesy knock before letting himself in. The front door opens directly into the main living space, a large sectional couch facing a TV mounted between two windows to his right and a dining nook to his left. Your kitchen is nestled in the corner, just past an opening to a hallway that he assumes leads to the bedrooms. Your place is bursting with colors and textures and patterns, from the floral blanket draped over your velvet couch to the leaf patterned wallpaper and natural stone backsplash in your kitchen. You have tea towels hanging from your stove that say “ANOTHER ONE BITES THE CRUST” with a picture of a pizza, and an impressive looking bar cart that houses a variety of liquor bottles and glassware.
There’s a splash from outside and Joel sees that the sliding glass door to your patio is open. He steps onto the concrete deck, surveying the backyard oasis you’ve created for yourself. The pool is on the smaller side but still, it’s a pool, and Joel’s a little jealous of it. You’ve got chaise loungers lined near the edge and matching chairs that surround a little fire pit further out in the yard. There’s string lights hung from the shade canopy that extends from your house. 
You pop up from beneath the surface, your hair slicked back from your face and little droplets of water clinging to your skin. Joel stands there, unsure of what to do, until you swim to the ledge closest to him and drape your arms over it, regarding him with keen eyes.
“Hi,” you say. He swallows, the nerves returning as he tries desperately to not let his gaze fall below your neck.
“Hey,” he replies. 
“There’s beer in the cooler. Grab me one?” You ask before ducking back beneath the surface. He can see you swim towards the edge of the pool that the loungers face. He grabs two beers as instructed, popping the tops with the bottle opener fixed to the lid of the cooler. You break the surface once more, swimming over to where he sits on the end of one loungers.
Joel passes you the beer and you tip it towards him in thanks before taking a deep pull, your lips wrapped around the lip of the bottle and distracting him monumentally. 
“So, you’re the Joel Miller, huh?” You ask. “Tell me about yourself.”
The two of you talk for what feels like ages. He learns that you’re a software engineer and you work a typical 9-5 schedule, which is why he’s never caught you around the neighborhood before. You don’t like to be outdoors much, preferring reading and catching up on your Netflix shows. You have two brothers, both of whom are older than you and live on the opposite side of the country, but you visit them around Christmas. You love animals, but have major allergies so you settle for fleeting moments with the neighborhood strays and occasionally watching your best friend’s dog when she goes out of town. 
He tells you about his work as a contractor, which he’s been doing since he was fresh out of high school and had no idea what to do with his life. He talks about his brother Tommy, how they work together on most projects and they want to start their own contracting business, but that’s a dream for another day. He mentions he’s more of a dog person than a cat person, especially because he has a grudge against the orange neighborhood cat that is still tearing up his flowerbeds. 
Joel loves the way you laugh, bright and full bodied as you toss your head back and bring a hand to your chest each time. You talk with your hands a lot, which is funny because you keep letting go of the pool ledge and scrambling to grab it again when gravity pulls you down in the water. If he doesn’t give enough detail in an answer, you’re not shy about asking him for more information, like when he said his favorite color was blue.
“Okay, but what shade of blue?” You asked.
“Just…blue?” Joel asked, clearly not understanding your question.
You rolled your eyes. “Men. I like lavender. Not just purple. Purple is a range of shades.”
“I guess…navy?”
“Now you’re getting somewhere, big guy!”
The conversation lulls as you share your drinks in companionable silence. The Texas sun bears down on his back, his t-shirt sticking uncomfortably to his sweat slick skin. He bites the bullet and reaches behind his head to tug the damp fabric off, leaving him in just his swim trunks. He doesn’t miss the appreciative once-over you give him.
You extend a hand to him. “Help me out?””
Joel grasps your hand in his, marveling for a moment how small it is in his broad palm. He’s distracted enough that he doesn’t notice the michievous look on your face, or the way you plant your feet to the pool wall for leverage.
You give a sharp tug with both hands and he goes toppling into the pool with a surprised shout.
You’re laughing so hard you can barely catch your breath. The look on Joel’s face as you tugged him into the pool will be burned into your memory for years to come. You’d been waiting all afternoon for the man to take his shirt off, not only because you were admittedly dying to see what was hiding beneath the fabric, but also because you wanted exact a little neighborly revenge for stomping over to your house to tell you your music was too loud.
You’re feeling mighty accomplished, right up until you feel a hand wrap around your ankle and you get pulled beneath the surface with no warning. 
You open your eyes, chlorine stinging them as you see Joel torpedo towards the shallow end of the pool. You give chase, breaking the surface with a gasp.
“You asshole–”
Joel cuts you off by wrapping an arm around your waist, tugging you close and tipping his head down to capture your lips with his. He kisses like a man starved and he tastes like sunshine and chlorine and the beer he’d been drinking as his tongue slides hungrily against yours. He uses his arm to press your body to his, but it’s not close enough.
You wrap your arms around his neck and lift your legs to circle his waist, your center grinding against his rapidly hardening length. Joel trails his hands up and down your back, stopping to grab rough handfuls of your ass as he groans against your mouth.
“Fuck,” he curses. “This little fuckin’ bikini has been torturin’ me all day.”
“Why don’t you just take it off then?” You offer. He pulls back to watch your face as his fingers find the strings of your bottoms beneath the water, giving both sides a quick tug until you feel the material fall away. His hand creeps up your back, pulling at the strings holding your top together around your back and neck until they, too, fall away.
Joel walks the two of you forward until your back collides with the rough stone of the pool wall.  He presses a muscular thigh between your legs, boxing you in with his body. Your hips jerk at the sudden pressure and friction against your bare pussy, a moan slipping from your lips as Joel presses kisses to your jaw and neck, nipping the delicate skin with his teeth.
“You gotta be quiet, sweetheart,” he murmurs against your skin, the deep timbre of his voice making a shiver dance down your spine despite the Texas heat. “Those sounds are just for me, isn’t that right?”
You nod your head quickly and he rewards you with another toe curling kiss. Your hips rock against his thigh and he swallows every little whimper as his hands explore your body.
“Joel,” you whine. His fingers pinch and pull your nipples before he soothes them with sweet circles of his calloused thumb.
“What’s the matter, baby?” He asks. One of his hands slides across your thigh and your breath hitches as he brings it dangerously close to your pussy before trailing it back down. “You need somethin’?”
“Need you to touch me.”
“That right? You want me to take care of that pretty little pussy?”
“Mhm,” you hum. “Please.”
“So polite. Where’s all that attitude from earlier, hm?” Joel asks, sarcasm dripping from every word. You narrow your eyes at him.
“I can be rude, Miller. You want that instead?”
“Trust me, I know, but I think I like you better when you’re beggin’ for me,” he replies with a grin. 
