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katzoo12 · 2 years ago
1. I’m adopted and have Asperger’s Syndrome
2. I almost went to Canada…long story.
3. A frog/toad once peed on me, with video evidence! The light wasn’t good since it happened at night…but you can definitely tell what happened! And just because I want to:
4. I have a passion for sickfics. Not sure why.
Tagging: @rayzmaze @breceninin @impossiblefangirl0632 @yadelah @delisae @gamerbearmira @lizzywrites1
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog :D
Sorry for not answering sooner 😅
Sounds fun :D
I LOVE FLAGS, THEY'RE ALL SO UNIQUE TO ME 🇲🇽🇱🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷🇨🇮🇨🇳🇨🇵🇮🇹🇩🇪🇯🇵🇪🇬🇰🇵🇰🇷🇫🇮🇬🇧🇵🇪🇭🇷🇵🇰🇮🇳🇷🇴🇮🇸🇧🇬🇷🇺🇧🇻🇸🇪🇨🇦🇸🇾🇨🇴🇺🇲🇨🇱🇳🇬🇨🇷🇵🇾🇨🇺🇦🇲🇺🇬🇨🇿🇷🇸🇪🇪🇮🇶🇩🇰🇧🇪🇩🇴🇹🇷🇪��🇳🇴🇪🇹🇮🇱🇳🇱🇭🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇹🇭🇸🇳🇲🇾🇰🇿🇮🇩🇮🇨🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇿🇲🇸🇴🇸🇱🇱🇺🇵🇹🇰🇼🇯🇲🇬🇷🇬🇪🇿🇦🇺🇦🇸🇬🇸🇦🇯🇴🇮🇷🇬🇫🇫🇴🇾🇪
I'm from Europe, but moved two years ago with my family to South America and now we live here :D
I am WAY too obsessed with WDTAB xD Like I could listen to it ten times in a row without getting tired of it xD
Tagging @stranglingfigs @ellipsis-dotdotdot @burningcollectionsandwich @22heartsongs @justadreaminghufflepuff @katzoo12 @inthishousewestanencanto
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encantobigbang · 3 years ago
Thank you for organizing all of this to satisfy everyone's brainrot!
It's a lot of work! We appreciate all of the mods!
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it makes me SO HECKIN HAPPY that so many ppl are not only interested but EXCITED to join in this big collab!!! ;;U;;
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overly-dramatic-artist · 2 years ago
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my very belated EBB piece for @lizzywrites1's work "The Ring"
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allofasudden00 · 3 years ago
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I saw this picrew thing on Twitter and since I don’t use it and JUST now made an account on there, I thought tumblr would like it more. 
16-year-old Kai vs Kai Now 
From a mentally ill loner teenager to a mentally ill adult with multiple addictions! Some how I still have acne?! But at least my hair is 15 inches shorter than what it used to be. (And yes, I rock the turtle neck + choker combo, don’t judge me) 
I wanna see my mutuals do it! Give it a try! 
@sophiasi1172 @lizzywrites1 @adi-writes @julietashealing-child @encantoartdump + anyone I can’t think of right now!
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lovewillthaw-j · 3 years ago
In honor of Agustin, and Father's Day:
I wanted to share with everyone the very entertaining reblogs of this gif I made! It was meant to be a Casita gif, but it has gone way off tangent!
Just to let everyone know, as the OP, I'm totally cool with it! And it was totally unintentional on my part to make a crotch gif...or to point out that the countertop is just the right height for...😅
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You're not alone in obsessively staring at your favorite animated characters!
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(cocina means kitchen, I had to look it up)
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Yes, I have heard that after an animated film is released, the animators go look for the nsfw/adult/p*rn art/edits/vids that fans have created of their characters! (in general, not Encanto specifically) yes, animators are adults too, even if they are working on a kid's show 😅
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Happy Father's Day, Agustin! 😅
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Casita is so clever. She has 2 ways of moving stuff along the tiled kitchen surface - flipping tiles to move the jar, and rolling the sweet potatoes along (expertly balancing the party hats too!)
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the-little-robyn · 3 years ago
Tag nine people to get to know them better.
Tagged by: @zuzu-404
Favourite color: any shade of blue
Currently reading: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Last song: "Everything Has Changed" by Taylor Swift
Last series: Currently rewatching "The Owl House"
Last movie: "The Mitchells Vs The Machines" on netflix (highly recommend this movie)
Sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy
Currently working on: Encanto comics.
No pressure: @wikluk @lizzywrites1 @allofasudden00 @historysquib @i-am-not-your-little-princess
I can only think of 5 people...
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lunamadrigal · 3 years ago
The fandom sweetheart @acewithapaintbrush has created some of the coolest lil Encanto friendship pages for a community book to celebrate her follower milestone. WOOOHOO FREUNDSCHAFTSBUCH
I'm calling it that and you can't stop me!
