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S1E1: Welcome to Old Alexandra
(Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 1
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[Lady Carol]: Lady Keely Gothgraab, I knew I'd find you here (laughs).
[Lady Keely]: And I knew you'd be late to your own luncheon (laughs). How are you, old friend?
[CONFESSIONAL]: I am Carol de Diane, formally Lady Octavia. My family is one of Alexandra's oldest, placing my husband and me at the center of Old Society. Or so we are told (laughs).
[Lady Carol]: Busy! I don't mind, of course. As they say, a proper lady's job is never done, right (laughs)? How are you, my Keels?
[Lady Keely]: Quintin and the kids keep me busy. So busy I may fall asleep in this chair (laughs). But I'm happy for the Social Season! Speaking of, which Ladies did you invite today?
[Lady Carol]: You know all the Ladies except Lady Liliana, who recently married the San Miguel family. I think she'll get along well with Michaela and Gretchen.
[Lady Keely]: Gretchen?!
[Lady Carol]: Yes, Gretchen! It's been ages since I've seen her. Too long, really. She did ask if Lady Gee could attend, which I, of course, declined (laughs).
[Lady Keely]: If she's the same Gretchen, she won't take that kindly (laughs).
[CONFESSIONAL]: (Laughs) Lady Gee is just an old friend, and honestly, the lunch was planned for five. It's also rude to invite a Lady last minute! Gretchen knows that.
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S1E1: Welcome to Old Alexandra
(Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 1
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[LADY CAROL CONFESSIONAL]: I love hosting! So I gathered a few Ladies together for lunch to celebrate the start of the Social Season. The theme is garden party! Everyone in Old Society loves a good theme.
[Lady Carol]: Here's to the start of the Social Season! And reasons to eat, drink, and gossip with my favorite Ladies (laughs). Cheers to us!
[Lady Keely]: Yes! Now when I drink wine at 11 AM, I have you and Old Society to blame (laughs).
[LADY CAROL CONFESSIONAL]: It's lineage. Old Society is made of all the original families that helped form the Union of Five Kingdoms and Alexandra. All of our families are 500 to 1000 years old.
[Lady Gretchen]: I agree. It's always nice to be around old friends and Lady Liliana. Although, it would be nice to see ALL of our friends, Carol.
[LADY KEELY CONFESSIONAL]: It's obvious that Gretchen was waiting for the perfect...or imperfect moment to let Carol know how she feels about Lady Gee not being at the lunch. Here we go!
[Lady Keely]: Come on, Gretch! You know why Carol couldn't in--
[Lady Gretchen]: Don't start defending her, Keely! You know Gee should be here, among friends, especially now. So no, there's no excuse for this. I'm sick of it, honestly. Who knew Carol, Lady Octavia, couldn't afford to add another seat at her table? You all know this is ridiculous! I'm just unafraid to say it.
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S1E1: Welcome to Old Alexandra
(Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 1 transcript below...
[LADY CAROL CONFESSIONAL]: I am embarrassed and vexed at this point. We haven't eaten and the Ladies are already yelling at one another. Welcome to Old Society.
[Lady Keely]: Michaela, please! This is going too far.
[Lady Michaela]: First she's the victim and now Keely makes me the bad Lady?! Of course, play right into her game, Keels.
[LADY MICHAELA CONFESSIONAL]: I'm normally cool and collected. However, none of us wanted Gee here and Gretchen knows why. To speak to Carol that way was unacceptable. Gretchen is old enough to know better (laughs).
[Lady Gretchen]: Victim? Sweet Michaela, you obviously don't know the meaning of the word. But, since I'm so unwelcomed here, I'll gather my things and leave.
[Lady Carol]: Gretchen! Wait, do leave!
[LADY LILIANA CONFESSIONAL]: Honestly? I just wanted a chance to eat...I was very hungry (laughs).
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S1E2: What's Eating Gretchen vonGeofferson
(Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 2
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[LADY GRETCHEN CONFESSIONAL]: My husband, Malcolm vonGeofferson runs the country's largest venture capital firm and together, we live in my family home, Geofferson Castle. We have a son, Mj, and a pup, Dixie.
[Lord Malcolm vonGeofferson]: Ha! Bob Pancakes is in the news again...but yes, Dear. Does sound like an interesting lunch indeed. I did warn you this Social Season would be a tough one.
[LADY GRETCHEN CONFESSIONAL]: Malcolm doesn't bother much with the season. Unless a client or royal is attending, he'd rather stay home and play with Dixie. So no, Malcolm doesn't care about Carol's lunch (laughs).