Joel’s hands grab onto your waist and he hoists you up onto the ledge. His broad shoulders press against the back of your thighs and his arms drape across your hips. He smiles at you, mouth tauntingly close to where you’re desperate for relief. You lean back on your elbows, the concrete warm against your bare skin and the sun washing over you.
“How about you show me those nice manners one more time?” He asks. 
You grit your teeth. “Joel, I swear to god I will go inside and lock you out–”
Your threats are cut off by your startled moan as he licks through your folds, broad swipes of his tongue from your fluttering entrance to your aching clit. His sweet brown eyes are sinful as he looks up at you from between your thighs, devouring your pussy like his last meal. His nose rubs against your clit each time his tongue dips inside of you and you’re quickly reduced to a writhing mess.
You shift your weight to one arm and reach down with the other to tangle your fingers into his hair. He moans appreciatively against your cunt, the vibrations making you keen. When your hips start to fight against his hold, his lips wrap around your clit, sucking and rolling it with his tongue.
“Fuck, fuck, just like that,” you babble, trying to keep your voice down as you balance right on the edge of your orgasm. He hums again, tongue swirling over your clit until that final thread snaps and you free fall into oblivion, fingers curling tightly against his scalp and making him groan as he works you through your release.
Your limbs go boneless in the aftermath and you collapse against the ground, an arm over your eyes to block out the sun. You hear the sound of water sloshing before Joel lays beside you on his back, arms beneath his head. He turns to look at you, his bright smile making your heart flutter in your chest. 
And when he extends an arm out for you to snuggle up against him, you can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, Joel Miller isn’t such a bad neighbor after all.
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“What do you mean you thought I was the asshole?!” Joel asks indignantly as he leaves your bathroom. He’s got a towel held up around his waist and you’re finding it hard to concentrate on his words at this exact moment.
You’ve just finished showering together after your outdoor activities, where you returned his poolside favor with some attention of your own. Now, you’re laying on the bed in your own towel, tired from the sun and the sex. 
You’ve also just admitted that you thought he was the worst neighbor. An asshole even. And now he’s looking at you like you’re insane.
“You stole my internet!” He exclaims. 
“You can’t prove that,” you reply, maybe a bit too quickly. He raises an eyebrow at you, but you refuse to back down.
“Fine, but you put all those twigs and shit on my porch.”
“They were from your tree, I was simply…returning your property.”
“And the cats?” He crosses his arms. “Because of you, my flowerbeds look like shit and I’ve lost two planters.”
“Not my fault they can sense you’re the weak link. They’re asserting their dominance. Hiss at them or something,” you say with a shrug.
Joel gapes at you. “You can’t be serious.”
“Look, it’s water under the bridge now, right? What can I do to make it up to you?”
He’s silent for a moment before a mischievous grin spreads across his face.
“Where’s that toy you bought, sweetheart?”
Joel’s got you on your back, your wireless vibrator placed snugly inside of your and against your clit. You’re glaring at him because he’s stopped you from another orgasm. He’s quickly becoming obsessed with that fire in your eyes and the curl of your lip when you’re mad at him.
He presses a trail of kisses from your ankle to the inside of your thighs, nipping the sensitive skin close to your pussy just to hear you gasp. He continues across your abdomen and your breasts, stopping to lavish attention to each sensitive nipple, your back arching against him for more.
“Joel,” you whine, squirming beneath him. He stretches up to capture your lips in a kiss, your lips dragging across his in the most addicting way. His cock slides against the smooth skin of your hip, making him groan. With a flick of his thumb, he turns the toy back on. “Oh, fuck!”
“Want you to come for me this time, baby,” Joel tells you. “Then I want you to come all over my cock, okay?”
You nod, back bowing and muscles straining as your writhe against the vibrations. Joel sits back on his heels to watch you, the way your mouth is dropped open in a silent shout and how your eyes find his at the exact moment you start to come undone.
“Oh my god,” you pant as Joel swiftly removes the toy, the pink silicone shiny with your release. He tosses it to the side and presses his cock to your fluttering hole, sinking inside of you with a deep groan. Your walls are still clenching with the aftershocks of your orgasm as he begins to thrust, slow and deep.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so fuckin’ good,” he growls. He uses a hand to press one of your knees closer to your chest, his fingers wrapped tightly beneath your knee. 
The change in angle gets him deeper and his pace grows faster in response to your moans. He can feel you start to pulse around him, each drag of his cock out of your cunt getting harder as your walls squeeze, desperately trying to keep him inside. 
“Touch yourself,” Joel commands. “Wanna see you come for me again, pretty girl, come on.”
Your fingers find your clit, swirling through the mess of slick coating your folds. Your eyes are glued to him as you work yourself to the same rhythm of his thrusts. He knows you’re close when your eyes start to flutter, your head dropping back against the mattress and your thighs going tight against his hips.
“That’s it, good fuckin’ girl, just like that,” he growls as you come with a shout of his name. “Christ, you look so damn good.”
You blink at him, your eyes hazy and your smile languid as he chases his own release, using your sensitive cunt for his pleasure. When it gets to be too much, too close, he withdraws, fisting his cock with rough strokes until he comes in thick splashes against your belly.
He collapses on the bed beside you, both of your chests heaving with deep breaths. After a moment, he uses one of the towels to wipe you clean, tossing it to the floor. You glare at him. 
“You better put that in the hamper later,” you admonish. He pulls you into his side. 
“So, why exactly did you think I was an asshole neighbor?” He asks. To his surprise, you blush, mumbling something he can’t make out. “What?”
“I said because you beat me at the Halloween decorating contest.”
“That’s it?”
“Yes. You have the twelve foot skeleton and I’m jealous.”
“I’ll get you as many skeletons as you want,” Joel laughs. You smile at him.
“Sounds good to me, big guy.”
The following Halloween, there are two twelve foot skeletons in the neighborhood, and they live right next door to each other.