Thank you for being you Ace 💕
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Hop over to her post and snag a page for yourself here
Tagging some that might not have made one yet
@lizzywrites1 @ricsfiles @naoko-world @lvnamuraart @allofasudden00 @artsynellyyy @cheesy-cryptid @cheetour
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aquaauratora · 2 years ago
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Adella Rojas, Augustine’s mama in a Encanto rp I’m in with @encantoartdump and @lizzywrites1
Adella belongs to @encantoartdump
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immabethehero · 2 years ago
Encantober Day 1: Caterpillar
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encantoartdump · 2 years ago
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So in the RP I'm in with @lizzywrites1 & @aquaauratora Bruno and Belisa's twin sons Adriano and Mancio (I'll post them later and edit this with their link) have the gift of limited time travel (Adriano can travel to the past, Mancio can travel to the future) and they wanted their mama and papa to meet sooner than they did in life...
In doing so the butterfly affect happened and... lo and behold... Bruno and Belisa ends up having three children alongside Pepa and Julieta's first three. Pushing the Triplets to fourth, fifth and sixth born. The twins seventh and eighth, and Laila ninth born.
This is the oldest of the butterfly affect kids:
Ezra Nacio Maldonado-Castillo-Madrigal
ALT Name/Nick Name: Lucky D.O.B.: September 13, 1929 Eyes: Clover Green (Activated gift Glows Gold) Hair: Black Brown, like Bruno. High Fade with side swept dreads. Skin: Tan Height: 5'8" Clothing Style: always has chest slightly exposed with untied tassels and shirt has mid-forearm length sleeves. Shirt is very faded green with diamonds (a symbol of luck in Colombia) in a faded but slightly darker green. Pants are essentially better-fitting versions of his papa's, with nice comfortable shoes that match the pants. He wears a sombrero vueltiao that is also green in color, but only wears it on the back of his head as to not mess up his dreads. Colors: Green, light green and brown Mom: Belisa Delphia Maldonado-Castillo-Madrigal Dad: Bruno Jorge Hernando Madrigal Alma Gemela (If Known): N/A Gift: Probability Manipulation Talent (If Non-Gifted): N/A Job: gives an extra boost to people who need a little extra luck that day… or can take luck away if what someone is doing isn't favorable. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
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aurelia11fan · 3 years ago
More angst. Planetunderseige has gotten into my brain a bit.
@wikluk, of course!
@lizzywrites1 😊
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encantobigbang · 2 years ago
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Event Info / FAQ / AO3 Collection
The Encanto Big Bang Event was a collaborative creative project by the Encanto fandom, taking place from October 2022. These 57 stories were written and illustrated by over 100 artists and writers, who signed up to collaborate with a partner.
Thank you for being a part of the Encanto Big Bang! The miracle really is you. 💛
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All Works of the Encanto Big Bang:
🌠Bruno's Haircut by @rinnysega / Artwork by @sketchnwhatevr
🌠The Other Bruno by @cheetee / Artwork by @clownmoontoon
🌠Games, Wine, and Tears…? by @becstuffs / Artwork by @fnafgamer4373
🌠Pandeb-oh no! by @msmacabre310 / Artwork by @catmintarts
🌠Branching Out by @sorryiwasasleep / Artwork by @notmichealangelo
🌠Of Selflessness, Stubborness, and Sickness by @katzoo12 / Artwork by @the-little-robyn
🌠Madremonte's Garden and the Wakos' Cave by @empty-cryptid / Artwork by @unskilled-dabbler
🌠Shelter from the Storm by @beggars-opera / Video (!!) by @cloudy-encanto
🌠A Time for Building by @waitingonavision / Artwork by @aeshnalacrymosa
🌠El Milágro de la Bebé by @usedtobeguest123 / Artwork by @lvnamuraart
🌠Mirrored Time by @breannasfluff / Artwork by @lvnamuraart
🌠Non-Luminous Zone by @youmaycallmeyourhighness / Artwork by @firinnie
🌠Bruno and the Dragon by @ramblesanddragons / Artwork by @greenvillainredemption
🌠Are you there, God? It's me, Julieta by @metaphoricaltigers / Artwork by @rats0ut
🌠Florecita's Hour by @fireroll / Artwork by @rats0ut
🌠A Flair for Dramatics by @starlightomicron / Illustration 1 by @scribbles-by-hinata / Illustration 2 by @lighttanks-blog
🌠Traditions and Habits by @starlightomicron / Artwork by @glitternightingale
🌠The Triumphant Return of Madrigal’s Marvelous Rat Theater! by @encantowishes / Artwork by @hectic-hector
🌠Blue Skies by @strawberryxfieldz / Artwork by @shuinami
🌠A Thousand Words Never Spoken by @peachhoneii / Artwork by @prophetic-hijinks