[LADY GRETCHEN]: You were right, Malcolm. However, our past and my return don't excuse Michaela's outlandish behavior. She and Mj practically grew up together! Some princess (scoffs).
[LADY GRETCHEN CONFESSIONAL]: Michaela and my son Mj are close in age and made their societal debut together. In short, I'm old enough to be her mother...respect is due, Princess.
[Housekeeper]: Lady Alixsimborg, Lady ***** has arrived at the valet.
[LADY GRETCHEN ]: Thanks Jade, please set up tea and small bites in the garden.
[LADY GRETCHEN CONFESSIONAL]: I am in no mood to see any of the other Ladies. I knew gee could use the company, so I asked to come over so I could update her about this disastrous lunch.
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S1E1: Welcome to Old Alexandra
(Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 1
transcript below...
[LADY GRETCHEN CONFESSIONAL]: I wouldn't say the are afraid. However, even I can recognize Carol's role in Old Society She is, for now, the Queen Bee...and she enjoys it.
[Lady Michaela]: Forgive me Gretchen but, who cares? Is this a lunch or a witching hour? Please, relax.
[Lady Gretchen]: Ahhh Lady Michaela always with the quick tongue. Stay out of this, child.
[Lady Carol]: Ladies, please! Let's keep it cute and please, at the least, keep it cordial. This is my home.
[Lady Gretchen]: Start what exactly, Michaela? Start defending a friend in need? You're the one in need of relaxation. Please remember who you're speaking to, Lady Mal. We both know its best you do so.
[LADY GRETCHEN CONFESSIONAL]: Yes, I've known Michaela for years. She and my son made their Old Society debut together. But no, time has not made me care for her more. My issues with Carol are older than her.
[Lady Michaela]: And for her next act, Gretchen will play the victim and concerned friend. As if! I am over it, Gretchen. Over it!!!
[Lady Keely]: Michaela, sweetie listen. Just breathe! You're going to lose your appetite (smiles).
[LADY KEELY CONFESSIONAL]: Carol and Gretchen have always had an unexplainable back and forth. I've learned to sit back and let them come back to one another. Michaela is still learning (laughs).
[Lady Michaela]: My appetite was ruined once Gretchen opened her crusty mouth. Besides, Carol isn't the only one who didn't want Lady Gee here.
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The Ladies of Old Alexandra Coming soon...
A @royalsimsinsider story
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S1E2: What's Eating Gretchen vonGeofferson
(Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 2
transcript below...
[Quinton]: I'm sorry but, isn't that true?
[Lady Keely]: Gretchen starts lunch off by shadily asking why Gee, of all people, wasn't invited to lunch. Michaela then defends Carol, rightfully so, and flips out! And said none of us wanted Gee there.
[Quinton]: I'm sorry but, isn't that true?
[Lady Keely]: It's not that simple, Quinton. There are rules and ways to do things. Us wanting her there and it being appropriate for her to be there are two different things.
[Quinton]: Sounds like more Old Society hypocrisy to me, Keels. What about Gretchen and Carol? Our children's godmothers? Will Old Society tell them they can't associate with their godparents one day? I don't understand this world, and I think you should stay out of it.
[Lady Keely]: Yes, that's clear, Quinton.
[LADY KEEL CONFESSIONAL]: My husband values family more than anything. It also does not help that he loves Carol and Gretchen. They were warm to him when we married and our kids adore them. I cannot get in the middle of this without adding more drama to my chaotic home.
[Lady Keely]: It’s not up to us to determine the rules, Quinton. Besides, it was Carol’s event and home. And forgive me but, I do believe Gee should sit this Social Season out, Babe. That’s protocol. The way things are done.
[Quinton]: Listen, Keels, we only get so many great friends in this life. Don’t let Old Society cause you to lose them. Especially if losing them hurts our kids.
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S1E2: What's Eating Gretchen vonGeofferson
(Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 2
transcript below...
[LADY KEELY CONFESSIONAL]: I am Lady Keely Gothgraab, and yes, I am a descendant of the infamous Goth and fabulously wealthy Landgraab families.
[Lady Keely]: Kyrie, if Jamal has 4 apples...and gives 2 away, how many remain? Babe, can you start the tea? This might take a while (laughs). Don’t steep it too long!
[LADY KEELY CONFESSIONAL]: My husband Quinton is an athlete turned team owner and commentator. Together, we have four beautiful kids: Keira, Kyrie, Kyleigh, and Korey. With two sets of twins, our homes are always hectic! I love it, and I love them.
[Quinton]: So, how is it? Have I finally made tea worthy of your Ladyship (laughs)?