Joel Miller taglist: 
@huffle-punk @johnwatsn @hopelessromantic727  @whereasport @pedr0swh0r3 @yellingloudly @dragon-of-winterfelll @thedeadsingwithdirtintheirmouths @mydailyhyperfixations @liati2000 @ghostofjoharvelle @cutesyscreenname @morgaussy @letsgroovetonighttt @endlessthxxghts @fake-bleach @brilliantopposite187 @mattmurdock1021 @str84pedro @justsomeoneovertherainbow @loquaciousferret @milly-louise @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @kirsteng42 @caatheeriinee07 @eternallyvenus @midnightswithdearkatytspb @evyiione @leeeesahhh @tloubarbie @afterglowsb-tch13 @loveliestofthoughts @theviewfromtheritz @brittmb115 @uncassettodiricordi @pedritosgfreal @adriennemichelle98 @mxtokko @gingersince97 @switchbladedreamz @casa-boiardi @tonysterco @rvjaa @ladymunson @sexpoisoned @trisaratops-mcgee @decemberdolly @spookyemorockbabe @reader-without-a-story @katmoonz @simping-soldat @mswarriorbabe80 @orphanbird95 @shatteredbaby @tusk89 @gingersince97 @mssbridgerton @internetobsessed1234-blog @sloanexx @manazo @bigboiseason123 @bean-is-reading @darlingpedro @silkiers @pascals-cat @bbyanarchist @therealcap @pedrosgrogu @dreamingofdaddydin
Want more Joel Miller? Check out my masterlist.
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pastelraccoons · 1 year
SuleMio Week Day 7: Gardeners
(If you’d rather read this on AO3, you can read it here!)
Suletta stared hard from her porch towards the rather empty backyard. She had just moved into her new home and unpacked everything, but something definitely felt off about her outside space.
It’s too lifeless, she thought. Suletta scratched at her cheek. Maybe I could get some chairs and a table? Oh, maybe some plants for a garden? That would be nice.
She nodded to herself. She pulled her phone out of her pocket to search for local greenhouses. After all, she’d rather support smaller businesses than some giant company. She quickly opened her browser and searched for ‘greenhouses near me.’
After scrolling for a little bit, one finally caught her eye: the Rembran Greenhouse. It was only about a mile away, an easy enough bike ride for her, and the reviews were phenomenal. They mainly mentioned the sheer variety of plants available and that the owner knew what she was talking about.
“Sounds like the perfect place!” Suletta said to herself.
She slipped her phone back into her pocket. A small grunt came from her when she pushed off the railing of the porch. She quickly ducked inside to grab the small backpack she kept by the door so she could easily bring back any plants she bought. Suletta paused for a moment to lock the door behind her. Then, she jumped off her porch, ignoring the few steps that led into her yard. She made her way towards her bike that she had propped against the side of her home.
Picking it up, she threw a leg over it to perch herself onto its seat then pushed off towards the greenhouse.
The summer sun warmed Suletta’s skin. A slight sweat clung to her forehead that she wiped away with the back of her forearm. Several large greenhouses were lined up in a neat row. A small, white truck branded with the greenhouse’s name was parked nearby. The rumble of a lawnmower from somewhere in the distance cut through the air. She carefully leaned her bike against the fence at the entrance.
The gravel pathway crunched beneath her shoes. Peeking into the first greenhouse, she could see rows upon rows of brightly colored flowers. Concentrated pollen tickled her nose then made her let out a loud sneeze. With a sniff, she shook her head.
I don’t think I want to grow flowers, Suletta stuck her hands into her pockets while moving on to the next building. Something practical would be nice, like vegetables.
Suletta stuck her head into the next one to see more of the same. A disappointed sigh fell from her lips as she moved on.
The last seemed promising when she stepped inside. The heat and humidity inside pressed down on her when she started to move through the rows of produce. Anything she could imagine seemed to be in there. Brightly colored peppers were to her right and fragrant herbs to her left. As the choices swam around her head, the sound of what she assumed was a shovel being stabbed into soil finally registered in her ears.
Suletta walked in deeper until she finally found the cause of the sound.
A rather petite woman knelt down in front of a bed of tomatoes. A wide brimmed hat shielded her face from the bright summer sun that shone through the windows of the greenhouse. Silvery hair flowed down her back from beneath it. Her lightly colored sundress had been smeared with soil, though she seemed to pay it no mind. Thick, tan colored gloves that seemed a bit too big covered her hands. One of which held a small rake in its grip. She wore a calm, loving expression on her face as she tended to her plants.
She's so pretty… Suletta thought.
"Uhm, excuse me?" she stuttered. "Are you the person who I should talk to?"
The woman stopped moving to look up at Suletta. She smiled slightly, causing her gray colored eyes to crinkle at the corners.
“Yes, I am.” She stood up, pulled off one of her gloves, then extended a hand towards Suletta. “Miorine Rembran. I’m the owner of this greenhouse. How could I help?”
“Oh!” Suletta accepted the handshake with a smile of her own. Even though Miorine’s hands seemed delicate, she could feel several callouses in her grip. “I’m Suletta. I was interested in growing some vegetables in my backyard.”
“Have you ever grown anything before?”
Suletta shook her head. Miorine clicked her tongue then motioned towards the tomatoes she had been taking care of.
“If that’s the case, tomatoes are actually a decent starting plant. Since we’re at the beginning of the summer, they’ll grow wonderfully.”
Suletta pressed her hands against her knees to bend down and look the plant over. Very small, obviously unripe tomatoes grew on their vines that were wrapped around a sturdy piece of wood. A hum buzzed in her chest.
“If you think so, then I trust you.” Her smile widened when she looked back at Miorine. “May I get one of these, then?”
Miorine nodded then knelt back down. It was then that Suletta noticed a small toolbox practically bursting with gardening tools were at her feet. A moment of noisy rummaging later, and Miorine held a trowel in her hand. With meticulous precision, she carefully chose a good looking tomato plant and dug it up. She carefully held the bundle of roots in her hands as she plucked an unused pot from a stack nearby. Once she placed it inside, she offered it to Suletta.
“Since you’re starting out, I’m assuming you don’t have any tools or soil?” Miorine asked.
Suletta shook her head again. A laugh bubbled up from Miorine’s chest.
“I thought so. Then come on. I’ll help you.”
Suletta’s head spun at all the new information being shown to her. But as she followed behind Miorine, she thought it might not be so bad.
Suletta stood up with a grunt. Sweat made her hair stick uncomfortably to the back of her neck, but she felt satisfied nonetheless as she looked down at her newly planted tomatoes. It looked a little sad, being the only thing she had for now, but she couldn’t deny how proud of herself she was.
“And it was all thanks to miss Miorine helping me,” she said to herself.
All day she couldn’t seem to get the gardener out of her head, even while she was hard at work. She brought a gloved hand to her face to brush the hair and sweat from her eyes.
“I wanna see her again and tell her how I did…”
The next day, Suletta hopped back onto her bike and went back to the greenhouse. Now that she knew which building had the vegetables, she headed straight for it. Again, she looked up and down the various rows of plant-life, though this time looking for Miorine.
Her shoulders dropped when she couldn’t find her. A disappointed frown pulled on her lips.
“Ah! Miss… Suletta, was it?”
Suletta spun around to see Miorine in the doorway. She carried a small palette of barely sprouted plants in her hands. She wore another, different colored sundress from yesterday, and the same wide brimmed hat. Her strangely graceful movements had Suletta staring when she approached.
