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bubblebaath · 3 months ago
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creature-wizard · 4 months ago
What an AI generated website can look like
Hey folks! I just encountered a website that's obviously AI generated, so I figured I'd use it as an example to help you spot websites that might be AI generated content farms!
First, the website is called faunafacts.com. And one of the first things that sticks out to me is how low-effort the logo is:
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Regardless of whether a website is AI generated or not, a lazy and low-quality logo is a big clue that the website's content will also be lazy and low-quality.
If we click on Browse Animals, we see four options: Cows, Wolves, Bears, and Snakes.
Let's click Wolves.
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The first thing I want you to notice is the lack of topical focus. Sure, it's all about wolves, but the content on them is all over the place. We have content on wolf hunting, a page on animals that resemble wolves, pages that explain the alleged social structure of wolves, and pages on wolf symbolism.
A website with content created by real people isn't going to be all over the place like this. It would be created with more of a focus in mind, like animal biology and behavior. The whole spiritual symbol thing here mixed with supposed biological and behavioral information is weird.
The next thing I want you to notice are the links to pages on topics that are quite frankly bizarre: "Wolf vs Mastiff: Things You Need To Know" and "Can You Ride A Wolf? (No, Because...)" Who is even looking for this kind of information in large enough numbers that it needs a dedicated page?
Then of course, there's the fact that they're repeating the debunked wolf hierarchy stuff, which anyone who actually knew anything about wolves at this point wouldn't post.
Now let's look at what's on one of the actual pages. We'll check out the wolves vs. mastiff page, and we can soon find a telltale sign of AI: rambling off topic to talk about something completely unrelated.
Both animals are carnivores. In the wild, wolves hunt large animals like bison, deer, and even elk. Sometimes, they may also hunt small mammals like the beaver.
Mastiffs, on the other hand, are mainly fed with dog food. As a dog, a mastiff left in the wild will eat anything. However, it will have difficulties hunting, as this instinct may have already departed the dogs of today.
A mastiff is not an obligate carnivore. Dogs can eat plant matter. Some say that dogs can survive on a vegetable diet.
Dogs being made vegetarians is a contentious issue. Scientifically, dogs belong to the order Carnivora. There is a movement today to convert dogs to a vegan diet. While science has nothing against it, the fear of many is that when dog owners do this, a vegan diet will certainly have an impact on the species.
This page is supposed to be comparing mastiffs with wolves, but then it starts talking about the vegan pet food movement. This happened because large language models generate text based on on what's statistically likely to follow the last text it just generated.
Finally, the website's images are AI generated:
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If you know what to look for, this is a very obviously AI generated image. There's no graininess to the image, and the details are both unnaturally smooth and unnaturally crisp. It also has that high color saturation that many AI generated images have.
So there you go, this is one example of what an AI generated website can look like! Be careful out there!
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irbcallmefynn · 4 months ago
voice reveal i suppose.
No matter how dark things may feel, i'll always be here. i'm not going anywhere.
we'll survive anything that happens. we've survived all of human history after all. we've been here, we are queer, and we will long outlast anyone who tries to change that. i love you, my brothers, sisters, and all my other siblings on and off the concept of gender.
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cerulity · 8 months ago
About Me
thought i would make this post because why not
My online pseudonym is Cerulity32K, casually Cerulity. Though, my preferred name is Kali.
Though my mental conditions are mild, I do have ADHD (inattentive) and am seeking an autism evaluation. I am also trans (she/they).
But let's get to the good stuff. I excel in computing, especially low-level stuff and graphics (webdev scares me) and math, advanced functions, calculus and linear algebra being the most useful to me. I like to intersect math and computing, and it leads to some pretty fun results, especially when dealing with graphics. My main languages are Rust, C, C++, CUDA, C#, and Python, though I am trying to understand Assembly for a few systems (my laptop [x86_64], NES [6502], and the Atari 2600 [6507]). The main libraries I go to are Raylib and Macroquad for 2D games, and for 3D I go for wgpu, Vulkan, or OpenGL, though wgpu may be the main one I use from now on.