[Lady Keely]: Hmmm...let’s see, Babe (sips). (Laughs) Someone has been practicing. It’s delicious, really. I need this after yesterday’s lunch. I still cannot believe we didn’t eat.
[Quinton]: Can I sit before you give me the play-by-play, Coach? (Laughs)
[Lady Keely]: Of course, Babe. I promise I was on my best behavior.
[LADY KEELY CONFESSIONAL]: Quinton was a celebrity, so he’s still getting used to Old Society and how we do things. He’s never afraid to let me know when he disagrees.
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Meet the Ladies...
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transcript below
Old Kingdom: Freret
Formal Address: Lady Octavia
Husband: Jean-Paul de Diane, Lord Octavia
Fun Facts:
Has 4 cats
Shares a few mutual friends with HM The Queen
Would be a Lady without marriage through her father and modern inheritance laws
Season 1 Tagline: "Next to The Crown, I am the glue of Old Society."
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EPISODE 1: Welcome to Old Alexandra
Starts today!
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S1E2: What's Eating Gretchen vonGeofferson
(Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 2
transcript below...
[Lady Gretchen]: Lady Gee! As always, it’s a pleasure. Sit, please! You have to try this blend of Mali tea.
[Lady Gee]: Thanks for inviting me, Gretchen. I can always go for tea in your garden. How is everything?
[Lady Gretchen]: Besides the horrendous lunch, I cannot complain but, Mj is coming over for dinner. How are you, Gee?
[Lady Gee]: The same, really. I'm shopping with my daughter later...but tell me about the lunch.
[Lady Gretchen]: Michaela, the Princess with no tact, sits at the top of my list of grievances. Gee, I've never been spoken to in such a manner, seriously.
[Lady Gee]: Let me guess, defending Carol? Who I have yet to hear from...She's truly the tactless one.
[Lady Gretchen]: I have no objections! (laughs) I simply ask, no, implied that you should have been in attendance. You're a Lady connected to two of the oldest families and her friend!
[LADY GRETCHEN CONFESSIONAL]: Oh my, you'll have to ask Carol. I will say she may be avoiding scandal and scrutiny...I should know.
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S1E1: Welcome to Old Alexandra (Previous) | Next | Season 1, Episode 1
transcript below...
[Lady Gretchen]: Lady Gee, I'm glad to see you, Darling. You look great, of course. Thanks for meeting me last minute! My schedule is crazy with the start of the social season.
[CONFESSIONAL]: I am Lady Gretchen vonGeofferson, but you all may address me as Lady Alixsimborg or Lady Alix. I am a descendant of King Geofferson I of Valencia, and my family is about 500 years old.
[Lady Gee]: Lady Alix, any excuse to shop (laughs). How are you?
[Lady Gretchen]: I'm well, thanks. I need to quickly find something for Carol's lunch.
[Lady Gee]: Strange, I'll fire someone for losing my invite (laughs).
[Ladt Gretchen]: I, of course, asked if you could come, and she declined.
[Lady Gee]: Oh Carol...her head gets bigger as she gets older.
[CONFESSIONAL]: Lady Gee is an old friend who loves to shop and gossip! I invited her out because I thought it was rude that Carol's new friends were coming and Gee, our old friend, was not. Plain rude.
[Lady Gretchen]: You know Carol has always been more concerned with Old Society than old friendships. And she has never been fond of scandal...or association.
[Lady Gee]: Yeah but, I thought it would be different with me...with us.
[Lady Gretchen]: You thought wrong, Gee.
*a few minutes and some shopping later*
[Lady Gretchen]: I'll' call you after lunch. I'm' sure it'll' be interesting with our near and dear friend, Lady Octavia (laughs).
[Lady Gee]: Yes, please do! Later, Lady Alix!
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transcript below...
Old Kingdom: Santa Maria
Formal Address: Lady San Miguel
Husband: Mr. Jostin de San Miguel
Fun Facts:
Owns 6 businesses and counting, not including franchises
Wants 7 kids!
Descendant of Queen Lila of Santa Maria
Season 1 Tagline: "Oh...were you talking to me? I was busy building an empire."
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The Ladies of Old Alexandra Coming Soon....
A @royalsimsinsider story
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transcript below...
Old Kingdom: Mal
Formal Address: Lady Mal
Husband: Mr. Yusuf Yohannes
Fun Facts:
A Princess of Mal's ancient family
Her family own the Mali Crown Jewel Collection
Has to speak her mind...it's a medical condition
Season 1 Tagline: "I deserve it all. I'm literally a Princess."
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