“Miss Suletta?”
“Ah! I’m here!” Suletta’s posture stiffened once she realized she had been staring. “I’m sorry! I zoned out for a minute there!”
“It’s probably the heat. It gets rather hot in the greenhouses,” Miorine sighed, obviously knowing from experience. “But what brings you back here? Did the tomato plants not work out?”
“No. I mean, yes, they did!” Suletta stammered, nearly biting her tongue. “They’re fine! I wanted to tell you that I planted them.”
“That’s wonderful. I’m glad to hear you had no issues.”
Suletta responded with a hum and a nod.
“Actually, would you mind helping me choose another plant?” She fidgeted slightly with her hands. “It looks kind of lonely with only one. That’s not really a garden, is it?”
Miorine gave her a bright smile that strangely took her breath away.
“I’d be glad to.”
“I think I have a problem…”
Suletta leaned against her porch’s railing with a sigh. She looked out at her transformed backyard. Vegetables and herbs lined her fences. Everything from hot peppers, to rosemary, to her precious tomatoes stood happy and healthy. Only a bit more than a week had passed since she started making the garden, and it already looked like she had it for months. She ran a hand through her hair.
“And it’s all because of Miorine,” she mumbled. “I can’t get her out of my head.”
Suletta clapped her hands against her cheeks to try and clear her thoughts, but they kept going back to Miorine. Back to her hardworking hands. Her flowing sundresses. Her caring smile. Over and over again, like she haunted Suletta’s every waking hour.
Squeezing her eyes shut, Suletta soon gasped from a sudden realization.
“I think I love her…”
Suletta put her bike in her usual spot by the greenhouse’s entrance. It had become like clockwork. Every day she would show up in the afternoon, find Miorine, and ask about another new plant.
Though she had another question on her mind this time.
One by one, she checked each greenhouse. Part of it was to make sure Miorine didn’t happen to be in one of the other’s for a change, but it was mostly so she could delay the inevitable. Unsurprisingly, she found her amongst the vegetables, like she always seemed to be around this time.
Suletta gulped. The noticeable increase in heat inside stopped bothering her after her third or fourth visit there, but it felt stifling that time. Her mouth went dry as she approached Miorine.
Miorine’s eyes seemed focused and a bit distant, like she was lost in thought. It was a stark difference to her usual content look when she worked.
"You've come here every day now, Suletta." Miorine suddenly spoke up, causing Suletta to let out a surprised squeak. She stabbed her trowel into the dirt. She stood up with a grunt and planted her hands on her hips, not bothering to remove her usual thick gloves. "There must be a reason other than the plants. You've bought so many!"
Suletta fidgeted and bit the corner of her lip. She'd been caught red-handed and now she felt stuck. Her eyes darted around to look at anything but at Miorine’s face.
"I just wanted to start my own garden," Suletta stuttered. She figured it wasn't a complete lie, so she thought she could get away with it. "And the stuff you've grown is so impressive that I wanted it to be like yours."
"While I'm flattered you think like that," Miorine stepped up to Suletta and stood on her toes to get in her face. Despite the height difference, her intimidating aura made Suletta shrink into herself. "I'm also not stupid. What's going on?"
“I-” Suletta’s heart pounded hard against her ribs. Her palms felt clammy, so she reflexively wiped them against her shorts. Nerves started to make her stomach churn. It made her want to throw up, but she shoved the feeling down. “I think I love you, Miorine! Would you go out with me?”
Suletta’s face lit up bright red once she registered what she blurted out. She tightly gripped the bottom of her tank top and bit her lip to keep herself grounded. She waited in silence for Miorine’s answer.
Miorine’s eyes went wide. The surprise on her face was obvious. Slowly, a blush of her own spread across her fair skin all the way to her ears. She soon stared down at her feet while biting her lip.
“I thought you’d never ask…” she muttered.
“What?” Suletta couldn’t believe what she heard. “So you mean-?”
Miorine nodded then finally tore her eyes away from the floor to meet Suletta’s gaze.
Something behind that familiar shade of gray felt different. It felt warm and inviting. It was then that Suletta realized what Miorine said.
A large grin spread across Suletta’s face when she threw her strong arms around Miorine. Without thinking, she lifted Miorine off her feet and spun her around in her hold. Her musical laugh spilled directly into Suletta’s ear. The sound caused her feelings to swell. Suletta’s grin widened to the point her cheeks hurt.
What started with visiting a greenhouse on a whim bloomed into a romance she didn’t expect; and she was quite fine with that.
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Miami water slide rentals near me
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If you’re considering a splashy addition to your next party or event, finding the perfect water slide rental is key to ensuring everyone has a great time. Here’s what you need to know about Miami water slide rentals near me, including tips for selecting the best option and making the most of your experience.
Water slide rentals offer a fantastic way to bring excitement to any event, from birthday parties and family reunions to corporate gatherings and community festivals. With Miami’s year-round warm climate, a water slide can turn an ordinary day into a memorable adventure for kids and adults alike. Plus, with the variety of slides available, you can find something to suit every space and budget.
When searching for Miami water slide rentals near me, you’ll come across a wide range of options. Here are some of the most popular types:
Inflatable Water Slides: These are among the most common rentals. They come in various sizes and designs, from single-lane slides to massive, multi-lane setups. Inflatable slides are easy to set up and take down, making them a convenient choice for many events.
Slip ‘N Slides: Ideal for smaller gatherings or backyard parties, slip ‘n slides offer a more compact but equally fun experience. They usually consist of a long, slippery surface that ends in a splash pool, providing a thrilling ride without requiring a lot of space.
Dual-Lane Slides: For competitive fun, dual-lane slides allow two people to race each other down the slide. These are great for parties where guests are eager to challenge each other and see who can make the biggest splash.
Combo Units: Combo units typically feature a water slide along with other elements like a bounce house or climbing wall. These are perfect if you want to offer a variety of activities in one rental.
Custom and Themed Slides: Some rental companies offer custom or themed water slides, which can be a big hit for themed parties or special events. These can include everything from pirate ships to jungle adventures, adding an extra layer of excitement.
Selecting the perfect water slide rental involves considering several factors:
Space and Location: Measure the area where you plan to set up the slide. Ensure you have enough space not only for the slide itself but also for the safety zone around it. Be aware of any obstacles like trees, fences, or power lines that could interfere with setup.
Size and Capacity: Consider the number of guests and the size of the slide. For large events, you might need multiple slides or a larger model to accommodate everyone. Ensure the slide can handle the weight and number of users you expect.