🌠Sewn Misery by @azarthepigeonlady / Artwork by @eli-endza-030
🌠Man of the House by @impossiblefangirl0632 / Artwork by @rialerthorston
🌠this is a life (free from destiny) by @tolucawritessometimes / Artwork by @vikigyt
🌠A Not-So Normal, Normal Day by @coolunclebruno / Artwork by @piepelu
🌠Quédate Conmigo by @missdarhk / Artwork by @mmollymercury
🌠That's The Thing About Illicit Affairs... by @princesa-pens-and-pizza / Artwork by @dizylizy
🌠Potions and Mariposas by @bitsy83 / Artwork by @blairaptor
🌠The Wake of a Miracle by @immabethehero / Artwork by @stain-is-the-name
🌠Rulebreakers by @missilestorm1 / Artwork by @sketchyp0p
🌠Tornado by siredbamon / Artwork by @clopinasworld
🌠Hills to Climb by @acewithapaintbrush / Artwork by @littenstinymittens
🌠Watch for the New Moon by butterflygirl386 / Artwork by @gw-doodlez
🌠Dancing in the Dark by @the-montage / Artwork by @kabumek
🌠Hija Mío by That_crazy_Angel / Artwork by @summersofsalt
🌠the light after darkness by planetundersiege / Artwork by @pepa-brainrot
🌠Design choices and sisterly bonding by @lunadarkia / Artwork by @omgcheez
🌠The Chameleon and the Healer by @readitwriteit / Artwork by @alexthebordercollie
🌠A mystical journey by @naoko-world / Artwork by eirieniel
🌠Milagros by @sokkas-first-fangirl / Artwork by doss.97
🌠All That Shines Is Not Porcelain by @hourglass-dreams / Artwork by MAFBR_
🌠Tres Otros by @avatarvyakara / Artwork by @silvercdeer
🌠 and you feel the world is spinning (with no ending and no beginning) by @certifiedbraingenius​ / Artwork by rainbowlecat
🌠 Confessions of a Closeted Gay by @theglareyousee​ / Artwork by jaimarieart
🌠 Old Habits Die Hard by @justheweirdo​ / Artwork by @ro-bun​​ 
🌠Temporary by @untoldstories113​ / Artwork 1 by blackdragonsama / Illustration 2 by noni_art_16
🌠 Buried by @untoldstories113​ / Artwork by @orchidlatte​
🌠 The Ring by @lizzywrites1​ / Artwork by @overly-dramatic-artist​​
🌠 A Spoonful of Sugar by @azucareraart​​ / Artwork by @flimsysquid​​
🌠 Modelling Can Be Fun! by @venluming​​ / Artwork by behnletthal
🌠 Bad Luck Birthday by @eventide-13​​ / Artwork by @thatskindarough​​
🌠 Dulzura y Solemnidad (Sweetness and Solemnity) by @thecrazyashley-blog​​ / Artwork by @neon-green-eyes​​
🌠 Uncertain Souls by @nephilimsvoice​​ / Illustration 1 by @badwaves​​ / Illustration 2 by itel
🌠 Growing Pains by @sharknadoslutt​​ / Artwork by @geckodoodles​​
🌠 In-Between by sadelsa / Artwork by @captaincravatthecapricious​​​
🌠 sand from a broken hourglass by @imperfectemeralds​​ / Artwork by @corasparasol​​​
🌠 Untitled by UC_Glue / Artwork by @spanishmonkeys​ 
🌠 Pockets full of stones by @ambidextrous-space-samurai​​ / Artwork by @encantoartdump​​
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encantoartdump · 3 years ago
I only ask they notice me
Because they inspire me!!
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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lizzywrites1 · 2 years ago
Encantober Day 2: Strength
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wikluk · 3 years ago
Could you do more of habits other authors have that you've seen, the ones you gave for @sophiasi1172 and @adabofblessings were spot on. I'd love to see what other things you've noticed for other writers like @lizzywrites1 or @ironmariposa and maybe @allofasudden00
Alright... I'll try my best in pointing out something, so:
When it comes to @lizzywrites1 fics, I'm afraid I'd be struggling with recognising them. They're beautifully written but I hadn't read enough to spot some characteristics in them. Maybe when Lizzy writes more *suggestive wink-wink*
With @ironmariposa it's mainly the use of present tense. Most of the authors use past tense, me included (unless I'm experimenting, then I use present tenses as well), so it's one thing. The other... Hmm... The use of the nickname Lola for Dolores. I saw some authors use Lolo or Doli, but fewer of them use Lola. So it's the second thing.
@allofasudden00 – similar to the above, the present tense. The other thing would be quite long paragraphs (at least long for me lol). The third thing is a lack of accents above Spanish words and names and the capitalised, uhh... titles? Like Tia and Tio.
I know, I know, I'm quite an observant beast *pats myself on the back*
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allofasudden00 · 3 years ago
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This was difficult to do on a phone. @adi-writes thank you for  the tag! 
I’m procrastinating about updating a fic today so, lets procrastinate together! @wikluk @sophiasi1172 @encantoartdump​ @lizzywrites1​
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yes i made this because I didn’t want to work on a WIP 
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