I also do music. My favourite types of music are either loud, distorted songs (FREE.99), literally noise (Portal 2 OST), or electronic-jazz fusion (Creo). I also sometimes make music. It's usually remixes or covers, as I suck at melody crafting, but I have made a couple original songs. I specialize in industrial chiptune and what I like to call "rustcore". My two music environments are LMMS and Furnace, though the latter is the main one I use nowadays.
My favourite game genres are automation, puzzle, and platformer. Factorio, Exapunks, and Celeste are my favourites in those genres respectively.
Other than that, I like to do procedural or subdiv modelling in Blender.
All in all, I'm just a software catgirl :3
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lewis-fosdork · 4 months ago
Here's a song I made, mostly experimental:
I originally was gonna make it as a theme for a tech guy I made, but I scrapped that, and I'm releasing it on its own. The name was inspired by a tech guy, but not the same one.
Here's the cover:
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If you want to use this song for anything, just credit me.
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astrmastr · 8 months ago
greetings fellow creacher,,.,,, some music 4 ur tumblr travels..,,
this one is called space sticky B)
if u r wonderin about the album art it is about a horse looking for an apple with a skyrim marker above it
this song is called rayman purgatory. it is about raymans purgatory
i sampled rayman sings sex bomb to make that a a instrument. an i think that PRNNTHH sound was mouth made
FallenStar - a song that I came up with 2day! this was my first attempt at playin it i really really love how it sounds
the art is stuff i made 4 a character in a game a while back. their names are .root the Robot and Bolt the Plant
heres the after version w/ some more 8 bit stuff.
as u may see my naming conventions 4 these songs is p much jus type out the first vibe thought that comes to me
okok but 4 anyone wanting to do musical compositions!!! i think the most funnest way to do it is to just have fun w/ it. u dont gotta make mastapieces jus play with instruments an go 4 it
do u ever sit an think about the fact that you are a real life organism
pov a skeleton invited you to his apartment to hang out. this music is playing in the background while he stands there awkwardly
oh man its hard to edit text on tumblr
image is of the vst that i used for this its a little skeleton guy and hes on my computer i like to imagine thats his little house
an he stares at me an sounds haunting i love him
okiedokie i hit my upload limit! i will upload more in time i have a hUGE folder w like. hundreds of songs on it i am peekin through
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dinonisiusrex · 3 months ago
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By Dinonisius Rex d:)’(0 .’. -@-
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maxillo · 1 year ago
Devius Ex Machina OST - Exdeviant
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roboticdreamz · 7 months ago
I just figured out how to post music so I'm just going to drop it here lol
Basically some tracks I made for one of my side project called Mint Teenz. It has strong Y2k vibes, mainly drawing inspiration from Diva Starz and Bratz.
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patsyncrinkles · 1 day ago
Here's some of the music that can be heard in Patsy n' Crinkles.
This excludes the spoiler music found in spoiler sections because...spoilers.
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uncle-jj · 10 months ago
🎵 | 🎵 | ⛔
Even More Town Tunes...
Part 3 of custom town tunes made for use in your Animal Crossing village. Likewise, no credit needed when you use them.
Mass Doom (Mr. Oizo)
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D.A.N.C.E. (Justice)
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The Gustavo & Brick Hour! :D
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Don't Get Too Close (Skrillex)
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Dans la rue (Cerror & Xylo)
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The Noise's Theme (WOAG!)
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Cracktro (Toneless)
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Main (LMMS Demo Song)
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bubblebaath · 3 months ago
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this has taken like... 19 drum tracks so far
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irbcallmefynn · 5 months ago
done something slightly different for Cringetober 2024 #7: Crossover
because i didn't have any ideas on what to draw. so i made two lil mashup things.
used basic midi instruments for the second one cause i got lazy. i like the first one more but the second one is fun too :3
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supper122 · 11 months ago
i just tried to play every note on every instrument i currently have at once at max volume in lmms and when i hit play my computer froze for 17 minutes and then played the loudest sound i have ever heard in my entire life for like half a second and then it crashed
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lewis-fosdork · 5 months ago
I changed the some of the instruments from Running From Evil from DooM 2, so it's, like, Ultrakill, or something, I don't know, I've never played it
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l0stw00d · 6 months ago
bby's first silly lil tune :3 i am ✨ learning ✨
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