Age Appropriateness: Different slides cater to different age groups. Make sure to select a slide that is appropriate for the age range of your guests. Some slides are designed specifically for younger children, while others are more suited for teens and adults.
Safety Features: Check that the rental company provides slides with proper safety features such as sturdy sidewalls, non-slip surfaces, and adequate splash pools. It’s also important to ensure the rental company is reputable and follows safety regulations.
Rental Terms and Costs: Compare prices and rental terms from different companies. Look for what is included in the rental fee—such as setup, takedown, and any additional equipment like generators or safety mats. Also, inquire about any additional costs for delivery or extended rental periods.
To find Miami water slide rentals near me, start with a local search online or ask for recommendations from friends and family. Check online reviews and ratings to gauge the reliability and quality of service from different providers.
Choose a company with a strong track record and positive customer feedback. This can help ensure you receive a high-quality product and reliable service.
Verify that the rental company is insured and certified to operate. This adds an extra layer of security and ensures they adhere to safety standards.
Good customer service is crucial for a smooth rental experience. A company that is responsive and willing to answer your questions can make the planning process much easier.
Before your event, make sure to review the rental agreement carefully and confirm all details with the rental company. On the day of the event, inspect the slide upon arrival to ensure it’s in good condition and meets your expectations.
By understanding your options and planning, you can make sure your water slide rental provides a day of fun and excitement for everyone. So dive into the search for Miami water slide rentals near me and get ready for a splashy adventure that will make your next event unforgettable!
Contact: Miami, FL, United States (305) 985–0505 https://www.miami-water-slide-rentals.com/
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmQFE1BvJ1w
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiJZa2zjr1HFnAUMSZI4oKdhGW8so2R-c
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/miami-water-slide-rentals/miami-water-slide-rentals-near-me
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/miami-water-slide-rentals/sets/miami-water-slide-rentals-near-me
Medium Post: https://medium.com/@miamiwatersliderentalsnearme/miami-water-slide-rentals-near-me-bee0f0cda833
Weebly: https://miami-water-slide-rentals-near-me-1.weebly.com/
Tumblr Post: https://miami-water-slide-near-me.tumblr.com/post/759505029304647681/miami-water-slide-rentals-near-me
Strikingly: https://miami-water-slide-rentals-near-me-1.mystrikingly.com/
Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=18sEm52_BoXjyVNH5yDN-tgILPmYFqeg
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/miami-water-slide-rentals-2
Wakelet: https://wakelet.com/wake/K7KrlHAfAMPuHpHztBu1n
Twitter List: https://x.com/i/lists/1826461227679449452
Twitter Tweets: https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826456439822713126 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826478619071562162 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826478816874861012 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826478979626533373 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826456667153961255 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826456870640648285 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826479402282352959 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826457076442521642 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826461588855161042 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826462988842549512 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826463139996860720 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826575309187285202 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826575541430092145 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826575796640866786 https://x.com/MIAWaterSlide/status/1826576053239955667
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As We Take Our Leave of Columbia, Missouri…
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This charming city has worked it’s magic on us
Time has been influx these two years of traveling. We’ve loved the places we’ve lived and while we are there, the time seems to fly by incredibly fast. In the moment, we feel immersed in all of our places and it feels like home. Quality of mindset makes each “home” detached from the stresses of time and we are better people by being open to adventure. Alexandria, Granbury, Round Rock are such wonderful cities, but Columbia has moved to the top with little doubt. The city, the countryside, the small, rural communities are incredible and unique to our experience. Quaint, clean, friendly and maintaining their historical origins and feel has been a special experience.
We just thought that we’d lower our heads for thirteen weeks at a time and accomplish our goals and move onto the next one. But…but…love the place and the people? Oh great….again? Who wanted that? Now, it is heartbreaking to leave. Why does this keep happening? The world ISN’T a cesspool of struggle and strife? Who’d a thunk it? For my wife, she has been treated as a professional of the highest order; made special friends of her co workers and one might say she has been compensated lucratively. …she has. (wink wink) I’ve done a great deal of writing, photography, hiking and exploring. The variety of restaurants has been incredible, the historical sites and art venues numerous and all employing excellent, friendly folks from the region. It is among these locales that we have met wonderful people that will never be forgotten.
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Our small house, right next to a park, had a nice fenced in backyard that our herd has loved. Close to the downtown historic district, we are near everything: art galleries, coffee shops, restaurants, entertainment venues …I love it! I discovered long ago that a truly wonderful coffee shop is a place where ideas and conversations flow like fresh brewed elixir from the coffee bean. When we got here, there were a number possible shops. On day one, I walked into the Lakota Coffee Shop …decision made. There walls were decorated in a classy and calming brick interior offset with masterfully composed photographs of the region. I’ve gotten a tremendous amount of writing done in such a vibrant environment. I have also spent many wonderful cool afternoons sitting outside, drinking tea and people watching. In a world of going hither and yon, the Lakota has been a haven of good coffee and peaceful surroundings. Keith and his co-workers are amazing people.
If you know me in any way, you know the word “pub” carries an almost, to hell with almost, a TRUE mystical significance. It ain’t just about the drinking my friends, but that is an important aspect. One can get a drink in a bar, a saloon, a cantina, a club, a bar and grille, a restaurant, a cooler….but none of these places come close to being a pub. A pub is something else altogether. A haven for those beaten down a bit, a place for those lonely in their soul, a well of happiness for one seeking conversation and companionship. A true pub has an old world feel, it has a dark calming aura, and a sophisticated selection of whiskies. In my personal experience, I’ve only entered into a handful of places that qualify as a true pub in the magical sense of the word. In Columbia, I came across a clear watering hole that fits my standard of a public house, and we did find some additional pleasant places for relaxing libations. Macnally’s definitely qualified as “pub worthy.” It’s an excellent, large city dive bar on Sixth Street. The staff was excellent and they serve a truly outstanding whiskey/whisky selection. It’s a perfect Chicago deep dish pizza provider …delicious. Aces to the Macnally’s
I wouldn’t consider Missouri as foreign, but the cuisine and offerings were very unique… and delicious. The Barred Owl, Sycamores, Ozark Biscuit Company, Delilas, Addisons …I could go on. The people were very kind and the wares excellent. They do like their bourbons and Killians Irish Red, which was fortunate as I do as well. We enjoyed every spot and equally enjoyed how surprisingly tasty the food of Missouri is to a couple of Texans.
The countryside and mountains are sublime. No pine trees ….yea… allowed us to finally see an actual autumn landscape. We enjoyed numerous hiking trails and quietly enjoyed sitting by the Missouri River. Not being from farming country, the infinite rows of corn and soybean and sunflowers were incredible. The pastures were green and splashed with the vibrant yellow of the corn and sunflowers. All of it seemed like walking into a Van Gogh or Grant Wood painting. Far surpassed the muted pine green of East Texas. Delightful.
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We planned for many things on this adventure and many wonderful things have taken place. Ive yet to adjust to having my heart broken joyfully by these wonderful locales. I had people warn me that Alexandria was a rough city; a run down city, a crime ridden city….bless their poor, slow little hearts. I had folks warn us that Granbury was just a hick spot in the road. Most of the criticisms of Round Rock centered on traffic …I’ll go with that one; but good friends and good times outweighed all the negatives. Columbia has proven to be our Nirvana …we could move tomorrow…well, maybe not exactly. If you look for the negative…it will be found. I look at things with my soul’s eye…it’s then that you can see the magic of a place and the beauty of another’s spirit. I didn’t expect to love these people and this place…but our hearts are healed and we didn’t know they needed healing. Thank you Columbia and au revoir.
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theleosports · 4 days
Leading Sports Courts builder in India
LeoSports is proud to be recognized as the best running & cycling track maker in India, offering unparalleled quality and precision in crafting tracks for athletes of all levels. Our expertly designed tracks not only enhance performance but also ensure the safety and comfort of the runners and cyclists. We use the finest materials and cutting-edge technology to build tracks that meet international standards, making us the go-to choice for sports institutions and enthusiasts across the country.
In the capital city, LeoSports is renowned as the best running & cycling court maker in Delhi, serving a diverse clientele that includes schools, colleges, sports clubs, and residential complexes. We specialize in creating tailored solutions that fit both the space and specific athletic needs of our clients. Whether it's for professional training or recreational use, our tracks are designed for durability and performance, making them the ideal choice for Delhi's thriving sports community.
LeoSports is the best volleyball court builder in Delhi when it comes to volleyball courts. Our reputation among sports clubs and organizations is built on our proficiency in building elite volleyball courts. We take great care to ensure that every aspect of our volleyball courts—from the net system to the court surface—meets both national and international requirements. We have solidified our position as the area's leading volleyball court constructor thanks to our commitment to quality and accuracy.
With a portfolio that includes courts all throughout the nation, LeoSports is hailed as the best volleyball court maker in India. We apply the same kind of dedication to every project, making sure that our volleyball courts offer the ideal setting for both recreational and competitive volleyball. We continue to create new standards in sports facility building thanks to our skilled staff and creative approach, winning the confidence of customers all over the country.
LeoSports is widely recognized as the best futsal court constructor in Delhi, providing high-end courts that are expertly and precisely constructed. Our staff specializes in creating top-notch futsal courts that adhere to international standards and provide players with a fun and safe game. Every component of the court, from the sturdy fencing to the premium carpeting, is expertly designed to improve both functionality and appearance. LeoSports promises top-notch futsal courts in the centre of Delhi, whether for competitive play or leisure.
LeoSports is widely recognized as the best futsal court maker in India. We have a portfolio that includes courts in multiple cities, and we have always provided excellent futsal courts that can accommodate players of all skill levels. We are the go-to company for sports infrastructure because we offer end-to-end solutions that cover everything from surface selection to lighting and maintenance. Our knowledge goes beyond building. Our courts are made to last, providing performance and longevity that meet the demands of the game.
LeoSports excels as the best throwball court maker in India in addition to futsal. Because we are aware of the special needs associated with throwball, we make sure that our courts have the right layout, surface, and security elements. Our throwball courts, whether they are for community centers, sports teams, or schools, are made to encourage the sport while guaranteeing player safety. LeoSports has established itself as the nation's leading option for throwball court construction thanks to our dedication to quality and accuracy.
LeoSports provides unparalleled knowledge and ease of use for anyone looking for a throwball court maker near me. Custom court construction services are what we offer; each court is made to order to meet the exact requirements of our clients. Get a professional-caliber throwball court in your area is now simpler than ever thanks to the efforts of our local staff, who are committed to providing the best standards in court construction. Entrust LeoSports to realize your sports vision in your local community.
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The Essential Guide to Land Clearing for Pond Construction: Step-by-Step Process
Building a pond can enhance your property’s aesthetics, offer recreational opportunities, and even improve its ecosystem. However, a successful pond installation begins with proper land clearing. Whether you are a residential homeowner or a commercial property owner, understanding the land clearing process for pond construction is essential to ensure the project goes smoothly. In this guide, we'll walk you through each step of land clearing for pond construction and explain why hiring professional services is the key to success.
Step 1: Site Assessment and Planning
Before any clearing begins, it's critical to perform a thorough assessment of the site. This includes evaluating the terrain, soil quality, vegetation, and water sources in the area. Professional land clearing companies near you can provide an accurate analysis of these factors, ensuring your site is suitable for pond construction.
The assessment also includes identifying any potential obstacles like trees, rocks, or structures that need to be removed. Detailed planning prevents unnecessary surprises and delays during the project. In Jacksonville, Florida, many companies specializing in land clearing services provide comprehensive assessments to prepare your land for pond construction.
Step 2: Marking Boundaries and Securing Permits
Once you’ve assessed the land, the next step is to clearly mark the boundaries of your pond site. This step is crucial to avoid clearing beyond the intended area, which could lead to environmental damage or unnecessary expenses. Furthermore, depending on your location, securing permits may be required. These permits ensure that your pond project complies with local regulations and environmental laws.
Professional land clearing service  are often familiar with these legal requirements and can assist you in obtaining the proper permits. By partnering with experts, you can avoid costly fines and project delays.
Step 3: Removing Vegetation and Debris
With boundaries established and permits in place, the physical clearing begins. This step involves removing trees, brush, stumps, and rocks that would hinder the excavation of your pond. Specialized equipment like bulldozers, excavators, and mulchers are used to remove unwanted vegetation efficiently.
If the land has heavy underbrush or forested areas, commercial land clearing services can use techniques like forestry mulching. This environmentally friendly method turns cleared vegetation into mulch, which can be reused on your property for landscaping or erosion control.
Step 4: Excavation and Grading
After the vegetation and debris have been cleared, the next phase involves excavating the land to the desired depth and shape of your pond. This step requires precision, as improper grading can lead to water drainage issues. Excavation not only involves digging but also leveling the surrounding land to ensure proper water flow into the pond.
Expertland clearing companies near me are equipped with advanced technology to handle this delicate process. Their skills ensure the pond is excavated according to your plans, maintaining a consistent depth and structure that supports long-term sustainability.
Step 5: Erosion Control and Soil Stabilization
Once the pond has been excavated, controlling erosion is crucial to ensure the land around the pond doesn’t collapse or wash away during storms. Soil stabilization techniques, such as installing silt fences or applying straw mats, help prevent erosion. Additionally, planting grass or other ground cover around the pond can further stabilize the soil.
Land clearing services often provide erosion control as part of their package, ensuring that the area surrounding your new pond remains intact and functional for years to come.
Step 6: Final Touches and Pond Filling
After the land clearing, excavation, and erosion control measures are in place, you can proceed with the final touches on your pond. This could involve landscaping around the pond, adding aquatic plants, or installing a water circulation system. Once the pond is ready, it’s time to fill it with water, which can be done through natural rainfall, well water, or other sources.
Why Hire Professional Land Clearing Services?
While it might be tempting to handle land clearing on your own, hiring a professional service comes with several benefits. Professionals have the expertise, equipment, and local knowledge to ensure the job is done efficiently and in compliance with regulations. Whether you're dealing with dense forests or a commercial project, professional commercial land clearing services guarantee that every step is executed with precision.
Moreover, professional land clearing companies near you have access to the best equipment, making the entire process faster and more cost-effective. For projects in Jacksonville, Florida, hiring a reputable land clearing service will help you avoid complications and ensure your pond is built on a solid foundation.
Constructing a pond involves more than just digging a hole. The process begins with proper land clearing, which is vital to ensure a stable and functional pond. By following the steps outlined above and partnering with expert land clearing services in Jacksonville, Florida, you can transform your property and enjoy the benefits of a well-constructed pond. For optimal results, always work with experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of land clearing for pond construction.
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Choosing the Best Fencing in Johnson City, TN for Your Home
There is no better way of protecting your home and at the same time improving its aesthetic value than through a good fence. If you are in need of the best fencing in Johnson City, TN, then you need one that is strong, beautiful and one that offers privacy. For whatever purpose, be it for demarcation of property, security or aesthetic purposes, seeking the services of a professional fencing company near me guarantees you a quality job done with the right materials and workmanship.
 Here in this blog, you will learn about different types of residential fencing in Johnson City, TN; the importance of hiring local experts; and how to choose the right fencing option for your home.
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Why Residential Fencing Is Important
Security and aesthetics cannot be under-estimated especially when it comes to the choice of fences. Here are some key reasons why residential fencing in Johnson City, TN is a popular choice among homeowners:
Here are some key reasons why residential fencing in Johnson City, TN is a popular choice among homeowners:
Enhanced Privacy: A well-built fence makes your yard your own little world, protects you from the outside world. This is especially helpful in homes that are situated close to the road or in areas where there are neighbours with whom one may have conflicts with.
Increased Security: They offer security to the occupants since it becomes difficult for any stranger or stray animals to get into the compound.
Curb Appeal: An appealing fence not only serves as a barrier that separates your compound from the neighbours’ compound, but also enhances the outlook of your house and increases its worth.
Safety for Children and Pets: Fencing also benefits families with young children or pets since the children can play in the yard without straying or getting into harm’s way.
 Some of the Most Common Residential Fencing in Johnson City, TN
 There are several choices for fencing in Johnson City, TN, which the residents can take to.
Here are a few popular residential fencing types to consider:
Wooden Fences
 One of the most common types of fences that give a natural look and feel is the wooden fences. They come in a variety of styles including the picket, lattice and privacy fences among others. Wood is also very durable especially when it is treated for use in the outside environment and if well maintained it can last for many years. This type of fence is popular among people who want both privacy and beauty of the fence and the yard in general.
Vinyl Fences
 For those who are seeking for a material that requires very little maintenance, then consider vinyl fencing. It does not rot, warp or need repainting like wood does hence making it a better option as compared to wood. It also has the advantage of flexibility in its design; from a divider to a screen or as an ornament. Johnson City TN residents can benefit from the vinyl fences as they are a perfect blend of beauty and functionality for families.
Chain Link Fences
 Another practical and affordable solution is the chain link fencing which is usually used for both private and business purposes. It is not very private but very sturdy and great for staking claim on territories, keeping pets in or out, or for any backyard area.
Aluminum Fences
 Aluminum fencing is a very classy option which gives your property a classy look but at the same time is very strong. It is mostly used for aesthetic purposes, for instance, around the compound where there are plants or water bodies such as a pool. Aluminum fences do not rust and thus they do not corrode; this makes aluminum fences long lasting and perfect for the long run when it comes to Johnson City TN residential fencing.
Privacy Fences
 If you want to have seclusion then the privacy fence will be the most suitable for you. Privacy fences can be either wooden or vinyl and their primary function is to obscure the view from the outside. They are useful for giving you a quiet area in which you can relax in the backyard or for securing the front yard.
Why Hire a Local Fencing Company Near Me?
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 Hiring a local fencing company near me comes with several benefits, including:
Knowledge of Local Zoning Laws: Professional fence companies in Johnson City know the restrictions of the city codes hence they will install your new fence to meet the requirements of the law. This saves your time and the efforts that you would have to make to deal with legal issues on your own.
Customization Options: Professional fencing companies should be hired since they will offer services that will suit the needs of the compound. They can provide information on what type of fence is best for your property whether it is to blend into the home’s architecture or if it is for a yard that has a steep slope.
Quick Response and Convenient Service: Local fencing companies can provide better response time and better services than a company located far away. When it comes to repairs or maintenance, hiring local professionals guarantee that you get the assistance you require on time.
Expert Installation: Fencing is not as easy as it is believed to be since it involves a number of steps. Hiring a professional team will mean that your fence is installed properly and strongly, which is important in the long run. This is especially the case with installations that involve issues such as slope or large land space.
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fencingbellevue · 1 year
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Looking for Local Fence Companies Near Me? Then Bellevue Fencing is the right one for you. Our friendly team of professionals is dedicated to finishing each job with the utmost elegance and refinement, ensuring that your fence is a point of pride on your property.
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Protect Your Home with Durable, High-Quality Fencing Solutions!
Fence Company Near Me, Inc. is proud to be your go-to Clearwater fence company. Our team provides everything from wooden fence repairs to fence repair near me services, ensuring your fence is always in top shape. Looking for gate and fence companies near me? Give us a call today!
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kekoasrenovationus · 1 month
Kekoa's Renovation and Construction
2813 auburn st
Rockford, IL
Business email:
Bathroom Remodel Rockford, IL, Deck Company Rockford, IL, Fence Company Rockford, IL, Siding Contractor near me, Flooring contractor near me, Renovation company, Construction company near me
At Kekoa’s Renovation & Construction, we are dedicated to transforming homes in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin with exceptional craftsmanship and personalized service. Based in Rockford, Illinois, and founded by Dylan Silbaugh, our locally owned and operated company has been serving the community for over 10 years, delivering high-quality renovation and construction services that homeowners can trust.
Our range of services includes everything from bathroom, kitchen, and basement remodeling to exterior projects like roofing, siding, gutters, decks, and fences. Whether you're looking to enhance your home’s functionality, boost its curb appeal, or simply create a space that reflects your unique style, our experienced team is here to bring your vision to life.
What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to quality and our dedication to our clients. We never use subcontractors; instead, we have a handpicked team of skilled professionals who meet our high standards of work and service. As a fully insured company, we offer you peace of mind throughout the entire renovation process, standing behind our work with a solid 2-year workmanship warranty.
With our transparent pricing—free from hidden fees—you’ll always know exactly what to expect. For those looking to make environmentally conscious choices, we offer eco-friendly options, allowing you to enhance your home while reducing your environmental impact.
To make the process even smoother, we provide free estimates within 48 hours, so you can quickly move forward with your home improvement plans without delay. Our 5-star rating on Google reflects our commitment to excellence and the satisfaction of our clients.
At Kekoa’s, we believe in the power of local. Being a part of the Rockford community means we understand the unique needs of our neighbors, and we take pride in contributing to the growth and beauty of the area.
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7am to 7pm mon – fri
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mcveighparker · 1 month
McVeigh Parker Leads Agricultural Innovation in 2024
Showing industry leadership in great style, McVeigh Parker has established itself as a leading agricultural supplier of agricultural supplies and fencing solutions. Their commitment to quality and innovation has raised new standards across the sector, revolutionizing the way in which farmers and landowners meet their property management needs.
Redefining Fencing Solutions
This fencing post range has attracted interest from farming experts and has proved to be very practical, hardwearing, and easy to erect, solving the headaches of farmers who need to maintain boundaries securely around their livestock and crops.
A McVeigh Parker spokesperson said, "Our goal is to provide farmers with reliable, long-lasting fencing solutions that stand up to the toughest environmental conditions."
Expanding Accessibility to Agricultural Supplies near me
Feeling the need for easy access to fundamental farming materials, McVeigh Parker has made a well-planned expansion into key areas. Its endeavors of having agricultural supplies closer to the local population have received warm receptions from farmers located in rural and suburb areas alike.
Advanced Roofing Technology
Onduline roofing sheets from McVeigh Parker represent one step forward in agricultural building. Lightweight but with added durability, these roofing sheets have first-class protection against the elements and are eco-friendly, easy to lay.
Sustaining Agriculture
In keeping with the global trend of sustainable farming, McVeigh Parker has come up with eco-friendly options for all its products. From using recycled raw materials in its fencing posts to energy-efficient design in its roofing solutions, this company is undoubtedly at the forefront of the green revolution in agriculture.
Customised Solutions for Modern Farming
Knowing that farms all differ, McVeigh Parker delivers solutions for a myriad of agricultural applications. Its experienced team works with customers in tandem to come up with tailored recommendations that yield optimum results in each farming scenario.
Empowering the Agricultural Community
Long-term commitment—that is what McVeigh Parker does, and this goes beyond product supply. The company works together with the farming community through its education and support programs, enabling a knowledge-sharing culture in the farming sector and mutually growing together.
A Great Future for Farming
As farming enters another phase of change, so McVeigh Parker responds to the changing needs of farmers and landowners. The business is already playing a big part in farming's future through its innovative product range and dedication to customer service.
For anyone who seeks to better farming operations with the finest supplies and professional advice, McVeigh Parker can provide a comprehensive solution. Moving further into 2024, its reach in modern farming techniques will only grow, and it should prove interesting times ahead for the farming community.
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waywardcolorstranger · 2 months
Your Guide to the Best Fence Installation in Tracy
Are you looking for the best fence installation in Tracy? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about finding the top fence contractors in Tracy, the best fence installation options available, and tips for maintaining your fence. Whether you need residential or commercial fencing, we've got you covered. So let's dive in and explore the world of high-quality fences in Tracy!
Top Fence Contractors in Tracy
When it comes to finding reliable fence contractors in Tracy, there are a few key factors to consider. You want to ensure that you are working with professionals who have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results. Here are some of the top fence contractors in Tracy:
Tracy's Top Fence Company: With years of experience and a team of skilled experts, this company is known for its top-notch fence installation services. Expert Fence Installation in Tracy: This contractor specializes in providing expert fence installation services tailored to meet your specific needs. Quality Fence Builders in Tracy: If you're looking for high-quality fences built to last, these experienced builders are the ones to call. Reliable Fence Contractors in Tracy: Trustworthy and dependable, this contractor is known for their reliable and professional approach to fence installation. Best Fence Installation in Tracy
When it comes to choosing the best fence installation option for your property in Tracy, there are several factors to consider. These include the purpose of the fence, your budget, and the style that best suits your property. Here are some popular options:
Wood Fence Installation in Tracy
Wood fences are a classic choice that adds warmth and charm to any property. They provide privacy and security while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home or business.
Vinyl Fencing in Tracy
Vinyl fences offer durability and low maintenance, making them an excellent choice for busy homeowners. They come in a variety of styles and colors, allowing you to customize your fence to match your personal taste.
Chain Link Fences in Tracy
Chain link fences are an affordable and practical option for both residential and https://highqualityfence.com/black-bear-diner/ commercial properties. They provide security and are easy to install and maintain.
Aluminum Fencing in Tracy
Aluminum fences are lightweight yet sturdy, making them a popular choice for homeowners who want an elegant and durable fence. They require minimal maintenance and are available in various styles.
Wrought Iron Fences in Tracy
If you're looking for a fence that exudes elegance and sophistication, wrought iron fences are the way to go. These fences are not only aesthetically pleasing but also provide excellent security.
Tracy Fence Repair Services
In addition to fence installation, many contractors in Tracy also offer fence repair services. If your existing fence is damaged or needs some TLC, these professionals can help restore it to its former glory. Here are some common fence repair services offered:
Fence Repair Near Me in Tracy
Finding a reputable fence repair service near you in Tracy is essential when you need prompt repairs. These local experts have the knowledge and skills to fix any
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digitalmarketing-seo · 2 months
Join the growing list of our content customers and see the change our Fence service in Lee's Summit MO brings. At Gold Fence KC LLC, our trusted team is dedicated to providing expert fencing solutions for both residential and commercial properties. We are recognized among the 10 best fence companies in Kansas City, offering services that include wood fence installation service, steel fence installation service, and comprehensive fence repair service near you. Our expertise extends to fence service in Lee's Summit, MO, and we are proud to be one of the best fence companies in the area. For all your fencing needs, including local fence service and other fence related services, call us today to get started!
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